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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  May 29, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we've got the best videos of the day, "right this minute." road rage in the street as two drivers go at it. >> and they are relentless. >> the amazing moment a kid at the scene showed them who's the grown up. a worker keeps smiling even toe her hand is sandwiched. >> caught in the dough machine. >> why rescuers had to resort to plan b to set her free. if you're brave enough to pa paraglide on skis you can do -- >> cool stuff like this. >> how a speed rider pulled off
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one incredible run. and it's the elaborate proposal blowing up the web. >> she's bright red, can't believe what's going on. >> he tells us how he pulled the old drive-through switch-a-roo. >> i thought are they filming a commercial? >> i didn't know it was the commercial of my life. >> i hate i have to show you stuff. this video in australia shows a group of young men, very young men, some of them in their late teens, walking through this train station and then in this moment you see a couple start kicking the door. behind the door is a metro employee. another one seems to come back and kick the door again. in that moment, that employee decides to open the door to hsu th -- shoo them away. watch what happens to the employee in his 40s. one of them skirts boxed wine at him and immediately they start savagely beating him and they are relentless.
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>> this is disgusting. >> what is wrong with these kids? >> he can't fight back. he tries barely but there are 20 of them there. one of them is norman, 19 years old. >> what would be the motivation? >> there was no motivation. that's the worst part. a completely unprovoked attack. they left him with a broken nose and a broken cheek bone for which he required surgery. fortunately this was caught on video and 19-year-old norman con was identified, that's him here, he was convicted and has to spend 12 months in community corrections and was also issued a 270 hour community service order. >> good. >> why just one? there was a bunch of kids attacking the guy. >> not clear on how many other of the people involved were charged but they will be facing charges. this is going to surprise you. this is a road rage incident in russia. two grown men that seem to have run into each other here and they're in a scuffle. notice there's a boy watching
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them, witnessing this entire thing. you know what, that boy is the son of the guy with the striped shirt. he's not just goi to sit there and watch his dad get in this fight.over, grabs a baton, starts hitting the other man in the suit, telling him, hey, get off my dad. the guy turns around and takes the baton away from the kid. the woman grabs the kid and takes him to the car. watch this when they start walking away from the vehicle, the little kid runs back to these men and gets between them and starts pushing the other guy back telling him to leave his dad alone. and believe it or not, it worked. >> takes a lot of guts. you know that saying, just smile through the pain. it's true. you should just smile through the pain as in the case of this particular woman in china. she was working at what looks like a bakery, a bread factory of some sort and got her left hand caught in the dough machine. it looks pretty horrible but
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look at her face. >> oh, no. >> she's smiling through the pain. she has a big old grin on her face waiting for rescuers to help get her hand out. this was the busy part of the day. >> is that blood? >> it could potentially be blood. she did have quite the flesh wound as a result of this particular injury. but the other workers at this place could not help her get her hand out. they had to bring in an entire team who brought in hydraulic-type gear to try to help get her hand released but still, look at her face. >> did they have to use the jaws of life to cut it apart or take the machine apart? >> looks like they do use the jaws of life to help loosen it. that didn't work. so they bring in the big old hacksaw. finally, another machine is used to help spread the gears open and watch them pull her hand out. >> oh, my god. she's wiggling it. >> you don't want to look too closely but you see that there were people waiting to bandage
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her wound when her hand was removed. and it looks pretty awful, right? no broken bones. these were only flesh wounds. when she pulled her hand out you would think that was a good makeup job given the look on her face during that ideal. >> she probably knew she wasn't going to lose her hand and that made her smile. > . >> these shoplifting suspects were trying to be slick but they weren't. especially since they committed the crime in front of the security cameras. we could call this four criminal suspects and a baby. four people involved and a baby. these guys right here, right in front of the camera, took eight pair of [ inaudible ]. how did they do it? the women start going in the boxes and you notice the stuff that they're picking up starts disappearing into their bags. she takes a pair, stuffs it in her purse in plain view of the
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camer camera. a third woman appeared. hands the girl in the purple tank top a pair of shoes. stuffs them into her bag. >> how do you figure out this stuff is missing? because the boxes are still on the shelves, looks like nothing is missing. at what point do you realize you've been had? >> probably when somebody else goes in to try on shoes and pull the box out and say this box is empty. >> this is when a guy gets involved. he takes a pair of shoes from one of the girls, stuffs it down his shorts in clear view of the camera and eventually they're done with what they're doing walk out with the baby and eight pair of shoes. >> who has to wear the pair down the guy's pants? >> i hope no one. meanwhile somewhere near indianapolis, these guys decided to break into a commercial warehouse. according to multiguard which posted this video of criminals in action to promote what their system can do, this warehouse had been hit multiple times by copper thieves, taking thousands of dollars worth of copper wire. this security video shows these guys didn't get away with it for long. they entered into the place
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thinking the security system was off. make themselves at home. turn on the lights. guess who enters the scene. cop and dog. they buwere busted. >> we're gearing up for summertime, ready for the beach. still know on the ground in places like norway. this guy speed rider, about to do his thing. this video shot very recently in norway. he grew up in france and noticed there's still out there, but not as much as you normally see. look at all the rocky areas he has to flnavigate over. speed riding. you have an oil foil where you can pick yourself up off the ground to do things like this. the longest glide was for one mile while he was off the ground and look at some of these areas. look at all this like untouched pristine-looking snow right here. looks so cool from above. doesn't look like snow. >> i love he's doing this right
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at sunset. >> the lighting, the snow, the chilly breeze hitting you. >> when you have both options available to you to ski some of this back country snow or fly, that's got to be a tough choice. >> right. >> i feel like skiing or flying. he said at his highest he was 150 feet above the ground which is just so cool to think about. >> happiness sounds the same in every language. >> so does jealousy. man. >> i wonder what comes first, are they a good skier first or paraglider first? >> i don't know. >> it's dash cam video starring this guy. >> that cyclist will play an important role in this video. >> see how he truly plays the role. and when it comes to rock, paper scissors, everyone wants to know. >> how you can defeat your opponent. >> the secrets to throw like a
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pro next.
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female narrator: through sunday, it's posturepedic through sunday, it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. mattress price wars end sunday at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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with so many cameras around these days, we're bound to catch a few bizarre crashes, right. this first one, surveillance video from inside a thai restaurant in phoenix, arizona. >> watch what happens to this restaurant. >> a drive-through at a restaurant that wasn't a driv drive-through. if you look closely you'll notice this is actually a taxicab that crashed into this restaurant. >> you can see the tires spinning too. what happened? a car malfunkion or what happened to the driver? >> according to reports the driver passed out going 35 miles per hour and crashed into the restaurant. right now the restaurant is closed having to undergo some renovations to correct the damage caused by this crashp. the next footage, dash cam
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footage. we might be in russia. pay close attention to this cyclist. that cyclist is going to play a very important role in this video. >> that guy is pedalling his butt off. watch this. oops. >> lost it. oh, man. he swerved too much. >> he swerved too much, maybe hit a pebble, maybe caught some debris but he also caught a face full of concrete, went flying over the handle bars of his bike. the guy with the dash cam stops to help out. the guy is okay. >> that was an aggressive lane change. did he mean to do it that fast? didn't look like there was anybody that close. he went and shot over there like he was in a race. >> he went down quick. >> look how many awesome people stop to help this guy out. >> i think it's helpful he did stop the car so people wouldn't get too close to what was going on. >> created a traffic break. little behind-the-scenes fun fact for our "right this minute" viewers. every single day beth troutman and i play rock paper scissors.
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one game looks something like this. >> oh. >> we tie a lot. >> all right. >> to determine who does the "right this minute" moment. >> we do it. >> every day. >> shoot, one, two, three, shoot. >> [ bleep ]. >> now, buzzfeed blue on their youtube channel has tips on how you can win rock, paper scissors. >> first throw. if you're playing against a guy, throw paper first. data shows men often go with the manly rock on the first throw. >> that does make sense. guys will probably be more aggressive so they will go to the rock first. >> now, second throw if you lost. >> throw whatever would have beaten your opponent the previous roll. >> i use that one. >> if you won the first throw. >> switch it up because losers most often will not stick with a losing throw. >> now that one makes sense to me. if you lost, you probably wouldn't think to throw the same thing again because you lost with that one. now this one i think is actually
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kind of controversial. >> if you lost with rock, odds are he'll throw paper next. if he lost paper odds are he'll throw scissors next. >> on the third throw for the win. >> most casual players will not throw something three times in a row. >> i knew it. >> want to see this whole video from buzzfeed check out how to win rock, paper, scissors at click on today's show. >> if an abandoned hospital wasn't creepy enough. >> he's not alone. >> the story behind this nightmare turned reality. >> oh, no dude. >> the annual chase to catch the cheese. >> the first guy to catch it wh wins. >> see what happens that had this guy taking a sharp turn.
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and what do we have here? oh, look. we have a bunch of... announcer: babies who are talked to from the time they're born are more likely to have a successful future. talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. the fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. talk. read. sing. your words have the power to shape their world. learn more at hey! have you ever tried honey nut cheerios? love 'em. neat! now you on the other hand... you need some help.
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why? look atchya. what is that? you mean my honey wand? [ shouting ] [ splat ] come on. matter of fact. [ rustling ] shirt. shoes. shades. ah! wow! now that voice... my voice? [ auto-tuned ] what's wrong with my voice? yeah man, bee got swag! be happy! be healthy! that's gotta go too. ♪ hey! must be the honey! [ sparkle ] sweet. closed captioning provided by --
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this is st. mary's children's hospital. it's an actual abandoned hospital in england. people come to this hospital to check it out. a group of investigators set up seven different hidden cameras an you won't believe what they caught. here's one man, the truth is, guys, he's not alone. see that right there. >> that little face. >> watch what happens because it comes out to say hello. >> it's creepy. >> it's super creepy. >> oh. >> i would lose my bowels. >> this is awesome. >> [ bleep ]. >> he's terrified wondering who the heck is here. he slowly walks back out. the thing is gone. the thing is known as the owl man.
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dressed in victorian gentman's suit over the head of an owl and long limbs with claws. >> i hope they told them at some point, hey, we're doing a prank video. you could like be haunted the rest of your life. >> these are just people coming to explore. all kinds people come there all the time and have no idea what's about to happen. there he goes again. >> oh, no, dude! >> he turned into a puddle. >> wow. >> just like the other guy, he finally realizes this owl man is gone, gets up and jams out of there. watch these two. the guy goes into the one room the girl walks down the hall. she walks up to the howl man. >> you're never going to go into an abandoned building ever again. >> this was put together by the
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team behind the movie called lord of tears where the creature is the owl man. what better way to create awareness for the film than to create a prank video that clearly is working for them because it is getting a lot of attention. if you want to see the movie you can access it. for the link head over to >> the annual cheese rolling competition at coopers hill in the uk. this event goes on every year. some locals claim it's been going on hundreds of years when a bunch of people stand up at the top of the very steep hill, throw a wheel of cheese down the hill and the first guy to catch it wins. this year some reports say they got about 5,000 people to attend this event. some interesting things happen this year.
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they've been having trouble with the police trying to shut this down because it's a dangerous eve event. they've planned this event in secrecy trying to elude the police because he said they didn't want the cheese rolling event happening, they chose to use a plastic wheel instead of a cheese wheel. >> i don't like that. the whole fun is the heaviness of the cheese. >> and that's right, beth. the plastic wheel didn't work. watch in this video here, you'll notice the cheese, the plastic cheese, kind of scoot off to the edge of the track here. watch for it. see it. >> didn't go anywhere. >> doesn't go down the hill. that didn't work. >> using the plastic they really cut the cheese on this one. >> yeah. of course there were some injuries, broken leg, broken arm, concussions. how could it not. the first person video from a gopro. this guy takes video from the top of the hill. see what it looks like. turns into a video that looks like it put the gopro into a dryer. check this, though. the first race won by an
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american, kenny rutgers. >> yeah. >> usa. >> u.s. army veteran from colorado springs. taking home the cheese. >> usa. usa. usa. >> america. >> she's looking to get her caffeine fix. inside her boyfriend is -- >> planning on popping the question in the drive-through window. >> hear all about the proposal that perked her right up.
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>> there are lots of places that incredibly romantic. what about a drive-through. >> put that on top list of romantic places to visit. >> you will now. >> we are here at a tim hortons location in north york. this very location is the stop before my girlfriend gets to work every day. >> that is jared, gabber. his girlfriend stephanie loves to go to tim hortons on her way to work every day. jared has a plan.
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>> good morning. welcome to tim hortons how can i help you? >> large coffee with milk. >> large coffee with milk. medium with double sugar. >> is that all? >> [ inaudible ]. >> please drive through. >> awesome. she pulls up to the window preparing to pay the person who's going to take the cash. >> you are the first woman i ever fell in love with and the last woman i ever want to be in love with. will you spend the rest of your life with me? >> she cra >> he crawls out of the window so she can give him a smooch when she tells him yes. >> we'll find out more about this romantic proposal at tim hortons because we have jared and stephanie, via skype from canada right this minute. how much planning went into this? >> a lot of planning. it took about a month and a half two months to get everything in order keeping a secret from
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stephanie and to manipulate her to get there at that time that place. >> how did you know she was going to be at tim hortons that morning. >> when she goes into her office she stops in that tim hortons. i got my boss to call her and make a bogus appointment. the fun this thing about the story she was running behind and almost didn't stop. i had to get my boss to call and say he was running behind and i had a co-worker from her office call her and ask her to pick up a coffee. >> oh. >> yes. i had a lot of failsafes in place because i knew if i was bringing my buddy to film this thing and arranging everything with tim hortons i wasn't going to be stuck there without her coming through the dri drive-through. >> this video has gone viral. are you surprised? >> completely surprised. we were just excited at the idea of announcing it on facebook to our family and friends and that was the intention to have a great memory for our future children and grandchildren. >> people just connected with
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it. that's it for "rtm." thanks for joining us, everybody. we'll see you next time 37. now at 7:00, a student attacked at school. what allegedly provoked a school security guard into beating the wheelchair-bound student. tracking fog as it tries to move back into the bay area. it's going to have a big impact on the weekend. i'll tell you how cool it could get? a.she's known as rat girl, the new concerns about the woman breeding rats in city apartments and parks. a teenager in a wheelchair ended up in the hospital. and the person believed to be responsible is a school security guard. good evening. a school resource officer is off the job and facing cr


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