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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  May 3, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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[laughter] listen, what would you say about that? is. >> well, i did not call you that. [laughter] what i'm jiving at there are a lot of people who don't understand buybacks are a legitimate form of engineering. why aren't they investing in the company? they are investing in the company. the laws are set up in such a way as is the financial community where that is just as viable a decision, because it removes shares from the public market econ 101, strong demand, prices go higher. so there's nothing ignorant about it. in fact, it's a very sharp, savvy move for a company like apple, especially right now. liz: the world is littered with people who bet against apple. keith fitz-gerald, our thanks to you. two two-day gains for the market really bringing the majors into the with green for the week. dow, s&p and nasdaq all positive. monday, billionaire investor leon cooperman.
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♪ larry: hello, folks. welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. well, biden bust, trump boom. biden inflation means stagflation. a new rasmussen poll has donald trump up 10 points. steve forbes and david malpass will be here to talk about it. plus, we've got a report on the stock market. the dow's up almost 500, and then why is the biden administration more worried with about palestinian refugees than american hostages? if senator marsha blackburn going to try to make sense of that. and if is trump winning the alvin bragg trial? goodness gracious, it looks like he might be. and we'll ask house majority leader steve scalise about defunding woke universities and reimposing trump sanctions on iranian oil. first up today, our own edward lawrence live at the white house on jobs and whatever else he can find down there, scratching around. edward, good to see you, buddy. >> reporter: hey, larry.
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the acting labor secretary says this jobs report shows the stable, or steady growth that they've been talking about, and the market buying on the bad report -- on the negative numbers missing expectations. now, the average hourly wages in this report were actually down. in fact, under 4% at this point. this puts downward pressure on inflation. however, month over month wages increased .2%, that's half of the increase of inflation month over month. so the acting labor secretary says she does not believe this is the start of workers losing ground and pointed to what the administration says is 15 million jobs created. the bls is saying that the president added back all the jobs lost in the pandemic and created 5.9 million. because the 15 million figure, it's, it's word games, isn't it, a little bit? [laughter] >> you just said yourself, it's anything but word games. so the 5.9 million is 5.9 more people working that weren't working before with. 5.9million families who have an income they didn't have before.
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the 15 million plus is, you know, from what we had three years ago. >> reporter: so turning to the irs, the chief says it will increase number of audits on people making 10 million or more from 11% to 16.5, triple the numbers of audits on companies bringing in 250 million or more, but the audits on low and middle class americans will also increase as the total number increases with more agents, not the percentages, but more revenue for the federal programs that allow the trump administration if -- he's also talking, the white house here, about the trump tax cuts and they will be allowed to expire. i spoke with karine jean-pierre today and asked her a question about why the president is allowing those tax cuts to expire when it would raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year and and, larry, as you know, you make less than $400,000, a family of two, for example, making $85,000 would pay $17000 in taxes. the answer -- 1700.
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the answer was basically the president promised us, or that the president would not raise taxes on anyone under $400,000 a year, but you let that law expire, and it does just that. larry: you're right about that. you can't pick and choose. you're exactly right. edward, you know what? i will -- look, that was the labor secretary you were talking to? i'll give them the 5 million jobs so far. but the 15 million jobs is a phony number -- >> reporter: right. larry: because that does not include the effects of the pandemic. so if you go back and the real base here is february 2020. that's the real base. and and they tried -- >> reporter: right. and, larry, i asked her this. if you go back, then it is all the jobs lost in the pandemic, and they've created 5.9 million jobs. on manufacturing it's all the jobs lost in the pandemic, and they've created 181,000, so it's not quite the word games that they're playing. larry: that's correct. you're all over it. thank you, edward lawrence. all right, folks, market's up
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almost 500 points for whatever reason. kelly o'grady is here to tell us the reasons. what you got? >> reporter: larry, investors loved that weaker jobs number that edward was talking about. so equity flooded into the markets. i want the to show you where we ended up. the dow closed up 450 points. the s&p 500 close to 64 and the nasdaq also rallied, closing up 315. and, by the way, you zoom out, the weekly picture was a winning one as well. the dow and nasdaq, they both closed up roughly a percent if or so, actually, the nasdaq up 3.5%. s&p 500 up 1.57 as well. i also want to highlight the russell 2000. doesn't get a lot of love, but i thought this was interesting, right? that got a boost on rate cut hopes as well because this is the small cap index. so smaller companies hurt a lot more in a higher for longer rate environment. that index finished up just about a percent today. so investors really excited about rate cuts there. bond yields also reacting to the
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jobs report, the 10-year dipped well below 4.5% today, the lowest since early last month and, of course, just hovered right above that 4.5% when we with finished today. big tech, huge winner today, lots of green on the screen. these are your growth stocks, so interest rate cuts means more investing in apt i'm sorry, more room to take are risks -- a.i. i just want to zoom in on apple for a second because the iphone maker had a really strong earnings report, apple beat on both the top and bottom line. they announced the biggest share buyback ever in history. clearly, investors like that, closed up 6%. and finally, amgen also driving the dow higher today. the pharmaceutical company also served investors a strong earnings report and the muse that their obesity injection drug is proceeding ahead to phase two trials. they closed up to close to 12%. another thing, larry, the cm if e fed watch tool, i just checked it, it's predicting that at rate cut comes in september but, listen, we get economic day data every week.
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we've seen good and bad signs, so let's not celebrate until we have more data points. larry: right. kelly o'grady, thanks very much. now my riff. on wednesday, back on wednesday, president donald trump gave a barn burner of a speech in wisconsin laying out his future economic agenda such as strict the federal spending controls, extending the successful trump tax cuts, drill, baby, drill and other deregulation measures. it's the sort of thing that could launch another trump economic boom, especially for working class americans. joe biden, on the other hand, has a future agenda that includes roughly a $5 trillion tax hike, federal debt running upwards of $50 trillion. he's already put in $1.3 trillion in regulatory cost red tape. trump basically wants to reward with success, biden wants to punish it. biden's heavy-footed federal spending and easy money federal reserve has not only produced a 19% increase in the cpi level
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over the past 38 months which comes to a 6.1% annual inflation rate, but donald trump's entire four years the cpi level went up a mere if 7% or 1.9 annually. that is a big difference. real wages under mr. trump rose over 9. thus far under biden, they have fallen over 4%. biden has spawned an affordability crisis for working folks. donald trump created opportunity zones across the country. of course, trump closed the boarder and biden opened it. and trump's a law and order man. biden's lost control over the nation's safety. when he can escape court appearances from an insane trial in new york that should never have been brought in the first place, here's 45 mixing and mingling. harlem bodegas, midtown construction workers, new york firefighters. aka, he's a man of middle class,
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working folks. according to a recent poll, 55% of americans view trump's presidency as a success. 61% say biden's is a failure. there are reasons for that. and lately, once again, in joe biden's economy inflation is going up and business activity is going down. jobs are softening. supply managers are reporting lower manufacturing and even weaker services. and then dei and anti-semitism running wild on college campuses as far left-wingers are engaging in violence and disruption are. mr. biden won't do a thing about it. the bidens have lifted all sanctions on iran, never truly put them on russia in the first place, won't say a peep to china which is financing two wars by buying the oil of our enemies. none of this happened under trump. ronald reagan used to say strength the at home creates strength abroad, but he also
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knew that weakness at home led to weakness cover seas. joe -- overseas. joe biden is an appeaser. donald trump is a tough and feared negotiate orer. negotiator. america will be great again. trust the me on that. but it is high time for a change in leadership. and that's the riff. all right? let's get down to it. joining me now, steve forbes, "forbes" media chairman and editor-in-chief, and david malpass, former president of the world bank group. both longtime friends. general and, let me start out, some sound from trump in we've earlier this week. take a listen. >> and upon taking office, i will impose an immediate moratorium on all new spending grants and giveaways under the joe biden mammoth socialst bills like the so-called inflation reduction act. to further clamp down on waste in the federal government, we're
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going to bring back presidential impound ifment authority. we're going to end this war on american energy. we're going to drill, baby, drill can. crooked joe biden wants to raise taxes on top of that a and raise business taxes which will lead to the destruction of your jobs. larry: all right. we'll stop there. we have another sound coming but, steve forbes, why don't you weigh in on that. and the general story here, i mean, even with these numbers, i mean, i don't want to go through ad nauseam in the late afternoon show, but the reality is the job numbers were softening, have been softening. particularly household numbers, right? wages are slowing, inflation is rising, supply managers weakening. i mean, it looks like we're going back into some kind of stagflation. but here's trump's agenda. is it the solution? >> you answered the question. of course. it worked before, it's worked in the past in the history. whenever you reduce tax rates, reduce regulation -- there's a
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coming tsunami crushing the economy today. when you get rid of those, slow those down, guess what? people prosper again. we saw it in the '600s, in the '80s, briefly under trump before covid and looks like we may see it again. yay. not a moment too soon. and also he's got to pay attention to the federal reserve which still hasn't gotten the message if we need a stable dollar and not this phillips curve mentality that you fight inflation by slowing the economy. it's nonsense. larry: you know, i thought, david malpass, something steve forbes said, a good three years ago, okay in talk about prescience. regulatory inflation. when you talk about socialism or big government socialism nowadays, it's not like joe stalin in the 1930s. you don't have to buy the steel milker okay? but you can regulate it to death. and you pour all these regular alations on, and you're going to get higher prices and a general inflation. or you cut back between regulations and taxes, you
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cut -- can you choke off the supply of goods and services in supply-side terms. what you think? >> exactly right. and that's across the board. so think of all of the regulations that are coming from the if engagement with europe on the international front. they want to regular a late everything. the fed is doing bank regulation in a way that hurts small business. the government right now over the last two months or one month even is putting out a ton of new final regulations. it will take an army a of lawyers to sort those out. and in the meantime, small businesses are facing this super high cost of capital. and so there's no -- that's why there's inflation within the economy. there's just not enough people able to get away from the government and do their thing in bringing down prices. larry: why is, why is everybody working part time, steve forbes? you deny see it so much in this month, but i jotted down some
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notes. on a year-over-year basis, on a year-over-year basis, part-time workers are vastly more than full-time -- in fact, we've hardly had any increase in full-time employment at all. it's virtually all been part-time. why is that? is that to do with the regulatory story? is it too many government benefits? are people working from home? why is that? >> i think you can sum it up in one word, uncertainty. if you're a business person, are you going to invest in an environment where you're getting hit with tons of regulations, you're not sure how this election's going to turn out, you have taxes coming on, you have the federal reserve still threatening not to cut interest rates with this crazy mentality that you've got to fight innation by making people poorer? what are you going to do? you're going to hire part time. and so far most businesses, because it was so hard to hire during the covid shutdowns, they were laying people off. right now if they need somebody, they do it part time or cut the hours of people who are on your payroll now. larry: you know, i had, let's
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see, multiple job holders up almost are 9% year on year. multiple job holders. full-time jobs, david malpass, -0.4%. part-time jobs up 3.9 percent. uncertainty's probably a very good explanation. let me play one more trump sound, and i'll get you to weigh in on this whole story the because something tells me that while this orgy of regulations and tax threats goes on for biden's presumably last seven or eight months in office, it's putting a freeze on economic activity. anyway, here's trump on the gop and the workers, the middle class in wisconsin. take a listen. >> crooked joe biden launched the greatest confiscation of middle class wealth in the history of our country. biden has run the government like robin hood, essentially, in reverse, stealing from the poor and giving it to the rich.
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that that's actually what he does. they say many of the rich people are with democrats. it's changed. we've become the party of the worker. we've become the party of the middle income. [cheers and applause] larry: that is, that's an economic statement, and that is a political statement. what do you make of it? >> two things. one is if you hire somebody full time, that's an investment. you're investing in them, and they're investing in you. and you don't want to do it in uncertainty. next year there's going to be a fiscal train wreck and the taxes are going to go up, you put everybody shore r or or -- short term and you lose the skills the workers should be getting from a full-time job. that's one point. and the other to this question of the little guy getting hurt by this environment, on wednesday both the treasury department and the federal are reserve said that they were going to borrow heavily in the short term. larry: yes. >> that's what the little guy needs. small businesses need short-term financing. but the government is saying,
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no, no, we are going to get all the money on the short end of the curve. larry: that's not good. >> that's not good. larry: i wanted a 100-year bond. i wanted that. trump loved the 100-year bond. i couldn't get it past the treasury. not you, it wasn't your division. even a 50-year bond. >> can i say even much more 10-year and 30-year, and they could have announced that wednesday. instead they said, no, no, even though the deficit gigantic, the national debt is going up, we, the government, are going to borrow right where with small businesses want that money. larry: yellen, everything's borrowing short, t-bills, which is just going to screw gen-z, okay? the those kids are going to have the biggest debt burden in the history of mankind. i mean, real -- don't you think so? >> afford if about problem -- affordability problem. larry: right. steve, go back -- the larry summers study, summers gets it right often times although he doesn't like the tax cuts okay,
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can't win 'em all. what did he say? the original sip was the spending bill back in 2021 which launched the inflation, and lately he's been warning about if you use the old. >> cpi which included personal borrowing costs, okay? if not the credit cards because those didn't proliferate, but other things. inflation would have been a peak at 19%. but today it would be 7 or 8%. so the affordability crisis, prices are rising faster than wages but also personal borrowing costs are through the roof. people can't afford the biden economy. >> and the mortgage rates are going to get worse. larry: yes, right. >> now they're going up again. what what's that going to do to people's faith in the future? they're going to hold back. everything they do creates uncertainty which means we're going to have stagnation. hopefully we'll get over that january 202, 2025. larry: do you buy the working class can coalition? you spawned a whole bunch of us for the forbes presidency, do
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you buy the working class coalition now? it would be a major difference. >> well, people want to work, and the republican party are the party of work, party of getting ahead, or party of opportunity. the opportunity to improve your lot in life. not getting joe biden -- it's amazing, all these tribunes of the people end up making people poor per. certain people get rich through government handout toes, the crony kind -- larry: corporate welfare. this whole climate change, it's all about corporate welfare. energy department slush funds and and all the rest. i like that. the reverse robin hood, that's exactly what it is. take from the poor and give to the rich are. holy cow. steve forbes, david malpass, appreciate it. coming up on "kudlow," president biden wants to fly in thousands of palestinian refugees. that there's a real bad idea, all right? how about getting american hostages out instead among other things? we have senator marsha blackburn coming right up. working class people, robin hood
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in reverse. those are great themes for the weekend, folks. i'm kudlow. we will be right back. ♪ ♪ (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. larry: all right, let's talk about palestinian refugees coming to america which i think is a real bad idea. joining us, tennessee senate
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marsha blackburn from the judiciary committee. senator blackburn, welcome back. i'll get your take on it. palestinian refugees coming into the united states? i could think of about 6,000 higher priorities, but that's just me. what do you think? you have the power. >> i agree we you. let's start with9 getting the americans that are held hostage, getting them free. and, larry, you know, we've got to look at the reason that biden is even talking about doing this. it is because the neighbors in that region of the world are are saying we don't want the palestinian refugees. these are people that elected hamas as their government. 72% of them think that the october 7th attacks were justified and were a good idea. so, of course, people in the neighborhood if don't want them. and why joe biden thinks he can vet these people 6,000 miles away when he cannot even vet
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people that are coming to our southern border, we have had 75 terrorists since the 1st of this fiscal year, nearly 400 on his watch. we have had tens of thousands of people from countries of interest. they are not coming here to get a job. they do not wish us well. and this is another thing. i was so pleased joni ernst led 34 of us in a letter to the administration basically saying, what are you doing? what is the justification? what is this going to cause -- cost? where are these people going to go? how are you planning to implement this? because, as usual with this administration, no one has any detail, and no one has been given any information. larry: i mean, senator, it just sort of raises the question all over again, why can't we just close the border? i mean, instead of thinking
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about palestinians, because san saabs -- gazans, terrorists and the rest of it, i myself talked to senator ernst earlier this week by telephone. i mean, can we put our foot down? he has executive authority. you and i have talked about in any number of times. i know it's an important issue for you. i don't want to be talking about new groups coming in, i would like to be talking about no new groups coming in and, in fact, ma'am, illegals going back. >> well, we should be deporting all of these criminal illegal aliens that local law enforcement is apprehending. and i have the clear act that would require i.c.e. to come pick up these people when local law enforcement apprehends somebody. they get them on traffic stops, duis, fender benders, mash and grabs -- smash and grabs and i.c.e. will not pick then up and deport them. so an open border or is the policy of this add a management,
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and they are push it to the limits with these refugees. and, larry, when they parole people into this country -- and as you know, that's a special status. it is rarely used. trump and obama each did about 5,000 a year. joe biden did 800,000 in 2022. in '23 he did 1.22 million. we don't know how many he has done this year already. but they get benefits, they get work permits, heir going to be moving into -- they're going to be moving into these blue cities. they're going to try to give them driver's license, register them to vote and have them count in the 2030 census. larry: what is, you know, back to the american hostage story, joan nebraska ernst told me -- joni ernst told me she was going to the middle east to do more work on that. we tonight know who's alive and
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who's moss if alive. the original number was five, that may not be the case anymore. senator earnst mentioned to me i'm just going to say a lower number, but based on information, it may not be correct. i don't know if you know any more or wish to share any more to our viewers. this is a heartbreaking story. i mean, the others, there may only be 35 or 40 hostages, israelis and from other, you know, international countries. i mean, it -- this is not a good story, but with we wish the bidens would work on this story instead of opening the border to yet more. >> oh, absolutely. and it is devastating when you meet with these fam allies -- families and they cannot get information, they do not know the condition of their love loved one, and you just want to wrap your arms around them and cry with them. it is so devastating. and this administration does not seem to be taking steps hard
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going to get these hostages -- that are going to get these horsages freed. but yet they -- hostages freed. and yet they want to send in aid to gaza. who ends up with that aid? it is hamas that ends up with that aid. the medicine, the food, the fuel. and then who are they fighting? they are fighting the israelis. and, you know, we would like to get those hostages. we do not want to be receiving refugees who cannot be properly vetted. and as i said, that open border, people from countries of interest. larry, it is time for the safety and security of the american people to be put first. and right now we have an administration that puts it last. and people are looking at a crime in the streets, gangs that are coming across that southern border. they're looking at chaos on the college campuses. they're concerned about the safety in their neighborhoods, their kids at school.
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they're concerned about who is actually fomenting all of this uprising in and this chaos. they're disturbed when they hear about the foundation for freedom of palestine and the connections of that and other groups to hamas and these terrorist organizations. and, larry, who is funding every bit of this? to you and i know the answer to that, it is iran. larry: yes. yes, ma'am. >> they are the world's largest tate sponsor of terrorism. larry: yes. >> joe biden has got to stop this appeasement -- larry: yes. >> -- and he has got to stand for defending this country and its citizens. and i, you know, people are waking up to what is happening every day. larry: america first. yes, ma'am. thank you, senator blackburn. we appreciate it. >> you got it. larry: all right, folks, coming up, is trump winning at the trial? very interesting point. the trial that should never have been had in the first place. anyway, we're going to have a report next up and talk about joe biden's failure on the
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pro-hamas protesters. that's going to hurt him in the fall. that's going to hurt him a lot in the fall. voters don't like out of control violation. we'll have carrie urban, katie paf if limp, guy benson, charlie hurt. a cast of thousands. i'll be sitting here alone. i'm kudlow. ♪ ♪ it's doug... ... of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. ♪ uh-huh. uh-huh. ♪ [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters now.
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♪ larry: all right, day 11 of the trump trial. let's get the latest from carrie urban, fix if news legal editor. carrie, what can you tell us? >> reporter: it's an interesting day, larry. we heard from hope hicks, former communications director who you know from if your time in the white house and former pres secretary for donald trump's campaign. she said a number of interesting things. one, she talked about michael cohen's reputation as often going rogue -- rogue on the campaign, she referred to him as a fixer and mr. fix-it e because he would have to fix the things
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he broke. another thing that was interesting and something that's not surprising to you, me or anyone familiar with donald trump and his family, that melania's opinion, his wife, mattered very much to him, and and the stress of the stormy daniels story was a real thing, and her opinion, melania's opinion was meaningful. the reason that was an important piece of testimony from hicks today was because that undercuts the prosecution's case to some extent in that the only reason, and this is their theory, was that donald trump was paying off stormy daniels to help his campaign. hicks testified, no, that calls that into question. one thing that has really stood out this whole week and even last week is that no one seems to like michael cohen. not one witness yet has said a good thing about him versus other witnesses who have said a lot of good things about donald trump. and so, you know, if i'm the prosecution, i'm becoming
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increasingly uncomfortable that my if star witness is going to appear before the jury sooner than later after all these negative things have been said about him. so we'll see how that goes. larry: you know, carrie, beyond reasonable doubt, sounds to me like that is being opened up quite a bit. if. >> reporter: it is. it is. and, you know, larry, we've talked about this before on your show, but the state has really not yet made clear, what is the crime? compensation for an nda, not illegal. suppressing a bad story about one's self whether running for office or not, not illegal. catch and kill schemes, not illegal. but yet here we are. and the state seems determined to find this crime as they go along. larry: thanks. carrie, we know you're busy, appreciate it. have a great weekend. let's bring in katie pavlich, editor of and fox fox news contributor, guy benson, host of the guy benson show, radio show, and fox news contributor, and charlie hurt,
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washington times opinion editor and a fox news contributor. okay. folks, katie, so i want to talk about the lack of law and order, the crazies -- craziness on the campuses. kim strassel referred to it in her column today in the wall street journal, we've talked about it a little bit. 1986 democratic convention blows up, campuses blowing up really hurt lbj and the democrats, helped richard nixon win. i will say 2020 the george floyd stuff9 and the blow-ups around the country did not help and may have hurt donald trump. not the only thing, probably covid too. but right now the cam pups -- campus unrest, and it's getting rather violent in many cases, will hurt joe biden who has no clue how to handle it. he doesn't even know which side is to blame and which side is not. >> i think they have of a clue about a how to handle it, they're just choosing not to. larry: oh. >> it's very clear there have been choices made on certain campuses in texas and florida,
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for example, where the administrators and the adults running the show said wert not a babysitting service. we will are not tolerate this temper tantrum throwing, we will not allowing if -- for students to build encampments, and therefore, it's not happening there. instead what you see at all these other campuses, they've been feeding the alligator thinking they're not going to get eaten, and they have tried to negotiate with these pro-terrorist stupids who now have -- students who now have a long list of demands like vegan food -- larry: no nuts in the cake. >> exactly. larry: there's enough nuts on the campus -- [laughter] >> none in the food. larry: none in the food. yes, okay. just so we got that. but, guy benson, i think this is going to really hurt biden. biden, by the way, brought a title vi civil rights act a against emory university, it was islamophobia. that's the only thing they've done, to use the justice department and the civil rights act of 1964 to bring
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islamophobia case at emory university in "hotlanta". >> and you know why they're doing that, because they're trying to balance out the pro-israel things that they say with something else. they're trying to make the pro-israel people happy with the occasional denunciation, often in the same breath as some equivocation or some false equivalency, then they have something else, oh, don't worry, we're not if totally on their side because we're throwing you this bone. the problem is -- and i made this point earlier -- they keep alienating the pro-israel majority. especially the people who care about that issue most. they're disgusted, horrified by what they're saying -- seeing around the country -- larry: 80%, that's a big number. >> but they're pandering to the 20 percent, and the 20% call this man genocide joe. you're not going to placate a screaming, pro-terrorism mob by some title vi thing at the doj. they don't care about that. they want you to bomb tel aviv,
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a basically. that's what a hay watch. he's trying to make everyone happy, and he's making everyone angry. larry: you're right. in that same, i think it was the harvard-harris poll, 75%, some odd, said they favor israel finishing off hamas in rafah, in southern gaza. so i don't understand it. charlie, how much will this hurt biden? >> so, you know, as soon as you leave the beltway or you leave these college campuses, nobody in the united states of america is confused about the conflict in the middle east. larry: right. >> everybody knows who's good and who's bad here. literally hamas is still holding hostages. right now as we speak. and these, you have college students who are on the side of the people who are still holding hostages which is sort of breathtaking. interesting thing, you go to '8d today, it's always democrat voters who are doing this. i think that's kind of an interesting note to point out.
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it's always democrat voters. is and, of course, it hurt the democrats in '68 just like i think it's going to hurt joe biden today because he's still playing this game of trying to curry favor with some of these pro-hamas protesters, which is beyond disgusting -- larry: so the -- >> but and the last point about this is this also happens as joe biden is breaking, violating the constitution, breaking the rules set by the supreme court and forcing people to pay the tuition of these clowns! >> right. >> and i think that that is such an amazing issue. and somebody like donald trump in the hands of a gifted presenter -- larry: right. >> do you think he's going to make hay out of that? larry: i mean, are they that stupid, guy? >> no. i think they're paralyzed with fear about an element of their base that they are obsessed with while they alienate other people. and to your point, 1968 convention, chicago -- larry: yeah. >> massive riots. >> good luck. [laughter]
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>> we're looking ahead to this summer. if anyone ever needs a carefully choreographed infomercial for himself, it's joe biden. larry: ain't gonna get it. [laughter] >> and if you have a split screen of the city burning and whatever they're trying to do on the inside, that would be a nightmare. larry: right. 1968 was a gift to richard nixon, basically. the other point, katie, is polls are coming out now, we had the two fox polls democrat and republican, there was never any biden bump to begin with. >> yeah. larry: rasmussen, i know, is a right-leaning poll. they came out today and put up trump 10 points. the so-called biden bump with was manufactured. >> if you look at the numbers with independents, it shows that his equivocating or both siding on these issues do not play well with them. they want someone who stands strong on the righteous, moral side which is very obvious to anyone outside of these academic circles where they think you can nuance your way intoing being
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pro-terrorism and somehow still justified to have your student loans repaid. but the reason why they're going back to where they started this, they can't do anything about it because they have spent the last five years saying that white supremacy and right-wing extremism is the number one issue. it's, like, we can all see across the country -- la. larry: by the way, you know, katie, i've got to get out. you all know why -- [laughter] but the treasury department put out a circular. i was the left -- did not like it. i wrote about this. talking about how whites need to have higher taxes, particularly capital gains, because they own more assets -- >> well, it's unconstitutional and anti-american. larry: it's unbelievable. i pointed this out, and all these left-wing magazines and bloggers went ca crazy. i mean, i would wear it like a badge of honor. i'm just saying, they do this with everything. they racialize everything. and they get it wrong. >> yeah. larry: i mean -- >> exhausting.
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>> anytime if you have a segment where somebody gets to say pluribus you numb, that's a victory. [laughter] >> don't forget it. larry: guy benson, katie pavlich, charlie hurt. those fraternity kids -- >> love those guys. >> amen. larry: on that note, coming up next, house majority leader steve scalise. we're going to talk about defunding woke universities. how about that? i'm kudlow. we thank our political panel. ♪ ♪ with dexcom g7, the most accurate cgm, you can achieve diabetes results without fingersticks.
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larry: all right. welcome back to the show. house majority leader steve scalise, great friend. mr. scalise, thank you for coming on. sir, i want to talk to you about defunding colleges in a minute, but i want to ask you, a very good op-ed piece today by brian hook, national security adviser in the trump administration, why it is the bidens will not impose if sanctions on iran which is producing more oil than they have in years, about 3.5 million barrels a day, selling it to china, about 11.5 million barrels -- 1.5 million barrels a day to china. trump shut that all down, bidens have opened that all up. and that money, as you know, sir, that money is being used to finance the terrorist war against israel, it's being used to finance the terrorist war for russia, etc., etc.
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are you and congress -- what is their reason for not imposing the sanctions? >> well, and this is appeasement. to iran, it's to all the bad actors around the world. you see president biden over and over again picking the wrong people -- wrong people, you know? he's aea peezed putin. by the way, when he just did the lng export ban, who did that the benefit? the vladimir putin. when he eased sanctions on iran as that hook article i read in the "wall street journal" today pointed out that these go back to the trump era when trump said we're not going to let iran sell their oil on the world markets. i think they were under 70,000 barrels a day they were e selling. today iran is making about $3 billion a month selling their oil on world markets since joe biden let 'em come back online. and they use it to fund terrorism, larry. hamas, hezbollah, the hue houthis. everything you look, all the devastation the being wreaked on our as allies,, israel and
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others, we've lost american liveses from this money that joe biden has let them make because he wants to shut down american energy production. these are the consequences of the dangerous, anti-american energy policies of joe biden. we could be making our own edger energy, supplying our friends around the world with natural gas and oil. it would hurt vladimir putin, iran which, by the way, hurts hamas, hezbollah and any other terrorist organization around the world. this is part of joe biden's legacy, and it's a failed foreign policy. larry: the other part is there are the all these meetings and phone calls with xi jinping and other top communist officials. you never hear this brought up, ever. they never if talk about buying oil from iran or, for that matter, buying oil from russia. china is financing two wars against the united states, and you never if hear the bidens utter a peep about that to china or publicly. i mean, to me, that just blows
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my mind. >> yeah, but he's letting them do it. he he knows they're doing it, and he's trying to ease sanctions on iran to help them get a nuclear weapon, for god scening. could you imagine iran with a nuclear weapon in the middle east? trump had shut it down. trump got the different abraham accords, great peace agreements with other arab nations. and then biden comes in and we have disarray in the middle east, we have disarray in eastern europe. you see now with taiwan and asia under threat from xi in china. i mean, all of the world is on fire. and all of our allies know that joe biden doesn't have their back if bad guys are around the prey. and they are. they're seeing the weakness of joe biden, and it's our allies who are paying the price. our economy's paying the price from these bad energy policies. it means higher prices at the pump for families, higher food prices. people know they're paying more in everything that they do in their lives because of joe biden's policies, but it's hurting our allies too.
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larry: majority if leader steve scalise, it's great to see you. thanks for giving us some time. appreciate it very much. talk soon. all right, folks, i'm kudlow. we'll be right back with my last word. ♪ hi, i'm katie. i live in flagstaff, arizona. i'm an older student. i'm getting my doctorate in clinical psychology. i do a lot of hiking and kayaking. i needed something to help me gain clarity. so i was in the pharmacy and i saw a display of prevagen and i asked the pharmacist about it. i started taking prevagen and i noticed that i had more cognitive clarity. memory is better. it's been about two years now and it's working for me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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