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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  May 1, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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>> from >> the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> now takes a major protest happening in oakland. hundreds of pro-palestine demonstrators are marching through downtown at this hour. good evening, everybody. i'm vicki liviakis and i'm ken wayne. thanks for joining us for kron for news at 6 is protest has been going on for more than an hour. >> you can see this video from the citizen app to demonstrators are marching along broadway. hundreds of them carrying signs and palestinian flags. this is happening near the fox theater downtown oakland. but protesters are on the move. four's dan thorn is on his way. there will have an update from him as soon as he
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arrives. meanwhile, pro-palestine demonstrations are growing more intense at college campuses across the country at ucla. there's a heavy police presence today after violent clashes broke out overnight between different groups of protesters. people were seen throwing objects each other some evening, setting off fireworks. and as we showed you last night, officers in riot gear moved in to clear out encampments on columbia university's campus. >> hundreds of protesters were arrested and why pd says that it's going to keep a presence on that campus for at least another couple of weeks. and here at home, we're watching closely how things are unfolding on campuses after what happened at columbia and ucla. santa clara university has now joined in on the protest with a sit-in on campus about so far they have not built an encampment like we have seen at other schools. the encampment at berkeley continues to grow in size tonight as jewish students are talking about not feeling safe on the campus.
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>> and it stands for protesters are continuing their encampment there, which so far has remained peaceful. we have got team coverage on the campus protests tonight. kron four's rob nesbitt has more on the berkeley protests. but first. >> kron four's lezla gooden joins us now live from stamford with all the latest on the protests going on >> yes, i've been out here all afternoon and it's been very quiet, remains peaceful and they can maybe take a look behind me. i spoke with students today who tell me they have had very limited interaction with law enforcement and they wanted to keep to stay that way. and they are planning if it does not, they're taking the necessary precautions as well. >> it's been nearly a week since student protesters have created their pro palestine encampment at white memorial plaza. overall, students feel that it's been peaceful but fear that could change. yeah, we are relatively more peaceful here. the release of
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the university. >> i found for seeking a different approach. tuesday one, a punish us but side. then they said they don't do in public. >> maria, who is a graduate student says they have notice additional security measures around the campus. you cameras for surveillance around the area that is supposed to be for free speech under there argument that he supports increased safety. however, we face, we feel more and save whet they come and they bring cops new to us. it's basically saying that is their property and that we should leave. he says happened multiple times during the morning. >> she says it was upsetting to say fellow protesters at columbia university arrested in clashing with officers. >> completely deplorable. the mask of repression that is happening from state bodies. pressing students and others in the community are showing support to their cars. dina, who is a former employee of stamford. >> says she dropped off
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supplies to potentially protect students because we're seeing across the united >> high amount violence from those security police forces. we as we've seen in colombia ucla. so we went to provide health care related things such as gaza and saline. it's to help the students when they become attacked by those who are violently against what they're standing for, which is standing against genocide removing this encampment. yes, and we did also reach out to the paulo alto police department to see if they have heard from university in regards to helping the removal of this encampment. >> or if they needed help for additional security and they say they have not heard from them. as of now live at stamford, let's going kron, 4 news. all right. let's i thank you for that report. protests continue take place at a tent encampment at u c berkeley. >> it is the largest in the bay area with more than 100 tents in front of sproul plaza. no arrests have been
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made. but jewish students there say that they've been harassed by protesters. first, rob nesbitt joins us now live from the newsroom with more on that. vicki and ken, the protests at uc berkeley have also remain peaceful compared to what we have seen in other parts of the country. >> talked in jewish students and many will say safety is not a priority for the university. >> with hundreds of tents as their backdrop, faculty and staff at uc berkeley joins student protesters wednesday. they're calling on the university to stop investing in companies that work with israel, especially they are involved in making weapons of war. spokesperson for the university dan mogulof says so far there have been no disruptions to operations and no violence. >> that every student no matter who they are. what they believe in. has a right to feel. respected. welcome in a true sense of belonging jewish students on campus. tender disagree saying their safety has not been a priority for several scary.
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>> i nathan yap aware says star of david necklace with pride that says free palestine protesters become hostile with him. >> once they realize he's to see what's going natalie. the donuts from israel and has seen campus protests on tv and on social media. >> she came to uc berkeley wednesday to speak to students taking part but says few are willing to have a conversation. every person just stand and say no, need to each other, we need his the tension on campus has gotten the attention of the jewish community relations council bay area ceo tyler gregory says non-students often at fault for escalating tensions asking uc berkeley not to allow them into encampments on campus. we also want to make sure that. >> threatening blocking violence. of course,
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intimidation, that those kind of tactics are banned and that those folks be removed as well. chicago, >> not much class time left uc berkeley. this week is a study week next week as finals with graduation scheduled for may. 11th reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. pro-palestine protest at university spilled over into local high schools today. hundreds of students at oakland tech. >> walked out of class to protest the war in gaza. the walkout organizers say one of the walkout organizer says she saw what was happening at colleges and wanted to show solidarity relieve, reached out to the oakland unified school district for comment. we have yet to hear back. >> meantime, richmond city council members have agreed to stop investing in companies that they claim are involved in israel's violations of palestinian they pass the resolution last night with 60
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council members voting. yes, and one abstaining irishman will divest from agreed upon list of companies, including airbnb, microsoft, motorola and others. community members turned out in support of and in opposition to the resolution. last october city leaders passed a resolution they say affirms the city support and solidarity with gaza. stay with kron. 4 on air and online for all the latest information on the israel and hamas war from campus protest to the war in gaza to the latest on the hostages head to our website at kron 4 dot com. all right. time for a look at the weather with a live look at the toll plaza to richmond. sandra fell bridge which is quiet. but sunny right now and kohr first chief meteorologist lawrence karnow joining us in the studio. >> that sunshine, i guess you better just soak it up while we can. yeah. how about that? i mean, really nice around the bay area today. warm eveaywhere you went. i think tomorrow going to be very
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similar inside the bay and then many of the valleys along the coastline will notice some changes late in the day. but crystal blue skies out there right now looking good all the way to the coastline. we are seeing that sea breeze kicking in once again. but overall, boy, we've got some great weather out there. still. >> in the 70's in place like santa rosa at 76 degrees. 79 in concord, 74 and live more also in san jose. beautiful in oakland, little breeze there. 67 degrees. and 64 now in san francisco winds not quite as strong today, although we're seeing that general seabreeze kick up late in the day. some numbers running in the 18 to about 22 miles per hour along the coastline. but other than that, really just a banner day around the bay area. plenty of sunshine, high pressure overhead. there's another weak system, though, making its way through the pacific northwest. that is going to drop over the top of that ridge will probably help to kick up the winds a little bit by tomorrow. but if you're stepping outside tonight, you're going to be looking at a beautiful evening. some 70's, even inside many of the valleys and cooling off slowly ostly clear skies and tomorrow changes on the
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way late in the day. and then even a chance of rain in the forecast. we'll talk more about that coming up in a few minutes. all right, lawrence, coming up, effort to recall alameda county da pamela price is moving forward. we're going hear from legal experts on what comes next. plus, the reason audit reveals why the city of oakland missed out on funding to help fight retail crime. and it's been one year since see if he was deployed to san francisco help tackle the drug prices and the streets. but >> is working? got the numbers. alameda county
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district attorney pamela price. one step closer to a recall election. the question remains will be a special election or will be held during the november election. tonight. kron four's dan kerman spoke to legal experts about prices prospects. >> and how a lawsuit might impact the recall. alameda county district attorney pamela price's future. he's more uncertain now that alameda county supervisors have advanced the recall process by accepting ballot signatures certified by the registrar of voter's recalls in general are successful. joshua spivak is a senior research fellow at berkeley laws. california constitution center. he says almost two-thirds of recalls nationwide are successful, though. it's more of a 50, 50 split in california. alameda county supervisor still left to decide whether to call a special election or let the recall happened during november's general election. spivak says that could impact prices chances of survival
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about it. 57% of the time it's a stand-alone special election. that official seems to sort all lose the recall but when it's on that general are primary like today, it's 67% of the time that they were removed in a statement prices, if a recall takes place, it should happen during the november general election. but she maintains the recall is illegal because the county registrar of voters didn't follow its own charter by allowing more than 10 days to count signatures and by allowing out of county residents to gather those signatures. but so far her campaign is not filed a lawsuit against the county. i will support this motion and hopes that occasion is filed. so he get clear direction at its meeting tuesday. one supervisor hope the lawsuit would happen. so a judge could weigh in. but legal experts say even if that happens, it's unlikely prices campaign would be successful. i believe that the end of the judges
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unlikely. >> to say that the board was wrong when it chose to follow state law rather county ordinances. >> alameda county supervisors will set a date for the recall at a special meeting on may 14th. dan kerman kron. 4 news. the total of 5 students have come forward accusing a former elementary school teacher of assault. >> the benicia unified school district now facing a lawsuit. attorneys say 42 year-old matthew shelton had worked in elementary schools for more than a decade here in the bay area. and then when accusations with surface one school, well, he would resign and then go to another shelton's teaching credentials were not suspended until march of this year. the lawsuit accuses the school district of negligent hiring and accuses the principal of sweeping students allegations under the rug because the principal apparently was a friends with the teacher and his wife. that report forecast as we get a live look right now walnut creek. looking terrific,
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lawrence. this rain is it is a real deal. it's no. yeah. it looks like this is all coming together. now looking more likely that we are going to see some rain. >> not just a couple of draft talking a pretty significant rain specially for this time of the year out the door. you can hardly tell, though you've got lot of sunshine around the bay area. some nice weather out there right now. boy, probably the warmest day of the week today. tomorrow you can start to see things cool. just a little bit of thing fairly similar temperatures inside the bay and much of the valleys. but along the coastline, a little more sea breeze, maybe even a little fog. right now. we are fog free out of the golden gate bridge. just little cea's up there right now. that onshore winds kick back in. but really some pleasant weather around the bay area. but off the coastline. we've got a couple of storms out there. the first one drop over the top of that ridge probably going help to kick up the winds a little bit tomorrow afternoon and we can that ridge. but it's this next one out just entering the gulf of alaska. that is going to bring with it. that rain. i think that we're likely going to see late friday and into saturday. all right. so
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tomorrow, high pressure takes care of us for at least a day. here comes that first front that rolling over the top of the ridge missing far as rain is concerned. really another beautiful day with the exception of patchy fog along the coastline. late. they've really almost a carbon copy what we have models, though, start to pick up on that chance of some rain tomorrow morning. we start out mostly clear around the bay area than the line. lot of part of the day. see some of that fog moving along the coastline. i think the next day friday looks pretty good, too, although we'll see more fog temperatures starting to cool off. but then as we get into saturday, well, here you go. this nice little soaker begins to work its way into the bay area, raindrops forming and more. that could be a pretty good event. the timing on that has moved up a little bit. so expecting some rain moving early on a saturday morning. so if you've got some plans out there looks like that rain could be pretty soggy early on saturday. i think drying out by saturday afternoon. so not a complete washout for the day. at least i will bowling. sounds nice, baby. haha. the movies sleeping in sleeping. haha, sleepy town and that's a great thank you for the tips.
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lauren. thanks. >> and e-coli outbreak has led to the recall of some organic walnut. cfda says several bay area stores might have these knots already. the notes were sold in natural food and co-op stores by hollister based gibson farm sank. the ones that might be affected have an expiration date between may 20st and june, 7th 2025. stores that might have the nuts include berkeley, santa rosa, san francisco, palo alto, castro valley and more for full list of the stores you can head to the fda's website. it has been one year since governor newsom ordered the national guard in the highway patrol to step in. >> help san francisco police crackdown on drug dealing in the tenderloin. our first justine waltman breaks down the numbers to see if it's making a difference. when this operation started accidental overdose deaths in san francisco are up more than 40%. >> between january and march of last year, 200 victims died from accidental overdoses, mostly from fentanyl and mostly in the tenderloin
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increased patrols in that neighborhood are apparently leading to more products being seized, but it might not be making much of a dent in death prevention. >> more than 42 pounds seized and the roughly 10 block radius. that is san francisco's tenderloin district. the governor's office and law enforcement agencies are celebrating what they consider to be a positive milestone in a public safety partnership. it was one year ago on may first 2023 when the governor authorized the california highway patrol and national guard to crack down on drug dealing in the city. their goal to target traffickers disrupt the dealers and sees the supply. since then, the joint task force has issued more than 6200 citations arrested. more than 500 people recovered more than 100 stolen vehicles. and most importantly to their mission captured nearly 700 pounds of fentanyl in total. that's enough to kill almost
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half the country. city leaders are praising the progress made in the first year of this partnership. police chief bill scott says the amount of fentanyl pulled off the street is, quote, unprecedented and that they're going to continue to crack down on dealing in the statement. district attorney brooke jenkins says, quote, the resources that the governor provided san francisco to ramp up our efforts to disrupt and dismantle open air drug markets has been invaluable working together. we're making a difference in the tenderloin drug conference cations maybe at unprecedented levels. however, when you look at drug overdose deaths, there's not much difference. this partnership program between agencies was initially announced just last year after san francisco announced accidental deaths from drug use went up 40% between january and march of 2023. in that period, 204 people died from an accidental overdose in san francisco. that's according to the medical examiner's office. compare that to the same period this
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year. deaths are down, but not by much so far this year, there have been just 5 fewer deaths from accidental overdoses. the governor's office is also crediting the first year of this partnership for other significant crime statistic improvements in san francisco. >> for the 1st quarter of this year, property crime is down more than 30% and violent crime is down almost 15% in the newsroom. i'm justine waldman. kron. 4 news. >> hundreds of long-term care workers take to the state capitol with a message for the legislature and the governor. capitol correspondent wallace people, some of them about what they're fighting for.
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>> in honor of the upcoming missing or murdered indigenous peoples day on may 5th today, tribal leaders and community members from across california took to the state capitol to commemorate the occasion. those on hand called on the legislature to take action in response to what their calling a crisis facing indigenous communities. according to the u.s. department of interior indian affairs bureau, roughly 4200 nationwide cases of murdered and missing indigenous people remain unsolved. that has more than 80% of indigenous this. men and women say that they have experienced violence in their lifetimes. >> we grew up. >> with the missing and murdered indigenous people around us. this is generations and generations now, actually,
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what's going on is that awareness and that cries being heard to make sure that justice is being served for all in the state of california. and that includes california's first people, the missing and murdered indigenous peoples crisis is a human rights crisis. >> it's a justice system crisis and it's a public safety crisis. and when it affects one of us, as we've said here today, it affects us all. >> they are calling for several pieces of legislation, including a proposal to strengthen california's feather alert system signed into law last year. that's to notify the public about missing indigenous people. the federal reserve chairman says that interest rates are going to stay the same for now. americans have been hopeful cutting rates would soon translate into lower borrowing rates for mortgages, car loans and credit cards. but economists say that inflation has been too stubborn and they say that rates could stay put through the end of the year. not long ago, traders expected up to 6 rate cuts in 2024, the
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fed's rate been sitting around 5.3%. a 23 year high since its last hike almost a year ago. but chairman powell says that that has not stopped people from shopping. >> consumer spending has been robust over the past several quarters, even as high interest rates have weighed on house >> some economists of even expressed concern that rates could even go up again before they start to come down. still ahead on kron, 4 news at 6, we now know who will face off against former san jose mayor sam liccardo. >> in the race for congresswoman anna eshoo seats. plus, people around the world took to the streets to celebrate may day today, rob, a closer look at protests here at home. and we're going hear from property owners in the east bay who are at risk of losing thei
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>> now at 6.30, a major pro-palestine rally is happening right now in oakland. hundreds of people are gathered at frank ogawa plaza. that's right in front of oakland city hall. and that's where we find kron four's. dan thorn live with the latest. dan. >> yeah, ken vicki, this group was out marching to the streets of downtown oakland, oakland earlier pro-palestinian group, but also a number of union organizations and labor organizations around here as well. the focus is on trying to make sure that the united states government and united states companies understand that they do not want the funding going to israel in this situation, this war that in we heard from a number of speakes


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