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tv   Action News at 430 AM  ABC  March 7, 2018 4:30am-5:00am EST

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. >> slushy snow a already covering streets. this nor'easter just getting started. >> a major snowfall for parts of our area. >> philadelphia public and archdiocesan schools are closed today. many, many other city and suburban schools are also closed. the full list running at the bottom of your screen and also at >> you might be going oh, no, the kids are going oh, yes. good morning, it is 4:30 now on this wednesday march
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seventh. we have live team coverage of the winter storm with reporters across the area and matt pelman is giving us traffic. >> karen rogers in for dave murphy. >> you say the kids are saying oh, yeah but my kids are sick of the snow. they're like let's move on with this. winter is not done with us. let's take a look at storm tracker6 live 3-d. there's a lot of moisture to work its way through our region and this is just the beginning. we can see the beginning of this nor'easter which is really going to intensify later on this afternoon. let's talk about some of the key points here. this is a high impact event. you need to be careful as you're planning your day and kind of staying off the roads, if you can. the peak is during the day time. not during the morning commute. so when you wake up and you're seeing some snowfall in parts of the region, this is just the beginning. the peak doesn't happen until later on. the heaviest snow will be north and west of the city. the strongest winds will be at the coast but even in the city we could see winds near 40 miles an hour. you add that with heavy snow
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it's going to spell some problems. the winter storm warning, the national weather service has this entire area of pink, you might remember yesterday it was more north and west of the city. now what's included burlington gloucester camden salem counties as well as the i-95 corridor and north and west. doesn't end until 3 a.m. thursday. it's in effect right now. here's storm tracker6 live double scan showing we already have precipitation through the region. for the most part it's pretty light. a lot of roads are just wet. certainly so down in south jersey and delaware. but again, this is just the beginning, a little taste of what's to come later. the snow will be heavy and it will be wet. this is going to be hard to shovel as you're talking about that. winds will stickg issue with trees and wires. the heavy snow will be sticking. in addition you have winds gusting around 40 miles an hour. we have the potential for more power outages. we'll walk you through the day and talk totals in a few minutes, matt. >> it's nice to know that we have so many hours during which we can enjoy this. good morning, karen, good morning, everybody. let's make the rounds.
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starting here in norristown, this is 202, markley street at main street. no one is out and about just yet but the good news is the road here is just wet and that's the case in most places this morning. snow hasn't really started to stick to most of the road surfaces, just the grassy areas. let's head up main street to ridge pike, come down the blue route and this is the schuylkill right by 476, the blue route. you see the spray coming up off the vehicles there traveling in the eastbound lanes. the road has been treated. it's just wet at this point and really wet here this morning. this is by penn's landing, columbus boulevard, delaware avenue and just like yesterday, we have trees out here and we also have some big, big puddles that are kind of bogging things down, some flooding in the northbound lanes of columbus boulevard once again. so, i would stick with 95 instead. this is 95 in a different area, in bucks county, bristol township here in the ongoing work zone by 413. light volume at this point on 95 and again, the lanes are just wet. but going over to south jersey in that pennsauken you see the
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flashing lights here along 73 just up ahead. this is the scene at hilton road. both directions have restrictions along 73 at 130 because of a downed pole from an earlier crash that happened around midnight. i would stick with 90 and the betsy ross bridge instead and elsewhere on 130 by the brooklawn diner at the brooklawn circle more flooding this morning. a lane is out in each direction on this wednesday, matt. >> all right, matt, thank you. let's check the northwestern suburbs. jeanette reyes is live for us along route 309 in montgomeryville. good morning, jeanette. >> reporter: good morning, to you matt. we're starting to see some accumulation, not too much in the roads. take a live look behind me. look how much is accumulating on the grassy areas, completely different ones you step onto the roadways, you seat slush in the less travel areas but on the roads it's mostly wet. that will be the case for a little bit. it will change as we get later into the day by the hour. as we went up bethlehem pike and hatfield, actually that's where we are right now but
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seventy six and 276 also 309 weren't looking too bad. no accumulation really but we did see salt and plow trucks at the ready and positioned along the ramps and shoulders front end loaders also could be seen at large parking lots getting ready for the work that's ahead. now, you may wish you had heavy machinery once you go out to shovel this stuff. it will be the wet heavy stuff to shovel. but we did talk to a plow truck driver. he is in for at least a 22-hour day. take a listen to what he had to say. >> open -- hoping they're a little bit more prepared. i think everybody is going to be a little bit more prepared now because the last storm i don't think they realized what we were going to -- what we were going to have and what we got. and i hope -- i hope it's a little bit better than the last one because i know there was a ton of people out of power so i hope i have power still. >> reporter: and speaking of power, of course, we've been reporting all week about
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people who were in the dark for days. so i want you to look at these power lines here. you can the snow is already starting to pile onto it. there are major concerns about power outages today and more trees falling. certainly we'll keep you posted as soon as we start getting hopefully it's not the case, as soon as we start getting those reports in of outages but you certainly want to prepare for that. you is it ill have time right now. reporting live in montgomeryville, jeanette reyes channel6 "action news." matt. >> we hope you don't hear the cracking of those limbs. thank you so much jeanette. a snow emergency goes into effect in the city of philadelphia at 8 o'clock this morning. it makes it mandatory to remove parked cars to make room for the plows along snow emergency routes. >> please be patient with the roadway situations. please keep walkways clear and avoid shoveling snow into the street. >> the city has more than 400 pieces of equipment in operation. trash trucks are now fitted with snowplows. >> some parts of delaware county are still recovering from friday's nor'easter. that's where we find "action news" reporter bob brooks who
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is live now at eagle and darby roads in havertown. bob, tell us what things are looking like there and we can see the fat flakes falling around you right now. >> reporter: yeah, tam, absolutely, pretty steady. it's coming down pretty steady and again these are big wet thick snowflakes. they are sticking to everything. when people come outside of their homes this morning to look out, going to look like a winter wonderland. sticking on all the tree limbs, all the power lines. we are at eagle and darby road in havertown and you can see the roads right now, not too bad. there has been a lot of plows going by. for the most part it's just slush in some of the less traveled areas. main arteries looked pretty good coming out here but as far as accumulation goes we've got the "action news" measuring stick out here where it's just over 3-inches at this point. i want to give you guys an example of how wet, thick easy to pack this snow is. you barely even have to grab it and you get yourself a perfect snowball but we had a big storm obviously on friday.
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i've been covering a lot of stories in havertown and there was a lot of damage, a lot of people without power. hopefully this storm doesn't compound things for those people and the crews can maybe somehow get out there and continue to work because i know there's a lot of people who have gone several days now without power. another thing people are going to want to watch, maybe move your car, any property that you can that are under tree limbs. you can see again it's sticking to all of the limbs and things like that, so i know on friday a lot of those limbs came down, they crashed on some things and i saw that cars that got damaged because of that so something you definitely want to keep an eye on while we go through this storm and it's definitely going to get worse. reporting live in havertown, bob brooks channel6 "action news." tam. >> thanks, bob. we have the worst that most people go through today will be cabin fever. delaware was one of the first places to see snow overnight. this is viewer video of the flakes flying in smyrna along route 300 at dickerson street. and some new video also from evesham township burlington county. the snow was accumulating on
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grassy surfaces along main street new york. new jersey is under a state of emergency. state offices will be closed today. governor phil murphy says he decided to declare a state of emergency due in part to the potential for significant power outages though there's a higher chance of that in north jersey. a handful of people will be riding out the storm still in the dark from the last one. you heard bob just talking about that. peco reports 11,535 outages still. but the bright side, that is at least down from the peak of more than half a million outages caused by friday's nor'easter. >> meteorologist karen rogers joins us and as this thing starts to churn up it's not going to be as bad as friday but it's going to kind of be similar. >> well, i think a wider area is going to see higher snowfall totals so in that sense it will be worse than friday. i don't know that as many trees are going to be down on friday we saw 70 miles an hour winds. now we're talking 40 miles an hour winds. so, in that sense maybe not as many roads blocked by trees but there will be more roads blocked by snow but i guess
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it's kind of a trade-off. it all stinks. let's take a look right now and head on outside why don't we 'cause the action cam found that people out and about. you got to go where you got to go even though it's snowing as we look outside live near city hall. the action cam live this morning. let's take a look at storm tracker6 live double scan because we already have precipitation blanketing much of the region and as expected it's rain far south and east of the city but i want to take a closer look right now and you can see that the snowfall, at this point it's still pulling up in this direction, north and east. in some spots we've been catching a little bit of lavender here and there where it's coming down pretty good so it's snowing in the city, snowing in south jersey, snowing in jenkintown and media. not so much in chadds ford. dry and in downingtown at the moment. went see that wintry mix right now that icing line with rain to the south. that mix line is going to pull up and a lot of this is going to change to rain before changing back to snow. it's a dynamic storm with a lot happening throwing a little bit of rain, sleet and snow through our region so
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really a mix of everything and the nor'easter just now starting to take shape and we can see that pulling up a lot of moisture. there's a lot of moisture to work with. this is a long time effect that we'll be dealing with this through the day. this is just the beginning. the height will be later on this afternoon. here's a look at 11 o'clock this morning and we can see still rain south and east, maybe still just slushy traveling in south jersey. but the storm will be intensifying especially in philadelphia north and west and the snow will be coming down heavily at that point. then we advance this to 1:30. so, this is lunchtime and you're in the height of the storm. you have heavy snow stretching from the poconos all the way down towards the coastline so a wide area dealing with this heavy wet snow and as i step aside look at the winds around that nor'easter. you can tell that this is really when the storm is intensifying at 1:30 in the afternoon. by 6 o'clock it's lifting out of here, clearing out of the city and starting to move to the north and east. so, we'll be dealing with it until 6 o'clock today. so, here's what you can expect.
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expected snowfall has not changed since last night, one to 3 inches of snow in the area in gray. farther you go south and east 'cause you have a lot of rain mixing in. three to 6 inches in lakehurst, chatsworth williamstown, salem lancaster and then six to 10-inches, this is basically the i-95 corridor, the area in pink from princeton, trenton, the city and wilmington, we will have some sleet mixing in at times and that's what's going to bring the numbers down a bit compared totten to 16-inches of snow north and west. so, this is upper bucks, montgomery, you're talking doylestown lansdale pottstown reading quakertown, allentown, mount pocono, 10 to 16-inches of snowfall in that area. here's your exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast. so far the nor'easter on track. kind of behaving as we expected it would. 35 for your high. heavy wet snow. most especially late morning, early afternoon. the worst time period. blustery with some sunshine tomorrow, 40, maybe a few flurries in the lehigh valley. a couple morning snow showers especially north of the city. not a big deal but could be a
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little slick friday morning in a few spots, 43. saturday still chilly, 43, despite sunshine. sunday partly sunny, 46. daylight saving time begins saturday night into sunday. sunday we're watching the coast. monday mostly cloudy, 44. we're watching this storm system. right now it looks like maybe it stays south of our region but we have to watch that closely to see if we get a little snow. tuesday windy and chilly and 44. so, march not feeling like march. the4(p&c& seven-day it's still roaring with chilly temperatures. >> all right, thank you, karen. time right now is 4:43. developing overnight a driver strikes and kills a pedestrian on the main line and takes off. >> philadelphia police are looking for a hit-and-run driver who critically injured a three-year-old girl. >> a dog that was stabbed and left for dead near a septa station is now recovering thanks to some caring people. matt. >> glad to hear that. good morning to you matt. and welcome to downingtown. this is the 30 bypass at business 30, lincoln highway and you can see the spray
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coming up off the vehicles because the road is definitely wet but elsewhere in chester county there are some new issues. we'll talk about them when "action news" continues on this wednesday morning. >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> welcome back. taking a live look mobile6 out and about on the city streets in philadelphia right now on market making its way towards city hall and you can see the wipers going back and forth. we have a lot of rain in this location but you could just go about 10, 15 miles up to where i live and you will find a bunch of snow. it's varying around the region but you've got a wintry mix and a lot of snow coming wherever you are. >> so, matt, some people will have to travel out there, right? >> i guess, yeah, you know, some people have to get to work rain or snow or whatever is happening and we don't want to stop them, we just want to let them know what's going on out there this morning. so, matt and tam, looking live
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at the schuylkill expressway as we zoom in you can see the shine on the roadway. at this point the travel lanes are just wet along 76 and along all of our highways. once you get to the grassy area, there you're seeing some snow coverage and i would watch it for some slush on the ramps especially. the main travel lanes at this point are just wet. we know that will not be the case later on today. so, if you need to travel, you need to allow extra time throughout the day today. i want to go quickly to the burbs and check some of our issues. some left over from the last storm. new downed wires in west caln chester county. no big issues so far on the 30 bypass or 322. if you want to use that instead. hilltown township bucks county, still has the closure of diamond street because of downed wires. keystone drive a possible alternate there. whitpain township montgomery county morris road still blocked because of the ongoing situation there. so, skippack pike to the south could be an alternate to get around that in that location. jenkintown has some downed wires from yesterday closing meetinghouse road.
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that remains blocked but no issues so far this morning aside from wet conditions along route one, the pennsylvania turnpike, or 611 there through willow grove. live look at our good buddy ben, the ben franklin bridge shows wet conditions and speed restrictions in place on most of the area bridges but i would use the ben or the betsy, not the tacony-palmyra because as soon as you come off of the tacony-palmyra here along 73 you're going to be stopped in the southbound lanes. it's all because of downed wires by 130 blocking most of the traffic so 90 right there a better bet this morning. matt. >> thank you, matt. developing this morning, radnor township police are searching for the driver who struck and killed a pedestrian. investigators say the driver slowed down but then sped off. it happened on the 500 block of lancaster avenue at 8 o'clock last night. police describe the striking vehicle as a dark colored suv possibly a gmc with damage to the front driver's side. call radnor police if you have any information. philadelphia police are looking for the driver who hit a mother and two children on a
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sidewalk and then ran off. it happened at rowland and tyson avenues in the city's mayfair section just before 7:00 last night. the crash pinned a three-year-old girl under the striking car. police say about six bystanders rushed over, picked up the car and pulled the child out. she is in critical condition. her 36-year-old mom and four-year-old sister suffered bumps and bruises. investigators say they found drug paraphernalia in the striking car that was left behind. >> new on "action news," the pennsylvania spca is asking for the public's help uncovering information about a dog found stabbed in north philadelphia. a passerby found the dog who has been named ruby near the fern rock train station on monday morning. she had multiple stab wounds along with other injuries. currently she's in stable condition. tips can be left anonymously on the pennsylvania spca's cruelty hotline. >> 4:49 now and we'll get another update on traffic and that nor'easter forecast next.
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>> and taking a live look right now at the snow falling in havertown, delaware county. you can see it's already coming down pretty thickly in some places. we'll be right back. >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> welcome back.
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taking a live look here on one of our traffic cameras here in coatesville. and you can see what we see in a lot of parts of the region, an accumulation there on the side of the roads, on the sidewalks and a slushy mix of water and snow and ice in the middle of the road. you might think it's just water. i wouldn't hit it going too fast. >> yeah, that slush that you're seeing there along business 30 can definitely be slippery. most of the highways at this point are just wet, which is good news if you have to head out this morning. let's head to delaware, see how we're doing by the christiana mall along route one at this point just wet. you might want to use route one instead of 301, that's still blocked near marlpit road because of a crash. and mass transit everything is a little bit off today because of the weather that we're experiencing and expecting. septa regional rails running their severe storm service plan, essentially in layman's terms that's just a saturday schedule with some enhancements. norristown high speedline is going to run every 20 minutes but they're saying expect
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delays and possible suspensions and the 101 trolley still not running near media because of friday's storm, still trying to recover from that one, karen. >> that's right. let's take a look at what you can expect with this storm. we're concerned about more outages, most likely in the northwest suburbs. also snowfall rates of one to 2 inches an hour and that's going to be a real concern as this storm intensifies later this morning through the afternoon hours. thundersnow is even possible as the storm intensifies. it's just starting to take shape now. so everything you're seeing going on right now is really just the beginning and things are going to go downhill progressively later this morning. while the consistency is mainly snow north and west and that's why we're getting that bull's-eye zone we've been talking about up to 16-inches of snow across the i-95 corridor you'll see six to 10 because of the mixing. we're going to have snow mixing with sleet at times and down along the coastline, it's mainly rain. "action news" will be right back with your top stories. >> ♪
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>> it is now 4:57. we're getting hit with another nor'easter right now. most of the area is under a winter storm warning. >> let's give you a live look outside. this is the view from our city hall camera looking down the parkway and you can see it, the roads are wet but you see that snow coming down. our team coverage of the storm continues next. >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. >> ♪ >> good morning. it's 5 o'clock on this wednesday march seventh and much of the area is waking up to yet another winter be wonderland. >> hopefully some people are like winter wonderland. right now a rain and snow mix has been falling for hours. snow is already starting to stick to the ground and much more is on the way. we are timing it out for you. >> all philadelphia public and archdiocesan schools are closed today. hundreds of others across the region are following. they're at the bottom of your screen and also on >> we have team coverage with a look at conditions around our area. we see the flakes falling out there already. let's get going, though, first with meteorologist karen rogers who is in for dave murphy and matt pelman who of course has his eye on the roads. good morning. >> good morning, gu


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