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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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area for enemy artillery, our rocket launcher is one of the main targets, therefore, after completing the mission, the crew changes its location, the vehicle is charged again, it is ready for a new strike on the armed forces of ukraine, the military calls this crew hunters for militants, due to the hail, a bradley infantry fighting vehicle and an m3 howitzer were recently destroyed sevens. my entire crew is also on a volunteer basis , they came here with me to defend their homeland, the nizhny novgorod region for the most part, my senior gunner was a welder. driver too i worked in warehouses, because we need to defend our homeland, who else if not us, despite difficult weather conditions, reconnaissance drones are in the sky in the border area around the clock, when an enemy is detected , units of the ministry of defense immediately work on it, destroyed enemy military equipment means saved lives , the ukrainian army is trying every day to strike peaceful cities and towns. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. now.
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even those who have had their fingers torn off are abandoned, the tightening mobilization in ukraine. why is crossing the dniester no longer an option? why are draft dodgers being buried alive in zhytomyr?
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we were joking once in the studio , the director of photography said: my grandmother thinks that this is where you live. to the kremlin
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star, he is a man of pushkin and dostoevsky, from the pushkin tradition he has this elegance, this aristocracy, and from dostoevsky, of course, passion, let's go, bad form, dragging a notorious tiger by the mustache, dilute it with water, add sugar and put we'll poison people on pools, we'll waste it, we’ll regret it later, life will become more interesting, i don’t think dima will say anything in vain, believe me. his phrases, they are verified, let’s even give a hero’s star on the maidan for my body, simply because i am russian, that’s enough, i loved europe very much, now we have exchanged places, now we are in russia for freedom of opinion, but they are not, we the world is open, but they are not, he is from the breed that made russia great. vladimirevich says: “i wish you success, you are now my employee, this is the lead of the week and i am dmitry kiselyov.” kind
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evening, start the path to your dream with sber, open a free account for business. and connect to the sberbusiness thank you loyalty program, receive 10% cashback bonuses for purchases with a sberbusiness card and bonuses for account transactions. sberbusiness. sber is introducing a loan with a 2% cashback so that you have even more opportunities, opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay. opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please at first . opportunities to gain new impressions, a flurry of new impressions, a storm new impressions. apply for a loan at sbery and receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, it’s more profitable with sberim. what do we bring back from savito’s travels? a little sea, delicious
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educational and medical institutions. halmykelin, minikelin, amekerin, minikerin. fazno tse dovuk. on easter, russian lotto unites people, when we are together, our help is greater, in the charity easter draw, from each ticket sold, 10 rubles will be
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transferred to charity, we will draw thousands of cash prizes, every second ticket wins, catching a firebird’s feather is not easy, but everyone can get an interest rate on a deposit in gazprombank up to... per annum, open a deposit on tech laptop on megabook t1 with 21% discount. alpha friday - super cake every week on cards alfa bank. on friday, april 26, we are giving 30% cashback on fuel in our in -app refueling service. order a free alpha card and receive a superkick. not just profitable. alpha. profitable. well, next, a revealing video from the fsb, filmed at one of the railway stations in the kemer region. from the very first shots , plainclothes operatives detain men in military uniform in the waiting room. this is exactly how
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the service in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine ended for a twenty-six-year-old resident of buryatia. i found myself in transit in kuzbass, traveling to ukraine, where i planned to join the terrorist legion vyrusey. i had already bought all the ammunition and uniform, and a helmet, body armor, weapons were promised to be given by my accomplices, because, as he himself admitted, he planned to fight as an attack aircraft, it ’s just not clear why such a determined militant, when detained, suddenly began to whine pathetically, the russian freedom legion wanted to join, in order, but in order to fight against russia, once again, to fight against russia. already at the trial it became clear: the man had been preparing to flee to ukraine for almost a year, while not only communicating online with the ukrainian coordinator, but also promoting terrorism on his personal page, for preparing for state changes, the military court sentenced the failed attack aircraft to 10 years, first in prison, then in a maximum security colony, but at least he
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remained alive, since the safety of its militants is the last thing kiev thinks about, evidence will be provided by evgenia petrukhina , evgenya, good evening, they say nothing can stop you from dying for ukraine.
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this kind of policy, the combat effectiveness of ukrainian units, we see, for example, in the ocheretinsk direction a big breakthrough of the front. maybe that's why literally ukrainians are being squeezed out today by poland, where there is now a ban on the provision of consular services for men of military age, that is, if, for example, a passport expires, please go back to square, get a new one, and then welcome, well, if in the hands of the trade center you won't get in. kuleba ensured that no consular services were provided to those who, quote: sit abroad, were not
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provided. probably everyone has already seen, yes, how after the adoption of the new law on mobilization, everyone is already bursting into queues, they already want straight to the clock as quickly as possible, yes, i would like to escape from europe as quickly as possible, yes, but there is one hitch, no, they are breaking into the passport service to issue a new passport, renew it, but they don’t renew it. that is, it may well turn out that ukrainians will remain on the territory of poland without documents, and that they will ask for political asylum, they will begin to apply for either refugee status or the status of a citizen of this country, while some of their documents are still valid or they may be expecting to buy some documents are temporary there and so on and people from poland will try to move to germany from...
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grocery stores, here is uzhgorod, employees of the shopping mall are catching men right at the police military commissars are taking men of military age out of the cafe. in this case , the regime is saving itself, biden and the europeans, from what? from defeat. about a million, or even more, those who are on the run from conscription, this is the first category. for example, one of the deputies of the military regional commissariat said this. ivanofrankivsk region, which is in there are about 30-40 thousand of them on the run, and
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the ivanofrankivsk region is not the largest in ukraine, the second, somewhere around 100,000 deserters today, the square cloners are clearly trying to intimidate them, they are filming such staged horror videos, supposedly in zhitomir those those who intend to escape from the military commissariat are buried alive, so these... the colonists have someone to follow as an example, zelensky himself ignored the military registration and enlistment office summons four times, right there in the so -called tck territorial recruitment centers, ukrainians are already being tried lure not only with a stick, as they say, but also with carrots, they offer prizes, for example, a scooter, that’s right, so that you can get to the line of combat contact right on it, so to speak, with the wind, but even with such raids with such prizes from tcks who want to escape from ukromobilization. it’s unlikely to become less, because being caught in a trench is much more dangerous, with the prospect of ending up in a cool yew tree or the dniester, but if they’re caught,
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they’ll at least be able to spend time in prison. evgeniya petrukhina, ukrainian hunting. 80% of the aid that washington allocated to ukraine will remain in the united states, the washington post writes about this, specifying that most of the money will be used by american companies and the american military, from which the publication concludes that we are simply talking about support. the us economy, and as for ukraine itself, there is no optimism in the media about any turning point due to western supplies. although, as it turned out, joe biden pulled off a scam and went to kiev. we do not abandon our allies, we support them. biden's ink on foreign foreign laws military aid, among which the heaviest ukrainian ones have not yet dried out, the white house
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has already remembered the ravines along which to walk and deliver weapons to kiev. it will take us some time to dig ourselves out of the hole we found ourselves in as a result of the six-month delay while congress approved the aid. it's been too long and the effects of the delay are being felt in ukraine, so perhaps russia will achieve additional tactical gains in the coming weeks. however, in some ways the americans are ahead of themselves; the new package is worth a billion more at a low start, they are hastily packed somewhere in poland, but also in...
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the russian federation, as well as other cities in our country. the armed forces of the russian federation have already shot down several atacoms missiles, and this will continue to happen. here is the answer to the question about the plans of the kremlin, which supposedly is not going to stop, neither about poland nor about the baltic states, we are really not talking, but what is the difference in essence to the allocation and development of 60
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billion dollars, because this will not interfere with the american military-industrial complex and its lobbyists , always have an appetite.
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sport, but sometimes one gets used to the character too much, in kazan there are already complaints, that humanoids on all fours are so merged with nature, that they began to run around biting passers-by, in connection with which there were calls to recognize reincarnation in animals as destructive and even to introduce administrative responsibility for...
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between childish pranks, between play and involvement, when it already becomes an obsession, that is, one thing, when a child was jumping somewhere on the lawn with his peers, imitating the movement of animals, and another thing is when he leaves the house in the morning with a tail and cat or dog ears, we made a request to childhood asked to give an expert assessment of this entire movement's impact on... children's health. the fury subculture came from america. the word means covered with fur. people who are attracted by the image of anthropomorphic animals get together, take walks, and have picnics. but why do you need to be a cat or a bat for this, for example, well, for me this is some kind of self-expression, that is, this is my character, that is, this is me, but at the same time i can be open, friendly,
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approachable. you can imagine a fictional beast, fury they come up with characters, some sew their own costumes, it is clear that in this form they clearly attract attention, but why do they gather at all, because it can cost a lot , for example, one of the may events in moscow: food, music, bars, games, basic the cost of the bill is 900 rubles, however, as they say, the barbecue is included in it, here is the most expensive one, as much as 5000, only for your own circle, and if you also buy a suit, some go up to 100 thousand,
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they carry furies. if we are talking about walks, then i personally as an experienced organizer i declare that this is aimed at some positive, good, when a person comes to the park and sees a bunch, a really large number of people walking in various costumes, the sea, flowers, this evokes some kind of emotion, some kind of joy, that in children, in adults , among pensioners, quadrobers look no less outrageous, they also received complaints.
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i like to amuse people with my costumes, we are probably only looking for understanding, all sorts of fetishistic intentions with which we are constantly compared, this is generally some kind of insanity, but to be or not to be a fure in russia parents’ concerns are understandable, children can play too much, but what about adults, it’s hardly worth banning, but here is an attempt, with the help of an animal... to get away from problematic situations in society, not to solve, by the way, their personal problems and to replicate the non-solution of these personal problems for the rest, this represents, in my opinion, not a danger, but a certain one carries a certain risk for society, so we need to take a close look at what and how they are doing within the framework of this movement, and take a closer look at the truck
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simple enough. it’s hard to lose sight of them, and if you see them, you can personally express your concerns, they will answer you, they promised, they won’t growl. anastasia ivanova, brutal discussion. russia must constantly increase the production of goods entirely of domestic production, made on its own equipment using its own technologies. vladimir putin spoke about this today, speaking at the congress of the russian union of industrialists and
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entrepreneurs. which? strategic tasks ahead


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