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tv   Action News at 430 AM  ABC  March 6, 2018 4:30am-5:00am EST

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>> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. >> ♪ >> good morning, it's 4:30 now on this tuesday march sixth. >> we're following a developing story. a tractor-trailer smashes into an overpass, dragging its roof behind through the narrow streets of philadelphia. >> flames rip through a mobile home park in montgomery county damaging a number of homes. >> we are preparing for another nor'easter. heavy wet snow is coming as some neighborhoods are still recovering from the last storm. >> dave murphy is off so we're going to get a look at accuweather with meteorologist karen rogers. we've got traffic with matt pelman. matt as you know i come down lincoln drive and how many
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downed trees can you see. >> it's like a war zone through there. it's been closed much of the last few days. >> it has and we have the risk for more trees falling because of the heaviness of the snow that's coming. winds won't be quite as bad with this storm and storm tracker satellite six and action radar showing us right now that we can still see that nor'easter, the last one sitting and spinning. it's pushed farther off the coast. we've got clear conditions for you today but those clouds are pretty quickly going to increase. let's start off with looking at the numbers right now. it's 27 in allentown, it's only 25 in reading, so even colder than yesterday morning. 29 in wilmington, below freezing through the i-95 corridor. in south jersey upper 20's in millville and atlantic city. the wind chill won't be quite as much of a factor today. the winds are relaxing a little bit but we are going to see the increasing clouds through the day so we start off with sunshine at 7:00 a.m. and temperatures below freezing. by lunchtime you're in the low 40's as clouds are increasing. at 3 o'clock you're still dry.
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kids coming home from school, you're running to get your eggs and your bread and your milk and you're okay. at 5 o'clock we have clouds and sunshine, 46 degrees. mostly cloudy at 7 o'clock. we are going to watch that precipitation arrive later this evening and the national weather service has increased their winter storm advisory to a winter storm warning. we're seeing that in the areas of pink from 7 o'clock this evening through 3 a.m. thursday. the areas in blue are currently in a watch. here's what you can expect tuesday tonight into 10 o'clock from about 7 o'clock to 10 o'clock we're going to watch the light rain and wet snow arrive. tomorrow morning for the morning rush, we're going to see rain through parts of the area and it will be light with some light snow north and west. it's not that the morning rush tomorrow is such a big problem. the problem you have to think about is how you're getting home. windy and heavy wet snow wednesday midday through the afternoon. we'll talk more about this, matt, talk totals and show you what future tracker looks like in just a few minutes. >> most importantly, though, do you have your french toast
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supplies. >> yes, i do. >> all right, good. we're ready on that front. good morning, karen, good morning, everybody. construction crews getting a little work done before that next round of precipitation arrives. here on the schuylkill expressway it was eastbound overnight where they've been blocking the right lane and the on-ramp from 30th street and they continue to do that right now. should be clear, though, in the next half hour and overnight work on 95 northbound side around bridge street has already cleared out. so, let's talk about the damage from the last storm, from the friday storm because there's still a lot of it, still a lot of downed trees that we're trying to get rid of. have one blocking rittenhouse street at wissahickon avenue. couple chunks of queen lane in east falls remain closed. there's one on city avenue and southbound by the schuylkill sticking out into the right lane. one blocking wynnewood road by the seminary and we've got a couple situations in delaware county, downed trees blocking darby paoli road. that continues this morning. traffic lights still not working on the ramps connecting the blue route with baltimore pike. that's the media swarthmore
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interchange. germantown avenue reopened but bells mill remains closed. still a lot of damage but we're keeping track of it. matt. >> matt. the rush is on to restore month your to businesses and residents with the approach of another storm o best buy and the united artist movie theater remain in the dark in king of prussia. crews were busy installing a new transformer at sixth avenue near main street in collegeville last night. more than 20,000 peco customers remain without power right now. the utility company says it already has a plan in place for tomorrow's nor'easter. >> it's an all hands on deck situation. we have all 2600 peco employees fully committed planning and preparing in terms of staffing, resources, just a plan of attack for whatever it may bring. >> the action cam was at the home depot in king of prussia where people wasted no time buying brand new generators. head to for the latest watches and warnings of
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our next storm. you can also see multiple live views from storm tracker6 live radar. check in often over the next 24 to 48 hours as the next round of wintry weather arrives. >> developing now, people will be checking their cars for damage this morning after this scene. a tractor-trailer and crashed into an overpass and then drove right on through philadelphia neighborhoods. some of those tight streets dragging the ripped top of the trailer behind it. "action news" reporter jeanette reyes is live in point breeze where police finally stopped this truck driver. jeanette, how do you keep going and you don't hear the sound of the shear or the huge sound of this thing on the ground behind you? >> reporter: that's right, tam. and for several miles at that. the length of the debris that was dragging behind this car for about 3 miles is over 50 feet. take a live look behind me. you can see it starts here and goes all the way up to the truck, the door, even the back door of the truck was ripped off of the the driver went
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across intersections and through narrow roads as witnesses watched in shock and confusion. this is the incredible video shot by an "action news" viewer showing this truck as the driver travels more than 3 miles with the entire roof dragging behind it. the loud sound of metal scraping the asphalt waking up dozens of people in the process. police say this all started around 10:00 last night at 12th and callow streets when the driver and crashed into the overpass. this overpass which peeled off the roof of the semi trail and ripped off the back door. the truck finally came to a stop at 21st and point breeze where we are. that's where the truck enforcement department fined the driver. no charges have been filed but it's unclear if the truck driver was under the influence of any substance at all. we have not yet seen that driver and have not been able to get ahold of him. another kind of mystery is whether the -- any damage was done to nearby cars. it's likely that has been the
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case but we have yet to confirm that. of course, we'll probably be getting that information as the morning progresses when people get out and see if their car looks different than when they left it last night. we'll keep you posted. reporting live in point breeze, jeanette reyes channel6 "action news." matt. >> what a mess. thank you jeanette. flames tore through a trailer park in lower pottsgrove township montgomery county. viewer video here and some pictures show the blaze on high street near park street. the fire started in one trailer just before midnight and quickly spread to a second trailer. it took fire crews an hour to get the fire knocked down. there are no reports of injuries and so far there is no word on a cause. >> a southwest philadelphia woman spoke exclusive to "action news" about the terrifying moment that a stray bullet flew through her home. it happened on the 7100 block of brant place early yesterday morning. 17-year-old juanita fortune says she fell asleep while watching television and then all of a sudden she heard a
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gunshot. >> i was just laying there. then i heard this pop. when i heard the pop, my leg -- at the same time that i heard the pop, seemed like my leg was burning, too. >> the stray bullet only left behind a bruise on fortune's knee. police are looking nor shooter. >> a philadelphia deputy sheriff faces charges that he and sexually assaulted another deputy he was supervising. philadelphia police say 42-year-old steven postell of southwest philadelphia assaulted the 43-year-old woman while out on assignment in may of last year and another time in their workplace. the sheriff's office has suspended postell with the intent to dismiss. the families of the four young men who were all killed and buried on a bucks county farm last july are suing the parents of cosmo dinardo, the man who confessed to the murders. the families of dean finocchiaro thomas meo and jimi patrick filed their suits
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yesterday. the family of the fourth victim, mark sturgis, filed a similar lawsuit in december. they all claim that dinardo's parents should have denied him access to guns and the construction equipment he used to dig the graves. >> sunoco pipeline project being blamed for sinkholes in chester county. over the weekend a sinkhole developed on the 400 block of lisa drive in west whiteland township. a few doors down there's a sinkhole the size of a swimming pool. look at that. sunoco released a statement saying in part "we injector an approved liquid concrete mix sometimes referred to as flowable fill into holes that were created by soil movement. this action has been completed and all areas have been secured ." this in from our delaware news room. lawmakers introduced a bill to lower the legal limit for drinking and driving. the blood alcohol threshold would drop from .08 to .05. the bill has not been heard in committee yet but it's
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receiving pushback from the american beverage institute which says the law would criminalize moderate responsible drinkers. the national academies of science urged states to make the change months ago arguing it could save thousands of lives a year. >> 4:40. a horrific crash in new york city. a driver crashes into a mother and her children who were all walking across the street. >> the recently discovered wreckage of of a aircraft carrier sunk during world war ii. david -- i'm sorry. karen. >> we look very much alike. we're starting our day with dry conditions but we're ending with rain changing to snow. details on that next nor'easter coming up.
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>> checking out wreckage from the u.s.s. lexington. a u.s. aircraft carrier sunk by the japanese during world war ii. it was discovered 500 miles off the australian coastline.
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the vessel was dubbed lady lex. it was one of the first u.s. aircraft carriers ever built. a team of explorers led by billionaire paul allen the microsoft co-founder announced yesterday it was located at the bottom of the coral sea nearly 2 miles below the surface. >> fascinating. also fascinating are we going to make it to april. >> you know what, we are going to make it to april. it's going to be a little messy. >> we'll be beaten up by then. >> i think we'll be okay. let's take a look at storm tracker6 double scan. dry through the region right now but we're tracking yet another nor'easter that's headed through the area. so, watch as you're heading out right now. today is dry. later this evening and tonight we do have that precipitation that moves in. let's go on outside and see what it looks like right now as sky6 looks like live right now in penn's landing. it's a quiet scene and definitely the calm before the storm today. let's look at the numbers right now. it's 30 degrees. the dewpoint is 21. the winds out of the north,
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they're light compared to yesterday getting a little break with the wind. the pressure is falling with low pressure drawing near and the wind chill, what it feels like, 23 degrees. so, it's a cold start. here's your satellite and radar showing we're starting it off with clear conditions but you don't have to look that far to see the primary area of low pressure drawing near. that area of low pressure is going to transfer its energy to another area of lope low pressure and that will form our nor'easter that's going to be battering us tonight and tomorrow. so, ahead of that, we start with sunshine through the first half of the day. 29 degrees at 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., you're in the upper 30's. the clouds really start to fill in from the lunchtime as that area of low pressure draws near. it's 43. we reach the mid to upper 40's in the afternoon hours. even at 6 o'clock i think we're dry tonight. i would say between 7 o'clock, maybe 10 o'clock we watch the onset of some precipitation. here's a wider look right now and you can see that area of low pressure that brought blizzard conditions to the
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midwest, that is drawing closer and future tracker now picking up on this at 10:30 tonight, we start to see a mix of precipitation with some snow in the lehigh valley and a mix through philadelphia, rain in south jersey. we watch this track in the early morning hours. tomorrow for your morning commute, you're going to get a mix of rain south and east, a little snow north and west. the early morning commute is not the issue. i think tomorrow you need to make your plan of how you're getting home 'cause that will be the bigger problem. so, this is a look at 10 o'clock in the morning where we see the snowfall north and west and still a little bit of mixing going on in philadelphia. and then we watch that changeover and in the afternoon and evening, we get that thump of snow. it's a heavy wet snow that could accumulate pretty quickly despite numbers in some areas where we're looking at above freezing, very much like that last storm when you thought, well, it will mostly melt on the roads, we're talking temperatures above freezing but i think when it's coming down so heavily you're going to find it quickly
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accumulates and that's the problem for the afternoon and evening drive and it looks like it pulls on out of here by thursday night. this is a really wide range in totals. and i don't think very many people are going to be seeing 16-inches of snow. i think there's going to be one or two spots that do that but the idea is for the entire area of pink, through philadelphia north and west, you're going to get a good eight to 12-inches of snow and there are going to be one or two places that get as much as 16 so we're keeping an eye on this closely because of tonight into tomorrow, that heavy snowfall. here's your exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast. turning cloudy today pretty quickly, 47 degrees for your high. evening commute fine. at the end of the evening commute you start to get some light precipitation but tomorrow especially by late morning into the evening commute, that's when we expect the heaviest snow and it's going to be a heavy wet snow that comes down. 37 degrees for your high. the winds will be an issue as well and we'll be going
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through all the different components to the storm through the morning. thursday some sunshine returns and 42. 43 on friday. it's brisk and chilly. staying below average the entire forecast period. saturday mostly sunny, 46. you set the clocks forward saturday night into sunday. sunday we're watching the coast. it looks more than likely the next storm could impact us sunday night into monday. some snow is possible with this next storm. we've got a little ways out to work out the details with that. but first one coming your way and i think there's a good amount of people in our region that are going to see an amount of snow that's going to be an issue to drive through. >> thanks karen. a car hit a group of pedestrians in a new york city crosswalk killing two children. investigators say the 44-year-old driver blew through a red light at a brooklyn street corner yesterday. a four-year-old girl and a one-year-old boy were killed. the four-year-old's pregnant mother was taken to the hospital in critical condition. the one-year-old's mother was
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also injured. witnesses say the driver sped away dragging a stroller for almost an entire block and then crashing into several parked cars. >> everybody is like stop, stop. everybody was yelling. people was running across the streets screaming, crying, call 911. people trying to cover the baby. >> police took the driver into custody. a boat full of people in florida found themselves in need of deep rescue. crews received a call on sunday afternoon that that boat had run out of fuel and was drifting out of jupiter inlet dangerously close to a jetty. they were able to lasso the boat and pull it into harbor. none of the nine people on board were hurt. >> best actress winner frances mcdormand had her oscar night take a bit avenue dark turn. at some point during the evening someone stole her golden statue. terry bryant posted this video of himself on facebook proudly showing off an oscar at the governor's ball. he told people he won it for best producer but that's not
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the case. police say that oscar is engraved with mcdormand's name and was lifted during the party. bryant was arrested and the statue was given back to mcdormand. "good morning america" will have more on the theft and hollywood it's golden night. "gma" is at 7:00 a.m. right after "action news." we'll be right back. >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> you know the power of positive thinking? well, i'm going to think summer this morning and i'm going to think going for a swim. you want to here along columbus boulevard? there's a little lake. might be a little dirty. it's on the northbound lanes of columbus boulevard delaware avenue. it's pretty tough for northbound traffic to get by. we've seen a few vehicles squeezing by on the far left side of the roadway but i don't think i'd try to go for columbus boulevard this morning. maybe stay over on 95 instead. overnight construction on the northbound side of 95 has cleared out but they're still working on the schuylkill eastbound by 30th street. should be gone there in the next few minutes and they finished cleaning up that downed tree in olde city, so walnut street near independence mall is opened this morning, which is a little bit of good news. but plenty of other downed trees remain. there's one in whitpain still blocking morris road. skippack pike gets you around it. finished cleaning up the downed wires in towamencin so orvilla road reopened. hilltown township downed wires
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closing diamond street. keystone drive or green streets would be some alternates on this tuesday morning. tam. >> thank you, matt now. it's time to get your first look at business. amazon is looking to move further into financial services by offering customers checking accounts. according to the "wall street journal," the company is said to be in talks to try to do this with jp morgan capital one and other financial service firms. the dow gained 336 points when the closing bill. morning futures appear to be pointing to a higher open. we'll be right back.
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>> new from the notify night gunfire injured man in north philadelphia. he didn't initially realize he was hit. police say he was shot in the neck. it has been on the 2000 block of west haggard street at 9 p.m. the victim a man between 40 and 50 years old is in stable condition. police are trying to figure out who opened fire and why. three men hired to run a south jersey funeral home are charged with stealing from the company. the burlington county prosecutor's office says raymond zale his brother ronald zale and sean zale. the investigation began after the moorestown funeral home went out of business in 2016. >> ever since the eagles
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championship parade he has been the city's most popular mummer. >> now jason kelce has met his mini me. two-year-old landon slattery dressed in an exact replica of kelce's parade day costume. >> he met the birds center on sunday in valley forge. his parents made him the outfit and don't worry the mini mummer cannot recite all the words from kelce's legendary parade day speech. you tell me who is having more fun after the eagles super bowl win than jason kelce. >> he's doing a great job with fans. awesome. >> yeah. >> 4:57. power crews are working around the clock to restore power before the next nor'easter arrives. >> also at the right right place is the right time. see how skiers saved a young girl who slipped out of a chair lift. >> despite ripping the roof off of a semi truck, the driver just keeps going. see the damage in the city's point breeze section next. >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> "action news," delaware valley's leading news program with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. >> ♪ >> good morning. it's 5:00 a.m. on this tuesday march sixth. here's what we're following. >> we are timing out when the snow arrives as as utility crews rush to restore power before the next powerful nor'easter hits. >> developing this morning, the bizarre ride in the point breeze neighborhood. the roof of a tractor-trailer is ripped off by an overpass but that doesn't slow down a driver who just drags it behind him for miles. >> unhappily ever after. it was a shocking end to the bachelor season finale. hear why arie had a


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