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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 3, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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pilot, was put on trial and he was acquitted by a jury. >> bill: intriguing. dan springer live in seattle on that. we'll follow it up. >> dana: attorneys for brian kohberger claim prosecutors submitted key evidence that was altered. they told the judge that audio was removed from surveillance footage that allegedly puts his car near the crime scene. the judge will review it in a hearing later this month. the defense claims kohberger was out for a drive when four college students were stabbed to death in their home. former president trump returning to new york state supreme court this morning for day 11 of his criminal trial in manhattan. right now his defense is cross examining the prosecution's seventh witness. an investigator for the manhattan d.a. who recovered cell phone conversations between trump and his former attorney michael cohen who has also been
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called a star witness in this case. two more schools in new york city calling in police to remove anti-israel protestors. new york's finest moving in this morning to help clear the campus at new york university and the new school making 56 arrests finding clear evidence of outside groups funding the protest and radicalizing young students. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: good morning. we match today. that's good for a friday. >> dana: you think i didn't think about that? well coordinated here. well oiled machine. >> bill: good morning. president biden speaking out for the first time in more than a week yesterday. went 4 1/2 minutes addressing the violent anti-semitic, anti-israel college protests across the country. the president calling out anti-semitism and islamaphobia but taking no action while the a.g. merrick garland, quick to crack down on parents protesting at school board meetings, remains silent and, some say, missing in action.
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>> dana: here is some of what president biden said yesterday. >> president biden: in america, we respect the right and protect the right for them to express that. but it doesn't mean anything goes. it needs to be done without violence, without destruction, without hate, and within the law. >> dana: mark meredith is live at the white house this morning. hi, mark. >> dana, good morning to you. for the white house, these widespread college campus protests are both a public safety issue but also a political liability which could stretch on for weeks, if not months. the white house says president biden wants to make it clear he believes that americans have a right to protest but that they will not tolerate violence. either way the images like these that we have been seeing on college campuses are creating headaches for the white house. the "wall street journal" saying today the situation holds many risks and few good options for biden, who faces the prospect of continued protests this summer. the president says the protests are not going to impact his
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position towards israel. pressure is knowledge for the white house to find a way to calm outraged democrats. we heard from college democrats of america posting online quote their vote is not to be taken for granted by the democratic party. we reserve the right to criticize our party when it fails to listen to us. today education secretary miguel cardona sent a letter to colleges and universities claiming that some of these incidents that targeted jewish students are in his view abhorrent. cardona went on to say anti-semitism is unacceptable, so is any other form of hate. many students from jewish, muslim, israeli and arab communities have told us they feel unsafe at school or unfairly targeted simply because of who they are. that letter coming out within the last hour or so. on capitol hill republicans are making it clear they aren't done talking about this issue. they want to bring more college presidents up to the hill to testify about what has been happening on their campuses and talk about what is being done to protect jewish students across this country. >> dana: mark meredith at the
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white house, thank you. >> it is utterly shocking. you know, when i walked out of auschwitz with my mother walking through the gates i said i will never, never have anybody call me a dirty jew or anything else again. i am free now and here it is today. i am shocked. i am pained. i am scared. i'm scared both for america, i'm scared for the jews, and very painful for our young people. >> dana: holocaust survivor and eyewitness to one of the darkest chapters in history warning history is repeating itself now as anti-semitic protests spread like cancer across college campuses in america. some democrats are calling them overblown. >> there are things being called anti-semitic that aren't. we need to not confuse anti-semitism or weaponize anti-semitism in a way that
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curtails some of our most basic freedoms. >> we firmly stand against anti-semitism used against free speech. >> it has been minimum and overblown by the media. >> dana: so is education the answer to anti-semitism? if not, what is? we have an israel activist and we have a host of a podcast. dan, i heard you on another podcast talking about education and all of you were saying that education is not necessarily the answer. it made me want to ask you if education is not the answer, what is? >> this is something i'm perplexed by because if you look at anti--- i tell people go to google and put in the word anti-semitism and pick any century and you will see anti-semitism, major anti-semitism in every century. what you realize is where these waves of anti-semitism have occurred, they are some of the
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m most educated and enlightened society. we create these elite institutions and those will be an antidote to anti-semitism. history proves it is not. i don't have a quick fix. there is a reason why they call it the oldest hatred. persistent through every period in history. it comes back every 50 to 100 years and here we are. >> bill: what the president said about not breaking the law was good. some of the other stuff we waited 10 days for four minutes worth and i think he missed an opportunity to educate a lot of people doing this stuff. this fellow here, peter, kids versus the umpire. give me a moment here. no one i spoke to had been to israel, west bank, gaza, or could define zionism. 7,248 miles away from gaza. here is the historian douglas
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brinkley. he didn't address the root causes of why these campuses are on fire, all right? he was taking a centrist approach to appease people on both sides of the barricades. it will do nothing to play indicate the anger on college campuses. that may be true. you had a golden moment to explain what the river to the sea actually means. >> yes, we did. it was a missed opportunity. this is not the moment to tow the line but to take a stand against hate, against the indoctrination and radicalization of the next generation of our future leaders. these protests, i've been on many campuses. i was on columbia a week and a half ago. gw yesterday. >> dana: we have the protestors yelling at you and your husband. play this and have her react. >> we are hamas. >> you are hamas? you are what? you are hamas? >> yes, we're hamas.
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>> dana: hamas is a designated terrorist organization. does she want to be arrested? >> they are proud and telling us who they are. i think we've given them too much license with their idiocy. i have said they don't know from what the river to the sea means or what intifada means. maybe they don't but they're telling us they're hamas. i take these threats very seriously and these are violent people. i want to also mention that these protests that are happening on campus are not grassroots movements. these are very well organized and very well funded. they have outside agitators coming onto campus, they have foreign adversaries involved in this. this is not just a group of students who decided to go free gaza. >> dana: dan, you got back from israel and the people in israel
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are more worried about the jews here in america. >> we took our children for the first time since october 7th to israel. it was my third time. it was my kids' third time. we went to the nova music festival site and met with a lot of people on the front lines of october 7th. my 16-year-old son said to me. last summer we took a family trip to eastern europe. my mother is a holocaust survivor and visited her hometown with her and went to auschwitz and my 16-year-old son said to me, going to southern israel today was harder for him than going to auschwitz. i said why. i was struck by that. he said because the holocaust feels like another era. not in his lifetime. another -- so kids i think have this mindset we're more
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modernized and more enlightened and more civilized you can't imagine this kind of systematic barbarism and ghoulishness. for israelis, they are saying your country is becoming unglued. they rely on america. a reason why america is the most important democracy on the planet for a variety of reasons. not the least of which most countries who share our values rely on america holding it together. looking at these images on college campuses like the video we just saw, they are saying this country is becoming unglued and we don't know who we can rely on in a world in which the future leaders of this country are being educated at institutions making these kids crazy. >> bill: it is profound. >> i had the same experience in israel. i think -- i want to say that
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these students are in these tents that are being purchased by someone, this is very well funded but at the end of the day, i can't leave this position without saying that we need to keep in mind there are still 130 innocent people being held in gaza and we need to keep them at the forefront of our mind. all of this can be a big distraction from that and that should be our number one priority. >> dana: great reminder. thank you for coming back and being here. thank you. >> bill: thank you both. from capitol hill now senate republicans urging the president to stand down on any plans to bring thousands of palestinian refugees here to the united states warning that potential move poses a national security threat. gillian turner has the fallout and live at the state department to see where this decision is today, gillian, good morning. >> well, the biden administration is considering plans to bring palestinian refugees here to the united
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states coming even as arab countries largely are shutting the doors to the palestinians refusing to take more people in. this includes neighboring countries like jordan an egypt citing major security concerns. on capitol hill lawmakers are questioning the director of national intelligence about just exactly how palestinian refugees coming into the united states would be vetted? she said this. >> i can tell you that the process for bringing individuals into the united states includes a very significant vetting process. that would be the kind of process i would expect to occur and it would mitigate any concern or risks we would have. >> not everybody up on capitol hill, obviously, is buying that explanation. listen to this. >> 70% of the palestinians support hamas. how do you vet that? in a country or in an area in which they continue to prop up this terrorist organization, it
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is impossible to vet that. we still have american citizens that are hostages in gaza right now. >> the white house insists they're constantly looking at ways to help palestinians join american family members who may be here in the united states. >> i mentioned there were 1800 american citizens that we try to certainly get home or come to the states after october 7th. as it relates to vetting and making sure that we are vetting folks who are coming to do that, that's something we take very, very seriously. >> we are hearing that the number of palestinian refugees under the program that could be admitted to the u.s. could be as high as in the thousands. but as for now, state department officials are insisting no decision has been made. they will tell us, they say, once one has. >> bill: thanks, gillian turner with the update from the u.s.
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department of state. >> dana: jewish actor david schwimmer unloading. the star of friends calling it a double standard. posting jewish students across america are experiencing the worst attacks on their rights, dignity and safety in my lifetime. if this were any other minority group the response would have been immediate outrage and action. and give it a like or follow. >> bill: 13 past. prosecutor accusing former president trump of election interference in georgia now under investigation for possible misconduct over use of public funds. that continues. we'll get an update on the hearing in atlanta, georgia. >> dana: mandatory evacuations ordered in texas after heavy floods. residents in houston were told to leave or be ready to shelter in place for days. no, not that talk. about what the future looks like. for me. i may have trouble getting around, but i want to live in my home where i'm comfortable
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>> dana: right now a georgia senate committee is holding a hearing to investigate d.a. fani willis. what for? we shall find out from jonathan serrie live in atlanta. >> republican leaders of the senate committee are investigating weather fani willis inappropriately used any public funds in her d.a.'s office. for today's hearing they've subpoenaed two fulton county officials, the commissioner and chief financial officer. it is the second hearing on willis. the first one heard testimony from defense attorney ashley merchant who filed the initial motion to disqualify willis from prosecuting the georgia election interference case against former president trump and several of his associates. merchant had argued willis's past romantic relationship with
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special prosecutor nathan wade created a financial conflict of interest because he took the d.a. on vacations while earning taxpayer funds from his contract with fulton county. the judge ruled that one of them had to step down from the case. wade resigned, willis was allowsed to stay on. lawyers for former president trump and co-defendants are asking a state appeals court to review the judge's ruling. the court has yet to announce whether it will hear the appeal. now the senate committee holding today's hearing does not have any power to prosecute. but it can make recommendations on how the state all indicates funds, including funds to the fulton county d.a.'s office. that meeting expected to get underway in a matter of minutes. back to you, dana. >> dana: thank you. >> the judge is highly con conflicted. he is trying to make it as salacious as possible by
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allowing testimony that has nothing to do with the case. he wants to make it a case to try to hurt trump but it is having the opposite effect, i think. we'll see. the poll numbers are higher than they've ever been and that's the story. >> bill: after that he went in to say good morning to the judge. so our first photos have come in now of trump in court today. day 11. just crossing the wire today, dana, blue shirt -- sorry, blue tie, white shirt. yesterday was gold or yellow. earlier trump was hitting the judge in the criminal trial. the judge has yet to rule on accusations trump violated his gag order. former prosecutor is with us now. let's put the gag order to the side. this is the moment from yesterday. we'll play it. so cohen, michael cohen, was recording his conversations with then candidate, then soon to be president donald trump and here is part of what was said about
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the conversation about regarding stormy daniels. >> i need to open up a company with the transfer of all that info regarding our friend david and i spoke to allen about it. when it comes time fought financing which will be. >> what financing? >> we'll have to pay. >> no. >> no, no, no. >> bill: what did you make of that? how significant? >> this is sounding like michael cohen's deal. we saw yesterday evidence that michael cohen was desperate for a position in washington, whether that was in the white house or otherwise, on so we really have a sense right now that michael cohen had this really remarkable sense of urgency to get this deal done, to pay the deal out while donald trump seems to have been receiving advice from counsel. this is what we're doing and the steps we're taking and how we'll pay it. he doesn't seem to be making statements that indicate much by way of consciousness of guilt
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and alvin bragg's statement of facts that he submitted along with the indictment many months ago seemed to suggest the government's very strongest evidence would come in the form of these recorded conversations. that recorded conversation does not indicate guilt as i see things right now. >> dana: i have a question, andrew. you are a defense attorney. this doesn't make sense to me. michael cohen was trump's lawyer. they are having this conversation. there is attorney/client privilege. that is out the window here, now we see it. how can trump be on the hook for taking his lawyer's advice? >> you are as confused as i am on that one. i think the point ultimately that alvin bragg is making the donald trump was the one who was the ringleader. you have a right to trust in your attorney to give you advice. we know now these hush money agreements, non-disclosure agreements are typical in the industry and legal and lawful to do. you go to a lawyer and say how do i get this done? the lawyer says we'll take steps
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one, two, three. a strong defense to any sort of potential indication that donald trump may have been criminally involved in some sort of scheme here. then we get into the nuanced details of what the actual criminal charge is and the underlying additional charge which turns it into a felony. i think donald trump's defense is coming together quite nicely. i've been saying for a long time. i think he has a very strong case. i think he has a chance at an acquittal because it seems as though he is relying on the advice of counsel along the way, even his accountant along the way. those are all pieces to the puzzle that the defense will obviously hammer on and the government is essentially trying to ask the jury to close their eyes to. >> bill: the point you just made. keith davidson was the main witness this week and secured the contract for mcdougal and daniels. he said can you believe i'm not going to washington after everything i've done for that guy? i can't believe i'm not going to
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washington. i've saved his blank, his behind. cohen is said to be the star witness. i don't know when that happens. do you have a view yet as to whether or not donald trump should take the stand in this case? >> let's first talk about cohen's statement there and his disappointment he didn't go to washington. can you believe all the things that i've done for this guy? it sounds as though michael cohen is saying i violated the law for him, not with him. that's interesting. donald trump can take the stand if he chooses to. it's a very dangerous path to go down. judge merchan has already said that the door would be wide open to many attacks from collateral allegations and other types of charges and lawsuits that have come against the president. so it would be a very strong cross examination attacking his credibility. donald trump is not shy to defend himself. so whether donald trump wants to get into that scrum of a match with prosecutors cross examining
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him on that wide array of surrounding issues. it may be helpful to hear him say i didn't know there was anything illegal and trusting my attorneys something i thought was lawful. oftentimes the idea of testifying isn't necessary. a person's silence cannot be used against them. the constitution says so. they have also heard many statements from donald trump already and going to continue to hear it. i don't know that taking the stand adds much more to the statements that he already is -- that are already out there through the prosecution or the defense otherwise. >> dana: andrew, thank you. i'm sure we'll see you next week. >> thank you. >> bill: thank you, andrew. hollywood a-lister putting his family before his him career. ryan gosling says he only considers acting roles that his wife and two daughters enjoy. in an interview the star of barbie said this. i don't really take roles that will put me in a dark place.
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this moment is what i feel like trying to read the room at home and feel like what's best for all of us? the decisions i make, i make them with eva and our family in mind first, end quote. >> dana: good answer. >> bill: he is a family guy. family guy. >> dana: i wonder if he watches our show? he should. this is where you get all the good stuff. i love hemmer celebrity news. sobering scene yesterday as anti-israel protestors vandalized the statue of our country's first president. we go live to george washington university yet. north dakota governor doug burgum, can biden turn the state blue? we'll talk to doug burgum. ♪
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zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. i will bless those who bless you it's almost passover here in israel and across the former soviet union but we're fnding thousands of destitute, elderly jews who are alone and in need of basic food. ramzia is a holocaust survivor. she keeps saying my refridgerator is empty. she's embarrassed to ask for help. their need as you can see is extremely urgent. right now, you can give a gift of life of $25. the international fellowship of christians and jews will bring comfort and food to ramzia and thousands of others. ramzia has had such a hard life and to see this smile.
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>> bill: so that was just yesterday and again this morning we woke up to a scene here in new york where another encamp. was cleared out in lower manhattan. anti-israeli protests -- george washington university, there was a statue of washington vandalized. what might be the image of the week, lucas. good morning. >> that's right, bill. good morning. all is calm and quiet here at george washington university. university founded in 1821. george washington, the statue of him is still covered in a palestinian flag. final exams for undergraduates start tomorrow. the famous lebanese singer woke up some students singing here. she is christian, by the way. right now we're going to take you into this encampment where we have seen some students wake up. there is a call for cleanup this
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morning, bill. field day, if you will. but so far all is calm. we have not heard -- it hasn't been very noisy like we heard yesterday. i want to bring in right now paxton, a law student here at george washington. paxton, talk about what it is like being a jew on campus here at gw. >> certainly right now there is a lot of stress and anxiety among the student body as a whole but especially within the jewish community given there is a protest on campus that is ongoing and has been ongoing for the past nine days. >> bill: the building has been locked up. you had to take your final exams in the basement. what was that like? you told me you are afraid to put your membership as leader of a jewish organization on your resume. >> taking final exams in the basement or in various places on campus where students have been relocated to insure it's quiet has certainly been a stressful
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experience because especially with law students, we don't know the undergraduate campus. finding out where you are supposed to go has been really stressful. i mean just being involved in a jewish organization during a time of extreme polarization is certainly stressful as a whole. i don't want to make myself a target. >> how worried is your father? >> last thursday when i was coming -- last thursday when the protests started and friday when i had a final exam he was nervous because we didn't know what the environment was going to be like. it has been super loud at times. so he actually called me on my way to and fro school just to insure i was safe the entire time. >> that's the scene on campus at george washington. tomorrow final exams begins with under grad: commencement ceremonies in two weeks.
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>> bill: we'll see how long the tents stay. >> dana: the white house on cleanup dat -- he compared japan to rivals china and claims -- without press secretary karine jean-pierre tried to defend the president. >> he was saying that when it comes to -- when it comes to -- when it comes to who we are as a nation. we're a nation of immigrants. that's in our dna and stronger for it because of the fact in our dna we are a nation of immi immigrants. that's important to note as well. that's what he was trying to make. >> another white house official said he meant to praise the u.s., not insult japan. cleanup. >> will it be a battleground come november? talking about north carolina. the biden campaign is setting its sights on the tar heel state
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trying to flip it back to blue. north dakota governor doug burgum is with us now. welcome to new york. you are traveling the country just about every weekend wherever trump tells you to go, you do it. you will be in north carolina in two weeks. from 2020 here you go. number one and number two. north carolina was the state biden lost by 74,483 and then number two, choice for president if voting now, okay? trump has a six point advantage as of mid april, about a month ago. what are you hearing there and what should we know? >> i can tell you right now every state that begins with north will be voting for donald trump in november so i think he will go two for two. north dakota and north carolina will absolutely win that. the energy and intensity for president trump on the ground is high. everywhere we go people are ready to go to work.
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biden can't -- has the same problem in north carolina like every state. they have inflation. every state has been turned into a border state. people don't feel safe in their cities, unrest on campuses and people remember the citizens of north carolina remember that under donald trump, unemployment at record lows, economy was moving along in a great way and so this is an easy one. biden won't get this state back. >> dana: if you look at this graph of wages versus inflation, it tells a tale. this is what people are feeling everywhere. wages are even going down compared to what people are paying at grocery stores and the pump. you are a businessman and also a governor. what can president trump say to people in north carolina and across the country? this is what i will do to be able to get inflation down. i think that's something i've been waiting to hear more specifics on. >> i have had this great front
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row seat where we're trying to drive our economy with the private sector and been in the private sector almost my entire life. we had taxes and regulations going down under trump. under biden it is an assault on every family and the amount of regulation being poured out. last week he proclaimed he would be -- he would be behind the largest tax increase america has ever seen. it is -- president trump has to be very clear and always has been what he will do for the economy. less regulations, keeping the tax cuts in place, he is about stopping the wars, about bringing inflation under control, and some of that involves energy because he will have an energy policy that involves selling energy to our friends p and allies and let's stop buying it from adversaries. >> dana: could that have a pretty immediate effect? >> if you are a business guy, president trump wins in november energy futures go down because they know the u.s. will be back in the emergency game as opposed
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to having a federal administration taking us out of supplying energy to the allies. >> bill: you will be heading to florida. a lot of guys and women are on the list to be a possible v.p. for you right now where does that stand? >> i think i love a tweet yesterday. this is all just pure speculation. i'm doing this in the first lady with me around the country because we've seen what life is like under joe biden. we're going 180 degrees the wrong direction in this country on the economy, energy and national security, on the border. we can't take -- i know any state that is trying to grow their economy can't take another years of joe biden. we'll spend every free minute we have trying to make sure president trump wins in november. >> it's not v.p. and based on your business experience, is there another job there that you think you could do that could help america the way you see it now coming out of your experience in north dakota? >> it is not about a job for me.
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i hope that anybody else that is out there working right now is doing it because what really matters. so much of what joe biden has done, none of it has gone through congress but mandates from three letter agencies. he can get the federal government out of the way of the economy, families, small businesses and he can get off the back of the states. the states created the federal government, not the other way around. again, this election -- everyone says election matters, who is in the white house really matters. we know president trump has a proven record of putting this country in the right direction. >> dana: thank you for being here. great to have you. >> bill: plenty to discuss. come back. >> thank you. >> bill: thank you, governor. >> dana: students at america's stop schools staging anti-israel protests for weeks and want finals canceled over the trauma of it all. balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo!
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>> dana: student editors of the law review are asking the university to cancel exams. police on campus left them traumatized and unable to -- we have our power panel here. katie, what happens? you still have to go to work even if things are traumatic in your life. >> they want this big revolution where they take on the man. on the other hand they can't handle their final exams because the police did something they should have done a long time ago? i find it very interesting that they continue to issue these demands and their motive is clear. they want to push the limit to see how much power they can gain over the administrators and adults in charge. this isn't about being upset about the police. i would add that if these kids
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think they can't take final exams because of a police presence on campus, how do you think they students in israel feel getting rockets launched at them. they can't handle it and trying to exert more power over their administrators. >> bill: i will wind up with todd. we hurj the law school to cancel exams to give all students passing grades. wow. >> dana: crazy. >> for their work throughout the semester. many are unwell at this time can't study or concentrate and peers being hauled to jail. i would add the current exam policy raises concerns around equity and academic integrity. professor. >> you have to get the equity in there. those on law review should be the best of the best. only the top 10% of your graduating class should be there. these are the people that become the most prestigious judges in the most prominent law firms. if you can't handle an exam after seeing a police officer, how do you think you will handle
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the caldron of stress that becomes your life for 40 years if you enter into one of those pro fashions. i was-in-law for 4 1/2 years. it is tough. i wasn't at the highest level. they will wilt and this is a sad commentary on what lawyers are entering the profession. >> dana: call for three. non-student arrests at the anti-israel protests is really high. over half at u.t. austin. almost all of them at asu. arizona state and new york city 134 were non-students. >> where is the department of justice? the biden administration and they feel like they need to protect students on campus, all students, not just certain ones. they should be investigating who these outside agitators are and where the money is coming from. a man in california was arrested
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with a gun. you don't have the attorney general coming out with a forceful statement. we waited for a week for the president of the united states to talk about this. if you are truly interested in pro protecting all students and not canceling graduation for them. especially those who didn't get a graduation last time because of covid policies you should be interested in who is causing the chaos and if they are breaking the law that they are prosecuted and thrown in person. >> bill: a lot of people are pushing for expulsions. what will columbia say to these guys? take the test and we'll pass you? >> those grades are important for law firms, judgeships to evaluate is this person capable? >> bill: what is the school going to do? >> they can pass the test, they know. they are trying to assert themselves saying we want power. >> look at a city like new york city. you have a lot of prominent jewish people at the top of these law firms. i see columbia come across my
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desk like you have seen throughout industry all over and i say you've got to go and file it under g, i don't want that person. >> dana: todd and katie, great to have you. >> bill: breaking news right now the trump trial is in recess. that is the breaking news alert from lower manhattan. short day of court today. they will end at 3:45 and told it is the tedious portion of the testimony because they are going through the analytics of the phone of michael cohen. apparently he had upwards of 39 thousand contacts in his phone. >> dana: mover and shaker. >> bill: that's an entire city in america. let's get a break. back in a moment after this. hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪
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far left's highly organized effort to radicalize our young people. dramatic new police body cam footage of when officers had to clear that columbia campus building. and also they had to do it again for a main library on a portland campus yesterday. that got interesting. they were armed. it looked like a medieval site. it was bizarre. trump off the campaign trail now because of his trial. doesn't seem to be hurting him in the polls. tulsi gabbard is with me and others, "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> dana: tornadoes touching down in texas damaging several homes last night. in southeast texas near houston dangerous flooding and torrential rain prompting mandatory evacuations. video showing a woman driving into a swollen creek. >> you are driving into the creek, no, no, no, stop. stop. no, no, no!
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okay, that got bad very quickly. >> dana: thankfully she was not hurt and keep an eye on fox weather for more on this. >> bill: how about the commentary, wow. so the april jobs number is out. that report showing gains were much lower than expected. edward lawrence has the news, 175 added unemployment rate ticks higher to 3.9. what does it all mean? >> the acting labor secretary says it's the stable growth the president pitched report a good one for the markets up more than 300 points. average hourly wages coming down that puts less pressure on inflation. month over month wages went up.2% not keeping up with monday over mo inflation that went up double that. >> are you concerned about going forward and workers might lose ground again? >> we always want to see workers getting more money in their pockets. workers having more breathing room is fundamental to the president's vision of how we build an economy from the middle
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out and bottom up. >> some of the job losses could signal the start of slower employment reports going forward. temporary jobs get shed first. manufacturing gained but lost 5,000 jobs over the past three months. overall a good report for the market. we'll see what the next inflation report and see what that says. if that is going up and employment is down that's bad. >> bill: nice so a see you in washington, d.c. >> dana: before we go we need this. a teacher snaps a rare shot in oregon that has birdwatchers chirping. the blue rock thrush caught on camera the first time ever. only native to europe and asia. not sure how this happened but it happened. it might not happen again for decades. experts call it the bird of the century. >> bill: do you think the bird took the boat? >> dana: that's a good point indeed. harris faulkner is next. here she is. >> harris: we begin with trump versus new york. the trial is in a short morning break no


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