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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 4, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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you would like to benfec you would like to benfec more securtione can cause serios side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal. life-thr bactere asian urinary t or yeast infections in lowing a blood sugarxr. a rare life threatening bacterial infection in the skin bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occuc rea. stop taking for a second. call your doctor right away. if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction or ketoacidosis prepare has the best way covered. >> lawmakers have announced bipartisan legislation from the breaking news across the country to the global events shaping our world. we'll bring you there and have a live report, a special report ,britt baer weeknights on fox news channel. america is watching. >> thanks to shannon bream. into our studio audience boxes in that with brittany spears gaga session. greg gutfeld i love you, america. good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingram. this is the "ingraham angle".
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thank you, as always for joining us tonightaham. an after >> an african american small business owner says she was harasseds supporting trump.ut >> she's here to talk about it. plus it., "ingraham angle", continuing legal education. >> well, how to deal with hos. ia classes in session. but first,session. joe biden's , very, very, very, very, very bad week. >> that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> behold the power of biden nomics. >> the april jobs report just out coming in below expectations. april nonfarm payrolls expanded much less than expected, 175,000. we're looking for a number much closer to 250 thousand. >> the unemployment rate ticked up. that was a fairly weak report. what do they call that again? joe mentum this progress is part of my vision for an economy that grows from the middle out and the t bottom up and manufacturing is booming.
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>> cutting the federal deficit. we cut the federal deficit. i've never been more optimistic about our nation's future. >> i'd like to call this o. l d.ll s old liberal in denial syndrome that perhaps his staff can't read. but the u.s. manufacturing sect declined in april.s will high interest rates will do that. yeah, this has been a terrible, awful, rotten week for biden. he and the bipartisan cabal in dc are driving us off a debti cliff and he's still spending. >>ll my administration invested additional $9 billion more than ever in the history of america y to get rid of past chemicals. nomicalsw, today, this has dedie overdi $9 billion to north carolina alone. i am going to pass to trade from raleigh to richmond, which by the way, reduces pollution
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by and takes thousands of vehicles off the road. ehicl >> you may remember that when i was trying to get these bills passed that i thought we talked about, including the veterans and the rest. >> i said we couldn't afford it. co., ey were now.d and they were right. we can't afford it. as, he couldul have been prudent. he could have been smart. wellve bee maybe not smart.ns that's pushing it with joe. but instead, he just kept defense happy with huge h spending in ukraine. >> and then he borrowed more toe satisfy the hard left. >> now, at this point, even the corporate press is worried. from the economist fro, america reckless borrowing is a danger a and world's. >> then in fortune, the $34 trillion u.s. debt is nearly as big as the economworld'y, s i and there's still no plan to fix it. theand this is the kind of fun. friday fact under. biden our debt is increasing $1 trillion every 100 days. get your mind wrapped around
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that. and as for biden's bragging thatden'eficit while it's easily debunked. >> yeah, the deficit may be declining, but shockingly, it's still higher than it was during the pandemic. t gets every week it gets worse and worse. but remember , the president is very optimistic. >> were the united states ofing, america i mean it about power and there's nothineyong there's nothing beyond our capacity when we work together. sogetherso let get out and worke byd get this done. get off my lawn. oh, by the wayat, that includes moving expensive equipment lickety split. >> we need to move fast. t and we are. stm making sure the shipments start right away in the next few hourar s. a few hours. we really beginning to began sending in equipmentg in to ukre for air defense, munitions, for artillery for rocket systems and armored vehicles.
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impressive. wow. except it's just more ba impres. the reality which even the new york times had to report today t toda is that the weapons pledged for ukraine could take to arrivebi in numbers big enough to actually strengthen ukraine'g s. ey'r i'll tell you what this is about. they're already setting the narrative narrate to ukrains losing this war. just wait. money down a rat hole courtesy of an administration staffed by incompetence. but wait. with trump's duck in trial o getting hit with gag order fines, surely that is good newse wer the biden camp, right? >> we're winning every swing'r state. we're winning every national poll. well, we're not unpopular. i'm unpopula r in china. r in oth >> i'm unpopular in some other places where we'ves wher take it in hundreds of billions i dollars in taxes and tariffs and that, you know, in love with me. >> but, you know, i love thisco countruntry.y.
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ifd you want lower costs, highr incomes and an affordable american dream aff , then you have but t no choice but to vote for a gentleman named donald j. >> trump for president.>> lau >> all right. this is just thiras jus is gotst to kill alvin. can't brag. and matthew colangelo and judge mershon because this trial is a bust. true, trump's off the campaign trail a lot, but perhaps, justte perhaps, absence has made voters heartsence s grow fonder. >> plus, most americans aren't. even paying attentio n to. >> the stupid trial. they know it's all political and are too busy trying to survivtr w ital ande in biden's economy. now, while the economy in, ukraine and the trial backfire, it's all horrible fo r biden. what makes this perhaps the worst week of biden's presidency are the privileged america hating, hamas loving amer on college campuses. more americans see that the leftist burrowed intostem our education system have created have sprung h
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legions of slob protesters living in perpetuab protesl grie whose sole reading consists of whatever's trending on tiktok. s what >> it's hard to sleep because of lies. i've seen last night goin. it's very like i've never seenil anything like it. it really was like goingitere a glimpse into what's actually happening in gaza. inwe were attacked by the zionists. fellow protester s with severe allergies to bananas and had bananas thrown at them. psychological torture. loud noises you could hearn hear across carpet. >> this, my friends, is horrible that the pro hamas protesters are facing is horrible bananas. the new weapon of mass destruction are the sunnis. >> not that you're not the ones with the stronghold weeks ago with little psychological warfare, literal psychological warfare. >> at some point we have to askm ourselves, is theampaig
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trump campaign paying these buffoons to spean payik? f cali >> the university of california is founded on colonial ableism. it's inherently a violent institutio vn. there needs to be an investments of us imperialism and its ties to europe and the u.s. system and how it perpetuates war and violence abroad, not only abroad,iolenc but also here locally. i love the masks. imagine bringing that one home for the holidays that on. thanks for having me. but before dinner we shouldowleg first acknowledge that your house sits on stolen ground. ar >> this is a nightmare for biden and the biggest die nevere trumpers are conceding as much. columnist brooks sees trump ofks the sequel. if democrats don't do more against the protesters and on the issues that matter most to the votersst the book. on top of all this, biden is just getting creamed. >> the economy. trump leads. immigration. immip s foreign conflicts,
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trump leads and even on preserving democraccy, y has obviously been a focal point of the joe biden campaign. he only lead s the issue by thisso abo issue by four points. >> srto abortion being in the news is something that joe biden wants because it's the issue that h issuee runs most an of donald trump onal. i don't know if that guy will ever work again at cnn after that report. but lookd. , i look at preserving democracy. trump's ahead four points. democracpeople are dumb even if the democrats think they are. like, i could go o on ann and, w on. >> but after this week, there should be no doubt theno doubt that everything and i mean everything biden promised doon e is failing us on the economy with foreign. and as you saw this week in the cultur e, the snowflake students at columbia may may be ableca to get their exams canceled. >> but biden's final is coming upnc in november. he' and right now, he's headed for a big fat f.he and that's the angle. joining us now and i'mtephen
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delighted, stephen miller, former senior adviser to president trump, founder of america first legal, had a big win today. and sean duffyan duffy, co-hostm bottom line on fox biz and fox news contributor. >> all right, stephen, given all the terrible news and it could have gone on on it couldd be the whole hour for the show today, tonight. what's the biden pinningthei their hopes on to break througrh the trump juggernaut? well, one word, laura. lawfare, the agenda is to tryena to find any democrat judge, any democrat prosecutor anywhere in the country to try to get donaldat trump behind bars befoo the election. it's been clear now for monthsre the strategy, as you see donald trump pulling away in the pollsa i mean, you have battlegrounds, laura, where you have a ten point edge for donald. that's unheard of to have an incumbent president, joe biden,m trailing by ten in crucial battleground states. >> they are pinning all ofet- ib their on lawfare. but here's the problem, laura. it's repulsingt trailiby ten vo.
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it's turning them away. since these trialsing them havem are turning away from joe biden. they're sick of the welfare,lfar they're sick of the warfare and they are sick of the the e. a they want an economyd that works. they want a border that secure. and then whea n world that's all peaceful and stable and all of those things, they know thosa back only if donald trump comel. back. good thing about stephen on a >>, he's to go. all right. i love the passion. miller alwaylove thes brings toe table. he's kind of this kind of a very angry even guy. >> but when he starts talking about this, he goes and he's very tanneled guy d and sean. look, that thing that the thingn that biden did today that fox did a big piece on, what is he' he saying now? he's going to give obamacare to the illegals? well, they get care anyway, but kindet car of it official. how's that going to work? and how's that going to work for suburban voters? is that going to be the thing that reall really pulls more ofn
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says, yeah, it says it predicts that the rule which will into effect soon is just going to result in about 100,000,ls i guess 100,000 uninsured illegals accessing health care. they'laccessl finally get health care. >> well, it is great to be on with stephen miller with that energy hen midd and past on a friday night. that is awesome. so as well. .but it just shows how outden is of touch joe biden is as t the american people are suffering and struggling, trying to pa ca theiry their rent or the mortgage or put gas in their car. joe biden's talk about givinr.g giveaways, obamacare to illegal immigrants and just to tak erstand step back, you talk about the economy. americans understand it didn't have t io beway.o be way.big they understand that if you if you have big government, you tagovernx spend, you borrow more rules, more regulation. people have tried this in the past for for four decades, for generations. and it never works. it n. ays destroys joe biden is not going to have any different results in america with thosjoe biehe cl same policies. and they also want the college campuses to understand that ifle
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just actually snuffed out, you call law enforcement in, you arrest i these little thuggish snowflakes and send it to jail. e prots will taket can't take place on college campuses. it'll end. but joe biden ditherpuses. s, does nothing, and these things explode on them. the ican peohcan people scratcd their head and go, i want a real leader. i want a donald trump back in the whited trum i house that can lead us back to prosperity and law and ordelar. >> but the bananast th they're enduring bananas being thrown at them. i think that was my favorite clip. a long time. if he doesn't banana, he has i've never o of a banana allerg. we have to do something about our allergy. all right. speaking of thos e, the bidenprt administration guys, finally investigating a university, but maybe not. whstigatiny think.of case i'll get u.s. department of education's office for civil rights is open a rightn investigation into emory university overinve allegationsts of anti-muslim and anti-palestinian activity at the college. stephen. blocking access to the regular kids who just want to go to classccess tokids tha. n to
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and now the investigation is being opened to protect the protesters. this is another example of weaponized government under joe biden, the u.s. civil rights offic examplee led by krn clarke, is one of the most corrupt officers in this this government. it goes aftegovernr biden'sorato political enemies. it goes after corporations and entitiesns are seen as a threat to joe biden's agenda. it does not enforce civil rights. univoes not crack down on university campuses that engaged in a systemic violation of civil rights by blocking access of both american citizens and jewish students to those campuses. there is long standing federal civil rights law goingk back oveovr a century to protect the rights of those students. >> and it stops those ri. piracies doj only wants to do one thing help joe biden's allies hurt joe biden's political enemies. that are our democracy. we're going to we're going ent. ean it ou
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sean, you're quickly on thisse because we understandher ba that there's another banana being thrown at someone who'naos selling it. we got to get to that. ripping a guy is not ripping the country apart. right. if you have stand where you tolerate pro-hamas, anti-americalerate pasn protest, but you have zero tolerance for pro-lifers or pro americanpr individuals and ripped the fabric apart, which is exactly what they're trying tro. y by, w trying to destroy the country by two systems of law enforcemen t. >> stevens point. steven and sean, great to see both of you. thanks so much. thank you so much. that'sstephe the cruelty. coming up, an african american business ownerp an being shame daring to support donald trump. she's here nexsut for her take. on the haters. >> let's put trump 202 4 out this make america great again. you better start being real careful. this is no ordinary kind of mosh.
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beginning to end. shop now at show allegiance .com michael cohen i think he's a goon. >> this guy is a, a law degree and a billionaire boss. >> he shouldn't be a lawyer. that's not the way you communicate. you don't go to law to act like a . hmm. well, michael cohen back then was a goon and a. was now new darling of the
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left. >> michael cohen is the prosecution's star witness, michael cohen, who is going to lead as the star witness for the prosecution. >> the star witnesses that we are told are important, big names that even if you don't follow politics, most now have heard of like michael cohen and stormy daniels. i'll stick with goon, maybe goofball before michael cohen even takes the stand as brags so called star witness, which makes me scream with laughter. the jury has already been from him in these recordings played by the prosecution. >> but how trustworthy is an admitted liar? well, this morning, defense questioned a forensic and analyst in the d.a.'s office whether or not one of the cohen recordings played in court was doctored. it's suddenly cut off after trump was heard on it. what a coincidence. the prosecution says it happened because cohen was another call at the time. but that same forensic analysis analysts said that there was no
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record record of any incoming call on the phone's metadata. this may seem like it's really in the weeds on a friday night, but it gives you an of what this star witness is going to bring to this table. >> joining us now, mike davis, founder and president of the article three project and a former gorsuch clerk. mike, it is fun to look back on what they were all saying about cohen back in 2015 when he was trailing around president trump. but candidate trump at the time. but is this case turning out as? they had hoped because michael cohen is now the font of credibility, believability and just, i guess, wonderment. >> yeah. so michael cohen is a convicted perjurer. he is a disbarred attorney. he's on tiktok cashing in on this trial. and then you have stormy, his attorney, coming out today saying that michael cohen is extremely bitter that president trump didn't
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make michael cohen, the white house counsel, back in 2017. and then he also that we also heard from stormy daniels, his lawyer, that michael cohen was solely responsible for settling this nuisance with which stormy daniels and her attorney, which is the subject of this bogus criminal prosecution that we're heading into week four. >> now, let me just sing parts of alone, white house counsel, my godfather, and michael cohen. yeah, right. all right. cohen even invited a trump impersonator on his stupid live at remember, trump can't really respond, right? because there's a gag order. >> but watch this, goofball. we're going to have to call pecker. yeah, well, let let definitely do that. >> i haven't spoken to david in a long time. you know, judge merchan just ruled that the trial will on april 15th.
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oh, my god. mike, i mean, what's so what's so outrageous about this is he could go on and trash trump. but under judge one, roseanne's obviously unconstitutional gag order, trump can't respond to this goofball. i have a question for you. how long will conceivably go on? nothing. tiktok. begging for money by cohen. but this trial, given pace of things so far, how long do you think it'll go? i think it's i think this could get wrapped up in the next within the next two weeks. i that they're railroading president trump in new york, you have this soros funded manhattan d.a. bringing bringing in matthew from the biden justice department, the number three office to bring this bogus case. >> you have this biased manhattan democrat judge who donated to biden, who is a you only need one juror, one juror. and it have never been brought.
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it's a scam and it's a complete sham case. one juror, i mean, how anyone could find just being fair and applying the law as it is? i don't see how any of these jurors could any anything good conscience say anything but not guilty to this. mike, it's always great to be with you, especially on a friday night. >> thanks so much. >> dana says her business is being brutalized by the soaring cost of food. she's never seen anything like it. and right now she says things just aren't working. it is very important that we change what is going on now and none of us can to go with the biden administration. we need in and 2024. >> so make sure you on 24 for getting there and supporting president trump. expressing herself, the owner of gray jet cafe said that she's been getting a lot of hate including from someone who stormed into her cafe. >> channa gray joins me now.
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channa, good to see you. tell us what happened at the cafe. first of all. thank you for having me. it has been a very eventful week or couple of weeks, so to speak. ever since my fox interview, about a week, two weeks ago, i'm not really sure on the date, but i just pretty much put a plea out there to the administration of which i voted for, to let them know that i am a strong business owner and i'm just looking for a change to to pretty much help me and people of my community. >> honestly, my cafe was created to be a space, a community space to provide not one, not just good vegan food, but a space people to come in a very safe space for people to come and have
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conversations of things and topics that are affecting them. and one of the number one topics that was affecting them was inflation and how a lot them are feeling anxious and don't know about tomorrow and making decisions at the gas pump and in the grocery store of how they're going to care for their families. and i resonated with that as well. >> so i just i was given an opportunity, have a platform to speak up for not only myself ,others there in my community, which is an array of people, whether black, brown, latino, asian, all of us white americans that are suffering. and we have these conversations and we speak how we need change. so i took that opportunity. >> channa shea president biden spoke to the wisconsin black chamber of commerce back in december.
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this is what he said. >> every new business opening is a is a vote for hope through making the american economy stronger and our nation more competitive. i'm here to celebrate the progress we're making to support black businesses here and around the country. black, small business grow. everything benefits the community benefits. >> benefits. not a joke. how has it been, though, for black small business? frankly, all small business owners, especially in the restaurant under biden? >> well, biden, he was doing, you know, he said some great things. those are very accurate things . but i have to say that as a person that is being very much so affected by the changes currently in the economy, such as things inflation, it's kind of hard to see that dream that he spoke of.
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it's, you know, this this it's at some point it's just common sense. what's what he's doing isn't working. it's making matters worse. you're very courageous for standing up. thank you very much for joining . always great to see you. all right. coming up, a wealthy neighborhood is breaking away from a crime ridden democrat city. >> one of the leaders of the movement is here to explain why next. victims of mesothelioma, their families may be entitled to receive a cash reward from the estimated $30 billion in its investors trust funds now available. over $50 billion has been awarded already. if you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma or lung cancer caused by. call the number on your screen now. we have served victims of mesothelioma and their families nationwide for over 30 years. we have successfully recovered hundreds of millions dollars for thousands of our clients. even if a family member has passed due to mesothelioma, you may still be entitled to a
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but overnight it was pretty chaotic where we were at the new school, a liberal arts the w school. but you can see that group here now gathering universities more or askinguniversi law enfot to move in to break up campus protests and encampments . 0 arrest so far, more than 2000 arrestsd and counting across the country co taken into custody just this morning in new york, including over at the new schooledin not too far from. where i am right now, the student newspaper there reporting. listen student re to this. faculty members have voted in favor of a resolutionvoted ie the university to divest from companies that support from co israel for them to make that decision fast. but the schools are the ones who are calling the policet wers help. >> watch. all schools were clearedor . 56 arrests in all, no incidents . nobody got hurt. the school's happy. we secured their school back to them. a part of the school, back to them. the kids are getting arresteetd poppy. and the nypd remains on high alert tonight. >> laura, have you ever beenst. to st george, louisiana?
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well, i bet the answer is no, because it's about to become a brand new city brand. >> just days ago, after nearly a decade long battle, the state suprems e court ruled 4 to 3 in favor of nearly 86,000 baton rouge residents, who said they're sick of dealing with bad schools, high crime and high taxesck. well, the rest of baton rouged isn't happy. bad i am disappointed in the louisiana supreme court's ruling when potential tax increases or threats to basic services that affect th quality of life are at stake. it's crucial that we proceed stl with careful consideration. >> well, actions have consequences. joining me now, andrew merrill, who is the one of the leaders of the st george movement, and he's also an attorney. >> andrew. thw this isn't the end of thisll . i know, because the leader of the metro councilader oe me,e rouge, lamonte cole, he's now
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asking for a new hearing on this matter. >> what is he not getting here? what's next? wellnextapplying, applying for , but unfortunately for lamont, the suprem e court was pretty definitive in its ruling in favor of incorporationitiven >> so explain what really drove you to the brink. i know baton rouge pretty wellau . >> no comment on lsu, but i know baton rouge pretty welli ae i love the place, especially football time. e >> but explain what really drove you to this extrem e measure of essentially seceding from the city y? >> well, i won't say seceding for the simple standpoint of our portion sec of east batos rouge parish has never actually been a city. we've beeneen unincorporated forever. in fact, baton rouge had s annex st george, our area and never did. g so eventually we got tireded of high crime, poor educatio on we have a school system that's ranked here dead last in aed state, ranked dead lasthomici
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in education, one of the highest homicidede rates in america. and people are leaving our parish in droves our, move to other outlying parishes that are thriving. thtwhy wouldn't we wan to something different? >> well, it's called trying to save your peopl g differ e, it soundsn your like, to me. >> so there's precedent in your state for incorporatio staten o. new city, but the media doesn't like it. >> the atlantic wrote somethini. back in 2019 about saint g george. in 2005, a nearby community central was unable to gathercena support for a school district from the legislature, so it incorporatedt incoa ne as a new, a pattern that's emerged over the past two decades. whit e communities have beenbeen separating from their cities, school districts som, to form their own. andrew sounds like a they're charging racism here. >> well, a couple of things. one, the censue ofs says otherw. our area of east baton rouge parish has the fastest growing e minority population in the parish. so to me it's a it's a narrative that's thrown out there because it's easpeopley
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people that don't want to do i their homework and buy into it. and t wantncredibly divisive when the reality is they don't want to have accountability for high crime for poor education and for where our tax dollars have been spent. s ha and that's what they don't want to answer questions where they. so we thought these cheap narrativesvet. try to buy offople a the public. andrew i think people arree watching across the country realizing this is not necessarily an isolates not d mt here. other people are going to vote to tryve save themselves and jut it's just common sense. this isn't politics about common sense policies. >> andrew, thank you. thank you so muc youh having mel >> up next, how to deal with tho the pro-hamas brats in roman style. >> stay there. texas it is a land of mystery and legend teeming with life for nature has selected the most adaptable and those
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so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. harness is over 400 nutrients, unleashing transformation for your health. one thing became really clear this wee k colleges do not know how to handle the radical activists that the y but we do because we've dealt with whiny children before deale. all right. welcome to our first english mangle classto the, how to dealh pro-hamas brats and thugs joining. >> me now the man on a mission,a will cain, co-host of fox and friends. >> i love the job he does there. and father of two. >> all right. well, i'm the mother of three teenagers ready. o do and all these colleges need to do is what follow basic
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parenting advice like set rules, demand respeculest, but watch that. >> so it looks likehe they haven't had a lot of repercussions, bad behavior as children. >> what do you think will?>> and my expert parenting advice, having e raised two perfecten, children. i think you're spot on. relaura it's pretty easy. >> like you said, setlear r clear rules, demand respect. but whether or not it was college administrators before thatul, , their those two rules have completely escaped esn of.ey wer
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>> these kids, they're activists, but they tas. taught to be activiste >> well, is it because the administrators may manyl bu of them maybe not all, but manyw actually a lot of sympathy with their views. right. they agree with a lot of what stts are are saying, even if they can't as administrators come up and say those typeso get of things. but i want to getot to another issue, will, that we're looking looking at, which is the at, caf the protesters when they're in action. watch this just as everyone hasa the right to express their views they must also respect the rights of others to do the same. we continue to urgs ofe protests to remove the encampment we w. luntarily disperse >> okay.erse well, he might have well said. pretty please, with a cherryke on top. and would you like fries with that? what's your what's advice here ? >> well, my advice hery ade is e strong don't be weak. it's pretty simple.
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and by the way, children and petsildren pet appreciate d. they appreciate a head of the o household, an and you're in part, right, that what these studentsat are doing is they're reflecting the actual things they were taught by administrators. and so college t taught s reaping what they're sowed. >> but the other part that i is tha that these is administrators are terrified. they're weak. they're really scarethallyd, the kids. and it's the intersection of hierarchical dynamicskids.. it thrown everyone off like,w ev how can i tell these kids not to be the activist? i tolderyb them to be?s >>th how can i tell these kids that they're not the aggrieved oppressed? he ent i've taught them to viewir the entire world through that lens of critical theory, t oppressor and oppressed. so they're not just ideologicallhey indoctrinated,on they are looking at parents oray in this case're administratorsy who are incredibly weak, i think. >>l, my favorite video of many favorite videos and what wasf many a week and ts kind of reminds me of if reminds your friends jump off a bridge, would you would you follow them? >> check this out. oh , yeah.
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>> now, well, what's>> lau your advice for for the police? knowvice what they were doing bi don't know. these kids play too many , you know, dungeons and dragons, hours and hours or something mean. none of them look particularly athletic, let's just put it >>at wayk . >> yeah, they're. well, they're suited up for battle. that lasted all of about 10 seconds of reality. you might be right by thyoght ey this is living life through a through a video game lens orsr a want to be 1960s radical activist. -be but well, now your friends are doing it and everybody's you laura we worryy -- about i g have two boys i worry about them growing up to follow some frat boy througrop toh somu said jumping off a cliff midnight dare i don't worry about thisight but it's the samh
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thing just made through the through the lens of a liberathe lengl activist. maybe we shouldn't sit up maomaybe and charge int the breach. >> maybe we're not suited for this. well, it's always great to see you. thanwa this.thanks felpingk youh the new rules of behavior for the protesters. >> parenting two perfect parents, laura ingraham and will cain. >> thanko pet pares much. >> well, coming up, yes, i grant raymond wishes because it's friday follies. pr i was scared when i was told age related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. it was hard, but taking preservation was easy. preservation is the exact clinically proven approach to formula recommended by the nea. i'm taking control like millions of others. >> a heart attack. do they have life insurance? no. but we have life insurance, john. >> i'm trying to find something we can afford. fortunately, in only a few minutes, selectquote found
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all getting awards. you could call this the octo and participation honors. but biden hanarian pd his troub. >> my staff hates me doing ad living on and off the screen. michael yo, michelle yeoh. excuse. i'm going to get carried away here. your rachel kill the lgbt purgel making the decade 2012. she continues compete with some of the prior paralympic age 27. >> but the paralympics, no, she's competing in the olympics. >> but you know, laura, you know what? this has a valedictorian. it feels as if this is the endes of something. so he's trying lik to get all of his pals to get this medal. remember, barack obama gav pale biden the medal of freedom as he went out of office beforre trump the oval. >> yeah, this is kind of the. at tolation prize for the old days at this point. all right. exactly. okay. wait a second. i see you brought that ridiculous laugh.p.
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>> so i guess i guessou i'm grading you. threethree wishes because migha look, my first friday, most protesters would stop trying t to recreate gaza on our campuses-create and just go toa and. >> does that look like fun, laura? i mean, if this is the picturere of peace and justice, i guess give me anarchy. >> but that's anarchy. it's a disasteanarcht thatr. what was the circular dance that seemed like that didn't seem out of cause i don't know what that was. >> these people are just completeat that e people nincom. i mean, i'm sorry about the greek manner. speaking of anarchy, raven, i love the student editorsa
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of the columbia law review. i worked for the virginia lawbu review in the day, but columbia g univeiew, they're demandin that the university cancel exams and give them passing grades because they're shaken, not stirred and unable to focus- and highly emotional, highlyoti emotional due to the violence they witnessed on campus . aura, i >> yeah, laura, i read the lastt line. i read the whole thinghing, bute last line of their statement is a doozy. it reads, i quot doozy. e all response is not disproportionate to the outsized impact it has hadf us on many of us in the community. a crowd of peopln the that proby represent their membership in a white supremacist neo fascist hate group or storminghate gro our campus just days ago. these are lawyers or potential that can't even write a statement. okay. here. i don't even know. i don't know what they're talking about there. but havei have a newsflash for all the all the snowflakes at columbia.
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okay as someone who practiced law at a pretty tough firm, waded into pre, they have a partner breathing down their their necks about where's where's the memo you're supposed to write. you've got to bill 3000 hours last year. you only build 2000 snowflake. they'l bl be out on their tookav us so they have no idea what real pressure is. hav oh my gosh. heaven forbid they have to, like, work under pressurto e. and that's like that. they want to charge, what, six $700 an hour for an associates time? give me a break. may i recommend a communityo writing course to them beforere they go into the professional give they o thn given that stat? >> no. all right. my second wish is that actorsp s stop commenting on things they cannot fathom. >> like actor brian cox. adam and eve . ay b even. i mean, the propaganda goes right the way about the bibl oe is one of the worst books ever for me, from my point of view. i don't believr e it because they're stupid enough. of
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it's only the root of all fear and the model every greatheat sy ever told. or i mean, brian cox should know that. ian cox i mean, after that litey review, can you imagine what the almighte review,y say about him? brian cox is the worst actor ever. i have reserved an alternative extended residency for him., >> bring in air conditioned assigned guard. that's air what i imagine. oh, now. yeah. now. i mean >>. and what is he wearing? a nice comfy turtleneck. what is that? i'm noiswearint. >> i'm not sure what that looks. like in my dream in last week'st wish. >> final. cenal wish is that celebritiesh, would stop auditioning to be pundits or campaign surrogates. >> this is robert de niro d talking about his new favorite topic. >> donale niro td sick. >> he's really genuinely a sicki person in germany. they had him with hitler. they don't take hi m serious.a clow >> he looks like a clown. acts like a clown. i called him president said, you can call me joe. and i said, can i call you joe? ican one can.
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only he he like that.hamill >> that's my is not for him. >> is that the white house today? yeah, the farces with him. i've got so manyhim. sabers. >> that's the campaign in action. thmpaignlaura celebrity drop by. and other people talking forsidt the campaign. you saw what the president does when he comes out thiss is going to be a brutal few months until november. >> i can't believe you didn't hit mick jagger at the new orleans jazz fest trashing your daughter there. >> and we went out to louisianal now. all right, raymondaura, great to see you. thanks so much. that's it for us tonight. make surat's it ighte you me onl media. remember, it is america nowreve. forever. and pete hegseth is in for jesse watters and he takes i foa all here. that's next. panelo on judge jeanine pirroini


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