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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  April 25, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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been mornings live now at six. reaction from the parents of a berkeley man reportedly still held hostage by hamas. their message to their son, as he's seen for the first time since the october 7th attack. three three, one. >> palestinian protesters clashing with police on campuses across the nation. how lawmakers
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are trying to draw the line between anti-semitism and free speech. >> plus, this tragic, tragic accident should not be utilized opportunistically to try to slam this thing through. and that's what's happening. >> a deadly accident in san francisco leads to proposed lane changes, but frustrated residents say the idea isn't the solution they want. >> good morning. welcome to thursday, april 25th. >> welcome. we're going to check in with drew. we know that it's going to be cooler. >> yeah, but we get a nice weekend on the way today though we are still dealing with those below average temperatures. a lot of cloud cover this morning with our marine layer live look from our abc seven oakland airport camera showing you those cloudy skies. our marine layer is not as deep as it was yesterday, meaning we'll likely see a little bit more sunshine this afternoon compared to yesterday. but it is a cooler start to your day compared to yesterday by about 2 to 4 degrees across the region. so temperatures right now we have some upper 40s in the north bay around the bay shoreline. we're
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mainly in the mid 50s. if you had your jacket on pretty much all day yesterday, it's a similar story today with those temperatures later on a bit below average. but now the winds will also be an issue later today. looking at your day planner, it's partly sunny throughout the morning and into the afternoon. by 4 p.m, we'll start to see winds ramp up as a cold front gets closer. between about 15 and 25mph. that's just going to reinforce some of these below average temperatures. so 50s along the coast, low and mid 60s around the bay shoreline close to 70 degrees in our warmest spots inland. reggie >> thanks, drew developing news on the unrest at college campuses across the country. new video shows a clash between pro-palestinian protesters and police at emerson college in boston overnight, officers cleared an encampment. students set up to show solidarity with protesters arrested at columbia university. police arrested at least 108 people at emerson. four officers were hurt. other college campuses are seeing similar chaotic scenes, and glory is at the live desk with
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more on what's happening. >> good morning reggie, police clashed with pro-palestinian protesters at the university of texas, austin. officers arrested dozens of people and used horses to disperse students and you can see in this video right here tense moments at usc as police confronted protesters after they tore down tents, officers in riot gear marched onto campus, surrounding and arresting protesters who refused to leave. demonstrations also popped up at brown and at harvard, where students protesting the war in gaza are demanding the university divest from israel. at columbia university. the clock is ticking down to tonight's deadline to end the protests on campus. >> we're not going to stop. we're not going to rest. we will stand here until the university divests from israeli apartheid and their genocidal campaign in gaza. >> and i was just at columbia university in new york city this weekend, where there was a
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protest outside campus and the encampment in campus. and this is some video i took. obviously, a lot of activity there. and this comes as columbia and other universities are gearing up for commencement ceremonies, anti-semitic hate speech and violence have spoiled mostly peaceful protests. officials say non-student agitators have driven some of those incidents. one officer was even assaulted. you could see this video right here with a water jug. this was at cal poly humboldt. the campus is now closed through the weekend. house speaker mike johnson is threatening to pull federal funding for schools that don't create safe environments for jewish students. he visited columbia yesterday and suggested the national guard could even be used if needed, to break up the protests. the white house says it condemns anti-semitism, but said that free speech on college campuses is important. reggie >> thanks, gloria. back here in the bay area, the number of tents set up at a protest encampment on sproul plaza at uc
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berkeley has grown to about 70. participants are calling this the free palestine camp, and they've called on cal to divest from companies with stakes in israel, students say they are willing to risk being arrested and expelled. university officials say the encampment is peaceful and there are no plans to change uc's investments. >> a mix of both relief and worry from the parents of a berkeley native being held hostage by hamas. there's a new video of their son, hirsh goldberg. poland abc seven news reporter ryan curry is here with a look at the undated video. and, ryan, we are hearing from his parents this morning. >> yeah, that's right amanda, powerful words coming from the parents. it has been 202 days since hamas took goldberg, poland from a music festival. they released a heavily edited video of him on their telegram channel. goldberg poland is seen here with a down without a left arm. part of it was amputated, his parents told abc news back in october. he suffered a serious injury that to that arm days before he was captured. we
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spoke with mark levine at the anti-defamation league, who said it is clear how horrible hamas is treating the hostages. his parents put out a video statement yesterday saying they want the entire world to see that video and today they spoke with good morning america. >> total mix of emotions first and foremost. just huge sense of relief and gratitude to both. see him and hear him. something about that multisensory was really overwhelming, he's alive. assuming this video is current, which we believe it is, he's alive to people who are watching this to remember that there are 133 hirsch's every single person there has a family. >> no matter who you are. this could be your son. this could be your grandfather. this could be your daughter, your sister, your spouse. and it's time for goldberg. >> poland is one of five us israeli hostages in captivity. his parents went on to say they are relieved to see him alive,
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but they are concerned for his health and well-being. ryan curry abc seven news thank you, ryan. >> abc seven news is following the proposed traffic changes in san francisco's west portal neighborhood after a deadly crash. some residents and business owners are against this project. it would get rid of left turns at the intersection of lola street and lenox way. it would also make lenox a one way. the proposed changes come after a crash that killed a family of four. >> this tragic, tragic accident should not be utilized opportunistically to try to slam this thing through. and that's what's happening. and you know, that is a block and a half away from what they're talking about. redesigning that's just not right. >> many people tell abc seven news they are worried the changes will hurt businesses that are still trying to recover from the pandemic. the sfmta says it will work with merchants to make sure their needs are met, and friends of the family of four killed in last month's wrong-way crash along west portal have reached their fundraising goal. they've
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collected more than $8,000 that will pay for a memorial plaque and memory of the victims. the plaque will be installed in dolores park to honor the family who lived in the mission district. that's diego cardoza de oliveira, matilda ramos pinto and their two children. the driver in this case has not yet been charged. >> if you're not happy about a plan to crack down on parking in san francisco, you are not alone . today, sfmta workers will rally against the impending operation. they say they're worried it will lead to parking officers being assaulted by upset drivers, and they want management to do more to address their concerns. as mta announced the crackdown last week as part of an effort to improve safety for people walking. it would include more tickets for people parked on sidewalks, bike lanes or too close to crosswalks. >> investigators say a car explosion that shocked a daly city neighborhood appears to be an accident. the blast blew up a toyota on west line drive yesterday morning. that was the
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sound of the explosion taken from surveillance video from a nearby home. the fbi, a bomb squad and daly city police all rushed to the scene. investigators spent hours combing through the wreckage. different items were pulled out of the car, including a propane tank, which is kind of weird. >> why you would have a propane tank in a car like that sitting there. it's not hot temperature. you're trying to think of what things could detonate a propane tank, police said. >> it appears this was an isolated incident, and there are no ongoing threats to the public. no one was hurt. >> 609 this morning we'll go to san jose, where you have mostly cloudy skies, as we have that morning deck of cloud cover overhead, but our marine layer, not as deep as it was yesterday. so we'll see a little bit more sunshine later on today. but this trough, this dip in the jet stream on live doppler seven, along with satellite is still bringing in that cooler than average air. and now we're tracking this cold front. it approaches us today. turns breezy this afternoon. but as it
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crosses through tomorrow it turns windy friday afternoon. so looking at your drive out the door this morning, a lot of cloud cover temperatures basically staying in the 50s up until lunchtime around 9:10 a.m. we'll see some breaks in that marine layer for some sunshine, but all in all, today is a partly sunny day. later on this afternoon. the forecast inland will have those clouds early on, giving way to some sunshine temperatures in the upper 60s to near 70 degrees around the bay shoreline. it's quite cloudy this morning. afternoon highs with a little bit of sunshine low and mid 60s, but it's just cloudy all day along the coast and those temperatures stay cool in the mid 50s all day today the pollen forecast trees remain high, grass is at medium levels and mold at low levels. so looking at the next three days it's cloudy and breezy. today it's much windier tomorrow with that front behind the front, we get a gorgeous weekend, so we'll take a closer look at those wind speeds and preview the entire weekend forecast coming up in just a few minutes. reggie thank you drew. >> coming up, the district 16
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recount almost complete. what we're learning about the voter who made the request and support grows for a beloved bay area baker. how the community is coming together to help after he was hit by a car earlier this week. then an immersive arts experience opens today. the event to celebrate the past, present and future of downtown
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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judge. county judge scheduled the trial to begin on september 9th. velasquez was in court yesterday letting his defense attorney do all the talking. he's accused of pursuing and shooting a man during a high speed car chase in south san jose in 2022. that victim is accused of molesting, molesting velasquez's four year old son at a daycare. the recount in the silicon valley congressional race ended in a tie is nearly finished this morning. we're learning the voter who requested that recount is not going to be reimbursed even if his selected candidate wins. gloria is at the live desk to figure out what's going on here. hi, gloria. >> good morning. reggie. the initial results of the district 16 congressional race showed sam liccardo in first place. evan low and joe simitian are tied for second. so this means the three candidates are all moving on to the general election. unless the recount finds different results. a man named jonathan padilla requested the recount on behalf of low, but lo's campaign says they are not connected with him. but diaz linkedin profile shows he was a
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policy and finance director for liccardo's 2014 san jose mayoral campaign. liccardo team has not claimed a current association with padilla, so it's unclear exactly, you know, if there's been any coordination, but that's kind of how the political dynamics shape up in this case, that the person who actually came in first, might like to have a two person race rather than a three person race in november. >> padilla is paying for the recount, and it was thought that he could be reimbursed if low won. but because of the unusual circumstances, he will not be refunded no matter the result. >> in this situation, one of the election codes actually says that you cannot get a refund if the two candidates were entitled to be on the ballot in november, and both of them qualify to be on the ballot in november, so there's no refund. >> both santa clara and san mateo counties say they are
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nearly done with the actual recount. san mateo county is working with usps to figure out if about a dozen ballots were sent by the election day deadline, a decision is expected within a couple of days. reggie >> new at six san francisco mayoral candidate mark farrell is vowing to fast track 3-1-1 complaints near elementary schools. farrell tells the examiner he's advocating for a 24 hour or less response for calls that includes growing encampments and reports of harmful or illegal activities within a one block radius of a school. he says schools should be sanctuaries and safe environments for students to learn. >> community support is growing for a baker at a beloved san francisco donut shop. he's critically injured. he was critically injured on his way to work. sfpd says jesus zamudio was riding his electric scooter in the mission early sunday morning when a car hit him. when officers got to the scene, the driver was gone. the owner of bob's donuts says zamudio was headed to work at their location at the corner of baker and
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fulton streets. he's been a longtime employee at all three of their locations, including the famous 24 hour shop on polk street. police say his injuries are life threatening. >> just really sad, and it really made me think about street safety in the city. pedestrian. and i know he was on a scooter, but it's just it's a dangerous city to be, on your feet or on a small vehicle, zamudio has a wife and two children in mexico who depend on him. a go fund me page has been set up and we have a link to it on abc seven so far, it's raised more than $29,000. and the people who handle emergency calls in san francisco are getting an upgrade. yesterday, mayor london breed cut the ribbon on a new and modernized 911 dispatch center. it's expected to improve working conditions for dispatchers. there is a new break room, more workstations, a new training room, and technology upgrades for next generation 911 systems. city leaders say the new digs are a huge improvement for
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frontline heroes, whose jobs have become tougher in recent years. even after those calls in, there are still sometimes things that stick to you and you need support from the people around you to help get through it. the center handles about 3200 calls for help every day. >> happening today, a free immersive arts event happening in downtown san francisco. it's called create, and organizers say it's an outdoor celebration of the past, present and future of downtown. >> we're looking to increase foot traffic downtown and really give folks a reason to come to the area, because we know that they may not be there as often to work with so many folks working remotely nowadays. and, you know, this also creates opportunity for local businesses to, you know, get customers from that foot traffic. >> create is happening near wayfare tavern at a newly reimagined event space called the landing at leutesdorf leitersdorf leitersdorf mbe. i'm
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going to get that. say it quickly in your fine little leitersdorf. it starts at four this afternoon, got active eight. >> activate the space. >> space. activate the landing at leitersdorf. >> it sounds good. unique new york, unique. new york landing at leitersdorf. it's just there's a lot of things going on. yeah. >> at 618 in the morning. yes. >> so any exercise to say those words above the vocals today? oh, man. 4 p.m. 4 p.m. is it going to be chilly? it'll be cool, but it'll be a nice day. >> a little breezy this afternoon, but then all eyes on the weekend for a gorgeous saturday and sunday. this morning, let's take you to the golden gate bridge, where you do see a lot of cloud cover out there this morning. just a light breeze as you see the flag is gently waving right now. let's talk clouds first. future weather showing you this afternoon. we'll get like a little bit more sunshine compared to yesterday. our marine layer is not as thick as yesterday, so some peeks of
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sunshine this afternoon. but then tomorrow it starts out pretty gray once again. some coastal drizzle as the front starts to move through here tomorrow may have an isolated shower, but the bigger story is certainly going to be the winds. future tracker wind speeds. it turns breezy this afternoon. this is 4 p.m. those winds between about 20 and 35mph remains breezy overnight into early tomorrow morning, and even tomorrow afternoon. that's when the winds are peaking with that front moving through will likely see gusts close to 40mph at times behind the front, though, we will get rid of a lot of the cloud cover and we'll have a warm up coming our way over the weekend. today we'll find clouds early on. a little bit of sunshine this afternoon. quite breezy along the coast. 50s their low and mid 60s around the bay shoreline. our warmest spots inland, close to 70 degrees overnight tonight, partly cloudy conditions dipping into the 40s in most areas as we head into friday with those breezy conditions. now looking at the weekend forecast going to the coast looking lovely both saturday and sunday. sunday is the warmer of the two days. expect a mix of sun and clouds
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along our coastline and as we head towards tahoe, we'll have some late night snow flurries tonight. tomorrow morning we'll have some light snow giving way to cloudy skies all day, but the weekend is looking great. lots of sunshine both saturday and sunday, and a minor warm-up into the 50s. we go by the end of the weekend back here at home. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. breezy and below average. today we have that windy afternoon tomorrow as that front moves through here. but in the wake of it we get sunshine back both saturday and sunday, warmer temperatures and that warm weather sticks around through early next week. guys >> thanks for good morning america. coming up at seven right here on abc seven. >> ginger zee has a look at what's ahead. >> morning reggie and amanda. it's great to be with you. so coming up here on gma while donald trump sits in a new york courtroom, his case for presidential immunity is being argued before the supreme court. trump has been named an unindicted coconspirator in two fake elector cases. also this morning the latest on the police confrontations at universities and colleges across the country
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with scores of arrests and speaker mike johnson visited columbia. plus, the top companies dropping college requirements from thousands of high paying jobs. one top ceo is going to break it down for us and tell us what they're doing instead. and then jon bon jovi is live in times square and we also have part of the show live in venice, italy, with big news for travelers. and finally, very exciting around here. gma's mini-mes, including my sons are taking over the show for take your kids to work day that's what makes pop-tarts such a great snack! i sure hope we get eaten soon. we will. i made a sign. [vending machine buzzs] it's working! pop-tarts! crazy good. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping...
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in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention.
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weinstein's 2020 rape conviction has been overturned, and a new york appeals court found the judge in the trial made a mistake allowing three women to testify about allegations that were not part of the case. the manhattan district attorney will now decide whether to seek a retrial of weinstein. weinstein has been serving a 23 year sentence in a new york prison. the sharks are parting ways with head coach david quinn after two seasons in san jose. the sharks are in rebuilding mode after finishing with the worst record in the nhl. one silver lining after a rough season, they are in a great position in the draft lottery. this week's series between the a's and the yankees
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is historic, not because of what's taking place on the field, but rather what's happening in the broadcast booth. earlier this year, jenny kavner became the first woman to be the primary play by play announcer in major league baseball when she earned the job with the a's. this comes 32 years after yankees radio analyst suzyn waldman became the first full time female broadcaster. that means this week's series is the first in which two teams with lead female broadcasters meet. >> the next generation will never know that they can't do this because you turn on the television and you turn on the radio and there's a woman and nobody says anymore there's a woman. it's just part of the fabric. >> i'm blown away. i, thank you. >> you're welcome. >> kavner credits her community of support with helping her get the job with the a's, and she says waldman is a big part of that community. just a reminder the nfl draft is live on abc seven tonight. round one kicks
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off at 5 p.m. it's followed by after the draft with larry beil and next at 630, a long awaited decision. the supreme court to hear trump's immunity claim in his election interference case, and the new rules for airlines that could result in refunds for many passengers. airlines now warning they could
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next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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live now at 630. more than 200 days in captivity. we're hearing from the parents of the berkeley man still believed to be held hostage by hamas. the new details emerging in just the last half hour about negotiator plans to bring all of the hostages home. plus climate action during earth month new this morning, president joe biden announces new rules to tackle pollution across the nation, and abc seven is live at disney california adventure. this morning as we count down to pixar fest. everything you need to know and what sets this year's event apart. >> good morning everyone. it is thursday morning and we have you know who we have. >> bing bong. bing bong. >> are you mad about our favorite pixar film? yeah for us, it's the same. yes. inside out, inside out starring bing bong. that is where. and also other emotions. that's true, but
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mostly bing bong. i'm really excited. >> yeah, you should be there this morning. we need you down there and now giving us all the details while drew, i know, i'm sorry. >> i'm sorry. i thought we pre-planned this just much like bing bong. >> my trip to disneyland this morning is imaginary. it is. >> but we'll get there soon. >> we'll get there soon. in the accuweather forecast, here's a live look at sfo if you are heading to the airport, you'll have mainly cloudy skies. no delays though that fog will stick around for much of the morning and is leading to a little bit of a cooler start to the day. temperatures about 2 to 4 degrees cooler area wide, but the marine layer this morning not as thick as it was yesterday, which means we'll see a little bit more sunshine this afternoon compared to yesterday. temperatures though in our coolest spots right now we're in the upper 40s in parts of the north bay, from santa rosa to cloverdale, around the bay shoreline and inland were mainly in the low to mid 50s currently, so live look from the exploratorium camera. more cloud cover on your screen. we will have those partly sunny skies throughout the day. one difference compared to yesterday. it's a little breezy this afternoon as a cold front gets closer to us. winds about
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15 to 25mph later on today, and we'll keep that breeze throughout the night. tonight so we'll have that breeze along the coast. 50s. their low and mid 60s around the bay shoreline. our warmest cities later on this afternoon getting close to 70 degrees. reggie amanda. >> all right. thank you so much drew now calls for the release to release all hostages held by hamas are getting louder. in the last half hour, the u.s, along with 17 other countries, released a joint statement calling for the immediate release. it comes as a senior white house official called a current deal being negotiated very forward leaning and a roadmap to the end of the crisis . and for the first time in more than 200 days, the parents of a berkeley native taken hostage by hamas are hearing from their son in a new video. it's unclear when it was recorded. the video was released by hamas and this morning we are hearing from his mom and dad. abc seven news reporter ryan curry joins us with more details. and ryan, they are urging him to stay strong.
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>> yeah, that's right. his parents are obviously concerned for his health. they are relieved to see him alive. but they do want the whole world to see this video. goldberg poland is seen here sitting down with his arm part of his arm amputated. his parents told abc news back in october he suffered a serious injury to that arm days before he was captured. his parents released a video statement pleading with the world to bring the hostages home. we spoke with local leaders of the anti-defamation league who say they remain optimistic the hostages can return to their loved ones. goldberg poland's parents, spoke with good morning america today, listening to the content, i was just hearing my only son's voice and seeing him move and trying to look into his eyes. >> we as parents know our son better than anybody, and we see a level of distress. we see some things that concern us about his health, not only obviously his arm that we knew was blown off.
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and so for us, we've already been fighting for 202 days at this point. for his release and the release of all the hostages. it's fueled us even more. we need everybody involved in these negotiations to lean in. get this done, get these people home. >> goldberg poland is among the 129 hostages still believed to be in gaza. he is one of five us israeli hostages in captivity. he has been in captivity for over 200 days. his parents have to say it was bittersweet and overwhelming to see their son, ryan curry. abc seven news. >> thank you ryan, happening today the us supreme court will hear arguments in a long awaited case against former president donald trump. justices will decide if trump can be prosecuted over his efforts to undo the 2020 election. trump argues he was president at the time and therefore he cannot face prosecution. this comes after a three judge panel previously struck down the former president's immunity claims. if justices sided against him, the case moves forward, but it's unlikely the
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case will go to trial before the november general election. >> donald trump's pushing the envelope. we could be insulating presidents from any liability for using the massive powers of the office to literally commit crimes. yeah, i meanwhile, in arizona, grand jury has indicted seven aides affiliated with trump over alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election in that state. >> trump was not charged, but is named as an unindicted co conspirator. >> this morning, the airline industry is responding to the biden administration's new rules. we first told you about this story yesterday on abc seven mornings. the new rules would require airlines to give automatic cash refunds when a flight is canceled for any reason, delayed by more than three hours for domestic flights and more than six hours for international flights. or if your airport has changed, a connection is added or your seat is downgraded. >> this isn't just about enforcing when something goes wrong, it's making it less likely something would go wrong
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in the first place. this will build confidence in air travel at a time when airlines need to do more to secure passengers trust, the trade group representing the airlines, argues the changes will drive up airfare and could reduce flights. >> airlines have six months to comply with the new rules. >> eight people incarcerated at san francisco county jails are now facing new charges in connection to a series of attacks on deputies. these attacks prompted a days long lockdown. earlier this month, the chronicle reports. the incidents appear to be unrelated and took place over a span of about two weeks. officials are now looking into whether underlying jail conditions or staffing shortage influenced these attacks. >> san francisco's glide memorial church is preparing to say a final goodbye to the man who led the church for several decades. stop right now and i pray for right now, glides choir held a rehearsal last night to prepare for the memorial for cecil williams. the beloved
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pastor died monday at the age of 94. williams was a longtime social justice activist here in the bay area, but he was known worldwide for leading the tenderloin neighborhood church memorial plans are still not finalized. for details on any public events and a look at the life and legacy of reverend cecil williams, head to abc seven >> you could be seeing more ships coming in and out of antioch. the city is looking to become another maritime terminal here in the bay area. new projects are underway to help increase maritime commerce at the city's deep water ports. last week, the first of eight ships docked there as part of an port's expansion into the city, and port is one of the world's largest car shipping companies. it will bring vehicles to antioch's port and ship them across the us with a connected bnsf railway, along with increased tax revenue, the mayor says around 300 jobs get activated any time the ships arrive, and we'll see other businesses either move to antioch or be created as a result of them being here in the in the in the shipping operation coming. the city is also set to
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break ground on two new massive warehouse facilities linked to maritime commerce. >> the marine mammal center is asking you to keep a distance from animals who may look like they need help. now. the organization is currently treating dozens of seals and sea lions after interactions with humans. to figure out what's going on there, experts are looking at data from around 10,000 calls they get every year. just last year, nearly a third of the mammals rescued were involved in a disturbance to their normal routine. >> people see this little pup on the beach all by itself. they think it's sick and abandoned and they go up to try and help it. and unfortunately, by getting too close to these animals, we can either be the ones to separate them from their moms, or we can cause more stress. >> their best advice is to stay at least 50 yards away from the animals. that's roughly the distance of three school busses. you can also call the marine mammal center hotline. new this morning, an assistance center to help pah'-ha-row victims during last year's levee breach and
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flood will close its doors. the pah'-ha-roe assistance center is set to shut down saturday at 2 p.m. residents and business owners will have until then to get help with applying for state aid. it includes monetary assistance to help pay for damaged homes and grocery gift cards. the center opened after the small town of residents suffered major flooding when the river's levee broke during a heavy storm. >> still to come, abc seven is live at california adventure in anaheim. a preview of what to expect ahead of this year's pixar fest and a one home insurer could start writing new policies in california. >> why allstate is considering a comeback. also ahead, costly weight loss drugs. senate leaders now launching an investigation targeting ozempic and yougov's price tags. but first, here's drew. >> hey, amanda, 639 this morning we'll take you to san jose right now where you see all that cloud cover out there. current
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temperatures 56 degrees. we're basically in the low and mid 50s across the region with those overcast skies. first thing this morning, here's live doppler seven along with satellite. we have this dip in the jet stream. this trough over california supplying us with that marine layer. this morning, some cooler temperatures this afternoon. we're watching this front that will move through tomorrow and will pick up our winds over the next couple of days, break it down region by region. today inland we have those clouds early on giving way to sunshine, upper 60s, near 70 degrees for daytime highs. that marine layer is with us around the bay shoreline this morning, which into the low 60s for afternoon temperatures. but along the coast we are stuck in the clouds all day today, with temperatures in the 50. the pollen forecast, tree pollen is still high, grasses at medium levels and mold at low levels. looking at the three day forecast today, we have that cloud cover. temperatures below average, a little breezy this afternoon. it's much windier here tomorrow as a cold front moves through here. but behind the front we do get a wonderful weekend on the
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way. we'll go hour by hour, show you these winds and also the weekend forec you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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of insurance approves rule
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changes. gloria is at the live desk with what it would take to end that pause on policies. gloria. >> good morning. amanda. allstate says it will end a pause on issuing new homeowner policies throughout california for the company stopped writing homeowner policies in late 2022. the new ones because of wildfire risk and also the cost of rebuilding homes. allstate could start issuing those policies as soon as the state implements regulation, ones that insurers have been asking for insurance companies are asking to be allowed to use computer programs to estimate future risks when seeking price increases. representatives claim that will allow them to plan for threats based on climate change. if allowed. all state says it would continue issuing coverage in nearly every corner of the state immediately live in the studio. gloria rodriguez, abc seven news thank you, gloria. >> today, the fcc is set to vote on reinstating net neutrality rules across the country. if approved, it would restore a
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national standard for broadband reliability. net neutrality once protected, how and when you are able to use the internet without providers slowing speeds and censoring content. but in 2017, the trump administration rescinded the fcc's ability to enforce this nationwide. the chair of the agency said the pandemic proved broadband is essential. >> now it's a morning monday report. the high price of weight loss and diabetes drugs ozempic and wegovy is the focus of a new investigation. senate leaders launched the probe into what it calls the outrageous high price of the drugs. a senate committee says the manufacture the charges american customers up to 15 times more for the pills than it charges people in some other countries. senate senator bernie sanders is asking the company to reduce the price of the drugs. and just to be clear, these are not pills. these are injections. yes. but you know what we're saying? fireworks, a new parade and new food and new shows. our friends at pixar in emeryville are getting an entire celebration at disneyland resort dedicated to their work.
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>> and this morning we're getting a sneak peek of pixar fest, which is taking over both parks at the resort, tony cabrera, a bay area native from our sister station in la, joins us live from disney california adventure. good morning, tony. >> what's up south bay? >> good morning reggie amanda i'm born and raised san jose, east side san jose, evergreen okay. went to yep, went to silver creek. yeah. say it. so i'm all about the bay. bay area okay. i got family still there. all right, all right. see see, my credibility just got lifted with you guys. i think we see you. cool cool cool. well, i am here. i'm here with myrna hughes, with the disneyland resort, who is so excited about pixar fest coming starting tomorrow. right. >> it's coming back starting tomorrow. so pixar returned to disneyland resort from april 26th all the way through august 4th, and it is the perfect destination for any pixar fan of
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any age. >> dang. okay because it goes back to toy story, right, everybody? first experience pixar with that, right? i think like depending on, you know, what what was in theaters for your first pixar film. >> but we absolutely can remember just the emotions of meeting woody and buzz and bo peep and all of the friends in the first toy story film. and, you know, in here during pixar fest, you're really going to see a lot of your classic stories and your more recent contemporary films come to life. and you're going to see it through entertainment, character encounters, food and beverage merchandise. i mean, what isn't themed pixar during this time? >> and we've kind of gone around the parks, we've checked it out. there's a dance party with the incredibles that was cool. >> pixar and we're just here at disney california adventure park and then over at disneyland park, we've got pixar pals, playtime party happening at the fantasy on theater area. so regardless of which park you're in, you're going to find a lot of pixar fest fun.
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>> yeah, and then the new parade , right. that's going to come through california adventure. >> yes, it's our brand new daytime parade. it's called better together, a pixar pal celebration, and it's got music, high energy dancing, colorful floats, and more than two dozen of your favorite pixar pals. >> oh my gosh, i know. and on top of that, the food, the merchandise throughout the park where people i mean, you've got a new shirt on here. >> i have one of our pixar fest spirit jerseys. it's got a red panda may from turning red. and you mentioned the food. and i think any celebration for those foodies out there, i should also disclose my favorite pixar film. i love them all, but it is ratatouille, so i always get really excited whenever our chef and culinary team create these amazing menus for these festivals. and through pixar fest, you're going to see, you know, savory sweets, beverages, and they're all inspired by some of your favorite pixar films and stories. and starting may 10th, will actually have some marketplaces opening up. and those dishes will transport you to some of your favorite scenes and iconic dishes that you've
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seen in the pixar films. >> right, myrna? my goodness, myrna, with the details here on pixar. thank you so much for that. you said that ratatouille was your favorite pixar movie. >> it is. i love them all. and i mean, i have a lot of favorites, but there's something really special about the message that anybody can cook, right? anyone can cook. and so it's just really inspiring. and i think that's what we love about pixar films. they're all these characters face adversities. they forge these amazing bonds of friendship. and i think we they're so relatable. we see ourselves in so many of those stories. which one is your favorite? >> i have to say, it's a tie between, like coco and inside out. reggie. amanda, are you with me? what? what are your favorite pixar movies? >> i was going to say both of you are wrong until you said inside out, because inside out is the number one pixar film according to the two of us. >> yes. >> oh it is. yeah. okay. all the emotions, right. and then and then more emotions that we're going to learn about this summer when the sequel comes out. >> thank you. inside out two two
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new emotions. i'm ready. are you . >> she's ready i'm ready. they're ready. let's go. and tony. >> myrna, you can't see you can't see us right now. >> but we do have bing bong from inside out sitting between us currently. that is the love that we have. also inside out takes place. yeah, inside out takes place in san francisco, so, duh. like, i mean, you know, and it's. >> that's right. it takes place in san francisco. >> yeah. so we had to pick that. >> you'll have to come on by and back. >> can we see the back of myrna's spirit jersey? we're very interested in this particular piece of merchandise. so we need to see it. we need to see the front and the back. can you do a little turn? can you turn around? can you do a little twirl? >> yeah. there we go. there we go. oh look at that? it's got it's got the look. and it's like a retro looking kind of right. >> it's got lightning mcqueen. yeah. >> okay. they want one. reggie and amanda want one. yeah. >> who doesn't want one? well, you can find them here at disneyland resort during pixar fest. and of course, for anyone that is looking and thinking about, okay, how am i going to maximize my visit? because if you're coming all the way down
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here, you've got to start planning today. you can visit disneyland .com or the disneyland app. for more information on tickets, park hours, hotels, awesome. everything you need to know. perfect >> you guys got that? >> we got that. we definitely got that. just write it down. the address is 900 front street, san francisco, and i'll take a small, small and medium. okay thank you so much, tony. thanks, renee. we will see you at pixar fest. >> yeah. i've got to go with coco. fun. i love that coco is a coco is really good. good. >> i love that they, you know, have the mexican american culture, which is my picture. so i love that i go og toy story. >> i remember in theaters. love it. ever since. >> yeah. >> have you seen it recently? >> still? >> no. why is it gonna affect me differently? well all right, they've made advancements. >> okay. story one the toy story four. >> all right, let's go outside. here's the tam cam. we have a couple layers of clouds out there this morning. let's talk about our clouds first. future weather showing you we will get a little bit of sunshine this afternoon poking through the clouds. but again tomorrow morning we start out gray. some
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coastal drizzle as the front moves through. it may try and touch off a light isolated shower, but the bigger story will certainly be those winds. here's future tracker wind speeds today. it turns breezy this afternoon between about 15 and 30mph remains breezy overnight tonight. first thing tomorrow morning and then as a front really moves through here tomorrow, tomorrow evening we'll see those winds closer to 40mph in some of our strongest spots. but over the weekend the winds do calm down. so highs today, we'll keep it breezy along the coast a little bit. afternoon sunshine, 50s in our coolest spots. low to mid 60s around the bay. shoreline. warmest areas closing in on 70 degrees today. overnight tonight. it remains partly cloudy and will dip those lows into the 40s. with that breeze with us heading into the morning looking at the weekend forecast. lovely sunshine, a bit of a warming trend. sunday is the warmer of the two days, and if you're going to tahoe, some late night flurries tonight. some light snow tomorrow morning about 1 to 2in. but then the weekend is sunny with a warming
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trend. here's the accuweather seven day forecast for the next seven days for you. below average and breezy today. windy tomorrow. then the weekend is looking wonderful with warmer temperatures and we'll keep those warmer temperatures early next week. gloria. >> yeah, for those folks who are heading to tahoe this weekend, let's go to your toyota tahoe reports that we do have some resorts that are closed ght now. northstar california is closed also. heavenly. if you're heading to palisades tahoe, it will take you three hours and 14 minutes from the city. you will t need any chains, and if you're heading to sugarowl resort two hours, 52 minutes. no chains needed. sierra tahoe is closed as well, and if you go to kirkwood, that will take you three hours 37 minutes from the city. no chains needed here and getting a live look at our richmond-san rafael bridge camera right now. traffic is stop and go from castro street as you approach the toll gate. so it is starting to get pretty busy out there on the roads. guys >> hi. thank you so much, gloria. up next, with seven things you need to know this
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morning. >> but before we get there, new york doctors performed another groundbreaking surgery on a dying grandmother. a 54 year old grandmother is recovering after receiving a successful heart pump and pig kidney transplant. >> the new jersey grandmother was gravely ill, suffering from heart failure and kidney disease. however, she isn't the first person to receive this trailblaze surgery. a 62 year old massachusetts man also received a pig kidney transplant just last month. the grandmother says she now has more energy and believes her decision wasn't made in vain. >> i'm getting stronger and stronger every day, and it just feels the right thing that i did. >> doctors say this operation could expedite 100,000 people in the u.s. who are on the waiting list to receive a transplant. now up next, seven things you need to know today as we head to break. >> here's a live look outside. it is 654 and we are comi
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morning. number one breaking news harvey weinstein's 2020 rape conviction has been overturned. a new york appeals court found the judge in the trial made a mistake, allowing three women to testify about allegations that were not part of the case. the manhattan district attorney will now decide whether to seek a retrial. >> number two, campus protests are intensifying. 93 pro-palestinian protesters were arrested at usc yesterday, and the university has closed its los angeles campus to the public. there are also protests at the university of texas, austin and emerson college in boston. number three, a mix of both relief and worry from the parents of a berkeley native being held hostage. >> hamas has released new video of hirsh goldberg poland. it's unclear when the video was recorded, but his parents say they want the world to see it.
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the 24 year old is one of hundreds taken hostage during the october 7th attack on israel . >> number four sfmta workers will rally today against the city's plan to issue more parking tickets, parking control officers say they fear the new effort will make them targets. they want the city to do more to address their concerns. >> number five, we're in store for a bit of a windy and cool day today. right now, temperatures are starting out in the 40s and our coolest spots in the north bay around the bay, shoreline and inland. we're in the low and mid 50s. if you kept your jacket on all day yesterday are likely. keep it on for much of the day today. here's a live look at the city showing you the overcast skies we have. and today the marine layer. not as thick or deep as it was yesterday, so we'll see a little bit more sunshine today. this afternoon we'll get you into the 50s and 60s by noon. and then later on today we'll find those temperatures close to 70 degrees in our warmest spots inland. but today will be a windy afternoon with those winds picking up even more tomorrow. so here's a look
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at the next three days. we're breezy and below average today. tomorrow, as a cold front crosses through here, those winds pick up even more, gusting 30 to 40mph. behind that front we get a wonderful weekend on the way. saturday and sunday. sunshine and warmer temperatures. it's a quick look at those winds coming our way tomorrow. this is friday. in the morning it's breezy, but then into the afternoon you can see between about one and 5 p.m. those winds at times gusting 30 to 40mph. >> and number six, a live look outside right now at our san mateo bridge camera, and you could see that traffic. it's pretty much stopping. go on westbound 92 toward foster city. good news here is it eases up at the incline. >> number seven. first they're sour, then they're sweet. oreo is launching this new sour patch kids flavor kill. the cookie maker says they have a sour flavor and colorful inclusions. >> what are they holding in their hands? it looks like spray paint bottles. are they about to tag? >> well, they're like more sour
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than sweet. >> like they do something bad. then they they make up for being sour cream. >> just. >> i don't like golden oreos, so i'm out. but if you like golden oreos, go for it. i think an oreo should be black. >> an oreo. yeah. >> got it. why do anything to it ? i would try it. >> i don't know why not. there's some sweet. >> just give me a sour patch. >> it's sour cream. yeah, i like the fruity sour cream. what are you putting your >> george: good morning america. trump and his lawyers in two courts. breaking news overnight. the former president named as an unindicted co-conspirator in two election interference cases. breaking news overnight. new indictmentes in the fake electorate cases in michigan and arizona. mark meadows, rudy giuliani and more charged as trump is on trial here


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