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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 3, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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kay, we'll still send a code three. -(theme music playing)
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♪ ♪. maria: good friday morning everyone, thank you so much for joining us. i hope you have a good friday. i am maria bartiromo, friday ma. your top stories, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. all that jobs, features indicating a rally ahead of the april jobs report this morning. stocks are higher across the board, the dow industrial of 300 points about three quarters of 1%, the nasdaq up 109 and s&p 500 higher by 18 and a quarter all of this ahead of the jobs report 8:30 a.m. eastern all hands on deck to break down the market moving numbers up for the april jobs report coming up. take a look at interest rates going into the number yields pulling back on the tenure sitting at 4.57%. apple, the big story, stocks reporting "after the bell"
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iphone sales falling last quarter as good revenue as competition coming after china is spiking but the stock is up regardless, wait till you hear why, treasury secretary janet yellen getting political while speaking in arizona, we will break down the treasury secretary campaign speech yesterday, european markets in the green, take a look, the eurozone putting much higher across the board, fractional moves on the upswing in europe, and asia overnight markets finish lower hang seng app what it happens that on the session, the best performer there, back home president biden breaking his silence with brief remarks about the ongoing anti-israel protest on america's college campuses, students and outside agitators under arrest nationwide for failing to comply with de-escalation rules, many encampment shut down, cleaned out, everything that you need to know right here. joining the conversation lavon ski group founder and president
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john lonski, bush 43 white house official ashley davis and cheryl casone. "mornings with maria" is live right now. maria: it's time for the hot topic of the hour police arresting 30 anti-israel protesters at portland state university yesterday clearing them out of the library that they took over for multiple days. a massive cleanup underway on ucla campus were anti-israel protesters trashed and vandalize facilities leaving garbage and graffiti behind before police reach the encampment and arrest more than 200 demonstrators yesterday. after ten days without an on camera statement about the chaos president by the finally commented on the protest yesterday. >> moments like this are those who rush and to score political points. but this is in a moment for politics, there should be no
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place on any campus, no place in america for anti-semitism or threats of violence against jewish students whether it's anti-semitism, from a phobia or discrimination against arab-americans or palestinian americans. through destroying property is not a peaceful protest. >> good morning to you, your reaction. >> i completely look at this from a national security perspective especially with what's happening on our border if you think about this we had to enter 50 people that across the border on the terrorist watch list, a lot of these campuses, the protesters are professional protesters or people that brought in or came in on their own they are not the students so that is the biggest concern to me and they're also supporting terrorist groups many are supporting hamas and that is supporting a terrorist organization and that's domestic terrorism. maria: for sure these are national security threats no doubt about it. an open border creates these unknowns. >> also i want to pick up on what ashley mentioned, according to the nypd if you look at the arrest at columbia and city
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college, 47% of those arrested were not affiliated with either school room, 20 of the protesters, 27% of the protesters were over 30 years old this has nothing to do with college campuses that's a whole another ball of wax of who's responsible and going to pay for all of this at the end of the day but the colleges are overrun in the fall is on the university president and it took president biden way too long to respond to all of this and then you also have the issue of this is not going to stop and what does this mean for the safety of jewish students on campus. maria: it sure does. >> as a voter, i want to know who is funding these professional agitators, who is funding these professional activist who could there be linkages with the democratic party could there be linkages with other progressive that might be related to election
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integrity in someone. we need more information we have to dig deep on the issue. maria: i was talking yesterday how the getting direction from social media there is an illinois memo which the wall street journal is writing about this morning. it advises students to be prepared to escalate your actions in order to continue making it more expensive whether materially, financially or socially for administrators to remain complicit then to the best their endowments from israel this is an op-ed in the journal from the editorial board rules for campus radicals, 2024. the white house press secretary karine jean-pierre pressed on why it took so long for the president to address this, watch this. >> why did it take them so long to make the remarks today. >> he does it need to follow anyone or someone else, there's no violence we believe all americans have the right to peacefully protest. and that is important just as
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long within the law so the president wanted to make sure once again, he spoken multiple times about that calling out hateful rhetoric. in this case colina anti-semitism. the president, if anything has been a leader on this. maria: what do you think, ashley, was that the right commentary from the white house press secretary? >> absolutely not, it was obviously ten days way too long and obviously it was a political issue for him he's afraid of what's happening in michigan with the protesters that are mad at him with israel and other progressive democrats it was completely political to wait this long. maria: you are right it was political but that's not what he should be doing he is making a moral moral equivalency between the palestinians and what they did in the israelis. >> he was already pulling poorly with younger voters in those younger voters are the ones that
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helped get them elected back in 2020. the dynamic has shift and it's gone toward former president trump's favor. if you look at the polling. if you look at some of these protest you had pro israel and pro-palestinian protesters saying x joe biden, both sides were saying this, he is taking the blame for all of this from both sides and that's a very dangerous political position to be in. maria: they agreed on that today. >> they did they told us that in colorful language and i can't say any of that this morning because it's a polite show. maria: the op-ed from the journal they are talking about the movement on crime net a hub for anarchist antifa radical is. will tell you more about that. were just getting started and say no to protest all morning long. how iran is offering
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scholarships" to any student expelled over the anti-israel stance. first the april jobs report is out into a half hours, we are previewing the numbers, could be a big market mover stocks are higher going into it, take a look you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. sho♪ ♪ did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain.
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one basis point at 4.57% the wall street journal writing the inflation and mounting u.s. debt boosting yields in squeezing the treasury market meanwhile the april jobs report out this morning at 8:30 a.m. eastern economists are expecting 243,000 non- farm payroll jobs added to the economy in the month of april without appointment holding steady at 3.8% joining me greg mcadam ltd founder and partner greg swenson, great to see you, thank you for being here this morning we had three straight months of elevated inflation and growth in the economy slowing to 1.6% which was worse than expected but the job numbers are expected to be pretty strong today, what are your expectations. >> i'm not sure i care about the number because so much is driven by government expansion in the expansion of the state in the economy, then you saw that in the last few job numbers and you saw significant expansion in government jobs, healthcare jobs which is basically government
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driven, i'm not sure that the numbers matter that much and then you have to look at the supply side, the treasury issued ten polling under billion plus in bonds and most on the short end. i'm not sure the employment number is as important as it used to be. maria: it's interesting using the auctions are on the short end because it's that issue, the way that the treasury secretary janet yellen has put the auctions, which is said to be political because she's trying to keep yields down and stocks up going into the election, the organization for cooperation and development oh acd says the uk is going to suffer the lowest gdp growth of all nations and expecting an overall growth of portents of 8% in 2024 were getting from the bank of england on his patterns and interest-rate cut what you expect there and what about the fed. >> i think the boe, the bank of england can cut sooner than the fed because of the economic slowdown in the uk as well as in
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the eurozone but i think the uk is a great example of what happens when the state is hostile to the private sector and you see that from the biter administration for sure but you see ironically from the conservative party, the party of the right in the uk has been hostile to the private sector in it's only going to get worse with labor coming in later this year, price caps, windfall taxes, tracking, net-zero, all the things that biden could only dream of, the uk, the party of the right has put these policies in place and it's been very hostile to economic growth in the private sector in general. >> you can see the impact of all of that in plain sight, let me get back to janet yellen and all her politic games, the treasury secretary is headed to arizona and as you know show speak at the mccain institute shall have a warning about the economic
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dangers presented by the januarn american institutions in an excerpt from her speech goes this way, i believe that democracy is critical to building and sustaining a strong economy undercutting democracy cuts the foundation of sustainable and inclusion growth treasury secretary gets political as you know and here we have her basically attacking trump in a speech that she is expected to give today. >> the embargo lifted 15 minutes ago and i'm just reading through the entire comments from janet yellen and she brings up januarn sedona that she's giving today and she says january 6 was an example of democracy coming under threat, these are very strange words coming from a treasury secretary. this is not in the norm of what we would normally hear when it comes to any comments from the treasury secretary, let's talk about the banking system and regulation but not this, that's
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just my opinion but she also talks about the fact it acknowledges that this is not typical terrain for a treasury secretary but still the decision to make these comments and to go with this direction screams political. i think that's it appropriate for a treasury secretary. maria: what do you say john. >> this reminds us it's an election year and quite frankly, the economy is not doing so well that janet yellen wants to bring attention to the economy she would rather go ahead and speak about january 6 in whatever threat to democracy that presented. maria: is also the way she setting up the auctions it's also being criticized by a lot of people on wall street. >> absolutely, why would she borrow on the short end of the curve when rates are lower out the curve. it is taken away from small business, it's basically competing with small business borrowing and that is clearly political it's an election year as john pointed out so she's
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lost credibility and continues to lose credibility in his started with a transitory common/year. maria: that's exactly right, real quick before you go, what do you want to do in terms of stocks you mentioned it election year, does that shift the way you want allocate capital? >> it does it's hard to ignore the short end of the curve, why would you take excess risk in equities if you can borrow and invest into your treasuries at 5%. i think it's going to be somewhat of a headwind on equities but the economy is continuing to grow and that's driven by government spending. it's just not sustainable. maria: a lot of government spending there, that's a tsunami of spending that jay powell has been dealing with and probably one of the reasons inflation is still elevated, great to see you, thank you. your morning mover amgen stock is up in the premarket, the drug manufacturer soaring on optimism
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over early data from the obesity treatment trial, amgen is scrapping the weight loss pill and instead moving forward with an injectable drug just like the others on the market right now like ozempic and mounjaro, reported the double be on warnings of gravity for the first quarter probably get a profit from the merger with horizon therapeutics amgen is on track to boost the dow at the open, the stock is up 21% in the last year, this morning tacking on a 14% move right now and amgen, gop senators are pushing back a president biden's plan to relocate palestinian refugees into america house judiciary ben cline is here with thoughts on that in the white house plan. stay with us. ♪
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>> i don't have an announcement to make on refugees, were always looking at every option, i mentioned there were 1800 americans, american citizens that we tried to certainly get home or come to the states after october 7, we were tried to make sure that we got that done. as it relates to vetting and
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making sure that we are betting folks that are coming to do that that is something that we take very, very seriously. >> that was white house press secretary karine jean-pierre on a potential claim to bring palestinian refugees into america. a group of more than 30 republican senators had to get letter to the biter administration demanded that they in their plans to bring in refugees from gaza and focus instead on securing the release of u.s. hostages held by hamas, the senators write this, with more than a third of gazans supported the hamas militants we are not confident that your administration can adequately vet the high risk population for terrorist ties and sympathizers before admitting them into the united states, joining in virginia congressman ben cline the member of the house judiciary and budget appropriation committee, what is your thought about the palestinians coming to america in the plan out of the white house? >> it shows that this a
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administration is not concerned about the national security of the united states or the united states citizens when the under the control of the far left of the party they are seeking control of campuses to radical pro-terrorist groups, they have the far left squad dictating to them the policies that are coming out of congress and boats that are coming out of congress, it is no surprise that this a administration can't that these individuals from the palestinian territories want to come to the united states and they should suspend any type and allowing of these people to come into the united states until they have a security set. maria: it seems weird timing to allow them to come now after all of these protest, it must feel like it's a given. i want to point your attention to the breaking news were following right now were looking at a live shot right now at nyu
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where police has started making arrest at the nyu encampment nypd officers on the scene make it a rest at the nyu encampment, i know you just introduced a bill which cut subsidies for the universities over the gei programs and anti-israel riots, the house passed anti-semitism act yesterday and supporters say it will help crackdown on anti-semitic rhetoric on college campuses, the bill received bipartisan support, what is your reaction to the breaking news as we watch the nypd in place at nyu making arrest, tell us more about the bill. >> it is really important the police take action to restore law and order on our campuses. i'm pleased that receipt arrest. but it's also clear for too long these campuses have been able to use taxpayer dollars or get around using their own money without having the tax and pay the taxes that are due to the united states read we have to take a look at the policies, the gei policies that are on our campuses are actually
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noncontributing to the education of american students and we have to actually review those in congress and that's without bill does. maria: actually, jumping. >> i completely agree with the congressman and i thank him for 100% for introducing this bill and i think the way to get the universities is really for the major donors, the big donors donating money that the former alumni stop giving and obviously use all that about with harvard and i think you seen a lot of it happening with columbia and i think that's the way that you really get to the crux of this, even though the federal money is completely important, so is t that. >> house republicans to back the motion to oust former speaker kevin mccarthy distancing themselves from georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor greene's motion to our speaker mike johnson, taylor greene said she's going to issue this motion
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next week what are your thoughts, tim burchett south carolina nancy mace porter congressman matt gaetz all coming out against the bill, i'm sorry against the motion, bridget words it could put a democrat in control, how do you see it? >> i completely agree, if we are not careful there are moderate republicans who are ready to take advantage of vacating of the chair to put in place a democrat speaker. it is more than just who is in the chair, twos chairing the committee's and right now i'm in philadelphia with chairman jim jordan in the judiciary committee having a hearing on the defund the police movement and the anti-police rhetoric of the prosecutors here in philadelphia and how it led to an increase in crime, these hearings would go away if a democrat took control of the house of representatives, we have to be very careful with a one seat majority and we can't afford a motion to vacate right now. i'm going to vote with those
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other members and the vast majority of republicans who will vote to table a motion to va vacate. maria: what are the priorities in the week ahead from your standpoint? >> i think dealing with the motion but also returning to regular order we have a commitment to putting out appropriation bills that cut spending and focused on our priorities. for example of law and order and supporting the police and making sure we fund the state department and do it in a way that allows us to vet these palestinian pro-terrorist sympathizers who want to come over, we have to make sure they are not allowed into this country. maria: harder and harder with an open border. good to see you, thank you, sir. a quick break, president biden finally breaks his silence with brief remarks on the ongoing
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anti-israel protests on amicus college campuses. anti-semitism still raging, brick gold string is here with her expectation. the 2024 kentucky derby kicks off, you need to know the predictions and the odds, stay right here. ♪. maria: next week on "mornings with maria", monday he is protecting your second amendment rights from president biden's agenda's editor bill hagerty is here, tuesday coming live from the 27th annual milken global conference, greg brown and chevron ceo mike wirth will join me, wednesday motorsports legend on how artificial intelligence is reshaping the racing world, thursday saturday joni ernst lays out her efforts to force the biden campaign off of chinese own tiktok. friday the power hour is back, jason chaffetz and kellyanne conway go head-to-head on the
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key issues. it is all right here on "mornings with maria".
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>> terrifying moments on interstate the tractor-trailer explodes, cheryl casone with the details. >> parts of i-95 a cadet advocate are good to be close for a taker truck carrying more than 8000 gallons of gasoline slammed into a tractor-trailer burst into flames this fiery accident have an overpass in the town of norwalk or the yesterday, demolition is already by the way underway due to the severity of the damage, the massive fire burned for nearly three hours before was brought under control, governor lamont says it's going to be closed until monday, fortunately no one was seriously injured. three house republicans are demanding more from a federal
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probe that hundreds of migrants logged on the terror watch list have entered the u.s. and to identify these migrants not just already released into the u.s. but those trying to enter at or parts of injury, right now they say so far the fbi has been unhelpful in their requests. a second boeing whistleblower is dead after expressing concerns over manufacturing issues with the company 737 max plains joshua dean was a former quality auditor for boeing supplier, he died from a sudden infection this week. he filed a complete with the faa back in 2023 over serious and gross misconduct of senior quality management of the 737 production line the aviation guy is a federal investigation after other complaint were filed following a slew of recent safety mishaps, he was represented by the same south carolina law firm but took on john burnett together but when whistleblower who was found dead
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earlier this year after testifying against the company, there's a stock down a quarter% of the market, premarket. switching gears. tomorrow is the 150th running of the kentucky derby and the weather is looking like it's going to be the story here so far, at least for now a very rainy morning at churchill downs, this will affect track conditions, we will see heavy security and more attention paid to horse health and safety after 12 horses died in the days surrounded the race last year. as for the favorites look for names like forever young, fierceness is a big name to watch, sierra leone, catching freedom. today is the oaks, the kentucky oaks that's where the female horses run a race and my favorite horse is lemon drop. maria: i like it. >> i think that's a great name for a female horse. >> i like that name to.
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i will watch her president biden breaking his silence finally on the violent anti-israel protests on college campuses across the country, he did so yesterday, watch. >> were not an authoritarian nation where we silence people or squash dissent, the american people are heard. in fact peaceful protest is in the best tradition of how americans respond to consequence issues but neither are we a lawless country, we are a civil society in order must prevail. >> mr. president you think the national guard should intervene. >> no. maria: according to the nypd, nearly half of the protesters arrested at columbia and city college campuses earlier this week were not students at all, the 282 protesters arrested 134 had no affiliation with either school, newly released body camera video also shows the moment the officers breach columbia hamilton hall which was
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taken over by anti-israel protesters earlier in the week you can see demonstrators trying to fight back against the nypd, look at that, joining the human rights attorney and law fair project founder brooke goldstein. i know you currently have a lawsuit against columbia university over anti-semitism on their campuses, tell us about that. >> thank you maria for having me today and for covering this issue. we are representing several brave jewish students across the country and groundbreaking lawsuits against the schools that have totally failed their jewish students and they are refusing to enforce the student codes if they wanted to clear the protesters, they could've done this weeks ago they could've ca called and law enforcement in our students also experienced a history of anti-jewish discrimination at columbia university and carnegie mellon university, at cooper union and the fact that the schools have turned a blind eye
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to what is going on in the classrooms for decades. another issue that we're tracking right now is the amount of foreign funding coming from states like qatar, the number two sponsor of hamas terrorism, $1 billion a year is being spent on our college campuses to radicalize american youth and were now seeing the results of this. maria: certainly the qatari's have been sending money to u.s. universities, tell us a little about what the average jewish student is facing. in a practical sense, what kind of anti-semitism are you referring to, what happened specifically. >> they are facing absolute terror, the president made a speech yesterday and unfortunately too little too late and he spoke about the history of allowing protest and freedom of assembly in this country. he also mentioned hate speech but this is not about speech,
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this is about action, a jewish student at ucla was beaten into a coma. another student at columbia university had his hand broken, these schools have become segregated, they are preventing jewish students from entering campus and obviously a pattern of anti-jewish discrimination, title vi violation the creation of an illegal hostile environment on our campuses and what i'm calling for beyond the equal protection of our clients is an outright investigation by congress and to follow the money. these protests are well organized, they are not spontaneous and they are very well-funded. where is the money coming from. maria: is a great point that you make it is disgusting what jewish students have had to endure cheryl you have a breakdown of the foreign money.
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>> i'm so glad she brought that up. i want to pinpoint something that you just mentioned. if you look over the last 25 years the foreign cash grants to colleges coming just from middle eastern countries from qatar, saudi arabia, the uae and kuwait $10.3 billion over 25 years and then china if you look at the same time frame 2.8 billion has come from china. how do we effectively find out what exactly the influence has bought these countries and the universities and colleges in the united states. >> as you know congress has subpoena power and they have to continue with their investigations and moved to dismantle this on enormous subversive propaganda machine that we have been turning a blind eye to for the past ten plus years, the loopholes in our
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laws must be close that are allowing funding coming in from hostile countries that no doubt fomenting on arrests that have gone to fund middle eastern departments in fund diversity equity and inclusion departments in the so-called critical race theory, this is all the stuff that is undermined in the fabric of american society in the goal is to foment unrest as we can see and destroy this country from within. >> china has been trying to steal intellectual property for decades and has been successful at stealing it. we saw indictments of the chemistry had department at harvard under the trump administration because he was getting paid from china, they're doing it in different ways but yes, you are right a lot of foreign countries are sending money to u.s. universities and were trying to understand what that has meant in terms of the
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influence on university leadership. >> 100%, i'm so glad you are exposing this issue, a lot of people are characterizing the protest as if there are result of the israeli-palestinian conflict, this is a decoy the radicalization of our students have been happening for over a decade precisely for this moment so they can use what's happening in the middle east as an excuse to riot into engage in violence, to trespass into takeover institutes of higher learning. maria: let me get your take on these discussions underway among the department of justice officials about potential civil rights investigation following anti-israel protests, no probes have been announced yet but merrick garland was at the white house wednesday to attend a meeting with what the administration claims his president and anti-semitism task force, your thoughts on civil
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rights abuses and what the d.o.j. can be doing. >> of course we welcome these investigations, can you imagine if the campuses were overrun by mobs chanting death to blacks or death to the gaze or we don't want no muslims or chanting for the genocide, any other minority community besides the jewish community in these investigations that every taken place. i would also urge that there is an investigation into why the department of education and the office of civil rights has been dragging its feet when it comes to civil rights complaints. we've been filing for over the past five years we have an outstanding civil rights complaints against the jewish student who crew undergraduate at columbia university four years ago that still has not concluded. you would think that our investigation was dealt with four years ago whether or not we would see what were seeing now at columbia university.
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maria: we will keep following a keep a spotlight on it. thank you for being here this morning. a quick break how iran is offering scholarships to an iranian university to any student expelled over the anti-israel stance, is making a buzz morning you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly.
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maria: welcome back, time for the boarding buzz the head of iranian university reportedly offering scholarships to u.s. and european university students who were expelled over the anti-israel protest, meanwhile the university of chicago student making big demands from the anti-israel encampment, watch this. >> i demand that chicago repair in palestine, chicago and beyond this includes explicitly acknowledging such harm as well as implementing a commuter the accountable program of operation. the harmonizing and reducing by 50% by 2030. maria: okay that's a university of chicago student making those demands. a lot to unpack, your reaction.
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>> i don't even know what to say about that. i think it's really interesting how the conversation has switched to the students that are actually breaking the law are the ones i have the power and i hope that some of the university presidents do not placate and reward some of the protesters. again we all talked about the protesting that is calm and not breaking any laws is one thing but this is not. the demands are something i cannot comprehend. on the iran funding of students, that brings us all back to none of the universities that are funding this in the foreign aid going to the universities. i think the protester truly being funded by outside groups that want to cause chaos in america. obviously have no data to back that up but in regards to iran, russia, china they would love to see this chaos.
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maria: iran is offering scholarships to shiraz university. anybody who's been expelled from harvard or columbia can go to shiraz university in iran. >> this is a major iranian university but it was a rhetoric that came from the university president that i found more disturbing because he said basically that what's happening in gaza reveals the true nature of western civilization further supports the message of iranian 1979 islamic revolution. the iranians, todd piro mentioned this yesterday the iranians even out of tehran yesterday was celebrating what they are seeing on their screens which are the college campus protest, they have the internet and iran and they are thrilled that what they're seen happening in this country and we should be very, very concerned about that.
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maria: absolutely, john how do you see it. >> the money may be coming from abroad but there are americans that gladly accept this money to go ahead and take to the streets in the campuses to push the anti-israeli causes and i would add to this, i can help but notice the linkage of the one student in her statements, the linkage between the anti-israel protest, decarbonization, defunded the police and as a guest said earlier also a critical race theory, this all comes together and has to be looked at very closely so come this november people have a better idea as to how they should vote. maria: can i add something about these protest, we're starting to see a huge movement among parents and now you have a large swath of parents saying i want to wishing 90 grand a year at columbia i want that refunded my
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child who are paid to send the columbia and nyu is not getting an education and they may not have a commencement address in these seniors and these colleges right now they also started college during coverts of the parents are finally luckily saying enough is enough. you and i both know money talks. maria: absolutely the op-ed in the journal is titled rules for campus radicals 2024 and they are talking about the website that is become a hub for anarchist and antifa activists and radical leftist. in recent weeks of published anonymous reports from around the country drawing lessons from various campus protest and one of the line says it is clear that in order for the crisis to develop further student occupations should take buildings whenever possible. they directed these people to take over buildings in this website is kind of
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according to the wall street journal. quick break new york city trial resumes today as he makes more campaign stops across the big apple. the hot topic of hour, coming up next. you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ (♪) (♪) shipstation saves us so much time it makes it really easy and seamless pick an order print everything you need slap the label on ito the box and it's ready to go our cost for shipping, were cut in half just like that go to shipstation/tv and get 2 months free
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maria: welcome back. good you friday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is friday, may 3, just before 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. time for the hot topic of the hour. former president trump is due back in court today for day 11 of the so called hush money trial. the district attorney's computer forensics expert taking the stand after stormy daniels former president denied the payment was ever a hush money payment but, quote, consideration, he said. daniels' attorney noting that cohen dreamed of a white house job despite deni denying ambitis after his testimony. trump was delivered with cheers. he delivered pizzas to the fire department in midtown man hat b taken. -- manhattan. take a look. [ applause ] there's 45 dropping of


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