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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 1, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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larry: that is it for kudlow. thanks for watching, folks. ♪ ♪ ♪ the one good wednesday morning
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everyone. thank you for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo, wednesday may 1. breaking news on the east coast, campus chaos accelerating again overnight. protests at ucla turning violent as demonstrators huddling fireworks as police moved in to disperse the crowd. at columbia university in new york the nypd commitment to clear out the hall occupied by protesters, students facing expulsion for their actions, suspension being threatened as well, will bring you the very latest coming up, happening today inflation reigniting. spiking wages crating new anxiety for the federal reserve as well as investors after a selloff in stocks yesterday, futures extended the losses this morning ahead of jay powell press conference at 2:30 p.m. after stocks sold off yesterday on the hotter than expected employment cost index, wages spiking, yesterday 500-point selloff capping one of the worst
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month on wall street since september 22. watching jobs april adp number out this morning along with the march number in april jobs report on friday, marketed april marking the worst one of the worst months on wall street since september 2022. we are watching the jobs picture as well as international markets, let's take a look at the european embassies this morning, the s&p 106, cat condo 80 and dax lower by 186. this morning european markets and asian markets also under pressure. in asia a mixed story, we had some gains overnight but they were fractional. the worst performer in japan, nikkei average down. president trump is defined by the courts for violating his gag order he is threatened with jail time if he violates it again, everything you need to know this morning, joining the conversation bullseye ingenuity
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fund manager adam johnson a gop political strategist hector cook and michael leave founder michael lee. "mornings with maria" is live right now. breaking news overnight chaos at college campuses again across the country los angeles police department responding after a violent clashes break out between anti-israel and pro-israel counter protesters at ucla campus years what an l.a. resident had to say about the chaos that he witnessed upfront on ucla's campus yesterday. watch. >> people getting hurt and injured and the police officers left their post they were here and they laughed the security and banded this encampment, you hung up i called earlier and you hung up on me. >> he just hung up on me again. i came down here to see what is going on and i cannot believe what i'm seeing and looking at people and violets there
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throwing things and pepper spraying, how are they allowed to have weapons on campus. maria: in new york city 100 people arrested at columbia university in the city college of new york the nypd clearing out the anti-israel encampment and clearing out hamilton hall which was taken over by demonstrators and over 24 hours ago new york city mayor eric adams is nypd commissioner expected to address the protest this morning at 9:00 a.m. eastern, former president donald trump says we need to hear from the president, watch. >> we have to stop the anti-semitism that is prevailing our country right now and biden has to do something he is supposed to be the voice of our country and it's certainly not much of a voice i don't think he's able to do it i don't think he's got what it takes to do it but he's got to strengthen up
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and be heard. maria: this is continuing your reaction. >> this is shocking and very anti-american and we have to call it what it is this is domestic terrorism when you have vandalism on campus and spreading hate and preventing kids, students from accessing buildings and holding some of the individuals hostage, we have to do something about this. we need an immediate reaction from the biden administration, biden is quick to say maga republicans are a threat to democracy, what about what's happening on the college campuses. this is a threat to democracy, the leaders and students will be future leaders in congress members, we need to stop the violence now. maria: he sure is quick to attack maga republicans, let me point out, there are still people today sitting in prison for going to washington on
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january 6 and here we have this was such reluctance to put anybody in jail. >> i believe the nypd going on, you're just treating the symptom, the cause is the wrought that is a higher institution establishment the higher institution establishment in this country, columbia is a 13 and a half billion dollar endowment in the u.s. government is giving who knows how much money every single year, the woman who gave, the spokesperson outside of yesterday asking for doordash or to deliver food is doing her phd in poetry through marxism, who on earth would send their child to one of these institutions let alone pay $70000 to do it. this is it i don't believe this is all about anti-semitism. i think this is the latest cause and they feel like protesting over and the people in gaza are the latest victims that we need to burn everything down for and it's really a tragedy to see how
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far we have declined over the last couple of decades in the higher education arena. maria: this is joe biden's lawless america that is what this is. it's amazing we have not heard anything from president biden, the white house is considering welcoming palestinian refugees into the united states go to cbs news. in recent weeks senior officials across several federal u.s. agencies have discussed the practicality of different options to resettle palestinians from gaza love immediate family members who are american citizens or permanent residents. your reaction. what you see in the democratic party manifesto the new credo and the purpose for being in playing out and by that the oppressor versus the oppressed. the oppressed need us, the democratic party to save them, started with george floyd, and
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moved onto black lives matter and then the microscope across the border in the latest oppressed people that the democratic party want to erase all the palestinians why would the democrats ever stop the kids from occupying colleges there doing the work of the democratic party, they are justifying big government and why the rest of us supposedly need the dams to stand up for all these poor oppressed people. they've got it wrong, the thing to do is to take back the buildings into go in and shut them down and tell these kids you have crossed the line hate speech is not acceptable, you are expelled and your record will no longer exist so you cannot transfer credits and by the way you're under arrest for trespassing, loitering and inciting violence. maria: consequences must be commonplace. we are just getting started, restating other breaking news
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all morning long will take you like to some of the colleges later on and our all speak with the george washington university law student and will get her take on what she seen on the ground on campus and how it's her own story of fleeing iran as a teenager. investors are focusing on the fed today the decision at 2:00 p.m. eastern after wages spiked in the first quarter, what they will be talking about from the federal reserve chairman jay powell coming up. "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪
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maria: welcome back. take a look at futures extended the big selloff on the first trading day of the new month of
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may that will industrial down 95, the nasdaq down 140, s&p lower by 24 stocks ending the worst month of the year as investors turned to the fed rate decision this afternoon for the month of april the dow industrial down 5%, nasdaq down for the half percent and s&p 500 lower by 4%. capped on the last day with a 500-point selloff on the dow industrial, jay powell will will the press conference today at 2:30 p.m. eastern, i spoke with the wall street journal chief economic correspondent nick timiraos on the program yesterday on what he expects to hear from powell today, watch. maria: what are you expecting from jay powell given that we've seen three straight months of inflation staying elevated and worries that rate cuts may be off the table. >> l simply take out the interest-rate cuts expected this year or early next year end that will raise interest rates across the treasury curve and that will tighten financial conditions at
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the same effect from and interest-rate increase. i don't see a lot of appetite right now for most fed officials to raise interest rates. i think it would take to put actual interest rate increases back on the table. maria: joining is now head of u.s. rates gregory furrier nello, great to see you, thank you for being here and after the interview yesterday we showed the employment cost index bike one point to percent is inflation be accelerated? >> the fed is in a tough spot in my view, i think chair powell is in a tough spot. inflation, i'm not sure it's re-accelerating but it is certainly sticky. and if you go back in time and look at history you look at the peak in terms of what inflation did in 2022 and you look at where we've come from there. it makes sense that we kick
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these levels around a little bit we watch pce which i think the fed is going to watch. right now were two and a half - 3%. if we stay in the range markets ultimately will be okay. if we start to really accelerate through three and had toward 4% that's when things could get a little tricky, we're not there yet. maria: i would argue inflation is accelerating three straight months of inflation elevated january, february and march and yet the first quarter employment cost index one point to percent, your reaction. >> , growth investors will bear the brunt of that because growth stocks are more sensitive to interest rates, greg raises a very valid point, the pce personal consumption expen expenditure, that's what the fed looks at 2.7% in four different measures of inflation, cpi and gdp crisis are above three and ppi is down 1.9 average the four
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together 2.8 not all that bad. i think we get fixated on individual numbers but when you look at the big picture i don't think it's as bad as necessarily down 5% in the market would h have. maria: things are slowing 4.9% economic growth of the third quarter of last year to 1.6% growth in the first quarter of this year were getting jobs data this week, adp number coming out this morning at 8:15 a.m. eastern that will be followed by the jokes report later on in the morning and a course ahead of the friday april jobs number, for the jobs number in april, mr. expected trigger 43000 jobs added to the economy for the month of april, an appointment holding steady at 3.8% i want to get your expectation on jobs. >> it seems like the economy is not doing great but it's not falling apart. the tightening the fed has done. inflation has come down over 8%
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down to the 3% number in all of the experts had all of these opinions as inflation reemerged it seemed like the initial reaction from the 1%. from three - 2 his could be the toughest hurdle, i have a hard time seeing unemployment spiked or having really ugly jobs data even though i think the headline numbers are very misleading. >> jobs have been holding up right? >> they have and mike and i were talking before the segment to today, we are running deficits in the range of one and a half t rate at 3.8%. the chairman job right now is really, really tough because of the physical response that we have here, some people will disagree with me on that but i
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see it pretty clearly if you could run deficits in the range of one and a half - $2 trillion it's hard for this economy to go down. >> you're talking about the tsunami of spending the fed is trying to rain and inflation but also facing all of this money flowing in the economy from all of the spending, $7 trillion on joe biden's watch. >> classic election year. he used to be the republican party was a party of restraint in the democrats wanted to spend the money. during covid republican said if we throw a lot of money at people, they like it. >> there's no fiscal watchdog anymore. >> you say they like it. they get it just like it until they get to the grocery store when they see the stakeout year-over-year. bottom line what he wanted you with your money in terms of fixed income. >> i think the short end of the u.s. curve looks very attractive here, yields have backed up, our clients in general are very good investment opportunities. we talk to issuers and investors, issuers are coming to the market and the market is
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wide open investors are very happy with the yield levels, credit looks a little tight treasury if we move another 50 basis points from here i think the long end of the curve will look attractive but not right here. maria: the ten years at 4.69% at this point, good to see you, thank you so much, joining us, quick break, house speaker mike johnson is launching multiple probes into what's going wrong on college campuses is into israel protests grow out of hand tennessee congressman andy ogles is here on what can be done on the federal level. were on it will become right back. stay with us. ♪
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>> anti-semitism is a virus and because the administration and woke university presidents are not stepping in we are seeing is spread, we have to act and house republicans will speak to this fateful moment with moral clarity. maria: that was house speaker mike johnson and nancy more investigation into the anti-semitism region on college campuses. on top of the education committee ongoing probe the
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speakers directed five more committees to open their own investigation into different aspects of the protest such as who is funding the protestant foreign students were on visas engages in the into israel demonstration, the speaker calling on president biden to visit columbia university to see the into israel protests himself, the university calling in the police this week to clear agitators who were occupying hamilton hall, joining the tennessee congressman andy ogles the house financial services committee and freedom caucus, good to see you, thank you for being here, what can you do about the somebody overnight the lapd arrived on ucla campus after violent protests erected there, it's happening across the country. >> i think it is steps that congress needs to take. if you are conducting the violent protests across the country you should not be eligible to have your student loans forgiven or perhaps should be eligible for student loans at all. enough is enough, this is a
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progress. it is spreading, we need to speak firmly and quite frankly most of these folks are white woke liberals and enough is enough. >> weaver heard a word from president biden we know the white house said that they are condemning anti-semitism but we've yet to hear from the president on any of this, what do you think the president could do on the face of this. >> actions speak louder than words and it would be great if he would speak firmly to the university presidents to say enough is enough. if this was a christian group or conservative group, they would be shut down immediately. because these are liberals in its anti-somatic, nothing is being done about it. we have to defend our ally israel, they were attacked on october 7. if you're defending hamas you're defending the rape of children and that is unconscionable. maria: now were talking about jewish students feeling unsafe at school, next week is
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graduation. some graduations have been called off, chairwoman of the progressive caucus, your colleague washington congresswoman pramila jayapal that this message to jewish students and feel unsafe on campus. watch this. >> my messages the same to jewish student, palestinian student, everybody that is really important to educate yourself about what is anti-somatic and what is islam a phobic, to separate people from an action of a government and that it's good to protest based on your values. maria: it's good to protest based on your values, this is what she says in the middle of all of this, your response? >> it's one thing to exercise your right to free speech and peacefully protest but when you break into buildings and your threatening individuals induce a death to israel, that is not a
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peaceful protest and its intimidation. under any other circumstance, if this was a christian group doing this, they would be targeted by the government, by these district attorneys so we have a two-tiered justice system on full display with the riots. maria: i think it's ironic to see what's happening whereas you're not seeing the arrest that you saw for example on january 6 you have people still in jail because they were near the area on january 6 and now were arguing whether or not the nypd should be arresting people. >> exactly, the police response quite frankly has been insufficient, these kids are breaking into buildings and they should be expelled, they should go to jail and be charged with the crimes that they were committed. you have to act firmly in this. when you allow them to overrun buildings and do what they've done what do you think's going to happen you to see it spread
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and if you are a jewish student on one of the university campuses how do you feel safe and go back to class, how do you graduate and take your exams, this is racism at its finest. >> you have your own chaos underway in the house would you expect from marjorie taylor greene and thomas massie today they'll be speaking this morning about their motion to oust speaker house mike johnson and minority leader hakeem jeffries has already said he and the democrat leadership will block the motion and save johnson's job, your reaction? >> we have as republicans are clear winning message on the southern border, you have laken riley who is dead because of the southern border, 14-year-old girl in virginia and a 14-year-old girl in louisiana raped by illegals, we have a message, every small town in america is a border town because affected all endocrine and the attacks. anything that distracts from the message the mistake we have to go forward with a clear concise
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winning message in the southern border in the white house in 2024. maria: what does that mean for marjorie taylor greene's motion to vacate the seat. >> i don't think it to be successful it distracts from the task at hand in the work ahead we can win 2024 in the house and we can when the sun and the white house and that is to be the core objective, i appreciate her stand in the message she's trying to send to the speaker but without being set anything off message takes us away from winning the white house and getting trumped back into of office. maria: we will be watching all of that, thank you very much. we stayed on the chaotic campus protest all morning long all speak with one university law student next, she will tell us what she seen on campus this morning. that is coming up the biden administration looks to make marijuana less dangerous drug we have all the details coming up after this. stay with us. ♪
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>> this week on "mornings with maria", tomorrow a reaction to the fed meeting and statement with stephanie palm boy, david malpass and judy shelton. friday the april unemployment rate revealed right here live with the best in the business, all right here on "mornings with maria" (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app. low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. sofi. get your money right®.
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maria: welcome back the presidential debates commission deciding ill stick to the original schedule. >> the decision coming after former president trump requested the debates be moved earlier the first debate slated for september 16 at texas state university the commission telling fox news digital the cpd
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criteria will be applied in early september, afterward the commission will extend the debate invitation to qualifying candidates. the u.s. drug enforcement administration moving to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug the potential change would reclassify platform schedule one to a schedule three, so it does not legalize for recreational use, the proposal has to be reviewed by the white house office of management and budget. those are some of your headlines. >> breaking news this morning, los angeles police now responded after violent clashes broke out between anti-israel and pro-israel counter protesters at ucla campus overnight. across the country new york police clearing columbia university after into israel protesters smashed windows and doors to occupy the academic building yesterday.
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nypd arrested were the one protesters across columbia university and the city college of new york, george washington university law student and dissident project speaker. thank you very much for being here this morning, you also did your undergraduate studies at ucla now you're at gwu, what is seen and heard on the ground, do you feel unsafe? >> last thursday gw law students had to deal with more than just exams, right now the gw law school that law students need all they can get including quiet space and study time however, last thursday we witness the pro-palestinian students starting encampments right next to gw law school in the university yard without any permits or permission breaking all sorts of rules and that had
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caused a lot of disruption for law school exams. the dean of students had to move our exams to the basements because of the loud noises and many of us had to be very concerned for her safety and get around the block they had to lock all of the doors because many of the protest were trying to enter the law school without permission. i don't think that should be tolerated whatsoever by the gw administration, however, it's really unfortunate that they're not responding to this. maria: how you feel when on campus. tell me how it feels when you're walking around on the ground on campus. >> first of all we cannot get around anymore around our own law school building because the students have pretty much occupied the entire green area where we used to walk around campus. on the other hand i see extremely hateful messages under billboards and they shout
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anti-semitic messages which is extremely disturbing. no student should feel unsafe at a school named after george washington. unfortunately there is no rules here and on the other hand we see many people that are in the encampment are not gw students we don't know who these people are and at the same temperature and to enter our buildings this is not a safe situation, this is a private school and requires more security and unfortunately the d.c. police has refused to enforce the law here. maria: maybe that tone is set from the top, what we hear from students and faculty in university officials that many of these people are not stu students, these outside agitators and the security communication advisor john kirby is claiming that he is unaware about actors at these protests. watch this. >> i'm not aware of any evidence
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either in the intelligence world or through law enforcement about bad actors such as you're describing but i can yell that by saying were constantly looking at the information stream out there to make sure that we have a clear picture as possible for the safety and security of american citizens. maria: i know that you say you've seen evidence of outside agitators at gw, who do you think the outside agitators are in what do you think of when you hear john kirby saying were unaware of any evidence that there are bad actors when all we have to do is look at the protest and they have hate on their signs over israel. >> is very clear who are the real players, the islamic republic of iran is very vocal about their support for the
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pro-hamas groups. right now all iranian media there broadcasting the images of what's going on on american campuses, i think i should send a clear message to the white house official that this is beyond the public safety issue this is a national security issue that they're not paying attention to. on the other hand a lot of people covering their faces with coughing as a mask and showing upward students going by the lives we have students who are political refugees and dissident from the countries, they ran away from the same government that are supporting the groups. as a student who is dissident and escape from iran. i do not feel safe being around people that i know that are being supported by people were sympathetic to the causes of the islamic republic of iran. maria: you fled iran to come to school here in the united states, tell us how it makes you feel seeing the ideology infiltrating your own campus.
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>> i think it's very ironic as i'm graduating law school i see the same type of people who are trying to stop me from following my dreams to become an attorney in iran are right here by my doorstep chanting the same types of things that they used to chant in iran this is beyond geography, we see the same a liberal ideologies are infiltrated in our college campuses as a woman i cannot become an attorney or a judge under the ruler of islamic republic of iran and it's disheartening to see the george washington university students are supporting the same type of ideology that wants to hold them back. if they were empowered they would not let any of the students to be where they are right now. i think it's very disappointing to see that happening and that's why this project is really important we need to educate americans, young americans about the dangers of extremism.
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all of the starts right here at home and we see the impact on our college campuses, most of the students hate america and hate our american values and i think the deep cause of that is lack of education and awareness about the dangers of the ideologies. maria: all really important points. your reaction. >> i agree as a former law student and now attorney i cannot imagine what the students are going through, we have to bring a hammer on this incite nonviolence this remind me what happened as jews were trying to enter the university in 1938 and nazis were preventing them from doing so this is the incitement that were allowing the united states and the joe biden's watch. this would've never happened at a president trump biden is complicit in the violence and is not saying anything because you see the mammoth will come out saying 20% of his base is for this type of violence he is pandering to the liberal elite and at the expense of our
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students in country in the expense of democracy this is the type of leadership and by the way hamas is laughing they are watching saying this is the leader of the free world that were supposed to negotiate hostage release with you have to be kidding. >> no matter how many times he says ironclad support for israel's actions prove otherwise the lack of commentary from the president, the attacks on benjamin netanyahu as he is in the middle of the fight for survival of israel over the last month. how do you see it. >> they wanted on both sides because joe biden has a michigan problem. he's completely alienated all the autoworkers in the auto industry and there's a larger population in michigan that is trying to walk a tight rope with. he cares far more about michigan then he does about anti-semitism and about jewish students being able to get to class safely as well as orderly process on
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college campuses. this is a total and complete disgrace, we thought the summer of 2020 was a one-time event. this seems to be reemerging through the lens of the israel palestine conflict in the young kids who i don't really believe have their arms around any idea of the history of the region or what is actually going on. maria: they have no ideas it sounds like. >> as mike points out about pandering for votes think about chuck schumer, the highest ranking official in the senate. by the way from the floor of the senate calling for benjamin netanyahu to resign, because he wants votes the democratic party is desperately trying to get votes because they know what is so close. >> it's shameful that we haven't heard from chuck schumer in the middle of all of this. >> the senior person who is jewish and congress and we have
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not heard a peep out of him over the region anti-semitism in this country, that is shameful, what would you like to hear from the administration or leading democrats right now? >> i think it's really disappointing that the biden administration has been extremely complicit when it comes to this and they have been taking steps to appease the authoritarian regimes, they sent billions of dollars to iran which was right before the attack on israel which i wonder if there is a link to that in the white house is not admitting to the fact prolific it's really disappointing. iranian community in america has stood very supportive of the israeli people and i tell you the iranian people in america will not vote for joe biden in the upcoming election. maria: we will leave it there, thank you very much we will be watching as this develops, thank you very much, quick break then
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live to columbia university students finally cleared out of hamilton hall, cb cotton is live from the campus right now. good morning to you. >> good morning pro-palestinian administration to paralyze the ccolumbia university for two weeks officers bring it to an end arresting dozens of students all have details live from the scene after the break ♪ ♪
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. maria: welcome back 100 people arrested at the new york city columbia university in the city college of new york last night nypd clearing out anti-israel protest encampments in clearing
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out hamilton hall and even taken over by demonstrators 24 hours ago fox news cb cotton outside of columbia with more. >> good morning, droves of officers moved into columbia university bringing the students out who had occupied the building hamilton hall for 20 format orders this is some of the damage left behind you can see class at this bus stop has been smashed to pieces. we are trying to get this fixed and also cleaning up signs like this, disclose, divest we will not stop we will not rest the chance over the past two weeks, columbia's president offers, and the spokesperson saying after the university learned overnight that hamilton hall had been occupied, vandalize and blockaded we were left with no choice columbia public safety personnel were forced out of the building and a member of our facility team was threatened
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with a high potential of further escalation. mass arrest began around 9:30 p.m. eastern droves of officers in riot gear moved past makeshift their kids. by the student protesters. dozens were let out to correctional buses in their hands zip tied behind their backs crowd stood by cheering on the students and booing the police. no one was injured during the of respa student protesters have taken the social media and the aftermath of the chaos to allege several students had been hurt. before this week eric adams urged parents to call their kids and tell them to go home before things escalated, many did not listen, just before midnight on another campus the nypd cleared out a pro palestinian encampment and city college of new york is spokesperson there says 25 people were arrested between both campuses a lot of the students taken into custody say
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they aren't two-phase. >> will do what we've always done will get arrested like the criminals in the subway they're always right back out in 24 hours. >> new york city mayor new york adams and nypd will hold a press briefing at 9:00 a.m. eastern this morning. we will be monitoring. maria: thank you very much. cb cotton at columbia. i want to correct chuck schumer made a comment yesterday. i believe it was shameful to give a speech on the senate floor and try to get benjamin netanyahu removed but schumer said this smashing windows with hammers, taking over university buildings is not free speech it is lawlessness, those who did it should face the consequences that are not nearly a slap on the wrist. he said it's unacceptable when the jewish students are targeted for being jewish. in verbal abuse as intimidation and justification of the murder
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and with the violence of octobe. as i said on my speech last november that is the anti-semitism it is lawful and unacceptable said chuck schumer yesterday. your reaction. >> there's big donors that doctors chuck schumer he's done such a big flip-flop this is not enough restatements congress needs to act. maria: is not enough. >> congress has given $5 billion to the university's the elitist universities and private institutions, our taxpayer dollars are paying for the protest on the street this is unacceptable chuck needs to put his money where his mouth is and produce divisive action and make sure this never happens again cut funding and cut it off the top and make sure each student that is locked up is a criminal and not released immediately. if they're going to release let's release in january 6 protesters earlier. >> i totally agree. we need serious action we need
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the students to understand the consequences. >> i think you misspoke but i'm glad you did you said that we need divisive action, i think you mean decisive action but you're right we do need divisive action. take aside. the democratic party is so afraid of offending people because they want to get as many votes as they possibly can. it is time to take a stand and offend people. forget offend them by taking a stand, offend them stand up for justice in american values. maria: where is the manhattan da, where is alan bragg and all of this, he is attacking president trump, trump is accusing the new york cash money judge of rigging the trial as he decries election interference of manhattan, that's a hot topic of the hour with all of this going on in new york you are watching president trump take under the
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