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tv   Fox 29 News at 10  FOX  March 5, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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warm memories. major nor'easter heading this way mostsnow shoveling in your r future. get ready. your news starts in 30 seconds. ♪ can't we catch a break? we're tracking another nasty nor'easter threatening to knock out power. sound familiar? thousands of people still dealing with friday's mess don't like this de ja vu.
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♪ yeah, we know it's been more than a month but we can't get over it either. the eagles are super bowl champs and now a chance to relive the magic. fly eagles fly. >> fox 29 news at 10:00. here's live look at camelback mountain resort in the poconos. ready for fresh powders? on the way but it's not just the mountains. the city and the suburbs both getting ready for another round of winter weather. it's second punch for our area. we got hit last week and now another system is threatening to wreak havoc its thanks for joining us at 10:00. i'm iain page. there are still people without power from the last storm and now we're talking about another one. we got team coverage from our weather authority but let's start tonight with kathy. kathy, here we go again. >> one-two punch iain. last week it was about the wind and the rain and the snow. this one a major nor'easter it's mainly about the snow. this is part one of the storm over the northern plains and moving into chicago and the
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great lakes. that is going to redevelop off the coast and that storm is going to be impacting us big time. now with this, we could see snowfall rates of an inch an hour during the height of the storm. all that cold air is going to be wrapping around that storm and being pulled down as far south as south jersey and parts of delaware. go hour by hour from this hour onward you can see by tuesday night, the snow isn't far away temperatures are still in the 30s and 40s the ground obviously above freezing the snow moves in by wednesday morning it's a wintry mix in philadelphia. snow north and west and even rain in south jersey. but philadelphia still at 37 wednesday morning. so any snow that falls will be a wet sloppy snow and even by wednesday afternoon, when the snow gets heavy, temperatures will be borderline. so that will tug on tree limbs and power lines. it's going to be a mess on wednesday. that's white national weather service issued that winter storm watch tomorrow night through wednesday night for most of the region. for plowable snow. we'll talk about the snow
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accumulations coming up with the latest information as it continues to pump into the weather center. iain, i'll have those snow totals. >> all right, kathy, thanks. as we get ready for more snow people in delaware county are still cleaning up from last storm. friday's storm seems like a long time ago but tens of thousands of people who still don't have power, it is still a reality they're dealing with right now. now that they're worried about what's coming with this nor'easter. dave kinchen joins us live from haverford tonight. dave. >> reporter: iain many people can deal with a day without power but we talked to people tonight who are still in the dark and people who still have lots of storm debris to clean up with that other storm barreling down. >> i think that with all that snow laying on top of it, and the wind it just took it. >> reporter: this tree has been resting on meghan porks' haverton township lawn since friday night nor'easter. >> this tree tore out our cable internet phone lines.
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so we have no communication in that way. we're just living off data. report roar things could get more complicated with another storm on the way. >> not too excited. because we, um --, we tend to lose power in this strip just our neighbors tend to keep i we tend to lose it. um, i don't know why that is. so i'm not looking forward to cold nights witness kids. i'm not worried -- knock on wood, i'm not worried about another trees for me. i'm -- i would worry for other people. because there are a lot of old trees in this area that, you know, are really tall and they are close to homes. >> reporter: while she figures out thou get rid of this tree we saw crews across haverford township working to restore power to numerous homes still in the dark including howard rebwill's i have a leather coat. via down vest. i have a sweatshirt. i have another shirt.
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i mean, you know, that's eye how i sleep. >> before any rest he's cleaning out the food in his freezer that's gone bad after several days without electricity. >> i don't know what i'm going to do. >> you're not sure what you're going to do tonight. >> it depends if things are up i'd rather stay in my house and leave things be. >> reporter: thought of a second storm brewing is a little too much to bear. >> it's not good. you figure that the ground is so sopping wet in the first place and the trees have already back and forth have been vibrating within the ground. so keep mice fingers crossed. >> reporter: meantime haverford township schoo schoolh were closed will reopen tomorr tomorrow. all know district officials they caution students to watch for hazardous areas when making that are way to class. back to you. >> all right, dave, thanks. as that next storm is on its way here, some people still trying to get around those downs trees and power lines. and told it will be days before the power comes back. they don't have days till the
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next storm. joyce evans talked with people in montgomery county trying to make the best of it. >> we've been sitting here since friday around 4:00 o'clock with no cable, no power. can't even take a shower to be honest with. >> reporter: the sight of peco crews replacing and repairing a utility pole and lines nearly bringing tears of joy to neighbors on gypsy lane in gulph mills, pa. one neighbor wanted to hug them. >> when the guys were cutting wood up there i was so happy we took them coffee to keep them going. >> if you have a six-year-old you know what it's like. >> mar mack us willy nobody's house was hit when one of the giant trees throughout their upper merion neighborhood came down and shook the houses like an earthquake smashing one neighbors to's car. >> you get rid of all the food in the fridge. that's gone. >> took down the tree in front of our house and took down the lines. >> this man heading up trinity lane to get generation gas.
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his fireplace and other methods of making do can only go so far. >> i've manage the last couple of days without it. we wouldn't sure how long the lines will be down so i thought i better fill up. >> you never know how long electric means to you when it you don't have it. >> joe was praying the peco crew is coming his way next. >> running on generator no hot water going to my daughter's house to shower. this is petty comparing to somebody losing their live with a tree fallen. >> why is it taking so long. >> peco explains the damage to the lines and to the poles is so extensive that they have so much more work to do than normal in a storm. so they've brought in all of their crews, all of their local contractors, and at least a thousand out of state crews to help. joyce evans, fox 29 news. >> "good day philadelphia" team also following this storm for you. sue has got the latest forecast. bob will have your traffic conditions out there on the road and all your days news and headlines. good starts at 4:00 and goes all the way to 10:00 a.m. right here
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on fox 29. neighbors are concerned that acquaint south jersey town after a woman was robbed at gun point at a local atm in the middle of the afternoon. let's get out to dave schratwieser who joins us live outside that bank in collingswood tonight. dave? >> reporter: iain, the victim had just withdrawn some cash from the atm behind me. she headed to her car and as she got there, she was confronted by the gunman who stole her purse and took off. collingswood is a quiet town known for restaurant, shops and save living so the thought of a robber pulling a gun on a woman as she left this walk up atm in broad daylight is frightening to say the least. >> that's scary. i wouldn't think that would happen here in collingswood but i mean it could happen anywhere. >> i can't believe something like that would even take place here. >> reporter: louis myers lives in collingswood. she makes frequent trips to this atm at the bank of america. she was standing in line to use the atm monday afternoon when she heard about the daring begun
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point robbery. she was worried. >> go to atm by myself all the time. >> reporter: police say around 3:45 last monday afternoon when a 34-year-old woman walked up to at tm on haddon avenue and withdrew cash. she went right back to her car, parked nearby as she got in a man appeared at the passenger side window pointed a black handgun at her and demanded her purse. >> you never know when something goes down. >> yeah. 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon. >> on a busy street like this. i'm old. i'm more careful i guess. >> reporter: police say the gunman made his escape down fern avenue. a police k9 tried unsuccessfully to track him down. investigators comb the area looking for surveillance video of the suspect. with the gunman still on the loose, 1atm customers are telling us they're taking precautions. >> i would also try to have someone come with me instead of coming coming by myself. >> i'm a firm believer in cameras everywhere. something goes down like this, you'll be able to retrace the
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whole thing. >> maybe she should have been packing. [ laughter ] >> reporter: now the victim is from nearby haddon township. she was not injured in the robbery. police have stepped up patrols in the area. they have not released a picture of the suspect or any further information on the robbery. iain? >> all right, dave, thank you. well tonight we're hearing from the family a of brave fair fighter had a scary fall while batter link flames in a bucks county home. the firefighter from feasterville trevose had been looking for victims after that fire broke out early this morning. let's get out to shawnette wilson who's live in trevose fire company for you tonight. shawnette. >> reporter: iain, his mother says it is a miracle that he's okay. he didn't suffer any injuries, not even a courage and tonight his mom is crediting fellow firefighters with rushing him to the hospital to make sure he was okay. >> i had a call from the hospital that he's there and what happened. my heart start bee beating fast. >> allah priest relieved to see
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her son back at work tonight after dangerous fall put him in the hospital early this morning. he didn't want to talk on camera but his mother says she's glad he's alive. >> i'm a believer and i'm thankful to god that he heard my prayers. >> reporter: her son tim is a firefighter with trevose fire company in bucks county he respond to do his house fire around 2:45 this morning. chief ed frat wis sent were look to for victims and the floor gave way. >> went up the stairs, made a turn. went in one room floor gave way he fell through. >> emergency calls shook the department. >> you hear firefighter down, you don't know what it is. your heart stops. and everybody rushes to get that firefighter back to safety. and we were lucky. extremely lucky. >> reporter: lucky because feasterville firefighters got there the same time the 20-year-old firefighter went down. >> firefighters from the feede feederville fire company were coming in the back door and he fell right in front of them. so they extricated him
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immediately. >> he has been preif voce fico for four years he's a volunteer with feasterville and northampton fire companies. he works with the bucks county as mat team, try hampton rescue quad and full emt with upper bucks m medical emergency services. he works with people who treat him like familiar until such a dangerous job. >> thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. to the people who saved him. >> from the other fire. >> from the feasterville fire department, and, um, all those guys to me are heroes. >> reporter: she also says that a deputy chief stayed with her son in the hospital until he was released after 11 lock this morning. and that shows just how much of a family they are all are. iain. >> great story, thank you shawnette. still ahead bill cosby back in the same court facing the same sex assault charges, but his lawyers hoping this is the last time. then a month after the super bowl, the big wip, the parade,
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we just can't let it go. philly still flying high. chris? >> reporter: yeah, why should we let it go, iain? tonight there's a new way you can relive that super bowl magic from a month ago and you can watch it over and over again. i'll tell you how coming up. >> all right, chris. don't forget the phillies. we are headed to spring training in clearwater. >> i'm kristen rodgers here in clearwater, florida. coming up an inside look at the rising star for the phillies here in spring training who he is and why he is making an im
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>> kathy fine tuning her forecast as we track that nasty winter storm on the way. details in just minutes. bill cosby back in montgomery county court for this pretrial hearing. the comedian is trying to get the case dismissed and avoid dozens of accusers from testifying at his retrial on april 2nd. our bruce gordon whose been following the story since the beginning was at the hearing today in norristown. >> reporter: this pretrial hearing could make bill cosby the target of a parade of accusers looking to bolster the single criminal claim for which the legendary comedian stands trial. prosecutors want judge steven o'neal to allow up to 19 other female accuse accusers to testit cosby drugged and sexually assaulted them. the prosecution believes the women testifying about cosby's quote prior bad acts will show a consistent pattern of behavior the juror cos consider at this trial. the prosecution claims the women all tell virtually the same story of being be friended by
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cosby, being drugged and feeling foggy or fuzzy. having passed out or blackout, only to later realize they had been sexually violated by the entertainer. cosby is charged in this case with drugging and groping a former temple university athletic department employee and andrea constand inside his cheltenham mansion in 22004. the much older cosby was a friend and mentor to constand part of a pattern say prosecutors of cosby taking advantage of such relationships. grand new defense said led by michael jackson attorney tom messerau insists the other accusers stories or too old one dating back 39 years, too vague or too different from the constand allegation to be useful or fair at this trial. the prosecution's first crack at cosby ended in a mistrial last summer. in that case, they had asked judge o'neal to allow as many as 13 additional accusers to testify against cosby. the judge allowed just one. we're due back in court tuesday
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morning for more arguments on this issue of those additional accusers. no idea yet how quickly the judge will rule on that issue. jury selection for this second cosby trial set for march29th this unlike the first trial will be a local jury from montgomery county. in norristown, i'm bruce gordon fox 29 news. ♪ a month later and we are still celebrating eagles big super bowl win and why not? we're not the om ones still on cloud nine. the birds inviting hundreds of season tick shoulders to the novacare complex for the premier of the super bowl highlights. our chris o'connell was at that screening tonight. he joins us live outside the complex in south philly. chris? >> reporter: iain, we all know the oscars were last night. well, i can tell you the winner for best picture at least here in philadelphia debuted here tonight at novacare complex. and, yes, the eagles played a starring role. for eagles fans it's been a month of celebration.
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tonight capped off with a special invitation to the bird's training complex complete with a red carpet and the vince lombardi trophy. >> still hasn't hit me yet. >> reporter: can you believe hundred season ticket holders were invited to be the very first to seat newly released eagles super bowl do you mean reproduced by nfl films. >> nobody i know envisioned that we'd be here today. >> reporter: in the crowd, 88-year-old jack mack kerr lane and his sons. >> what's this last month been like as eagles fan knowing we're super bowl champion? >> i can tell by the smile on your face. >> you said it. nobody is in a bad mood. this is incredible. >> reporter: yes we know the final score but the film producers say even the biggest eagles fans will see never before seen footage that begins back with the 1960 championship game. >> you couldn't ask for anything better as a story teller. >> when david plot started with nfl films 42 years ago his first film on the 1975 eagles season. plot retired two weeks ago.
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the eagles super bowl film was his swansong. his last film. says hollywood couldn't have written it better. >> you have the adversity of the injuries. you have the legacy of 57 years of no championships. then ultimately, you take down goliath the new england patriots arguably the greatest dynasty of our generation. >> reporter: fans got to sit through a panel discussion with few eagles players and see the super bowl movie. >> eagles, e-a-g-l-e-s! >> reporter: for fans, the championship party hasn't ended. >> that's awesome. i mean i'm 46 i waited for this, you know, it's just special. >> reporter: and the dvd and blu-ray will go on sale tomorrow morning on the eagles website. and actually the producers of that film will be on "good day philadelphia" tomorrow. i saw the movie. if you're a fan, you're going to love it.
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at the flee care complexion, chris o'connell fox 29 news. ♪ another major winter storm brewing with thousands still in the dark and still waiting days later for the lights to come back on after friday's storm. now what? how about this guy? holding a baby during a bar fight? come on, man. and the guy is landing punches with a kid in his arms. really? it's hank i'm in norristown. cosby pretrial hearings here at the montgomery county core house. that means the circus is back in town. at least as far as the media is concerned. me too movement, times up movement, any of that make for different result in the courtroom? hank's take c i see other carriers touting
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this the first part of the storm. it's going to redevelop off the coast tomorrow night. so far these are the details. during the height of the storm wednesday afternoon, we expect heavy wet snow. that will lead to some power outages. the snow rate in the afternoon 1 inch an hour that snow is going to accumulate quickly. poor visibility expected and winds gusting 35 to 50 miles an hour. i'll be back with the snow totals. iain? >> all right, kathy, thanks. new lawsuits against the man investigators say confessed to killing four young men in bucks county tonight we're hearing from the families of the victi victims. they are suing the accused killer cosmo dinardo along with his family and they're business. jeff cole has more on these new
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developments. >> reporter: there was no answer at the bensalem home of antonio and sandra dinardo the parents of cosmo did you marred dough the admitted killer of four young men in his father's bucks county corn field last summer. a 20 minute drive away in 52 floors up, the family also of his alleged victims spoke of their grief. >> nobody should ever have to deal with losing their child and not in the way he was taken. >> reporter: jimmy patrick and dean finocchiaro 19 thomas meo21 and mark sturgis 22 were slaughter the in a bucks county corn field in july of 201753 investigators by cosmo dinardo and his cousin sean katz. monday the family's of patrick, finocchiaro and meo gathered group photo with high profile attorneys to mark the filing of civil lawsuits against dinardo, katz, dinardo's parents and they're construction related business. >> we hugged each other and i
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told him come home early and he he said he would. that was the last time -- >> i never thought i would feel this. he was my son. >> it's been devastating to our family. tom was everything. >> the suits filed this morning hone in on the alleged use by dinardo of his mother's 357 magnum handgun in the murders. a weapon the lawyers 11 the dinardo deranged and violent son should never have got then his hands on. >> to make sure that mentally ill individuals disturbed never ever have access to weapons to kill people. >> reporter: the lawyers are going after the parents businesses claiming their troubled son used company equipment in the killings. dinardo sold pot say investigators. it's how he drew his alleged victims to the field where they
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died. >> that is not justification for a brutal, gruesome, horrible murder. not at all. >> reporter: the dinardo attorney says he'll comment on the lawsuits later this week. last year he said the dinardos are the victims of their son's actions. i'm jeff cole fox 29 news. former trump campaign aid going off. he says he got a subpoena from the mueller russia investigation and he won't talk. problem he's talking to every tv reporter who wil
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♪ gus, you are crushing it! just trying to shed those extra pounds. (giggles) me too. gettin' the beach body back... (sighs) is gonna take a lot of work. this will help you power through. one million dollar power payday, new from the pennsylvania lottery. yup, with top prizes of a million bucks. so, how do i look? like a winner. (they both laugh) keep on scratchin'!
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>> here's look at new castle county. good evening, wilmington getted roar fodder round of winter wet. we're keeping our eyes on the forecast. remembering a hero family and friends and fellow officers gathered at the 22nd police district today to reflect on the life and legacy sergeant robert wilson iii. wilson was killed three years in a shoot out at a game stop he went to buy his son a gift. while his family and officers say the pain is not any easier
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his spirit lives on. >> what we can do is continue to pros on and keep the legacy alive robbie would not want to us forget. we will forget what he means to us. >> we feel feel a sense of loss for sergeant wilson but going forward we -- he lives on in all of us. >> at the vigil the family was presented with a canvass of sergeant wilson. developing right now, former trump aid says he's not talking. but he's saying that to pretty much anyone who will listen. former campaign aid making the rounds on cable news to say he doesn't care that he got a subpoena from special counsel robert mueller he won't testify. basically challenge the prosecutor to put him in jail. fox's catherine herridge repor reports. >> reporter: while he says he's no fan of the commander in chief former campaign aid sam nunberg said, president trump is correct, the special counsel investigation is a witch hunt.
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drag free willing phone interview nunberg is refusing to testify this before before the grand jury. >> the subpoena is absolutely ridiculous. why should i hand them over every e-mail i've had with steve ban and i don't and roger stone. >> i think he may have done something during the election. but i don't know that for sure. >> the white house press secretary dismissed the commen comments. >> look i'm not going to weigh in to somebody that doesn't work at the white house. i can tell you from our perspective we are fully cooperate wig the office of the special counsel. >> reporter: as the special counsel drama unfolded robert mueller's investigators began exploring the trump campaign connections to the united are a am emirates. they called for a special counsel to. >> the we cannot have the department of justice and fbi investigate themselves. they're not going to put
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handcuffs on themselves. they're not going to empanel aground jury to investigate themselves. >> reporter: in washington, catherine herridge, fox news. >> check this out. caught on camera fight inside a bar in colorado. one of the guys in a fight holding a four-year-old as the punches flu. this incredible video was just released. that fight happened back on january 25th. richard brown holding his four-year-old daughter when the brawl starts. as the fight continues, someone in the bar took the child from him thankfully. brown was seriously injured had to be airlift to do a local hospital. thankfully that child was not hurt. brown has been issued a summons now for misdemeanor child abuse. one of the other suspects has been arrested and firsting face degree child abuse. that third suspect is still on the loose. the relationship between police and the communities they serve can be distant. bought local police department is trying to change that with a simple game. fox 29's bill anderson introduces you to us cops in the teenagers seeing them whole new
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light for goodness sake. i don't want these kids to think about police station as like a detention center or place that's always negative. >> reporter: whether or not people like it or think it's justified, in certain neighborhoods or when driving in your car, there are people who feel threatened when the the police approach. >> you have to roll your sleeps up, get down in the dirt and what you can to make a difference. kids aren't stupid. they know when you're being sincere and when you're being fake. >> if you think about it it's really not that surprising. if the only time you ever interact with police is when they're coming to arrest you or someone you know, you probably wouldn't think that highly of them. so some officers are trying to change that and do it at and early age. weekly project xbox session in the patrol room with students from the westampton middle school. >> westampton police invite kids into the police station to play video games with them. no lectures they just treat them like friends.
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>> i'd rather show these loves we love them than lock them up. >> it's that simple. >> it's that simple. >> reporter: unlike programs that hand pick participants as reward, these kids represent diverse bunch. >> they're just people, too. they're not different from anybody else. >> i never really had an under action with cops before. so getting to know them as like actual people is pretty cool. >> reporter: including some with a pretty discouraging view of the police. >> when you heard about this program, what did you think? >> i wasn't going to do it. >> reporter: really? why? >> 'cause i don't really like the police like that. >> reporter: the plan to show kids they have an ally in the police station so far it seems to be working. >> we are just people. they get to see that and we learn about them, they learn about us. report roar the results are easy for the adults to say. >> but kids. >> genuinely enjoy it. i feel like i'm getting closer with the cops every day i come in here.
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they're just fun. >> reporter: and maybe the biggest test, getting someone with an already negative view of the police to open up. >> what do you think about these guys after you spent some time with them? >> good thing to know all police are not the same. >> reporter: a couple weekly hours and a video game didn't solve all conflicts but it did at least begin to redefine the relationship that these kids have with the police for goodness sake. i'm bill anderson. ♪ a smiling teacher an picture blasted around the world. she admits she's the voice on a racist podcast but she claimed everyone has got it all wrong and she can explain it all. and this is a look into your future. that's the snow heading right for us. how much you'll be shoveling. for us. how much you'll be shoveling. that's still up in the - honey, look what we got! for us. how much you'll be shoveling. that'- [narrator] going big
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♪ ♪ trending now a florida teacher now out of the classroom accused of hosting a white nationalist podcast. in that podcast, she makes racist claims saying that some ethnicities are smarter on others. marissa lynn reports. >> reporter: huffing and post
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article claims diana, a teacher at crystal river middle school host as white nationalist podcast under the pseudo name teyona. one parent who knows the teacher has hard time believing the accusations. >> i would trust her with a gun to defend my child. >> after the article was publish the podcast was taken down and her social media accounts have been removed. the podcast is called unapologetic. in one episode she and guest brian hendricks discuss his views on hurricane catrone nan the african-american population. >> it's this engrained hunter culture that left them unprepared for hurricane catrone nan not the government that was to blame for this and their reaction to dead disaster. i see accusations flying around all the time with no facts to really support it.
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>> shun home when they knocked on her darton comment. but her neighbor was. >> she's so quiet. keeps to herself pretty much. seems like, you know, decent individual. >> reporter: tweet captured before her accounts were removed it read "it isn't supremacist or hateful to prefer your own people over others". >> this gal if my tax dollars are paying her salary, i'll move out of citrus county. >> in another episode of the unapologetic podcast the host assuming it is her details time when a parent road he wrote into the school principal. >> i had one at the beginning of this year who e-mailed the principal over my head and basically you know told her i'm worried that your teacher is, you know, she's in injecting political bias into her teaching and the principal came to mean she was like i'm not worried. should i be worried? i'm like no. >> she believed me and she back off. and i haven't heard anything
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since. >> fox news has reach out to that teacher for comment. so far she has yet to respond. in a statement to other media outlets speaking through her attorney, she admits talking on the podcast but calls those comments political satire and exaggeration. the school district has now opened an investigation. all right. kathy, that forecast for wednesday not looking great. >> no it certainly isn't. it's looking more ominou ominou. talking about one snowstorm redeveloping off the coast major winter storm with significant to major snow. we'll talk about the totals
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let's head down the shore take live look at wildwood on this monday night. we are tracking that nasty nor'easter headed our way. kathy has got your predict the timing and snow totals in just a few minutes. check this out though. part of war ship bauer read in the sand in maine uncovered by the storm on friday. it is more than a hundred 60 years old. history experts say the 51-foot long hull dates back to era between the revolutionary and civil wars. the storm swept the sand away uncould have it for the first time since 1958. the storm also knocking over this iconic tree in virginia. this tree at mount vernon planted by george washington in
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1791. the canadian hemlock was one of the sites best documented trees on the property. as we reported bill cosby back in a courtroom getting ready for retrial and though it's early in the proceedings our hank flynn has to wonder how and if things will go any differently. >> reporter: it's hank at the montco county courthouse in norristown. preliminary hearings for the cosby trial were today. the media circus is back in town. the question is, how is this trial going the last one? tripd cameras were everywhere today. we're for another spin around the block and tv crews didn't want to get fakedon he come out? he's staying inside a lottery mains the same from the last go around but cosby has a new legal team with the reckonings of the me too and times up movements this trial could be seen in a different light. >> it can get ugly. [ laughter ]
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>> presumably. i honestly think could it get ugly for mr. cosby. >> this man gets a bigger lunch rush on trials day. his daughter alicia says the past year could factor into cosby's new trial. >> people have been talking about this trial a long time, years. with other high profile men. >> yeah. >> you would hope that really everything that's gone on in the past year could make a difference. i hope it does. >> jean says the news vans are hogging up ally parking spots and. she thinks walks social movements or not. >> really? >> he's getting off. they don't have enough evidence against him. nobody is admitting anything. the girls don't have enough evidence against him. >> reporter: we will find out. >> um, miss christine sutton sang oldies on the corner to kept herself entertained. he says he's done a lot to help people.
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david farrell a norristown attorney says at the end of the day the jury of montgomery county people will do a good job based on the facts presented at court if they're aware of what's going on. they're aware of hollywood. you can turn anything on the oscars, emmys, grammys you'll hear about it. my belief, however s that jurors especially in this county are very a department at just filtering out the noise that's kind of bubbling through the culture. they will take their job very seriously. >> reporter: i'm not permitted to address that here. >> this trial will come down what's allowed to be presented in court. while cosby taking a beating in the court of public opinion his trial will be a different matter entirely. i'm hank and that's my take. ♪ all right. take look at buck county doylestown is all quiet tonight. but the scene was little different on this day back in 2015. nasty storm blanketed us and snow this was trevose on marc march 5th of 2015 that is going to happen again. kathy let's us know when that 15
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seconds. all right. tonight the quiet before the storm. because tomorrow night at this time, we are going to be seeing some snow, some sleet and some rain. in the poconos the snow guns going with the cold air and this is where we'll see the jackpot a foot of snow maybe a foot and a half in the poconos. 36 degrees is the current temperature. the wind out of the north at 12 miles an hour. temperatures above freezing from philadelphia along the i-95 corridor through southern parts of delaware. millville only 28. atlantic city 31. allentown and pottstown at 31 degrees. so ultimate doppler we're looking at quiet conditions for the eastern quarter of the nation but here is a huge snowstorm in the planes going into the great lakes with blizzard conditions. this is part one of the storm.
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transfers it's energy off the coast to become a nor'easter it takes shape. late tomorrow night into wednesday we have all this moisture being pulled in by this nor'easter. pulls down the cold air and we see the storm dump inches of snow in a very short period of time. winter storm watch will go into effect tomorrow night. through wednesday night and this will become a warning most likely by tomorrow. showing that the storm is eminent. we go hour by hour. you can see by tomorrow at noon we see the clouds rolling in. by 11:00 o'clock tomorrow night, here comes the snow be talking about snow in allentown and in the poconos. even in pottstown at this time tomorrow and then it moves in from the west. even wednesday morning you see that wintry mix along the i-95 corridor. some rain mixing with snow, slushy conditions and the snow to the north and west as the day progresses it's all snow but it's heavy snow by wednesday afternoon look how heavy through the lehigh valley and our northern and western suburbs we do expect the highest amount of snow and then the snow moves out by wednesday at 10:00 o'clock.
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we see possibly even breaks in the overcast but look at the temperatures. still 35 in philadelphia. still 33 in allentown so those temperatures are very borderline as far as the type of snow. it will be a heavy wet snow. i think to the north and west of philadelphia six to 12-inches of snow three to six south philadelphia southern parts of delaware county into south jersey. a coating to three interior south jersey a mainly mix, mai mainly rain south jersey and delaware. continue to watch the computer models obviously watch the storm develop. because depending on where that storm develops will determine how much snow we get. the winds are going to be gusting as well and by wednesday, late afternoon, that purple indicates a 25 to 30 miles an hour gust. not as strong as the winds the last storm. overnight lows will be in the 20s. tomorrow still above freezing. well into the 40s. but the big story obviously is wednesday. the height of the storm is wednesday afternoon. then we clear it out thursday and the weather stays quite after that. sunday we have the philadelphia
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sane patrick's day parade, 46. on monday, 46 as well. there's a look at your seven day forecast. we'll continue to update you at 11:00. shredder. >> kathy, you know, i got to think warm. we're heading to florida maybe a little arizona for some great spring training moments. think warm, guys. we're looking including the best catch of the spring that i've seen so far. kristen rodgers from phillies camp in clearwater florida on a phillies future you need to know. sports is next. know. sports is next. ♪ baby boomers, here's something you should know. there's a serious virus out there
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that 1 in 30 boomers has, yet most don't even know it. a virus that's been almost forgotten. it's hepatitis c. hep c can hide in the body for years without symptoms. left untreated it can lead to liver damage, even liver cancer. the only way to know if you have hep c is to ask your healthcare provider for the simple blood test. if you have hep c, it can be cured. for us, it's time to get tested. it's the only way to know for sure.
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for us, it's time to get tested. your nissan sports wrap on fox 29. that wrap is it a intersection clearwater, florida phils and twins this afternoon. rhys hoskins most patient phillies weights and gets there. second homerun of the spring for hoskins. phillies win their second straight four to three over the minnesota twins. most of the phillies roster pretty well set for that opener in a little over three week. maybe a spot or two in the bullpen still to be decided. but if you want to name to remember, tuck this one away for the future. christian rodgers has it from clearwater, florida. >> report roar spring training is a good time for non roster invite tease to make a name for themselves. and scott kingery is doing just that. through spring training he's bag .389 and has three homeruns.
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he's very happy with the numbers he's putting up here in clearwater, florida and the phillies feel the same way. >> personal i'll just want to go out and there prove, you know what i can do every single day i step on that field so my approach is just to go out there and have fun and show what i'm capable about in the field. >> first and for most just incredible amount of talent but taking it a step further beyond scott's talent is his work ethic and his drive his determination and how badly he wants it. and every day he becomes, um, sort of more and more likeable as a baseball player and a as man. >> kingery is impressing everyone throughout the organization right now and kapler gave him the highest compliment possible. >> second most complimentary thing sake bay about a guy on a baseball field he's a baseball flare and he's a great teammate and scott checks that box. that's the most important thing you can say. >> reporter: the phillies have the day off tomorrow. but they're going to continue to work on that team chemistry.
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word has it that the players are going out for a fishing competition. nothing like some friendly rivalry to bring some great results on the field. in clearwater, florida, kristen rodgers, fox 29 news. all right, kristen thank you. iain page ready for your one get away moment of the night. this is the reds. swing at that thing big guy. >> little high. >> little high. take your base. take another look at that thing. >> want to get away. he wants to. >> how about we stay in the same ballgame. the reds taking on the angels. spring training iain you're supposed to take it easy get yourself in shape, don't get h hur. don't tell billy hamilton. you see hits like that. spring training. >> all star time. lay it and make that catch. best catch of the day. one you would have made with your sons right here. look at this guy jupiter. sunshine joe -- did i really catch it? did i really catch it i got the darn thing right the there. >> that's great grab. >> fist bump. >> high fiving people. >> if you make that catch right
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there, you're darn right i would as well. >> absolutely. >> can you give us some of that weather. >> i would love that weather. >> i'd like some of that weather, too. not yet. >> it's not going to happen. >> not going to happen. not in the near future. >> that does it for us at 10:00. don't go anywhere. we've got you covered on the other side of the break. we'll sue are does this map show the
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peninsula trail? you won't find that on a map. i'll take you there. take this left. if you listen real hard you can hear the whales. oop. you hear that? (vo) our subaru outback lets us see the world. sometimes in ways we never imagined. (avo) get 0% apr financing on all-new 2018 subaru outback models.
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now through april 2nd. live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11:00. we begin at 11:00 with look at cape may. ready for another round of winter weather? get ready. the on the way. from the shore to the city and the suburbs, even in the mountains the line of early march continues to rear its ugly head. it's a second punch for our area as we get walloped last week and now another system threatening to wreak havoc on us. i'm iain page. there are still people without power from the last storm we had and now we're talking about another one. we've got team coverage our winter weather authority. let's begin tonight with kathy. what should we expect? >> well, we're expecting at this time tomorrow night, iain, some snow already moving into our suburbs. here's the storm right over the northern plains and it doesn't look like a huge storm but guess what? blizzard conditions in the northern plains in the great


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