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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  April 30, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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on helping their child live. for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment that these kids need now and in the future. join with your credit or debit card right now, and we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. tiffany: anybody and everybody that contributes anything to this place, no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. [music playing] ♪ hello folks. welcome. you have pro- terrorist anti-semitic mobs racing across
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college campuses. joe biden lost control, law and order looks dead in the water. meanwhile, a judge finds donald trump thousands over his gag order entrance or thrown in jail joining us in a few minutes to talk about all of that. congressman brian masse and kevin hearn way again. majority of americans pushing israel to finish off hamas. steve moore and doug on why bite into legal student loan cancellations will cost $1.4 trillion and jack up the inflation rate. the market absolutely crashing today. down over 500 points on the dow. we will report on that and dig into it. first our own medicine or worth is live at columbia university. what do you have for us? >> we have quite a bit going on. we have protesters lining the streets outside of columbia.
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that is because the campus we reported from yesterday which is to my left, that is now closed down. after students took over one of the large halls there going in and taking control there. i want to take you to video last night. protesters broke into hamilton hall. that is where the dean and other administrators have offices. those students occupying the building within minutes after breaking glass and forming a human shield. columbia, it took them nearly 12 hours after the students broke into that building to send out a message saying "protesters have chosen to escalate to an untenable situation and those students occupying the building face expulsion." back to today. the students despite threats of expulsion are still inside. what you are hearing is they are rallying the protesters that are outside here. they are doing a call and return almost as a champ from inside. these students are out here protesting.
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many others are studying for finals. those are also going on right now. we were able to talk to some of those students. they say the atmosphere here is tense, but they support the protesters. take a listen. >> atmosphere is charged. the least of my concern right now. i am in a lucky position. i don't have that many finals. four other people i know it's hard to balance everything going on and completing this semester. >> least of his concerns at an ivy league institution in new york. all of this is the backdrop as modell cardona testified on capitol hill. that hearing was supposed to be focused this fiscal year 2025. a lot of questions around anti-semitic behavior on campus. they are investigating columbia from afar. >> people at columbia right now on the scene to see what is
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going on there? do you have staff there to watch >> i do not. >> does a civil rights office have someone up there? >> i do not have staff at columbia university. we do have an open investigation at columbia university. >> joe biden strong support for woke d ei policy. equity and inclusion. his administration has inserted into virtually every aspect of american life and government and of course these colleges. di is also the janitor of the anti-semitism virus that is spreading throughout american culture including universities. the basis in the economic terms is socialist class warfare. stick it to rich people. the rich oppress the non-rich. the fact that this is un-american and on true is never a barrier to biden eei. a rising tide lifts all boats
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except for earners and entrepreneurs create companies and scratch wind up hiring hundreds of thousands of people paying them with good wages, offering them fantastic economic opportunities. but, the biden budget has come up with this crazy idea of taxing white people because they own more assets than people of color. so bidenomics seems to raise capital gains tax all the way up to 44.6% and the janet yellen treasury department points out that white families disproportionately hold assets. well, yes, we know that, but we also know that during the trump years, hispanic and black businesses prospered. unemployment rate fell to record lows. poverty declined significantly and the inequality dropped for the first time in nearly four decades. in other words, lower taxes led
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to wise -- widespread prosperity nothing to do with class warfare , rich versus poor, or the color of your skin, or any of these nutty policies coming out of the current administration. no, taxing success can bring you less success. taxing prosperity will bring you , wait for it, less prosperity for everyone, regardless of color. taxing white people will not help minorities. a falling tide will instead sink everyone. this race based tax policy is utter insane. wait. wait, wait, wait, there is more. the biden's would love to confiscate wealth by taxing unrealized capital gains. that would be economic suicide, probably unconstitutional. hang on, there is still more. but i didn't want to throw in what the g20 countries around
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the world and set up a massive wealth tax where millionaires, billionaires would be subjected to a 2% tax on assets. now, i guess this stupid idea means that governments are going to look at successful people all over the world, find out exactly who they are, how much money they make and what assets they own it this is like a warrant list search if there ever was one. invading our privacy as well is degrading our prosperity. and, by the way, since america is the wealthiest country in the world, we would pay the most in taxes under this goofy plan. and there is one more, the biden treasury is still negotiating with the oecd countries around the world for minimum tax on corporations. that would be principally american corporations. and this terrible idea would let foreign governments set the tax on american companies. i remember talking about this
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with president trump who always said, only america can figure out taxes for american companies not foreign governments. biden is proposing a $5 trillion tax hike overall which would punish the economy and raise the inflation rate. when you look under the hood of this tax policy goals, you see class warfare, you see diversity , equity, inclusion, you see racial warfare against white folks and especially successful white folks. this left wing social woke approaches absolutely empathetic goal to tradition american values and the tradition letter of opportunity that is colorblind and has made america the strongest country in the world. that is my riff. all right. we will talk about this later with steve and doug and maybe some of the other guys on this
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show, too. but now on the protest sweeping our campuses and country. let's bring in former 2024 presidential candidate today. great to see you again. i want to talk about whatever is on your mind. in particular, this college revolt, anti-semitism spawned by d ei. they are closing down the schools and they are engaged in hate speech and hate actions. my question is, since the federal civil rights at of 1964 and especially title vi is being violated, why don't the biden's are the biden's justice department the fbi and do something about this. they have the constitutional authority to do it, but they don't. why is this? >> let's get to some other government root causes, larry. they have been using federal tax payment money. across the local
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schools these agendas on the kis even k-12. that is a big part of where the breeding ground is for the student that enter these universities. my general view is let's just start with the most basic solutions. shut down the u.s. department of education. return that money to parents and teachers across the country. that stops the influx of indoctrinated students entering freshman year with a lot of that coming through their k-12 education. let's talk more openly about what's going on at these universities. i heard one of these chance, larry, the arabic word for uprising and many want to call for the destruction of israel. if you listen closely to the audio, chanting infantile that which is quite literally not even a word. what does that actually reveal? it is not anti-semitism, really. the real issue is the students are lost. they are completely onboard, starving for any form of direction and purpose and
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meaning. all the more reason one final season is approaching. at a time when we have lost our sense of identity in this country, as americans, as members of a family, as individuals, i think that is what we need to do better in the conservative movement. we need to fill that vacuum intelligent people this is what it means to be american. this is what it means to be a proud citizen of this nation. not some global citizen fighting climate change somewhere. a citizen of the united states of america and we are proud of it. we do have free speech rights but that means speaking your mind openly, not protesting or obstructing an educational institution of learning which smokes through one of the distinctions. this is about free speech. this is about disruption. knowing about it in this country as a first step of reviving it. >> let me just quickly read title vi. this is from the civil rights act of 1964. no person in the united states
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shall on the ground of race, color or national origin be excluded from participation and be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. columbia receives about, i believe, $6 million of federal grants and so forth. most of these schools, north carolina, texas, ucla, other ivy league schools, same story. why don't we just defund them? >> one of the things is i don't think they should be enjoying this type of federal welfare anyway. contributed to a lot of bloated across these universities. you bring up an interesting point of the civil rights act. i wrote about this in my first book. there is another way to look at this. look at the religion prong of the civil rights act. as an employer, that includes a
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university, you cannot end —-dash or stem to bow down to your religion. does the modern d ei agenda qualify as a religion under title vii? you could say title vi of the civil rights act. i say that it does hands down. simple words you cannot say, clothing you cannot wear, policies you must recite. i think that it fits the supreme court's test for what counts as a religion to 18. humanism has counted for purposes as a religion under title seven jurisprudence. the modern d ei agent definitively counts, too. a slightly different take family angle you were pursuing but so many different ways to combat this. this is fundamentally un-american. it is wrong. yes, we do have free speech rights in this country, you get to speak your mind freely, that is what makes america beautiful, but it does not mean you get to
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disrupt other people. >> hate speech and hate action should not go unpunished, it seems to me. so far, the federal government, the bidens, the education secretary testifying on the hill today, did not do a damn thing. not one thing. i just think that that will create even larger problems down the road. hang on a second. stay with me. a big story today as you know. day nine of donald trump's trial in new york city. we have fox news live outside the new york state supreme court house. with all the gory details. nate, what can you tell us, please. >> well, larry, just in the past 20 minutes a new york appeals court denied former president donald trump's request to delay this trial as he argues for the judge recusal. la-based attorney is on the stand right now. representing both stormy mcdaniels and karen mcdougal.
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now is answering questions from prosecutors about the stormy daniels deal in particular. he said interest in a deal reached a crescendo after the release of the access hollywood tape. he said that michael cohen stepped into america media issues after initial deal fell apart. he believed : was trying to avoid making the payment. davidson directly negotiated the $150,000 deal from mcdougal story before lunch he said he knew of america media bought it would benefit the trump campaign the two witnesses before davidson testified about the collection and accuracy of various clips showing trump's deposition in the eg carroll case and various political speeches where he addressed the allegations against him. michael cohen's former banker wrapped up his testimony earlier today. he said : never spoke about trump while setting up an account to wire daniels 130,000 dollars. meanwhile, the judge ordered sean -- the judge to remove post on my to that violated the gag
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order. take a look at this next one. it is still up now. trump commented on a post from stormy daniels former lawyer. trump refers to daniels and cohen as sleaze bags. now, the judge signed $1000 for nine of 10 possible gag order violations. he said the $1000 fine for man with trump's considerable wealth does not have much of an impact on him. he actually threatened trump with jail time if he continues violating the gag order which is notable because there's another gag order hearing on thursday where a manhattan prosecutor alleged that trump broke the gag order for additional times. we will send it back to you, larry. >> we appreciate that rundown. let's go back to our friend ramaswamy. dating him, holding him hostage in this trial to stop him from campaigning. almost every good lawyer in the
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country has said the charges are funny, nebulous, do not make any sense whatsoever. now, the judge is 1000 bucks per gag order and may have to throw him in jail because he is too rich to pay $1000. the insanity of this is beyond belief as you watch it. what thoughts come into your mind. >> i mean, the thoughts that come into my mind as i spent three years at yale law school. if they care an iota about justice and fairness they would be teaching this is a paradigmatic case of prosecutorial abuse because that is what this is. a gag order to stop a u.s. presidential candidate in the middle of an election to respond to political attacks is a front to the first amendment. then you look at the nature of the charges themselves. the charges are fake. alvin braggs theory of the case assumes donald trump should have used campaign funds to cover personal hush money payments.
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the fact is if he had done that they would have a stronger case against him than they do right now. if they were going to get him going or coming, this is an exercise of justice, and exercise of trying to interfere in an election and that is exactly what they are doing. stopping them from campaigning, stopping him from speaking. even threatening him with jail time. that is what this charade really is. the american people need to see through it and so should every lawyer whether you are on the left or right caught this prosecutorial abuse for what it is. >> yes. well said. thank you ramaswamy. thank you for coming back on the show. be well. thank you. coming up. congressman brian and kevin. why americans want israel to finish the job and destroy hamas secretary of state in the middle east saying he wants cease-fire forever. all my gosh. anyway. we will have the liveer
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kendall: let go from columbia university chaos to may be israeli hamas chaos. congressman kevin hearn.
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brian, let me begin with you. a recent harvard harris poll, a very good pole, for out of five americans support israel in the war against hamas and, brian, here is the key. 72%, almost three quarters back the idf, israel idf operation. with those numbers in mind, antony blinken, the secretary of state is over in the middle east trying to negotiate a cease fire a long cease-fire that would stop israel from going into the country and cleaning up hamas once and for all. what do you make of that, brian? >> we know the administration does not want them to go under rafa.
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why do they feel that it is a daydream with israel going to do that. i will tell you something that i very much fear. i fear that this becomes a moment like world war ii soldiers going into auschwitz at the end of the war. they have to come up and say there's nobody left alive. they killed everybody. i think the administration very much fear that. of course there is all of the politics that are part of this domestically with the administration. it is just not convenient for them to be successful. >> prime minister netanyahu today put out a statement saying he is going into self-doubt that andy is going into rafa and they will destroy hamas. let me ask you this. all of these middle east countries, this is a story that does not get told. they want israel to clean up and destroy hamas. a lot of them would like them to destroy iran. the abraham accord country.
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saudi arabia, uae, jordan, sudan , morocco and maybe i left one out. they all want israel to clean out hamas. we have a secretary of state and a president that does not want israel to clean out hamas. i just do not understand the middle east politics. i do not understand what the bidens think they are getting into. i don't understand what antony blinken thinks he's doing in the middle east right now. >> they are the leaders of what is going on in the middle east. the rest of the world is looking for strong leadership. going all the way back to august of 2021, what the world saw what joe biden was weak leadership. one of our friends general said anybody that thinks iran is not the center of all the turmoil going on throughout the middle east and the part of the world that is being funded by china
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and the purchasing of the oil from iran to keep their machine going is sadly mistaken. now what you have is joe biden and his administration basically condemning the israeli front calling on war crimes for the divisions that have been trying to, you know, go back and protect their country. we have not seen anything like this since the 1930s. what we need to have happen right now is a president needs to stand firm with netanyahu. he needs to help him eradicate hamas and bring back piece in the middle east and peace in israel so they know that they can count on us to be with them every step of the way. >> i just think, though, brian, they really don't want an israeli victory. they want a tie between israel and hamas. kind of like ukraine. the point that i am making is, secretary of state, a long cease-fire. that will not get rid of thomas once and for all. the reason i cited will pull,
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the fact is it is a good pole. three quarters of americans want israel to get rid of hamas. why is biden administration opposing this? >> simply, you could look at that again. college campuses don't. they are unfortunately paying attention to that. this is absolutely political. political calculations that are glaring upon what should be national security objectives but they are not. that is how they get to the conclusions they are getting to. this is the biden history from day one and the afghanistan withdrawal to the southern withdrawal. >> it will never happen. i am sitting in a courthouse all night long listening to this stuff.
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larry: thank you to the two congressman. we just shifted over to former president trump who was speaking after today's trial. take a listen, please. >> showing loud and clear. totally conflicted. totally absolutely conflicted that he is rushing this case through. somebody just told me they sell for such a long period of time in a courthouse. it is ridiculous. i am supposed to be in georgia, i am supposed to be in new hampshire, i am supposed to be in ohio on lots of other places and they have me sitting here for a trial. i have never seen so many prosecutors sitting in a room doing nothing. no crime. there is nothing here. that is what these legal scholars say. how could you bring a case like this? he did not want to bring it.
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every agency, they have all turned it down. it is a joke. i am sitting here because that is exactly what they want. they don't want me on the campaign trail. it is a real disgrace. the whole world is watching. it is a disgrace to new york. we won that case. he carried down the provision. it is all the same. he turned down the conversation. it gave me mostly a win. and he turned it down. he has a corrupt judge. gave a person i have no idea who she is $91 million. this is a corrupt system that we are in. i think the people are understanding it. if you look at the polls the
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people of our country are understanding it. thank you very much. >> we will go right back to distinguished congressman brian masse of florida and kevin hearn of oklahoma. i hope they are still there. thank you, gentlemen. you are very patient. i appreciate it. governor hearn, they have, through this silly trial with no ends, no objectives, no nothing, they are holding up mr. trump, they are stopping him from campaigning. even with that he is ahead in the polls. this is election interference. coming straight from the white house. what is your thought on this, sir? >> no question, that is what is going on. election obstruction. the biden doj supporting this through the manhattan da, what they are doing to the president of the united states sitting there is right.
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to be fined for violating a so-called gag order, nothing pertaining to the trial. it is about what they are saying to him politically. you cannot even defend yourself. this issue of first amendment is complete assault in america today. at the very peak of this, president joe biden allowing all of this to happen and actually ♪ facilitating it in my opinion a and manyla others what is goingn with president trump can't do that, jen. ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪ why not? did you forget something? ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪ my protein shake. the future isn't scary. not investing in it is. you're so dramatic amelia. bye jen. nasdaq-100 innovators. one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at
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larry: markets had a rough day today. down 571 points at the close. live from the white house with the details. edward, tell us about it, please >> the markets did not like the compensation costs that came out they were more than expected. the first quarter this year, the quarter ending in march of 2024 were up 1.2%. again, much more than they
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expected and accelerating from the fourth quarter. inflation costs. that puts pressure on inflation going forward. the markets believe no great cuts and the estimates are the first rate cut could possibly come in november after the election. talk about inflation. president joe biden student loan bailout will cost taxpayers more money than the federal government has spent on the entirety of higher education combined in history. the new analysis by the committee for federal budget found taxpayers will have to fork over between $870,000,000,001.4 trillion depending on how the president rolls out the brand new rule changes that he has announced. the senior vice president of policy says this money can be paid, will be paid by all taxpayers and will most likely add to the federal debt. >> it is hugely concerning. we cannot just continue to add trillions and trillions of
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dollars to the debt. this year alone interest costs will exceed the defense budget and the medicare budget. out-of-control deficit. it is completely bonkers. >> president joe biden already signed more than $7 trillion of spending into law. he has campaigning right now in delaware trying to convince voters and donors that his economic message is working. a new cnn poll shows 61% of registered voters see president biden's presidency as a failure. 39% say it has been a success. a three-month push for the president and administration on why americans should feel better about their financial situation. here is the argument. >> the american rescue plan obviously was incredibly important in turning the economy around dealing with the supply chains and we also understand that prices are still too high. they are still too high. this is why you hear us talk about junk fees. this is why you hear us about lowering prescription drugs. it is important.
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>> the president has been pushing that message. not resignation when you look at the polls. >> thank you very much. we appreciate. let's bring in steve moore. wabc radio host. doug holds egan. welcome, gentlemen. student loans can cause over trillion dollars. what is not being reported is that is going to promote or stimulate consumer spending and demand. they want to tax and regulate businesses. so we will have an inflation problem. >> they have been at odds with what the fed has been trying to accomplish. that is pure aggregate demand push. it generates inflation. in 2023 they got lucky on the supply side.
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you do not always get lucky. they are really making it hard for the fed now. how sticky inflation is in the past three months. it shows that the labor market is producing lots of costs of inflation. it will be a tough job. we are not out of the will woods by any means. >> if doug is right and productivity does not come in hi , that will be generated inflation. the other thing that came out, consumer confidence from 103 down to 97. by the way, consumer confidence basically much lower today than it was one year ago. inflation expectations when. finally, the chicago manufacturing support was awful. 37.9. bad business, poor manufacturing here we are stimulating consumer
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demand by putting in another trillion dollars in everyone's hands. this is pretty nutty. nutty as a fruitcake. >> it is an ugly picture right now. it just feels like this economy right now is incredibly fragile. doug is right, of course. this will simulate inflation because there is more money being flown out. this will simulate the universities and increase their tuition. the taxpayers will pay for it all. a higher wage and salary. a pay raise. the productivity of workers is not keeping pace. productivity was much higher under trump. same thing with consumer confidence. consumer confidence was very high throughout trump's presidency except for when we got to the pandemic. now it is just completely sliding right now. it is an economy that needs a
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pump up but it is not coming from biden right now. >> it is so annoying to me, it makes me very angry, this whole business about raising the capital gains tax or even generally speaking. looking at tax policy on the basis of racial equity. racial equity. that is what the treasury report is talking about. this, to me, is so divisive. it is wrong in terms of our society. all of these arguments. there are so many divisions out there. let's get rich people, let's get white people. de eifert tax policy. you are a veteran of all of these discussions. what do you make of this? >> yeah, there are some very simple rental polls. get the basis as broad as
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possible. keep the rates down as much as you can so taxes are not driving economic conditions. households go by the stuff that they value. it is not complicated. this is exactly the opposite of that. pick the narrowest possible base making more than $1 million and even discriminating on the basis of race. and then jack errata. double to what it is now. that is bad economic policy and it will produce bad results. what they think they will accomplish with this i do not understand. if they believe he will be reelected, history will judge him as a failure. it will not work. >> it just occurred to me, biden running around the country talking about raising taxes and taxes on corporations. he has been doing this for quite a while. you look as his -- you look at
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his polls. his polls on the economy are terrible and they keep falling. people are smaller than the bidens think. they know a turkey when they see one. >> well put, larry. american people are not stupid. it may not be a phd economist. you don't have to be a phd economist and know you will not simulate in economy by raising taxes. especially not the taxes on investment. we have more americans, we want more americans to own their businesses. biden is basically saying let's take away ownership. why not expand ownership to black americans, hispanic americans. that is the american dream. you will not do that by taxing the rich. >> it is the most incredible. >> go ahead. >> looked. you been going doing this a long
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time. i trust the decision of american spirit i trust them to presume their own welfare. this administration believes they are smarter than everybody and they should make the choices >> doug is right. here is the thing. free-market capitalism is colorblind. free-market capitalism is colorblind. nothing to do with color or race or religion or any of this de i crap that is going around.
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sweeping across the you. looks like biden has lots controlled. columbia university student and alex marla. editor-in-chief co-author of breaking biden. welcome to the show, first of all. i am reading your column today. the story is getting worse. they have the tent up on the
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lawn. what is the president and the rest of the administration of columbia doing? it does not look like they are doing a darn thing. >> yesterday we had the gp deadline. the students did start getting suspended and now they are being threatened with expulsion. today i was shocked that as a student paying my tuition out of my paycheck that i could not get access to campus because, at this point, it is though they close the campus and everybody except for the and campers are suspended. i mean, why does my student id not work when i paying and i'm actually the one not breaking the rules. >> interviews with people saying this is more important than final exams. no, it is not. alex, late 60s feel. 1968 mark rudd led the charge and took over, what was it,
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hamilton hall and so forth. so many campuses, alex, a lot of violence, a lot of division. you are not seeing any law and order. i think the politics of this is very bad for biden. >> could not be worse for joe biden right now. he needs to take control of the situation. declare this a civil rights emergency. obviously, it is. completely change the narrative here. he cannot do it because he is afraid. he is afraid he will lose the pro- hamas base. the dnc affiliate on the campus which is college democrats coming out saying they backed the protests. they like what is going on. they think this is legitimate and they feel the pain of the students keeping people like ricky from class. >> coming out in favor of these protests, that is incredible, alex. >> college democrats. college democrats which is
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essentially part of the dnc. >> ricky, i want you to go back to school. i want you to pass with straight a's and so forth. but, the federal government, as you probably know, has the authority under the civil rights act of 1964. we talked about this on the show , particularly title vi. they have the authority to send an fbi, to send and police because all of these laws have been broken and they will not do it. the bidens will not do it. >> yeah. not to mention, one of the very few places in the city right now where nypd cannot get access into has said they want to gain access is columbia university. i can say that i have not been threatened by students on campus , but i have felt very uncomfortable and as though i would rather see a broader
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protection on campus for students. i am not a jewish student. i cannot even imagine how my jewish peers feel when they are on campus. nypd is outside at the gates but the university is not allowing the men. they only let them in two thursdays ago to let them sweep the encampment. then they let it pop up exactly across the way and the same squad in the same fashion. >> law and order. the end of safety. the two go together. i am stunned that the columbia university will not do a darn thing about it. alex, we are running out of time politics here play right into donald trump because he is the law and order guide. >> trump will see this narrative , larry. wait for the dnc. it will get crazy. >> thank you. appreciate it very much. we will be right back with myth last ♪ otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks?
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