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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  April 29, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> right now at 6 pro-palestine protest are intensifying at college campuses all across the country. police in countering protesters on several college campuses and students now starting to face disciplinary actions at columbia. and then back here in the bay area,
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students at san francisco state, they are now joining protests. students there building an encampment is protesters continue to demand a cease-fire in the israel-hamas war? meanwhile, at stanford university has now been 5 days since students set up an encampment of tents at that school. >> good evening. thanks for joining us for kron for news at 6. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. the students at stanford demanding that the school disclose any ties that it has to companies that financially benefit israel proffers less. a good new is live for us on the stanford campus with the latest. leslie. >> yeah, i'm here right now and we are looking at the heart of the student protesters here on campus and inside encampment. they've added everything from signs. palestinian flags also information for other students to learn about why they are here. over 20 tents continue
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to stand at the white memorial plaza at stanford university filled with students calling for the university to divest from israel. >> and disclose their investments lost tonight. i we successfully pass to divestment resolution through. >> our student body our student body government. the turnoff for was like significantly significantly higher the last year, young soo kim class of 2025. shares the students have officially. >> create a recommendation how the university should respond to the war in gaza. tech companies provide the digital architecture apartheid relies on. so hewlett-packard, amazon, google, whatnot. >> the second should be august. the actual like ours manufacturers themselves. lockheed martin, boeing list goes on. and finally, a fossil fuel companies were engaging and pillaging on on the in the natural gas fields off the coast of gaza right now. >> on monday, several students at inside their encampment.
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other students who did not wish to go on camera say it's been peaceful and quiet here in our cameras did capture 3 counter protesters wa%k inside the area and raised an american flag stating they have a right to be here. is >> live in great these people are taking advantages of the freedoms afforded by this country. white will simultaneously chanting death to america almost on a nightly basis. and so i think it's good for them to recognize that. maybe they should be thankful for the country that they're protesting. >> and kevin tells me he would like to see university do more when it comes to the protests. the university promise that they would discipline the students who took over this part of campus. >> they promise to arrest will be made that promise that they would be suspended. and the university has followed through on those promises. >> and i do want to add that since we've been out here and has remained very peaceful between both of those groups of protesters. but we have
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been told that some protesters that were inside the encampment didn't receive notices of possible disciplinary action live at stanford. let's look at in kron. 4 news. >> all right. thank you very much. less a to the even north bay. now, students at sonoma state university. there also holding a solidarity encampment on campus. the group is demanding the school divest from all donors and funds that support and profit from the occupation in palestine. they say that they also want to see study abroad programs connected with israel shut down. mean, time in southern california in several arguments, skirmishes broke out on ucla campus between. >> pro-israel and pro-palestine demonstrators. this was actually yes erday after counter protesters from both sides breached a barrier that was put in place to trying to keep the 2 group
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separate. today. the encampment on campus grew by an additional 50 tents pro-palestine protesters have reportedly put up wood and metal fencing and even appointed guards to block access to the public. and on the east coast, columbia university has started to spending students who defied a deadline leaving their encampment by 2 o'clock this afternoon. >> the school did not specify how to go about those suspensions at this just 2 weeks away from graduation, at least 120 tents were still up as 02:00pm. a deadline passed there colombia's now holding remote classes as a result of the protest. and he's also set a series of deadlines for the protesters to leave the encampment. >> other news tonight, take a good look at your screen here. police are asking for your help to try to find the driver who hit and killed a man in san francisco earlier this year. we haven't magnified
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there in the top corner. so you can see the vehicle involved. this happened on february. 25th around 7 o'clock at night near ala many boulevard and risso street in the city's ingleside district. police describe the vehicle as a dark toyota camry. well, between the years of 1997 in 2001, they say the front end of the car should have a lot of damage and a missing toy toyota emblem from its hood. anyohe who any information is asked to call san francisco police. millions of kaiser members might have their personal information compromised after the company was hit with a data breach. the oakland headquartered company says certain online technologies that we're installed on its web sites and apps may have transmitted personal information to 3rd party vendors such as google being an ax. kaiser says user names, passwords, social security numbers, financial account information, even credit card numbers were not transmitted in the breach. the
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company is now reaching out to current and former kaiser members about that breach. the san jose police officers association says more officers are needed. >> to protect mayor matt mahan, in fact, in the wake of last week's altercation between the mayor's security during an interview with kron 4. the police union is calling on the city of san jose to double the mayor's protection kron four's. dan kerman has more. last tuesday's violent altercation between a man and san jose mayor matt mahan security detail. >> he's led the san jose police officers association to send this letter to the acting chief and city manager requesting they double the number of officers who protect the mayor. while the mayor's outdoing the city business. >> i feel like needs to be a protected appropriately. and one officer, frankly, is not
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letting up. >> the incident erupted between this man. 35 year-old wesley pollard and the plainclothes san jose police officer providing security for the mayor during a kron 4 interview. pollard was ultimately arrested and charged with felony resisting an officer by means of violence as well as misdemeanor battery and disturbing the peace. the incident went on for nearly 4 minutes before a community member help subdue pollard. the mayor stood nearby during the entire event. the poe says having a second officer on hand, but only provide greater safety but greater options. you have more of security detail present. any one person is dealing with this individual. and one does get the mayor and staff inside lock the door. >> and then the second officer can come out and try when they had an assistant in we have to secure her. this person for whatever reason. saint a state police say they're reviewing the current procedures for the mayor's security detail. >> if they do decide to bump up the number, it would be unusual for a large city. san
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francisco police won't say how many officers are on mayor breed security detail. oakland police confirm the department generally provides to sworn officers for the security and protection of mayor thao. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> all right. time now for 4 zone forecast as we get that a live picture right now. san francisco off there in the distance in the bay beautiful shot at looks warmer than it feels out there, lawrence. but you say yeah, get warm. yeah. it's going definitely get warmer. kicking around. that's wife a little cool, especially as you approach the coastline outside the winds kind of blown 2030 mile an hour gusts again today. but we've got some warmer days ahead and a lot more sunshine on the way to at sunny skies all the way the coastline for today. really nice out there except for the wind. so temperatures out the door right now. you're still warm in spots. well inland, 70 degrees in concord. it is 69 in santa rosa. 68 right now in livermore. and then you start to get inside
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the bay. but 66 comfortable in san jose, the breeze effect in oakland, a 63 in a cooler. 59 now in san francisco. but yeah, the winds have been kicking up outside. no doubt about that. as we've seen some 20, even some 30 mile an hour gusts along the coastline into san francisco, even sfo. so a little breezy out there for this afternoon. likely to be that way again tomorrow. in fact, we may see some stronger winds but islam, a county high pressure trying to build in overhead. most the state staying dry now and looking good. the storm well to the north now as high pressure builds in overhead. if you're headed out the door this evening should be a little nice and little breezy outside around the bay area. be prepared for that sky. staying nice and clear, though, through 9 o'clock tonight. all right, lawrence. well, new efforts evening to help reduce the number of overdoses across california today. governor newsom announcing that the state is set to purchase twin packs of the life-saving naloxone nasal spray for almost half of current market price. our kron four's rob nesbitt joins us now live in the studio with details on this. robbie keane. today's
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announcement about a state brandon, the locks zone also known as narcan is a big deal because of how much will be coming to california from 2 million twin packs. now, 3.2 million. on monday. governor gavin newsom announced that his administration has secured a cal rx branded over-the-counter naloxone for $24. a pack. >> that's how much the state will pay. but doctor mark galli from california, health and human services says most of the twin packs used to reverse an overdose will cost consumers. nothing in san francisco. you picked one of reduction or substance use disorder service providers. >> public health clinics. some of the commercial clinics will provide narcan. >> to make it available free of charge. the goal with the program according to governor newsom's office is to make sure lifesaving medication. >> doesn't result in people going into debt. i spoke with bronze, courtney, from the hiv education and prevention project of alameda county or
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helped pack about the financial struggles. those facing addiction often face. some folks were talking about like, am i going to eat? >> or am i going to have narcan or am i going to have, you know, some basic needs some hygiene stuff or my going to have nor can he does harm reduction, work out in the community and non-clinical settings to have pack. >> harm reduction has become a contentious topic when it comes to dealing with addiction. >> san francisco mayor london breed spoke out against it earlier this year because, you know, i redemption from my perspective is not reducing the harm. >> those who work in reducing drug overdoses by handing out narcan disagree, referencing years of research and statistics. it's about giving people education information and access to resources that literally keep them alive. that's what harm reduction is about. >> governor newsom's office says the orders have been made for the cheaper nar. can. >> and should be arriving as early as next month. reporting in studio. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> thank you, rob. coming up,
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why youimight feel some relief on pricing pg e bill starting next year. plus, we're learning the names of the family members who died in a fiery crash in pleasanton. hundreds of renters parts of the state capitol to demand governor gavin newsom invest more in affordable housing. i'm not little more one in a town because of the martyrs. and i'll tell you how the governor responding.
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>> in the east bay, 2 people injured in shootings within just hours of each other. in oakland, the first one
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happened about 8 o'clock last night on 100th avenue near breed avenue. police say the victim is expected to survive of the second shooting. that happened just after 12, 30 this morning on 73rd avenue near holly street. that victim also expected to survive. anyone with information about the shootings is asked to call oakland police cruiser cleaning up tonight after a fire at a storage facility in fremont. it started about 6 o'clock this morning at extra space storage on fremont boulevard. >> crews arrived on the scene to find more than 50 storage units engulfed in flames. >> in a storage facility, typically people packed and full of whatever the contents were unaware of what those contents are, but they're usually packed fully so you have a heavy fire load so that that always one is going to create different fire conditions for us. >> took firefighters about an hour to get that fire out. nobody was hurt. the cause is under investigation. recent count of unhoused of people in
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napa county. it shows significant progress actually being made in addressing. >> homelessness there. the findings highlighted decline in the overall count of individuals experiencing homelessness stemming from increased housing focus surfaces and a strategic investment. according to that preliminary data, there has been an 18% decrease in overall count of people experiencing homelessness between january 2023. and january 2024, this is below pre-pandemic levels. the number of individual sleeping in shelters that has also increased by 34% the number of people sleeping outside a shelter that is down by 42%. meantime, the number of individuals experiencing first-time homelessness has seen a quote, concerning increase. well, a new temporary housing is coming to san jose, santa clara county supervisor. cindy chavez unveiled the project at the salvation army emanuel house today. >> the campus will be getting
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a complete makeover. turning it into more than 100 temporary homes. mayor matt mahan also in attendance, talked about the importance of public private investments. >> it's going to take all of us coming together with an all of the above approach from from the shelter to individual sleeping pods to more permanent long-term housing placements. we are using streamlining to our planning department thanks to state legislation to move these projects forward with less red tape to do it faster to do it. more cost effectively. santa clara county will invest 4 million dollars into the project. >> as the state grapples with an affordable housing crisis. hundreds of runners took to the state capitol today. >> urging governor newsom to invest more and housing production. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace has that story. >> from music. to to many, many steps. hundreds of
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marchers of just watched to the state capitol to demand a governor. gavin newsom and state lawmakers invest more in affordable housing. >> across california in total, some 500 people are taking part in. this marks, the vast majority renters among the marchers. >> francisco to when of the housing now coalition, we need a lot more investing in affordable housing housing that people can afford. but he and so many others here are concerned the state is not where should be falling way behind on the governor's goal. >> to build 1 million new affordable homes by 2030, according to the california housing partnership. while california has increased production of affordable homes over the past 5 years. >> it's not been enough with the partnership noting the state has funded just over 10% of what is needed to reach california twenty-thirty affordable housing goals. we can do it on possible, but we need invest in
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>> winter's here say they're concerned that the governor's preliminary budget includes proposals to cut or delay some housing programs by about 1 billion dollars. but the governor >> is fighting back in a statement. his spokesperson wrote, no governor has done more to support the creation of affordable housing in california. the governor has enacted landmark eviction protections, rent cap legislation and has signed over 30 housing-related sequel measures that streamline the development of housing. the state has invested billions in housing in the latest budget continues. that commitment by investing billions more in response. the alliance of californians for community engagement who helped organize this march said while the newsom administration may have spent billions, it is billions more short of what is needed to build the affordable housing we need. housing is unaffordable. unfortunately, that's the message. nicole arrington says she hopes to literally make loud and clear at this march. >> i'm paying, you know, 64% of my income to rent. so we
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just want to you know, some help with that. i want everyone to have housing and i want everyone to have housing. they can afford a message. she and fellow renters here say they will continue to fight for. >> at the state reporting in sacramento, wallace kron. 4 news and our 4 zone forecast as we step outside for the grand vista from sutro tower. hey, isn't that well? >> lawrence is here and your eyes are a little itchy you're sneezing. what's going yeah, i mean, really, it's been an issue as we've seen appalling count running high, but this weekend may get extreme. i think as we get in toward the middle of the week. >> as we've seen a lot of wind kicking around some of the ponds and of course, the warmer temperatures and that nice sunshine, but everything's drone after all the rain, too. so that's where we sit right now. we've got the winds kind of kicking things up outside. let's go into the tree pollens that are running very high as we run throughout the week. in fact, here's your forecast. if i could put an extremely high, i
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would have boys. we get into wednesday and thursday, the specially right, period. >> there will be running extremely high. so be prepared for that. the pollen count could be running very, very high as we head into the weekend. looks like it may drop off a bit, but winds are not helping they've been whipping around around the bay area, very breezy outside by tomorrow afternoon. again, we'll see those winds kicking up out there. but i think the winds really going to get going, especially in the county. we've got some stronger wind gusts expected to move in as we head in toward the following day. and there you go. we get to early on a wednesday morning. we're talking 30, maybe some 40 mile an hour gust in county. so, yeah, a wind advisory been issued by the national weather service up in that area starting tomorrow night from 11 o'clock at night and continue until 5 o'clock in the afternoon on wednesday. some of the gusts there about 35 to 45 miles per hour with an out there as we head toward a the following day, high pressure will be building in. here's the good news. it is going to bring lots of so that breeze is going to be with us, especially along the coastline. temperatures mild tomorrow. but in the coming
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days, we're going to see some much warmer weather. in fact, i think we're talking about some 80's popping up as we get toward the middle of week 2. so some really nice weather out there, but it does have its consequences, right? i mean, are you got all the cheering around your eyes, all the and everything else you get. but yeah, i mean, to count running. very, very high. oh, yeah. with some drops in there. >> now playing out out to take close shot so can deal with i feel coming up. tesla charging stations are soon going to be available to all across the state. >> just how many more you'll find ones that switch is official.
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>> in the east bay, the port of oakland is getting more than 4 million dollars in federal funding to go towards new 0 emissions. equipment like electric tracks and ev chargers. officials say that the funding will help improve air quality at the oakland seaport and in neighboring communities. it is set to start next year. now, speaking of ev chargers, governor newsom announced tesla superchargers will now be available to non-tesla cars. this is in an effort to deploy thousands of new public chargers statewide newsom says that when the switch becomes official, there will be more than 100,000 public ev chargers throughout the state of the governor's office says that for every 5 gas stations here in california, there will be one ev charging station pg and boston says the bills could start dropping as early as next year. ceo patti,
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poppy, says that the increased rates over the past year to raise money for infrastructure improvements will and more than 10% jump just this past january sparked a public outcry and scrutiny from state regulators. but poppy says that some of those spikes we're one time charges. still ahead on kron for news at 6 north bay man arrested for robbing a restaurant. it's the way he did it. that turned out to be a rather unusual will explain. plus. >> why home retailer williams-sonoma has to pay up millions of dollars to the federal government's and april is stress awareness month. hear from experts on how
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our top story this half-hour now learning the names of the family members who killed in that fiery car crash last week in pleasanton as kron four's terisa spout reports tonight. authorities are still trying to figure out. >> what caused the crash in the first place. >> on monday, pleasant and police at the scene taking measurements and documenting other pertinent facts. there are more questions than answers right now as to what caused a fiery crash last wednesday night on foothill in stone ridge road that killed a family of 4 notes and flowers along with parts left behind at the family's car now dot the landscape. police say that the family was apparently returning from a birthday party when for some reason, the electric car swerved and collided with a tree catching fire. >> right down the street from and their family, you know, like all rest of this and they have them. you know, he's seen


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