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tv   Action News at 500 AM  ABC  March 8, 2018 5:00am-5:30am EST

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5:00 a.m., thursday, march 8. we're following the cleanup from the latest nor'easter. >> the thick wet snow across the region left thousands without power. for some families it is the second outage in atlantic city than a week. >> the plows and shovels have been in overdrive as the people pull out the elbow geese to dig themselves out. some areas got a foot of snow. >> there could slick spots which is why the philadelphia public and afternoon archdiocess are opening two hours late today and others are closing we have a list at first up let's look at the weather and traffic and go over to meteorologist karen rogers who is in for david murphy and matt pellman who's got his eye on the roads good morning. >> reporter: good morning, some of us like to try to make good time in the morning, this is the morning for that. >> reporter: you want to take it easy, lots of slick spots and
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leftover snow. let's start you off with satellite and radar. you can see the nor'easter is sitting and spinning further to the north and east. we'll have strong winds gusting up to 20 miles per hour. it will make it feel chilly. 31 degrees in reading. new numbers coming in. 30 in lancaster. sitting at the freezing mark in wilmington. still above that in the city, i think that will drop. we'll demelting today, it will feel like -- we'll do melting today, it will feel like the 30s. actual temperature, 42. lunchtime, 39 degrees, partly sunny skies, by 3:00 p.m., 40. we're dry today. just a gusty chilly breeze, a few clouds in the afternoon. 5:00 p.m., 38. 7:00 p.m., clear, 35 degrees. things will cloud up overnight tonight. for a lot of people it's time to dig out what was kind of a mess, in richboro, 16 inches of snow. in burr win, 9.
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media, 10.7. orfield, 6 inches. some of the snowfall totals, matt no wonder they have so much snow on the roads. >> reporter: it's a lot to clean up. and we still have cleanup to do this morning. live on the schuylkill expressway, conshohocken. in the heart of the storm, westbound lanes were blocked for over an hour. there was a massive backlog it was a mess, because the vehicles were sitting and spinning their wheels they couldn't get going. westbound lanes are open, eastbound lanes are okay, too, they are just wet. coming off the schuylkill expressway on the vine expressway, it's wet crossing town no overnight construction all of that was canceled because of the weather. we're watching a bunch of downed trees in different spots this morning, one in washington township blocking the southbound side of 47 by the abc compress
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compress -- and he express pres. on the garden state parkway we're looking okay on the garden state parkway. >> walter perez is live in rich bore -- richboro, bucks county, a full 16 inches. >> reporter: here's the winner, richboro, pennsylvania, a tremendous amount of snow across this part of the bucks county. the major roads across richboro and lower makefield are clear, but the back streets are a mess, a lot of people will have a hard time getting out of their properties, even if they cleared the way, when the plow came through last night they pushed the snow on the roads to the foot of the driveways, people
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will have a hard time getting out this morning. the numbers are staggering, while 16 inches of snow fell in richboro, the number of people suffering power outages or dealing with outages in lower makefield is incredible. 23% of peco customers across bucks county are without power. 64% in lower makefield are without power because that part of bucks county has older trees many toppled taking you on power lines. the number in lower makefield 8,400 customers without power. the red cross has set up a shelter at the middletown township municipal complex. 3 municipal way in langhorne. if you're struggling having a hard time because the power is out, somebody is sick in the home for example, 3 municipal way in langhorne, pennsylvania. reporting live from rich richbo,
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walter perez channel 6 "action news." >> snow emergency is over in philadelphia, that means parking is allowed along the snow emergency routes. city office are open again today. people tried to clear out the walkways and dig out their cars, some of the side streets are is bit of a mess. it could make for a rough thursday morning. jeanette reyes is live for us in south philadelphia where you will soon from the symphony of ice scrapers on wind sheedle and digging out -- windshields and digging out tires before you know it. >> reporter: it's nice to wake up to that sound, right? we know a lot of schools in philadelphia are on a two hour delay. that makes sense. the main roads are impressively clean, the secondary roads, as well. it's the side streets it scums
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with the territory. this is one example it's not as bad as we've seen it in the past, this is 17th and titan. this main street is titan. it's a little snow covered to say the least, it will be a little tricky to get out. look at the video from yesterday. nothing like we saw yesterday, looks like a lot of people took advantage of what ended up being slush and wiping that clean as the plow truck drivers which is a lot of main roads are clear. the only thing is, testers did fall below freezing overnight, so whatever was left over is iced over, that is what a lot of people walking and driving the work will encounter today. anything that was not cleaned up is slippery. we did see degrees fall examines expected -- which was expected.
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23rd an race a tree toppled on a a car. >> it just missed my car, it's my lucky day, but not so for someone else. >> reporter: take advantage of the two hour delay, but the good news once you get on the main roads you're good to go. matt. >> this is the scene for many people wires down or hanging low because of the fresh snow. a family in levittown in bucks county is worried about the wires in their yard because they are hanging across the swing set. power crews are working around the clock to restore power to people. just checked with peco, nearly 57,000 customers are without power. that's an improvement since last night. pse&g have nearly 27,000 outages, mostly in burlington county.
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atlantic city electric has most of the troubles located in burlington encamden-- and camden county with 8,000 without the lights on. cherry hill, camden county saw more than 8 inches of snow. in lindenwald many are in the dark again or having to go back to rely on generators. for the lane family it's the second time they lost power in the last five days. crews will be busy removing trees that fell like the one you see here in cherry hill. now, let's take a live look, this is the view in medford township, burlington county, you can see where a sizable tree is down in the road. a lot of people having to turn around and backtrack, this is robin hood drive, township officials declared a state of emergency due to all the snow. >> pennsylvania regulators have shut down a major pipeline that has been causing sinkholes in chester county. the state's public utility commission said continued
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operation of the sunoco mariner 1 system would be catastrophic. sunoco said they secured the sinkholes earlier this week. the pipeline carries 70,000 barrels of natural gas per day, shipments will not resume until the results of an inspection. >> time to turn to karen rogers, you cannily in -- you say usually in march temperatures will get snow to melt. >> reporter: we'll get melting because of the high sun angle, but we're not talking about temperatures in the 50s. storm tracker 6 live double scan showing we're dry, we're staying dry catching a break in the weather. let's go outside and see what it looks like, we have some pretty sky6 live hd shots looking at the u.s.s. new jersey. we'll see bright sunshine to start you off. a bit more cloud cover will mix in as the day progresses.
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33 degrees. dewpoint, 24 not a lot of moisture out there at the moment. windy westerly at 9 miles per hour. we'll have a gusty wind at times today. the pressure is steady. the windchill down to 25. even in the height of the afternoon it will feel like the low 30s. satellite and radar showing the nor'easter from yesterday pulling out of here. we have a few clouds that are pinwheeling through the area. it's a dry day today with a few clouds in the afternoon partly sunny skies at least. 8:00 a.m., 32, by 10:00 we're up to 36. lunchtime, 39 degrees, again it will feel cooler than that with a chilly breeze. 3:00 p.m., 40. 6:00 p.m., mostly clear and 36 degrees. our next focus is on sunday night into monday when we're watching another area of low pressure and the model still in disagreement does it form into a nor'easter and travel you happen the coast or a southern slider stay to our south and not impact us. some models saying we get hit by this, if we do, we'll get rain
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and snow once again. we're watching this sunday into monday. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast for today, blustery with the winds gusting at times, partly sunny, 42. tomorrow we could see a stray flurry or brief snow shower north of the city, a dry day, 43 degrees. saturday, chilly breeze, 43. set the clocks forward saturday night into sunday. sunday, sunshine fades behind clouds, 44. sunday into monday that's the day we're watching to see if the southern storm impacts us or stays to the south. 42 is the high. tuesday, partly sunny, 40 degrees. wednesday the high looks to be 39 degrees. that would be 13 degrees below average. so, yeah we're not getting the march temperature that we would like to see this time of year, march is roaring even by mid march. >> thank you karen. 5:11 a.m., a lot of people are creeped out by the odd
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laugher coming out of the a amazon alexa. we'll tell you more. a researcher thinks he solved the mystery of amelia earnhardt. we're not winning on the roads this morning, tam. norristown, markley street 202 at main street. a lot of crunchy leftover icy snow on the roads this morning. we'll check i-95 and see how we're dueling on the bucks county line when "action news" continues on this -- we'll see how we're doing on the bucks county line when "action news" continues on this thursday morning. welcome back you're taking a
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live look here, as mobile 6 makes its way through the narrow streets of fairmont section. a lot of folks will be spending time this morning scrairpg some of -- scraping some of the ice and snow off their cars and doing the delicate dance as they try to get down the treats where the roads are narrow and icy. the main streets are better. >> reporter: it takes times to get the side streets and secondary roads cleared off. on the highways for the most part we're cleared off. there are spots where we have a lane deficit, narrow ramps that kind of things. i-95 looks better than last evening by woodhaven road on the buck county line. tail lights heading southbound toward center city. if you have to head back into
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work this morning, you will be okay, it's getting there that will be a challenge, it will require extra time. creamery road and kellers church road, cold spring creamy road and mechanicsville road and burnt house hill road blocked because of a downed trees. walton road blocked because of a downed tree, jolly road gets you around that. 422 and 202 and pennsylvania turnpike and northeast extension of the turnpike are okay. new jersey turnpike in salem county north of the delaware memorial bridge looking better than last night. but it is still wet. you will find slushiness and slickness on the ramps. 45-mile an hour speed restrictions are in effect on a chunk. new jersey turnpike. better news in washington township they just reopened 47 delsea drive, downed tree there.
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that's been cleared out. >> president trump co-sign his new tariff proclamation today. the 25% for imported steel and 10% for aluminum not sitting well with members of his own party. 108 members of congress sent letter compressing concerns over the tariff. the trade partnership said the tariff will create 33,000 new jobs in the u.s., but ultimately result in the loss of 146,000 jobs. florida governor rick scott has nod made a decision on whether or not he will sign new gun control legislation in the state. members of the state house passed the bill in response to the school massacre in parkhandle. it raises the -- parkland. it raises the minimum age to buy a gun. it allows faculty and staff to carry guns at school on a
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voluntary basis. the state senate approved the bill on monday. dwyane wade made a trip to parkland school yesterday. he arranged the visit on his own. the nba star told students i'm inspired by all of you. >> the sixers hunt for the playoff spot take on the heat in miami. they are in 6th place in the eastern conditioners. scrai -- jason kelce and michael kendricks hoped to bring magic to the flyers game last night, the flyers lost 5-2. eagles have added michael bennett from the seattle seahawks, they acquired benefit and 7th round draft pick for
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marcus johnson. carson wentz tweeted he will miss john son while welcoming bennett to the team. a new study may hold a clue to the mystery of what happened to emil i can't -- amelia earhart. the american aviator went missing without a trace over the pacific ocean in 1937. we'll be right back.
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new tv, new speakers, netflix. this is going to be the place for binge watching, ladies. is it, ladies? don't get me wrong, you have killer tech mrs. d, but you still don't have fios. ok? fios is a 100% fiber-optic network, literally engineered for streaming. good advice. i've also got some ideas on a better cereal selection, which i will keep to myself. experience netflix on the 100% fiber-optic network made for streaming switch to fios and get a year of netflix on us with a two-year agreement.
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♪ gus, you are crushing it! just trying to shed those extra pounds. (giggles) me too. gettin' the beach body back... (sighs) is gonna take a lot of work. this will help you power through. one million dollar power payday, new from the pennsylvania lottery. yup, with top prizes of a million bucks. so, how do i look? like a winner. (they both laugh) keep on scratchin'!
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>> you want children to enjoy chorvelling, -- shoveling make t fun. nicole brown sent this video in from new jersey showing 2-year-old mckenna with dad operating the plow. >> mom said you're such a great day, you go out there and do that. >> nobody has made shoveling fun for me. my neighbors have been great for me during the storm. because i'm always here. >> walking down the street abandoning your car. >> reporter: montgomeryville, bucks county montgomery county line, a winter scene out here with the crunchy stuff on the roads, snow and ice at
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doylestown road and county line road. back to normal scheduleses today. septa saying the trenton line inbound could have delays, njtac rail line is in the running because of signal problems, njt buses are back up and in service. >> reporter: this is owen in plymouth meeting, he loves, can you see in the snow, they wrote 6abc. they love the snow, too. did you hear the thunder snow? it's unusual, nearly 100 strikes mainly i-95 and east, it's rare to happen, let alone see 100 strikes. during the events where you had the snowfall we had 2 to 3 inches an hour, in ocean county we had a person and house struck. it can be serious at times. it's unusual that we saw it and we have clear skies today. >> going ton to "healthcheck," looks matter, babies who
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resemble their fathers are healthier. researchers studied 700 families in which babies lived with their mother, fathers spend an average two more days per months with the child the baby resembleses resembleses -- resembles them. the babies have fewer asthma attacks and fewer emergency room visitors. amazon alexa is creeping customers out, we'll explain why in the morning buzz. teenager is faces charges after deputies say he impersonated a sheriff three different times. the crazy story is coming up at 5:30 a.m. oh, there's more. mobile id cards, emergency roadside service...
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more technology. i can even add a new driver... ...right from her phone! geico. exct great savings and a whole lot more. allergies with sinus you won't find relief here. go to the pharmacy counter for powerful claritin-d... while the leading allergy spray relieves six symptoms, claritin-d relieves eight, including sinus congestion and pressure. claritin-d relieves more.
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but the living room's pretty blank. it's really nice when clients come in and have done some of their own research. working with a bassett designer was really easy. just kind of ties in very well. we love it! just kind of ties in very well.
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mom, we got girl scout cookies to sell. the girl scout cookie inspired flavors you love. now in the dunkin' coffees you love. only at dunkin'. >> alexa sam sown is creeping people out. it is letting out an unprompted creepy cackle or laugh. it's happening without the device even being awakened to be used and when they tell it to do something else. amazon is aware of the problem and says it is working to deactivate the response to the command laugh. the company did not say what is causing the issue in the first place. today is a special day and in in some places they are doing special things to honor it.
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mcdonald's is flipping their golden arches, they flipped the m up side down to become an w. it's a way to honor the extraordinary accomplishments of women everywhere. >> 528, the snow cleanup continues taking a live look at city hall. sky6 live hd out towards the benjamin franklin parkway, other areas it's been a bit more difficult to clean up from the nor'easter. here it looks pretty good. we'll be right back. >> this morning, job one for
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many people will be digging out from the nor'easter. it dumped more than a foot of snow in parts of the area. >> philadelphia public and archdiocesan schools are on a two hour delay this morning. hundreds ever are others are on a delay or closing altogether running at the bottom of the screen or >> good morning, 5:30 a.m., thursday, march 8. we have live team coverage of


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