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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 25, 2024 8:00pm-9:05pm MSK

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in the nineties the asset was privatized without approval from moscow? this is not about revising privatization; those who don’t need to worry, but those who work normally and successfully, what is important is the president’s explanation at the rsp congress. why was there no stormy applause turning into ovation? china explained to blinken why there is no need to interfere with friendship with russia. such actions are extremely hypocritical and irresponsible. american television. does not believe that blinken will be able to quarrel between moscow and beijing. i think it's incredible, unlikely. and europe looks with envy at how china's automotive industry is developing. it's like a smartphone on wheels. headlights are a round sky that is projected onto a square earth. let's take a look at the new products from the beijing auto show. and against this background, macron is either weaving intrigues or admitting defeat. orbán gives
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the reason: this world order has produced leaders who are not up to the task. sending weapons to ukraine, american politicians are sad. russia will achieve additional tactical gains in the coming weeks and is making no secret of its goals. we will help destroy the armed forces of our most important enemy, russia. will biden defeat his main domestic opponent? biden is the worst president in history, he has a very bad one. teams. nailil askerzadeh about a serious breakthrough. the world's first drug for the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis has been registered in russia. we went through a manual search and were spotted. yana shcherbataya about the features traffic on the crimean bridge when the country goes to the sea on maysk. grigory vdovin about what is happening in the patriarchal family of businessman german sterligov, where they publicly announced divorce and disinheritance.
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russia's strategic task is to increase the production of its own goods made on our equipment and using our technologies. vladimir putin spoke today at the congress of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs that it is necessary to achieve its implementation, despite the labor shortage. why won't bringing in migrants help the economy? is it necessary to allow foreign firms into the country that first fled and now have changed their minds? will there be a review of privatization? report by alexey konopko. the rsp congress always brings together one of the most representative compositions of guests: big business, ministers, governors, the leadership of the central bank gathered to talk about joint work for the next six years, and the main thing here is to know what to expect, precisely what is predictable for the years ahead, says the president, should, for example, there will be a new tax system, but the past should not get in the way. last time
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law enforcement agencies have initiated a number of cases to return some assets to state ownership, i would like to emphasize that this is not about a review of privatization, but about cases where the actions or inactions of the owners of enterprises and property complexes cause direct damage to the security of the country and national interests, the seizure of a business is justified only in the situation that was just mentioned. what i have said and will add to explain the claims to the owners is unacceptable any formal reasons for the clue, for example, if the asset was privatized in the early nineties in agreement only with the region, without the participation of the federal center, the federal government at that time itself overlooked these transactions, now i won’t say whether it was done consciously or not, it doesn’t matter, but... the fact remains that
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the government did not control, did not do what it was supposed to do, do it in accordance with the then regulatory framework, which means claims against the current owners, especially those who work normally, successfully, solve social issues, help to ensure national security, it took time to comprehend the news, i was honestly surprised why there was no stormy applause turning into applause, because today you formulated very clearly, there really is a need for a presumption of good faith of property purchasers, i can say why there was no applause , because de...
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the president recalled that the country will spend billions on modernizing the personnel training system. there will be 40 new campuses in the coming years. even more funds will be invested, of course, in the restoration and development of new regions. business helps here. i would like to convey words of enormous gratitude from the residents of donbass
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for the fact that they were not abandoned at the difficult moment of being eaten by this fascist evil spirits. we, in turn, should all thank the residents. donbass, novorussia, for their courage, patience and heroism, the most difficult trials that people have been going through in these regions since 2014, of course, sometimes they can’t wrap their heads around it, it’s just painful to watch, but we will restore order there, in donbass very good industrial potential, not by chance, in the twenties, we all remember, these posters of the twenties before...
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constantly in contact with the chairman of the central bank, lending volumes are growing and the pace is good, well, there is a threat, a threat - inflation, as the leadership of the central bank believes bank, it still
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hangs over us, we see trends, positive trends downward, but we see and the central bank sees, of course , these downward trends. inflation, although risks still exist, that’s why they keep it. but the performance of a business depends, of course, not only on rates. regulatory gelyutina, says putin , is waiting for the second series. for example, 3 years ago, the construction of a complex facility required 1,168 approvals, now only 607 remain. and this helps both the business and the regions where it invests. the governor of the murmansk region, having just recovered from a stab wound, came to moscow to say that thanks to investments, regional gdp had grown by 2.2 times. i've arrived. more people than left since '89 for the first time in murmansk region, last year - since the ninth year, for the first time, more children were born than in previous years. over the course of 10 years, the industrial development fund has supported 1,600 projects; agreements with the government on the protection of investment capital have allowed entrepreneurs to create 20,000 jobs;
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additional resources will now be allocated to industrial mortgages. last year, mainly for small and medium-sized businesses, 800 loans were issued. then it seems to me that an increase in the volume of financing for preferential industrial mortgage, we are having a hard time taking into account the interest rate, now banks are giving it. as a rule, at floating rates, if loans are taken based on the key 16%, then as changes change, and i am sure that there will be changes, i very much count on it, there will be loud, prolonged applause, please do not consider, some kind of pressure on the central central bank, yes, the pressure from sanctions, says the chairman of the union, will definitely not weaken, although... western business itself is suffering, which wants to return to our market without any luck, but it’s here, if
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are waiting, then definitely not with open arms. we are prohibited from entering western ports, but using the example of a specific company mac, a swiss international maritime operator, it is beginning to actively work in the russian market, well , the swiss have really appeared, i ’ll be honest, i still don’t really understand why we need them, and what we as a country or as a business ...
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in may, i will definitely take this book with me and give it to our friend, he is a strong leader and a real man. the gift, being responsible for its safety, immediately after the end of the conversation was carried away by the protocol officers. thank you very much, all the best, goodbye. and in the morning, in the same hall , leaders of socially responsible businesses were awarded. the president proposed establishing the prize at
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the last congress. almost fifty companies took part in the competition, but it was proposed to revive the half-forgotten function of social partnership for everyone. this, to a certain extent , disciplines the federal executive authorities when their provisions include interaction with social partners in the relevant sectors that they supervise, it does not require additional money, therefore. to another region to a professional guardian, so we made repairs for 90,000 rubles and then
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returned the dishes. in no case should we allow any lawlessness in terms of removing children from the family, because it means that if they don’t give breakfast there freshly squeezed orange juice is not a reason to take a child away from the family, the main thing is not the orange juice, but the love for the child. there are times when it is better to take the child from there, than with some alcoholics there he will live and suffer every day, this is a delicate thing, and here, of course, it is necessary to carry out an appropriate, well, appropriate policy, build it at the state level, so a business gives results if the one who creates it loves his putin noted that for the momentum russia has gained, we also need to thank entrepreneurs who not only work for profit, but also think.
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among the losses of western equipment per day were a czech vampire rocket fire system, a british galubica, two american self-propelled guns paladin and three more galubits made in the usa. russian units repelled seven counterattacks by ukrainian formations, and with their active actions improved their tactical advantage in several sections of the front line. as a result of the liberation of the settlement of ocheretina by an administrative building. there also appeared footage of the hoisting of flags of military units that liberated novobakhmutovka in krasnogorovka, behind which there are now intense battles, the russian flag was raised on the territory of a brick factory, this is the center city ​​and one of the main fortifications. about the combat work of the crews of the t-90m breakthrough tanks,
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a report by the military correspondent of vesti alexander kattsuba. lightning breakthrough is our tank. they are sent to a closed, camouflaged position to carry out a combat mission and strongholds of ukrainian armed forces militants, which we will now work on with 125 caliber. the actions of the tankers of the group of troops-center are coordinated by our reconnaissance drone. we are not like artillery standing in one place, but we can roll out to one position, then change to a second one, and this makes it more difficult for the enemy.
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neither dirt nor deep puddles interfere , that is, it will even run through a ford, if necessary, it has brought us out of bad situations more than once, when we were covered by enemy artillery, we left, we did not succumb to any fear, the ukrainian armed forces stronghold was broken, the assault units of the group of troops - the center goes forward, delivering an accurate crushing blow to the enemy, our tankers lose their position and change. the place of the next meeting. so, all day. alexander katsyuba, alexander malyshev, lead. 35. ukrainian neo-nazis received life sentences, another 345 were sent to prison colony for the abuse and murder of civilians. this is the result of the work of russian investigators. their tasks in the new territories were discussed at an on-site operational meeting in mariupol. the head of the investigative
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committee, alexander bastrykin, heard reports on the crimes of the kiev regime. we separately discussed support for the families of the participants for 2 months, he is accused of disclosing state secrets and threatened with imprisonment for 8 years, and the reason was the words spoken in a sermon more than six months ago, when the bishop complained that the sbu was collecting data on a massive scale
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pilgrims who were heading to the monastery to celebrate the nativity of the mother of god, there are three posts in tatyanovka, one on the mountain of the artyom stake, there is a post below near already at the end of tatyanovka , when they arrive at the monastery, they stand and check. ukrainian forces had already received from the united states even before the passage of the military assistance law in congress without a wide eye. the new york times is now writing about this, continuing yesterday's leaks to the press. the united states secretly sent it last week. new long-range missile system and ukrainian forces they applied it immediately. the delivery was part of a $400 million aid package in march, with
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joe biden personally ordering the long-range missiles. the kremlin commented on these secret missile deliveries, assuring that this would not change the course of the military operation in any way. in an interview with my colleague pavel zarubin, presidential press secretary peskov noted that even from the point of view of american laws, this was a dubious scam. when. apparently, these deliveries have already been made, the bill has not yet become law, it has not entered into force, accordingly, i would not rule out the possibility that those who made such a decision and implemented this decision violated the internal legislation of the united states of america, probably, probably some congressmen will pay attention to this and ask themselves whether everything was made? on the law, but biden and his entourage are now more worried about the november elections; according to bloomberg polls, trump’s advantage in the country is already 6%, and 40% of americans are generally
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worried that biden will be re-elected will not live to see the end of his term, so lawsuits against trump and his associates are multiplying , already in the fourth state of arizona he is being charged with rigging the previous elections of the sixteenth year, and the more the democrats are irritated by spontaneous rallies in...
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the consequences of the delay are felt in ukraine, so perhaps russia will achieve additional tactical gains in the coming weeks. however, in some ways the americans were ahead of themselves. a new billion-dollar package, still at a low start, is hastily packaged somewhere in poland, but back in march , atak ms missiles were secretly transferred to ukraine.
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to listen to trump, they gathered at 4 in the morning, because straight from the construction site, the forty-fifth president of the united states again went to the manhattan criminal court, where he was obliged to go to work.
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went off the rails pursuing his political enemies. take the conclusion of the congressional committee created by democrats that investigated the storming of the capitol as the basis of the accusations. of course, they are not targeting arizona deputies, they are still targeting trump. whether he can be judged for this will now be decided us supreme court. the last meeting of the year, which began today, will be entirely devoted to the issue of absolute legal immunity. former us president, the timing of the decision depends on when trump will be tried, before the elections at the height of the campaign or after, when, if he wins, he will be able to order the us department of justice to stop the prosecution against him. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and timofey mukhin, news from new york. another biden legislative initiative, an attempt to ban the social network tiktok in america,
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close too. to failure, the ultimatum delivered by the americans to the chinese owners of the company, to sell it within 9 months or be blocked in the usa, they are ready to bypass, they can sell tiktok, but without a secret. well, the chinese are now asking uncomfortable questions to american secretary of state blinken, whose three-day visit to china is now in full swing. report by alexander bolisky. he has been in china for 2 days already, but who did he talk about what with?
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these are not negotiations with the head of the chinese foreign ministry, and they have not yet been reported, but the chinese masters of ceremony, so there are no red carpets at the airport, to work up an appetite before meeting wang-yi, blinkin was accommodated in a hotel with the symbolic name mir. let me remind you that it was in shanghai that the united states and china signed a historic communiqué, which marked the beginning of the normalization of relations after 52 years, they are worse than ever. even before blinken’s visit , beijing said that there were, are, and will not go away, disagreements between the united states and china, but... negotiations should be done so that there are fewer of them, but first they asked washington to decide on a rival for him, beijing is still a partner, so far , after each new portion of us assurances about its readiness to work with china, beijing receives only another pressure. blinken was still flying on
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the plane when the american senate authorized the allocation of a new tranche to support taiwan; against the backdrop of spending on ukraine and israel, the amount of $8 billion could have gone unnoticed, but not in china; the americans remembered it too. and how washington puts pressure on ties with moscow. on the one hand, the united states introduced a large-scale bill on huge aid ukraine, on the other hand, made unfounded accusations against normal economic and trade relations between china and russia. such actions are extremely hypocritical and irresponsible. china strongly opposes this. the united states has long been persuading china to its side in the conflict with russia, but to no avail. therefore, the press writes that washington is not averse to carpet bombing. already the banking sector of the prc, it continues to process russian money, while, however, the americans decided to postpone this, supposedly they realized that neither china nor the whole world economy, but it’s hard to believe, and blinken got involved in drug trafficking. i came here to
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shanghai to work on issues that matter to the american people. one of them is fintanil, a synthetic opioid that is the leading killer of americans aged 18 to 49 . apparently, that’s why i met with students, but also with an american one. business for him , china is money and the market, however, the american secretary of state could have found out about this in the united states itself, what he had been doing in shanghai all day the day before, accompanied by ambassador burns on in the stands at a basketball game, a couple of americans are playing on local teams, and it would be worth flying across the ocean for this, some wondered, if, like in basketball, the usa played according to the rules on the political field, others added. i think the biggest victory he can count on is a real proposal from china. to stop providing material support for russia's military efforts, i think this is extremely unlikely. another topic that will likely be discussed is china's access to american technologies; washington dreams beijing of them cut off in order to interfere with developments in the field of artificial intelligence, and this
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is understandable, they ironize on chinese blogs; biden himself lacks intelligence. alexander baalsky, venekonov, nikolai petrov, news from beijing, china. a state of peace must be created. an effective system of control over migration flows, this was discussed today by the participants of the international meeting, representatives of those in charge of security issues. as secretary for russia nikolai patrushev noted, summing up the forum, illegal immigrants create conditions for change state borders and even for the disintegration of countries. illegal migration is a major source of humanitarian risks. it is closely connected with terrorism. threats, organized crime, trafficking in weapons, drugs, people and human organs. the belarusian opposition plans to seize a bridgehead on the territory of the republic and then call nato for help.
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president lukashenko spoke about this today. the ukrainian conflict remains the main factor that aggravates the situation in the region. in minsk they believe that now is the best time to resume negotiations between moscow and kiev. there is no need to put forward radical solutions, like volodya zelensky’s formula, well, it seems patriotic and so on, but it is unrealistic, it is unrealistic today. russia. today they will not leave either crimea or the eastern regions; if now , in my opinion, we do not negotiate, ukraine will over time lose its statehood and may cease to exist. at these moments, our cosmonauts are working outside the iss for the first time this year. main time, oleg kononenko and nikolay chup will be devoted to carrying out scientific tasks, in particular we are talking about the installation. equipment for experiments kvartsm and perspective km,
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which in the future will help create effective means of protection against corrosion of the russian segment of stations, develop new materials and designs. in addition, the crew will have to complete the deployment of a small-sized radar on the multi-purpose laboratory module nauka. according to the plan , the detachment commander and flight engineer will spend more than 6-15 hours outside the ship. rosatom intends to start producing engines for satellites. power units in seven countries, this is a world record, inside russia the share of clean ones is also growing . now our specialists are building 22 nuclear power plants. report by anna semyonova. rosatom is a corporation of strategic importance not only on a russian, but on a global scale. our nuclear scientists create and maintain the most modern and safe nuclear power plants around the world. new composite materials and power
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plants for orbital systems, are engaged in nuclear medicine, now the largest electricity producer in russia provides 20% of all output, to the beginning the forties should already be 25. rusatom makes a very big contribution to strengthening our scientific and technological sovereignty, works in all areas of key industries and the country's economy, this is petrochemical, this is oil and gas, this is aircraft construction. i would like to start with our international projects, this is the commissioning of the belarusian nuclear power plant, the delivery of nuclear fuel to bangladesh to the turkish republic, in this sense, these countries have already become nuclear powers, and the mechanical engineering record in nuclear engineering is five buildings reactors, 18 steam generators, a unique result, another record like this was never seen in the ussr, set for the volume of transportation along the northern sea. more than 36 million tons,
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transit is developing. last year, rosatom earned 2.640 billion rubles, excluding state defense orders. revenue is growing in new areas related to the development of technological sovereignty. the investment program of the state corporation in the twenty-third year exceeded one trillion rubles. rosatom is investing in its employees; salaries have increased by approximately 13%. this year's challenge is maintain world leadership in nuclear energy, and so on. also integrate into the all-russian economic and legal space new regions where rosatom has been working for more than a year and a half, including the reclamation of industrial landfills that were inherited from ukraine. the president sets the task to ensure that life there is no different from life in any other subject of the russian federation, and providing electricity to these regions is the most important task. in addition, the questions that arise there regarding zaporozhye npp, they... are in the area of ​​constant attention, including the attention of the rusatom corporation and
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the government, we purchase electricity, supply it to them, put things in order in the accounting system, in the control systems, implement russian rules for the circulation of electricity. as for the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, a lot of work has been done, primarily on the safety of the plant. the only thing that causes serious concern is the periodic shelling. we had flights over the last week on the roof of the training complex, on the roof power units. of course, as long as these attacks continue, the risks of a nuclear accident at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant are not zero. now rusatom is launching several new construction projects at once, we are talking about the seventh and eighth power units for the leningrad npp, a license for a small station in yakutia is being obtained, the physical launch of the kursk npp has been carried out, a world-class technical museum, the atom pavilion, has appeared at vdnkh. anna semenova, nikolai zakharov and vitaly marchenko, news! on the road approaches to the crimean bridge on
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the eve of the may holidays and season holidays, the number of inspection points has been increased, the number of tourists has traditionally increased , along with the main task of ensuring safety, it is necessary to reduce travel and waiting time, in addition, despite the fact that the bridge operates around the clock, temporary closures are possible. about how the procedure works and what you need to take into account to make your journey easier. jano cerbate, rest. on vacation or on weekends ahead of the may holidays, there are more and more cars going to crimea. all cars are inspected at the crimean bridge. at the entrances to the crimean bridge all flows are divided into three lanes, two. for passenger cars, here it all depends on the amount of luggage, and one dedicated specifically for buses, drivers who travel with minimal or no luggage will cross the crimean bridge faster than others, manual inspection is organized for them, through an x-ray, if i’m fully loaded with equipment, carry-on luggage, now there are few things, i will go back
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loaded, and i always know, i have almost nothing with me, and those who are carrying goods or a large number of things will have to stand in queue. significantly longer, such cars are inspected using a scanner, four cars in 10 minutes, and buses also go here. scan goes to cars, all minibuses, passenger buses and cars that are loaded with oversized cargo, as in this case. now there are dozens of inspection points on the crimean side, the same complex is being built on the kuban coast, it will open in august, in order to cross the crimean bridge as quickly as possible, drivers are advised to choose the time in advance. at night and early in the morning there are queues on both sides practically no, it is important to plan the day of the week. an increase in the flow of vehicles on friday from the republic of crimea, well, in the opposite direction, these are weekends, more on sundays, that is, the flow of vehicles on these
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days actually increases here. we 're used to it. safety comes first. we just drove onto the crimean bridge from the krasnodar territory, near our village. 75 million russians regularly go in for sports, how this area will develop, said the participants of the specialized plenary session at the russia exhibition, the country now has 35,000 different sports facilities from smart playgrounds to multidisciplinary centers.
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the finale of the comedy melodrama angel-rayon, the life of the neighborhood risks returning to the past, the candidate for deputy turns out to be a former crime boss and decides to take revenge on alyonya for his friend and accomplice perevozan, and mikhail leaves home. we will find out after the big news whether the main characters will be able to find a common language. well, while we're on the air, this is what will happen next in our program. macron predicts the death of europe. orban believes that europe will survive if there are people like macron. will leave. auto industry legends now prefer to work in china. let's check out the new products from the beijing auto show. the world's first drug for the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis, russian development. public divorce and disinheritance. what happened in the patriarchal family of businessman german sterlikov. well, of course, i’m bad, you’re all
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good, white, fluffy. angels of the area. while you were wrapping your snot around your fist, uncle if everything has been resolved, i asked you not to interfere, alena, i’m just confused, and even angels have the right to make mistakes, there are worlds of rooms here, everything is privatized, elena nikolaevna, mikhail andreevich, peony, will smell everything, make peace right away, in short, so, kolya, turn it on the return line, so that they stay away from it and on all sides, well , transportation, let’s go do good? angels, final episode, today on rtr, they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest,
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you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest, where . on the first coast, where everything is inclusive, relax, anex, immerse yourself in a world of luxury except your head, we know everything about holidays, comfort at rixsas golf villas and suit sharma, a magnificent world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy modern designed rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and sudes.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum. we are meeting on such a beautiful date of yours, you are 70 years old, happy birthday, dmitry kitelev
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is celebrating his anniversary, it would seem that dad is a general, but i never used it, it never even occurred to me, one day he was called to school, i behaved terribly, i studied poorly, he went there in his uniform from work, he then says how your chemist talked to me, march with me.
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the tests are perfect, there’s nothing about pregnancy, you and your husband go to the seaside, on saturday, i’ll come to the institute and give him a surprise, this is my passion, how can you not understand it, passion, any problem can be treated. sea, you need to unwind, go on a yacht ride, sea, sun, vitamin d, you are very beautiful girl, you dream of having a quick romance, forget it, i’m not like that, what hotel is she in, i want to save our family, he came with her with his mistress, make all lenya jealous, what do you have with my wife, your marriage is at the seams, sea ​​overseas premiere, can’t our lives just fall apart like that? no need to think about it on saturday on rtr.
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big news is on the air and we continue the release. ukrainian militants attacked a passenger bus with a kamikat drone in the village of kurkovichi in the bryansk region. the settlement is located border itself, the ethereal operator could not help but know that the strike was being carried out on civilians. the first footage from the scene shows that local residents immediately tried to help the wounded, some were unable to get up from the ground, four people were injured, another terrorist attack was carried out on a multi-storey building in the city of takmak , zaporozhye region, operational services are working on the spot, it is known three wounded. temporarily missing from the political radar , french president macron seemed to have given way in recent days euronewsmaker to briton sunak, loudly reminded today.
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orban also promised destruction, not for the continent, but for liberal politicians, who, according to him, will simply be swept away.
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turkish leader erdogan literally left him without a chair. but now they are attacking their own people, the same macron, and, as bloomberg writes, he is persuading the italian, giorgia miloni. evgeniy rishutnev understood the intricacies of european politics. when macron spoke at one of the oldest universities in europe, students had a blast outside its walls, staged a sit-in protest. they take us for wild people, youth, rise, youth were lifted by the shirt, dragged to paddy wagons, at the rally they supported palestine and condemned israel. in 1968 , parisian students dismissed the political titan charles, who was born 7 years after the death of general macron, in some ways trying to imitate the idol, who at one time was able to expel the americans and nato from the country. we need to build a europe
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that is able to show that it... is not a us vassal capable talk to everyone, but so far macron speaks only to the united states, and it seems, often on behalf of the united states, russia should not win, ukraine must continue to be supplied with weapons. daigol, who made a twelve-day visit to the ussr in the summer of 1966 during the cold war, was more consistent in his beliefs. america seeks to dominate europe, as well as latin america and southeast asia. we see europe from the atlantic.
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7 years of destruction of our industry and public services. macron wants the e.u. created a rapid reaction force by 2025 . 500 military personnel who will be able to begin performing tasks in a matter of minutes. we also need a pan-european military academy, and the fifth republic is ready to cover everyone with a nuclear umbrella. if we have a neighbor who has begun to show aggression, who has ballistic missiles,
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significantly improved in recent years, who has nuclear weapons. and demonstrates its potential, then our task is to build a strategic concept for european defense. macron's ambitions are clear to everyone, he wants to be the new leader is no longer so much france as a united europe. to be a non -nominal leader, you have to talk about sovereignty, the public likes this. the grandson of general de gaulle considers macron a classic populist. what amazes and upsets me is the emptiness, the emptiness of politics, the emptiness of the program, the concept of the government and the president. who is used to lying to the french, used to telling them beautiful stories and myths, instead of dealing with reality. at the other end of europe , viktor orban demonstrates his strong-willed qualities, the hungarian prime minister, he is really trying to conduct a sovereign policy, being inside an association with dubious sovereignty. macron's france with its ultra-liberal agenda is the complete opposite of orban's hungary. in
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recent years , liberalism has been established in the west. elections to the european parliament will take place. macron, writes american publications, is trying to influence the appointment of the head of the european commission. ursula von dörlein remains the favorite, but the french leader, who at one time made her hand in getting her to the post now wants to push through another candidate, mario draghi, the former head of the european central bank. and here, it turns out, again emmanuel
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macron’s legacy was not without ambition. a forty-six-year-old leader who cannot seek a third term. does not place nuclear weapons on the territory of new members and does not build storage sites for them, president duda, of course, is aware of this, as you know, during my visit to the united states, the question arose about a joint
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nato nuclear mission and the possible participation of poland in it. mr. prime minister donald tusk then said that he wanted to meet with me to talk about this matter, i replied that of course i was ready. and poland is ready to violate all legal norms of the eu, and judging by the statement of the minister of defense koseniak kamysh. start deporting ukrainian male refugees, because kiev so desperately needs cannon fodder. i think many poles get angry when they see young ukrainian men in hotels and cafes and hear how much effort we should put into helping ukraine. synchronously with the poles about the intention to help ukraine return to its homeland draft dodgers, lithuania also said. evgeny reshitnev and anna lvova, vesti. to the great sadness of europe, it is not she who now dictates the automobile industry. for the eighteenth time, china today opened the doors of its flagship auto show for the first time as a world leader. at the end of last year, the country became the largest exporter of cars, displacing japan, and one of
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the key factors was its full entry into the russian market. the west could not help but notice this fact, and all leading manufacturers brought new products to beijing. total for exhibitions will present more than 100 completely new models and will pay special attention to cars using clean sources. alexander balsky became acquainted with trends in which technology intersected not only with fashion, but with politics. the beijing auto show, which has already secured the title of flagship, winks with the headlights of new cars. the organizers promised almost a thousand of them here, it’s hard to even wrap my head around it. many models, however, are familiar, the changes are minimal, like a new radiator grille, but there are also absolute premieres. this is of course amazing, because 30% of all chinese. the automobile brands that are presented at the exhibition simply did not exist two, much less 3, years ago, but today they are already full-fledged players in the auto industry and their new products are of enormous interest. a two-seater leopard supercar with elegant scissor doors,
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the brainchild of the former chief designer lambarghini , many legends of the auto industry have moved to the celestial empire to work on the new model from the zika, for example, stefan dzilov worked, previously created the exterior of audi and bently, and today the miniven mix is ​​already the fifth model a well-known chinese brand in russia, such in... china is now a new trend, even smart, which was originally created as a city mini-car, has acquired the features of a hardcore suv. smart is getting older, bigger, we have moved from small models, now we have a solution for all clients. at the eminent western stands, the cars were miscalculated once or twice, the interest in them is minimal, all the attention is on the chinese automakers, after all, they take the filling, the smart one, the one where autonomous driving is located, well-known manufacturers of electronics and gadgets have already taken up the cars, around first. xiaomi didn't have a lot of excitement , there was a huge queue, and this is already a car from huawei. it's like a smartphone on wheels, a very smart car, very functional. and in this chair i feel like a big boss, well, not
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that big, okay, a real boss. russian autobloggers are studying new products with an eye to the fact that they will soon appear on russian roads. the chinese are meeting the consumer halfway. they make spacious cars for all passengers, while the west professes the following. principle: if you want to drive a cool car, pay a lot, but the chinese allow you to drive a cool car that costs, well, relatively speaking, average money. that’s why european concerns and european officials are nervous, they promise increased import duties for chinese cars, which in the prc is called protectionism, but you can’t argue with the trend, there are more and more chinese cars, in russia they have already replaced the departed western brands, although most of these models are still before us electric trains like the updated havel won’t reach you, but... here’s a model from lisyan, it’s positioned as the most budget-friendly crossover line, not everyone wanted the car to be long, but many wanted this particular brand, so we made it a little smaller, but the quality, naturally, is the
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same, both materials and technical characteristics, all the information about traffic on the windshield is on the dashboard itself, no displays, they are on the side of the passenger, it’s even surprising for a chinese car, this is not a salon, it’s a home theater, and how difficult it is to compete in terms of finishing with the oldest car brand... the celestial red banner, as experts would say , counts official supplier of the chinese comptia, represents both an alternative to the german ss-class and a timeless classic. this design has. the headlights are a round sky that is projected onto a square earth, and the grille is like bamboo, which means that you need to strive higher and higher, which is what we do, they say so about these cars, the emperor's choice, but they keep up with over time, supplementing the line with models that are stylish, fashionable, youthful, also a chinese trend, which increasingly dictates global automotive fashion. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov, news! from beijing.
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already, the entire student body of america, from the atlantic to the pacific ocean, is engulfed in pro-palestinian protests. spontaneous barricades were erected at emerson college, the university of southern california, even in conservative texas, at the university of austin. not to mention columbia university, where protests escalating into riots have not subsided since monday. at night, police tried to push the demonstrators out of the campus gates, but during the day they again set up tents with posters on the lawns and prepared for the speaker's visit. rep. mike johnson, the third-largest man in the state, was shouted at "mike sucks" and booed for his speech. the authorities also do not stand on ceremony with the demonstrators, hundreds of students have already been arrested, the governor of texas sent units of the national guard to protest campuses and called for the expulsion of everyone who demonstrates, and the french mon believes that the action of american students is an electoral trap for...
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medical drugs are being prepared by scientists from the federal medical and biological agency that sanctions have become an incentive for research, colleagues of the department spoke today at the final meeting, and we are talking not only about foreign analogues that have stopped being supplied to russia, but about medicines that no one in the world has made before. one of the agency’s most important scientific areas is the development of personalized high-tech drugs for the immunotherapy of malignant neoplasms. the drugs are created based on genetic studies of the patient and his tumor. we hope that in the coming years everyone will witness positive changes in the treatment and prognosis of cancer . close cooperation between rostec corporation and fmba is aimed at resolving issues. import substitution
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of medicines is a result, but we can consider the beginning of the joint development of vaccines against deuteria, tetanus, whooping cough, hepatitis b, hemophilia infection, polymealitis, the release of which will resolve the issue of russia’s current dependence on foreign supplies. the russian ministry of health has registered the world's first drug for the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis. more about this let's talk to our columnist nailyadyn. good evening, who most often suffers from this autoimmune disease and how does it generally manifest itself? igor, good evening. most often , the disease develops in people under 40 years of age. own immune cells begin to attack cartilage tissue and joints, perceiving them as foreign. as a result , the intervertebral discs and vertebrae are destroyed.


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