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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 3, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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pneumonia, that is. >> and he needed to be he died suddenly shortly thereafter. you may recall i, was just a couple of months ago that another whistleblower by the name of john barnett bare allegedly took his own life in the midst of a legal action n ag against boeing. he had actually been on a team that manufactured the door plu, ong that blew out midair on an alaska airlines flight. aes flighhe told npr he thoughtt by firing him, was sending a message to anybody ifed you're loud, we will silence you. >> and to add to the interesting growing number of questions involving this particular circumstanc circob, whistleblowers apparently represented by the same law firm out of south carolina, bota all right, kevin, thanks for that report. that's all the time we have this evening. please say dvr so you never miss an episode. in the meantime, letleft never t be trouble. greg gutfeld, put a smile on your face. have a great night ford have
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80 minutes. we started earlier that big thursday, everybody. than thank you. thank you. thank you. this week, donal, thank you.d te time magazine that if he wins, s, have the camp military deport illegal immigrants. joe says if he wins, he'll tell us the story of how he fought apollo for the heavyweight world title. today is world password da pass >> you'll never guess[ laug my passworhtd needed like an exclamation point and a number. du's going to work. you're not hacked. during the mets game on tuesday, citi fieldex, they had a $1 hot dog nightd that sold a record 44,269
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hot dogs. evidently, they were all purchase.d by. >> one fan. gist archeologists at university of cambridge have recreated a 75,000 year old neanderthal woman's face. >> here it is. >> yeah. so do i even have to say. was ears ago, osama bin laden was killed by us navy sealsavy in pakistan. >> you're welcome. yeah. >> 13 years ago, osama bin laden was killed by navy yea. s or, as msnbc describes it, a solemn day when a group of armed white supremacists attacked a mostly peaceful muslimgroute act. e
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brian cox says the worst book ever written is the bibl evee. o paul. well, apparently he's never read any of these...e. s! oh, that hurts. he's crazy comparing your book to the bible. brian. >> i'm one of those, believee, me, joe biden is considering con allowing palestinians , prompttle in america prompting some to change their chance to death. i >> to where i live. >> thank you. a new air technology. it can distinguish political orientations through facial and . so >> to be fair, so can a metal detector. thank you. thank you. and a 31-year-old trans athleter is sparking outrage after competing at a women's collegeia polo tournament. >> yes, a 31 year old competingc in a college sport seems. ad
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a little old, right. but if you think that's bad, look who's now competingge in women's college golf? happe sense what happens? slippery, people. all right. monologue time . so on tuesday, judge merchan held donald trump in contempt of court and find him nine grand for violating a gag . trump should have reached into his wallet. or trumpgrab the 9000 in cashtht and thrown it at the judge and said, hereed jud, go bang stormy daniels eight times the it's funny, the city that can't keep it's jail wants loc to lock up a president for talkin pg. t of their priorities are more out of whack than a morning whacd by people who hateach othe each other. the thanks for coming on. i know it's going well. meanwhile,g judge daughter laura and a progressive political hack is sending outk
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solicitations, invoking the trump trial, raising millions for her clientssendins . among them, adam schiff, lead, e prosecutorad in trump's firstpel impeachment, will hopefully use the money for a neck transplanty r . >> so trump's not allowed to talk. how did he react? is the gag order unique,is t unconstitutional or corrupt? >> this gag order is not only unique, it's totally constitutional. >> this is a corrupt systeg is m we're in. >> and i think the people are understanding it and. >> they are understanding it. now, as anyone with a pulse knows, that's not you.t' joe biden trying to gagting a trump is like trying to put a cork in mount vesuvius. it's not happeningnt. e to because isn't it nice to have a president who doesn't need [ chleprompteran't meet? >> but isn't it nice to have a president who doesn't need a teleprompter? and not that he can read it anyway, can't read. >> now, think if i read my teleprompter and i'm going, wellthin w let's say you go bece
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of the weakness in the economy, i'd likee to apologize. >> pause for pause. why was that. that's unbelievable. pause. f cour >>se and every kind of course, every one of these big cases is bull. >> every one of these fake cases is. . he said it. >> but for donald trump, this book is gold. ep because despite the legal farce, trump's cracking joke she's c and living his best life. and joe. whils d lie trump mocks joe for saying pause, joe seems permanently stuck on pause, connecting with all the media. everyday we've been trying catch up with you and i kept wan talking about it, but whenever you're out there, i want to talk about your life. i don't know.
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got your back. i'm just trying to like president biden. to so amazing, right? >> now let's have a look at thet people the judge has in silence like stormy daniels. usually when she opens lik onl her mouth, it only affectsfi five dudes in a motel room with a camcorderve d. but these days, stormy is not taking things lying down i. >> she posted this on the social media platform xx. quote, sad day when a stripper is more honest than the formerwn indicted president. >> wait, is she's saying that strippers aren't usually honest? >> i know. and that dance r at rum shakers she was lying to me when she said it was just a bug bite. >> then after being called a toilet, she tweeted that this made her the bes t person to flush the orange terror down. >> i hop fe toilets don't sue fr defamation. >> remember, she's a major
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prosecution witness. isn't she prejudicing the caser? ? usually when stormy tries to abuse, humiliate someon e, she gets $500 an hour. at least that's what she charged.yo c. >> doocy. till p >> but she's probably still o that trump once called her horse face. truesp. she was so mad afterthat that tweet, she barely touched her bag of votese ba got mad. then there's trump's sleazy t former lawyer, michael cohen, who's norumpw is popular with te leftist hamas, to call this guyh a liar is like calling hitler a bit moody. okay, now remember this. y that the guy who actually advised trump on how to structure adn ho. ents to stormy instead of her usual method of just leaving 40 bucks on the dressert0 on now, he blab trump for the work that he diddc ,which is like a patientik getting prescribed the wrong medicine. e abut then getting sued by the hospital. cohen's disbarred from practicing law and a
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convicted perjurer, which makes him a liar by definition practi and he'd previously been trashing trump on acts but then swore he would cease posting out of respect to the court. >> but just days later, cohenla took his clown show over to tik tosk to try to make a few buckse >> when i was testify before the house oversight committee, i turned around and i said that donald trump has shown acts of generosity, but he's not a generous person. >> oh ,. this guyn. makes avenatti look what clarence darrow, darrow, whatever. >> so let's review. we got a convicted perjurer as the mai. view, wen witness when he supplied the advice the case is based on. witneswe have a former porn star who lost her own case against trump so badlyt lost she had toy him legal fees and promise years his grandkids ten years of free pony rides. >>e pony they're allowed to spe, but they accused a former president of the united.
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states can't. this case is as rigged as jesse's hair. >> and you want fair the gutfeld investigative team actually got hold of a shot of the jury. >> ha ha. >> but these are judge merchan rulings. piis cass,e is to the legal system what scurvy is to pirates. >> and remember there's another one just as bad waiting in the wings down in georgia. heand two more federal cases,two which actually ires kind cases of awesome because all these for cases did for trump was make him a better version of trump his numbers are up, his performance is sharper, funnier, even looser are. re and more and moree amer americans look back at his tenure as president fondlyic the . who knew the courtroom would lead to a trump boom? he's prett cy much leading in al the swing states and up nationallyes o by six pointsut without ever being able to really campaignr bein. o trum the trials are spinach to trump's popeye. so what do the dems do now? >> they have nothing to run on, and every time they usane it i
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backfires. no wonder they hired stephen spielberg. biden is lost in the twilight zone and trump bident ? well, these jaws, they betterg bring a bigger boat. what works? welcome to the sketch. his book is number one at most landfills, most of one nationn m and comes to fox and friends. brian kilmeadeea. he can announce fights and defend your rights. crown kickoff host charlie arnold. she's like summertime. so hot that old man drop dead. "new york times" bestselling au author and fox news contributor kat timpf. es his he uses his heart when he's pummeling the left "new york times" bestselling author, comedian and former nwa world champion tyrusan and f ty:
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brian kilmeade, always to have you on the show. i don't thinn.k so. i'm already down three runso th and i have not got up to the plate yet. don't you agreyet.e that these trials somehow have made trump stronger by maybe just, ma focusing and containing him a little bitt and the gag ordeg could be a blessing in a way. >> i mean, just keeps it outpeee of the speeches. it kind of helps his people. an he's got the best team around 21 by far. he's got the 2016 team, which he made up on the fl whichy thea team for the middle of the pandemic could not get tractioin . this team is a well-oiled machine. i've seen it. i've got on the planthis tl oi e, plane dropping. i went on his plane a couple of times. everyone's got an assignmentn hk there. you would hate it. there's no drinking there. everyone has to look straigh t. ahead. so he's got a machine going. a couple of things. michael cohe mn, the president,d really good day to day. michael cohen. basically what the ay basicallyy had a guy who is the lawyer for stormy daniels come out and sayrted m michael cohen basically
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extorted me.urious t and on top of that, he was furious that he does not ask t to go to washington. wa so there is a reason why michael cohesha ren is fixated on donald trump. this is his revenge, but it's nos revengt cohen or donald trump saying it. it is a prosecution witness. ita prtness th said. >> and i just feel as i made your show better, even though you hit me three times beforeee i could say hello, that's trump feels. >> yes, that's all you know. charlie, congratulations. the way you were the first female ufct fema octagon announu to go announce. >> yes. thank you. good for ng and you. can i. can i point something out? oh, sure can steal her moment, brian. i was the first. there he wasure, s. yeah, i was the first to walk [ chhe octagon and explain it and. >> ufc wow. yeah and. so this is history on behalf of brian kill charlie, i would like to apologize to you for hiogize >> your thunder.
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i know i'm feeling buwittle slighted, but you kno how do you say we made historyt' the whole show? he made me look amazins amazug. you won't let it go, will you? brian james season c machine couldn't jus?t it have that tha moment to yourself? yeah. it's amazing. charli e, what do you think about michael cohen actually being treatednk a serious witness? >> this guy is actually tryingt to get a reality show. yeah, he's trying to geto a reality show. i actuallygea re know his daughr on. well, never mindnever . anyway. yeah, i got a daughter, so i was. i doubt she's watching. so it's all good. trmean, i think the fact that he's on tick tock trying to get his point across lid accepting monehiy, you know, because you can accept money during these these live livestreams. >> i just it just shows how pathetic he is.hink and i think that ultimately the fact that he's talking sulto freely about it when the trial is is taking place, and that'san opposite of what he's expected to do, just shows that he's not someone he's already a liar. that's just further proof that point.
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but i love what trump is doing thisespite a . i love that despite all of o the handcuffs that are being put on him right now, he is still campaigning far more effectivelyt now,is thn our current president. he has 10 minutes and he takes it. we're going intos go the trial r 9 hours a day. >> he uses that. i meane, you look at all of the optics, he gets horrible s. iing, bad acoustic his team is basically just letting him go. they're not saying, here's what you need to say. hi. be careful. they're just letting him speak freely. answer questions. meanwhile, our president has to have a teleprompter. pause, has a teat m that is him telling him and constantly running interference when he's about to sa d constay something that he shouldn't, which is always, i just love it. and i love that trump addressedt nine days ago what's going on on college campusesad acrosst the country. meanwhile, joe biden didn't address it until today, whicit i a lot, you know, i love i have hope for kat that trump gets arrested and still campaigns from like a prison phone on camerom an pha. i mean the dems, if they keep pushing this, it's just going
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to get worse because he just keeps turning it into fuel. eele >> yeah. i feel like everybody, you know, on botdy both sih sidd as being very serious. right. people on the right say this i is, you know, this is a politicized justice system and thiss sized is going to ben of everything. and then people on the left say, if this guy gets electe d, it's the end of everything. but trump, his whole vibe is pretty unbothered. nbothere >> yeah, yeah, exactly. you know, he'll say anything[ l but you don't see himyou do get emotional in termsve. of physical reaction. it's like if someone gets, you know, breaks up with you and you're likf someboe, well, t know we were together. i guess the same kind of vibe. so that it does drive people nuts when you're trying to get n that emotional reaction. and it's just completely flat. , >> yeah, that's a great point.ol like he's completely and it seemetels he's to go to pivotal little bit. we always talk about trump derangement from the lefk abouth but it's just as heavy on the right in the sense that the sensey their opportuniy
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with trump and they think this is their moment goin ig on wasss supposed to be a lawyer behind the scenes get work done. yeah he want to be in th be cam camera he wanted to be invited to the white house. he wanted to be his guo bey. right. and what often happens, we saw with omarosa, we see we people he, that gives opportunity that normally would not get opportunitiely wo he's like, i like your game. i'm bringing it up. this guy. he's gone. sobringingguy sucks, when they use them, they're slighted and they're more dangeroususem n the than the left that are have dreams because they're theythey out of their wy to go after him. >> and cohen's taking this to the whole group. if he didn't have this if he didn't have trump, no one would give a damn about hiab right. so everyone's he's got to get on tiktok, he's got to get a reality show. nohim.e haw, because once this e is done, it moves to he's done ,he's out the game. that's why we republicans, we to think we think it lookse. good on paper. but we don't know how to playod with the lead. >> so even though he's having grea wt moments on the campaign. trail, you still have to think he' about the big picture.
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and while the polls have president trump doing well, ,the gambling still has himg down. i always pay attention to the bettin g, opposed the polls, and that's because of the one thing that the oppost republican party cannot get around it. even president trump has to figure it outaround is.e ou >> they have to figure out a way to fix roe versus wade because that's all bidena hasas that's all they have. >> it doesn't matter how much he does or how mucdoes noth we o find a way to respectfully bring them back to us. g hi you take that away. you were forcing him to debate. you were forcingm to him to talt about other things, because all they're running on is s th roe versust's wade and he's got to take this away. he's going to do this way in the republicans have to a have to take a step back. do we want to bep elected or do we want to just sound good? and that's what needs to happen in the next few months. >> all right. we gotlready h to move on. frat brothers stand strongroth in the facere of a throng if
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themselves into poverty. all they is a chance. learn more and have a talk entitled brats calls into terror. silver stops one of each. they of their lives. [ ey hate their school, but they really love it♪ and they demand that you feed them because their parents paid for a meal care. and i think that we've identified a problem which is these both this is our little is frat boys have our
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while hummus lovers wantwh snacf a group of frat pros at the university of north carolina or un a c are being handsomely b rewarded for protecting the american flaeingg from a protesting mob bent on taking it down. you gog ballt to hand it to thee guys? most college kids can't even identify an american flag e as people threw water bottles and rocks for an hour. adam, the brn identio haim stooe than a 24 ounce natty eyes and kept the flas heg touching the ground. and now a go fund me page set for them has raised over 460 grand to quote, throw them the frat party they deserve. yeah, what a treat. t to see real men in action and not in the women's locker. . >> now, compare that to the idiocy we saw in columbia on tuesdaye eigh before cops clearedfore protesters out of a campus building. coone dope. dop as for a food delivery because they were starving and dehydratedfo and they paid>a for a meal plan, we're saying that they're obligated to provide foore thed to studens
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who pay for a meal plan here. but you mentioned that there wan here wmentiones a requestedr be brought in to allow it to be brought in.y i mean, well, i guessques it's ultimately a question of what kind of communittion oy and obligation columbia feels it has to its students. do you want students to die of dehydration and starvation or get severele rationy ill evef they disagree with you. this is like basic humanitarian aid. we're askings basi like, could,l people please have a glass of water? >> yeah, where wer e you onhousehol october 7th, you ? anyway, some day you will be paying her loans as she serves you espresso. >> and while the hate spreads, msnbc's joe scarborough worriesr it's all just hurting biden's ju. are youhancesie >> if you're offended by this, please, i'm trying to help you. i don't want donald trump to get elected. right. we'll try to held.p you if bit you're too stupid to figure that out. change to anothegure r channel because we're sorting through this as a countrthrough y and ts is not helping. this is not helping the people
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of gaza. and this is not helping those of us who want to fight fascism in america. >> yeah, fighting fascism. great call, joe.fasc the real problem with st kildais jews is that it helps trump.. that's the problem. . meanwhile, a college in iranjes. is offering scholarships. u.s. students expelled over the protests. sounds pretty awesomstude. d you don't need good sat scores. scl you have to do is murder an infidel. infide so where does it go?l. the fund me for if joe biden can send irandd 6 billion bucks, surely we can add a few thousand. p chas. charlie, what do you think? dwhat should they use the mone? they got this 460 grand. t that's a pretty big party. hat' hawas going to say, what kind of party are they having? can i. can i go? i think that was my invitevin .e >> i think they'll fly in. you know, dare i say , fine patriot? frat boys are exuding what people refer to a s toxic masculinity. >> i agree. i love to see it. dom
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their dominant, their assertive. we need more of this. our country was founded e, wdd of strong men. it will be saved, apparently, as we have seecause n in what'ss depicted on the news this week by his strong men. >> and i just cannot b get over how stupid these pro-terrorist mobs really are.n so i mean, even just they sound clueless. they don't know what they'reundn saying they're yelling and potato when they mean to. they mea foughn n to cheering in frittata or in intifada, rather, you transpose in the- letter. >> they don't even know what their strategy is. i've been doin >> greg: doingg that for six months, but i'm not a protester. i've been saying infettatit ote. like it's a taco bell. six infettati. and it's just maddening. >> i you saw that girl just talk of basic humanitarian aid.? it's a what are you talking about? you were the least bit of an example of what a is. y you're a lost soul who got caught up in a badou tiktok algorithm. yes, cat, you're a brod tiktok >> yes. yes. so did you. did you eat? no, i don'out think
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she's literally a bro. >> did those bro's make >> gd? u>> yes >> i mean, the i would also like to be invited to the party. i promise them a great timinvit although i do have to say i am concerned about the staff. i'm very worried that it's going to allow us are going to make us willinglyl make givep our own rights in this country as americans. the housse of representative just signed something in response to all this called the anti semitismthin reg anti-semitism awareness law, which sounds greatre. tric >> and that's the government's trick every time. timet againuld you be agains the semitism awareness law because it sanctions certain speechstemitism as including constitutionally protected speechtable an. >> and i hear conservatives, conservatives like, well, what motivates hate speech like ,are you insane? >> like, if the government can decide what's hatecacide and the government deciding what you can and you cannot say and i don't hear anybody wha about this, i disagree. >> i that's all i this morning was conservatives saying they were against this. cosaying to going offd on it and he's jewish. they were saying they were like basically saying n jewish.sayinr
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to this is not more government, but it passed. it passe>> it d know. but i'm saying there are conservatives that are just atives a, okay, you're not. and there were like 50. i think there were like 40 or 50 republicans who voted against. >> okay. reg: 40 orw, wew we la are so screwed. yeah, we're screwed. we're so screwed. it won't d. screwed.. >> tyrus. tyrus, i take my first amendment rights more seriouslyi than, i guess, all important, solid gold boardsou. >> that's what i suggest they pay. i'm just confused. they. law >> we had to study law for show.dy where's the laughs at? i think they should have a party gold cage for everybody. be responsible. i'm sure they're gonna get taxed for it. so get can pay for some of the infidels college courses. but a of things were really alarming to me, scarbrough said. you can change the channel ialaa want to, assuming that somebody was watching it. >> the arrogance was wa on that guy is shocking. >> well, the president does watch hishocki>> whilem, but he
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can't remember. you can really put on barney and be like, hey, look, look at the debate done in. turn it off and then put it back. watch the show. here's part two. the same thing. >> so but what bothers me through this, the whole thing is like, again, we needed. i agree kat 1,000% about yourt first amendment rights, but therrighe are consequences in terms like if i go in a movie theater and i yell d not i'llere's be arrested for causing fear when your words and we cause to harm when say that i'm a terrorist, i support murder. >> there's there is a consequence to thethere' you sho be allowed to say whatever the hell you want, but understand certain things you saatever tu wanty will be ci and these groups don'tll believe in consequences. they all hate their parents because that's the behavior. he they want to do these protests and then they think they mommyyn and daddy, in this case, the police department should drop them,y an whatever. and vegan snacks. like when you say, oh, it's human, we're in trouble. >> we could starve. you literally could just get owt
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walk the taco bell aroundim the corner, you know, the times out times, out. i'm going to go get something to eat. i'll save my protest space ando . toll be right back. yeah, because no police officer's going to touch him. you knowuc? ey'r so it's just ridiculous when they're like, we're starving. i just wanre starvt to just be , yeah, really? >> please. t ti yeah. i remember that time you and i went to go see the movie backdrafme youo set just kept yg fire, right? >> and then late andr, and i had to pay the price for that. did they forced me to get private. >> stop yelling fire! can you imagine if you and i actually hung out? that ever happen? i don't think now. now, i mean, maybe for a spin of.that ef series. yeah. oh, i do. definitely a fox nation >> grefo. you know, a great >> it. is that your favorite app? yes, it is. okay, good. be quick mind d catch up on likw a wrap up here okay. all right. so this one i was going to say i don't i don't want to boreabod you, but i think this is significant. mm-hmm. wish me luck y ihink.
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>> yes. kennedy school. that's a bunch of college kids. what's the most importans,n marg in march? in march? asking which push button thing? you know what they said? whator?tant the palestiniayou coneli fighnt was 15th out of 16. >> what happened between march and the end of april? this is total manipulation and this is 34% of college students even knew about the conflictf coll. what changed in a month and a half? and the big question half? is, back to what you were saying, charlie. the old college kids we used to worryre not about, they're nt concentrating enough where they waste them when they drink and partying too much. >> those were the old days whenh parents had to crack down on their kids. alu're wastingnts had our monew all of a sudden. no, i want to hang out. i't i wanti want to have a prot. but i'm lactose intolerant. therefore i'm riskinm therefog. just don't bring us into this. i mean, i as. >> a lactose intolerant person, i and to begin. yes, said me you guys got. sickle cell, two brothers. e on.ight, we got to mov been yelled at. up next, joe, jeff goldblum forbids leaving money to his
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kids. you've got to start being real careful. this is no ordinary kind of like the judicial reporter. open. open. it's safe. >> well, how much is itrt worth >> well, how much is itrt worth to have a clear conscience doeswo joe wilson, a crack trust safe like this customer had auto glass damage, but he was busy working from home, so he's go to a safe flight. in just a few clicks. we came to his house, then weano gou.t to work.u for fr we replaced his windshield and install a new wipers and install a new wipers to protect it's great. thank you. my pleasure.
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products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change because when you push for smarter solutions, >>he i will last. those who bless you. it's almost passoverbut we'r hee in israel and across the former soviet union, but we're finding thousands of destitute elderly jews who are alone and in need of basic food. >> ramzy is a holocaust survivor. >> she keeps saying, my refrigerator is empty. wow. she's embarrassed to ask for help. it is in their need, as you can see is extremely urgentnd jew right now. syou can give a gift of life of $25. the internet and fellowship hads of christians and jews will bring comfort in fooduc to run.
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zita and thousands of othersn , from the v.a who've had such g a hard life. and to see thiift s that you can save a life just like from and your special holiday gift and your special holiday gift will provide they need to celebrate the holy season of passover. rama ziya saw this matzah that the fellowship brought anr passover. >> ramzy i was so excited. it bringsupps uporti memories oh and family from her childhood. i strongly believe that supporting israel is one of the most meaningful one of the most meaningful things that a believer can d >> it's why i personally approve of and support the life approve of and support the life saving international fellowship international fellowship of christians and jews a life saving $25 gift helped send volunteer on a urgently needed survival food box for less than $1 a day. less than $1 a day. you can save say, say, the jewish people. i will save a life today.
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please call or go online now and say i will bless these people. >> israel, we will all sharee the star of the fly says he won't get squat when i died tonight on hero or. jack, jack, turn tonight on hero or actor jeff goldbloom says he won't leavele his money to his kids, that he wanthis his to figure it out on their own. >> roll it. hey, you knoo fi iw you've got to roll your own. but i'm thinking i'm going to teach kids. i mean, i'm not going to do it y great for you and you're not going to want me to do it foourt you you got to figure out how to find out what's wanted and needed and where that intersects with your loveon and passion and what you can do. and even if it doesn't what you, you might have to do that anyway. >> i hope his kids weren't countingo do that already because it's age 71.
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jeff's not looking good lately. . g. t's disgustin >> yeah. all right. harris. he's a all yeah, i love it. i live by the same creed i say all the time. >> i got mine. g get yours, sea turtle. go. that cat. >> what do you say? i just don't know why it's my . siness i mean, these kids are like, six, seven, eight years old. they like to be like, jesse. e seven you what idea? >> die like dad, can i go ride my bike? ye>> greg:s. i think this was a what do you call it, brian? it's a what up? uh, what do you call. it a proactive shot. like it was like he was trying to get them ready to think t a certain way. it wasn't like they were deao d stay hungry. stay hungry. 71 years old. he's got really young kids. he vyoung ki nine years old. >> so i got it. watch. yes. kids are eight, nine. and he's a one. flashdance. flashdance. you know what that it's a great movie, right? and you remember when the guviey
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it up that he she passeds, the audition she was all happy goes i talked to the judges. got i got you through and she got mad at him and i couldn' judt wn figure this out because she didn't want the game rigged. jeu want to compete and get your own success. so i finally understand that jeff. >> goldbloom in flashdance suddenly i understand life of the worst. i have to follow that, charlie. let's pretend that never and they don't even know what is to happen. but we're pretending. what are your thoughts here? >> i'm going to i'm going to buck. the trend was, i think he's a. the tr i do not think that money can buy happiness. >> the way i've hear bd is far more preferable to be crying in the front seat of a ferrari than in the frontht seat oft the bus. i think takes some stress off of your kids a and know what ifi the kids really want to stick it to dad? >> mary rich yeah, there t go. >> you know, she would like that a lot better than mine. now, i like the song fromth flashdance. i'm with you. all right. thank you very much. ll righe so frot.m coming up, it's always a win win. adam corolla check and whes in .
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of west coast misery to cover. so we're going to get right to it. to cover,i love how you're evoo a curmudgeon just before eyes. s it's incredible. every time i see you're more -- ludgeonlyincred y. anyway, let's talk about the anti-israel protesters at uclaku . they're requesting a list of urgent item theare res be dod skater helmets, gas masks, shields, elbow and knee pads. >> seems like they're prepping for a battle. e prepwhat you think? think >> well, you know, want skater helmets, elbow pads, knee pads ,plywood. are they prepping for a battletl or buildine org a half pipe? that would be useful ifldin they were actually building a half pipe. >> seshalf. somebody has got to reach tony hawk for commen tont.
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>> and to think he's selling pills somewhere on cable tv. ,i don't know what they are. the list also a request for vegan and gluten free food. grp it doesn't sound like this t group would be that tough to clear outhato. no, i could get them cleared out tonight. i would just invite all their nannies to the campus and give them the bullhor the n. n, and they'd be like, dylan, i'm so disappointe d in you. laughter do you notice that there's a lot of women and does that? wm >> why do you think that is? >> because women are inherently? more aggressive and violent than men. we just have £100 on them, so they can't d w ao. >> i that is interesting. i haven' tt seen the stats. wille going to move on. homeless californiansuse on have built a house on the edge of the 110 freeway in l.a., and it includes rock walls, a garden, a gril roclve l fire extinguishers, decorative lights with working electricit d
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. how the heck did the city even let this happeenn? it's funny how all these homeless guys like that are incapable of finding a jobcaus because they're unemployable, but they turn into the propert s when it comes to buildingbuildi a freeng house, does anyone kno where they got all the material s from? >> yeah, they got them from a taxpayer who's been waitinga o >>n years for a god permit. last topic there's a new ranking as california, eightha h on the most dangerous states to th. aya familyth new mexico ranks first. what do you make of this lisran >> what do you think of it? well, come on.? new mexico's number one becaused it has the word mexico in it. u
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but you didn't think californiai would be higheghr. yeah, well, everyone is worried the violence. but in california, it's not the violence. it's the teachercalifos. transitioning your daughter and convincing your son to join hama your s. you have a new animated show. i know we got to run, but i want you to tello us abou t and we'll show a clip. s it is mr. burton. it's on the daily wire. plus starting may 12. >> and it's the work of my life. worand you have got roseanne, who's starring in it for you. roseanne is in it. megan kelly is and jane moore, is in it. lots of lots of great names. ot i haven't been asked yet.ha well, gee, thanks, adaadm.
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all right. we got a clip. rot's roll it. lli don't know what you'reth talking about. but then again, i never know what you're talking about. folken againknows is always makp words. wo. n act divisive >> it's divisive. no intersectionality. nothing to do with traffic. no, you don't have tnothino be o be a birthing person. >> no, bipoc is noegnant tt dead rapper. mm-hmm. all right, adam, we're on daly wire. thank you so much for coming on. >> gret's onyou're. all right, next, something if you'll be in the new york area. >> i'm like tickets to see gutfeld. go to foxnews.cod woulm slash go and click on the link to join our studio audiencr e. >> hi, a good day.o 12 h data cough. data cough. oh, noou. congestion. tag st
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a story in five words. righties have better chinse and jaws cat a study using ai facial technology found facia that conservatives tend to have largern faces already, as i like to call it stronger jaws. do you think this is true? i do think. >> it's true.
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i think a lot of liberal guys do have pretty weak chine als and that's true. >> that's why they have to grow beard. but oh t, adam schiff, we don'tf know where his chin is, just like you, but why they did. b dude, that work is brief. does the coffee shops in brooklyn ifaristabrookl t the but you want to see what's under there. >> that's such a good point, charli such e. >> you noticed that you >>e what you want to liberal. i would call myself apolitical. at one point in my lifetime, po liberal. >> greg: >> i will definitely notice when you became more conservative, you got y gbe stronger. >> chin well, i also think that it has become fac aft>> w that working out is considered far right. yeah. so let's double chins for conservativeorncerted farthat's also, we believe in a carnivore diet, which also us more structure to our face. you know taking us back to the the cavemeoufacen days if you wl whereas you know of course you saw the protesters the theyd want the gluten free and vegan snack. featurh they unfortunately don't get the same facial features. >> i noticed that when like kat says wheesreg: i noticed tn thet certain lefties that don't have a chin and then you have somebody like brian stelte
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rmany c who makes up for it with manyhi channels. >> okay. i thought that was uncalled four . >> i guess i'm confused because they say you big, strong, huge muscles in the jaw. why wouldn't stormugy be the the greatest conservative? yeah, i don't know why it is that i'll. i'll just go real how about just asking somebody, you know quickw abou, i like, h, how do you vote? >> i don't know. thinink i think it's trureg: i e though i think that i think fac it's part of the face. >> wait, did i ask you yet? i haven't even spoken. yes. speaking terms. what do you think about.s amazin i would say it's just amazing if you look at people's groups, what musiclook a they to where they live. and then you talk about if they're wearing a masklivesk, n, you know, exactly. if you find out such a judge is wearing a mask, you go, oyo o you vote for biden. yeah, socks in socks. >>cks he so hard yeah, yeah. >> dead giveaway. o away
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