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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  May 2, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at >> now at 5 pro-palestinian encampments are growing at bay area. university says more than 2000 demonstrators have been arrested at campuses across the country. thanks for joining us tonight on kron. 4 news at 5. i'm grant lotus and i'm noelle bellow. we know of at least 2 injuries after an aggravated assault at a pro-palestine encampment. >> at uc berkeley's campus, that's where we find kron 4 s lezla gooden tonight with the latest lezla.
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>> yes, we have been out here all afternoon and it has been very peaceful and quiet. this pro pasta encampment continues to grow and get more support from students. a local sierra. we've also noticed additional law enforcement. now the student protesters tell me that they actively and negotiations with the university about the demand. but while they were negotiating some of those protesters were injured. >> uc berkeley's free palestine encampment continues to grow at this proud plaza student protesters say they have been directly negotiating this week with berkeley administration on their demands. >> and then the silence on the genocide. it's kind has to stop. and the 4th was a little more selfish locally facing. and in the repression here people who speak they're which many examples of people lost their jobs last must endure. the student-led protest says
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overall it's been peaceful and there hasn't been any physidal violence with opposing protesters until wednesday evening person, not from the site, signed a kind of approach to design a scoop in. >> so students formed a line between the 2 groups tried try to keep tensions down. but still the person managed to grab a israeli flag and touched on so there was a little scuffle as they fought to the fight, according to the university of california as police department. >> and attempted robbery of a flag and physical assault happened just before 7 o'clock on wednesday. adding that 3 people were injured during this incident. we're trying really hard to keep things skating accept the levels and just a few feet away from the camp, you can find small marcus who says he's here to at spiritual safety for students needing support students, especially our jewish students. >> are witnessing any violence, do not see any violence at all. he tells me their goal is to educate the
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student protesters and he believes they're not properly informed what the israeli government is doing would be shocked to find out that. >> the arab israelis are protected more than any other country in the world. lot of these students. attitudes, we're not be tolerated in palestinian territories. >> and we did reach out to the and we did reach out to the university directly about this incident between the 2 protesting groups. and they say that they condemn all violence and they currently investigating this as well. live at berkeley lab to get more news. >> leslie, thank you for that. meanwhile, students at the university of san francisco have joined the demonstrations by launching an encampment on campus there at welsh field. the demonstrators are demanding the school disclose all financial investments in israel's military and then pull those investments. the pro-palestinian encampment at
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plate memorial plaza on stanford's campus. meanwhile, is entering its second week. some students we spoke with say they have noticed additional security measures around the campus. kron 4 reached out to palo alto police to say they have not provided any assistance to the university regarding safety or students or plans to possibly remove the encampment. >> at least 200 people were arrested overnight at ucla that bringing the nationwide total of arrests to more than 2000 since mid april, chaotic scenes played out early this morning with officers in riot gear. workers cleaning up the encampment having to haul away sheets of plywood used to build a barricade sweeping trash from graffiti. covered steps. governor newsom released a statement condemning the violence at ucla. it reads, quote, the law is clear the right to free speech does not extend the the ix does not extend the inciting violence, vandalism or lawlessness on campus. those who engage in illegal
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behavior must be held accountable for their action, including through criminal prosecution suspension or expulsion. the california legislative jewish caucus meantime, is expressing its disappointment with how ucla leadership is handling the demonstrations. the co-chairs assembly member, jesse gabriel and san francisco, senator scott wiener released a statement saying they support free speech. it says in part the last few days of protests at ucla have targeted jewish students in ways that are anything but peaceful. we are appalled by the physical abuse violence, hate speech and intimidation that have been directed at jewish students over the past several days. the fact that the ucla administration allowed this dangerous and overt discrimination to persist unchecked for so long is shameful. and still ahead, we continue our coverage on the protests. state republicans are calling for action. >> why they say school officials have not done enough to stop the violence. new at 5
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fa mill valley teacher has been arrested and charged for child crimes. and that teacher has now been found dead. police say 55 year-old michael smith was found floating in the water about 2 and a half miles away from drake speech last night. police say he was out surfing when he was washed out to sea smith worked for the mill valley school district for about 6 years before he was put on administrative leave when he got arrested this past tuesday, he was booked into jail but bailed out. authorities are now investigating his exact cause of death. >> this just into the newsroom, the captain of the conception dive boat has been sentenced to 4 years in prison for the fiery deaths of the 34 people aboard that scuba boat. 70 year-old jerry boylan has been sentenced for criminal negligence in the 2019 at labor day. tragedy near santa cruz island. prosecutors say he failed to organize roving night patrols, sufficient fire drills and crew training. they
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also say he did not fight the flames or attempt to rescue trapped victims. 33 passengers and one crew member were killed. boylan was ordered to surrender to authorities and begin serving his sentence in july. in downtown san francisco, 2 security guards were attacked while on the job. it happened just before 10, 30 yesterday morning near union square kron four's gayle ong spoke with one of those victims. she joins us live in studio now with the details. scale. yeah, no. well, the victims, a longtime security guards. one of the men i spoke with, says >> he never saw the suspect before. and this attack was unprovoked sandhoke. san francisco police are searching for the suspect. >> alice is back to work a day after he was assaulted by this man captured on surveillance video from dinka >> and then days will be a and then. open the bill and boost me and then kicked. morales says the suspect then went after his friend, a 78
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year-old man and pushed him to the ground before getting back in his car and driving on. why do you think someone would do that? i don't because made plans talking about the best will in the and then >> they opened the door. mireles says the suspect parked his car in front of their workplace. both men are security guards who have worked here for decades. the incident happened just before 10, 30 wednesday morning in the area of post and kearny streets near union square. i'm just glad to hear that he's okay. serious battle stopped by to check on morales after hearing about the incident. those really disturbing to see someone just jump out of their car and >> attack on the front of these people. we know both morales and bethel say they have not experienced any problems all working in the area over the years candid like being in the financial districts. there is there are some interesting characters that wander by they. >> just keep on wondering by. so it's it hasn't been much of an issue. >> and police say this is an active investigation are still determining if this was a hate
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crime. gayle ong kron, 4 news. >> thanks, gayle. it's weather time as we get a live look outside of san francisco in the bay area's been showing off this week. my gosh, it's been absolutely amazing, lawrence. i keep seeing people land out get in the sun as much as they can before it changes. yeah, it's going to change quite dressed in the temperatures running well above the average around the bay area to some nice, warm numbers, 70's a few 80's out there again today. fog starting to move in along the coastline. your first sign of a change in the works. so we'll see more of that on the way. still. >> a nice evening around most of the bay area tonight. it looks like it is going to stay that way for most patches of fog on the way toward the coastline, but otherwise nice and clear right now as we head through the night tonight. well, these temperatures are going to cool off what a day it has been. well in the 70's in places like concord at 77 right now. a beautiful evening in livermore, 74 degrees. 75 in santa rosa 72 degrees in san jose. 62 right now cooling off in the breeze in san
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francisco. oakland, checking in at 68 degrees. all right. speaking of the fall, you can see it right there. moving in along the san mateo county coastline and parts of pacifica. and we'll see more of that as we head toward the coming days as high pressure going to weaken somewhat as that ridge starts to weaken, that is going to open the doors, going to call what we call retro grade. i mean, just going to back away from the coastline. that's good. open up the door to a chance of rain. but not tonight. just a nice evening outside a little breezy in spots. otherwise some patchy fog moving in along the coast. >> lawrence, thank you. you may want to get out and enjoy the nice evening. weather out there tonight is the first of 12 monthly block parties scheduled to happen in san francisco. it's called downtown first thursdays and thousands of folks have already signed up to attend the street party just started officially a few minutes ago. a kron four's rob nesbitt joins us live with what inspired first thursdays. how's it going? >> pretty good. grant know.
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well, organizers were actually inspired by what they saw oakland with first friday there. so they decided start pomething here in san francisco. this is the first first thursday happening downtown. and it's happening all along second street from market street in that direction, running all the way down to how are they got the entire street clothes off. you can tell by the crowd that people found out quickly about this. >> by midday thursday, volunteers and city workers were busy closing down second street in san francisco and preparation for downtown first thursday, a monthly street party to be held the first thursday of every month. and the idea of many you o. >> why isn't francisco have something that we're doing in our downtown that's that's us. that's uniquely the owner amenities and executive director of the city joy fund has organized live music. djs drag performances, martial arts and more for first thursday with the goal of attracting 10,000 people to downtown once a month. the
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reason why this is important is because we need to get people to create new memories downtown to remember how close it is and how easy it is to get there and how much there is to offer for folks. downtown business owners has spent the last few months preparing for first thursdays, including david scott mabry and michelle delaney who own one 11 minute gallery. they've seen other businesses close around their art gallery since the pandemic and hope the monthly street party is here to stay, says he everything when you >> have so many businesses being closed. so people knowing that they can come out first there all these businesses will be open and active for them. i think that's what ultimately can help us along. first thursdays are free, but organizers are encouraging people to register online through eventbrite with 6,000 people already on the list. but that's a lot. it's really cool. good for business and downtown. so we really want this feel like something for everyone. but it's about celebrating the best of san francisco and celebrating our downtown.
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>> first thursday is going to be happening here until 10:00pm. tonight is the first of many, of course, is going to be scheduled the first thursday every month until april of 2025. reporting live in san francisco. i'm rob nesbitt. kron. 4 news looks like a lot of folks already out there. look at your drive themselves good weather. good night for thanks. up next after being accused of cultural and racial bias. >> how the san jose police department's taking a new approach to cinco de mayo this year. pretty scary. >> knowing that she was in his accident. >> a dangerous drive to school. what happened when a mother driving her daughter to class tried to get away from the shooting? let there be light swim. we can expect to see the bay bridge all lit up again. >> and how the display will be a bit different this time around.
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>> a second lawsuit has been filed against benicia unified school district claiming it swept teacher abuse accusations under the rug. this new lawsuit similar to the first looks to hold schools accountable for its negligent hiring. a former teacher, matthew shelton failing to report his abuse of its students and concealing his actions to protect the district's own reputation. shelton has been charged with 7 counts of molesting a child. meantime, the man on your screen here has been arrested, charged with multiple counts of assault. the 41 year-old is the owner of she hair salon and conquered at clayton road and bailey road. police say
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the crimes happened inside his hair salon. he remains in custody tonight. concord police does believe there are more victims. so if you have any information on the man on your screen, you're asked to come forward. >> fast food workers at to oakland locations are on strike today. workers at play loco on international and 25th near the fruitvale bart station and workers that mcdonald's on 14th in jackson, near lake merritt, say their bosses have failed to protect workers and customers from hazardous conditions in a formal complaint to cal osha employees. describe seeing rats nibbling on pieces of bacon and hamburgers that they are ready to serve. customers. >> for more than a year, this sparkling lights of an art installation on the bay bridge have been turned off, leaving things looking a little dark and lonely. but those lights are coming back with the promise is the project will be
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even bigger and better. kron four's. catherine heenan joining us from the newsroom now with details. catherine. yeah, people love those lights, noel. and it has been 14 months since we've seen them. the co-founder of the nonprofit behind the project called the lumen 8. >> talk to kron today and his update will make a lot of people happy, including drivers. >> we think we can do this without being a driver distraction. actually think it might even increased driver attention. but but imagine coming into san francisco. have your friends into our cities reported the public art. it's 1.8 miles long seeing the city of san francisco open on the other side of it. we're very, very excited. >> the last time we saw ban davis, he was the guy officially turning the lights off. that was march of last year after more than a decade, the lights were basically warning out too expensive to maintain bringing them back has taken a lot of fundraising. the new lights will be more durable and more people will be able to see them were also in a double the
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number of led. so. >> we're still the western span and the northern edge of the bay bridge. but we're going to wrap around the table with a note on both sides so we can deliver a static equity around the bay. you know, really not just to the pet houses in san francisco, the north bay, but, you know, all the way down into the bay view, hopefully over the oakland, alameda berkeley, richmond and the new emerging neighborhoods of treasure island ny, be i the new version will be called bay lights 3.60. >> if all goes well, they'll be up by march of 2025. >> a new design. a bigger show, but it will still take a lot of work. >> then we need to get up on the bridge and which is not easy to do as we as we take the old lights down, will put the new lights up in one big pass. we need to work with the traffic engineers to make sure that we're proposing is safe. and and then the artist needs to get up there and really spend as much time as he needs to program the lights and that she the level of beauty that i know that's already there, but he thinks he can take it even further. and then we'll have our grand lighting. >> the people behind the new lights. they had to come up with 11 million dollars in
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donations to make it all happen. they've got all but the last half million, they say and expect to get that soon. they did not use public money and they decided not to use sponsorships. most of the money came from wealthy donors, grant well. thanks, catherine. >> as we take a live look outside this is the view from the crowd for studios along the embarcadero in san francisco. you see the aforementioned bay bridge not let up yet, but plenty of wind out there in the sky. a lot of lawrence, this where the change happened. yet. started though worsen. seen some of the fog moving along the coastline today. >> that was a sign of the change beginning. but if you're living in the bay in the valleys, hardly noticed a change at all. temperatures again, very similar to what we had yesterday. we saw those numbers moving well in the 70's, even a couple low 80's out there. but now a flag kind blowing in the breeze out there right now. we see some gusty winds 20 miles an hour or so in some spots, even a little bit stronger in the san francisco, a gusting to 28 32
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at sfo. so a gentle sea breeze out there right now. some nice stuff, but we'll see more of that on the way in the coming days as we get ready for a whole change in the weather pattern, of course, has been so nice. but well, look what were delivered in the gulf of alaska. we've got yet another storm. this could be up for the season. in saying that seems like for about a month now. but every one of these storms, this could be the last significant storm of the season. hard for me to imagine another one as powerful as this. so this could be moving in as we get in toward late friday night and saturday. pretty stormy on saturday morning. it is looking like a significant soaker here in the bay area. for tomorrow, high pressure going hold on just enough. it's going to flatten out. and that means our temperatures go to cool down a bit. we will see a little fog along the coastline. that rain will slowly make its way in overnight tomorrow night and into saturday morning. so here you go. forecast model showing up for you as we get toward tomorrow morning. some patchy fog around the bay area early on and then by the afternoon, the breeze kicks in. more fog on the way and then overnight as we head from friday night to saturday morning. there you go. that rain moving in will be heavy at times in the early
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morning hours and then should taper off by the afternoon. turning more towards scattered showers. but unseasonably cool temperatures will go from the 80's. the warm spots down the 50's and 60's on the high end. all right. thanks. alerts. cinco de mayo. preparations are underway in the south bay where it is always a pretty supercharge party. this is a view of that san jose police, though, are taking a different approach to the festivities this year after they faced backlash last year. residents accused the department of not communicating the road closures ahead of the event in 2023. last year, law enforcement blocked off highway ramps near the parade because they felt the event would lead to vandalism and sideshows. many called the closures and the reasons for them and example of cultural and racial bias opportunity to talk to the public about some things that occurred last year that we want try remedy this year. >> we have a couple of closures that are going to curl. that includes only one
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freeway off ramp closure, which will be 6.88 king road will be on may 5th specifically for a parade. that decision i did that. we have anticipated preplanned freeway road closures. >> the department will be closing down. barack obama boulevard and west santana clair street for a car show from 09:00am to 04:00pm. may 4th. >> and taking place that same day is the salsa festival. that event is forcing a one-lane closure of south market street surrounding plus, a day says that chavez from one to 09:00pm. often mistaken for mexican independence day. cinco de mayo or the 5th of may is actually a holiday that celebrates the date of the mexican army's victory over france in the mexican state of puebla during the franco mexican war. today is also known as the battle of puebla day. while it is a relatively minor holiday in mexico in the u.s. cinco de mayo has evolved into a commemoration of mexican cultural and heritage,
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particularly in areas with large mexican american populations. >> it is the end of an era by a beloved east bay comic shop has decided to close its doors for good. how long? how much longer customers have to. longer customers have to. purchase something. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling.
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visit to learn more. doc?
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>> free comic book day is celebrated worldwide and more than 2 decades ago, the annual event was actually found it at a comic book store in concord this saturday, however, will
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mark flying colors, comics, finals celebration. kron four's philippe djegal reports on the bittersweet news. >> the countdown to free comic book day will culminate with a big batch flying colors, comics and other cool stuff in concord saturday. it's may the 4th be with you. star wars so there may be some characters from a galaxy far, far away. will also be an emotional day for joe field and his loyal customers who have been shopping in his store since it opened 35 years ago. >> his lease is up at the end of the year and he has not been offered or renewal. we hope there isn't a closing date. we hope that there's more of a transition day and that's what we're working towards as field explores options to settle down at another store front. he is proud of what his business has brought to the community how the comic book event. he found 23 years ago has spread worldwide. >> andrew has been purchasing comic springfield, most his life jones. fantastic. and he does so much not even just for
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that story. and he does a lot for the local community as well. and although this chapter of flying colors will soon come to an end. >> field is optimistic about the businesses future, which he says will not be limited to the web. our community is built by people coming in and being here and being a part of what goes on. >> i don't see the smiles if its online and i that's what feeds me is to be able to make people happy and do that in person. saturday's event starts at 11 o'clock in the morning and runs through 7 o'clock at night. here at the store front. >> on treat boulevard in concord, philippe djegal, all kron. 4 news. >> up next moments in the east bay. when a woman and her daughter were caught in the crossfire here on their way to school. but says we continue to see protests erupting on college campuses. republicans in state legislature here. calling for california to take action and why public health officials and lgbtq+ groups. going public against mayor
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london breed's latest multi-millio
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