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tv   KRON 4 News at 5am  KRON  May 1, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> now on the kron 4 morning news, a man arrested facing pimping charges. police in the south bay bust a brothel. tensions remain high at universities around the bay and the nation and institutions began cracking
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down on pro-palestine protest. and the sausalito ferry is going to hit the open waters today after service was suspended for a couple of weeks because of the damage here. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning far. >> good morning. it's so nice to welcome you to the show bright and early scott, right? yeah, but it's going to get that way later. i think john. yeah, today's going to be another one. >> nothing but that sunshine out there. so hopefully get a chance to step outside again today. maybe plan on that lunch break outdoors. this is your view from mount tam this morning. got the city lights, the lights of the bay down there in the distance. no fog whatsoever streaming into the bay. this morning, we are crystal clear out there and we are going to be looking at another fairly breezy day. but today a mostly for the interior out towards solano county and up into the north bay mountains. some really breezy conditions that way.
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notice winds not as much of a factor at the coastline. so definitely our strongest of winds out of the northwest and up in the northern parts of the bay area. temperatures are cool. ring in the 40's to 50's right now. absolutely. throw that extra layer on for your morning hours later today, though, with temperatures even warmer than they were yesterday. we'll have to be worrying about those extra layers into the afternoon. in fact, some inland areas will reach the low 80's today with 60's to 70's for the rest of us. i'm talking everything you've got to know for the rest of this week's forecast because there are a lot of changes. still to come. roadways this morning are looking just fine. we are seeing any slowdowns out there just yet. bay bridge pretty smooth haul. so far. we are looking at the san mateo bridge 12 minutes and that's at the limit. the richmond center fell as well as the golden gate bridge is are also moving along without any fog. visibility issues or slowdowns. >> daria, thank you, john. it's 502, in the south bay up awful is busted in san jose in
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a neighborhood at a home police arrested a man for pimping and found 2 women in the home and they believe that human trafficking was going on. kron 4 jack moment has details. 2 weeks ago. this house right here that's moving out was the site of a police raid where officers say they busted a commercial brothel. >> police say they've been looking at this home of 16th and saint james since november. tuesday evening, a moving dropped. the men here speak mandarin and tell me they were hired to move belongings out of here. they say they don't know anything about what happened here earlier in april week or 2 ago or use in its recently moved into the neighborhood and says a bunch of police officers showed up 11:00am several days ago busting what they say is a commercial brothel. >> disturbing details to shun who is a san jose state student for sure show. i mean, like any crime is a concern to but especially since i live like right across the street, police also arrested shoe chain the 53 year-old man now charged with pimping and
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pandering. they found 2 women living in the home who they say are possible human trafficking victims along with a bunch of cash and has been going off. hello, neighbor's of includes by say this has been going on for months. >> bound to have eye. it's been going off to fight for july last year. anthony garcia has lived next door here all his life and says he's seen men come and go out of this house since last summer. just wants a life safety for my sister and my niece stuff. and while the investigation is ongoing, garcia says now. >> he has some peace of mind until now that they're out here. i'm like a sign relief. in san jose. jack moment. kron 4 news. >> court for entire this encampment and other cameras around the country across the world that not about the university not about students, it is. going to get with a lot. >> pro-palestine protests continue at some college
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campuses. >> around the nation and here in the bay area, you can see tense covering the quad at san francisco state. the protesters want the university expenditures with foreign - investors. and uc berkeley. we've seen tense and more are being set up now is the encampment grows at sproul plaza. this is the second weekend today, faculty and staff plan to join this protest at noon. the protesters they're calling on the university is stop investing in companies that work with israel, especially those involved in making weapons. on the peninsula at stanford university. students are concerned about disciplinary action. now from the school. they say they got disciplinary letters for to participating in protests. >> it start off with 19 for out of like 2 or 3 more. can't exactly remember who have gone letters from the office of community standards and are basically being put through their internal disciplinary
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process. the language is very vague. >> the protesters want a better understanding of how exactly they may be punished. we reached out to stanford, but we haven't heard back yet. and in the south bay, santa clara university has protesters there as well. students urging the administration to call for a cease-fire and stop funding is real organized and are asking people to gather on the alameda lawn on the santa clara campus from noon to 08:00pm today. and as these protests spread across the country, congress is looking at consequences. house republicans are launching an investigation into federal funding of the universities and they are looking at a new anti semitism law. our dc correspondent hannah brandt has details. >> house leaders accuse university officials of failing to keep the protests under control and they say not enough is being done to protect jewish students.
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fireworks erupted at ucla and protesters clashed on campus >> across the country of colombia, new york police stormed university building to arrest dozens of protesters who have been occupying it. this thing is out of control from capitol hill. lawmakers are watching with concern and house speaker mike johnson warns of universities don't get the chaos under control. you will see congress respond unkind. you're going to see funding begin to dry up. you're going to every level of accountability that we can muster. he says several house committees will investigate the protest and may decide to take away federal funding. and this week, congress is gearing up to vote on a bill to change the federal definition of anti-semitism under anti-discrimination law. the rampant anti-semitism. requires action by the federal government. congressman mike lawlor introduced legislation and supporters say it would allow universities to crack down on harmful speech. this is not the free marketplace of ideas. >> this is open threats to jewish students because of
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their faith and who they are. but some worry it goes too far like congresswoman teresa ledger, fernandez, we're constitutionally bound to protect. >> free speech, even more importantly, when it is speech with rich. we do not agree. and congressman pete aguilar prefers letting universities respond. they have guidance. they have they need to enforce those before congress. kate snow once the white house as well, president biden does support peaceful protests. he is concerned about antisemitism on campus and doesn't agree with protesters occupying university buildings. >> in washington, i'm hannah brandt. >> and it's not just at the college level. students from across the oakland unified school district are planning to walk out today in solidarity with the university protests. oakland tech, oakland tech high is going to be one of those schools that participate planning at the noon to do the walk out. and they have speakers from the
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student body and teachers to talk about what's going on in gaza. it's may first and this marks international workers day a group in san francisco will honor the day by marching to city hall. >> a 10. >> o'clock in the this morning, a group of right immigrants rights workers, an antiwar organizers are going to have a demonstration. they'll gather at mission. 24 street bart station and march to san francisco city hall and talk about making more of an investment in immigrant communities and said you but you know, cities are facing budget crises. obviously you've seen that around the bay. they say critical services for immigrants need to be maintained. >> 50 former google employees are filing an official complaint now for unlawful termination. 2 weeks ago they were holding city ends at google offices in sunnyvale and new york. google fire them
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last week after finding out which employees we're in the demonstrations. the workers filed a complaint saying that google unlawfully retaliated against them. the protesters want their jobs back and they want google to allow workers to protest without retaliating. janitors in the bay area work at california's largest office buildings and tech campuses. we'll rally today. their contracts are about to expire. thousands of janitors are taking to the streets to support their union, which is negotiating. they want more pay and something to address the excessive workloads. they say want to janitors to be treated fairly. the department of industrial relations says that a 3rd of janitors in california were injured on the job last year. if they can't reach a contract deal done. janitors plan to strike as early as may 7th.
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>> 5.10, and today regular ferry service resumes with the sausalito ferry back and forth to san francisco golden gate. ferry service was suspended there on april 19th because an investigation just a normal checking of the pier found that one of the pilings was damage. a freaking riders say this shutdown can't end soon enough. they're happy to be able to sail today. >> when little guys are not in school, they get to write so it's a family i know people that we appreciate it. i think moving your bike on their last >> yeah, that's a big deal. is like she was saying it's the tourists and not just local tourist want to take their kids, but just people from around the world comes san francisco. they want to compare to sausalito and they also want to put their bikes on it. if they rent a bike, they want to get back. so now that will be able to resume, which is great. they did those repairs. it took a long time because they could only do it
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during low tides. but i guess going to be on the water today. we will see 5.11, right now. still ahead on the kabul morning news, a beekeeper joins the list of residents in oakland who are frustrated by crime. >> after a colony of bees was stolen from her. and the alameda county board of supervisors certifies the signatures to recall the district attorney. and the da announces an investigation into the group that's behind trying to get her out of trying to get her out of office.
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hi. i use febreze fade defy plug. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light means i'll never miss a day of freshness. ♪ ugh, when is my allergy spray going to kick in? -you need astepro. -astepro? it's faster, bro. 8x faster than flonase. it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro!
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it's faster, bro! it's mom to you. astepro starts working in 30 minutes. astepro and go!
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>> 5.14, and your 4 things you need to know. police in santa rosa are looking for the driver of a pickup truck that hit a motorcyclist yesterday afternoon. this happened the intersection poplar avenue and airway drive the truck made a left turn and hit the cycle. the motorcycle and then it took off from the scene. thus the a motorcyclist has lifethreatening injuries. the man was shot and killed in sunnyvale. it happened yesterday morning on south bernardo avenue near highway. 37 police found the man in a car with gunshot wounds. less than 2 weeks after cutting 14,000 jobs, tesla is set to lay off even more hundreds more employees are going to lose their jobs, including 2 senior executives, according to the tech site, the information elon musk said the letter out to the executive saying employees doesn't pass the excellent necessary and trustworthy chest. we'll be
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out of a job. the a's beat the pirates 5 to 2 last night. now they're looking to sweep today after they have that last game of the series. first pitch is 12. 37. >> 5.15, right now. and the spare the air summer smog season is officially underway this summer. the agency that regulates this is encouraging everybody around the bay too. drive a little less look for ways that you can maybe share a ride help any way you can to reduce smog and traffic. and they're reminding date that as it gets warmer out there, more spare, the air alerts can happen because the chances of the air quality to tearing becomes greater. now, how does that work, do you call it haze? which sounds better than smog. so the hot weather creates a. traps. the air. that's 100% right. actually get those high-pressure ridges. that bill that creates a cap right over the bay. >> and anything that we released just gets trapped right here in the bay actually
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pushed right down into our valleys. that's when you see that of haze. and sometimes that can be really noticeable. so that is absolutely something that we do see as we make our way into the middle of the year. right now, though, we are actually eyeing what is about to be a bit of a warm-up followed by a massive cooldown. a late season round of rain and snow on its way this weekend. that means enjoy today. we've got the golden gate bridge right here. looking nice and clear. we're going to see crystal clear skies today. little bit windy at the coastline as well out into the central valley. we're seeing some really strong winds for central valley. neighbors still under a guy, a warning at the coastline through tomorrow morning for the north coast up in marin and sonoma counties and for solano county in the central valley under a wind advisory through 05:00pm today. again, windiest out towards the delta and in the north bay mountains. aside from that, this high pressure ridge is keeping us dry and really mild again today to our north and lies our next system that
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makes its way in this weekend and comes along with same truly massive changes today through friday, warm, sunny, dry, really, really nice days. come saturday, though, that cold front pushes through and along with it, a little models are aligning to some pretty decent rainfall across the bay area as well. some pretty impressive snowfall this late year for the sierra nevada. this will kick off late friday night last us through saturday in a big cool down. in the meantime, what will our rainfall totals look like? well, for san francisco could be anywhere between a 3rd of an inch to even 3 quarters of an inch for parts of the bay area in the sierra nevada itself is going to be looking at multiple inches of snowfall. the potential of over a foot in those highest of elevations, including donner summit naicco past the highest elevations on 80 50. so if you have plans on heading to the sierra saturday is going to be yet another snowy one. we're not done yet with this wintry system. as for temperatures today, you would never know that we have
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such a cool down in a rainy forecast towards saturday because today is going to be so nice and mild and nice and sunny, too, truly a day to get out there and enjoy every moment you can't outside san jose and a nice 77 today. fremont a warm 75 hayward. 74, even oakland and berkeley. up to 73 concord, as well as pittsburgh and fairfield. some of our spot subtle hit 80 degrees this afternoon. tomorrow could see another 80 or 2 lingering into friday as well. some upper 70's to low 80's. lots of sunshine through friday. saturday comes along with temperatures as much as 20 degrees cooler and rainfall throughout the day on saturday, sunday will drive back out, but stay cool and stay dry into next week. roadways this morning holding up pretty well. we are not seeing any backups just yet at the metering lights at the bay bridge. less than 10 minutes to make your crossing there. san mateo bridge still holding at that limit of 12 minutes to make your crossing no fog. and either the richmond center fell north of golden gate. so
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things are moving along a ok, at least so far on this wednesday commute. back to you. sounds good so far. thank you, john. 5.19, and the east bay and oakland bee keeper. >> is pretty frustrated about crime because somebody stole a bee colony. there's the queen included in that. this happened minutes before the bee keeper was set to host a honey tasting event for children. kron 4 sarah stinson has more. >> meet the the lady. that's what susan donoghue is known as in her rockridge neighborhood in oakland where she's been living for nearly 3 decades be keeping is a real source of peace for me. donahue often host honey tasting events made from the 25 hives. she manages trying to teach the kids and families the different. >> color and flavor and texture of honey. she was
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getting ready to do just that on saturday. she says she placed a brand-new be observation of i've like this one on a table in front of her home and then went back inside to grab the honey. i had heard. >> somebody say, hey, look, freebies, it's then she realized someone pulled up and stole her colony of 15,000 bees. >> along with its queen bee, it's the pink one on your screen. donahue says the thieves not only stole from her, but also from the kids who came for the experience. >> having to explain to them that somebody would steal. these is really. >> disheartening to me. do you explain to me what this bees are theft does to the bees left behind these that are left behind? >> we'll survive because i'm here. managing them that these that went in that hive. probably are going to die. she says she's heard of home and
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car burglaries in her neighborhood before. but now to be a victim of get another oakland crime. >> fields to feeding. >> just getting tired the cycle. we're not coming out of hand feeling really and represented policymakers. donahue filed a police report online. she's not heard anything back. >> i'm sara stinson reporting in oakland kron. 4 news. it's 5.21. and we're learning what may have caused the death of a gray whale. remember the whale that washed up off the coast? alameda. >> the california academy of sciences said it may have been hit, buy a boat. it was a 40 foot whale. those found on crown beach last month. the official cause of death could not fully be determined because of its decomposed state. it's official. the oakland ballers are going to renovate raimondi park. the oakland city council gave the ok and approved the 1.6 million dollar plan to do it.
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ballers executives say they are eternally grateful to the city residents and fans who helped the ballers or the bees as they'll be called plan to release new renderings of what the park is going to look like when it's all done today. and the opening day is set for june 4th. it's 5.22. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news. the new a california city that is supposed to be built. it seems to be moving forward. it's called california forever. >> we'll see how far they are
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did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit north bay man is in custody for firing his gun several times outside apartment
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complex while drunk. >> police say it happened monday night in sandra fell where officers found look at all these shell casings, 14 of them in the parking lot. they also found the man passed out in his car. he was booked into the marion county jail. at least one person was hurt when 3 vehicles got into an accident yesterday afternoon. this happened on silverado trail in napa county. the cars flipped over. you could see one flipped over and 7 people in total in those cars. one had to go to the hospital. san francisco declares made national have tightest awareness month coinciding with asian american and pacific islander heritage month as well. the cdc actually says the api community is at an increased risk for hepatitis. san francisco officials want to make hepatitis b awareness of public health priority because the city has one of the largest api populations in the country.
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>> hepatitis b, disproportionately affects asian americans. only 6% of the u.s. population is a a p i but that 6% accounts for 58% of americans living with hepatitis b. >> san francisco supervisor joel and cardio is also asking that health officials expand services to treat people and increase awareness. it's 5.26. and coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news. >> ferry service is back. after a couple of weeks of repairs in sausalito, now you repairs in sausalito, now you get by boat to san francisco. - ugh. - cabin crew cross check. that yellow's not gonna fly. - buckle up! - whoa! ♪ reality checkup ♪ there's toothpaste white, and there's crest 3dwhitestrips white. whitens like a $400 professional treatment. [pilot] prepare for non-stop smiles. crest. to give your teeth a dentist clean feeling. start with a round brush head. add power. and you've got oral-b.
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round cleans better by surrounding each tooth to remove 100% more plaque. for a superior clean. oral-b. brush like a pro. ♪♪ when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems
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>> 5.29 right now and a lot of people like to wake up early and plan their day. so let's take a peek and what we might wear today, john, is it shorts or a sweater? you could says the feds because, yeah, right now it's still sweater weather. it's 40's right now for a few spots. >> a beautiful crystal clear. but chris morning for sure. later on today, all about the shorts and t-shirt. it's going to actually be even warmer afternoon. then yesterday was so poor warm up quickly today. nice sunrise in the making on such a clear start. it is very breezy for inland areas, fairfield and vacaville in particular. we got a strong north westerly wind working its way through the central valley into the delta, not as windy along the coastline. so good news for you out that direction. 40's to low 50's for current is a chilly start. so definitely throw on that extra layer for your morning hours. so little colder than yesterday morning. but that is
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going to transition quickly to hope you enjoy this one. i get to the rest of your forecast ahead. roadways right now are putting up just fine. we are not seeing the metering lights just yet on the bay bridge. what we are seeing is a nice sunrise taking shape. they're in the distance, though. as for the mateo bridge, we do have a stalled vehicle on the right lane has not resulted in any sort of delays just yet. you're holding at 13 minutes, the richmond center fell at 7 minutes. clear skies overhead and the golden gate bridge also doing just fine. daria. >> thanks a lot, john. it's 5 31 and in the east bay, the alameda county board of supervisors just voted to certify the results of the recall petition to try to recall the da pamela price. this as the state is launching an investigation into one of
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the groups behind the recall effort, da price. as december, her campaign team filed a complaint against that group claiming the group did not comply with certain laws that gover that govern all political committees in the state. this recall investigation could take maybe up to several years and the penalties could range from a warning to fines, but it will not have an impact if voters decide to recall price. now that the signatures are verified, the county board of supervisors has to set a date for the recall. kron four's. dan kerman has more on the timeline. >> this is a frivolous, fraudulent and road or only u.s. election campaign to recall da price. alameda county is at a re us but da price been in office. i have no trust in pamela price. >> ask me i am a victim's family. the problem is not pamela price. the problem is the people who are getting
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locked the people who are using drugs. and are out the streets and they're creating all kinds of crime. now that the board is move forward to certify the results, they will hold another meeting on may 14th to set a recall election. >> the special election can be set 88 to 125 days in the future. alternatively, the recall can also take place during the november 5th general election, which would save the county a boat load of money. if the recall is successful in prices voted out of office, it will be up to the board of supervisors to appoint someone to take over the appointed da will serve 2 years until the next general election in november of 2026, whoever wins that election, we'll finish out prices term which runs until january of 2029. supervisors. no, the da pamela price believes the recall is illegal because the process did not follow the county's charter. in fact, one
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county supervisor said she hopes the county is sued. so a judge can make a final determination on that. >> nevertheless, the board of supervisors is moving forward on the recall. they will hold a special meeting on the 14th of may which point they will set a date for that recall election. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> it's 5.33. and the big news in marin county is the golden gate ferry service resumes today to san francisco. finally back in service. >> after gosh, it's been a couple of most because there was damage to the sausalito pier crowd. this is live as riders are getting ready to hop onboard winds for ferry shove off. >> hey, good morning, everyone. that's right there. it's been about 2 weeks. there are no writers are quite yet. the first actual ferry doesn't had over until about 7 o'clock this morning. but take a look. we've got video now. this all started back on april 19th and that's when officials were really just doing a routine
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check of the actual sausalito pier. and at that time they found that the peers pylons really needed to be repaired. so during this time over the last 2 weeks, they have repair that pylon and it has been deemed as safe. so that means that these ferry is really back in service, heading from south leaders. temperance is going francisco to south toledo, but during these past 2 weeks, it really caused a lot of chaos for some commuters. take a listen. we spoke with one. okay. maybe we don't have that sound quite yet. but back out here live again, that first actual fear is not set to happen in till 7 o'clock this morning. so we're going to chat with some of those commuters because during this time they've been having to use the bus over that golden gate bridge and you can imagine how long it's going to be taking them or took them. i should say, rather than just taking the ferry and hopping
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right over darnell. send it back to you. i can be your sound bite on this. i can be the whatever commuter, the man on the because i live around there. >> and you know who's been stranded? tourists? because thousands of trust with their bikes have more on that ferry. and they've been stranded waiting at bus stops for weeks. so it will be nice to get that service back up. >> haha. >> hopefully we'll hear from them in the next hour. ok, very good. 07:00am 5.35. right now, a lack of leadership and a lack of guidance, according to a city audit. >> these are the reasons that missed on applying for the state's organized retail theft grant. they missed the money because they missed the deadline. the city officials learned about this grant in april and the oakland police department immediately started preparing an application. but the city's economic and workforce development department did not begin working on an application until june and in the end, this audit finds that no one knew who was actually in charge of applying and both
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departments struggled to submit different elements of the application and then the july 7 deadline came and went. so they missed it and it would help with retail cephus money. the application may have been submitted on time if mayor sheng thao had exercised more leadership, according to the audit. but that didn't happen either. and the crime continues without the extra in the north bay, california, forever. that group behind the utopian city that they want to build in solano county. they say they have more than enough signatures now to qualify for an initiative on the november ballot. >> so i don't voters have made that first decision. and they have made loud and over 20,000 to lionel residence have signed the petition. >> and now if it is verified, the voters will decide whether or not to allow construction of this new city on land. that is currently zoned for
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agriculture. so it needs to be rezoned. the would be a green city for up to 400,000 people. it's 5.37. and san francisco mayor london breed just announced about 38 million dollars in state funding for affordable housing. >> in the mission district, the money is going to be used to develop cars at a lot today, which is located on south van ness avenue. the mayor says the now provide 168 ffordable places to live for low- famlies of those who are homeless and people living thhiv and also those who earn between 25 to 80% of the san francisco median income. the project should start construction in the winter of 2025. brown county sheriff's deputies mill valley school teacher for crimes. this happened on tuesday. yesterday they arrested darren smith. music teacher for the
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mill valley unified school district on suspicion of lewd acts with a child. darren smith has worked. for the district since 2013. he is now on administrative leave booked into the marion county jail. it's local election headquarters. the recount and the highly contentious race for silicon valley. 16th congressional race is half over down. meeting santa clara county finished. it's part of the recount. san mateo county officials will announce their results tomorrow. kron four's catherine heenan has more. >> santa clara county voting officials say their recount shows evan low picked up 11 additional votes. joe, some indian gained 7 so low lead summit, ian, by 4 votes in santa clara county. but that does not answer the question of whether low one san mateo county still has more than a dozen challenge. ballots and
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official there told me they have finished counting them but won't announce the results until wednesday after campaign attorneys and others get a chance to review the numbers. meantime, sam liccardo published an opinion piece in which he again rejects claims that he's behind the recount because a former staffer named jonathan padilla requested it. he says the fact that padilla is a supporter of mine is not remarkable. every independent expenditure committee in history has been created by a candidate supporter. i think the cargo is doing the smart thing, which is. >> he's trying to get ahead of whatever the results are because someone is going to win. that was going to lose and going to lose main. all probability trained, blame liccardo the fact and senator 3 person race, it's a 2 person race. michael yaki olso agrees with luck. carter's call for >> automatic recounts in a close election which may have lessened the political drama.
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>> because you want to kind of get the politics out of this and just getting into issue of voter integrity and every vote counts. i would hope that the california legislature after this, we would mandate as a as a requirement in the california electoral process that automatic recounts be available in united states house of representative races in the case of a tie as or as it was catherine hannah. >> kron. 4 news. it's 5.40, and another developing story. the dea has proposed reclassifying cannabis from a schedule, one drug to a schedule. 3 drug and the cannabis industry is celebrating this as a big win. association ceo has said for years that marijuana has been viewed federally as having no medical value additional value and a higher potential for abuse. and that clashes with california law. this recent change in the classification could be a game-changer for
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marijuana businesses because it could remove a problematic tax quagmire. >> the marijuana businesses are unable to deduct things like to rent their payroll marketing expenses, their compliance costs, the cost of the security cameras in their in their facilities. >> some dispensary owners say that if this change gets approved and they'll be able to attract more investors and free up capital moving to a schedule. three-drug puts marijuana in the same class as tylenol. the proposal still has to be reviewed by the white house, but the national camp association ceo is predicting that this change could happen before the november election. 5.41, and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. the oakland a's came out on top, taking on the pirates for take a look at the pirates for take a look at the highlights. breathing claritin clear
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it makes it look like i have magical powers. magic eraser and sheets make cleaning look easy. >> it's 5.44. and here are 4 things that you need to know today. janitors in the bay area work at california's biggest office buildings and tech campuses. >> are going to be rallying the union contracts are expiring in the union is negotiating with management. right now they're trying to look at workloads abuses. they say that result in a lot janitors getting her actually up. no resolution is found in the janitors plan to strike as early as may 7th. 50 former google employees are filing an official complaint for unlawful termination a couple of weeks ago they were holding a sit-in protest, a google offices in sunnyvale and in new york. and after that, the company fired them. they want their jobs back and they want
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google to allow workers to protest without what they call retaliation. the oakland city council votes to approve a contract for the new oakland police chief floyd mitchell. under the terms, mitchell will get an annual salary of about $365,000. and the oakland city council approves a plan to allow the oakland ballers to renovate raimondi park. they're going release the renderings of the new park today. and should be done before opening day, which is pretty cool. take a look at this. the lions. >> at pier 39 in san francisco. just basking in the sun like they like to do. >> there were more than 800 them. that's the highest count. >> of see lines in 7 years. it's just crazy to see of all spread out across that. that's a crowded beach. that is it that they say there's a lot and out there today. so they're thinking and that's why they're so popular. look at all the tourists they just love. i like listening to the
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bark to the heart of park state. they then we got down. so just left around. yeah. okay. how cool will taking up all the beach? it looks like this. yeah. not that you can't. there's no room for my umbrella out there i don't know if i want to sit next to the sea lion. it sounds of this stinky. but yeah, there. that's the best shot. there you go. >> all right. that's a great shot. >> look at are pretty much climbing over each other? they are really, you know, we get to build bigger peers. i think couple more platforms like they've taken up all the space, you but hey, they are enjoying a great sunrise out there this morning as are the rest of us. take a look at this. >> you're beautiful. crystal clear skies from mount tam right now. nice to take in a nice sunrise view. your sun rises officially right around 06:00am. so we're looking at a nice, long day as we make are way into the later spring months. we are seeing clear skies on radar. obviously a little calmer at the coastline, although very windy
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out to the central valley. and you're noticing some of those wind gusts pretty noticeable up in the mountain tops of the inland areas to we still do have a gale warning up and down, especially the marina and sonoma coast lines in a high wind advisory for solano county in the central valley through 05:00pm today. wind gusts as high as 30 miles per hour in those areas. now, aside from that high pressure, ridges built up, keeping us dry and mild, but only for a few more days today. tomorrow and friday, particularly nice days to be getting outside. come saturday, a dramatic change as we see our next system working its way in from the north and west in this one is going to come along with temperatures. 20 degrees cooler como saturday and now models are anticipating some very, very good rainfall for the bay all in agreement. now that we will see salt showers for the bay area on saturday in some really solid snowfall up in the sierra nevada during that time, area rainfall will range anywhere from a 3rd to even 3 quarters of an inch mostly friday night into
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saturday. heavier amounts on the north coast of the state and for the sierra nevada, multiple inches. if not above a foot of snowfall. expect snowfall and snow packed roads on both donner summit on highway 80 as well as highway 50 on that passed. it is going to be a weekend to bring the chains up to the sierra and most of that snowfall on saturday itself. in the meantime today, you'd never know that we have another wintry system just around the corner. looking at how nice temperatures are about to be today. a lot of 60's to low 70's on the map yet again. and even a little bit warmer than yesterday was san jose and campbell at 77 degrees today, mid 70's along the east bay shoreline as well as some upper 70's to even low 80's for inland spots. concord, pittsburgh, and fairfield, our warmest areas today, each getting up to 80 degrees for your daytime highs. looking ahead, we stay very warm through friday with lots of sunshine. great days to be venturing out. saturday is a better day to maybe catch a movie indoors. los ix tease for our warmest of temps on
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saturday and rainfall likely through much of the day. roadways this morning had been holding up pretty well. but now we've got that back up for me and quickly at the bay bridge toll plaza. still 11 minutes. once you get through the maze. but we are seeing traffic picking up pretty quickly on this wednesday tends to be a busier morning. we did have a stalled vehicle on the san mateo bridge, pretty cleared off at this time and still holding at 13 minutes. richmond center fell at 7 minutes for your crossing there. and the golden gate bridge fairly calm this morning and nice. sunny skies overhead, as you do make crossing, daria. >> thanks a lot, john. it's 5, 49 2 adults are charge with kidnapping a bay area. billionaires teenager from marin county, the marin county da filed felony charges against christopher. does it follow? and sarah atkins, investigators say that end butterfield. the sixteen-year-old voluntarily ran away from home, but the 2 adults encourage to her not to go back home. butterfield was
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later found. the girl was found by police in san francisco about a week after she left the teen's parents. our the former ceo of slack, stewart butterfield, and flickr co-founder caterina fake. atkins and dizefalo are due in court today for their arraignment. man was hit and the big rig that he of him. he was riding a moped near the bay bridge when he was struck by a big rig yesterday morning was eastbound highway 80 at the connector ramp southbound 80 in the macarthur maze the moped rider was struck there. the lanes were shut down for about 3 hours while they investigated that deadly crash. police in sunnyvale are investigating a deadly shooting that happened around midnight yesterday morning on south bernardo avenue near highway 2.37, that's work. officers found a man in a car
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who had been shot. he was taken to the hospital where he died. we don't have any details on the shooter. let's baseball. the a's taking on the pirates at the coliseum in the second game of their series. sports director jason dumas has the highlights. >> flying under the radar. the a's have been one of baseball's hottest teams over the last couple of weeks. look to keep it going on this day. let's head to the town as they were hosting the pirates at the coliseum. looking to make it 2 in a row over the pirates. second ending. we have a tie game to offer tyler, nevin first. i've raking. if that one out to right. that brings in the go ahead, run lead it 2 to same score in the 50's until jj bleday. turns on this one. that lands in budweiser receipts, his second of the season. he wasn't done later
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in the game. in the 7th, he hits another one. this today center. the a's go on to win 5 to 2 after the game. talking about that. >> think our camaraderie is really good. i mean, it's a night and day difference from last year to this year. you know, we're doing the little things, you know, coming feel prepared, ready to go. mean, you can see the difference in spring training and leading up until now. that are pitchers have been doing a great starters and bullpen. now starting to swing the bat a little bit better. and continue to do that. you know, i think we're going to go well. >> all right. other news, the red sox took down the giants in the opener of their series. that series continues tonight. all right. that's a look at sports. >> 5.52, is the timing. coming up next on the kron 4 morning news. take a look in your pantry because there are some bay area stores affected by rita. are we call of walnuts? rita. are we call of walnuts? we'll take a closer lo
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it works with your asthma medicine to help improve lung function. that's pretty good! dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's proven to help prevent asthma attacks. it can reduce or even eliminate oral steroids. and doesn't that make things better? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. when you can get more out of your lungs, you can du more with less asthma. and isn't that better? ask your doctor about dupixent, the most prescribed biologic in asthma.
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lawmakers and environmental advocates to proposing that the state use 1 billion dollars to create space. >> and and wind turbines across the coast. california has a goal to have offshore wind supply the state with enough electricity to power. 3.7 million homes, wind powered by 2030. this plan does need at least two-thirds approval from the legislature to have that added to the november ballot. it's turbine. i say durban. less than 2 weeks after cutting 14,000 jobs, tesla is set to lay off
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hundreds more, including 2 senior executives. there is poor report by the tech site. the information says that elon musk sent letters to those musk sent letters to those executives saying any employee excellent, necessary and trustworthy test. we'll be out of a job. a previous report by bloomberg says the test that could end up cutting more than 20,000 employees in total. we don't know how many if any of those layoffs will be in the bay area, but we'll let you know as soon as we do. >> it's 5.56, in coming up in the next hour. the problem morning news. >> the sausalito ferry rides again. it will hit the water this morning after being suspended for a couple of weeks. we'll have a live report on those who are going to catch a ride. >> and investigations launched into a group that is. >> part of the recall to recall alameda county da recall alameda county da
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6:00 am
>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news police in the south bay bust a brothel and arrest a man for pimping. we'll tell you where it happened. universities across the nation start cracking down on pro-palestinian demonstrators pushing tensions even higher. we'll tell you what's happening here in the bay area. and that's also the ferry back in service today after damage to the piers finally fixed. we're live at the ferry terminal this morning. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. >> gord morning and thanks for waking up with us and aria and i'm james on this wednesday morning. we're halfway through the weekend. it looks like we've got word of possible rain this weekend. m


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