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tv   KRON 4 News at 5am  KRON  May 2, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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>> now on the kron, 4 morning news video shows the moments a man assaults 2 men who were standing on a street in san francisco. in an audit revealed why the city of oakland missed out on the grants that would have helped combat retail crime. also ahead, assemblymember evan low punches his ticket to the november ballot after narrowly
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winning a recount in the race for congresswoman anna eshoo seats. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning far. >> good morning, everyone. and happy thursday to you. i'm john shrable in for reyna harvey this morning. it's thursday seconds and we are looking at a mother nice day out there. in today's forecast. hopefully you had a chance to enjoy the past couple of days. i know it's been great to venture outside. get some of that sunshine and today is going to bring a whole lot more of it. this is your view outside from the east bay hills. right now. you're berkeley hills camera usually shows up any fog that would have drifted into the bay. and that is absolutely not something we've seen so far this morning. so yet another crystal clear start another crystal clear commute for you. as far as the skies go. radar shows those clear skies. we have seen a little bit of fog returning to the mendocino county coastline. way up to our north. and i'm fully anticipating some of
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that drifting back into the bay area starting tonight into tomorrow morning. so anticipate a little bit of that gray starting to push back in towards friday morning. future cast of winds still showing that northwesterly wind in across the bay santa rosa, fair bit breezy for you in vacaville, most of the rest of us are actually nice and calm as we kick off this thursday. start common a little bit chilly temperatures back down in the 40's for spots like fremont in livermore while oakland and berkeley sitting at 51 degrees, most mild in pittsburgh nevado in santa rosa. only down in the upper 50's right now later on today, do expect another warm one. temperatures back up into the 70's like they were yesterday for most of us and even a couple of low 80's for some of our inland areas. now, still a little bit early, but we do have michael thomas in for the morning commute. what are the roads looking like? >> hey, good morning, everyone. happy tuesday. will the roads are looking good this morning you can see the bay bridge. it's only about an 8 minute ride over it into the city. those metering lights
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are not on quite yet. taking a look at the san mateo bridge. it's a 12 minute commute over that which is great. yesterday we saw some delays this hour. richmond, sandra fell bridge a seven-minute commute over into the north. and lastly, that golden gate bridge, you're looking at a 20 minute commute into the city johnell. send it back to you. thanks so much, michael 502. now and video captures a man assaulting 2 people in downtown san francisco. the person who shared the video with us is saying both victims. >> our elderly, asian man, san francisco police did not tell us if they are investigating this as a hate crime. the incident happened at 10 20 yesterday morning. that post in kearny streets near union square. you can see in the surveillance video, the man in a blue t-shirt gets out of his car, shoves the first victim and then tries to kick him. the suspect then goes after the second victim and pushes him to the ground and gets back in his car and then drives off. police are describing the victims as a 59 year-old man in the 78
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year-old man. they say this still is an active investigation. >> more than 1500 hotel workers and janitors marched the streets of downtown san francisco yesterday, demanding raises and better health care. the march started at union square and continue to market street where they block traffic and stop the muni service on your street. union leaders say their current contract expires in august for 5,000 janitors in 10,000 hotel workers. workers say since the pandemic hotels have scaled back services and >> you know, corporations able to deal with and is down and they're able to do that by cutting staff and saving money so they they can conserve caused by doing that. whereas you know, as working people, i bill say the same our wednesday, the same. our groceries are going up, right? everything costs more. and we don't have a way of dealing pandemic out of the survive. and
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>> the union president says they're hoping negotiations go smoothly the summer and that the strike will not be necessary. and fast-food workers in oakland plan to strike today to protest worker health and safety mcdonald's and help oil. local employees are say their stores that failed to protect workers and customers from hazardous conditions. in a formal complaints to cal osha employees describe seeing rats nibbling on pieces of bacon and hamburgers that are ready to serve to customers up oil local plans. their strike today at 3 while mcdonald's plans their strike at 4.30, both at their respective locations in oakland. kron. 4 is your local election headquarters and a big development to the race to replace congresswoman. and as you after a recount spanning 2 counties was completed. assemblymember evan low narrowly beat out santa clara county supervisor. joe, some indian who is now out of the running. it came down to the low getting just 5 more votes than submit ian. before that,
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there was plenty of drama in recent weeks with lows campaign trying to halt the recount. they blamed former san jose mayor sam liccardo who finished in first place for indirectly asking for the recount to improve his chances with a denied. so now low in the cargo will face off on the november ballots. some indian issued a statement congratulating both low in the car somebody and says he's disappointed but not sad saying he's had wonderful work to keep him engaged in santa clara county. in san francisco, youth activists are on their 3rd attempt to try to lower the voting age to 16 so that they can have the right to vote in local elections. and the idea is gaining support among community leaders. youth commission members say the measure is to meant to increase engagement overall in local elections. we began at a time when young people are still in high school. i still at home and not able to. >> i have that support network
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and makes it much more likely that they're going to continue being boat ads and make it happen. much family and their lots. they have proven that they are ready to vote and they have the skills needed to vote. but that's the core cognition skills that they need. what the lived experiences that young people have, whether it's taking care of family, whether it's working up to 40 hours a week and paying taxes, they meet many of the threshold to be considered necessary in order to the voters. and they do have a direct stake in the outcome elections. >> so growing up. i been around a lot of youth organizers who are very in tuned their community, their leading rallies regarding school safety, addressing assault and harassment in schools. and amongst and for lgbtq youth population. so they are very much in the front lines. >> similar measures failed to pass in 2016 and failed by a smaller margin in 2020. whether the measure will appear on this year's ballot is still being decided. the
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commission or chair you win. barker plummer says the decision to introduce the measure to the board of supervisors will be made in the coming weeks. well, here's a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza crews will close some of the westbound lanes on the bridge tonight to do emergency repairs. caltrans says they won't reopen the lanes until 5 in the morning tomorrow. in the meantime, pittsburgh, 4.4 million dollars is going toward improving 2 miles of road. those improvements near highway 4 expected to take about 4 to 6 weeks with the majority of the work performed overnight. officials say they will start working later this month. and the city of oakland's auditor released a more than 30 page report detailing how and why the city missed out on millions of dollars in funding to tackle crime. kron four's terisa stasio has the story. >> and so that's what stuck out to to me is >> no real process. guided buy
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a policy insistent on wednesday city auditor michael houston explaining his department's findings. >> and analyzing why missed out on applying for the state's organized retail theft prevention grant program or rtp the state budget act of 2022. allocated 242 million dollars to support local law enforcement agencies such as opd to help prevent and respond to organized retail theft motor vehicle theft and cargo theft. the audit showed 38 separate oakland city officials were emailed alerting them of grant monies ranging from 6 million to 15 million dollars at stake months before the deadline. however, auditor houston said that his team discovered a process that was at times chaotic and in the end, never successfully submitted the required documents. he adds, although various departments
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played a role, he says that the mayor could have made a difference in the final outcome. say the but half and it's a size more of the direct leadership in making sure that the grant application process was carried out successfully. you need to make sure that someone is in charge. and we spent, example, during the great recession. >> a lot of effort getting every penny from the obama stimulus from washington. and we just made sure that every detail was covered. we did rehearsals about filing. we made sure our web sites were up and running. we didn't take any chances at all. >> dan lin time is a former oakland city administrator and a current uc berkeley professor. he says that his team was able to secure more than 100 million dollars in grants during his tenure on it or houston says bottom line, the city could do more to secure critical grants. >> develop and implement a
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citywide grant management policy provides prescriptive guidance, right including tim, delineation of roles and response to the audit. mayor sheng thao center sunday mail saying that she takes ultimate responsibility for the failure to secure the grant monies and >> in the meantime, has been working hard to secure more funding to tackle crime in the newsroom. tree says stasio kron. 4 news. >> 5.11, now and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, a protests forced the port of oakland to cancel work. they're as protesters rallied in support of palestine. why they say the demonstration was a win in their book. plus, effort to recall alameda county da pamela price is moving forward. we hear from legal experts on what comes legal experts on what comes next.
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he report things to know today. a daly city store toy store owner is helping police find the man who the owner says took advantage of him and stole it way worth more than $200. the surveillance video store posted shows the man asking the owner if you can see behind counter after the owner brings it to the counter them and ask if you can see item as the owner turns around to get the man takes off with the toys. enforcement officials say they cited 10 people in marin and sonoma counties for overcharging customers for contract work. officials say all of the people cited are unlicensed contractors. they say the contractors are charging people well over the amount they're allowed to due to the fact don't have a license.
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park officials in the east bay are reminded visitors rattlesnakes are becoming more active as they emerge from winter hibernation. if you spot a rattlesnake while out about officials say the safest to simply leave it alone and move away as quickly as possible. the a's swept the pirates last night. 4 to 0. they will starting new series against the marlins tomorrow night at home. first pitch at 6.40. 5.14, now. and it was great day out there at the game yesterday. perfect weather for some baseball. >> perfect weather for literally anything her doing outside and hopefully get a chance to get out there again today because we're kind of doing a repeat where we're sitting right now from mount tam looking down at the bay is showing those crystal clear skies, literally not a cloud in the sky, something that we've seen so much of the past few days. now, radar isn't showing a whole lot going on here locally, although we do see the return of a little bit of fog off the mendocino coast line to our north. and that is looking like something that
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could make its return to our coastal areas overnight. tonight, a northwesterly wind still pretty blustery near the coastline point raise still at that 27 miles per hour. wind and due to that, we still do have gale warnings in effect for the entirety of the coastline. so if you do have a small craft playing and getting out near the water today, do know those stronger winds will be rushing, especially on north westerly facing shorelines. futurecast shows that we are in the midst of a dry pattern, but only for today and tomorrow. as for saturday, a huge switch up is just around the corner. saturday is looking more and more likely to be what is going to be a rainy day really from start to finish. here's 10:15am, and future cast saturday morning with widespread rain across the bay. also notice that blew up in the sierra. you know what? that is? more snowfall in spring. late season snowfall at that. we'll gradually see conditions drying out saturday night by sunday and monday. we drive back out firmly. now. this is going to be some pretty impressive rainfall from a usually are. may
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rainfall totals will range anywhere between 3 quarters to an inch of rainfall in some spots in the bay area could see month-long totals in just a matter of a day on saturday. so this is some pretty decent stuff and absolutely a late season. snow maker up in the sierra nevada to with the potential of upwards of even 2 feet at the very crest of the sierra due to this late season storm. as for today, though, you'd never know that winter is making big return just around the corner. i mean, we're looking at some low 80's in concord and antioch today as well as up in napa, right at 80 degrees. and at the very least, some 70's for most of the rest of the day tomorrow. still going to be a nice and warm day. we wtll have the return of a little bit of marine layer in the morning making it a little partly cloudy saturday, a rainy day and significantly cooler for some of us as much as 20 degrees cooler where today's daytime highs will i'll be talking more about this rain throughout the morning. so stay with us for that. michael thomas has a look at the early, michael. no backups just yet right?
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>> hey, good morning, everyone will john, don't jinx us quite yet. but you're right. there are no major backups right now. we look at drive times, everything is really under 20 minutes. you can see if you're a little bit more inland livermore to dublin 11 minutes, dublin to fremont 14 minutes. san leandro to milpitas 20 minutes milpitas to sonny bill 6 minutes and taking a live look at the bridges. it's 8 minute commute into the city from the maze. so that's great news as metering lights are not on quite yet, but the normally turn on at about 5.30, so just keep that in mind. seven-minute commute on the richmond. sandra fell bridge. taking a look at san mateo bridge, 13 minute commute. that actually looks a little bit more congested than we normally see at this hour or so. let's hope that it doesn't stay like all morning. and taking a look at one of our hot spots, antioch to concord. only a 15 minute commute that normally starts to build up at around 6 o'clock this morning. so if you want to head out early and beat that traffic, you should do so westbound 80 crockett to the maze. a 15 minute commute. not too bad. and taking a look at walnut creek. if you're heading over
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to 5.80, it's an 11 minute commute. lastly, we'll take a look in the south bay right now, morgan hill to san jose. 9 minute commute. and lastly, that 101 freeway, san jose to menlo park. a 28 minute commute. so everything looks good so far yesterday and earlier this week it was a little bit more congested. so let's hope for good news. john, send it back to you live to see its not that yet, at least michael well in the north bay, an ambulance was stolen in santa rosa. >> while paramedics were at the scene of a medical emergency. now, this happened just before 8.45 last night on 4th street. the sonoma county fire district says the ambulance paramedic was with the patients. well, and emt was in the back of the ambulance. that's when they say the patients suddenly ran to the ambulance, jumped in the driver's seat and sped off with the emt. still in the back, police say they use spike strips to stop the ambulance before taking the suspect into custody. recovered a man's body who
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appear to have drowned in a fremont creek tuesday, east bay regional parks employees reported a man near 3rd and i streets in fremont trying to cross the creek and was seen struggling in the current multiple agencies from alameda county responded to the report after hours of searching, authorities were able to find the body and pronounced the man dead. officials are still investigating but say there does not seem to be any signs of trauma or foul play. hundreds of protesters marched oakland demanding an end to the war in gaza. kron four's dan thorn talked with organizers who say the rally was a win. groups that this rally at the west oakland bart station claiming victory wednesday. >> businesses at the port of oakland canceled all work in anticipation of labor and pro-palestinian protests. we consider this a when we consider this a testament to the power of our community that bosses and employers rather than face a qr community would rather take
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that millions of dollars of of hidden profit won't seem highs with arab resource and organizing center says this sends a message that the u.s. government should stop giving millions to israel as the war in gaza continues. palestinian and oakland dock worker moussa durbin says he's standing with his union. i l w you local 10 in calling for an immediate cease-fire bomb straub on people and kids women. >> killing he will read it to 300 people and is all but all were tax money is going to support israel. >> and united states need to stop doing hundreds also gathered at oakland city hall, including members of advocacy groups. >> like critical resistance and gabriel, oakland. >> organizers say there's a deep connection between organized labor and standing up for social justice and we know our unintentionally allow to continue feeding this. this
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war genocide, not only in >> protesters say they believe their message for a cease-fire is increasingly being heard. but these rallies will not stop until a permanent solution is reached in oakland. dan thorn kron. 4 news. >> where your money? this morning, the federal reserve chairman says interest rates will stay the same for now. americans have been hopeful for reduce rates that would soon translate into lower borrowing rates for mortgages, car loans and credit cards. but economists say inflation has been too stubborn and says rates could stay put through the end of the year. not long ago, traders expected up to 6 rate cuts in 2024. the fed's rate sat around 5.3%. a 23 year high since its last hike almost a year ago. but the chair of the fed says that hasn't stopped people from shopping. >> consumer spending has been robust over the past several quarters, even as high interest rates have weighed on house. some economists expressed concern that rates
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could go up again before they actually start coming back down. coming up on the kron 4 morning news. thousands are being dropped from their home insurance. how realtors say this will impact the housing this will impact the housing market in t ugh, when is my allergy spray going to kick in? -you need astepro. -astepro? it's faster, bro. 8x faster than flonase. it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's mom to you. astepro starts working in 30 minutes. astepro and go!
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whitens like a $400 professional treatment. [pilot] prepare for non-stop smiles. crest. to give your teeth a dentist clean feeling. start with a round brush head. add power. and you've got oral-b. round cleans better by surrounding each tooth to remove 100% more plaque. for a superior clean. oral-b. brush like a pro. and in the east bay, the oakland ballers are moving forward with a 1.6 million dollar renovation on raimondi park. they released these renderings showing that the new home will look like for the team. >> you know, we've got some murals that we're putting in place that are going to be done by local artists. there's going to be local food trucks and their own internal concessions to by lots lots of
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different great ballpark food it's going to be it's going to be a good time. i think that's really what we're going for. we want feel like a big love letter to oakland. >> opening day for the ballers is june 4th, a new event coming to san francisco aims to connect neighborhood business owners with the community. it's called downtown first thursdays, a free monthly events that begins tomorrow. a lot like oakland's first friday. the organizers plan to shut down several blocks of second street south of market. the event will host art food and music from around san francisco. the goal is to attract 10,000 san franciscans to this event every single month. tradition is coming to the outside lands music festival this year. you can now enjoy wedding bells as part of the music. that's what we hear festival attendees can now host their wedding ceremony, re commitments or vow renewals all festival weekend long. the wedding package includes an officiant and a wedding certificate
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spots are limited. so if you want to music festival wedding, get on that one quick. well, coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news. it's been 8 years since the national guard was sent to the san francisco's tenderloin neighborhood. >> to combat the drug crisis. but has it helped h
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welcome back. and thanks for staying with us on this thursday morning. may 2nd. >> it is 5.29 this morning and we're off to a pretty nice start out there yet again, not a lot of fog that we're talking about to kick off your thursday. little bit breezy, as you can see, the flag above pier 15 the bay bridge there in the distance. it's a brisk
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morning. so just forget that extra layer kind of like you've gotten on the past couple of mornings. now radar is showing clear and dry skies. a little fog returning to the mendocino coast line this morning. that's a sign of what's going to happen overnight tonight into tomorrow morning towards your friday. maybe seeing a little bit of cloud cover rolling back in as of right now are breezy us spots. santa rosa in vacaville areas closer to the coastline and closer to the delta have lent itself to a couple of windy past couple of days. now, temperatures are currently in the 40's to 50's alameda. you're at 56 degrees. dublin at 50. a few 40's up in the north bay and petaluma as well as and east bay in livermore. fairfield at 46 right now later on today, do expect temperatures just as warm as they were yesterday with some mid 70's to even low 80's tomorrow. one more day of this warmth before we see a big cool down and some rainfall pushing in by saturday which i'll get to in your full forecast. michael thomas in for traffic this out there. >> hey, good morning,
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everyone. well, the roads are looking good. so if you're just waking up, you can actually take an extra 5 minutes or so. taking a look right now at some drive times. if you're heading over towards amaze, you can see everything's under 20 minutes. crockett to the may 16 minutes. walnut creek to 5, 80 11 minutes. castro valley to the maze, 14 minutes, stanley and or to the nays. 10 minutes taking a live look at that bay bridge. you can see that sun is starting to rise. so maybe that's a sign you all should start getting up as well. 9 minute commute into the city from the maze. taking a look at the mateo bridge, 12 minute commute there. everything is moving smoothly richmond, sandra fell bridge a seven-minute commute. and lastly, that golden gate bridge, it's under 20 minutes coming in at 19. exactly. john, thanks so much, michael. well, we have developing news this morning. protests on college campuses are growing across the country and here in the bay area. >> calls for a cease-fire in gaza are building up. some have even turned violent as law enforcement has been called to remove protesters. kron four's will tran is live at u c berkeley this morning with the latest. what's going
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on out there? well, >> john, right now it is peaceful at u c berkeley, but police officers, of course, they're on high alert just in case what happens here is going to happen or is happening right now on the campus of ucla. so right now they are monitoring the situation. let's go to los angeles to ucla. this is what's happening currently at this very moment. police officers in the overnight hours told about 1000 protesters for quite sometime for for them to disperse. if they did not disperse, they were going to move in. and that's exactly what they're doing at this hour. police officers and right, you're moving in telling people they have to leave the scene, especially since they were war not to be there any further. of course, ucla is in the same system as uc berkeley. and of course, the protesters here. they're keeping a close eye on what's going on in ucla. but
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for now, it is peaceful on the campus at uc berkeley but was not peaceful late last night. let me show you video of that. there was a tussle between 2 groups on campus at around 7 o'clock last night. somehow they got near each other and all of a sudden, according to witnesses, one group or one person try to take the flag of another person. and that's when a tussle broke out. 2 people were injured, perhaps even more police officers had to come to the scene. but they did not dispersed the encampment. meantime, meantime, this protest is weeks old right now. and as grows bigger by the day and it's a grows bigger, many jewish students on campus say they no longer feel safe. i to see what's going every person
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just stand and say no, need to each other, we need the >> uc berkeley says they are doing their very best to make sure that the protesters have free speech as well as the students are safe. but many students say they don't believe uc berkeley is doing enough as far as the protesters, their demands have not changed from here as well as across the country. they want the universities to no longer invest in companies that work with israel, especially companies that help manufacture war weapons. they also want the universities to acknowledge what they claim is genocide happening in gaza. thanks so much. well, >> 0, 5, 34 now me to county district attorney pamela price is one step closer to recall election. the question remains about when that election would
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be held. kron four's dan kerman talked with legal experts about prices prospects and how a lawsuit might affect the recall. >> so rivers are held pfizer merck, his supervisor, 10. all kirsten, yes, president island, yes. >> motion passes with alameda county supervisors voting to accept ballot signatures as certified by the registrar of voters. the attempt to recall district attorney pamela price moves forward, creating an ever more uncertain future for price. 61% of recalls nationwide in this time period resulted in removal cost up 6% or so have resulted in resignation before the recall. so they are very successful as a rule. joshua spivak is a senior research fellow at constitution center. he says while recalls overall tend to be successful, it's more of a 50, 50 split in california.
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alameda county supervisor still have to decide whether to call a special election or let the recall happened during november's general election. spivak says that could impact the outcome. they seem to survive better when it's a special election. in a statement prices, if a recall takes place, it should happen during the november general election. but she maintains the recall is illegal because the county registrar of voters didn't follow its own charter by allowing more than 10 days to count signatures and by allowing out of county residents to gather those signatures. but so far her campaign is not filed a lawsuit against the county. i will support this motion and hopes >> that occasion is filed. so he get clear direction its meeting tuesday. one supervisor hope the lawsuit would happen. so a judge could weigh in. but legal experts say even if that happens, it's unlikely prices campaign would be successful. i believe that the end of the judges unlikely. >> to say that the board was
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wrong when it chose to follow state law rather county ordinances. >> alameda county supervisors will set a date for the recall at a special meeting on may 14th. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> 5.36 now and 10 people have been sighted in the north bay for overcharging customers for contract work as much as $15,000. this is a picture from one of the sting operations conducted by law enforcement in moraine and sonoma counties last month. officials say all of the people cited are unlicensed contractors. according to the contractors, state license board. unlicensed contractors have a charge limit of $500. it's been one year since governor newsom ordered the national guard and highway patrol to step in and help san francisco crackdown and drug dealing in the tenderloin kron four's justine waltman breaks down the numbers to see if it's made a difference. >> when this operation started accidental overdose deaths in san francisco are up more than
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40% between january and march of last year, 200 victims died from accidental overdoses, mostly from fentanyl and mostly in the tenderloin increased patrols in that neighborhood are apparently leading to more products being seized, but it might not be making much of a dent in death prevention. >> more than 42 pounds seized and the roughly 10 block radius. that is san francisco's tenderloin district. the governor's office and law enforcement agencies are celebrating what they consider to be a positive milestone in a public safety partnership. it was one year ago on may first 2023 when the governor authorized the california highway patrol and national guard to crack down on drug dealing in the city. their goal to target traffickers disrupt the dealers and sees the supply. since then, the joint task force has issued more than 6200 citations arrested. more than 500 people recovered more
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than 100 stolen vehicles. and most importantly to their mission captured nearly 700 pounds of fentanyl in total. that's enough to kill almost half the country. city leaders are praising the progress made in the first year of this partnership. police chief bill scott says the amount of fentanyl pulled off the street is, quote, unprecedented and that they're going to continue to crack down on dealing in the statement. district attorney brooke jenkins says, quote, the resources that the governor provided san francisco to ramp up our efforts to disrupt and dismantle open air drug markets has been invaluable working together. we're making a difference in the tenderloin drug conference cations maybe at unprecedented levels. however, when you look at drug overdose deaths, there's not much difference. this partnership program between agencies was initially announced just last year after san francisco announced accidental deaths from drug use went up 40% between january and march of 2023. in
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that period, 204 people died from an accidental overdose in san francisco. that's according to the medical examiner's office. compare that to the same period this year. deaths are down, but not by much so far this year, there have been just 5 fewer deaths from accidental overdoses. the governor's office is also crediting the first year of this partnership for other significant crime statistic improvements in san francisco. >> for the 1st quarter of this year, property crime is down more than 30% and violent crime is down almost 15% in the newsroom. i'm justine waldman. kron. 4 news. >> in the north bay now officials in sonoma-marin area rail transit or smarts have recorded record-breaking ridership. smart reported over 80,000 passengers for just the month of april. smart attributes. these numbers to their recent changes of free riders under the age of 18 and over the age of 65 riders this year have eliminated over
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17 million car driven miles. and the agency says, quote, smart offers a greener and more convenient way to travel and is connecting communities helping economic developments. thousands of homeowners in orinda are set to lose their insurance when state farm ends its coverage this summer. now they're scrambling to find a new insurer, state farm first announced in march that they would be dropping 72,000 property insurance policies in california, mainly in areas prone to wildfires in realtor in orinda is recommending state farm customers to sign up for the california fair plan. the state program is for california. residents and businesses in urban and rural areas who cannot get insurance through a regular insurance company. state farm customers and orinda native david anderson says he's navigating his options. walker says i'm learning about the california fair let's talk in august. they'll give us enough time to. >> can either.
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>> the state department of insurance says the agency has experts ready to assist affected state farm customers. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, a candidate running for mayor of san francisco sat down for a one-on-one interview to explain why he thinks he's a explain why he thinks he's a good fit for the job. with cascade platinum plus, i have upped my dish game auntie, in that dishwasher? watch me platinum plus gives you the highest standard of clean, even in your machine.
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clean enough for you? yeah! scrape. load. done. cascade platinum plus.
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>> 5.44, and here's 4 things to union city police are asking the community for their help to find a teenage girl. it's been missing since wednesday. they say annalisa gonzales was last seen 11 in the morning at james logan
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high school gonzalez was believed to be wearing a black jordan brand sweatshirt, black jordan, tennis shoes. fast-food workers in oakland plans to strike today to protest worker health and safety mcdonald's and al boyle logo employees say their stores have failed to protect customers and workers from hazardous conditions. boyle, local plans their strike today at 3 while mcdonald's plans their strike at four-thirty both of their respective locations. assemblyman evan low narrowly beat out santa clara county supervisor. joe, some indian who is now out of the running to replace congresswoman eshoo lowell face. now, that will now face former san jose mayor sam liccardo on the november ballot. crews will close some of the westbound lanes on the bay bridge tonight to do emergency repairs. caltrans says they reopen the lanes until 5 in the morning tomorrow. in contra costa county firefighters are continuing the next phase of a 3 million dollar project.
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>> stop future wildfires. it's called the fuel break. projects were contra costa. fire crews worked to clear overgrown and dry vegetation to try and limit the spread of wildfires. work began in ross more and around sections of lafayette last july, the for 3 million dollar project funded by cal fire is intended to save lives and property with with 190 acre area. >> we're doing our preparedness before increased. fire season really kicks out. we're asking residents say make sure space is around the houses. >> the fuel break project will continue for the next few weeks. it's 5.46. now. glad to see that cal fire is getting out there early and getting a lot of that cleans up. we've had so much rain this year. t's resulted in what has been a lot of growth in the under story in the forest floors means wildfires can spread really quick when we dry out. and we've seen the past few
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dry days and so the hillsides might not be quite as lush as they have. what's left. what we've got right now is another dry one ahead of us. this is your view from mount tam looking down into the bay. skies are pretty perfectly clear this morning, although we are going to be seeing the return of a little fog overnight tonight into tomorrow morning winds not as gusty as they had been the past couple of days, still very breezy around point. raise as well as out towards the delta breezy enough, in fact, that we still do have a gale warning up and down the coastline from sonoma county down the peninsula. now we are going to be looking at today and tomorrow is dry weather continuing. but after that saturday gets here with the return of some shower activity. and it's not just some light rainfall. this is actually going to be a very decent may system. you can see that by the time we reach late morning on saturday, we are in the midst of widespread rainfall across the bay and a lot of snow and blew up in the sierra nevada. now for some of us in the bay area saturday as rainfall alone is actually going to exceed your average
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monthly totals. some models are indicating anywhere between a half an inch to now even an inch of rainfall towards the coastline and most of this occurring on saturday. so some pretty decent rainfall totals considering how late in the year we're at also the snow in the sierra going to be piling up to upper elevations could see upwards of 2 feet of it. the very crest of the sierra says like the result in some chain controls up towards donner summit and echo past. so be ready to go. if you're heading that way to enjoy some more spring scheme. now temperatures are in the 70's to 80's for today's daytime highs. napa conquered in antioch, our warmest of spots in the low 80's today. well, here in oakland taking out in the mid 70's for your daytime highs tomorrow. one more the of these warmer temperatures. little cloudier tomorrow. saturday comes along with a plunge into the low 60's for your warmest of temps and rainfall likely throughout the day on saturday. sunday does quickly drive back out. but staying cool for the rest of the weekend and the start of next week. michael thomas is in for the roads this morning.
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what's the latest there? >> hey, good morning, everyone. happy thursday, but the roads actually look good, which was not what we saw a few days ago. right? taking a look over in the south bay right now. you can see it's 20 minute commute from san jose over to mountain view. no major delays there. taking a look at 101 san jose to menlo park. a 31 minute commute and taking a look for those who are heading towards fremont from dublin. right now, it's only a 15 minute commute. so 6.80, those southbound lanes, all look nice and clear. and some drive times for those were more inland livermore to dublin. 11 minutes, dublin to fremont 15 minutes. san leandro to milpitas. 23 minutes. you can see that traffic is already starting to build up milpitas to sunnyvale. 7 minutes taking a look over at one of our hot spots. any conquered 20 minute commute. that's always building. as we get the morning progressing. but taking a look at some other areas, those who are in vallejo heading over towards crockett right now, you're not going to see any major delays. once you get to crockett and head over to the maze, it's going to take you 17 minutes,
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which is fairly good for this thursday morning. a live look at the richmond. sandra fell bridge. if you're going to turn and head off there, it's only a seven-minute commute over that. and lastly, bay bridge right now, you can see those metering lights are already on. and it's a 12 minute commute over that. i will send it back to you, john. kron 4 is your local election headquarters. we continue our coverage of the top candidates running for san francisco. mayor. >> and moving to dissipate id by political insiders board of supervisor president aaron peskin announced his candidacy kron 4. stephanie, when sat down with baskin about why voters should trust him to lead. >> san francisco aaron peskin is going to look like a caring city gets things candidate aaron peskin projecting confidence as he enters the race for mayor. i've stood up for safety, stood up against hate crimes. the president of the board of tested lawmaker entrenched in the rough and tumble world of city politics
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for more than 2 decades representing high-profile areas like chinatown, fisherman's wharf, union square and the financial district. we need a neighborhood mayor wita experience to rebuild our city. >> from the ground up. >> his past battles with sobriety now part of his campaign message. i know something about recovery of san francisco is going to recover. let's bring positivity to this i'm tired of and in a race dominated by centrist democrats, jostling for the spotlight. could peskin is distinctly progressive stance, seized the attention of voters being progressive has really been about listening to and bringing governmental action to folks who need the government the most. we need a leader will fix our city for everyone. >> not one who are in it for the many. >> to please a wealthy outlining 18 policy proposals including increased police staffing, expanded red control and notably 15,000 new
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affordable homes using tax deferred financing. the city has a lot of luxury housing and the city has also been able to maintain singer as can see hotels for the poor service. but the missing middle needs to be addressed. pushing back against critics who accuse him of blocking housing development. the ordinance is finally next item earlier this year. city supervisors passed haskins measure imposing density limits in several historic neighborhoods. our neighborhoods are the envy of people around the world. it's not a one size fits all solution on the fentanyl crisis. i support arresting anybody who deals fentanyl or other. >> life-threatening drugs. drug users. on the other hand. >> need. >> surfaces. i asked him if he agreed with challenger mark farrell's promised to clear the city's homeless encampments in 6 months. false or fake promises. we need a place for those people to go
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because what happens in an encampment, sweet is people are pushed from one neighborhood to another. that is not a solution. a solution is 2000 shelter beds and i have a plan for that. the great ideas. and but why were you able to achieve them as the president? the board supervisor board of supervisors can pass laws, but the captain of the team, the quarterback of the team in san francisco is mayor. >> i know how government works. i have deep connections in every department and i think i can bring that to bear as mayor. >> in san francisco, stephanie lin kron, 4 news. >> well, also in the running for san francisco, mayor san francisco's current mayor london breed city adviser ausha stop it. former interim mayor mark farrell and nonprofit executive to new lottery to learn more and watch our one-on-one interviews with the candidates head to our website. kron 4 dot com. and coming up in the next hour on the kron 4 morning news, we're honoring
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the bay area's a key community. >> this we'll tell you how a library exhibit in the south bay is honoring the cultures bay is honoring the cultures of south asian countries. ugh, when is my allergy spray going to kick in? -you need astepro. -astepro? it's faster, bro. 8x faster than flonase. it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's mom to you. astepro starts working in 30 minutes. astepro and go!
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[♪♪] astepro starts there's a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50%. try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. it cleans so well, you can replace multiple cleaning products. try dawn powerwash.
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>> 5.56. a daly city toy store owner is hoping police find the man who took advantage of him and stole a toy worth more than $200. take a look at the surveillance video here. the story posted this. this is from the location at the westlake shopping center. it shows the thief asking the owner if you can see it way behind the counter as the owner turns around to get that get that way. the man takes
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off with the $200 way the man previously brought out. we reached out to daly city police about the incident but have not heard back. park officials in the spare reminding visitors to be on the lookout for these guys. rattlesnake season officially kicking off their becoming more and more active as they emerge from their winter hibernation officials say if you spot one, leave it alone and move away as quickly as possible, if you do get bitten by a rattlesnake, remain calm, avoid running and get medical help immediately. i know i've seen a couple of them out there on the trails already is freaked me out. coming up in the next hour on the kron 4 morning news protests continue at college campuses nationwide. >> including the bay area. we'll catch up with.
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>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news. the pro-palestinian can be kept munson uc berkeley continue to grow in size. we're live on the campus this morning. an audit reveals why the city of oakland missed out on grant money that would help combat retail crime. and assemblymember evan low advancing to the november ballot after narrowly winning a recount in the race to replace eshoo congress. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. well, good morning. thanks for joining us this morning. i'm james fletcher and i'm john shrable in for darya folsom this morning. get in here. yeah. and a nice day to enjoy as well. before we get to the weekend before we get to the it is, you think that may was just going to stay this weekend


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