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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 25, 2024 5:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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for people, so, that’s it, the grafting is done, by the way, you can also fix the peasant, if you have a male plant, you can re-graft it with a female cutting, let it bear fruit, let it bear fruit, that’s actually the grafting, listen to andrey tumanov, friends, the main man, orchestra in the gardens of our country, well, friends, the time for the program has come to an end, we wish you a great summer, good harvests, and if... you know, any interesting ideas, write to our editor, thank you very much, andrey , thank you, take care of yourself and your loved ones,
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hello, dear friends, comrades , your favorite program 60 minutes is live, about the most important things, so, let's start with breaking news from the front. russian fighters took full control of the krasnogorovka center. in this footage, the fifth brigade of the first corps of the eighth army raises the russian flag over a brick factory. this is the main facility in krasnogorovka. small pockets of resistance. the vsu still remain on the western outskirts, but they are being cleared right now, so we are waiting for good news, there is new success in avdeevsky direction, after the rapid liberation of ocheretin, fireworks in this honor on your screens, immediately beyond the border of neighboring novabakhmutovka, the russian army liberated solovyov. now the hard work of mastering arkhangelsk has begun. if we take
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arkhangelskoye, then the armed forces of ukraine will be forced to abandon the huge area west of novokalinovo, but also novokalinovo itself, or boil in this cauldron. the lid will soon slam shut on the apu. yaro today, near the city of lancet, another american paladin was burned. the russian army is advancing from two flanks at once, help, and in 24x7 mode, provides russian attack aircraft.
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not all ukrainians will be happy with the conflict, well, the clown said that the ending of the ukrainian , that is, yes, drug addict, finally realized that russia cannot be defeated for 61 billion, you can only prolong the agony and delay the collapse of ukraine until the elections. usa, that is, until november. a red truck with a twin zu23.2 anti-aircraft gun in the back is heading to its first position this night in the kharkov region. this vehicle and unit are part of the mobile air defense forces of the ukrainian armed forces.
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high, everything i see on the tablet screen, and if russian missiles and drones are flying very fast, then i take aim, it’s a tiny dot, it’s barely visible, it’s very difficult to shoot down a target at such a height at such a high speed, one glance at the screen of shooter zinichik’s tablet is enough to understand what he means, well, purely for the sake of demonstration.
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wounded, artillery is shooting everywhere, it must be said that danger
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always awaits here, especially from drones, soldiers are constantly trying to shoot them down, no, not we lost a lot of soldiers, both killed and he hit too high. closer to lunch russian bombing intensified and got closer to ukrainian positions. soldiers have to remain in shelter for at least two hours. the day spent in vakopia allows us to better understand the degree of fatigue and exhaustion of ukrainian soldiers, most of whom have been on the front line for many months. we also better understand that russia's war of attrition poses the greatest challenge to... russia has now dramatically increased its efforts to advance east of this city in order to take the city of hours, the possible loss of the city will be a serious blow for ukraine,
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since the russians will open up a very important road to cities such as kramatorsk in the north, as well as konstantinovka, because russia will gain even more heights in order to shell these transport hubs used by the military. believes that russia could launch a large-scale offensive as early as may, which means that a new batch of aid from the united states will not be able to get to the front quickly enough. we're heading to the clock. the russians have been destroying this place for several months now. the city, trying to take it over. now this is one of the most dangerous places, and we are going there together with units of ukrainian border guards who used to guard the state border, but now they have become participants in the battle for the city against the advancing russian troops. how far away are the russians, from here it is about 3 km to them, the
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altitude makes it a key strategic city for the russian advance, russian troops can use it as a transit point and launching pad for attacks deep into eastern ukraine. so they can to surround a huge part of our territory, we are critically short of shells. american weapons and ammunition could start arriving within a week, but aid is not a panacea. the soldiers say they need help now as they try to hold off the chasyaar long enough for new weapons to arrive. the russians broke through the vcu defenses in several places at once. note two settlements in the donetsk region, firstly, this is ocheretina in the ovdeevka region, most of which has already come under the control of the russian army, and secondly, this is krasnohorivka, a little to the south, there russian troops are also successfully advancing, in general, as before, the russians are pressing colossally. after
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the ukrainian president returned serfdom to ukrainians, which, by the way, was abolished by the russian tsar, poland officially decided to help zelensky find meat.
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the eu, look, they are renouncing their ukrainianness en masse, however, this did not affect the position of the criminal kiev regime, here is a recent example, in short, on... the ground, if you rebel, they will shoot you, so the military commissar
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creatively explains to the man that he was wrong for trying to escape the war. according to the border service, every day 10 evaders try to cross the country's borders. today another ukrainian wanted to swim across tisa on an inflatable mattress, he was caught. for now. in the morning we go to the podolsk territorial recruitment center, under the canopy we need to get summonses so as not to get wet, because the weather is like this, what is our plan now, we come, we have summonses all over the house, here sometimes people go to work in the morning, for example , walk with the dog, walk with dog, o 37 o...
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tskk zashlyatyt. and as a result, it turns out that you didn’t serve a single summons today. no, they didn't deliver it. well, exactly 79 years ago, on the twenty- fifth.
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at that moment it was already in full swing, in fact, as it is now, biden today, look, showed how he signed a document with a new aid package to ukraine with his decrepit hand. the american grandfather, like his kiev puppet, is sure that this will help him never bow to putin. for the allies, who were apparently ready to bend over, he explained that if not helped ukraine. miroslav radakovsky, look, released a dove of peace from his jacket pocket right at a meeting of the european parliament, but the bloodthirsty meps quickly besieged the slovak, said that there would be no peace with russia,
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and in general wearing doves in a jacket is a mockery. potential carriers of nuclear weapons. it is noteworthy that the americans themselves stopped showing the number of items, only the name. but the key thing is, almost simultaneously with biden’s speech. the reiders agency reported that the united states has already secretly
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transferred long-range modifications to kiev operational-tactical missile attacks. this happened in march. and according to the publication , politicians have already used atakoms twice to strike deep into russian territory, we are probably talking about attacks on the military airfield in dzhankoy. biden's national security advisor sullivan also reveals secret details, saying that biden made the decision on the attacks back in february, in february. republicans, endless disputes in congress. once again biden sent weapons.
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now, as the pentagon has confirmed, ukraine has new weapons, they secretly received from the us long-range atacams army missile system, they received secrets from the united states of the long-range atacams army missile system, with which they are capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 300 km. i can confirm, as you have heard from others, that in february the president directed his team to provide ukraine with a significant number of atacom missiles for
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use within ukraine's sovereign territory. these deliveries began in march. as part of the president's relief package on march 12, and these missiles arrived at ukraine. until recently, as we have stated repeatedly, we were unable to deliver these attacks due to concerns about our readiness, but behind the scenes the administration, across the board, has worked tirelessly to address these issues. with a significant number of atacoms now coming off the assembly line and entering us warehouses, we can move forward in providing atacoms while maintaining combat readiness. us armed forces. it's a little surprising that this help began to arrive so quickly. thanks to them ukrainians can attack ukrainian territory along the crimean bridge, across crimea itself, and so on.
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but i would like to say that this help should have arrived many months ago, because the russians had already dug in, took trenches, and erected a barrier against ukrainian forces. they were also able to place more people there and were able to stockpile more missiles. these attacks serve one purpose. the us wants to make sure that ukraine will not be left without them, they have already provided medium-range missiles in 2023, they also did not report this then, again for security reasons. they didn't want russia to know what capabilities ukraine had. of course, the longer the range of these missiles, the more damage can be done. i can confirm that the united states provided ukraine with atacoms long-range radio-assistance missiles, at the direct order of the president. directed his national security team to send acoms to ukraine for use only on ukraine's sovereign territory, this was in february, movement began as part of the
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military aid package that we announced on 12 martha. the missiles arrived in ukraine this month, and we didn't announce it right away, to ensure that ukraine would be safe to act upon its request, and let them talk about their use and whether or not they could be used in their own military operations. some of these weapons were already stored in europe, the americans can deliver them within a matter of days. i think there is a possibility that they could radically change the balance of power, and this includes long-range missiles in an attack that could put the entire territory of crimea at gunpoint make it unsuitable for defense. also from a psychological point of view, i think this sends a signal to the kremlin. i think this is what ukraine needs in this period of hostilities, but i don’t think it will change dramatically.
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with reference to secret documents of the german army, lieutenant general of the bundesfer andre bodem. acknowledged that the security plan emphasizes the use of civilian services to feed large numbers of us military personnel. the germans expect a conflict with russia in the coming years and a new term in 3 years. the chancellor himself scholz told germany that in europe it is germany that is the main sponsor of the kiev regime, which has already supplied ukraine with weapons worth almost 28 billion euros. well, now it's funny. under the guise of russian. journalist katya kremlin, a german comedian, talked to burghers on the street, and warned that if berlin arms
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the kiev regime, the russians will make borscht out of the germans. in general, in germany they don’t even know that in ukraine they consider borscht their dish and even asked unesco to include ukrainian borscht in the list of intangible things. according to a survey, 43% of germans are against new arms supplies to ukraine? are you also against arms supplies to ukraine? naturally, yes and no, that is, for peace, but on the issue of weapons, i still have no idea. exactly, decide what types of weapons and how many you will send to ukraine, so that we, russians, know exactly what we will face when we go beyond...
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central asia in the program of visiting tajikistan, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan, kazakhstan and turkmenistan. the purpose of the trip, of course, is predictable, to reduce russia’s influence on the state of this region. example, the head of the office submitted personally in an interview. he directly
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said that there is no turning back in relations in britain with putin, however, this statement was partly an attempt to justify himself to journalists who recalled that at one time cameron, who has now become a hawk, drank beer with the chairman of the people's republic of china shizen pinn, and even went out with putin to judo. it was in 2012, during the olympics in london at that time, who held the post of british... together with putin watched the duel of heavyweight dudaists, and became a triumphant in the final russian tagir khaibullaev, whom the russian leader came down from the hall to hug and congratulate on his victory, winning gold at the olympic games. and now, cameron, who has become the head of the british foreign ministry, claims that his eyes literally opened, he realized
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that the russians are more evil. now it’s simply impossible to believe, is there any way back for them? did you believe in such diplomacy? could this happen again in the future? i think that with putin absolutely not, when i became prime minister, we had difficult relations with russia, i thought it was right try and see if we could build a better relationship, but ultimately it fell apart because of what russia did in syria and because of what putin did in ukraine in 2014, after i left the post of prime minister -minister
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of great britain in 2016. the relationship got worse, but because of what putin did, he has behaved even worse since then. but macron said today that europe is mortal and may die in the near future. in france itself, a new scandal less than 92 days before the olympics in france, a new a misfortune that can outshine rats, bedbugs and even all the faeces. the alarm was sounded, this time by french epidemiologists. the country is recording a record number. cases of imported fever. according to their data, since the beginning of the year , 1,679 cases of this disease have been recorded, and the virus continues to spread. well, that is, by the start of the olympics, it may no longer even be an epidemic, but a pandemic. another scandal before the games in paris is related to blm. unexpectedly , it turned out that at the opening of the olympics, the french anthem would be sung by an african woman, a dark-skinned woman.
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native. wakes up asking how he can humiliate the french people any more. i wonder what the french junior football team thinks about this? look, all as one, the well-to-do inhabitants of france. macron himself literally rushed to correct the situation, so to speak, by personal example he decided to show that parisians also know how to play football. emmanuel entered the... field as
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part of the varite team, a strange name, but it probably suits macron; before the game he was stretching his bones for a very long time and busily, at some point he was waiting. notice that he didn't even move and kindly made it clear that he does not plan to save this penalty, as the french joke, the goalkeeper missed a weak kick in order to pay less taxes, but macron is just
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full of joy. his wife, bridget, was also present at the game, she was also happy and even said that macron is almost a professional football player, saying that he has been interested in football since his youth. during his student years he played attack, it was at the university, by the way, that emmanuelle bridgett’s affair began, the already mature teacher seduced the boy macron, then abandoned her family and started cohabitate with a child, what has grown out of him, look, le numéro 9, l'un des plus grands attaquant africains. and number three is emmanuel macron. this
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lifts my spirits. 3:1 in favor of the president's team. there is a white team on your screens. emmanuel macron is currently on the second line, so he makes a couple of passes, however. at the moment, he is not the leading player on his team. on the field in the plaisir, the french president sweats yellow coins for company. having lost the ball, the head of state decided to act more harshly, lead the game and even make a couple of unsuccessful feints. side by side with the world champions of 1998, laurent blanc, didier daschamps, robert perez and marcel dsi, emmanuel macron came to support the dsa organization.
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it's a foul, look, look, they fall on each other, a red card, well, it's a yellow card, maybe a blue one, oh, emmanuel, not you, what have you done, guess whose team won, the president's team, yes, the president's team, 5:2, i, of course, do not claim that they succumbed to him, of course not, what can't you do to avoid taxes? he wanted to flex his muscles for a photo. inevitably there is a slight hint of narcissism. after all, he plays with football stars and people like that. there is a long love story between emmanuel macron and football. check out this historic photo taken during
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the 2018 world cup victory. just unbelieveble. he celebrates in the stands. now look at this photo of emman macron trying to console mbappe after our defeat during the last championship. for some reason, he seems to be here... by the way, from the french problems in paris today , the windmill of the famous cabaret moulin roush has also collapsed, that is. macron, but he can’t cope with anything at all. now the usa. 40% of americans are afraid that biden, if re-elected, may not live to see the end of his second term. these are the survey data that lead to the san building. also , us citizens are seriously concerned about the mental abilities of the eighty-one-year-old grandfather, as he is called a dementor. if you still doubted that the united states is in a state.
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technical sneakers, so as not to fall again, right there, to prove his ability to work, probably, self-propelled joe claims that he remembers exactly how to put on boots, for some reason he told him how to mow the grass, the president of a nuclear power told us, sometimes he manages to escape to mow the lawn near the white house, but now - he told the secret. the service prohibits this too, i wonder if biden does
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anything himself, he doesn’t breathe himself, we all remember about the breathing mask, he doesn’t dress himself, he doesn’t walk, he doesn’t even speak, everything, everything, everything reads the prompter, diligently carefully, now he declared that we are moving towards democracy, pause, applause, then the curtains, well, that is, he read the hint. by the way, donald trump still believes that windmills cause cancer. by the way, it was he who advised injecting a little depilatory into a vein during the time of kavid.
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what can we do next? for another 4 years , us president joe biden was mercilessly ridiculed on the internet after reading the instructions on his. users of social network x again criticized the oldest ever serving president. now it 's becoming like a forrest gump presidency, a whole box of chocolates to see what stupid thing he'll do next. president biden spoke at a trade union conference in washington and continues his election campaign. when the eighty- one-year-old president walked onto the stage to speak, he... looked weak, tired and confused. biden repeated his
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campaign claim that he drove a truck. these are the words of his speech yesterday florida. yes, i drove an eighteen- wheeler. do you know what i did? conducted negotiations. yes exactly. however, several. publications refuted his words because they could not find any evidence that he was the truck driver. some other statements biden has made in the past are also being refuted. one politician responded to the eighteen-wheeler truck story back in 2021. so, i quote: the closest experience he ever had was when joe biden was still senator. in 1973, he drove a tractor-trailer 900 km from delaware to agaya. you know, and i flew on a boeing 737, because you were
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a passenger, and yes you are, but i was in control. this, by the way, is not the first time he says that he drove a truck, for example, in july 2021 at a plant in pennsylvania, he also told this story during a speech at a college in minnesota. it’s interesting that we don’t have a person who could come up to him and say, mr. president, you should forget about this story, everyone has already understood everything, because he’s already... said that he grew up in the porto rican church, in the church for blacks, he said it himself, you know, this is a great trait for a politician, if you can promise anything, then you can get anything, yes, you endure failure, until...
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us president joe biden gave a speech in tampa, florida, during which he tiredly shook hands, despite the fact that there was no one on stage, although at the beginning of the speech the president seemed energetic and even ran up the stage. look at georgia, arizona, nevada, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin and north carolina, because that's where the race will be centered, trump, of course, has an advantage, mostly in the south. biden is making big gains in pennsylvania and wisconsin, but they are still very close. trump's prosecution won him independent voters.
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in fact, it appears that trump's lawsuits won't affect his campaign at all; it has only rallied his base and brought in independent voters. we've all seen biden walk around in his shoes, and bookmakers are already placing bets on the result of the elections, so tell us what are the chances, which of them will become president? well, we asked the americans how they think biden will live another 4 years, that is, will he live to see the end of his second presidency? so, only four out of ten respondents believe that he will be able to live. this greatly affects people's minds. biden is trying to hold on to his voter base, he has problems that... well, a little more about washington in the so -called war against terrorism, the united states destroyed, just think about it, almost 5 million people, and this is a very approximate
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figure; at the american university, brown was calculated at the minimum, but they said that they would establish an exact figure.
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islamic terrorism already 15 years ago, they began to create it in the eighties, and then having created it, they began to fight with it, the united states spent 2.5 trillion dollars on the operation in afghanistan, how this operation ended is probably known to everyone, in particular with an explosion in kabulul airport, where
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the famous us evacuation took place. the pentagon then talked about the death attack. today cnn published footage from gopro cameras of marines, which refute the official pentagon version. the footage shows that after the explosion, the taliban began shooting american marines, but the us authorities chose to disclose this information. we are talking about at least 50 dead. hey, are you okay? let's go! these are fragments of video that have not previously appeared in the public domain and which reveal brutal facts long denied by the us military. let's go back to that terrible evening on the twenty-sixth. august 2021. bomb isis near kabul airport bursts into crowds of people. 170 afghans and 13 us troops
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die in the worst loss of life event in decades. a moment of ferocity at the end of america's longest war. but since then this event has remained the subject of controversy. two pentagon investigations claim all were killed by the bomb , refuting testimony from dozens of afghans who told cnn two years ago that afghan civilians were fired upon during the chaos following the blast. but on sound a transcript of a new video that begins outside the airport gates shows that far more gunfire was fired after the bomb went off than the pentagon claimed, coupled with new cnn reports of marines opening fire and injuring civilians, casting doubt on the credibility of two pentagon investigations, in which stated that not a single afghan was shot dead in the chaos following the explosion. the bomb explodes, shooting begins, the military runs for cover, this protracted burst
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totals about a network of shots, in total 20. we count the number of shots and shooting episodes based on two analyzes of experts on the screen. short lines and then silence. in a moment, the total number of shootings you've heard will be greater than the three reported by the pentagon, hey, you're okay, the shooting continues, we skip ahead 27 seconds as afghans run into the airport with their hands up, another round of fire, what is this tb? they don’t understand whether the taliban, or tb for short, are shooting at them. two marines said they saw the taliban immediately after the explosion, they looked as
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shocked as the participants in this video. more shots. the measures you just watched. it was a powerful burst of machine gun fire. in the direction of the stolizhe tower at the entrance, approximately from the place where the explosion occurred, it was from there that you heard the shooting. it had to be around that area, right? and there were us marines there, right? this most likely came from the marines on site? do you think they shot at the ground? i can't say for sure, but they don't would shoot in the air, right? no, they wouldn't fire into the air because... you had specific orders not to fire warning shots, right? it wasn't a direct order, but it was what was accepted: no warning shots. these are
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children, they are young, they were taught only what they were taught to do. another survivor, christian sanchez, who was evacuated with wounds to his left arm, also said he shot at a man who he thought was shooting at him. they're still here, all i heard was the sound of the flash, and then i start i hear clicks and understand that it’s some dude shooting at me. i, man, i just start shooting. cnn has plenty of evidence indicating that many afghans were shot. 2 years ago we heard 19 testimonies from afghan survivors who saw people shot at or wounded themselves. this was confirmed by 13 medical reports on field injuries. afghan doctors also told us that they counted dozens of dead as a result of the firefight. despite the fact that we described our video recordings in great detail conclusions.
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yekaterinburg, while it was still hot in the urals over the weekend. in yekaterinburg , the thermometer rose to +30. now the t-shirts and shorts had to be put aside and down jackets, gloves and hats taken out of the closet again. the street of yekaterinburg is covered with snow. the height of the snowdrifts is already 16 cm, and there is terrible ice on the roads. the traffic police urges you to be more careful; lucky, of course,
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are those who have not changed their winter license. tires for this sunday, the first day off in may to drive, however, the suddenly returned winter will not stay for long, already in summer, others are advised not to have holidays at all in yekaterinburg, +25 is expected, in moscow, this time, there seems to be no anomalies so far, throughout the big weekend it will be warm and sunny, so nothing seems to interfere with the may kebabs. by the way, the preparation of kebabs has increased this year by 10%, statistics from rossfrutsoyuz of the russian food union tell us, chicken kebab has risen in price the most, turkey kebab has risen the least, well, look at the snowfall, guys, today officially opens jestyanchik day, that’s what we have in the urals
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weather, literally 3 days ago. it was +30°, everyone was wearing t-shirts and shorts, on april 25, 6:00 in the morning, there had been no snow for a long time, a blizzard had begun, snow was falling, the sky was dark blue, blue, what was it? and this, guys, is april, april, april, april, but the snow is wet, humid, oh, it’s crazy what ’s going on, and it’s still falling, there’s already so much piled up, i didn’t remove it yesterday, but how to drive a summer one ? rubber, oh, april 25, yekaterinburg, 6:20 am, we have snow again, southern siberia,
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temporary snow cover has also begun to form here. why did this happen? on the eve of the cold snap, the temperature was +24-28°. that is, you can imagine to what extent a powerful outflow of warm air was observed in the front part of the cyclone. if we talk about barbecue, then, in principle , we will be in the most privileged position - the middle zone of the european territory of russia, the black earth region, partly the north-west of the country,
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our great, mighty, vast... homeland in perm snowfall, warmth and greenery in the donbass, which, according to our military officers, it is already beginning to interfere with reconnaissance uavs. traditionally, in this context, no greenery easier. we are moving to the front. vladimir razin is in direct contact. volodya, hello. krasnogorovka. russian flag over the plant. at the same time, we know that it is a populated area. liberated, as they say, partially, the enemy is still stuck somewhere, it’s still not possible to knock out what is in the populated area now, tell me, it’s remarkable, of course, yes, every day we start with the fact that another small, but yet another populated area has been liberated.
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olga, good evening, yes, indeed, the plant in krasnogorovka is now under our control. the guys there continue to clean up the consolidation, it must be said that this plant is actually the main largest stronghold in general in krasnohorivka, in which the ukrainian armed forces were actually located for 10 years, and it was from this stronghold that control and communication were carried out, and logistics, and transportation and support for the group, which was located in marinka, staromikhailovka, and nevelskoye. in the staromikhailovka area, yes, because staromikhailovka was behind us, now yes, it’s too early to talk about the liberation of the city, because the enemy retains the northern and northwestern outskirts, in which there are high-rise buildings that the enemy will cling to, but the liberation of this stronghold directly gives what is called operational space and, uh, height from which we
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can control the rest of the city, which is located under the enemy in the city. both artillery and aviation continue to work, calculating the enemy’s strong points and concentrations, where he never stops transferring reserves, he still has roads for this, you said about the green stuff, yes here... it’s really just that everything is green here, on the one hand this really interferes with reconnaissance, on the other hand it also gives our groups the opportunity to get, as they say, more unnoticed, to enemy positions and unexpectedly carry out assault operations, this is kind of a plus and minus of this greenery , regarding the donetsk direction in general, and today the clean-up and consolidation in the settlement of solovyov is also ongoing, it is located in the south... next to novobakhmutovka, in ocheretino, we continue to take positions and consolidate on them, then there is an enemy who is not stopping to leave them, in general, in general, in fact
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, the donetsk direction is quite active, quite positive, one might say, we are squeezing out the enemy, it cannot be said that he has completely relaxed there, is completely ready to leave these positions, but losses it bears truly colossal, precisely because of... due to the fact that its level of organization is practically zero, that is, those groups, those divisions that work there, they are practically not connected with each other, each of them performs some kind of their task, but, so to speak, they actually don’t have general tasks and goals, they are simply sent as they were sent before, only now their level of organization is less and less, tell us about tsar mangal too, please, the internet is literally exploding.
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let's say, yes, for our equipment, for our attack aircraft, it comes with a mine trawl, that is , it is actually not afraid of mines, but the danger from the air is terrible, with these being fpv drones mainly, yes, that is, that is why our field, let's say , engineers, tank crews come up with all sorts of designs for in order to protect the equipment, namely the first unit in the column, in small columns there that go from the direction towards the enemy’s strongholds, precisely so that he is not stopped. pividrons are such king-barbecues, let's say, but they were noticed not only in the krasnogorovka area, in the chasovyar area, they also work and show their effectiveness, indeed, yes, that is, if the enemy is trying
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to stop our equipment with mines, our advance, yes, that is minneutral to this, but again i repeat that air protection, protection from fpv drones is no less important than protection there from minsk. with the help of mine trawls, so everything, everything, everything that is beneficial, yes, everything has a place in war, yes, especially if it helps preserve both personnel and equipment. volad, what is happening now in the war is not yet called the offensive of the russian army, again, returning to the fact that every day there is a small town. eh, well, i think here, the terms for the onset of advancement, they are still a little different, yes. in this case, i would still stick more to the term promotion, why? because there is complex work going on, and not only there on the first line of defense, there is work on the second, on the third line of defense, there is work going on far behind
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enemy lines, which also along the chain then prevents the enemy from building his defense directly on the front line, but the offensive is all- as we are all used to, let’s say, yes, these are some kind of big jerks over long distances. thank you very much, thank you very much, vladimir radin, war correspondent at direct communication, front line. any day now, new batches of american
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weapons will appear in ukraine, while it is known for certain that some of the long-range missiles, in the amount of 100 units, are already in possession of the enemy, despite the fact that they were sent to the territory of ukraine, they were illegal even before the approval of the permit with the chamber . the enemy is ready to take any steps regarding missiles, the range is not 160 km, 300 km or more, while it is known for certain that there are attacks in a configuration of 380 km, up to 500 km, and these weapons are already on the territory of ukraine, 100 missiles, let's see, according to a senior us official, in
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mid-february president biden secretly approved the decision to send more than 100 longer-range missiles, as well as even more variants of cluster munitions. they were part of a $300 million arms delivery to ukraine in march, the first new aid package for the country since funding ran out in late december. administration officials kept the party secret to avoid informing the russians. attacks from longer range were one of the the last large weapons systems that kiev wanted to get, but... the states did not want to give them up. additional longer -range missiles were also included in the $60.8 billion in aid to ukraine that was part of the legislation signed by president biden on wednesday. well, let's talk about the fact that everyone is preparing for a big, real european war. stoltenberg is also flexing his muscles, he just climbed out from behind the helm of the german eurofiter fighter, and he’s sharing. with impressions:
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head of the north atlantic alliance, our enemies are training. let's see. this is my only experience in my life when i could fly on eurofiter and see everything with my own eyes. at least now i have an idea of ​​what it's like to fly such a plane. it's a very powerful impressive aircraft, sitting in the back i really feel like i have a better understanding of what it's all about. i thank all the people who made this mission possible.
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a series of treaties with the united states that limit us. firstly, why do we still have the 1992 treaty on cooperation in space? in my opinion, it’s time for us to denounce it long ago. what kind of partners we are in space, none. why do we still have mutual restrictions on the operation of reactors and weapons-grade plutonium storage facilities? i think it’s high time for us to completely get rid of all restrictions with the united states. next, it’s time for us to completely, i believe, stop the supply of uranium to the united states of america. we are told: will this be a difficulty for american nuclear power plants? well, that 's great, and let there be difficulties for american nuclear power plants. well finally, why do we, having withdrawn the ratification signatures, still continue to cooperate with the vienna center for global nuclear monitoring? explosions due to
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earth vibrations, i think it’s high time for us to break off relations with him and cut off the entire ringing of the earth, this will make the project of global observation stations, which was built with american money, meaningless, imagine how much american money will go to waste if we accept such steps. as for cameron, the situation here is more interesting. let me remind you that cameron did implement policies.
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clearly and it said the following: the libyan war of the eleventh year changed the balance of forces in europe, it returned britain to active politics, and now britain will play to incite the russian-german conflict, which it has been doing for centuries, let’s see what happened
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after that, literally this is exactly what london is doing in ukraine, in the baltics, in poland, in any other conflicts, so as soon as... another country becomes stronger, the british will immediately begin to create an illusion approaching us in order to incite us against them. in great britain, here, of course, from everyone according to their abilities, but we saw one doing push-ups, the other, hamit of the russian federation, the head of the ministry of internal affairs, the head of the foreign ministry was rude to the russian federation, and the prime minister in great britain went on the run, strange something- something happens, but macron plays.
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according to him, washington continues to add fuel to the fire with these supplies, with an increase in the range of supplies to kiev missiles, the buffer zone will expand, which will be required to secure russia, well, that is, obviously, now it is not only the kharkov bordering and sumy
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region. peskov also did not rule out that these supplies violated us law and congressmen, but we must proceed from this. the practice of actions of the united states and europeans is already clear and predictable, that is, as soon as they begin to talk about something in detail, it means that such a delivery has already been carried out, it means to what extent these deliveries were carried out and paid for in violation internal laws of the united states of america, this is probably not our question, this is a question of congressmen, senators, the united states. which, if someone wants, will deal with it. the united states is directly involved in this conflict, directly involved, they are moving towards increasing the operating range of the weapons systems they supply. this will not be able to fundamentally change the outcome
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of the special military operation, we will achieve our goal, but it will cause more problems for ukraine itself. please, i would like to start from geopolitics. go to already modern situation, especially since everything is very connected, you, olga, mentioned the meeting on the elbe between soviet american troops on april 25, 1945, it would seem that victory is already close, the armies of zhukov and his other colleagues, the marshals of victory, are encircling berlin. having overcome the zielov heights, it would seem that victory is close, this is an anti-hitler coalition, but let's see what our same partners are doing at this time. in switzerland, a representative of the
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us office of strategic services, alain dalis, is conducting secret negotiations on germany's surrender with himler's representatives in order to prevent the soviet union from winning the victory and taking berlin. the same thing happens after the completion of the defeat of hitler’s germany fulton. churchill: cold war, the soviet union was proclaimed as the main enemy and military adversary. the atomic bombings of kheroshima and nagasaki by the usa demonstrate that they absolutely have weapons and they can be used at any time against the ussr. well, finally, the remnants of the intelligence service of nazi germany were taken under control. americans, and washington creates the gehlen organization, this is the current bnd,
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then an instrument in the hands of the western coalition to fight the soviet union, given that hitler’s agents remained deep in the soviet union. this is what our so-called partners in the anti-hitler coalition were doing, betrayal and treason. and the willingness to stick a knife in the back of their strategic ally at that time in the fight against hitler, so they weren’t helping us, they were saving themselves. yes, we pay back our debt to british sailors convoys, we pay back our debt to those who, together with us from the antigirov coalition, forged victory, but they saved themselves, they delayed the opening of the second front until the last moment. everything so that supplies to us will be according to a limited range, and today, when we ask
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questions, where are the promised preferences from friendship with the west, which were especially generously promised to us during the years of gorbachev and yeltsn, today we see again this treacherous ascal , what are they doing today, well, look, a decision has been made about delivery long-range atakam missiles. well, according to estimates , somewhere around 250-300 missiles have either already been transferred, or in these literal days they are transferred from the usa, ukraine through their pentagon warehouses in europe, in order to carry out large-scale attacks on russian territory in the first ten days of may, so what the americans are preparing is absolutely sanctioned policy, this is politics. the policies of biden and the entire american elite. at the same time, what
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are the british doing? this is an attempt to split our allies in the udkb, to stick a knife in our back. the british understand the meaning very well east, so david cameron's trip to the countries of central asia is an attempt to open a new anti-russian front. let's not forget what happened to the rest of the part. the british foreign ministry is the mi-6 reconnaissance, therefore, apparently, the british gentlemen will act simultaneously in order to undermine the situation, split our rear and at the same time strengthen british intelligence capabilities. in this regard, of course, we must rely today on china, our strategic partner. it is necessary to actively develop all formats of interaction for so that, as we expect, during the upcoming visit of the president.
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into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, save your lives, well, our reaction to attacks, if
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they follow with the use of corlat and atakom missiles, i believe, should be s... they will respond realistically, we must deliver retaliatory, sensitive strikes on critical infrastructure facilities of ukraine , russia simply does not have any other retaliatory capabilities in order to... make it clear that you will be specifically responsible for your policies and will not receive any decisive advantage even until the end of the year, as for the ukrainians, in fact, run, especially bearing in mind that today berlin officially announced that it will not send refugees back to ukraine, unlike
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poland and lithuania, show these horrifying footage again, the tisza river, how desperate necessities. his people, so that with a backpack behind his back on an ordinary inflatable mattress, a person crosses the river and tries to end up in moldova, this particular person was unlucky, he was eventually caught, so you see on this boat there was a raid after him and he is probably already somewhere in the trenches , as for the trenches, too...
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tapov seems to help you, love will overcome everything, from monday on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means
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not thinking about anything. when you. and completely turned off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. welcome to rixsas premium magavish sudes & villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas combine with a golden sandy beach, 1 km long. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish seats & villas - the vacation you're talking about dreamed. a hotel for unforgettable experiences rix sharma. only for adults 18+.
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incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed. titanic luxer collection bodrum. maybe it's my first time, happy, happy, happy, sunday. for example, i told my daughter that she was adopted as soon as i took her from children at home. mom, dad, i adore you. hello, hello, i'm your real mother. can meet? a test that not everyone can pass. who is she anyway? is this some kind of money scam? can i hug you? katya is not a stranger to me, she is my mother. katya needs money. a test that not everyone
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will dare to take. you won't refuse to take a dna test, will you? have you received the result? honey, we will explain everything to you. fly feather. headquarters really want some shocks, because it’s so great that we have an international film festival in the country, erasing borders, this is the great courage of all those who
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came to us, brought their paintings or became a member of the jury, firstly, art is more important than everything else, and secondly, we are right, the participants are worthy of the highest awards. and only the best of the best will receive the main prize. closing ceremony of the forty-sixth moscow international film festival. on friday on rtr. we meet on your beautiful date, you are 70 years old, happy birthday. kiselyov is celebrating his anniversary, it would seem that dad is a general, but i never used it, it never even occurred to me, one day he they called me to school, i behaved terribly and studied
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poorly, he went there in his uniform from work, and then he said: how did your chemical engineer talk to me, marshal, don’t talk to me like that, i worked in radio for 10 years, then i came to ostankino, i had to work on camera, my teacher, eduard mikhailovich tsagolayev. you will feel free when you can straighten your hair in the frame, what kind of hair is there, i have lead hands, please do something, this was my debut, and what about hair, you have learned to straighten it, there is nothing left to correct, at least to the best of my ability, i can afford a gesture, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, president putin just spoke about... the success of our military-industrial complex, on the effective work of which, well, of course, the situation on the front line directly depends. of course,
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one of the most important industries is unmanned control and everything connected with it, including artificial intelligence, of course, in our country it ’s the defense forces that are doing this, you know, there the so-called people’s military-industrial complex is already working at full capacity, the ministry of defense does not have time to follow the proposals, that people offer. e employed in in this area, but every day, every day new proposals are born, moreover, success on the line of combat contact depends on today, how efficiently and quickly technological problems are solved, with what advance the warring parties do this, just in real time, what we do, in this regard, when we get it is downright... terribly funny. kuleba said that something is wrong with western military production.
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ukraine's foreign minister criticized the west in an interview with the guardian russia, says kuleba, has achieved a lot in the development of the military-industrial complex over the past 2 years. what did the west do? question. german defense minister pistorius also said that russia, according to german data. intelligence produces so many weapons that not everything goes to the front, a lot, according to opistorius information , a warehouse is sent, russia has large reserves.
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well, we just listened to kuleba, yes, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, and an interesting fact is that as soon as the special military operation began, kuleba sent his entire family, including his sons and even dogs abroad so that none of them end up under mobilization, that’s the question now of supplies. weapons, as we already know very well, it was linked to the issue of mobilization. let me remind you that at first zelensky was in such a hurry that he even adopted his own decrees, this decree lowered the conscription age, completely removed the category of limited eligibility, but then , in general, a quorum was bought in the verkhovna rada and this huge law was adopted, according to which now they are going to mobilize another 25,000 cannon fodder, while...
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in france and norway, they are either reduced or, under various pretexts, completely removed. secondly, now interesting information has come from kiev: the new head of the ministry of internal affairs may become none other than vasily malyuk, this is the person for whom lambrosa is crying bitter tears there because of his this criminal face, he is now will be the head of the ministry of internal affairs, and the head of the sbu, and uh, it’s still unclear, but most likely one of the baby’s deputies will go. well, from this team of his, and he will be charged with a new one the law is to deal with all these draft dodgers, and not just to deal with them within the country, but also to look for options through interpol to inquire about specific people who are known to have left and are in europe in one country or another, and for this already a certain structure has been created, i’ll tell you now for our russian tv viewers, in ukraine
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now there are no longer unlimited passports. since 2016, well, there are still old paper ones, who, who are now the happy owner of this passport, and new passports, the so-called since 2016, id cards have been issued for a period of 10 years, that is, those who were then in the forefront of getting a new civil passport, they may now find themselves in a year or two without a single document on the territory of western europe, and even if it is clear that now they will do the same in the same way...
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signed, admitted to several terrorist attacks on the territory of our country at once, let him be the new minister of internal affairs or an employee of a bakery plant from retribution from punishment of russia, this person will not will leave, it’s hard to call this little guy a person, once again, he literally lists all those whom they killed under his leadership, including talking about daria dugina, including telling us terrible details about kiev and vladlen tatarsky, terrible mockery sound about zakhar prilepin, you can’t escape retribution. what's in the war, look, right now we are heading to chas yar, the russians have been destroying this city for several months now,
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trying to break through to capture it, now this is one of the most dangerous places, today we went there with the ukrainian border guards, usually they are engaged in protecting the borders, but now they are another unit fighting to hold this territory and push it out. after airstrikes that demoralized the enemy. airborne troops launched an assault and cleared ukrainian positions. some of the armed forces of ukraine surrendered , the rest were liquidated.
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the american newspaper wall street journal writes about the plight of zelensky’s army and the obvious unconditional advantage of russia. goto, the bitch is ready to trade with anyone. who i want to try, now, now it will kill. in ro frames. in the avdeevsky direction, russian attack aircraft are rapidly developing an offensive in the ocheretin area, the flags of our units are flying into new bakhmutovkas. fighting is taking place in the vicinity of the village of solovyovo, where drone operators knocked out another american abrams tank. after an accurate hit, the car is literally torn apart into the sky. a giant cloud of smoke rises. in this footage, the assault on krasnogorovka, russian pilots strike at a key point of defense of the armed forces of ukraine in the city, a fireproof plant. what we see here, and this is very important,
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are huge defensive structures that took months to build. the ukrainians were really scratching their heads, where can we stop the russians, how can we protect? factories, the ukrainian defense can fall like dominoes, says reisner, an officer of the austrian general staff. ukraine tried to bring brigades into battle to stop the advance of the russian army, again using the forty
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-seventh brigade, which was always deployed as a kind of frontline fire brigade. ukraine faces a dilemma: where else should these additional forces come from, because almost all of them are deployed elsewhere. the russian army is trying to break through in different sectors of the front, and the ukrainian... the command must constantly bring in new resources. the problem is that at some point there will be no more resources, then the question arises: when will this turning point occur, which will cause the effect for. near berdychi, a new trophy for our military was an engineering demining vehicle based on an american tank. the seventy-five-ton abrom will become part of the exhibition on poklonnaya hill in moscow. destroyed on the zaporozhye front. at once two german infantry fighting vehicles mardor in the kharkov region lancet knocked out an american m37 howitzer. russia will see new successes at the front in the coming week, the white house has publicly stated. according to us presidential national security adviser salvon, washington is very
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hopeful for a new package of military assistance. today's announcement is very good news for ukraine, it is still under serious pressure on the battlefield, and undoubtedly. it is possible that russia will be able to achieve new tactical successes in the coming weeks. threatened by the clock, populated areas west of avdeevka, they are terrorizing kiev and other cities throughout ukraine. it will take us some time to climb out of the hole that the 6 months of delay created before congress approved the agreement. the new package worth 1 billion included air defense missiles, stinger man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems, and shells for hymers. in march, no western supplies will stop the russian army in an interview
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the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry, kuleba, told the british guardian newspaper. ukraine's foreign minister enthusiastically praised u.s. policymakers for approving a long -delayed $61 billion military aid package for ukraine, but said western allies need to recognize that the era of peace in europe is over and that kiev will inevitably need more help to fight russia. one package will not stop the russians when i see what russia has achieved in building up its defense industrial base over 2 years of war, and what has the west achieved? “i think something is wrong on the part of the west,” kuleba said. this is what the settlement of krynki in the kherson region looks like now, where the command of the armed forces of ukraine sends the marines. the ukrainian military refuses to cross the dnieper, that is, to face certain death. several verdicts on the article appeared in the register of court decisions.
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there are suspects for evasion, for leaving a unit without permission, for desertion, well, perhaps five times more. the state border service of ukraine published footage of the arrest another draft dodger, he tried to sail to moldova on an air mattress. for instructions on where to swim and where to hide the phone, the conscript paid 4.00 euros. and this group of recruits who planned to escape hungary lived for 2 months in a border village for secrecy. dodgers will no longer be able to obtain passports abroad, warns the ukrainian
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foreign ministry. warsaw promises to help hand over deserters. i think that many poles are outraged when they see young ukrainian men in hotels and cafes, they hear how many we must make efforts to help ukraine,” he said, without going into details about how poland will help. any support is possible, kasiniak kamysh said, about how poland would react if kiev asked for help, returning home those who might lose. well, real weather madness in the urals in
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siberia, where even on the weekend there was summer heat and +30, now 6 days before the beginning of may winter has returned, snow fell from krasnoyarsk to chelyabinsk-ekaterinburg. however, the cold snap will not last long, by the weekend it will get warmer again, but the surprises will not end there. tomorrow a dust plume from the sahara will reach the volga region. and by saturday. will reach the urals, weather forecasters warn that dust will precipitate along with rusty rain, its own sandstorm, look in the seaside, but an air mass of sand was brought to vladivostok by the wind from china from the dprk. the sky in the city acquired a truly martian hue. they turned yellow and became cloudy, which is called clouds. this is what a sand stream looks like from space. orange the colors indicate the areas where the storm has already
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reached; seafi was painted orange ; the capital of greece was shrouded in clouds of dust that flew in from the sahara, the same ones that are heading to the volga region and our southern urals. field storm, strongest in greece and parallel to shara.
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but small particles in the air are harmful to health. doctors recommend that people with low vision stay at home. this is the third time a sand cloud has hit greece since march, but this is the densest and largest, sugar annually throws up to 200 million tons of dust into the atmosphere, but the minister of economy for the sake of
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literally... i forgot that he is actually the co-chairman of the green party and an ideological defender of climate and nature. the politician proposed transferring installations from four closed german coal power plants to the kiev regime. they were stopped precisely because they were not environmentally friendly, but for the sake of the fight against putin, and mothers in nature can probably be dealt with. having announced his proposal, habaek said that it was very important.
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khabik is too tough, he knocked on the ship with this bottle for a long time, without result, almost dropped it into the sea, but in the end somehow, very unsuccessfully the first attempt, the champagne still broke. and these people are trying to defeat russia, just like in politics, not without problems
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in the north german drop they launched a new special vessel. the minister of economy himself took part in the ceremony, except for the traditional bottle. the champagne this time turned out to be surprisingly strong. she did not give in, even when robert khabik took on her. even the design with protruding iron pins did not help. and to achieve the desired result, the minister had to break the bottle the old fashioned way with bare hands. well , we will see in the coming months how all this will affect the fate of the ship. that's it, guys, let's disperse, there's nothing to stare at here, we don't crowd, we pass through, it's a common thing, nothing surprising. this is just robert khabik, who screwed up again, just don’t laugh at him, i beg you, but what do you want from an author of children’s books, an allusion to the theme of how they are trying to defeat russia, unlucky ones, adal belevich, and kuleba said that something is wrong with the west, speaking about the military,
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something is wrong, kuleba, yes, but i’ll tell you that he is very right, because he does not understand that they have no time to deal only with ukraine. only to the military-industrial complexes, because everything is bad for them, in fact, they are losing dominance in the political world, in the economic world too, they must and are forced to work now on several fronts, that’s just the preparation for vladimir vladimirovich putin’s trip to china, what is it worth, because it seems that we usually have to prepare for this very seriously, which is what we do china and russia, on the other hand the main and...
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the anti-monopoly alliance that china and russia are now building, because they are definitely destroying today the economy, which is developing according to... the rules of the united states, the politics that they are also building in the american way and the american-style democracy that they spread until today, now, of course, these attempts cannot be stopped, they still consider themselves the most important players, here, of course, kuleba , i repeat, is right in the sense that with the challenges that the collective faces today the west is very difficult to cope with, moreover, if it is just approaching, i generally believe that all these calculations related to assistance to ukraine can be revised, because
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yesterday, for example, the israeli attack on lebanon suggests that this the war that everyone expects in the world, this expectation is quite realistic, iran-israel in the medium term can play a very serious role, because everything that is happening today in the middle east, first of all, is... the genocide that we are seeing in the territory gases from the side israel, it cannot remain unrequited, this is a demonstration that took place some time ago, i mean iran’s attack on israel, and israel’s failure to respond, this suggests that, of course, israel’s behavior and authority and strength no longer those, and this is an obvious admission, that iran is a very serious attacking force. and as a matter of fact, the united states is facing a very serious choice. in my opinion, in general the situation there is delicate, yes, israel
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reported that it carried out a limited strike retaliation, and iran reported that it did not notice this blow, everyone was to their own devices, everyone was happy. yes, of course, this, this is also very important, this, uh, they do very carefully, because the situation in the middle east is such that if this is an attack, if this is military action, then... each side is looking for its advantages, they must necessarily have political results, which, without any doubt, in my opinion, today belong to iran, and the cruelty shown in this confrontation in the territory of gaza, it has also been analyzed by the whole world and the cruelty is on the side of israel, this is a very interesting policy that is developing in the middle east, but who analyzed it? where are the sanctions, where is the punishment, where is the condemnation, in general, i generally think that olga, now there are sanctions, convictions,
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by the way, they exist, so i’m doing it now, russia is doing it, dozens of countries are doing it, and as for sanctions, taking into account all sanctions history, what is paramount in the world now is still the same analysis that i’m talking about, what the united states is very seriously worried about, the balance of power is changing, that’s what... the most important thing is simply how disgusting is the story in the gas, they found about 160 people killed in the hospital, people, women, old men with their hands tied in the gas ask potel a question, who did this, whose fault is it, do you recognize genocide on the part of israel, to which he absolutely agrees blue eye says that we will send our request to israel.
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what will influence the real balance of power, that ’s what is most important, so here, of course, we
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are really waiting for that time, if we are talking about the help of the united states, sending, for example, such, such weapons, what we are talking about lately, we have been talking all the time, and yes, we just want to explain to the participants in this conflict, to everyone who is watching carefully, there is a so-called buffer zone, there is a sanitary zone, which we talk about very often, which our president spoke about , we understand perfectly well that... what will we do next? isn’t this an obvious answer when the supply of such weapons is underway, and accordingly, until november, as they have been openly saying lately, the united states, of course, does not want to allow ukraine to fall, they have lost,
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at least until november. months before the presidential elections in the united states, but i want to talk about the mood of those people, the guys who are fighting on the front line today, i arrived last week from lugansk, donetsk, where we visited the combat zone , the location of our troops , the mood is completely different, the preparation and organization are different, they are ready for defensive battles, for offensive battles, and most importantly... there is mass heroism happening today, as it was a little earlier, but for the restoration of already destroyed territories, including lugansk, and donetsk, and other settlements, there, of course, the mood of the people is very serious, i said very well today, the president, that there are heroic people there, in fact , we must thank them for their long-suffering, i want to tell you that now visiting not only the location
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of the troops, which i spoke about, communicating not only... with people, but an orphanage, for example, in lugansk, communicating with teachers, with the children themselves, children of wars, yes, we simply promised six months ago, when we arrived, that we would build a sports facility, sports stadium from all over infrastructure, what they needed, one of our deputies, bikhan barakhoev, took the initiative, we just saw with what mood they were restoring and that they fully understand today where this conflict came from and what needs to be done? in order to return to peaceful life confidently enough, they know what is happening on the front line, they know what they need to do here in the rear, so systematic work continues, it is actually very important, and as for big politics, it seems to me that china and russia,
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i’ll return to this topic, we can already talk about it with confidence, the president confirmed today with the rsp that this trip will happen, he, of course, will change the situation, or rather continue to change the situation, all over the world, and we are waiting for big developments that are connected with the change in the political and economic infrastructure, the most important thing is simple, and we will watch all this, remove all monitoring, as we did, this is systematically done by the working group that heads it. shalban karaol - with whom we flew there together, but i can say that this is the fifth trip, each time we see that the mood is different and we see that the weapons that we receive today allow us to hit very accurately, and indeed successes on the front line are accurate - we can say that it depends on the technological solutions that
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our military-industrial complex is demonstrating today . be back in a minute. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, dmitry kiselev is 70. we once joked in the studio, the director of photography. drag a weakened tiger by the mustache, dilute it with water, add sugar and put it on shelves to poison people, waste it, then we’ll i’m sorry, life will become more interesting, i don’t think, dima won’t say anything in vain, believe me, his phrases, they are verified, let’s once again , on the maidan they gave a hero’s star for my body,
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simply because i’m russian, that’s enough, i loved europe very much . now we have exchanged places, now we in russia are for freedom of opinion, but they are not, we are open to the world, but they are not, he is from the breed that made russia great. vladimirovich says: “i wish you success, you are now my employee.” the same kiselev, premiere on friday on rtr. cleaning. sexing is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use it. a clunky vacuum cleaner that can't clean even the hardest to reach places is a thing of the past, now you can clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even
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and only today, the unique, ingenious livington dipper swiper wireless electric broom with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches can be yours for only 89.95. if you call and place an order right now, you will receive an incredible discount of 20 euros. and livington dipper swiper will get you for incredible 6995. but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. are you bored with your old fence, do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget? we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life. with his help. easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition, a fence, terrace, gazebo will be updated in an instant without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need
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to do is secure the photo facade convenient for you way, this is a ready-made solution, the bright life photo façade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal, if it becomes dirty, just rinse it with water. just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area. they say that perfect shoes do not exist, but we boldly say the opposite. we present to you sandals made from genuine palerma leather, which perfectly combine style, comfort and care for your feet. light and elegant. the model is perfect for active and long walks in warm season. palermo sandals are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to ensure a perfect fit and maximum comfort with every step.
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elegant sandals go with any style of clothing and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and comfortable velcro fasteners provide an ideal fit for any width and fullness of the foot. the high polyurethane sole creates the correct roll of the foot, which ensures... heel strike reduction of impact load on joints when walking, call quickly and you will get stylish and incredibly comfortable palermo sandals for only 24.95. palermo sandals are your step to beauty and comfort. do you know him, or what? it is my husband. what? he knows that you are in this hotel and came here to graze again, right? sea overseas. premiere on saturday. on rtr, we have two wonderful teams in our studio presenting a fantastic film based on the story by kir baluchev 100 years ago, they travel through the century, this is of course a russian folk
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kayak, let's have a second dance to find correct answers, i would really like to answer on saturday, but we’ll probably answer. it should be simpler, who is guaranteed cosmic success? i take responsibility for this answer. our intrigue is powerful, 100 to one, 100 years in the future, on sunday on rtr. you all had complaints against me, well , of course you are not sugar, but this is ours, right? who is here for nikolavna to be removed from work, angels of the area, final episode, today on rtr. to relieve
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the tension a little, our north korean friends, or perhaps we will call them brothers, we recorded a terribly fashionable video on me for the song friendly father, which is shown on the central television of the dprk, look how it looks and you can read the words, wonderful. the 자예로워라 주라의 천단 자식 한품에 앉고 총을 다해 보살 키시네.
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wonderful, this is an understandably short episode, the song is long, as you probably guessed, you can watch endlessly, you are our everything, comrade kim, you are like paradise, we believe in you and love you, on central television, yeah, all channels are sharp became musical, here in korea but not, well, really mentally, well, for
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an amateur, mentally, mentally, just like 24x7, maybe not everyone will survive this, but the problem, i’ll close the question is the following, today the most important factor is the economy, we have already said about how it affects the political component, it actually directly affects what is happening in terms of supplies of everything else, today we have data for the first quarter of the united states, it is 1.6, this is a sharp slowdown, it should have been 2, 5 be, that is, it fell by half the growth rate at first. year and approximately three times over the last 6 months, for example, china is growing 5.3, the first quarter, not 1.6, 1.6, 1.5 yemen is growing, for example, last year, judging by the data that is now appear, accordingly, for two quarters we had 6%, these are some crazy numbers, to be honest, let’s assume we make an adjustment for the quarter, because the bulk of the state, well, production, january-february, taking into account march this it will be 5%, that is...
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in general, how would it be, it actually stands on a very important transit component, various negotiations are being conducted there accordingly, that is, the question is that countries can afford to grow normally, as if the question is that in order to win in the long term, you must grow faster than your opponents, like if we could increase our economy in principle and in parallel , preferably, by the way, we are growing faster than the usa, which means we will win, well, in the long term, who are you , the chinese will win in the end, well, i follow this logic, in general, indians are most likely indians, because that, as it were, they know that the growth rates are generally high, what is special is that
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in parallel there is a return of inflation, for the first time in the twenty-second year prices for services in the usa began to increase, for the first time in a year, accordingly, quarterly growth happened, that is , it turns out 2 and 3.7, that is, it turns out what we described in the second quarter, it’s either you , accordingly, further pressuring the economy with high interest rates, by the way, for a number of other regulators in other countries, or accordingly you are fighting inflation, so either you support inflation, you either have inflation, or, accordingly, low economic growth against the backdrop of an election campaign, that’s the main thing?
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fell in the third or fourth quarter of last year, there was 4% growth, there was 3.3 -something percent growth, that is, they grew very high in the last quarter due to the acceleration of the production component, that is, in fact, this is an attempt disperse. economy without inflation, this is what he is trying to do macron is doing now, the uk is also trying to do the same thing now, the rest of the economy is facing selective bastards, the whole economy is like this, accordingly, iran is thinking about it, china is thinking about it, everyone else is thinking about it, as it were they first of all think about their citizens, as it were , respectively about the growth rate and the corresponding well-being, what is the peculiarity of the maximum it can give, respectively, to their citizens, and about their elections, about their elections about their citizens, for some it is the same thing, and not for some, not for all, but for some, we don’t have elections at all. there was a kind of short-term presentation here, that ’s why from this point of view, it’s about the dprk, there are no elections there, so what’s there, what elections to watch, why are they? yes, there are already videos, so the question is the following, what’s on now against this background, okay, well, let’s not make fun of it, everyone has their own culture, their own -
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different partners, different partners in the world, how life is, including forced due to sanctions endlessly, in general, everyone has different political designs, everything else. there is saudi arabia, there is, of course, iran, they all have their own unique cultures, it should be noted that in general japan has a semi-party system, elections are generally held there like that, well , yes, in america we have democracy, but at the same time there is no direct elections, without agreeing on anything, they have already supplied weapons with congress, well, that is, there is a nuance everywhere , look, in connection with what is happening, accordingly, what this could lead to, this could lead to on this against the backdrop , the contradictions between the main players who are represented here will intensify very seriously, namely from the economy, for this reason the confrontation with china will intensify for this... reason, accordingly , the discrepancy will seem to increase, from this point of view, the most important factors for biden, which are against the first thing that will play in it is the economy, these are the components that are driven into the economy, today for the first time the yield of bonds is only how much they should pay accordingly for their government bonds in a two-year period increased to 5%, and , accordingly, in a ten-year period up to four families, this is a very high figure, their debt
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is growing very quickly, so from this point of view, as if the middle east from the electoral component of the economy will become the most important factor, they will fight them , this will be more important than ukraine, we’ll get through the mine. you are young, beautiful, you should have found a normal man long ago, don’t forget to take all the documents about the boy’s health, maybe we can have lunch together later, i’m your new neighbor, potap ivan sergeevich, and you, yes, apparently you don’t have a man, actually it’s none of your business, but i like you, i would really like it to be. love will overcome everything. from monday on rtr. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and
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luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by embodying. you are in reality, hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. welcome to the newest pixos hotel in sharmalsheikh. riksas radomis charmel sheikh - an ideal place for a family rest, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixas radomis sharmelsheikh. titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools,
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relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here , every room is a journey into comfort. and comfort, your relaxation, your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common, sincere strong friendship. to fall in love with a white fluffy cat, i said, i want a white cat, they come up, oh, you’re good, to caress the obstinate one. likes to grab there with his claws like that, to tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, warm up to a stray , a parrot flies onto my shoulder from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for
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their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance in a hurry that's all for me guys feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr. maybe for the first time, happy, happy, happy, sunday, for example, i told my daughter that she was adopted as soon as i took her here at home, mom, dad, i adore you, hello, hello , i’m your mother, the real one, maybe we’ll meet, a test that not everyone can stand, who is she anyway? is this some kind of money scam? can i hug you? katya
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is not a stranger to me, she is my mother! katya needs money! a test that not everyone can take will be decided. you won't refuse to take a dna test, will you? have you received the result? honey, we will explain everything to you! fly feather! talked to me, marsheva didn’t talk to me like that, i worked on the radio for 10 years,
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then came to astankino, i had to work on camera, my teacher, eduard mikhailovich tsagolayev, said: “you will feel free when you can straighten your hair on camera, what there’s hair there, i have lead hands, you say, what should i do, that was my debut, but what about the hair, you ’ve learned to fix it, there’s nothing left to fix, at least i can afford a gesture, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov. on friday on rtr. my name is leonid viktorovich. what is your name? elsa genrikhovna. well, you have an unusual name. come visit me. a? this is inconvenient, i'm a widow. i'm not a date , your name is. irina pechernikova. i would like something like this on a heel. have you completely lost your mind? veniam smekhov, who are we hiding from?
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mom, what have you done? he discusses the whole village about how you kiss each other and go on visits. lyubov konstantinova. a what's wrong? well, we fell in love. anna ukolova. mom, what are you doing? oh, dad did everything for you. everyone thinks so; before she had time to save her husband, she ran off to the party. why at a party? let's get married. how we get married, elsa's land on friday on rtr, whoever renounces the past cancels the future, we do not give away our memory and do not renounce our words, we are responsible for every word, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. a real pogrom in the center of london was staged by the horses of the background royal guard, seven
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animals threw off their riders and escaped released, rammed a tourist bus, beat up five people, a horse escaped while studying the palace, perhaps they did not want to prepare for war with the russians, another horse of the royal guard tried to escape and today, in parallel , runs around the center of the british capital literally burning with desire.
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well, the thing is that, strictly speaking, what he’s talking about, about how the prime minister is running or what the minister of foreign affairs is saying, well, in general it looks like some kind of leapfrog horses, they’ve been rushing around the capital for the second day, the resisunok is running in parallel cameron, this is such an endless war machine, it’s not going anywhere, he talks about
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preparations, well, confrontation, yes, he doesn’t use the word war, but confrontation with... well, as for running, no matter how much you run, from the elections, no one is anyway none of them will run away, they are coming this year, i will remind you that boris johnson, sunok’s predecessor as prime minister, and listas were also fond of running, but where are they now, and what about the statements that david makes cameron actually, and sunok the other day too actively spoke on the topic of upcoming preparations for some military. actions, at least increasing military spending, then from the point of view of the british voter, as far as we know, as far as public opinion polls show, they are least interested in the topics of the military budget, they are much more interested in issues related to the deplorable state of the economy and health care, this is probably in first place, and the ratings of the ruling conservative party are now
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still low, despite all these loud statements, plus an attempt to shift... everyone’s attention to the problem of illegal migration and this plan to send illegal migrants to the rand, so of course the ruling conservatives now have to run, but the result of these active movements is not yet obvious, sasha about horses is simply impossible , after all, a few words literally, yesterday, today new horses tried to escape, what kind of story is this? well... yesterday's story is simple, the horses just got scared, they were driving past the construction site when the workers were unloading, let's say, actively concrete, which fell, they were dismantling the buildings, apparently it scared the horses, poor animals, of course they rushed off, another thing is that the horse guards, the elite of the british army could not hold them, in fact, they threw off four riders, three riders
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were seriously injured, yes one of the passers-by on the streets of london was also injured. so all this, of course, is a somewhat unpleasant background in connection with the upcoming preparations for the ceremonial events in june, when the official birthday of the british monarch, in fact, is usually celebrated speaking, these horses are riders, they were supposed to take part in this solemn parade, but you see what unexpected problems they encountered. olga, thank you very much, alexander khabarov, london is in direct contact. prosho, well, our successes at the front continue, the initiative is completely on the side of e. division of the armed forces of the russian federation, so as not to jinx it, but our movement is like in the donetsk direction, just there on several sectors of the front, we are moving just like that at a very good pace, also in the artyomovsk direction, but for in order for successes to continue, we must adequately assess threats, predict
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further actions of the enemy and understand what problems there may be, but here we see this package of military assistance - which has been announced, which has already been announced in principle, shown, as the practice of this war shows , they actually give more than they show, and we need to understand this, that is, we cannot be guided by the figures that are shown to us, they are actually much more, the same thing, the presence of nato military personnel in ukraine will only to grow, yesterday photos appeared on the network on a hacker resource - finnish military personnel, career military personnel, that is, these are not finnish volunteers. these are professional military personnel, in this case they are snipers, who, as we understand, do not just pass through, or rather, they train ukrainian mobilized people there, and they themselves gain combat experience, especially considering finland’s rhetoric towards russia, it is clear that they are there will also take direct part or are already taking
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part in hostilities, like others nato countries. at the same time, it is worth noting that these systems. literally a war between russia and nato, literally, there is already evidence, let's go back, children are caught everywhere, they are filling up the corridors, where to go and what to do, there is no need to ask anyone, beg, humiliate themselves and extend their hands, they will have to reckon with us, so, lifting off the ground, taking off, such a beautiful technique. how much time you devote to the progress of a special military operation is fate for us, it is a matter of life and death. we will be the first to know about it.
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