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tv   FOX 29 News at 6PM  FOX  March 6, 2018 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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tipping point so to speak with additional power outages that is the biggest concern for this storm. the folks that were hit hard on friday will be hit hard again when we're looking at this forecast if it state as is. here are the two storms. one over chicago. the secondary low the coastal storm forming off the mid atlantic. will start to see this count clockwise swirl developing overnight tonight and tomorrow. the showers and snow in central pa this is associated with a front ahead of the storm system. just some renegade snow showers and rain showers. we have a winter storm warning in effect from philadelphia north and west where we expect the heaviest amount of snow. advisory to the south and east for lesser accumulation the rain/snow line will be right along the i-95 corridor. some people will be seeing significant snow. while others a few miles away could not see -- may not see much of anything much the rain/snow line during the early morning hours once again right along the i-95 corridor. so a wintry mix rain to the south with that big fetch out of
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the northeast with a storm to the south and then snow to the north and west with borderline temperatures. this is a heavy wet snow hard to shovel and also will be tugging on tree limbs and power lines as well. by about 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon, you still see that rain/snow line very close to philadelphia. so our suburbs in south jersey will see some snow but i'm becoming less confident that it will be heavy snow. i think you may see more mixing and then to the north and west, high confidence that you will stay in all noel tilt end. by 4:00 o'clock this system is winding up and heading out. it's coming in earlier and it's departing earlier and you can see by ten, 11:00 o'clock at ight we're in west wind.k at the storm is well to the north of us and pounding new england by then it's a fast-mover the a pretty much compact storm but it's very purchase full. heavy wet snow at the height of the storm tomorrow from about noon to 4:00 o'clock and an inch per hour wolf inches an hour in some cases. gusty winds and once again the big impact will be the reduced visibility difficult travel as
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well. so let's talk about the snow. the highest accumulations in our northern and western suburbs eight to 15 plus. the 15 in the lehigh valley and the poconos i think that's where you'll see the higher accumulations to north and west of the city just north of theism 95 corridor five to eight. in philadelphia, three to six. close to philadelphia in do you think south jersey will be on the lower end and then looking at a coating to three possibly as the storm winds up and pulls away light nurse in the northern part of cumberland county into atlantic county and central parts of burlington but you guys right here, south jersey you'll be mainly rain for most of this even. iain more information is coming in the wither center. update coming up for you with more on the impacts of this storm a little bit later on in the broadcast. >> kathy, look forward to that. thanks. kathy talked about that heavy wet snow expected to make travel dangerous. many people taking their time today to go out and get essentials before the storm hits. our joyce evans went out to see how people are getting ready and joins us live in bala cynwyd tonight. joyce. >> reporter: iain all day
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shoppers have been trying to race to get a jump on what is now a crush at area markets just look at the lot here behind us on city half of a he they say they won't be caught off guard again. >> i wasn't ready but now i'm getting ready. >> reporter: ready for backed up check outlines. >> i actually went in west philly to the marks just to get hamburger but it was so crowded i had to walk right back out. >> reporter: grocery carts are overflowing. >> i come in for bread and milk. so hey, you never know. >> reporter: good thing there's constant shelf restoc restocking. >> they're calling people in to help out. asking people to stay. things like that. >> reporter: colleen moved from pharmacy to grocery. at the acme upper darby. >> power came back on win eight hours. >> reporter: sharing stories between many shoppers just trying to restock after getting wiped out of grocery when they lost power in the last storm. >> it seems to be getting old
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after awhile. >> just a few odds and ends says anthony mastro jell-o shopping for his 86-year-old mom. in case the lights go out again. >> are you worried you'll lose it again? >> yeah, we are. because it's look you never know what is going to happen. >> winter storm supplies that are typically on sale or push aside by now are front and center again. >> saturday and sunday things were mobbed but i think people kind of learned and stocked up ahead of time. >> everybody making it look like it's crazy let me get everything that i need. >> reporter: arnold scott got carried away in the moment. >> i don't know know if i need something. i probably got everything in the house. i'm not going to done on it just to be safe. >> reporter: that's not the only thing people are doubling up on. doubling up on batteries, doubling up on shovels even and rock salt in march, iain. >> crazy, joyce. all right. crews are working hard to try to restore power to people before tomorrow's storm hits. peco reporting a little more
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than 16,000 people are still without power. ps and g have 171 customers still affected. ac electric 457 we'll delmarva says they've got 103 customers still in the dark. you just saw peco by far dealing with the most outages in our area downed branches, wires and trees are still a common site in hard hit delaware county. that's were we find our jeff cole tonight live in ridley township with update on how repairs are coming along there. jeff? >> reporter: iain, tree lined communities of delaware county the trees are often a very welcomed site in most times of the year here but in last friday's storm those limbs came down. they knocked down the power lines and knocking down power to number of communities. this community in ridley township is one of them. crews cut away dead limbs from a massive tree in swarthmore in advance of the next blast of late winter. just a few feet away the handy work of friday's nor'easter is everywhere. cut wires, coiled in yards,
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trees chopped and lining the streets and no power here since the storm hit. >> it's like a war zone. it's definitely like -- i've been here 13 years i never saw anything like this before. we've had storms before. this was the worst. >> reporter: it's the third worst storm in peco's history says the utility with 630,000 in the dark at its peak. 9300 peco customers were still without power this morning in delco alone. peco says, it's a attack to restore hospitals and nursing homes first and then goes for the repairs that bring back the most customers. now, the tough stuff is last. >> so this is really that hard work where we're seeing a lot of damage. it's taking a lot of work to bring back a very small amount of customers. >> reporter: thinking this string of damaged utility poles with a tree resting on wires would fit the bill. 19 homes on swarthmore border have been without power since friday. >> we don't know if these peco wires are life, um, we're in our
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homes with generators, they're telling us don't touch anything. >> reporter: they say they've called peco and expect power back by late wednesday. but it's not the weight that truly bothers them it's the fear of the hanging wires overhead. >> we understand that we may still be a few days without power but we need to know if these are live wires. we just want someone to come out and assure us. >> reporter: we've alerted peco to the situation here in ridley township. 24,000 people without power this said the utility peco says it's under 20,000 without power now but as we know, another late winter storm is bearing down. live in ridley township, i'm jeff cole, fox 29 news. iain. >> all right, jeff, thank you. amtrak operating on a modified schedule tomorrow. that includes the northeast corridor between washington, d.c. and boston as well as the keystone service. that runs between new york, philly and harrisburg. amtrak contacting people
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them on different trains. it's the same with septa get ready trains will run on a severe storm schedule. that bakely means septa's saturday schedule with a few adjustments. septa's cynwyd leap is not going to operate so check your schedule before you head out for your train or bus and if you like we can find a link on our website just head to fox keep it right here on fox 29. kathy will be back a little later and of course be sure to wake up with good day crew tomorrow. live team coverage begins at 4:00 a.m. comedian bill cosby's april retrial on charges of aggravated indecent assault may look vastly different than the trial that ended with a hung jury last summer. montgomery county judge now weighing rulings on three key issues that could change who testifies and what evidence makes it in front of the jury. our bruce gordon has more from the two-day pretrial hearing that just wrapped up in norristown. >> reporter: as the em balanced entertainer left court following the two-day hearing i asked him -- ready for trial mr?
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[ laughter ] >> reporter: rulings from judge stephen o'neal on three key issues may determine whether cosby is still laughing when his trial begins next month. prosecutors want the judge to allow them to put an additional 19 accusers on the witness stand to establish for juror that is cos bow had a half century long pattern of be friending, drugging and sexually assaulting younger women. the defense argued those extra witnesses are simply an effort to bolster a weak case with allegations that are too old and too dissimilar to be value at this retrial in the original you'll recall the judge allowed only one extra accuser of the 13 requested by the prosecution. cosby is charged with drugging and groping former temple university athletic department employee andrea constand sign side his cheltenham home in january of 2004. the defense wants to be allowed to but marguerite jackson on the witness stand a comfier co work of constand's she was barred from testifying in the original trial. but has claimed constand told
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her she could make up allegations to get money from a rich celebrity. and both sides have their reasons for bringing the civil lawsuit filed by constand against cosby into this retrial. it was not mentioned during the original proceedings. prosecutors say during negotiations toward the ultimate settlement of that suit, cosby admitted behavior that helps their case. the defense says constand attempt to get money from cosby through the lawsuit bolsters marge wrote jackson's claims. spectators hoping for a public war of words between lawyers may be disappointed. no comment from montgomery county district attorney kevin steele after the hearing wrapped up. and only this from lead defense tom messerau. >> this case is going to be tried in the courtroom, not the media. >> reporter: jury selection for this retrial set to begin march29th with a pool of jurors shreked from here in montgomery county. and comments from the bench on tuesday judge o'neal made clear he's aware of the cultural shift the me too movement regarding sexual misconduct that's taken over this country since the
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first cos bow trial ended in a hung jury. how might this cultural shift affect the retrial? stay tuned. in norristown, i'm bruce gordon fox 29 news. a neighborhood dealing with downed trees from friday's storm worried it will get worse with another storm on the way. fox 29 getting results to help clear all that clutter. kathy? >> thank goodness. yeah, cleared my neighborhood today. just in time for this nor'east nor'easter. a major east coast snowstorm and how much snow you get will be determined by the temperature. we'll take look who will get the heaviest snow coming up and have an update on the snow accumulations hey shredder. >> kathy, flyers losing streak at three. pivotal game against pittsburgh tomorrow night but help is on the way. deta
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let's check in with fox 29 weather authority now. big story today. taking a live look down the shore in ocean city, new jersey. the shore going to get mostly rain from this nor'easter bar link in. kathy orr tracking its most. she's got your full forecast in
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15 seconds. >> we are locking at a major east coast snowstorm moving our way and we're looking at the temperatures. mild right now. we'll be borderline tomorrow. and depend owing and where you live you could be seeing a foot of snow or member just an inch or two. it's going to be a huge range from north to south. two storms that we're talking about one that's over chicago right now and the great lakes. that's going to lose its energy. it's not going to look like anything by late tonight this coastal low to take over overnight and tomorrow. we have some showers rain and snow showers ahead of it and they will be moving in tonight and be enhanced by that coastal storm as it strengthens overnight. temperatures still mild. look at this philadelphia frick. 47 in allentown. and 37 degrees in the poconos.
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so everyone well above freezing that's what makes these storms so difficult to forecast. the month of march we have warm temperatures and right now we don't have any arctic air in place to lock in the cold and that's why we will see that rain/snow line. that makes it pretty difficult with rain and snow mixing keeping accumulations down. that will be the case with this storm. when wee look if the future wind gusts talking about tomorrow morning when you see thighs this east northeasterly flow with a storm to the south of us winds gusting in the 40s through south jersey gusting to 25 miles an hour in philadelphia and gusts over 20 miles an hour to the north and west. then as the storm really is going very strongly at its peak by 1:00 o'clock, you still see winds gusting to 30 miles an hour through most of the region. by 6:00 o'clock the storm is exiting. you can see the center circulation over long island and the winds becoming northwesterly as it pulls a way. still gusting to 30 miles an hour in philadelphia. close to 40 miles an hour gusts through south jersey. staying windy through the early morning hours of thursday. so that wind component will
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stick with us. here the primary low right now the secondary low will take over tomorrow morning. and then there is the heavy snow over the region the low maybe close enough to bring mainly rain to south jersey and delaware we'll see heavier snow obviously to the north and west. we go hour with hour with the snow moving in tonight. by 10:00 o'clock some snow showers. that's earlier than we thought yesterday. the height of the storm will be after the noon hour but still seeing that snow north and west tomorrow morning. heaviest from noon to about 3:0t begins to move out. and we dry out by late tomorrow night. so accumulations the highest eight to 15-inches north and west of the city. with five to eight through northeast philadelphia and our suburbs. along the mainline and lower chester county and a coating to three in south jersey for the most part. where i do think we'll be seeing a lot of rain mixing in. the biggest problem is going to be the wet snow tugging on trees and power lines and that means power outages. especially in the places where we've already had problems. overnight, lows in the 30s. highs tomorrowin the 30s not budging much with the snow.
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the winds doing to keep it cool as well. snow heavy at times especially north and west where we do anticipate eight to 15-inches of snow. the higher accumulations in the lee his valley and the poconos. we dry it out thursday. friday morning show shower possible. looks great for the weekend our st. patrick's day parade on sunday and more rain on monday. that is look at the seven day forecast. of course, update tonight at 10:00. i'll see you then. >> all right, kathy, thanks. well may massive tree causing major headaches for days in the mayfair part of the town. the giant tree knock down by those strong winds on friday. neighbors say they've been trying to get help ever since. our dawn timmeney stopped by today to get results. >> reporter: today we helped make it happen. you can see what's left of this car but the big concern was a huge tree and now it's gone. >> we watched it. it was going back and forth like this and then all of a sudden boom it hit the car. >> reporter: this big tree crashing down on the 1600 block of benner street in the mayfair
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section friday night in high winds. the whole thing captured on anita hopkins surveillance camera. >> before this happened two cars passed by. after the second car, that's when it fell. >> talk about a close call. the cars opener michelle robinson is still shaken. >> unbelievable. it was just totally unbelievab unbelievable. >> robinson had just pick up her grandson from school and was getting ready to go back out. fortunately the snowy window weather changed her mind. >> because we would have been in the car and he's only seven years old and he is my pride and joy. i have two grandchildren that i love so much. and it would have been terrible situation. >> reporter: robinson called the city to have the tree which was also blocking the street removed. she was told someone would be out. that was three and a half days ago. in the interim impatient drivers pulling on the sidewalk and people's lawns to get around. >> it's making it really hazardous for the neighbors for everyone on the block. >> reporter: neat at a hopkins
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surveillance camera even catching one person plowing through the tree this morning tree limbs flying everywhere. >> they were going super fast. when all the branches came up there was a huge big branch. >> i called parks and recs. they were aware of the downed tree but they've been inundated from friday's storm promising someone would be out today. true to their word, two hours later, crews arrived. using a crane tree removed from the car and street cleaned up and passible again. >> we were so happy that fox news was on it, on it, on it, on it. >> you guys show you care about the neighborhood and we appreciate that. so thank you. >> reporter: just in time. neighbors were worried with another storm on the way it was only going to get worse. now they're breathing a huge sigh of relief hoping the rest of the trees on this block remain standing. dawn timmeney,
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♪ while we deal with the snow phillies playing the boston red sox in clearwater florida tomorrow. a day off for physical lease today but not for our kristen rodgers. >> reporter: gabe kapler's strengths being able to relate to young players one of the reasons why he was so successful as the director of player development with the los angeles dodgers. now here with the phillies he's very big onsetting expectations starting with himself and his players are more than happy to follow his example. >> he's great, um, manager and, you know, it's just,s are
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there's lot of' testify vibes flowing through the clubhouse and on the field a lot of changes around here with young team like this and, you know, having a young manager like that everything is clicking. it feels like something special is going on right now. >> he has fun out there. he's taking videos and pictures sending them to you. that's good feedback, and, um, i mean -- he's out there. he could be out there joining us. that's one of the things you kind of like from manager. >> the players say they're trying to follow in gabe kapler foss' footsteps. he's a hum gel guy and says it may be the other way around. >> fort most part i think these guys are setting the example it's been pretty clear from day one that they're going to give us everything that they have. they'll come together as unit in that room. >> reporter: phillies had the day off today but it look like they were continuing to build that comradery away from the ballpark. they were out on the water for a friendly fishing competition. nothing like a little rivalry between some teammates to have a good result back here on the field. in clearwater, florida, kristen
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rodgers, fox 29 news. and kristen thank you the flyers huge game tomorrow night they host the penguins. flyers lost three straight but they expect to have the wayne train wayne simmons back on ice he miff the last seven games. >> i think the boys played well, um, you know, but like i said it's nice to come back in and lend a helping hand. we're making a push right now. hopefully trying to finish first in our division. >> nice to finish first in the division. they need this game tomorrow night again the penguins. >> weather perming. >> tomorrow night. >> that's very interest wagon time. >> 8:00 o'clock. >> 8:00 o'clock. okay. the snow should be wrapping up but -- >> can anybody get there. >> let's go. >> that's the point. >> exactly. that will do it for us here at 6:00. up next page six followed by dish nation attache and stay tuned for tmz at 7:30. we'll see you back her
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right now on "page six" tv, it was a shocking blind side, but what's the late st on the controversial finale of last night's bachelor? the hottest oscar party ever. exclusive new details about beyonce and jay-z. haters of his oscar outfit, he spoke to "page six." how does frances mcdormand lose her oscar twice in one night? all the answers now on "page six" tv. welcome to "page six" tv. what an audience. thank you. i'm john fugelsang. here with me, "page six" senior reporter carlos greer. "variety" writer elizabeth wagmeister. and joining us all as a plus one all week, while bevy's out, comedian, michael buckley. here are today's top stories for a few glorious minutes yesterday, beyonce and jay-z were going back on tour.


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