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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  April 25, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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defying his church for years, supporting abortion on demand. this is particularlioduous, i have to say. >> laura: he is an ardent practi practicing catholic like nancy pelosi. tomorrow i'll be on martha maccallum on "the story" tune in 3:00 eastern and follow me on social media, facebook, instagram and x, coming and going of angle there. thank you for watching, it is eshg m. sometimes it doesn't seem so, jesse takes it from here. jesse watters ta kes it from >> carley: a fox news alert, today is massive day for former president donald trump who will be back in a new york courtroom for day seven of his new york
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criminal trial. the stakes could not be higher in his election interference case. key question that could impact the u.s. presidency as we know it. you are watching "fox and friends first" on thursday m morning, i'm carley shimkus. todd is on assignment and brooke singman has everything we are expecting in both cases today. good morning. >> brooke: court is back in session today, first witness is david pecker, from "national enquirer." he says he worked with former trump attorney michael cohen to bury negative stories before the 2016 election and testified about a catch and kill deal he made with a trump door man about exclusive rights about a story
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he had about trump, the story was proven to be false. pecker never published it. prosecution still has to prove the former president was directly involved in the plans. jonathan turley says they have no case. listen. >> jonathan: this case is becoming inkocomprehensible, th newest theory, we have another dead misdemeanor. the misdemeanor is that trump conspired by promoting his own election unlawfully and they don't explain where the unlawful part is. >> brooke: we're still waiting for the judge to decide if former president trump violated gag order that prevents him from talking about people in the case. prosecutors are saying they violated that and are asking to hold him in contempt of court.
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>> carley: big day for the former president at supreme court, as well. >> brooke: arguments on whether former president trump is immune from prosecution in jack smith's federal election interference case. the former president is not able to attend after the judge ruled he needs to be present in new york. trump says he thinks he is above the supreme court, the great legal scholars are arguing the case, most important case in many years. former florida attorney general bo bondi. >> president trump should be sitting there, this judge is preventing donald trump from respe respecting the supreme court justices. >> brooke: arguments begin this morning at 10:00 east everyone
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time. >> carley: former prosecuteor i here to talk about all things trump trial. thank you for being with us. start with the supreme court case on prejudsidential immunit. >> this case is most significant for trump trial and future of the american presidency, donald trump has two arguments. first, a president is immune from criminal prosecution for acts he undertook while in office. only way he can be prosecuted is if impeached by the senate as precursor. middle ground win would be court finds immunity in outer perimeter of official duties based on civil case the court heard many years ago, there was
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a factual test. the case would get sent back to lower court for determination. >> carley: how would immunity impact other cases going on right now? >> if court holds president is immune for acts committed, it could apply to all cases, it would be sweeping prohibition against criminal culpability for the president. >> carley: what is chance that happens? >> i think that is longshot, there is case that can be applied to criminal prosecution, as well or they do require imp impeachment first before criminal prosecution. >> carley: official question in front of the supreme court is wordy, whether and if so to what
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extent does former president enjoy immunity for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office. if they to what extent rule for partial immunity for a president, how will that affect the january 6 case? does it go away or can jack smith still prosecute him? >> jack smith says if there is partial idea of immunity, the case can proceed. i disagree. there need to be determination if conduct charged in january 6 fall in outer perimeter or whatever the court sets before you can proceed. question of immunity for a president is significant, how can you second guess them. that is what the court has to grapple with. >> carley: on the hush money tr trial, day seven today, they
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took their wednesday recess yesterday. on tuesday, prosecutors revealed conspiracy to promote election, where is this going? >> very interest ing finding, trump is charged with felony he fa falsified records. prose prosecutors allege if is new york law, which is expired misdemeanor. to say felonious conduct s, no specificity about what conduct he took to wrongfully promote an election. they have to show he falsified record and did so to promote election through conspiracy. it is becoming contro vo luted, that is newest theory. >> carley: you are teaching us
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about hush money and you taught about civil fraud and how it is not good idea to date the prosecutor you hired. you are one smart woman, we appreciate you. thank you. senior meteorologist janice dean has the fox weather forecast. >> janice: good morning. we have multi day severe weather outbreak happening starting today through the weekend. look at temperatures, does not look like much now, warm air ahead of the system, area of low pressure eject from rockies and bring plain states into an area of danger over next couple of days as we track several areas of low pressure. cold enough for snow in the rockies and potential for large hail, damaging wind, tornados and heavy rainfall could cause potential for flooding. this is multi-day event starting
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today lasting through sunday for big cities. break it down for texas, oklahoma, toward kansas, area of concern for this evening, this afternoon and this evening and moves northward and eastward, dallas, des moines, kansas city and some sage regions loading up for potential for severe storms. next area project from rockies, if you live across the areas for central u.s., southern plain to midwest and great lakes and upper great lakes, pay attention to forecast on fox this time tomorrow we'll be talking about potential for tornados and people need to be on alert. >> carley: we've been warned. dozens of arrests during protest at university of southern
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california overnight, protest spread further across the country. president biden will not visit campus protests, we're live with the latest on what he'll be doing in new york. an mma fighter may have faced to toughest opponent. an eight-foot alligator, he is here to tell us how he subdued the alligator with his bare ha hands.
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>> carley: a fox news alert, protests raging on college campuses across the united states. 100 protesters arrested at university of california after they refuse to leave campus. 30 protesters arrested at emerson college in boston. here is the latest on the protests. good morning. sgls anti-israel protest spreading like wildfire across
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the country. police patrols continue at the university of southern california as dozens occupy alumni park. lapd was called in and 93 were arrest said for trespassing, one was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. the crowd locked arms as officers moved to dismantle the encampment. the university closed campus to the public until further notice. >> lapd was called to arrest students, maybe it is an eye sore, i think they will get worse press for arresting students. >> in boston, emerson college is taking action against the demonstration that has received c complaints from jewish students. encampment is in an alley way
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that is a right-of-way, they are citing several city ordinance violation, there are fire hazard concern. unrest does not stop there, schools from yale to nyu to harvard and ut austin, continue to see protest. this is sparked by mass arrest at columbia university last week. speaker johnson called for the president of the university to resign if they she can't tamp d down. watch. >> enjoy your free speech. [chanting] >> anti-israel encampment are popping up at campuses across
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this country. >> speaker johnson had this to say about protesters. >> it was chaos on the campus, we were looking out to sea of student faces with rage, so many of them don't know what they are talking about. this is not eshgs expression of free speech in public square, this is threatening and intimidating jewish students. >> today united for israel march is planned at columbia. at other universities like princeton they are gearing up as this wave of unrest sweeps the nation. >> carley: one leader of hamas endorsed this. they have taken notice. thank you. president biden is heading to new york today, he won't stop in manhattan where massive
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anti-israel protests have been erupting, he is going 250 miles away to syracuse to talk about the economy. good morning to you, you own a restaurant called pita dream, in syracuse. you are concerned about the president's visit, tell us why. >> the president's visit was announced suddenly. we were informed yesterday the streets in front of our business would be closed during peek babying /* /* peak breakfast and lunch hours. we need uber eats and doordash to come in and park and get the food, that is major source of sales, this will be a financial
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hit. >> carley: you are not just concerned about your business, you are concerned about your employees, as well. >> that is right, we had to inform employees to stand by and we employ local high school students hoping to earn extra money during spring break. that should and will take off today. you can imagine as challenging to keep a small business running these days. this disruption will add to challenges. >> carley: chips and science act he says is benefiting people in your community, anything else you hope the president addresses? >> absolutely, i am glad you brought this up, there is larger issue troubling us for months, lo locally, globally, as a palestinian american, it troubles me to see funds go
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overse overseas and this led to the term genocide joe, expressing frustration over tax dollars being used to harm innocent people. use the money here, support our police force, address drug use, mental health disorder, gun violence, our city mourns loss of two brave officers just last week. >> carley: head of syracuse police union is concerned about this trip to syracuse, he says because of loss of those officers, other police officers are still in mourning and it will take a massive police capacity to make sure the president stays safe and they are not sure the police force is up to that massive task. quickly, you own a business, new fox news polling biden handling
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economy, 38% approve, 61% disapprove. how is the economy impacting you as a restaurant owner? >> definitely, i'm a physician and i still invest in america and love to see america invest in neshg. focus on helping people we see everyday. why are we our economy is not doing the greatest issue why send money overseas, we see people right outside our restaurant sleeping outside. as a citizen, things seem much better under president trump's terms regarding our national priority and how we manage resources. discuss the difficulty in business today, but there are bigger issues at stake that affect our community globally and i hope the president will
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prioritize and urgently stop this massacre of innocent civilians in gaza. >> carley: you want people to order from pitadream and understand it will take longer because of the president's trip to syracuse. >> that is right, we are open, i hope walk-ins come through and we can call the students back to work. >> carley: have a great day. we are watching two major court cases for former president trump today and how the trials are impacting his campaign. president biden lead is shrinking and former president trump legal fights rage on. matt whitaker, former acting attorney general is here next. or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine
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discuss whether or not president trump has presidential immunity. the doj loy al representing the special counsel is a man who has decades of white collar appeal experience and argued hundreds of cases in front of wthe supree court. matt whitaker joins me now. what can we expect to happen today and what are your thoughts on this doj lawyer? >> yeah, he's obviously very experienced supreme court l litigant and argued many cases and he is well respected by the court. what i expect out of this case is two things, they will explore presidential immunity, outer
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bounds of it and it will bog down when they talk about actual actions president trump took. the court has not found fact finding at the trial level, difficult for supreme court to h hypothetically determine what is immune. one likely outcome, supreme court sends back to trial court to show what facts president trump is accused of committing. two of the four charges in the d.c. case are on appeal in a different case and question of interference with official congress proceedings. all of this is to say, one, this is not going to trial any time soon. two, presidential immunity question is fairly broad ultimately and donald trump may
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be immune from whatever jack smith has accused him of. >> carley: former president has been posting on truth social a lot making case, if you take presidential immunity away from me, you are taking it away from current president biden and can blackmail president by saying if you don't give us everything we want, we will indict you for things you did in office, even if it is legal and appropriate. that has not happened yet, he is saying it could happen in the future. there is potential republicans are bringing up the idea of impeaching the current president, what do you think about that argument? >> one, he is absolutely right, this back and forth tit for tat
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partisan criminalization is concerning and boil down to prosecute torial discretion. on one hand, we have seen weaponization of donald trump of the legal system and the system depends on good people in the role. as former u.s. attorney, making charging calls is most important thing and you have to have judgement and experience and wisdom. this case put squarely issue we never decided, whether a president is immune criminally from the acts he takes as pres president. supreme court will not find immunity and facts are so important and what president trump did while in office. he is given great latitude and
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discretion to make judgement calls. >> carley: it does feel like we are in the thick of things when it comes to trials. quinnipiac poll shows despite all this, former president being in court almost every single day, immunity, hush money, civil case in new york, former president trump and president biden are in a dead heat right now 46-46. makes you wonder if it will have an effect on the election, what do you think about that? >> it certainly does. nationwide polls don't capture what is happening in the swing states. these are bringing attention to president trump and using it to message his camp, key campaign slowing slogans, are you better
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off under trump? trump economy was strong, crime was low and so many other factors help americans move to donald trump. we'll see, that is why we have elections. >> carley: feels like a close call when it comes to court cases. thank you for joining us. have a great day. ncaa board of governors will meet to discuss and potentially vote if transgender athletes will be included in emwa's sports. 3000 current and former athletes wrote a letter to ncaa calling on them to protect women's sports. former athletes signed this letter and join me now. paula and adriana, what do you think about this meeting happening today. will the ncaa make a decision when it comes to transgender
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women in women's sports and if so, what is your message ahead of this meeting? >> yeah, my message to them is they should do the right thing and say males do not belong in women's sports, naia, a smaller compo compote -- competitor made a decision to not allow transgender in female sports. it will look worse on them, right thing to do is say no to having males competing. i can't control them, they have had time to fix this issue. lia thoms, a male, won an ncaa championship, that was two years
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ago and they have done nothing. >> carley: what is your message to the ncaa? >> the big thing is, provide female athlete opportunity that athletes like myself and paula were provided. by allowing biological males to compete, they are taking away scholarships and starting positions from females. step up like the naia did and help women they represent. >> carley: there is a huge momentum on your side of the argument. other side, there is a group called athlete ally, they wrote to the ncaa defining themselves as queer sport advocacy group,
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megan rapinoe and sue bird signed the letter. -- this is against principles of ncaa constitution, we call you to be on right side of history and affirm that sports is for us all. what is your reaction to the other side of the argument? >> i mean, again, i've been hearing for years now. it is funny that quote, right side of history, exact saying university of pennsylvania told myself and my teammates. they said you will be on the wrong side of history. they do not even have unique language, every organization for this says the same thing. no one is denying anyone the right to be themselves, everyone has a place in sports it needs
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to be done in fair sex-based cases. megan rapinoe and sue bird would not be athletes they were if they competed against males, this is selfish of them. >> carley: we'll see what takes place today, we'll wait to see. thank you for joining us. we first met activist named crackhead barney when she c conf confronted alec baldwin at a coffee shop, now we are learning more about her more than before. >> see the damage alec did to me, look at my arm. >> we'll see more of that coming up, don't any anywhere.
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>> carley: tiktok is vowing to fight newly pass law that forces the parent company bite dan to divest or face national wban. the tiktok ceo is appealing to american users. >> this is a ban, ban on tiktok and a ban on you and your voice. this is disasppointing, it is ironic, freedom of expression on tiktok reflect value that make the united states beacon of freedom. we are not going anywhere, we are can have the and will keep fighting. >> carley: bite dance has until
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january 19th. >> i need you to stop what you're doing and go read a letter to america. >> this letter makes good points. >> hamas is a terrorist organization, terrorism, both america and israeli government are terrorist organizations, they are not listed. >> carley: director of program on extremism at george washington university joins me now. you just heard videos post sed tiktok that show people agreeing with osama bin laden. how can this be happening in our country? >> this is combination of
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factors at play. what we are seeing on fact hamas and other islamist groups have long created network of sympathizers in american academia. countries like qatar. this strategy of influencing debate has become more successful because american college campuses have become a wash where critical race theory and post colonial study and oppressed and oppressor and people have discourse to middle east in ways that make little s sense. add to this combination anticipates like tiktok which
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have algorithms skewed by design have been disseminating this messaging and studies show for every one tiktok israel, pr pro-palestine or pro-hamas, you put it all together and see why we're having what we're experiencing on college campuses. >> carley: that line is blurred and you have to wonder what leaders of hamas and the regime in iran are thinking when they see protests taking place across the united states right now. >> they are loving it and have been expressing support in way that is funny if its wasn't and calling on american authorities to not crack down on protesters, this coming from iranian regime, who has been killing for years
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hundreds and thousands of students protesting for freedom and democracy, using what we've told them to do and say america is doing the same and worse and there are people on platforms like tiktok that make the argument america is doing the same, if not worse. hamas and iran are enjoying the fact division in american society and they hope that leads to decreased support of israel. >> carley: you wrote a fascinating piece titled how hamas won hearts and minds on the american left and you talk about what is happening now on college campuses was a plan implemented by hamas 30 years ago. can you tell us about that? >> what i wrote is based on fbi
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documents, from raids of hamas leaders. hamas has a long history of presence in the united states and there have been investigations and trials and the documents yield amazing picture of how this network long planned to infiltrate discourse. packaging narrative that is pro-hamas in ways that are more palatable to american public. >> carley: you mention in the piece that hamas leader told journalist, he mentioned george floyd when trying to get sfoert for the pr pro-palestinian and pro-hamas cause.
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thank you for joining us this morning. thank you. >> thank you. >> carley: switching gears, mma fighter may have faced his toughest opponent, yet, eight-foot alligator, that crazy story is coming up. first lawrence jones is having breakfast with friends in pennsylvania, hi, lawrence. >> lawrence: good morning, we have a big show on "fox and friends". the reason we are completing our swing state tour in pennsylvania, if you look at numbers now, there is dead heat between former president donald trump and president biden. what do voters say are top issues? plus, tracking three major cases today, supreme court will rule on trump's immunity, we'll follow that and former president back in court today in the new
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york state case with alvin bragg. breaking news with arizona, we'll have legal analysis for you, talk with people, that is coming up top of the hour. don't go anywhere.
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palestine on camera. look at this wild interview. >> this is the damage that alec did to me. this is the damage. look at my arm. look at my arm! look at my neck. i was maimed by a white man on monday. [shouting] >> carley: that is not something you see every day. baldwin eventually smacked her phone out of her hand after she refused to leave him alone. employees at the cafe where she happened to also ask her to leave the shop. i'm sure can you see why. there is also this. a florida mma fighter known as the blue collar brawrl is going viral after he used his bare hands to subdue an 8-foot alligator crawling on the street the blue crawler brawler joins us now. tell us what led up to that moment. >> good morning, carley. i was actually at a hockey game with my kids and i get the
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emergency alligator call that i needed to respond immediately. so i left the hockey game. i said that it was almost like i saw the gator signal in the sky over duval county and i knew i had to respond for the city. i went and caught the alligator and went back to the game. >> carley: you are a veteran. you are in the marine corps and mma fighter and also a trained alligator catcher, how do you become one of those? >> yeah, you know, it's honestly a selective process. i just got lucky enough to meet the criteria and get the opportunity. definitely a blessing. >> carley: do you always trap alligators with no shoes on? tell us about that. >> ha harassment so usually hey it's florida. when i'm not in church i'm usually barefoot. and believe it or not it's actually safer to catch them barefoot than in flip-flops. >> carley: can i see why. >> carley: we are watching the video. people on the street catching you catch this alligator. the sheriff called you, you were at the hockey game. you got a lot of attention for
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doing. this where did you put the alligator after you trapped him? >> i just put him in the cab of my truck. ha ha ha. >> carley: as one does. and then you put him in the woods or is he a goner? >> yeah. so, we relocated him. we'll say that. >> carley: okay. sounds good. maybe to a belt that somebody will wear around their waist. what goes through your mind as you trap alligators. are you nervous clearly danger is something that doesn't bother you as much as it might other people. what's going through your head while you are doing this? >> honestly, i do look very calm but i'm definitely very alert and aware. they are explosive animals and very dangerous. that was not the most professional way to go about it but i didn't have my gear with me. i had to adapt and overcome and catch it with my bare hands. luckily i got it done and nobody got hurt. >> carley: yeah. well, the adrenaline must have been pumping and you said you were at a hoenig game with your kids. after you trapped the alligator
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and got the job done, what did you do? do you go back to the game. >> i went back to the game, ran down the stairs and my father-in-law was waiting with my kids and i showed him the video. >> ainindividual. >> carley: how many alligators a year would you say you catch? people say if you clamp down their jaw it's hard to open it again. i guess that's the goal, trap them so they can't open their mouth and then good to go? >> i would definitely refer to the florida wildlife safety video on safe handling. but, yeah, you definitely have to get them tired. do you have to get on their back, close their mouth because when their mouth is open you can obviously get bit. once it's closed it's usually easy to get the tape on and security scwaw jha jaws closed. >> carley: best technique to call somebody like you. you are a veteran and in the marine corps. now you have this great organization you started called project save your outdoors.
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can you tell us about that? >> yes, ma'am, it's product save your outdoors. a mission to forge community. ignite purpose and defy darkness through the outdoors. galatians 5:1 says it is freedom that christ has set us free. stand firm and da not be burdened by the threat of slavery. thought of suicide. they need to know you are loved and true freedom comes through jesus christ. >> carley: amazing. help veterans outdoor activities a lifeline for them. come back for more and struggling. you need a sense of community and purpose. it sounds, mike, like you are providing that for the people -- >> -- yes, ma'am. >> carley: people to serve our country. thank you so much. you are well-rounded and unique person. so we are so grateful for you for coming on our show today. mike, thank you so much. and "fox & friends" starts right now. have a great day, everybody. ♪ >> brian: all right. unlike the other guy, this is "fox & friends" and i'm wearing s.


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