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tv   Documentary  RT  April 25, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT

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which last i checked weren't actually in europe, but they've outsourced everything else by this point. so why not that too? right. macklin talked about europe meeting the ecological transition. as the farmers in europe, street jacketed by european climate change, the tasks with their farm that'd be spied on by european satellites to ensure compliance. how great that is brought up europe's energy sovereignty and re industrialization. not so that's about germany. in particular, is still busy. the industrialized thing, so they're not quite on the other side of that. yeah. all the yeah, has become more depended on price here. american liquefied natural gas. oh. and francis own ellen, g imports from russia are now up 75 percent in the 1st few months of this year compared to a year ago. so i guess my call figures that people are so stupid that if he just says something enough times like in the speech, they'll just simply accept it all as objective reality. the fight against terrorism is at the top of the gender and st. petersburg representatives from countries
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worldwide gathering that to address global security issues. and we had a chance to speak with a strong cuz defense ministry secretary who says the form is uniting nations against tara. i think this is a very good for them. for most of the condition to unite against the wrong to us. because you and all you look at afghanistan, we'll get to the visa. okay. see the look at the lock, fucked up under these countries, actually uh, i hit the wood terrace. i'm because i'm a man, i'm a former military man who had been fighting with the territories for more than 30 years. like conducting the point for us like this. we are more than 100 on 100 countries. common waste opinion actually if i see a head pre longer in a very be great when it came to our wall against a terrace and we lost it for more than 30 years. actually russia and very few other countries who came forward to support the sasha gave was equipment across bench
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robert launches, weapons and ships. so russia helped us in a very be great. the story remains ongoing online with a website on c dot com with us just about it for now. here will not be international law for most of we are back at the top of the hour with more of your well why? the, in today's digital world gone are the days of randomly bumping into someone at a coffee shop. now days are pre arranged, pre screened, and single people increasingly feel that apps are the only way to find love. i'm christy i and you're watching the cost of everything we're today. we're going to be delving into the complex ease of modern dating from the digital landscapes of saying app to the intriguing world of companionship and sugar daddy's love,
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maybe priceless but romance often comes with the cost. the . the online dating has grown in popularity and recent years, and this trend is projected to continue in 2022. there were over $366000000.00 online dating service users generate over $2860000000.00 for the sites. 35 percent of americans who have used a dating website or app have paid to do so. at some point, the average paying dating app user spends around $19.00 a month. but some people show out much more. the leaves v i p membership costs $999.00 a week or $2500.00 a month. the v i p membership allows users to match with prospects and multiple cities see singles, new singles 1st, and a user concierge service. that will help you win the dating game in september
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tender, which traditionally was more of a hook up app, is the online dating. but he missed it, revolutionize the online dating industry with simple systems, a swiping left or right. based on a few photos, it may dating simple. and studies have found that it made it less last about lasting connections and relationships. more about casual hookups and cheesy openers . it was the most downloaded app in 2022, with a total of $64000000.00 worldwide downloads tender is now the most prominent dating service in the u. s. overall followed by match and e harmony, while traditionally for you to sign up, they have now rolled out a $499.00 monthly subscription to some of his most active users. hinge a dating site that house itself or charity people who are serious about finding a long term relationship costs around $600.00 for the entire year. the americans now spend hundreds of dollars a month on these dating apps,
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and these daily apps and respond are trying to entice users with exclusive memberships and unique parts. copy needs, bagel users pay $35.00 a month, and they can send virtual flower bouquets. they advertise that paid users get 60 percent more data, that is non subscribers. ultimately, many people pay to use these dating ask because it gives them a sense of control over process that often feels full of uncertainty. and once you manage to schedule a date, the cost don't end in 2019 americans spend an average of $697.00 to go on dates whether it was on dining out, attending a concert, visiting museums or otherwise. on average gen x spends the most on dates a $903.00, followed by millennials at $696.00 baby boomers at $632.00. and finally jonesy at $366.00. this is likely due to the amount of disposable income that they
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have compared to gen, seniors. over the course of a year, the average person has gone on $3000.00 worth of dates with 54 percent of men, usually pay on top of dates that are also gifts for special occasions like holidays, birthdays and anniversaries, etc. that can quickly add up. so while you can put a price on love, many people are priced out. one in 3 americans have actually declined a date because of monetary reasons. and now today we're joined by megan wex relationship coach and author of demand funnel dot com. and now meghan, how has a rise of de apps transformed the way people approach relationships? the dating apps have created an abundance of options, which in some ways is great to learn about, you know, your criteria and what you might be seeking and to explore, which i find to be an incredibly important part of your journey to find love. and
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then on the flip side, the abundance creates a culture of the b, b, d, which we, we say here in america is the bigger, better deal. and do you think that this changes for the better or for the worse that people are not media organically anymore? i think that there's an epidemic of loneliness in the world right now and the availability of access to other people online. it's so counterintuitive, but it's contributing to people wanting to stay at home. there's so much access of what you can do from your phone now, or your computer that people aren't attending as many live events anymore. and i hear less and less about people actually connecting and meeting in person. and so i think that that's challenging and especially with younger generations, they don't even have the social skills anymore to approach converse network
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properly. you know, it's, it's, it's becoming um, just elusive to them. and so i think the gaming apps are contributing to not only are academic of loneliness, but the, the feeling of access of finding someone you very quickly not working through perhaps relationship problems. because you know, you can just get right back on the app. and in order to win in love, in this modern age, it is critically important that to be both understand their contribution to relationship problems and are willing to work through them. they think that this white culture has given people the mentality that they can always do better. i think the dating as are contributing to the culture of people feeling like there is always another option. in fact, i see new couples um through my,
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my practice. i'm a dating coach and i help people navigate new relationships. and what i've seen is like when there's an argument or a little bit of an impasse right? for the person who self. susie, by going on the app and just seeing, you know, what they can get for for that doesn't mean hit to feel better. do the premium features and subscription plans and danny apps really work? or are they just give nikki monetization tools that they're using to capitalize on unhappy singles? if you really want to find love, i want you to know that some of the things i'm sharing may feel discouraging, but because we're humans and we are, we are desire to partner is not going anywhere. so if you're, if you're hearing me right now and you're feeling like a discourage, i want you to know that there is someone out there that once love commitment in partnership and to hold their relationship in high integrity. just like you.
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and there is a way to navigate these apps even for free, where you can absolutely meet people who have strong intentions for loving relationships, marriage and family. just like you said, to answer your question, the bells and whistles of the upgrades of the dating apps can be very helpful. okay . um, but they can also have drawbacks. uh, human nature is and this is studied and human psychology that optionality is just, you know, confuses us. and it may keep you feeling that there's even more more people instead of having that anticipation of your specific matches and studying them in a deeper way. you might just, if you have an indefinite amount of slides, you just might keep swiping in. you may end up having a lower chance of meeting someone than the person who has less options. see what
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i'm saying. so it's a little, it's counter intuitive and a little tricky. um, but if you are working with someone really skill who is going to help you not swiped too fast or swipe, you know, without giving the person the attention that they, that's deserve. like what i do is i help my clients to take that, not just a 1st look, but we, we go back and forth about each candidate and say, hey, here's why we might be good. here's why. i suggest that this person is worthy of it . least a conversation. can you at least have a conversation? because here's what i want you to know. especially if you're a hetero female, is that hetero males are having the most difficulty on the app because the hetero females want only the top 10 percent of these people who are usually in your fi lights, dating apps,
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notice. and so what they do is they make you pay essentially i'm just using hinges as an example, but other apps are doing similar things. they make you pay extra to reach those top 10 percent because they know that women are after only those top 10 percent. so what i'm encouraging my clients is that there are so many wonderful people on the apps. and if you can open your eyes and look closer and re between the lines and see what could entry you about that profile. you may very well be surprised in your opinion, how has the business aspect of dating apps influence the quality of relationships form through these platforms? relationships in modern day are only as good as somebody's growth mindset and the ability to look at their contribution toward problems in a relationship. a smart partner knows that of the problems that they bring or are receiving within patterns in their lives and then
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their relationships will repeat if they don't take the opportunity with their current partner to learn and grow and walk through that issue together. we're trading in partners in hopes that the next one is going to be better and yes, during the honeymoon these while the doping mean is there, while we still both have our mass saw, you know, we both come to a relationship to people come to a relationship with a persona and, and conditioning that they've had been brought up within their community and their parents for their whole lives. and people bring a face for relationship of which they think is more lovable. and only after a few years in a relationship to that is the mask slip really and the true authentic person comes out. now somebody who's done there in our work and their therapy and has read a bit about healthy relationships and is actually bringing their authentic self to the table for a moment. one is going to attract a more authentic person,
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and that can be an incredible relationship. so there are people doing their work. there are people who have had poor relationships, toxic relationships, who are doing their inner work in their therapy, and they know their contribution. they're willing to look at it. and as they move forward, they're willing to have these conversations with others. this is the track, this is what i see or in the future of relationships. these people who are commitment oriented, who are willing to do the work, can find and will be able to maintain beautiful partnerships, those of whom, who go out and they continue to date with blinders on and they aren't doing their inner work. they're going to run into problems, they're going to run back on the apps. they're going to find a new relationship to repeat the same problems that they've already had in their life. so, dating apps are just a mode ality to connect. it's really what you do is do with it. that matters and
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the approach that you take to your cell growth and self awareness is going to alternately lend to your relationship health. thank you so much, megan, but please stick around. the author megan wax, will stay with us right here after the break. and when we come back, what would it cost to put your dating life in the hands of the experts? we'll let you know right after the break, the acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show . seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he
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won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do they have the state department c i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you in the united states trying to impose sanctions on russia. that's the best thing the this could have happened to russia because the sanctions on russia, against agriculture, against the other items, or made russia fetus produce that song. so as on agriculture and now so the major growth export are no longer dependent on the united states and europe, the
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with television shows like $1000000.00 matchmaker and indian matchmaking. many singles who are tired of swiping right. or trying to professionals to out source their loved lives. while daddy ads are getting pricier, they're actually still cheap compared to traditional matchmakers. the vast majority of matchmaking companies start at around $10000.00, and the most elite and largest companies charge over $25000.00. we've some even charging $250000.00. the industry as a whole last transparency and most will not share. so to sticks on their success rates, results from matchmakers tend to overall be of a higher caliber than those on de apps. of both parties have invested significantly to try to find the right life partners, matchmakers, prioritize lifestyle when it comes to making your match. this includes things like
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when you like to go to bed, how you stay in shape. if you want kids where your ideal data is, etc. now next would be family values. these include things like work ethic. how close is your family, as well as how do religion shape your fundamental beliefs? and finally, matchmakers look at communication styles. this obviously refers to how a person communicates, but in this case, it is more about what is your love language. is it words of affirmation, gifts, acts of services, etc. a? well, this isn't a guarantee equation for love. these aspects tend to yield better results than your standard bumble or hinge questionnaire. and while most people are looking for love, there are some that are just looking for companionship. the number of sugar dating sites have tripled in recent years as people try to capitalize on this growing trend. now a sugar baby is someone who receives gifts, including cash, and exchange for a company. a sugar daddy is typically
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a wealthy or older man who can provide allowances or a fixed amount every week or month depending on the arrangement and the number of dates. while shivering ranges from hand holding and coddling to full on sexual encounters, sugar daddies usually seek companionship. sites like seeking arrangement indicates that the average sugar daddy is 38 years old and earns around $250000.00 annually. while the average sugar baby is 25 years old and receives $2800.00 monthly from nursing, sugar daddies. there's also the possibility of morphing into a long term relationship and rare cases. even marriage. today you have girls on take talk glamorize in the sugar baby lifestyle revealing the growing trend of young women seeking financial support from older men due to societal emphasis on youth and beauty. to sell for this and more, let's bring in again, megan wex relationship coach and author of demand funnel dot com. now, meghan,
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aside from apps, there are also traditional matchmaking services. how to match, make agencies differentiate themselves in the market and how do they attract clients? matchmakers can be a great mode gallery to meet someone. they tend to be a pretty hefty investment and to differentiate themselves. they're often um targeting that they have a candidates who are not only commitment oriented, but financially funded. now, many of the same candidates are online and they're right under your nose on match. com or some other app that's in your area. because daters are experimenting with apps online, but they may not have the skills. and if they have the financial ability to have someone do some the elbow grease for them, they will and it can work for them. okay. however, if you're not having success,
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meeting people in other ways and connecting and your relationships or, or physic, fizzling out kind of frequently. and you're seeing some of these patterns of toxicity showing up in your relationship. so it will be wise to again do your inner work 1st because if you're paying a lot for matchmaker and you have it often times it's sort of like paying for very expensive cupids, bow an arrow to hit you and bounce right off with you. it's like, you know, the arrow has a rubber on the end of the tip. so instead of going to your heart, it just bounces off and that's my concern with the max making industry is that people are going there is less resort oftentimes and maybe their savings or having their parents make this investment for them. but it may not work because of those those reasons. so if you are getting traction in other ways and you know you've had
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great relationships and you're just like a really busy professional who could use this customized support customized mattress and also like it's wonderful to not have to do it alone and have that person with you those mat, a matchmaker or a couple of people who work with the matchmaker. it's really nice to have that hand holding. so for certain people it can absolutely be effective, but those are my warnings. and what i want you to think about before hiring a matchmaker, i just had a client, our client meet someone and she really put herself out there over and over and over again. and she stayed the course and it wasn't easy. i think that, that i was concerned that how is she gonna keep, you know, doing this and the she found love because she was steadfast. she stayed in the course. she stayed ground in her own value. she knew what she wanted. she learned how to she invested in learning how to communicate this without embarrassment,
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without shame, just sharing what she truly wanted it and she found love. now the concept of sugar daddies and companionship to have arisen and popularity. how would you describe the financial dynamics of these relationships and what and draws individuals to participate in them? i think that is going through the process of finding someone and facing the rejection is hard on anybody's ego or psyche it's, it's really difficult. and then again, if the person is not doing their inner work, they're going to be seeing these patterns of toxicity shop in their relationships over and over again. an easy out is to have more control in your relationship and if you're paying for your relationship. so to speak, you know, you have power with that. monetary exchange power to silence the other person power to, to keep them needing something. and so this is
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a dynamic where the less powerful person in the relationship will go along with that person. so i think you might be finding people with a higher levels of disorder, narcissism, for example, which is increasing in our society, or either the awareness of it is increasing. it's hard to know. i think probably both um and people who aren't going to look within never will look within and improve their end of the contribution toward the toxicity and relationship. it's so much easier just to get some sugar babies or um, you know, we have a only fans site where people can pay for experiences to feel admired. because these people who are on these sites, they're professionals, that making you feel good. they're professionals about of giving you that doping mean hit. they know how to make
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a person feel really good to come back for more and it's very easy to just fall into that trap as a purchaser because it feels so good and you don't have to deal with the sticky challenges of real intimacy. and what are the potential challenges and benefits of such and kind of tensional relationships from a financial perspective? well the, the challenge would be that ultimately at some point you might learn that the person doesn't really love you for you. and i think it could be hurtful, but you might be just addicted. and then you might replace that one with another sugar baby. and you have like the secret hole in the back of your mind that maybe you could amount to something even. but the other person on the receiving end of the money is truly putting on a show for you. and i think it can be confusing, but also addictive. and that is one of the fall backs that keeps people from moving
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forward with a, a real live relationship or someone. they can have a family with someone who can be with them through the highs and lows up their life . because when they close their computer, after their experience, there's a 30 minute experience with the sugar baby for example, or whatnot. you know, they're really out in the world alone again. now on the, on the flip side, there's a site called seeking arrangements and, and in new york city, this is why something like that is popular and may even be socially accepted, more so than maybe in other markets because the cost of living is so high that even a woman who has a greek career still can't necessarily a live a high level of lifestyle because of rent and food. and any of the entertainment is so incredibly high. i happen to know a couple and she had a great career,
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but she was on the site and she did meet someone who was a very financially abundant and they're married with children now. now that technology play such a significant role in modern matchmaking, are there certain concerns or considerations related to data privacy and security in the match making industry? and how do these factors impact the cost of the services? i have a concern for matchmaking companies because of the technology in particular there's um, google reverse image search. so uh you can, if you're send certain candidates or you have access to a database for example, you can figure out so much about about that person. um and, and this leads me to believe there may be some challenges in how max making sites and companies will be able to maintain, you know,
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their privacy when trying to connect people when people can sort of go in a roundabout way and communicate with candidates. so i think technology could pose a little bit of a, of injury to the, to the industry and in ways like that. thank you so much megan rex officer for your time today. well, hopefully singles turn to the internet in search of romance, some internet users, the online dating sites, as opportunities to take advantage of people. pat fishing is quite common where a person attracts a date, usually a highly photoshop or sometimes a completely different photo than their own. this often leads to confusion and disappointments when the person who shows up to their data looks completely different, often, much worse than the original pro 5 picture around one in 10 adults in the us so
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that they have been captured online. while most of the time this is completely harmless, sometimes cat vicious will use us as an opportunity to explore money or blackmail from the victim. and so while the digital era has needed so many tasks easier and more productive, the goal of finding love still remains elusive. and unfortunately, dating sites and dating ads have monetize the desperation of singles and have turned it into a lucrative business model that fails to prioritize people's happiness. i'm christy . i. thanks for watching it. we'll see you right back here next time on the cost of everything. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the relief against the all for something and god, for some of the the still find that loved ones a life. however, the state cannot be said for so many offers. one of his coming off that a refugee camp was at the top from the latest round of his rails plumbing company. he says, israel must pay the price for its war to jump out of the $1.00 that outs. and he's putting the brakes on file that are old trade with pedigree, saying tens of thousands killed in gauze warrants of response. we attached to value unplugged, you'd also to do the same in the trash. it is a controversial us state department report on human rights violations worldwide. it


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