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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm IRST

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welcome to news 21. the hopeful news of the president about the state of the country's economy, from the decrease in liquidity growth to 25% to the unemployment rate reaching 5% in some parts of the country. there will be absolutely no mercy for corruption and corruption. we are against any unhealthy relationship, discrimination, partying.
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there are bribes in all departments and organizations of the country. after the president's three -day trip to pakistan, sri lanka, the goal of increasing trade exchanges to 10 billion dollars and the export of technical engineering services were the most important achievements of this trip. we will check the news in the conversation. axes and contents. article 13. the document signed during the trip what is the president and the accompanying delegation to these countries, in terms of international politics , what is the importance of these trips in this time and the current conditions of the region and the world?
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the american police entered the universities to suppress the uprising of students protesting against the pishi generation in gaza. netanyahu's anger. the student protests in america must be stopped after the head of military intelligence, the commander of the ishbah unit in the zionist army, resigned . the beginning of the biggest scientific competition in the country with the national exam of mathematics, technical and humanities . candidates of experimental sciences will take the exam tomorrow. and the success of iranian scientists in making the device carbon dioxide producer, a useful product in greenhouses, which is offered at half the price of a similar foreign model. it can
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have a 30 to 40% increase in the quantity and quality of products in greenhouses. in the name of god . o allah, bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten his life. good evening, viewer. dear and respected john , i invite you to pay attention to the details of the news at 21:00. the president's meeting with the people of southwest tehran. this afternoon, mr. raisi appeared in the first program of the series of visits to the neighborhoods of tehran to the people of the 17th and 18th districts and gave a speech to the people. this hospital expansion plan yafet abadeh president's field visit and supervision.
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sarzdeh president also went to the house of martyr ali agha babaei located in shadabad neighborhood. you made us very happy , our dear ones, at the hands of god's worst people , according to islamic martyrdom, their mission was to maintain security for syria, security for the region, security for iran. tehran, chaired by the president, with the presence
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of some government ministers, the mayor and the governor of tehran , the officials of this region. if you think so, our proposal is about 400 billion for these 34 hospitals toman will be allocated by the program organization and the ministry of health by dividing the work we do, god willing. after raising problems in three areas , the president issued orders. first, the field of health and treatment. mr. ainullah follows. and mr. mansouri also put the work in the order of the presidential staff, god willing, in his own time. shahada aftababad hospital can create an opening in people's lives, of course i hope that no one will end up in the hospital, but in the meantime, this is a service that should be given to the people as health care. the hospital has been offered to your service, zayyan, and
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a proposal has been made, a proposal that it is actually a field or a park. which is next to the hospital , it should be used in some way to solve the problems of the hospital. mr. zakani himself and his colleagues who are present at the meeting should check this. i don't want to say now because the park is one of the necessities of people's lives. and the other order of mr. raisi was in the field of population density and educational facilities of schools. he demands that we expand the educational centers and expand. mr. sahrai's proposal was actually five schools, with a minimum of three and a maximum of five schools. mr. zakani's offer was that if it is done as a complex, this use is better
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, i do not deny it, that is, if it can be built as a land complex , it is definitely a priority, that is, an educational complex can be created, and the next issue. worn-out structures. worn-out structures need an encouragement. we need to create incentives for the families to encourage them to go and rebuild so that these easts are not placed . on the sidelines of the meeting, i had an opportunity to ask the president this question. an administrative meeting and resolution why is this the problem and problems of the people? after all, the mosque is the house of god, the center of communication between people, both with god and with each other, and the government is also
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a servant of the people. enemy's conspiracy, now we sat in this mosque, we discussed the decisions we made, and it was decided that both the governor of tehran , the executive vice president, and the officials of the relevant departments will follow the work until the result is not certain, and after the end of this, mr. president meeting in people gathered in imamzadeh hasan area of ​​tehran . the president , referring to the government's promise to reduce the unemployment rate , said: "we are not behind, as the unemployment rate is decreasing in many provinces." the president also considered the issue of housing as important and said that the government is not behind the plans of its announcement and now 2 million and 400 thousand housings are being built in the country. referring to the people's concern
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about inflation, mr. raisi said: the government is trying to control and reduce inflation by producing and generating income. president referring to the budget deficit of 480 thousand billion. tomani, left over from the previous government, said that this budget deficit was resolved by producing and generating income in 1400. the second way and the second factor for inflation is liquidity growth. from what we have set as a target , it means that liquidity growth will reach 25%. by the grace of god , today we have reached 24%, which means the growth of liquidity in the government is controlled. the president stressed the necessity of dealing with bank overdrafts and said: banks that do not comply with the regulations will be dissolved.
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referring to holding meetings to solve the problems of this region, mr. raisi said: we will do whatever is in the interest of the people and the country's economy. our government does not pass by the potholes unless it solves the potholes. and what is necessary for the benefit of the people of the country's economy is to solve the problems of our dear people , let them know that we are on the agenda, even if some people oppose it, but some say that i can't, sir, tomorrow someone may lose your popularity. raisi's fight against corruption is one of the government's promises. he stated and said that he will not show mercy to corruption
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, he is against any unhealthy relationship, discrimination, bribery and partying in all organizations of the country. no, i just announced that i took action. both myself and various officials everywhere in the country, wherever corruption is seen, there will be absolutely no mercy for corruption and the corrupt. the president said that the foundation of the government is the use of efficient and transformative managers and he said that if someone does not have the necessary efficiency in that job , he must be replaced by an efficient person who can bring about transformation. mr. raisi also called the sadiq's promise operation a message of resistance and standing of the islamic republic. he knew about the enemies and said: our foundation is cooperation with all the countries that want to
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interact and cooperate with the islamic republic. president by attending parts of the 17th and 18 tehran and hearing the priority problems of the residents of these areas in the fields of treatment and training of worn tissue , issued orders to solve these problems as soon as possible in the follow-up meeting of special issues. members of the government also met and talked closely with the people by attending the mosques of these areas. hosting the residents of the 17th and 18th districts of tehran from the president. mr. raisi went to the southwest of the capital in the first program of the series of visits to the neighborhoods of tehran in line with his provincial trips and met with the people of these areas. he met and discussed what facilities and fields
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exist in the country based on justice, opportunity and opportunity facilities and capacities should be based on the implementation of justice. a number of government ministers accompanied the president in these areas. mosques are always a religious and worship center and a place to resolve. people's issues are considered today, ministers were hosted to follow up on the people's problems. mr. minister of interior attended a mosque and heard the requests of the people of the region. about 40% of the advanced equipment of the minister of health also followed up on treatment issues. mr. ainullahi met with the people and talked face to face. he considered them to be the solution to some of their problems . no, look at it in terms of a preliminary examination what is the problem, where should he go, write to
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him, go see him somewhere, see if he wants medical help , let's go to him, these will finally make us first of all get to know people's problems directly, and definitely when we face problems, definitely to the relevant official , for example, in this case, we have seen let's come to the conclusion that a manager is not working well, or a course is not explained well, or a center needs to be provided more. definitely, for us, these meetings are something that we must look for and solve . give us two months, minister of roads. and urban planning closely follows the concerns of the residents of these areas the railway area was renovated and a stadium was built for the youth. one of the topics of the railway route is that a 17-meter boundary, a 30-meter boundary, and even a boundary that is more than that, is one of the serious problems of our compatriots who
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live or do business or traffic in one of those areas around these railway lines. tehran's 17th district, where people have been waiting for years for decisions to renew the worn-out fabric. the problem of overcrowding in schools was another issue that opened the eyes of the minister of education to the people of these areas. radio news alphabet. after returning from a three-day trip to pakistan and sri lanka, the president said that the message of this trip was the authority and honor of iran at the current stage and the development of relations with neighbors and independent countries. referring to the signing of several cooperation documents with pakistani authorities, mr. raisi said: with these agreements, the value of trade and economic relations between tehran and islamabad
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will reach 10 billion dollars a year. expansion of business relations. and economy with sri lanka was one of the other axes of the trip, when the president announced the creation of a platform for the export of technical and engineering services to this country. well, i will discuss the achievements of the president's trip mr. jamshidi is very welcome with the political deputy of the president's office who is with us in the studio. please briefly describe the most important achievements of the president's visits to pakistan and sri lanka for us and dear viewers. hello, good night. the president's visit to pakistan, sri lanka is within the framework of the government's foreign policy strategy , which is based on the concept of neighborhood and convergence. regarding the trip to pakistan, there are two main issues to be considered , one is the strategic value of the trip, the other is the tangible achievements of the trip
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. on the economic discussions at first, well, we are in in this trip , we made basic agreements in the fields of agriculture, energy, trade and transit, which means that in the field of agriculture, specifically, a strategy that the government has is to get the basic goods it considers and the needs of the society as much as possible from the countries that are aligned, friendly and close. choose countries that are far away. pakistan has this capacity in the field of meat, cornmeal and other basic goods, well, at much lower prices and near iran, which will reduce the transportation costs in these areas, and basically it has a tangible effect. there is a strategic view on the living conditions of the society and that these items are basically provided in
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the field of energy. well, the most important issue is the gas pipeline discussion and commitment. that the pakistani side had in this regard , the position of mr. president in the private negotiations and in the discussions that he had was that the other side should fulfill its obligations and this is a right that belongs to the islamic republic, and basically with the discussions and discussions that were brought up by the side the opposite side agreed to fulfill this commitment in full and despite the pressures that america is trying to do , we will do this path. naturally, these types of models we have cooperation with other countries and it does not create a problem, so committing the other party to what he had previously promised was one of the important achievements, and of course it was decided that the talks would be held with a very limited time interval to implement these agreements. in the field of trade
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, as you mentioned in your news, one of our main discussions is to reduce and eliminate informal trade and turn it into official trade, and this has many benefits for both sides and two countries, and on the other hand, the related discussion to agreements related to free trade and reduction of customs tariffs to create zones free trade at the border and border markets, by strengthening these, the trade between the two countries, which is now officially about 2 billion, will be brought to about 10 billion with all these measures, in the first step , and this can be achieved. it is and it is within the framework of the same policy that we have in the trade field only with our neighbors , this trade turnover is about 1200 billion, but unfortunately iran does not use much due to the fact that these capacities were not paid attention to in the past. we are trying to increase this capacity with all countries. badim's increase in the field of transit is also an important discussion that
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was raised about pakistan's interest in joining the north-south corridor was through iran, and in fact , the sipec route, which is actually coming from china to pakistan, and now a lot of economic and production capacity has been created on this route, can move to other countries through iran . hazrat agha had said that this year is the year of the leap, in fact there is an increase in production . increasing exports through the creation of new commercial markets is the purpose of these trips made by mr. president , basically new marketing and actually trying to increase. in this government, there is an attempt to present a new paradigm of the economic power of the country , that is, the islamic republic is not just a country that
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is used to selling raw materials, but it is looking for exports with the export of value-added and technological goods, and this is what in different countries, we are seeing that the face of iran is being introduced in the world through the trips of mr. president, that iran is a technological power in the economic field. but this was an economic discussion in fact , frank, transparent and of course constructive negotiations were held with the responsible authorities there, and the main issue that was raised and we reached an agreement was to increase coordination in the security and military fields , and in fact, an agreement was reached in this regard. god willing, we will be able to coordinate in the field of security, especially the fight against terrorism . there is another point about the cultural field that is of serious importance. well, pakistan
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is considered a civilizational obstacle for iran. the capacity of the persian language is very large there. iqbal lahouri with several thousand verses of persian poetry that he has there after all, it is considered an axis, and the pakistani authorities themselves have mentioned somewhere that if 100 years ago , for example, iran and pakistan, their officials saw each other and there was no english, we would have spoken to each other in persian, so in this capacity, our cultural footprint is in you. there is pakistan, especially cities like lahore and karachi, where mr. president pays special attention to travel there, and this shows attention to the strategic depth of relations, which is the persian language and cultural relations, of course, this trip is at night. after that historic blow to the islamic republic and the zionist regime, it was very welcome
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it was spread widely among the community of scholars, elites and academics of pakistan, and it is interesting that now i think it was published in my news that america took a position on the trip, it was worried about the movement of the islamic republic in the regional and foreign spheres, and an interesting thing is that the spokesman of the irgc swabeh, who is one of the terrorist groups inside pakistan, they are also worried about the visit of mr. president, why , for example, iran has so much influence. the convergence of america and sipah sahaba also has its own meaning . we also had a trip to sri lanka, sri lanka is a very important country. and we have a strategy in our foreign relations we don't pay attention to whether the countries are small or large , westernization is wrong. we pay attention to all countries . sri lanka is a country that has strategic importance in sea transit. iran has paid special attention to it even in the pre-revolutionary period . we are actually looking to
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make our trade and relations here beyond the traditional relations, and we have pursued various fields and diversification of economic relations. very excellent. thank you for your complete explanation, mr. jamshidi, political deputy of the president's office. thank you for your presence at the end of the president's three-day visit to pakistan and sri lanka. the president of our country to the eastern neighbor is addressed to the authorities of pakistan, sri lanka. they have already warned many times and say again that
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trade with iran carries the risk of secondary sanctions. despite this line, the media that closely witnessed the talks between the officials of the two countries , such as the times of india, wrote that islamabad finalized the free trade agreement with iran despite the warnings of the white house. this indian news agency said that tehran and islamabad emphasized on the faster finalization of the free trade agreement right after the us warned about the dangers of doing business with iran. al-jazeera wrote in a report titled "cost of trade with iran" that the us warned pakistan about the iran-pakistan agreement to increase trade relations fivefold in the next 5 years and to reach the $10 billion mark. reuters said, however, he specifically addressed bilateral cooperation in the field of energy in the shadow of us sanctions and said: the two countries in the
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final joint statement on the importance of expanding cooperation. in the field of energy , including electricity transmission and gas transmission line project , reuters emphasized the economic results of the second destination of the president's trip, in addition to reflecting the signing of 8 bilateral cooperation documents between tehran and islamabad. our country in the indian subcontinent, sri lanka, has also opened a 514 million dollar hydropower plant with iranian engineering in silanka, and the authorities of tehran. and colombo signed five cooperation agreements. at the end of the one-day visit of the president of our country to sri lanka, the local news agency tamil guardian wrote in an article titled "sri lanka challenges us sanctions against iran ", the president of iran wrote just one hour after the us state department warned about imposing sanctions on certain countries. who do business with iran, the multi- purpose project and the umaya hydropower plant in sri lanka
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mohammad nikbin of sed and radio news agency opened , the warplanes of the zionist regime heavily bombarded the south of the center and the east of rafah. dozens of people, most of whom are women and children, were martyred in these attacks. a five-month-old palestinian girl was martyred today due to the heat. the ministry of health of gaza announced that in the last 24 hours, the occupation forces of the zionist regime committed
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5. the resistance forces also targeted the headquarters of the zionist occupying army in the city of khanyounes in the south of the gaza strip, and the headquarters of the gaza brigade of the zionist regime in the military settlement of rayim. lebanon's hezbollah also has bases in the galilee targeted the west with a missile attack. responsible. the
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foreign policy of the european union said in the meeting of the european parliament about the situation in gaza: the cities of gaza were destroyed more than the cities of germany during the second world war. according to joseph brill, more than 34,000 people died in gaza, most of them civilians, women and children. 75% of the population of gaza was displaced and is on the verge of destruction. the only image he had of him was the shroud in the arms of a palestinian mother. eminin began to paint that image on a wall in their city in dublin , ireland. he did not know the name of the wrapped shroud child and nine knew the woman who was holding the child. the image of the mural in the virtual space was passed from hand to hand until it reached its owner, in the hand of samia, the same woman who was holding the child wrapped in a shroud.
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in the same virtual space, samieh revealed the ambiguity of the picture with the voice message that she sent to imirin, this is my picture, the picture you drew is my dear nephew, samieh started describing her two nephews, masaye, who is two years old, and her sister, lina, who is four years old. he had taken both of them, these two were the whole world of samia and dar, he was painted on the wall


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