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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 2, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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larry: donald trump in his speeches stood up for the jewish kids discriminated against and said use the federal civil rights laws to meet out decent punishment and it's his message
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across the board that's got him in the lead, particularly in the swing states. the media won't report on that except i think liz macdonald knows a thing or two about it. lauren: i think, larry, he thinks that americans will mistake his words as achievement and getting things done when he's not getting anything done here. that was a good show. thank you. liz: we're picking up where you left off and president biden doing nothing and only breaking his silence with a four minute speech after days of inaction and jewish students live in fear of their lives and we've got mayors and law enforcement and schools warning terror backers are on campus, radicalizing students. anti-israel protests now at 47 of the top 50 colleges, more than 2,000 arrested and again, like i said, president biden seems to think you'll mistake his achievements at drive
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by-remarks. good to see you, peter. reporter: you too, liz. and progressives, part of the president's base are upset police are being used to clear out the encampments and president bide said it's happening in places that laws are being broken. >> peaceful protest is in the best tradition of how police respond to issue but, but neither are we a lawless country. we're a civil society and order must prevail. reporter: white house officials still wouldn't tell us if he's been in touch with university presidents. >> president biden with respect he's old, he's weak. we'll all get there some day. i understand the president's got political problems. i'm sorry for that, but he made
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them and just because the democratic party has been taken over by people who hate israel and love hamas, that's no reason for him to go on with it. reporter: president biden did condemn antiviolence rhetoric in the same breath. >> there's no place of hate speech or violence of any kind whether anti-semitism or islam phobia or discrimination against arab americans or palestinian americans. it's wrong and there's no place for racism in america. it's all wrong. it's un-american. reporter: president biden took two quick questions on his way out after four minutes worth of remarks and said no, he doesn't want the national guard getting involved on campuses and also said no, none of the protests on campuses are making him rethink his middle east policy.
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liz. liz: peter doocy, always great. now we have house foreign affairs congressman cory mills. congressman, the protesters -- by the way, good to see you. the protesters are ignoring biden and not stopping. he only got to anti-semitism part halfway through and immediately condemned islam phobia and no one is discriminating but it's about vandalism and attacks on students and president dwight eisenhower sent in the national guard when racest democrats didn't protect african american students in the south. what's going on here? >> well, one of the things we've established long ago is you can't be pro iranian terrorists and pro israel. you know, this administration as well as others trying to talk out of both sides of their mouth without acknowledging the simple facts and jewish students harassed and intimidated and prevented from going to class because of radicalized groups
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and we're now finding out majority of these groups aren't even students. these are agitators and pro hamas that are out there trying to radicalize these children. whether it be violence or idea of byron donalds said trespass asking going on. the bottom line is we cannot prevent anti-semitism or prevent this by saying it's bad or oh, here we government we have tone force laws, liz. we have to show we support anti-semitism and that's what the bills are about. we need to take action and enforce laws. liz: get the do j and civil rights actions and critics say biden fear as repeat of 1968 riots at dc convention in chicago but appeasing insights
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riots even more. al sharpton is saying democrats are losing the moral high ground for only talking about the january 6 riots. that's al sharpton. terror backers, we're hearing from people on the ground and out of la and other schools nationwide and here in new york city, terror backers, hamas and iran, they praised and thanked the students. those reports coming from the middle east as you point out. the nypd warns four out of ten of the pro hamas agitators were not students but professional anaranarchists and they're radicalizing teenagers in a way that's a new national security risk and the president is doing nothing. >> that's exactly right. we need to go ahead and make sure those that are not even students don't deserve a right to sit and hold ground on the protests. those students causing any type of violence are expelled as violation of code of conduct and if you're on a foreign visa at
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this school and trying to have a violent outbreak or trying to lead this to intimidate and harass students from being able to do their jobs, you should be immediately deported in my opinion and your university should kick you out. we have to take strong action against this. we cannot just continue to allow it to occur over and over and sit here and use sharp worded words like we're going to share them off. we're not. we have to take action on this. this will continue to ramp up. liz: occupy wall street and riot ands jewish students getting punched, kicked, assaulted, shoved and blocked from entering schools and dunses of republican senators asked bide ton protect jewish students from the pro hamas mobs and now listen to students. they're scared. you're going to hear from a pro hamas protester wearing masks. if what they say and what they're doing so great then take the masks off. you're going to hear biden equivocating and play both sides a couple of weeks ago. watch this. >> this makes me
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feel extremely unsafe on campus. >> we're allowing these students to spread their hatred, their bigotry and anti-semitism. >> this is a group that's hell bent on continuing a state of war rather than finding peace. >> i think that it's more than divestment as well. i think given the fact that the university of california is founded on colonialism, it's inherently a violent institution. >> i've seen on other campuses the radicalization of our youth, these will be the future leaders in america and it's a real long term threat to the united states and to democracies all over the world.
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liz: these students are being radicalized ands indoctrinated and not educated. final word. >> going back to 2020 during the riots and reck the city of chop out in seattle where they had an autonomous zone where they're allowed to have lawlessness. that's what the universities are doing when they take no action. we must protect every student regardless of race and color of skin. we have to protect them to go to school and not be harassed and peacefully protest and i attend the university without fear and retribution whatsoever. liz. got it, congressman cory mills, good to have you on again. live shot of former president trump. he is meeting with new york police officers also, the fdny fire department here in new york city, amid the campus riots and protests.
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we're going give you sound of the visit there and fidding the fdny fire house and this is about radicalizing students and outside money has been pouring into campuses nationwide, fueling student protests and again, jewish students are getting attacked and senate minority leader mitch mcconnell said "i do not think the average working american taxpayer should have to subsidize universities for violating the civil rights of jewish students". right to madison alworth live at nyu with more details. madison, you've been really researching this about the funding of the protests; right? reporter: yeah, liz and these protests are funded by left wing power houses that give money to groups that organize the protests and at times paying the individual protesters since 2016, the open society foundations founded by george
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soros has given over $15 million to pro palestine groups. soros family charities given directly and indirectly to groups for pro palestine and leading protests across the college campuses like the one here at nyu, and harvard and columbia. video from the columbia chapter of that group posted to their instagram page shows them celebrating the occupation of hamilton hall and the caption saying "glory to all our martyrs". and seems some of the protesters in the crowd are paid. at least three colleges: yale, ut and berkeley, there's protesters that are fellows of the soros-funded u.s. campaign for palestinian rights or uscpr. that group pace protesters thousands of dollars to spend at least eight hours a week organizing palestinian camp campaigns.
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then those being described as professional agitators and there's those with no clear ties to columbia university yet on the campus monday night helping the students break into hamilton hall and got annoy when had two columbia students tried to block the protesters from taking over that bilged. it's not just here in new york. outside influence in the country and at yale, four pro palestine protesters were arrested and only two were actual students. at university of georgia, 16 protesters were arrested on monday. only nine were students. now, liz, of course we reached out to open society foundations and we did get a statement from them. i want to read that to you. they said "for the record, open volt foundations has a long history of fighting anti-semitism, islam phobia and all forms of race schism hate". going through all the stuff i went through, liz, there's an encampment at nyu and students told by the university they'll be susp pended if -- suspended n
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they stay in the encampment and there's a lot of outdoorers involved and how many people behind me have a tie to nyu. one final point, all of this is about calling on the individual universities asking them to divest from israel. there's some protesters that have no connection to the universities that they are calling onto divest. liz: wow, madison, always great journalism and reporting. welcome back to the show, congresswoman anthony -- congressman anthony de esposito. do they plan to haul them in for questions and it's orchestrated and sounds like a rico charge needs to be brought by the doj and civil rights v violations? >> that's the plan and made clear by house republican leadership this past week from
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everyone from speaker johnson and the whip and the house majority and republicans are going to do everything they can in order to bring these issues to light and hold those accountable that have legitimately taken over educational institutions across the united states of america. liz: got it. we'd like to get your reaction to what senator john kennedy said. roll on this, watch. >> president biden is scared to death to isolate the hamas wing of the democratic party. call it for what it is. rule by mob. rule by mob. a belief in diversity, equity, inclusion, and the right to kill jews and it's wrong.
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liz: yeah, it is wrong. you went to columbia university with house republicans last week and virginia foxx to speak out against anti-semitism and we're hearing from a source covering the protests their highly choreographed and scripted and staged and the kids have no clue what's going on and people are checking in the protesters of students into these mob scenes and then they shout out anti-jewish chants and pro hamas chants texting to them via their cell phones and it's orchestrated. >> it's absolutely orchestrated and doesn't take a decorated new york city detective to tell that when you walk on to the campus of columbia or other campuses throughout the country and you look at videos of tents and almost all of them are
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identical. i heard from law enforcement officers there were some that had desks set up on a shopping carts checking people in and making sure they were getting payment via cash or venmo. these are absolutely choreographed and we've seen that educational institution across this country specifically ones like columbia have become petri dishes for hate. liz: good to see you. >> thanks for having me. liz: congressman greg steube and gop strategist ford o'connell. this shocking report, a suspected isis terrorist from zuckerberg beck stan crossed the u.s. border into arizona. how did he get to live freely inside the u.s. for nearly two years? we have 13 house democrats joining another gop resolution denouncing biden's open border policies. and the media fact checked and
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basically fact checked nancy pelosi's overstated claim on job growth under biden. we're going to take that on and what trump, his performance there. also, the president wants to raise everybody's taxes next year if he gets reelected getting rid of the trump tax cuts. we'll talk to greg steube about what that means for small businesses and you. house democrats launch a new offensive against big oil, but we got more sounds from republican senator john kennedy exposing climate activists abusive attacks. plus, former congressional investigator tesla and meta dewey, former president trump -- sam dewey and blasting former president trump for a gag order saying 14 violations and legal pros asking can da bragg win his case against trump with all of the conflicts of interest involving michael cohen? coming up on "the evening edit". ♪
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buoy. we need to -- sam dewey. we don't know if this is a setback for da bragg and his trial here in new york city against former president trump about so-called hush money.
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here's what happened. keith davidson, the former lawyer for stormi daniels that the $130,000 payment to her was not hush money and not a payoff and he called it a "consideration payment". this is a payment labeled legal fees in trump's accounting that the da is alleging amounted to fraud hawaii do you think? >> it shows how weak the case is and conflicting evidence built around the testimony of a seater perjure and apparently now selling attacks on donald trump which is absurd and he has apparently decided to gag president trump from responding to michael cohen's paid attacks. you'd think this is something from a third world country. but it's not and shows how
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absurd this whole exercise is. liz: listen to president trump speaking again today. >> laws should have never been brought and alvin bragg didn't want to bring it till the election happened and then he brought it. do know this case could have been brought eight years ago. eight years ago. instead they wait and wait and wait and know it's not a good case, and now it's turned out to be they've lost every, i mean, they have no case. they have no case. lauren: by the way, we're showing shots of former president trump meeting with the fire department at a fire house here in new york city. he also met with nypd. he is getting a lot of handshakes a lot of people turning out for the former president. so the gag order violations, the judge now says there's 14 of them, sam, and as you were just mentioning, michael cohen is attacking trump on twitter and
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making money -- has made money cashing it on tiktok attacking tram and giving interviews and trump's lawyer argued in court that michael cohen doesn't need protection from a gag order. >> no, he doesn't. >> no, that's why it sos absurd and normally it protects the rights of the defendants and occasionally see it against the defendant but that's to protect from jury prejudice while michael cohen is out there on tv and trump is attacked every night in responding and isn't going to add to jury prejudice or add to witness intimidation and i don't think michael cohen is intimidated and likes this and he's making money off it. and it's just appalling and not entered against any other defendant in any other trial. it is beyond un-american. liz: sam, can da bragg win the dais against trump without his star witness, michael cohen
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because it looks like he's compromised here and his credibility is under fire for being an admitted perjurer. he said that. he went to jail for it. can -- is the case compromised more now because of michael cohen here? can he win without cohen? >> i think he can and look at case forensically and in common sense and the case bragg is bringing. liz: let me restate, can da bragg win the case and alvin bragg win the case without michael cohen? >> i think he can because da bragg is relying on a jury that hates donald trump and a judge with no business being in the case and he's conflicted with donald trump recordless of the evidence. regardless of the evidence. he can win without michael cohen.
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liz: small businesses will see their taxes double if biden gets his way and he gets reelected doing away with the trump tax cuts. plus, former acting ice director ron pitello and suspected ice terrorist from uzbekistan crossed the border into arizona and inside the u.s. for nearly two years without getting caught. we'll talk about it on "the evening edit". ♪
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liz: back with us now former acting ice director ron pitello. ron, good to see you again. okay, here's what's going on in dc, we have about 34 republican
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senators say they do not want biden to bring in refugees from gaza. arab nations, egypt, jordan, saudi arabia won't take them in. reports indicate anywhere from a third to half of people in gaza support hamas terrorism. the republican senators sent a letter to biden saying don't do this. it's u.s. national security risk. you'll not be able to vet them and instead focus on returning american hostages held by hamas in gaza. what do you you make of what the biden white house is planning to do here? >> those people can be settled in the region and fully vetted if in fact we're taking refugees from that part of the world. we need extra vetting. this administration has been derelict in their duty to protect the border. another example, last month vbp
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report that had 25,000 -- cbp report that had 25,000 chinese nationals crossed illegally and the secretary said 85% of everybody cbp is encountering is being released into the united states. where is the plan from this administration to cover down on those threats? there's no plan. they have the border open and they absolutely prefer it that way. they'd rather have chaos than control and this is just another example of they don't care about what happens to the men and women in the unit, they do not give the -- united states and they don't give the tools to the front line dhs needs to control the border. they prefer it to be open and again, very reckless and irresponsible and for them to float that right now is just a terrible idea. especially when we see what's going on on the college campuses all over the country. liz: americans see it. for the third straight month in a row, gallop is polling -- gallop surveys show voters are naming the open border and immigration the top number one u.s. problem america is open
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arms that supports legal immigration. an isis immigrant from uzbekistan illegally crosses the border into arizona and lives freely inside the u.s. for two years because there was no negative information about him in the records. he was only caught after uzbekistan put out an international notice that he was wanted back in uzbekistan for alleged ties to isis. >> 85% of encounters at cbp and checked against u.s. holdings, when he was apprehended at border by border patrol, they had no idea about this information and we found out from the uzbekistan government and last year in 2023, more than
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four or five years combined in their last administration. if we had policies that worked at the border, this threat wouldn't exist. liz: we're seeing now more than 1400 terrorists caught since 2020 or 2019. there's some of the -- there are the democrats saying no to biden's policies on the border. now watch this. >> when i return to the white house, we'll stop the plunder, rape, slaughter and destruction of the american suburb cities and towns. we're going to stop it cold. is we will immediately end all sanctuary and deadly sanctuary cities and i'll shift massive portions of federal law enforcement to immigration
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enforcement and we will impose a naval block on the cartels and they're coming by sea and they have plenty of money and we'll put the cartels out of business. they will be out of business and squiggly. on day one, we'll begin the largest domestic deportation operation in american history. liz: by the way, they're doing deportations right now in the uk. ron, final word. >> that speaks to him and he knew how to control the boarder and put a team together that made it happen and i look forward to it happening again. liz: again, america is for legal immigration. we're open arms nation what's going on is chaos. ron pite llo, thank you so much. look who's here from house ways and means, congressman greg steube. great to see you again. >> hey, liz. liz: former president trump in wisconsin and michigan talking about how biden will destroy
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jobs and wages and getting rid of trump-appointed tax cuts and wants to do that next year if reelected and we could be in stagflation only trading at 1.5 growth and trump saying this is bidenomic warfare on the working class and small businesses now face a lot of anxiety over staffing, higher wages and higher interest rate and rates regulations and bind wants to double their taxes i think. what's going on do you think? >> yeah, all that east right. unfortunately if biden is reelected and the trump tax cut goes away, that's a 20% increase in taxes. right now small businesses pay about 21% in taxes to the federal government if the trump tax cuts goes away, that's 23% increase and now up to 43%. we had hearings and business people came and said if those tax cuts expire, they'll be forced to fire their work force, they won't be able to expand
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their businesses, which means less jobs and less money to american families and on top of that biden wants to increase taxes by $7 trillion and talking point from the left they're helping the rich is a lie to the american people and people rely upon their job ntsb businesses. liz: those in upper brackets started out life on home plate and worked hard. listen to trump sounding off on the economy today. watch this. >> inflation remember is a country buster. when you have inflation that breaks countries. i mean, literally breaks country. we can't take that chance. we'll see what they do, but it was sort of announced yesterday can't do much with the interest rates so have to remain very high and it's very unfortunate. we had low interest rates and now they're high much that's very unfortunate. comparing my economy to this economy, not even a contest. we had the greatest economy in history, and now we have sort of
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a lousy economy. liz: inflation tripled under bibiden and you know when nancy pelosi was on msnbc and attacked an anchor for talking about pandemic lockdowns when the economy opened up and that's what created jobs. that she was trying to -- pelosi was trying to blame trump for pandemic lockdowns destroying jobs. you know, biden's job numbers are totally phony. he didn't create millions of jobs like pelosi sid. biden created 5 million after 22 million shut do down and came back and were clawed back. then we're seeing is this true, one out of seven of biden's jobs are government jobs and part-time jobs account for a quarter of the jobs? what are you hearing?
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looks like trump created 6.3 million jobs. >> yeah, trump is 100% right and you're accurate in your numbers and that's the type of situation we're going to be at. democrats will continue to blame tram even though he had the best economy going into covid, and they destroyed the economy that we have because they dumped trillions on to the economy. liz: what are you doing next on ways and means about this? >> we're going to continue the trump tax cuts and if we have a republican house or republican senate and trump in the white house, those tax cuts will get permanently extended. liz: got it, kongman steube -- congressman steube, thanks for joining us. still ahead, steve forbes seeing a lot of seesaw action in oil and gas. could prices at the pump spike higher in the year and wall street is talking about it. former president trump hammered biden over mandating that americans only buy gas cars. he wants to phase it out.
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let me back up, americans only buy electric cars. he wants to phase out gas cars and those electric cars cost more than the median income and households. but first, check in with buddies dagen and sean. what's coming up next? scene: we have dagen back and good to see her live and in person and aaron cohen infill straited protests at ucla and he'll be live on the show, top of the hour and new polling showing americans view china as a rising threat, no doubt. morgan ortagus with more. dagen: president biden trying to hustle his economy being relatable to the american people. how will folks feel come november when the economy is worse than it is now? and john rich wants to hold flag stock for those unc chapel hill fraternity brothers who held old glory, the american flag, to
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liz, we have steve forbes back with us. good to see you. nothing, few things drive people
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to instanty like gas prescribing at the pup p. where do you see the prices going in the half. opec meets june 1 and may continue to do oil production cuts and gas is up nearly 20% already this year in the summer driving season has not even started. >> well, what you'll see in the months ahead going into next year is that oil prices will be going up and no small part not because of what opec does but because of inflation. when you have a weak dollar, price go up no, ma'amly in dollars. gold go -- nominally and you'll see prices go up and inflation is not dead and hibernating for the moment but it'll come back later this year just look at weak dollar and look at price of gold. that tells you there are rough times ahead, and every currency in the world, the dollar is only
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good because every other currency is worse and they're in poor shape with massive amounts of debt and all of the countries have. liz: your big message to biden is cut it out and stop the spending? >> yeah, how about that . they're spending far more than the height of covid for crying out loud and understand emergency spending. but they want to spend and spend and spend. the resources are not there and every resource they take out is less for creating jobs and businesses and making us on the cutting edge of high-tech. they're after ai and everything in high-tech they dislike and anything that grows they december like. they don't like happy people. every appliance want to get rid of and egg late out of existence. regulate out of existence, it's weird. liz: swing state voters and two third don't like the appliance restrictions biden is doing according to a new poll. two-thirds of swing state voters and the fortune of u.s.
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presidents are closely tied to inflation and closely tied to gas prices and for goodness sakes, even jimmy carter campaigned on tax cuts and biden is polling and according to dallas cowboys gallop lower -- gallop lower that are carter and nixon. >> i'll repeal biden's plan for insane electric vehicle mandate. there's a problem, they're very expensive and they don't go far. not going far is not good. also, they're not going to be made in michigan. they're going to be made in china, every single one going to be made in china. we're putting tariffs on foreign cars, we're bringing the car industry back to michigan. the biden electric vehicle mandate will be a economic blood bath. liz: steve, what the former president just said, how will this play with autoworkers in states like michigan and how will this play with voters?
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show senator john kennedy's tweet. he's saying these electric cars cost more than the median household income in states like home state of louisiana hawaii do you think, steve? jot fact of the matter is these mandates will kill the tradition nolo toe industry, and that make it is quite shocking that the united auto workers, the union, is going against the interest of their members by destroying the industry. as you know, ford motor company and first quarter lost tens of thousands of dollars for each ev they made and these companies will go bankrupt, all of them, and will have to go to washington for a bailout if these things are not repealed. i think they will be repealed. they're just nuts based on cult thinking and not on science. liz: we're we go again, steve; right. history is repeating itself. steve forbes, thank you so much for being so terrific. good to see you. now this story coming up, we're staying on this one. house democrats now moving to launch a new push against big oil and climate change to change the headlines away from the
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anti-semitic protests at campuses. you know, we've got new sound from senator john kennedy exposing the abusive attacks by climate activists and ford o'connell will break it down next on "the evening edit". ♪ i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ over 400,000 people with afib have left blood thinners behind with watchman.
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liz: let's welcome to the show, republican strategist ford o'connell. you're a lawyer and pay a lot of attention to hearings and what's going on. let's get your reaction to senator john kennedy at a hearing yesterday exposing how climate activists do abusive attacks on those who disagree with him. you're going to hear questioning of a professor at university of miami who reportedly re-tweeted these attacks. watch this. >> these are not my tweets but re-tweets. >> oh, on the re-tweet stuff, you don't support? is that what you're telling me, doc? >> i don't support this but didn't re-tweet it. >> you re-tweeted it. >> this is characteristic of the propaganda techniques. >> you re-tweeted it. >> thank you. liz: he's pulling a character assassination and show the tweets he re-tweeted and this guy is an associate professor of
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environmental science at university of miami. democrats invited him to testify on a hearing. these tweets are calling the people who disagree with them barbaric murders and hidhideousf anyies and went after -- feens and when he has shown what he retweeted. >> he is lying what he is really doing here. good for calling out this confrontational thugs. known as climate defiance. they are a militant, a bunch of anarchists engaging in behavior and have at times resorted to violence. don't think that it is just for college campuses in palestine. this is going on a lot of other things where democrats are actually cheering them on. >> we have hundreds if not thousands of attacks on
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congressmen. threats against congressmen. activist supporters that have been re- tweeting a tax on congressmen. they talk about the january 6 riots. what is going on on the left is a silence that is really shocking and disturbing. senator kennedy brought up other examples of attacks by this climate group that you just talked about. lisa murkowski calling her a murderer. telling the ceo of exxon to eat blank in december. why even let them testify? going after big oil but they are bringing in this? >> there is a democratic witness and i think they have to testify to pacify. they chase fossil fuel executives. members of congress and the biden administration and president trump. this is what they are all about.
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it gets as much media coverage as possible. the more they think that media coverage the better off they are it is from the congressional baseball game in june. >> it is remarkably idiotic to attack a classic painting. it is absurd and dumb. final word. >> that is exactly right. they are destroying american and they need to be aware. >> you are terrific. thank you so much. we will stay on these stories and so much for you. former doj top prosecutor francie pegs and she is a terrific writer, author and columnist. fox news contributor. the one and only liz peake. we will give you the best information we can as our team tirelessly digs away. i am elizabeth macdonald. you have been watching "the evening edit" on foxbusiness. look who i


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