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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  April 30, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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it's your time to cache in... so don't just play... stay at northern california's premier casino resort. book your getaway now... tonight at columbia university, hundreds of new york city police officers in riot gear roll in and clear out an administration building where pro-palestinian protesters had barricaded
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themselves inside following what was a tense standoff. dozens are now arrested. >> they'll be charged with burglary in the third degree. criminal mischief and trespassing. >> an escalating campus protest coming to a head tonight at columbia university. good evening, everyone. i'm mike mibach, and i'm julie julie haener. >> columbia university, the epicenter of the recent college protests. and tonight, school officials asked new york city police to step in and clear out the demonstrators. hundreds of police officers began making arrests this evening. columbia university made that decision to call police after protesters seized hamilton hall yesterday. the university says the building had been vandalized and blockaded tonight. officers had to break a second floor window to make their way inside. protesters were then led away in zip ties and put onto busses. new york mayor eric adams issued a warning before police began arresting protesters, even urging parents to get involved.
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>> please call your child and urge them to leave the area before the situation escalates. in any way. this is for their own safety and for the safety of others. >> columbia university is now cleared of protesters. however, a large police presence remains on campus. the university is asking police to remain on campus at least until may 17th. two days after commencement. in a statement, columbia university said, quote, the decision to reach out to the nypd was in response to the actions of the protesters, not the cause they are championing. we have made it clear that the life of campus cannot be endlessly interrupted by protesters who violate the rules and the law, the safety of our community, especially our students, remains our top priority. >> and here in california, two dozen people were taken into custody at cal poly humboldt. the eight day occupation of a
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campus building came to an end overnight as police moved in. as ktvu christien kafton shows us, a reporter covering the sweep was also detained in the process . >> we need you out of the way, okay, k, off tv reporter adele ruiz was recording and reporting on her station's facebook page from cal state polytechnic university, humboldt, as police detained her along with demonstrators at the university. >> as they moved in to clear protesters from siemens hall on campus. ruiz was detained, photographed and transported from the scene by law enforcement, losing one of the phones she was using to broadcast and record what was unfolding in front of her. >> that second phone actually ended up being swept away as well as when they were, moving my hands towards behind my back. it slipped out of my pocket and i couldn't get it. obviously, the officers didn't get it. so there is a piece of news equipment out there at cal poly humboldt right now. >> ruiz was on scene as authorities moved in on the
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demonstrators, who had taken over siemens hall more than a week ago as part of their protest against the war in gaza and as part of their effort to get the school to disclose and divest from companies doing business with israel. in all authorities arrested at least 25 people. >> at first, they were detaining the people that were out in the quad in the little courtyard area. that's the those were the first people that got detained. >> protesters face a variety of charges, including unlawful assembly, vandalism and assault on a police officer. humboldt county put out a call for help monday looking for mutual aid from law enforcement partners up and down the state. san francisco police sent ten officers and a sergeant. the police association saying officers gave up their days off to assist, assure safety and protect everyone's first amendment rights. the sheriff's office also sent for deputies, saying law enforcement from san francisco has experienced with mass protests and that provides a unique skill set to assist smaller law enforcement outfits in san francisco. >> we do get a lot of opportunities or numerous
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opportunities to work with mass arrest, when they come up as always, we try to give everybody the freedom to express their first amendment rights. we only get involved if disruptive or activities or crimes occur. >> a statement from cal polytechnic university humboldt president tom jackson jr reads in part, quote, this is a difficult day. it breaks my heart to see it. and truly, nobody wanted to see things come to this. we've all watched this with great concern and always with the sincere hope that it would be resolved peacefully. unfortunately, serious criminal activity that crossed the line well beyond the level of a protest had put the campus at ongoing risk in san francisco, christien kafton, ktvu, fox two news. >> new video tonight showing the damage at ucla. this inside the pro-palestinian encampment on campus. as you can see, graffiti sprayed across school buildings and walkways. many students expressing frustration, hoping this can come to a peaceful end. >> seeing like the divide of our student population right now,
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it's kind of it's kind of scary. >> a lot of students are, like me included, would just like to see this kind of end at some point, whether giving in to their demands or by letting them know, like, hey, you're allowed to protest, but you know, life needs to continue, especially because midterms are right around the corner. >> tonight, the university says it is increasing campus security and also investigating reports that students are being blocked from going to class. >> the campus demonstrations are becoming a top issue on capitol hill, with more hearings expected on how colleges are handling claims of anti-semitism. house speaker mike johnson said he plans to bring a bill to the house floor this week in response to the nationwide protests. it could pave the way for protesters to face criminal charges and also allow lawmakers to cut federal funding to universities that don't control anti-semitic behavior. our coverage of the college protests continues online. you can find the very latest updates on campus encampments, arrests and reaction from university officials and students. it's
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>> new at ten. police in hayward tracked down a person of then took off on foot andut barricaded himself inside a nearby garage. this all happened near taylor and olympic avenues, east of interstate 880 around 5:00 tonight. police say the home was occupied when the suspect, who also had outstanding warrants, ran into that garage. the residents left safely and police say officers began negotiating with the suspect, who surrender. >> it was a lot of conversation. it was an excellent work by our negotiators who were in constant communication. some pa announcements, some phone conversation, and after a fair amount of time, he agreed to come out. >> a gun was recovered nearby. police are investigating whether the weapon belonged to their suspect. also tonight, several people are in custody after leading oakland police on a high speed chase. police say it started this afternoon with a report of a stolen vehicle near 105th avenue in san leandro street in east oakland. officers say they attempted to make a
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traffic stop, but the driver sped away. a police chopper followed the vehicle until the driver got out at 35th avenue in interstate 580. only then to get into another car. the two suspects eventually got out of that car and tried to run off, but were taken into custody. >> the recount in the district 16 congressional race is set to wrap up tomorrow. evan low, now leading joe simitian by just four votes after tying in the primary. however, san mateo county is still working on its final tally. ktvu south bay reporter lamonica peters live now in san jose, with reaction from the candidates and the registrar of voters, lamonica. >> julie, this has been a historic race and it's not over just yet. one political analyst says this race could lead to more recounts in the future. >> so after the recount, evan low gained 11 votes and joe simitian gained seven initial results from the march 5th runoff election for district 16 had both evan low and joe simitian tied for second place,
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behind sam liccardo. >> under state law, three candidates would qualify for the ballot. now, the second place tie could be broken on wednesday after san mateo county reviews 16 ballots in its recount. >> the likelihood of different outcomes has now changed. but really, what has happened overall is that everyone has a better appreciation of the power of their vote. >> a recount was requested on april 9th by former sam liccardo staffer jonathan padilla. any voter can request a recount, and santa clara county says its recount is open for the public to observe. votes were recounted by machine, and the registrar says human error led to miscalculations by machine operators melissa michaelson is a political science professor at menlo college. >> i think this really just opens up a huge pandora's box of folks thinking, well, maybe those election results are wrong and making people question election results and wanting to
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know more about whose votes were counted and whose votes weren't counted. >> the santa clara county registrar of voters says 45 uncounted ballots were challenged. of those 45 ballots, 33 ballots were added or subtracted to the vote tally, and the remaining ballots were not accepted because they were either received too late. the signatures didn't match registration cards, or they lacked citizenship certifications. >> the whole thing is very unusual. obviously, we've never had something like this with a three way tie with three people from the same party where it's been, you know, such a big district where it could really change the outcome. >> all three candidates say they are waiting for the results from san mateo county, and the county says they should have them on wednesday afternoon, after they have the results, both counties will send them to the secretary of state for certification, julie lamonica. >> peters reporting live for us
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tonight. lamonica. thank you. the oakland city auditor says a lack of project management led to the city to led the city to miss out on applying for a $15 million state grant to address retail theft. that investigation, released today, found that oakland police originally took responsibility for the grant. another city staffer independently began work on a submission with 11 days left to submit. the first meeting was held with the opd and city agencies, and on the afternoon of the grant deadline, two different sets of staff were unable to upload portions of the application in time. the city has since hired a coordinator who is dedicated to public safety grants. >> some big changes coming to a popular san francisco restaurant. coming up, how the business is dealing with skyrocketing prices, and another perfect day in the bay area. >> a perfect spring day, that is. things aren't going to be so perfect this weekend, though. some changes coming that you may not like. >> also ahead tonight, the capitola community weighing in on new uses for the wharf after
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it was damaged in last inter i was like shaking you know, i was so scared.
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when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case or not. as soon as i got a hold of my attorney, she was very, very nice, very kind. because of jacoby and meyers, i don't have that pressure to worry about a medical bill or things like that. if i know of any accident, i'm like, call jacoby and meyers, they'll help you. high for a popular italian restaurant right near alamo square that was very busy and profitable before the pandemic.
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ktvu. betty, you live tonight in the city. and, betty, they're not exactly closing for good, but they are making some big changes here. >> that's right. mike elementary says that it's a vastly different restaurant today than it was when it opened in 2019. now it just announced a difficult decision that next thursday will be its final day of dinner service. elementary opened to great fanfare in 2019. it was the casual spinoff of its wildly popular original and sister restaurant, located upstairs. but in the last six months, owners matt brewer and david neufeld decided to absorb elementary within and closed its dinner service in its current form, we still plan on keeping it for an event space, but in its current iteration, it just is not sustainable. given, you know, i think a lot of the rising costs of doing business in san francisco as a restaurant, elementary said it would typically see
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about 120 guests during weekday dinner hours before the pandemic. >> now they're seeing about half of that on weeknights. the decision, which it announced on its instagram, comes months after elementary cut prices by 20. it also recently cut its dine in fee in half, something it instituted to help ensure better wages and full benefits for workers in 2021. >> we have seen our payroll continue to rise. we can manage it as best we can, but when we're not seeing the additional revenue come in, people are choosing not to dine out as much . and it's not just us. it's a citywide issue. >> one of its most striking costs is electricity. brewer said he used to pay about $7,000 a month to pg and e between two restaurants before the pandemic. that same bill is now about $11,000. the two ficos will merge upstairs and the downstairs operation will focus on to-go orders and serve cocktails as well. san francisco resident jessica roman is a
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loyal diner. >> we heard it was closing, which is devastating. a lot of people have moved out of the city. i feel like, you know, attracted a lot of like corporate clients and there's fewer corporate dinners. >> i think at the end of the day, the most important thing about a restaurant is its food. and it's still delicious here. so it's unfortunate, but yeah, absolutely. the upstairs is still going to be just as delicious as it was before. >> ultimately, said, it's committed to evolving and thriving in san francisco. >> we're bullish on the future of san francisco. we just know it's going to take a little bit of time right now. >> again, may 9th will be its final day of service, at least in this iteration. now, a few of its most popular food items will still be available at upstairs mike. >> but at the same time, it is nice to hear betty that they are expanding, you know, elsewhere here in the bay area. >> that's right. in menlo park. they actually just opened a market not far from its sister restaurant in that city, and the
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owners tell me that they are still very excited to open yet another at the mission rock development that's near oracle park in 2025. >> mike, keep it rolling. all right, betty, you live tonight in san francisco. betty. thank you for that tonight. capitola residents had a chance to add their feedback as the city is looking for new uses for the wharf in january of last year, major storm damage forced the demolition of permanent structures on the wharf, including the wharf house restaurant and the boat and bait shop. the city is looking at temporary uses while they finalize more permanent plans. some ideas include food vendors, beer and wine, live entertainment. several people said the wharf should focus on its traditional uses. >> i think boat and bait are probably the most important thing to be out there on that wharf. that's community and that's something we can do really soon. and i think that's the best use of our money and our time at the moment. >> the city says it does intend to lease a portion of the wharf for bait, tackle and boat
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rental. there will also be public bathrooms and other amenities. we have an update tonight on a dead whale that washed ashore in alameda earlier this month. >> scientists say that gray whale was likely killed by the trauma from a vessel strike. it was spotted near crown beach on april 20th and was then towed away on the 22nd, scientists with the marine mammal center say. a necropsy found the whale had a full stomach and injuries consistent with blunt force trauma. this is the first gray whale death recorded in the bay area this year, and for the second year in a row, san francisco is being recognized as the leader in clean energy. >> the american council for an energy efficient economy revealed its annual clean energy scorecard. san francisco was first among cities in energy efficiency and moving toward a cleaner electric grid. oakland ranked fifth and san jose coming in at ninth. >> all right, checking in on the weather, we had a nice day today. nice day yesterday. nice day before that. and then
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tomorrow is going to be another nice day right through thursday. and then into friday. things switch around. these are the highs today. highs tomorrow will warm up a couple of degrees. so some low 80s a nice day tomorrow. tomorrow should be the warmest day of the week. and then thursday about the same. maybe a degree or two cooler. and you'll see that depicted here in this kind of graph that shows the warming and the heating or the warmth as it comes in on wednesday and thursday and then drops off. and that's the big story. is this system right about here? i'll bring it in. so this is the long range model right here. this guy or girl shows up saturday morning and you see it kind of brings us that opportunity saturday lunchtime are in the bay area. it's kind of sped it up again. so the models make for a wet saturday. for the most part, sunday looks like the day to lean into on the weekend in terms of rainfall, but that could change super easy considering the nature of this particular system. in other words, it's kind of trying to be a cut off low, and if that happens, all bets are off. but
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right now, saturday looks a little bit wet when i come back, we'll look at the full forecast. >> all right. sounds good bill. thank you. new at ten sunnyvale public safety officers are investigating a homicide that happened early this morning. this video comes from the citizen app. officers say they were called to south bernardo avenue near east evelyn. they found a man inside a vehicle with gunshot wounds. the victim later died at a hospital. officials did not release any further information on the victim or a potential suspect. >> and idaho sheriff's deputy from the bay area, who was shot and killed in the line of duty, was remembered today at his home church in walnut creek. hundreds gathered at north creek church to watch a live stream of the memorial service for tobin boelter taking place in idaho. before moving to idaho, he and his wife abby attended the church, and she worked for the school. boulter was a cadet in the walnut creek police department and went on to be an officer with pleasant hill police before moving to idaho. >> we wanted to have an
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opportunity to bring the community together here at our church. those who are not able to go up to idaho to be in person, be able to watch here together in solidarity, to support the family, the belcher family. tobin and abby grew up here. they were married here. both of their families still attend here, and so this has been very impactful. >> during the ceremony, the ada county sheriff presented the family with a purple heart. deputy boulter was shot and killed by a driver. he pulled over for a traffic stop. he was 27 years old. >> coming up, a new set of rules for vendors in san francisco. the crackdown on illegal activity. >> also, it's called first thursday, the new giant street party that kicks off this week in the city. >> also, more pain at the pump. it's not the price of oil, though. it's the increase in california's gas tax that will soon take effect
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it received its inspiration from oakland. it's called downtown first thursdays, with the goal of revitalizing the area. ktvu is amber lee live now in the newsroom to give us a preview and reaction from people who want this event. amber. >> julie. people in the area tell me they're excited and hope downtown first thursdays will bring much needed foot traffic into the area. organizers hope to get 10,000 people to attend. they say the idea is to attract people from different parts of the city and give workers in the area a reason to stay. after office hours. >> this whole street from market all the way to howard is going to be closed, and it's going to be a giant street party, a giant street party right here on second street in downtown san francisco, held on the first thursday of every month, starting this week, a move to bring life back into the area at night. >> these are, six inch by six inch tiles of mirror artist
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stephanie mufson, known for building floats for parades, such as the one for chinese newo ball for the event. >> it will be hanging from a crane to enhance the party atmosphere, and we've seen cranes all along the skyline, so it was a perfect combination to really bring flair and fun to the street. katie birnbaum is bringing her expertise, putting on bhangra and beats night market in the financial district last fall , and the main stage s going to be right there at howard, and that's going to be where the art car is going to be, and you'll be able to dance to aluna. aluna is a well-known singer and dj. she will be performing at the event. organizers say there will be family friendly entertainment and activities for all ages. oakland's first friday is an inspiration. >> is a grab bag of food, music, retail art, dancing to the point of downtown first thursdays is to is to celebrate the best of san francisco. >> many is the founder of civic joy fund. the nonprofit will
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provide $1.5 million to fund first thursdays for a year. organizers say thursdays are the new fridays for hybrid workers in the area. >> in the work week is tuesday through thursday. now so we're tacking on to the end of foulkes's work week and helping capture people that are coming into the office. in hummus. >> a nearby restaurant welcomes the new event, which goes from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m, and those thursday nights, i do plan on staying open until ten, so just to see if we can try to get a little more business from that crowd,id. >> i hope it helps. i really hope it like brings life back to this area. >> this event is free to the public. organizers are asking people to rsvp online. for more
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information, go to and click on the web link section. reporting live in the newsroom. amber lee, ktvu, fox two news. >> new rules have been approved for vendors in san francisco today. the board of supervisors passed an ordinance that expands the city's crackdown on illegal street vending. this ordinance clarifies the permit application process, requires certain vendors to register with the tax collector, and pay fees, and also bans selling in residential areas. the ordinance follows the 90 day moratorium on street vending on mission street issued back in november, which was then extended by another six months. >> a historic move today by the federal government coming up after the break, how bay area dispensaries are responding to the decision to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug. plus alameda county is not for sale. >> we had a democratic election. we the people spoke dueling rallies today as a recall
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election for alameda county's district attorney looms. >> the large price tag it carries, plus the investigation that is now underway. >> and coming up later in sports, we're going to hear from one of the most decorated high school basketball coaches in america who just keeps winning in the south bay. also coming up a big meeting tomorrow regarding inflation, how wall street is responding to the uncertainty. plus, the major company that just reported a disappointing start to the year next. stop. you got it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪
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everyone needs a place to recharge. how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. same level as tylenol ktvu. josé huerta live tonight in the newsroom with reaction to this major shift here. joey. >> mike. right now weed is classified at the same level as heroin. and while recreational
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use is already legal in california, today's proposal from the dea could be a game changer for the rest of the country. the u.s. drug enforcement administration wants to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug. right now, cannabis is a schedule one drug, just like heroin. >> marijuana is so far away from heroin. >> safford davis is a medical marijuana user in the bay area. >> enjoyment, pain relief, a way to get through the day and a way to see it. >> the dea doesn't currently consider schedule one drugs to have any medical use. the new classification would downgrade pot to schedule three, the same level as tylenol. you can smell that. >> it's good, bud. >> it's fresh for the team at park social, a dispensary in alameda. changing the schedule is a step in the right direction for is like bad for you nowadays, but back in the day
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they're like, what's strong for your bones? and now we're hearing the hard truth. it's the same thing with marijuana. they want to say it's a gateway drug. >> william manning vapes to get relief from back pain and trouble sleeping. >> it would be much better off. probably taxing the holy #### out of it and treating it like alcohol, where it's regulated and completely legal throughout the country. >> according to the aclu, there's a racial disparity when it comes to marijuana crimes with black people being nearly 4% more likely to be arrested than whites. congresswoman barbara lee calls reclassifying action a big deal, but believes there's more work to be done. >> the only way to remedy the most concerning consequences of marijuana prohibition is to deschedule marijuana altogether. >> many are quick to point out that this is an election year, and that could boost biden's support at the polls, especially with younger voters. mike. >> so after all is said and done here, joey i mean, what's what's next, i guess? >> well, the da's proposal would
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not legalize marijuana for recreational use across the country just yet, mike, but it still needs to be reviewed by the white house office of management and budget to see where it goes next. >> joey jordan live tonight in the newsroom. joey, thank you. former president trump was back in a new york city courtroom for more testimony in the so-called hush money trial. keith davidson , who negotiated the payment for stormy daniels, was on the witness stand. he testified that daniels story about an alleged affair with mr. trump became more marketable after the access hollywood tape came out. davidson said while trump's then attorney, michael cohen, never said he was negotiating for mr. trump, he felt the implication was clear. but some observers say they're still waiting to see that smoking gun still did not get that direct link connecting trump to this payment. >> that would put him squarely in the crosshairs of criminal jeopardy. >> the judge also fined donald trump $9,000 for violating the gag order that prohibits him from making public comments
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about witnesses and jurors. trump was also ordered to remove posts from truth social, and his website. the trial is expected to last about another month, and you can stay on top of the latest developments with the trials involving the former president online just set off to many questions remain tonight about when alameda county district attorney pamela price will face a recall election. >> it could cost more than $15 million and as ktvu henry lee shows us now, an investigation has just been opened into a group backing the recall. >> recall price recall price, recall price dueling rallies by those who want to recall alameda county da pamela price. >> public safety is priceless, and those who want her to stay put. >> stop scapegoating price, stop scapegoating price. >> today. this is it. okay? the recall is going to happen. this is the first ever recall happening in our county.
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>> yes, recall organizers carl chan and brenda grisham want the board of supervisors to set a date for the recall, but they had to compete with an equally vocal group of price supporters. >> we aren't here to argue with anybody. you guys have had your chance. this is our press conference. yes, this is for the victims. >> the progressive price will face a recall after organizers gathered enough signatures. the only question is, and it's a complicated one, when any election would be at a meeting tuesday, the board of supervisors were told by the registrar of voters it could be a special election that could cost 15 to $20 million, or be consolidated with the november election for $4 million. >> alameda county is not for sale. we had a democratic election. we the people spoke at a news conference of her own price. >> accused recall organizers and the registrar of cherry picking what rules to follow. >> so now what we have is if we're going to have an election, it's a remix election and therefore that's undemocratic. >> the state fair political
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practices commission has opened an investigation into alleged campaign disclosure violations by the financial arm of a group that wants, price recalled. >> there have been a lot of financial irregularities, coupled with the irregular, practices of the signature gathering. >> the registrar told supervisors the preference is to include the recall as part of the november election. price's attorney, jim sutton, agrees if they want to move forward with the election, if they don't agree that it's illegal, why would they do a special election? >> why would you waste $20 million to have an election that's going to be held like two months before the november election? >> there are a lot of potential dates thrown out there as far as a possible special election. so far, no decision as to whether it's a separate election or be part of the november election. either way, there was some agreement. this recall will happen on a tuesday. henry lee ktvu, fox two news, the silicon valley billionaires who want to build a new city in solano county, say their proposal will
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be on the november ballot, the california forever campaign announced today it has submitted more than 20,000 signatures, but it only needed 13,000 to qualify if solano county election officials verify these signatures, voters will then decide in the fall whether to allow urban development on land currently zoned for agriculture. >> that designation is necessary for the project to move forward. >> coming up at 11, a ban on service fees will soon go into effect. the state now expected to clarify who will see the most impact, and we are tracking the weather. >> it is going to be a little warmer tomorrow and then we cool down with some rain potential for the weekend. we'll look at the model. i'll see you back here. >> also the summer travel season right around the corner, but it's going to cost california drivers a little more than normal
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gan. the tax will increase by $0.02 starting july 1st. the current gasoline tax is 57.9 cents a gallon. with the increase, it will rise to 59.6 cents a gallon. californians pay the highest gas tax in the nation to go along with the highest gas prices. triple a shows the statewide average is close to 540 a gallon, with bay area prices around 560 a gallon. starbucks reported weaker than expected sales over the first three months of the year. >> the seattle based company says revenue from january to last month dropped 2. it is the first time since 2020 starbucks saw a drop in quarterly revenue. the company says fewer customers are visiting stores. shares were down nearly 12% after hours on the report on wall street, many stocks took a hit to end the market's biggest down month since september. the dow was down more than 570 points. that's about 1.5. the nasdaq
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down even more at 2, losing 325 points in the s&p was down 80 points after labor costs rose by a percentage point last month. wall street is now looking at federal reserve chair jerome powell. tomorrow, the fed will host day two of a key policy meeting that will determine if rates will even be cut later this year. >> reports of fraud against seniors are on the rise in california, saw more complaints than any other state in 2023. the fbi says it saw a 14% increase in claims at over 100,000. more than 11,000 were from california. total losses rose to more than. $3.4 billion last year. the fbi tells us the most common scam involves phony tech support. someone makes contact with a senior saying something is wrong with their computer, gaining access to personal and banking information . >> the impact of these crimes can be devastating. seniors are targeted for a reason, and
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they're targeted because they've been saving money their entire lives. so they're very attractive targets to these scammers to lose all that money that they've saved literally their entire lives can be absolutely devastating. >> well, tech scams are the most common investment scams are the most costly. the fbi urges people to always verify any outside contacts and not to click on unfamiliar web links. >> all right, after the break, a big day for the independent baseball team, the oakland ballers. the plan just approved by city council members. >> also in east bay community taking matters into their own hands, the effort to improve safety following a deadly shooting that remains unsolved and it was a beautiful spring day, even evening out there as we gave you this live look outside downtown san francisco, the bay bridge, the salesforce tower chief meteorologist bill martin is back with us after the break. he big
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firearm magazine and called police officers responded to the home on canyon heights drive and then found the gun. they later found two other guns and methamphetamine. 47 year old sandeep garcha is now facing a number of weapons and drug charges. police say he was previously convicted for carjacking, kidnaping and robbery. california attorney
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general rob bonta was in the south bay today for a roundtable discussion to find ways to reduce gun violence. >> the centers for disease control prevention reports that 2021 was the deadliest year for gun related deaths. that includes record numbers of murders and suicides. among the community groups. at today's roundtable was the partnership for safe communities. they suggest a regional intervention strategy instead of cities working independently to try to curb gun violence. >> a lot of the same individuals who are engaging in gun violence in one city are also engaging in other types of violence, or even gun violence in other cities. and so our report was able to link that. >> attorney general rob bonta says efforts in california are working the state's gun homicide rate is 30% below the rest of the united states. tonight an east bay community still searching for answers after a neighbor was shot and killed while trimming trees in his backyard last june. >> as ktvu crystal bailey reports, his neighbors are now banding together, hoping a network of security cameras will
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improve safety in the area. >> in the quiet community of maxwell park in east oakland, neighbors are tight knit, and in june of 2023, when 60 year-old david schneider was senselessly shot while trimming trees in his front yard. neighbors came to his aid while he was dying and gathered security footage for investigators in what oakland police originally thought might have been an attempted robbery. >> it just really, struck the whole community. it activated us. we felt, you know, upset and scared. and so we all came together to try and think about how we could, make this community safer. >> reporter. it's no secret oakland police are overwhelmed. so the maxwell park neighborhood action team took it into their own hands and started working on problems like traffic improvement, lighting up dark streets and adding cameras to deter criminals. >> we're worried that these crimes are going to be committed, and then that nobody will be held accountable for the actions. >> nathan green recently began a
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fundraiser to raise money for families who could not buy a camera of their own, crowdsourcing the funds from other neighbors, cameras that face the street so that if a car is being used in a crime elsewhere, that we can maybe help law enforcement. diane cheatham allen says she's lived in the neighborhood for 45 years. >> we do look out for each other, and we have for a very long time. >> and she has a camera on her own house, but she's happy to hear more families will have access to security. >> i think cameras would allow us to know what is going on. >> although oakland's latest data shows the overall crime rates are down over last year in the maxwell park area, home robberies are up 300% in parts of the neighborhood. this community is focused on solving these crimes together by monitoring the streets. >> we've identified several families who are interested in getting the cameras who couldn't otherwise afford it. >> the neighborhood action team says they've raised about $1,300, and they plan to continue raising money to help as many families as possible. meanwhile, oakland police could
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not provide me with an update into the investigation into schneider's death. right now, as far as we know, there have been no arrests in the case in oakland. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news. >> so it's going be a little bit of everything. as we head towards the rest of this week. we got a nice warm up comes tomorrow, the warmest day of the week. thursday looks pretty great and then friday some clouds and then saturday some showers. so here we are through wednesday, the warmest day. and then here we are saturday. so we're kind of getting into a unsettled period. and here's the model. the long range model not very granular but gives you a pretty good idea of what we're looking at. here we are. this is the system. everything else was just the nice weather. and then here we get into tomorrow morning or pardon me saturday morning. sorry about that. saturday morning. and then you can kind of see it lingers a little bit saturday morning into saturday afternoon. sunday looks like it wants to clear out. so right now the models are pretty aggressive on saturday. and they run to run. they've been fairly aggressive with it a little
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faster a little slower. but still saturday right now looks like it's kind of the wet day, especially in the north bay. by 11:00 it should be raining throughout the central bay. if that's how this goes down, lots could change. certainly as we go through time. but in the meantime we're going to go this low pulls in saturday. looks like it's going to be kind of lightly scattered showers, some heavy rain along the coastal hills potentially an inch of rain, a lot of rain that all. if that transpires, we'll see how that works out. in the meantime, i hope you've got, plans that you can if you're outdoors and things you can work around. in the meantime, just kind of prepare that way and then realize that the, the model that things could change saturday morning may be okay for certainly san jose saturday afternoon, probably wet for san francisco south. we'll see how it all plays out because we got time. we got a couple of days before the models will congeal on this thing. current temperatures. the winds have been pretty breezy. it's been, you know, 15, 25 mile an hour winds. we saw some 30 mile an hour winds at the coast today up
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around point reyes. and that's blowing around the tree pollens, which are everywhere. and if you're bothered by them like i am, you're noticing them. and this will be one of the worst weeks we've seen. could be one of the worst weeks we have this season. really, because we're just dead in the middle of the spring thing, and then you get these dry kind of at least kind of northwesterly winds that are really doing a number on the pollen spreading around. anyway so here's 80 tomorrow in santa rosa, 80 in fairfield, 80 in concord or antioch. so that's how it goes next couple of days. wednesday thursday and then friday. there it is. right. starts to cool down saturday. right now. that's the bull's eye for this thing. it could change. sunday looks to be your best day on the weekend at this time. we'll check it again tonight at 11 and then again tomorrow. all right. >> we'll see you in a bit, bill. thank you. santa rosa is bringing back its weekly summer night market starting next week. the night markets will be held at old courthouse square on wednesday nights from 5 to 8:30 p.m. they will feature live music, vendors and a lot of food options. it's put on by a nonprofit group of local leaders
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and volunteers. the first night market starts may 8th and runs weekly through july 31st. >> it is official the oakland ballers have a home for their inaugural season. the team says the city council final approval for their plan to revitalize historic raymond park in west oakland. the ballers plan to spend $1.6 million to get the park ready for the 48 game season that starts in june. the park was originally established back in 1896, making it one of the oldest in the city. >> the bay area's new wnba team announced today it has received 7000 season ticket deposits since the franchise was announced in october of last year, the team said today. it received 1000 season ticket deposits in the last week alone. that marks the fastest accumulation of deposits since the day the franchise was announced. that's when the team saw more than 2000 deposits in 24 hours. the team still has not been named, but it will be headquartered in oakland and play home games at chase center
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in san francisco starting in 2025. >> all right. coming up next in sports tensions brewing in milwaukee when the benches clear after punches are thrown out there on the field, jason applebaum untangles all the drama out at miller park, and we are continuing to follow the intensifying pro-palestinian protests involving columbia university. >> we'll have an u ate co ng
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good evening everybody. we've got b's a brawl and some baseball to show you. tonight. we begin in oakland at the coliseum, where the a's are on a nice little roll. seventh inning up, three two on the pirates. jj bleday connects off josh fleming
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, dead center, 417ft, two run. homer bleday also homered in the fifth for his first two homer game of his career. mason miller picks up his eighth save of the year. a's win 5 to 2. they have won three straight and five of their last six games. how about the giants taking on the red sox at fenway park in boston? logan webb came in on a 19 inning scoreless streakd sox already up three. nothing in the fourth when wilmer abreu rips one to right. the ball kind of bounces around off the wall. runner scores from third and abreu is on his way to third with his first career triple. webb gave up nine hits and all four runs in three and two thirds innings. the red sox, they score one run in each of the first four innings to win four to nothing. okay, how about that brawl happened in milwaukee brewers pitcher abner uribe? yeah, threw a punch at jose siri of the rays. he kind of threw a
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haymaker of his own. the replay shows neither guy really connected, but dugouts and bullpens emptied for the fractious series. he claimed uribe started it with a shoulder bump. a rebate, said siri, escalated it with some trash talk and meantime the brewers beat the rays 8 to 2. as for those bees tonight in phoenix, wow. a swarm of beesodgers diamondbacks game. everyone is like, what are we going to do? it looked bleak until beekeeper matt hilton, he arrived to save. the day, going up on a scissor lift to vacuum up most of the bees with a shop vac and finish them off with some spray and look at that. as a reward, the beekeeper got to throw out the ceremonial first pitch. the game finally started after an hour and a three games tonight, jalen brunson and the knicks looking to close out the 76 ers. new york up three inside of 10s when tyrese maxey pulls up from 35ft and knocks it down. ties.
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the game up. at 97 maxey had 46. we go to overtime. brunson had 40 of his own. but it's that turnover right there. everybody's talking about 18 seconds to go. costly mistake. sixers win 112 106. knicks still lead three games to two. and the bucks and cavs also winners tonight. no high school girls basketball coach in northern california history has won more games than archbishop mitty. sue phillips, who is now a hall of famer. phillips wast mitty befog the girls. she's also coached the youth national team to four gold medals, and she's a two time national coach of the year. this past saturday, phillips, she was inducted into the women's basketball hall of fame in knoxville, tennessee. she said it was a humbling and emotional experience.
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>> when i received the call, i actually broke down in tears of joy. just you don't. it's not something you ever expect. it's not why you coach or teach. it's a byproduct and something i'm incredibly grateful for. needless to say, you do get very nostalgic as as i sat down to write my acceptance speech, that's when you sit down and really kind of pore through the years and all the hands that have contributed to this journey . >> yeah, we'll have more on her, at a later date, but that was a snippet with sue phillips had a wonderful career as a player, as a monarch, and then comes back only to coach the youngsters. only two time winner of the naismith coach of the year award in history. so pretty incredible. very impressive jason thank you. >> all right. next at 11. >> and then at the end it just starts to leave less and less room for a business to operate and make a profit. >> the cost of doing business in san francisco getting higher every day. and now one popular italian restaurant in the city is making some major changes to
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be able to stay afloat. >> the 11:00 news on ktvu fox two starts now. >> beloved italian restaurant fico says it will combine with its sister restaurant in an effort to cut costs. hello again everyone! i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach. >> from expensive rent to utilities and rising staff costs, this restaurant and really others across the city have a lot to face in order to keep the doors open. new tonight as ktvu is. betty yu reports the final dinner service for k fico alimentari will be this week. >> k fico elementary opened to great fanfare in 2019. it was the casual spinoff of its wildly popular original and sister restaurant k fico, located upstairs. but in the last six months, owners matt brewer and david nayfeld decided to absorbd close its dinner service in its current form, we still plan on keeping it for an event space, but in its current iteration, it just is not sin


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