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tv   KRON 4 News at 10pm  KRON  April 30, 2024 10:00pm-10:46pm PDT

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>> now at hand, chaos at columbia university is police clear the campus busing dozens of protesters. we're following the developments there and on bay area universities, what investigators say they found in a home in the southbound
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south bay after they say a brothel was being run inside. >> and that somebody would steal these is really. disheartening to me. >> a beehive stolen from a home in the east bay. hear from the owner who says the thieves not only stole from her. >> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news. good evening. thanks for joining us for kron. 4 news at 10. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. there is heavy police presence tonight. >> at one of the most prestigious schools in the world following a pro-palestine protest that turned chaotic. hundreds of new york police officers marched into columbia university earlier tonight and they cleared out 30 to 40 people. >> from inside hamilton hall,
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this video shows officers having to break open doors and clear way chairs out of their way of the school's administration building had been occupied by pro-palestinian protesters for more than 12 hours. demonstrators broke into the building and had barricaded themselves. police said did not give us exact numbers, but multiple protesters were seen being taken away on buses. >> hundreds of demonstrators have been camping out on the campus for almost 2 weeks to protest the ongoing war between israel and hamas. some of them then broke into hamilton hall, damaging the building, another school property columbia university's president asked police for help tonight after saying there was no other way to ensure the safety on the campus and restore order
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there. law enforcement will reportedly be there through may 17th, which is the last day of the universities commencement events now pro-palestinian protests on dozens of campuses all across the country. >> and if you here in the bay area, none of the demonstrations here have escalated to the level that we're seeing at columbia at stanford today, students left their encampments this afternoon for a rally. they're joined by some faculty and staff members. crawford's grant lotus here in the studio with reaction grant. that's right. vicki, can faculty members who spoke at the rally today say they're proud to see what the students have been doing on campus. student protesters continue to occupy their encampment there at white memorial plaza. and it is possible the university could discipline students who are there. the protesters say they would love to have a better understanding of how exactly they might be punished. start off with 19 for out of like 2 or 3 more. can't exactly remember. >> who have gone letters from
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the office of community standards and are basically being put through their internal disciplinary process. the language is very big guns who are who have been put through this disciplinary process. >> either brown or black or muslim or out or any combination of those things. >> and the few white students that have been are and design us students. and we think that is very deliberate. >> other students kron 4 spoke with but who didn't want to go on camera say they do not believe the university should be punishing students who are participating because they are not disrupting day-to-day activities on campus. there. however, we talk to other people, students who feel differently saying while those other cities have right to protest, they should not be allowed to stay at white plaza overnight. in a letter, stanford says they support peaceful expression of free speech, but that overnight camping ed white plaza is prohibited. we'll keep you posted there. ken and vicki,
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back to you. thank you. grant at san francisco state university tents now cover the quad says state officials say they'll respect to students right to protest and we'll work to keep everyone there safe across the bay at uc berkeley, demonstrators remain at an encampment at sproul plaza for a second week. according to a flyer that was being passed around the campus tomorrow, faculty and staff will join those students in solidarity. at our nation's capital. congress is working on a bill that supporters say. >> would give universities more authority over anti-semitic speech at college protest. lawmakers say the bill would make hate speech against jews punishable by law. the house is set to vote on the bill later on this week. opponents say it threatens free speech. meantime, 50 eormer google employees are filing an official complaint against the company for firing them after they held a sit-in protest at the google offices in sunnyvale in new york earlier this this is video of the supporters outside the
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sunnyvale headquarters. the protesters want their jobs back and google to allow workers to protest without retaliation. for all the latest on the israel-hamas war and college protest head to our website at kron 4 dot com. >> other news tonight, a big story out of the east bay. alameda county supervisors unanimously decided tonight that there are sufficient legitimate signatures to call for a recall of district attorney pamela price. a special meeting will be held next month to set a date for that recall election. coming up at 10:30pm, tonight, pamela price is fighting back, calling on investigation into the group that's trying to get her out of office. happening tomorrow, ferry service will resume between san francisco and sausalito. >> the service was suspended back on april 19th after damage was discovered. one of the piers pilings the nearly two-week suspension in service could end soon enough for frequent riders. >> when little guys are not in
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school, they get through so it's a family i know people that we appreciate it. i think you bring your bike on their last >> she's right. you can bring your bike on the ferry repairs were completed. thanks to low tides the last couple of days. >> but turned out to be a gorgeous day today. tomorrow morning waking up to some sunny skies. a little cool to start out your day. the check out your wake-up weather forecast gets going tomorrow morning and yes, sunny side up as we head throughout the morning hours. clear and breezy. i think windy in solano county and parts of the east bay as those northerly winds are going to be kicking up overnight tonight and early tomorrow morning. still plenty of sunshine elsewhere. temperatures warm up in the 50's 60's as we head in toward 08:00am and then 10:00am boy the sunshine and all the way to the coastline. some temperatures inland near 70 degrees. >> well, tonight, an east bay bee keepers frustrated after somebody stole a colony of bees and its queen. the theft
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happened just minutes before she was hosting a honey tasting event for children. kron four's. sara stinson spent time at the beehive in oakland. >> meet the the lady. that's what susan donoghue is known as in her rockridge neighborhood in oakland where she's been living for nearly 3 decades be keeping is a real source of peace for me. donahue often host honey tasting events made from the 25 hives. she manages trying to teach the kids and families different. >> color and flavor and texture of honey. she was getting ready to do just that on saturday. she says she placed a brand-new be observation of i've like this one on a table in front of her home and then went back inside to grab the honey. had heard. >> somebody say, hey, look, freebies and then there are the pause and then a car door
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slam shot. >> it's then she realized someone pulled up and stole her colony of 15,000 bees along with its queen bee. it's the pink one on your screen. >> see it happen. so i don't have the trauma of watching them. take it and leave. >> donahue says the thieves not only stole from her, but also from the kids who came for the experience. >> having to explain to them somebody would steal. these is really. >> disheartening to me. donohue is part of the alameda county beekeepers association. she says commercial bee colony theft happens in rural areas. but here locally this is not happened that my club is heard about ever. donna, you explain to me what this bees are theft does to the bees left behind these that are left behind. >> we'll survive because i'm here. managing them that these that went in that hive.
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probably are going to die. she says she's heard of home and car burglaries in her neighborhood before. but now to be a victim of get another oakland crime. >> fields to feeding. >> just getting tired the cycle. we're not coming out of hand feeling really. and representative policymakers, donahue filed a police report online. she's not heard anything back. >> i'm sara stinson reporting in oakland kron. 4 news. >> the lack of leadership and a lack of guidance according to a city audit. those are the reasons oakland miss doubt on applying for the state's organized retail theft grant. according to the audit city officials learned about the grant back in april. and the oakland police department immediately started preparing an application, but the city's economic and workforce development department didn't begin working on an application until june. so in the end, the audit found no one new who's actually in
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charge of applying and both departments struggle to submit different elements of the application even beyond the deadline july, 7th last year. so the audit noted that the application may have been submitted on time. if mayor sheng thao had exercised more leadership. california forever. the group working to build a new city in solano county says it has more than enough signatures to qualify its initiative for the november ballot. >> so i don't voters have made that first decision. and they have made loud and clear. over 20,000 to lionel residence have signed the petition. >> if verified voters will decide whether to allow the construction of the new city on land. currently zoned for agriculture. the new town is being described as a green city for up to 400,000 people. >> oakland city council has approved the 1.6 million
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dollar plan to revive raimondi park as the new home for the oakland ballers. the move comes just 35 days before their season opener. the ballers are expected to drop new renderings of the park tomorrow. >> still ahead tonight, neighbors reacting after investigators bust abroad. so they say was being run out of a san jose home. we're halfway. there are we can almost done in a highly contentious race for silicon valley is. >> rumors spread on just who started the push for the recount. how recent reclassifying of marijuana could be a game-changer for local d
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from a big fire in concord is the closure of an intersection of clayton road. >> and park street. the flames broke out last night at an empty 3 story building just across from the concord bart station. the fire caused the roof of the building collapse. nobody was hurt. fortunately, and the cause is under investigation. officials plan to reopen the intersection tomorrow evening. >> neighbors in san jose tell us a brothel. it was recently busted has been in operation since last summer. >> as kron jack molmud reports for us tonight. police have arrested a man in connection to the brothel and found 2 women who they believe are victims. so it's a peaceful night here on 16th street in san jose. but just 2 weeks ago. >> this house right here that's moving out was the site of a police raid where officers say they busted a commercial brothel. >> police say they've been looking at this home of 16th and saint james since november. tuesday evening and
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moving drop. the men here. speak mandarin and tell me they were hired to move belongings out of here. they say they don't know anything about what happened here earlier in a broad week or 2 ago or use in its recently moved into the neighborhood and says a bunch of police officers showed up 11:00am several days ago busting what they say is a commercial brothel. >> disturbing details to shun who is a san jose state student. >> for sure, show. i mean, like any crime is a concern to especially since i live like right across the street, police also arrested shoe chain the 53 year-old man now charged with pimping and pandering. they found 2 women living in the home who they say are possible human trafficking victims along with a bunch of cash and has been called off allow members of includes by say this has been going on for months. bound to have eye. it's been going off to fight 4th of july last year. anthony garcia has lived next door here all his life and says he's seen men come and go out of this house since last summer. just wants a life
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safety for my sister and my niece and stuff. don't know that they're out here. i'm like a sigh of relief. police say the people who were involved with this house are still very much under investigation. and that could take some time. but the neighbors here who live here and nearby to me that they're just happy that people that were living at this house are out of the way. >> in san jose jacmel but kron 4 news. a historic step towards easing marijuana restrictions. today the dea proposed. >> reclassifying cannabis from a schedule. one to his schedule. three-drug noelle bellow joins us in studio is how that change will benefit dispensaries. noel ken and vicki, the cannabis industry celebrated a huge went today after this announcement. the national cannabis association ceo said for years marijuana has been viewed federally as having no medical value and higher potential for abuse. this recent change in classification could be game-changing for companies. >> as it could remove a problematic tax code.
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>> the marijuana businesses are unable to deduct things like to rent their payroll and marketing expenses, their compliance costs, the cost of the security cameras in their in their facilities. >> some dispensary owners say if the change does get approved, they'll be able to attract more investors and free up capital moving to a schedule. 3 would put marijuana in the same class as tylenol. the proposal must still be reviewed by the white house. but smith does predict the change could come before the november election. back to you. thank well know out of the 4 zone forecast as we get a live look at 10, we always like to look at that. >> quest for our. they're just sitting there. solitary like dry for now warrants. yeah. dry for now. not for long, though. looks like a big change coming our way. but what a nice day today. lots of sunshine around the bay area. temperatures running a bit above the average tomorrow. likely going to be a little bit warmer to as high pressure really kind of starts to build in overhead. the next couple
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days. and that's just going to be enough and mostly cloud-free to. and that's what we're looking at right now. skies are mostly clear around the bay area. report quite hour. sometimes you can see that fog kind of rolling in, but not tonight. so far. so good overnight. tonight we're going to see a mostly clear skies. temperatures going to be a little cool in spots. is that clear clouds skies allow for that temperature drop off a bit. 53 right now in san francisco's 56 in oakland. 57 in san jose. 61 degrees still fairly mild and conquered. 56 in santa rosa dry around the state. those high pressure begins to build in overhead, have a weak storm system making its way up in the pacific northwest, bringing them a few scattered showers. even a couple snowflakes across the higher mountains. but we are looking good here that's the way it's going to stay. the winds. yeah, they are kicking up again this afternoon. a little breezy out there right now. still, i think overnight tonight the winds going to be more of an issue as we're going to see some strong winds developing specially in solano county. so the national weather service has already issued a high wind advisory in stlano county. could see those winds by
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tomorrow morning gusting between 35 about 45 miles per hour. so if you're driving to the sacramento valley area are coming back from their watch out. if you're a high-profile vehicle, you're going have to watch out. could be kicked around a bit out on the roads. in the meantime, though, i think we're looking at really another beautiful day. temperatures tomorrow, 70's in san jose about 75 breezy in oakland. 69 in san francisco. chance of rain on the way. we'll talk about that. you're 10, a 10 coming up in a few minutes i can san francisco mayor london breed today announced almost 38 million dollars in state funding for affordable housing in the mission district. the money will be used to develop casa along today, located at 15, 15 south van ness avenue will provide. >> 168 affordable homes to low-income families, formerly homeless families and people living with hiv earning between 25 to 80% of the san francisco area. median income. the project is expected to begin construction next winter. >> the recount in the highly
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contentious race for silicon valley. 16th congressional race is effectively half over, meaning the santa clara county has finished its part of the recount. san mateo county officials say that they're going to announce their results tomorrow. harper's catherine heenan reports. >> santa clara county voting officials say their recount shows evan low picked up 11 additional votes. joe, some indian gained 7 so low lead summit, ian, by 4 votes in santa clara county. but that does not answer the question of whether low one san mateo county still has more than a dozen challenge to ballots and official there told me today they have finished counting them but won't announce the results until wednesday after campaign attorneys and others get a chance to review the numbers. meantime, sam liccardo published an opinion piece today and which he again rejects claims that he's behind the recount because a
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former staffer named jonathan padilla requested it. he says the fact that padilla is a supporter of mine is not remarkable. every independent expenditure committee in candidate supporter. i think the cargo is doing the smart thing, which is. >> he's trying to get ahead of whatever the results are because someone is going to win. so what is going to lose and where it's going to lose main all probability trained, blame liccardo the fact and senator 3 person race. it's a 2 person race. michael yaki also agrees with la carte was called for. >> automatic recounts in a close election which may have lessened the political drama. >> because you want to kind of get the politics out of this and just getting into that. the issue of voter integrity and every vote counts. i would hope that the california legislature after this would mandate as a as a requirement in the california electoral process that automatic recounts be available in united states house of
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representative races in the case of a tie as or as it was catherine hannah kron. 4 news. >> coming up, profiting from our pain at the pump. the concern being raised now by a state watchdog agency over rising gas prices. plus or proposal tonight to build more wind turbines along the coast. that could cost 1 billion dollars and it's a good time to pay a visit to see the sea lions at pier. 39, you'll see a lot more of them than usual a lot more of them than usual right now. (peaceful music) - time to get up, sweetie! (kissing) - [child voiceover] most people might not think much
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about all the little things you do every day, but for me, just being able to do those little things is the best part of my day. - ready, mom! - [child voiceover] it hasn't been easy, but sometimes the hardest things in life have the best rewards. (inspirational music) and it's all because of my amazing friends at the shriners hospitals for children and people like you who support them every month. when you call the number on your screen and just give $19 a month, you'll be helping other kids like me do the amazing things that make up the best part of our day. - because shriners hospital is more than just a hospital. it's... - where my back gets better! - where my legs get stronger. - where i get to be a kid. - where it's the best part of my day!
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- with your gift of just $19 a month, only 63 cents a day, we'll send you this adorable love to the rescue blanket as a thank you. - [child voiceover] please go online to right now on your phone or computer to send your love to the rescue today. - will you send your love to the rescue today? - thank you. - thank you. - thank you for giving. - because at shriners hospitals for children, going to the hospital is like going to see family! it really is the best part of my day. please call or go online right now to give. if operators are busy, please wait patiently, or go to right away. your gift will help kids just like me have the best part of our day.
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learning what may have caused the deaths of the great well that was found washed up on the coast of alameda, california academy of sciences says. >> they have been hit by a ship. the 40 foot long whale was found on crown beach earlier this month. and officials say the official cause of the whales deaths could be fully determined due to its decomposed state. >> state lawmakers and environmental advocates are proposing the state use 1 billion dollars to create space and at wind turbines all across the coast. california has a goal to have offshore wind supply the state with enough electricity to power. 3.7 million homes by of the year 2030. the proposal needs at least two-thirds approval from the legislature to have it added to the november ballot. >> layoffs are not over for tesla, not even 2 weeks after laying off at least 14,000 workers, the company is laying off hundreds more, including 2 senior executives, according to a report by tech site, the
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information elon musk sent a letter to those executives saying that any employee who doesn't pass the quote, excellent necessary and trustworthy test would be out of a job. the previous report by bloomberg says tesla could end up cutting more than 20,000 employees in total. no word yet on any of those layoffs will be here in the bay area. >> next, what francisco lawmakwants to do to expand services that treat people with hepatitis district. attorney pamela price is fighting back, calling on and investigation into the group trying to get her out of of
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>> been a lot of financial irregularities. alameda county district attorney pamela price is fighting back against a group trying to recall her this evening. the board of supervisors voted to certify the results of that recall petition. meantime, the state has opened an investigation into one of the groups behind the recall. >> price in december, her campaign team filed a complaint against the group claiming the group did not comply with certain laws that govern all political committees in the state. but this recall investigation could take up to several years and penalties could range from a warning to find, but it will not have an impact of voters decide. 2 recalled price. pamela price is a future as the district attorney now hangs in the balance as kron four's, dan kerman tells us many who are backing the recall and those who were behind the d a >> showed up at the board of supervisor supervisors meeting to speak out. this is a
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frivolous, fraudulent and road or only u.s. election campaign to recall da price. alameda county is at a re us but da price been in office. i have no trust in pamela price. >> ask me i am a victim's family. the problem is not pamela price. the problem is the people who are getting locked the people who are using drugs. and are out the streets and they're creating all kinds of crime. now that the board is move forward to certify the results, they will hold another meeting on may 14th to set a recall election. >> the special election can be set 88 to 125 days in the future. alternatively, the recall can also take place during the november 5th general election, which would save the county a boatload of money. if the recall is successful in prices voted out of office, it will be up to the board of supervisors to appoint someone to take over the appointed da will serve 2 years until the next general
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election in november of 2026, whoever wins that election, we'll finish out prices term which runs until january of 2029. supervisors. no, the da pamela price believes the recall is illegal because the process did not follow the county's charter. in fact, one county supervisor said she hopes the county is sued. so a judge can make a final determination on that. nevertheless, the board of supervisors is moving forward on the recall. they will hold a special meeting on the 14th of may which point they will set a date for that recall election. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> man is dead after he hit a big grave while riding a moped near the bay bridge happened this morning on eastbound. i-80 at the connector ramp to southbound 8.80, in the macarthur maze. no word tonight on what caused the moped rider to crash in the first place lanes were shut down on the ramp for about 3 hours before reopening. police in sunnyvale are investigating
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a deadly shooting there. it happened just after midnight this morning on south bernardo avenue near highway 2.37. >> police say they found a man inside a car with gunshot wounds. the man was taken to the hospital, but later died. police have not released any details on a possible suspect or a motive. south bay leaders are trying to make community safe from gunfire. >> they join california attorney general rob bonta today. >> we status quo state of affairs where we have more mass shootings in a year than days in the calendar year where the leading cause of death for our youth. is gun violence. where we lose 45,000 people each year to gun violence. we have more guns in more places and that creates more gun violence and morgan death. >> bonta says that the meeting between the leaders is to find ways to equip the community with the tools necessary to prevent more school shootings.
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san francisco officials are declaring may national hepatitis awareness month. that coincides with the asian american and pacific islander heritage month because according to the cdc, the api community is at increased risk for hepatitis in the u.s. san francisco officials say they want to make hepatitis b a public health priority because the city has one of the api populations in the country. >> hepatitis b, disproportionately affects asian americans. only 6% of the u.s. population is a a p i but that 6% account 58% of americans living with hepatitis b. >> supervisor and cardio is also demanding health officials expand services to treat people and expand awareness. if you filled your carpet lately, you've likely noticed it is not cheap for the last month, average statewide gas prices have gone way up by $0.44 as our eytan wallace reports tonight, state
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investigators say oil companies are raking in profits. well, we feel the pain. >> there's an urgent need to protect california consumers from price down. that's the message from time. milder director of the state's brand new oil watchdog agency known as the division of petroleum market oversight. since its creation last summer. the division has been collecting data from the oil industry and working with the california energy commission to determine whether or not to annex some sort of penalty on oil companies if they are found to be taking part in price gouging. we are working to provide active oversight and to make sure that the market is setting the prices that these are fair prices. milder says while it's too early in the data collection process to conclude whether price gouging is taking place, he says he does have some early concerns. californians have been paying too much at the pump for too long as of today, the state average cost of regular unleaded gas is five-dollars $0.39 per gallon. milder note
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over the last month between late march in late april, gas prices on average, increased by $0.44 in the state. but he says that the same time the price of crude oil in the market increased by just $0.3 while the industry margin, which is how much is made per gallon went up by $0.41. >> his conclusion, the recent price spikes. >> really profits. thanks for industry. looking at the data, we're seeing some clear fronts. when prices at the pump went up over the last month. that was because the oil industry profits will but those in the oil industry say it's not as the scenes. the date is there. price gouging is not happening. 7 slagle is with the western states petroleum association representing oil industry stakeholders over the past month. >> there's a number of refineries that were off line maintenance. and when you refineries down, supplies shrink you know, any commodity when you have less supply the needed, the costs, you know, typically will go up. and that's probably a lot. what we
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saw his position is that the state should invest in more oil production to drive down costs the city, california has been the last couple years implementing policy after policy that's meant in production in but in the end, what consumers care about, they care about higher costs. and that is the path our state on and to the state conclude price gouging is taking place. the california energy commission would still need to determine what if any penalty. >> would be imposed reporting at the state capitol. eytan wallace kron. 4 news weather time as we get a live look outside right now. >> the embarcadero when it's lit up, that looks like the bay bridge to me. well, it's the bay bridge that eventually takes. that's what to >> it >> does look like it's slowing down going west, right, lawrence, what's going straighten this out. nice right guys out there as we've building in now and that ridge going to make for what looks
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like couple really nice days here in the bay area that everything begins to change. when, you know, as we get the weekend again, it's just been kind of a common theme this years. we've seen a lot of the rain events on the weekends. we may see one again coming our way out the door, though, right now. nice look to the east bay hills skies. stay mostly clear out there. if we see even a patch to fall, going to right along the water's edge, not going to be much still in them are off and running with some really nice weather. all right. yesterday we showed you the american long range models. tonight we're going to show you the european yesterday. the european was saying, hey, we're not going to get much rain at all. well, now that is we got to change and you'll see why. as high pressure. yeah, it looks like it's going to stick around for tomorrow. a little bit of a northerly component when that's going to keep most your skies clear of that fog. i think as we get into thursday, still a nice day. we'll start to see a change in the atmosphere is that ridge starts to break down a little bit. then we get into late friday and saturday. here we go. watch what happens yesterday. this one was keeping the storm well to our north of dry today, a whole
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range motions with the system govern through. is that looks like we're going to see a pretty decent rain event and the models are starting to coalesce and think that's going to happen. even a slight chance. you might see a widely scattered shower into sunday. not going to be much saturday. looks like to be the big rain day. if we get it. all right. this is what the european model is or i should say. the american model is forecasting for the rainfall as we get into the weekend. now, this is not as robust as it was. yesterday was talking about an inch, maybe an inch and a half of rain. now we're talking about 3 quarters inch, maybe an inch in some of the urban areas. now the european model that was saying that we were not going to see anything. all of a sudden it is really jumped up. so these models are both started combine and really kind of fine tune the forecast looking at maybe half an inch of rain. that's a pretty significant rain event, especially for this time of year. so if you have plans on saturday, just be thinking about that going forward, least the chance of rain coming our way out the door. right now. we've got a nice evening out there on golden gate bridge is we've got mostly clear skies out there.
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not much fog to worry about. looks like the wind is going to be on the increase overnight tonight and getting gusty in spots inland tomorrow. going to be a warm day, though. it's going to be beautiful out there. high pressure building in overhead, little bit of a normally kubota the wind and that is going to crank up the temperature. so highs tomorrow. you're looking about 70 degrees in the mission about 69 downtown san francisco, coastal areas to little cooler than normal but 50's and 60's there inside the bay. we'll see more sunshine. really some nice temperatures tomorrow. 74 in palo alto. 74 in mount view, some 70's and 80's into the south bay. lot of 80's going to start to pop up inland tomorrow. 81 in lemore 80 in pleasanton about 77 degrees in san leandro. 77 in orinda and 80 degrees in concord. get the idea. some nice weather out there. a bit windy, though, as you make your way to slama county parts of the north bay as well. back along the coastline. those temperatures not bad, although we're going to see that sea breeze out there keeping a cooler. but here's your tentative forecast next couple days. the fantastic temperatures running above the average. stay warm even into friday and then we get the
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weekend. that temperature really takes a nosedive. i think you rain becoming looking like it's more likely now as we head in towards saturday. i think sunday, cinco de mayo looks like a fairly decent day to get out there. and that's important to do your thing, right? and have some i think we can work around. yeah. i mean, lose part of the weekend looks pretty decent. yeah. >> thank you. right. in sea lion speaker saying all good here. it's a good time to visit the sea lions pier. 39 officials say. >> the sea lion count is the highest it's been in 7 years. serves now about 850 of them out there, at least today soaking in the sun. they say more sea lions or lounging at the pier because there's more and show these this year. so, you know, they behind for us right those are delicious. they can lot of like you mentioned >> all right. that wraps up
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properties that tend to stay tuned for kron for news 11. first, though, it is sports night live. jason dumas here some giant action. >> our east coast, they can have all the anchovy. weekend. i'm anchovy bar where they're fresh. they're really prepared take you up. and think my mind. all right, which open-minded about you're going to find out the hull, giants a's. >> one team is trending up start out in beantown. and see the giants take on the red sox. and then also we have some nba playoffs today. high drama at madison square garden. when is there not? we'll have all those highlights and more coming up sports night live.
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>> the sixers have some life. >> we will have nba playoff highlights in a bit. but we've got to start with the giants. they are hovering just below 500 and begin a 10 game east coast road trip today beginning at one of baseball's greatest venues, fenway park. now i know it's a long season,


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