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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  April 30, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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>> breaking news we're following out of new york city police officers from nypd have begun moving in on protesters have been occupying part of columbia university. they have taken over hamilton hall, which is an administration building there. and they say they will not leave until their demands have been met. campus officials have called
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for and why pd to move in after giving them time to voluntarily leave the premises of the building. the protesters say they're not doing that. and that's why police are now getting ready to move in. it could be a long a long night in manhattan. protesters had defied >> the school and had entered that building. breaking glass windows and had taken it over there, taking removing furniture and the mayor had given them an ultimatum and they did not meet the mayor has called nypd and there they are. i'm going into the building ostensibly to remove the demonstrators. they were told to take down the tents that are in the middle of the campus. >> and students didn't do that. so yesterday authorities started taking away tense and then the protesters put more
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tense up. in the meantime, a lot of the students were told that if they didn't leave and and leave the protest site and bring the tents down, they'd be suspended from class until june. and those students who didn't follow that and most of them did not have been suspended. many of the students have been suspended. now the university saying they'll be expelled if they don't leave the site here after being told that time's up, the protest is over and now a number of students there are also felt facing expulsion. and as you know, what is happening at columbia has been repeated college campuses across the country and here in the bay area. and cal poly humboldt state a million dollars worth of vandalism damage thereafter. protests are about 25 students at cal poly were arrested and what's going on here in colombia may be the most defiance or most high profile certainly act here right in manhattan. it's a prestigious
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university and they have taken over hamilton hall, which was taken over back in the 1960's during the vietnam war protests. right? there is some talk about replicating that situation. obviously the causes are very different. but these a pro-palestine protest, they they are continuing a all across that the united states and there. >> and they're these with with the protesters are demanding a cease-fire in gaza also asking or demanding that the divest if there is any kind of military involvement. new york city mayor eric adams says told the students said to carry on their protests another way. >> but not to keep doing what they're doing at columbia university. so we're waiting to see how this plays out. no doubt this will be a long night. it is a 9, 30 at night in new york city and there are dozens and dozens of protesters inside the building. so getting them out
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if they don't want to come out, could take some time. and we don't know if there's going to be any kind resistance, physical resistance by them to being taken out of that building. so it could turn ugly depending on how things play out. so we're going to keep an eye on this throughout the evening. of course, we'll have much more online at kron 4 dot com and tonight at 10 o'clock on the kron, 4 news. >> well, 4 is your local election headquarters recount and that highly contentious race for silicon valley's 16th. congressional race is effectively half over. that means santa clara county has finish. it's part of the recount. county officials say that they're going to announce their results tomorrow. our first catherine heenan is in the newsroom to break it all down for us. catherine? yeah, as you know, this is recount following. >> the astonishing primary tied between santa clara county supervisor joe, some indian and assemblymember evan low. and the question of who will join sam liccardo on the
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november ballot. no final answer yet. as to who came out ahead. but after 2 weeks of counting, at least the end is in sight. >> santa clara county voting officials say their recount shows evan low picked up 11 additional votes. joe, some indian gained 7 so low lead summit, ian, by 4 votes in santa clara county. but that does not answer the question of whether low one san mateo county still has more than a dozen challenge. ballots and official there told me today they have finished counting them but won't announce the results until wednesday after campaign attorneys and others get a chance to review the numbers. meantime, sam liccardo published an opinion piece today and which he again rejects claims that he's behind the recount because a former staffer named jonathan padilla requested it. he says the fact that padilla is a supporter of mine is not
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remarkable. every independent expenditure committee in history has been created by a candidate supporter. i think the cargo is doing the smart thing, which is. >> he's trying to get ahead of whatever the results are because someone is going to win. that one is going to lose and where it's going to lose main all probability trained, blame liccardo the fact and senator 3 person race, it's a 2 person race. michael yaki also agrees with la carte was called for. >> automatic recounts in a close election which may have lessened the political drama. >> because you want to kind of get the politics out of this and just getting into that. the issue of voter integrity and every vote counts. i would hope that the california legislature after this would mandate as a as a requirement in the california electoral process that automatic recounts be available in united states house of representative races in the case of a tie as or as it was here. >> if california does
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eventually mandate automatic recounts, some state or federal races, that would also mean a candidate or candidates supporters would not have to come up with the cash to make that happen. this recount began april 15th. again, we might finally have a result tomorrow. can. all right. thank you, katherine. san francisco supervisor joel and guardiola wants to raise awareness about hepatitis b. >> he's introduced a resolution to call the month of may hepatitis awareness month in san francisco, he says there's a dire need to address the rising rate of hepatitis b. also wants the state public health department to expand services to treat people and expand awareness. he says the api community is particularly at risk for contracting hepatitis b and c. only 6%. >> of the u.s. population is a a p i but that 6% accounts for 58% of americans living with hepatitis b, san francisco has one of the largest api populations in the nation
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which makes hepatitis b awareness and essential local issue. >> estimated one in 12 americans has hepatitis b and the majority don't even know they have it. >> the head of california's oil watchdog division is out with some new data. he believes shows oil companies are raking in profits. while you and i feel the pain at the pump. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace gives us a closer look at the numbers and has reaction from the oil industry. >> there's an urgent need to protect california consumers from price down. that's the message from time. milder director of the state's brand new oil watchdog agency known as the division of petroleum market oversight. since its creation last summer. the division has been collecting data from the oil industry and working with the california energy commission to determine whether or not to annex some sort of penalty on oil companies if they are found to be taking part in price gouging. we are working to
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provide active oversight and to make sure that the market it's setting the prices that these are fair prices. milder says, well, it's too early in the data collection process to conclude whether price gouging is taking place. he says he does have some early concerns. californians have been paying too much at the pump for too long as of today, the state average cost of regular unleaded gas is five-dollars $0.39 per gallon. milder note over the last month between late march in late april, gas prices on average, increased by $0.44 in the state. but he says that the same time the price of crude oil in the market increased by just $0.3 while the industry margin, which is how much is made per gallon went up by $0.41 his conclusion. the recent price spikes realls profits. thanks for industry. looking at the data, we're seeing some clear fronts. >> when prices at the pump went up over the last month. that was because the oil industry profits will but those in the oil industry say
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it's not as the scenes. the date is there. price gouging is not happening. 7 slagle is with the western states petroleum association representing oil industry stakeholders over the past month. >> there's a number of refineries that were off line maintenance. and when you refineries down, supplies shrink you know, any commodity when you have less supply the needed, the costs. >> you know, typically will go up. and that's probably a lot. what we saw his position is that the state should invest in more oil production to drive down costs the city, california has been the last couple years implementing policy after policy that's meant in production in but in the end, what consumers care about, they care about higher costs and that is the path our state on and to the state conclude price gouging is taking place. the california energy commission would still need to determine what if any penalty. >> would be imposed reporting at the state capitol. eytan wallace kron. 4 news. today's deadline for college students to qualify for a federal loan forgiveness, students who are
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enrolled in income-driven college loan repaid repayment plans. >> or the public service loan forgiveness program are eligible. some parents who borrow through the federal family education loan program can also get a break. the biden administration's loan forgiveness can cover some or all of remaining college loan debt. see if you qualify. log on to student aid dot gov. 4 zone forecast as we step outside. show you our favorite free lanes. 6 ad. >> you it is so mild out there in relative terms. lawrence is here to talk about all those big storms that are yeah, elsewhere. yeah, they're hunkered down again. i mean, this last week has been rough across the country's midsection and has fired up again tonight. we've got severe weather that is now breaking out across the country's midsection. one system kind of winding down. you see that heading east and all of a sudden get that cold air coming right across the rockies and watch what happens to that strong band of storms now just developing. that's what we're dealing with now in. these have already produced numerous thunderstorms, some hail and yes, more tornadoes across the
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country's midsection as well. you can just south of wichita. that is a severe storm that has moved on through there. we've got watches continuing for more tornadic activity as we head through the evening hours that strong system moves on by. but numerous reports a very strong storms behind that reports of tornadoes on the ground. and you had some very strong gust to go along with the so strong storms moving through right there. you had a gust of 70 miles per hour near that system and the hill very large and some of these in some places over in inc, diameter and that some dangerous stuff that almost 3 inches. can you imagine that coming down that can do some major damage. this system will continue to work its way across the country's midsection tomorrow. and then we've got yet another around. this that time of year where really the atmosphere trying to stabilize. but to get there, it's got to do a lot of shifting. you're seeing the atmosphere warming up across the country. now and now we see that line of storms moving further east by tomorrow with the potential for some more severe weather in this location behind that. probably
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some more on the way after that here. the very latest forecast. molly, see that system kind of moving through kind of fading away. and then another one moves on across the rockies. and here we go again. another round, the potential for some more severe weather. this one heading. i think a little more for the south. maybe in parts of the dallas area into texas. looks like another scary couple of days around the country's midsection. thank you. our s'more people moving to california and fewer people are leaving. that is according to the california department of finance last year, california's population. >> increased by 67,000 people. the growth is being attributed to an increase in legal for an immigration and natural population. increasing its the first year since 2020. the state has seen a net increase. >> the giants started a 10 game road eastern, a road trip tonight. first stop fenway park next in sports. jason will have all your highlights with are right talks from beantown.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> the giants are just hovering below 500 at 14 or 15. they begin a 10 game eastern rose swing today beginning at one of baseball's greatest ballparks, fenway park. now i know the baseball season is a long one, but >> the next 2 weeks could go a very long way into projecting how this season could play out for the giants. now, this is their first trip to fenway park since 2019. 0, they're back in 2021. when warriors were playing the celtics in
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the finals. boston, they're 3 games over 500 right now playing some pretty good early on. they got to logan 2 on 2 out for rob refsnyder. he rifles a shot up the middle. tyler o'neill slides into scores. one. nothing sox. add another in the second 2 out for jarren duran. that one is going to drop. reese mcguire scores. it's 2 to nothing they add on in. the 3rd rest tonight are again, this time he rolls right under the glove. a tiros try to this good enough to plate another run. red sox rolling. it's 3 to nothing. well, your abreau, he knocked logan webb out of the game in the four-team rips the shot down the right-field line. that's a family. it comes in comes another run. rabbit got roughed up. he gave up 4 runs on 9 hits in 3 and two-thirds of an inning giants lose 4 to nothing had a 19
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game scoreless streak coming into this one. so he knew he was going to come back down to earth some point. if you are in new york tonight, the place to be madison square garden. we have a good one going on. joel embiid and his sixers looking to avoid elimination against jalen brunson and the knicks tyreese maxey got the sixers off to a great start they forced a turnover matching open court. not want to do nothing about that so they were up 9 after that. but brunson led the knicks on 18 to 2 run to open the 2nd quarter. he drives a key stop pops, boom. that's a shot. the knicks lead. 49 to 43 at break. now the teams, they just traded body blows in the 2nd half mitchell robinson. great defense on joel embiid. they're going to other way. that og anunoby with the dunk. knicks go up 5 with one. 39 left. but the sixers look at
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this down 3 points. second. our logo blocking the time. he hits that with 8 seconds left. that forces overtime. we want to see to mix his last shot right missus. and right now the sixers are up 1, 0, 5, 1, 0, 2, in the extra session. all right. the raiders, let's talk about they continue to add to what's becoming a pretty talented receivers room. they signed former cowboy mike gallup today to a one-year deal. gallant was released when he couldn't come to a contract agreement with the cowboys, the silver and black now have davante adams kobe myers, rookie from last year. trade, tucker, along now with the 28 year-old gallup in their receiver room, gallant tore his acl in his left knee. and 21, never really the same after the injury, his contract could be up to 3 million with
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incentives. so raiders quietly. adding to their team, making it a more talented. all right. that's your look at sports. back to you guys. all right. thank you, california, forever. the group working to >> build a new city in solano county has reached another milestone. they have submitted enough signatures to qualify for the november ballot. our forest, tiffany justice has details. >> the group says they have 7,000 more signatures than needed and they're confident all 20,000 signatures collected will be verified. >> so i don't voters have made that first decision. and they have made loud and clear. over 20,000 to lionel residence have signed the petition. >> the campaign to build a new california city is moving for jan tram make ceo of california forever says they are gaining the support of locals submitting more than 20,000 signatures tuesday to qualify the east. a homes,
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jobs in clean energy initiative for the november ballot. 7,000 signatures. more. >> than was required. for the 1000 signatures are required. that's over 60 for something that was more than was required. >> it's now up to the solano county's elections office verify each signature. is there a voters will decide whether to allow urban development on land. currently zoned for agriculture. the new town is being described as a green city for up to 400,000 people in the san francisco bay area, the travis air force base as a group did address their concerns and plans and minimize the impact this development could have on local training flights. an exercise a place like this system. almost almost anyone. can't do so i'm i'm really just the storm is to do so much vacaville vice mayor greg ritchie endorsing the plan for the new development as does area resident can clue, sir jack up as mansion is with
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california river. looks like these essentially a townhouse like to a lot of like santana row. we have a you have top of stories below or offices or so i like the idea. not just a building, new housing building, new housing that doesn't take a lot closer, says he's concerned for his 2 grandchildren, one in college. now he says affordability of houses in california. >> is hard to obtain. also the idea that the housing is could be a for a double to me, that's big selling point. the group forever, california says it may take up to 30 to 60 days for the signatures to be verified. but again, they do say that they are confident. >> that the signatures will be verified and that the measure will make it onto the november ballot. reporting to justice kron. 4 news. >> now to our 4 zone forecast for the live look at the city all cleaned up with the wind blowing all that. it will get cleaned up as well when the rain starts covid to help
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fight lore that. yeah, you know, we've been talking about yesterday. it was a big difference in the models when forecasting almost dry conditions, the other forecasting a whole lot of rain will. it all came together today. >> now models are moving in agreement. weve got big changes coming our way right now. it is a nice evening around the bay area. little breezy in spots. here's a look at the long-range forecast as we head toward tomorrow. yeah. looks like another nice day. high pressure builds overhead. setting most the rain well to the north of the bay area. lots of sunshine and really some nice weather as we get into thursday. start to see that bridge breaking down. some of the temperatures likely to cool on the coastline. but really it's not until late on friday into saturday. and here comes yesterday. this model, this is the european model was completely dry around the bay area today. a big difference showing that rain coming in the chance of more snow over the high country. maybe even lingering shower into sunday as well. so, yeah, if you've got some cinco de mayo plans saturday looking pretty wet throughout parts of the bay area. now, one thing that did back off this is the american
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model for the forecast. rainfall totals yesterday was talking about an inch, maybe an inch and a half has backed off from that to showing almost an inch of rain in some of the local urban areas. now, the european model that was showing almost dry conditions. now we're talking over a half an inch of rain in some spots. so all this being said, it looks like a better chance today that we are going to see some rain as we head in toward the weekend tomorrow. that's not going to be a problem. the winds kicking up in 70's and 80's inland. you got some cooler numbers out along the coastline over the next couple of days. we get in and well, here we go. we've got rain possibly moving in on saturday. chance of showers on sunday. we'll
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>> several hills is no longer the most expensive neighborhood in america. that title was moved. the sunshine state according to zillow data compiled by the daily mail, coral gables, florida. now the ritzy u.s. place in the u.s. the average price for a home in the south florida neighborhood is 19.1, 4 million dollars that said just edging out beverly hills. the study also says 7 out of 10 most expensive areas are now in florida. that's a huge switch from 2020 win 6 out of those neighborhoods were in california and 2 were in new york. you haven't started shopping for mom. consider this your warning mother's day. coming up soon. a national retail federation report predicts that consumers will spend a near record. >> 33 and a half billion dollars on mom this year. the nrf says the figure would be the second highest in the history of the survey
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estimates. 84% of u.s. adults plan to celebrate the holiday spending an average of about $254 per person on gifts. the biggest spenders are expected to be people between the ages of 35. and 44, the top gifts this year, jewelry and flowers. we love our moms. so flowers. we love our moms. so to attend, take care of them. if you're happy and, you know it, clap your hands if you're happy and, you know it, ride your bike. if you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it. if you're happy and you know it smile big and bright. thousands of kids just like me are happy every day. and it's all because of generous people like you who support shriners hospitals for children every month. all you have to do is call the number on your screen or go online to right now with your monthly gift. because of people like you shriner's hospitals for children
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