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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  April 29, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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in a rush to finish the surveys and put little effort into it and sometimes they get rewarded sometimes there's money or a reward and it's very prevalent between 18 - 29 -year-olds. this is a poll that they asked are you licensed to operate a nuclear submarine? , 12% to 18 - 29-year-old say i can do it, i operate, only 1% of 61 we know you can count this many people in the entire country that are really licensed to operate a nuclear submarine. with 12% of people saying they can do that, you have to be very, very careful very leery about these polls particularly the online often polls. could be a long time between now and november in a crazy ride but then again you're used to that. you always watch the network at 3:00 o'clock with liz claman. liz: i was thinking i operate a toy submarine. charles: i don't even know if i can do that.
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if it's twisted i'm good to go. liz: good to see you. thank you so much. breaking news on this monday we could be 59 minutes away from finally finding out if cbs news, mtv and paramount plus maybe are a step closer to a new owner, paramount that controls the entertainment names and so much more reports earnings "after the bell" and months of speculation it appears there is a rush to make some kind of announcement involving sale to the spy dance. three to half% those are still well off annual highs when you look at it at $12.33. the annual high $24, will common shareholders be left holding the bag or is a better deal the works? charlie gasparino is working the phones. he will come up in just a few minutes. after a riproaring week with s&p and nasdaq enjoyed the best performance this entire year we have stocks back at the green on this monday, dow jones industrial 79 points, the s&p gaining about three let's say the nasdaq will come ten points to the upside, the russell 2000
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up 11 points. to the dow heat map where apple is sizzling in the number two top poll position here right behind going after a bernstein upgrade from irca performed outperform, in a list there they the concerns about the niemiec china iphone sales are overdone. guess what, we will know for sure on thursday that's when apple reports earnings but before then we have a huge number of s&p companies, a third of the s&p 172 including amazon and advanced micro devices tomorrow along with 3m, mcdonald's, cvs qualcomm, queen base, draftkings they report this week. it is been about six days since tesla missed analyst expectation for the quarter, shares cratered ahead of the numbers on concerns that the eb company would abandon the low-cost car ambition. look at the one week chart, when elon musk came out and denied that on the earnings call the stock recovered and look at
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today a 14% move at the moment. elon surprise meeting chinese, tesla is now compliant with the data security regulations which basically means tesla can take the next step in rolling out full self driving in china. we have a full report coming up. no such welcome back in the u.s. for chinese own tiktok. president biden has signed into law the bipartisan bill to ban the social media site unless it divests to a u.s. owner. as. bytedance to battle the order in court, coming up senator mark warner in virginia that sounded the alarm that poses a national security threat joins us live on what is next. what happens to the millions of users who have sprouted businesses on tiktok and what senator warner sees as the biggest danger to americans. we have a lot going on, by the
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way did we mention the federal reserve interest rate meeting in the april jobs report, the nasdaq has turned negative, so is s&p let's get right to the floor show. wealth chief market strategist kenny polcari and chris over back. first of all, the biggest week of earnings, the markets, just a few minutes ago were all in the green. we have two of the mag seven which was left for you to belong in the mag seven, apple and tesla topping the s&p were very close to it, what do you think is this the time to buy or wait. >> it depends on who you are, i'm always in it looking for an opportunity not necessarily changing the names that are ready to weigh but putting money to work in names that idu have been underperforming or have a bright future in front of them, why would you be chasing some of the names after top if you already own them let them run, let them pull back apple is a perfect example, that was then 15 or 16%, no, no no, that's exactly when you want to buy
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more apple don't buy it up 16% but by when it's down 16%. >> then you bring the federal reserve into the picture, you look at when the market believes derivatives trading the fed funds futures that we will see a rate cut. it used to be several months ago, now that we have a meeting this week, wednesday will be the announcement widely expected we will not see any move for the sixth meeting and a row. we have a 57% chance of a rate cut all the way out to september. is that going to happen? >> look at where the momentum is. i think the economy is growing, corporate earnings are increasing and inflation and the deficit is increasing, there is a lot of money being pumped into the economy. things are doing pretty well. i think the possibility of a recession is getting more remote and certainly in an election year there is no politicians that's going to be taken away any punch bulls. liz: were all looking for the trade of the higher for longer
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opportunities. if indeed the rates stay five and a quarter, 5.5% if it stays right there because inflation is sticky. we have the pce last week, slightly hotter than expected year-over-year. >> we know five and a quarter inch not really abnormal, they're very normal in the market can do very well. liz: which part of the market? >> the broader market can do well with five-point to five, 2% is not normal but neither is five or ten or 15. liz: it is slightly below right now for those of you on exim 113, up 4.987%. >> it caused a little bit of consternation in the market would it appears to 5% it backed off a little bit and is been waving around the level. i think the market is okay with 5% rates, i'm not at all worried about it, there's places where looking healthcare, financials
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even utilities there up almost 40% in last year they got crushed. if rates stay stable i think utilities will put some money on their. liz: what is your higher for longer opportunity, where can people make money that they have a been told about before? >> i think the bdc industry which is my industry, most of her assets. liz: business development companies. >> yes. >> we invest in floating-rate assets, they have traded up as interest rates have risen and a lot of companies associated with that tree down and everyone expected rates to go down but the higher for longer, those stocks are producing 12 plus% yields which in terms of long-term perspective on stocks or anything like that is pretty good. liz: give me the clarity of what's in the saratoga ticker symbol sar or g-uppercase-letter gigabyte bc. >> private credit first lien
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floating-rate loans to middle-market, middle-market companies which is the backbone of the united states, the american academy. the industrial company, software companies, medical cavities, educational companies, software's of service companies, a lot of companies. liz: you think d.c. is up 16% year to date? >> they had a significant market cap and people are interested in getting back into that. that is a reflection of people re-correcting when they think about the course of interest rates. liz: is there a volatility rate. >> i think there's always a volatility will bc the vix sp spike. liz: it was trading at 14 forever then it's back to 21 last week when you were dancing around. it spiked up to 21, we saw the market come under pressure, there is always a volatility but the volatility is a short-term trade it is not a long-term
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investment is more strategic you take advantage of a volatility versus adding a position to a long-term opportunity, certainly every time the vix spikes is an opportunity in the market ahead of or with that or you by the vix which is the etf that plays into the fear of the market. if it gets to that point where the market gets really antsy. if the market starts to settle down what you feel like is starting to settle down i would be playing in building the portfolio. liz: great to see you both, so much to talk about, amazon, amd report tomorrow and we saw that google and microsoft really move the entire market because they did so well, great to have you both, warfare of the future playing out on battlefields in the middle east in ukraine as iran's drone take on a more prominent and deadly role. one u.s. company is rolling out you gotta hear this a low cost
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drone killer that could replace the million dollar price tag on weapons being used on the front lines of both conflicts. in a fox business exclusive the ceo of allen control systems is here to tell you all about the autonomous bullfrog weapon system. consumer drone manufacture, consumer and military actually, the trade of the united states arrow environment, in critical aerospace moving in various directions right now but were keeping an eye on all of the dow jones industrial turn negative, popped up by 35-point, "the claman countdown" is coming right back. ♪ after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?"
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liz: s&p down three, the nasdaq
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down 12 but the dow in the green bay 39 points, high-stakes diplomacy hanging in the balance in cairo as the world waits to hear whether hamas negotiators have accepted the latest truths offer from israel. anthony blinken has employed the terrorist group to accept the proposal which includes a 40 day pause and fighting in the release of palestinian prisoners in exchange for israeli hostages, anthony blinken commented on iran's central role on the middle east violence and it demonstrates a need for regional defense after iran launched a series of attacks mid april on israel using the 136 drones. the 136 is an ad crude aerial vehicle that carries 100 pounds of explosives and targets 1500 miles away that she had 136 has a price tag of $50000 but tomahawk cruise missiles to take down that cost roughly $1 million to produce that's
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where allen control system comes in a company founded by two naval nuclear engineers aims to lower the cost per kilo of a drone to a few dollars through the system called the bullfrog cofounder and ceo stephen simoni joins me now in a fox business exclusive. thank you so much for being here can you give us a sense for how the bullfrog works. >> drones have changed the battlefield is not just the highflying drones that you saw in the iranian attack on israel is also the low-flying drones that are changing the battlefield that you see in the conflict in ukraine these cost roughly a thousand dollars and they have a bomb on them and they can fly and hit a million piece of artillery in knocking out which affects our troops ability to do their missions, the low-flying drones are huge problem because they move so fast and so small they're hard to target, we need an effective solution to take them out.
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at the price point of a thousand dollars you can imagine the solution to take them out has to be a lot cheaper than that. the bullfrog is purpose built to do that, to kill chain solution to detect, identify, track and defeat the choosing a.i. algorithm to identify the low-flying fast-moving drones and feed that information to her fire control system which is proprietary which points the gun were accurately than ever before to stipend them out of the sky. liz: the done is an m2 40 a machine gun already in exis existence, not so inexpensive, doesn't use one bullet, how does this go down. >> ours will be ten choppers that it will require that many shots because of how precise the system is going to be. it's an m2 40 machine gun as standard gun widely available today which is one of the reasons we can be cost effective. the other part our software to be accurate we are able to do it without spraying bullets like existing ones have to do. liz: standard and nato 762 round. liz: what is the cost of a ten bullet burst of the bullfrog system.
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>> 10 - $20, let's be clear about that, compared to a million dollars for a tomahawk missile, i know those are highflying and this is low but nonetheless that is so unbelievably cost-effective, can i ask, your conversations with the u.s. military. i would imagine the pentagon should be very interested in the. >> were an active conversation with the dod and our allies and hoping to have the product in the field by the end of the year end everyone's very excited about the promise of this technology. >> people to understand but drones as you intimated the number one threat to u.s. and allied forces because they're so cheap. a lot are made in china. >> absolutely for the first time in our lives were at a military disadvantage with the biggest rival and you'll see with the pentagon they're trying to do stuff with the replicator initiative to try to field cheap drones just like china but we are 20 years behind them in terms of their manufacturing
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dominance. allen control system is thinking of this in a different way. instead of going toe to toe and trying out manufacturing them what were doing is leveraging the brilliantly that the u.s. has in software we have the best university stanford, mit, we are taken is exquisite software and commodity hardware and tried to change the game on china. liz: we talk about how much money in this country is spending, the newest budget that president biden has floated i believe the 2025 budget includes $850 billion for the department of defense. that's a 51% jump since back in 2015. is there a way by using things like the bullfrog that we can reverse that, do better when it comes to protecting our troops from the drones and saving israelis from this drone swarm of what they seem recently is there a way to reverse and bring the number down?
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>> this but it is suspended i don't know if i can comment on the levels there but technology should be deflationary by nature. we are trying to get new capability to the u.s. government and give them options to procure the stuff. and have a below cost. if the budget is holding the same there to get more for their money and that should be the start of technology like myself and that's what retrying to do. liz: you were in the navy and naval engineer, your father, your grandfather, your sister, thank you for your service and what you're doing now to protect our troops. >> thank you. >> and friendly countries. thank you. the company is allen control read hollywood actors and writers strikes are still causing drama for one entertainment company. we are going to tell you who is tumbling again after dropping more than 90% of the last year, what happens next to the popular social media app tiktok after a new law forces it to divested
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assets. the chairman of the senate intelligence committee democrat senator mark warner of virginia answers that question and more in just a few moments. look at the dow 30 holding onto gains but right now intel that is the biggest logger down under 2%. got a pretty big hit month to date of more than 25%. we're coming right back the dow climbing higher up 81 points. in, you ride the line between numbers and people. what's right for the business and what's best for everyone who depends on it. solving today's challenges while creating future opportunities. it takes balance. cla - cpas, consultants, and wealth advisors. we'll get you there.
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liz: a fox business alert is
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sometimes happen in earnings season a revenue surge and sulfides latest quarter not enough to overcome a disappointing forecast shares of the fintech company down 10.6% on a week outlook for current quarter revenue and net income, sophia did post better-than-expected results of the first quarter and they swung from a loss of 34.4 million a year earlier to a profit of 88 million in revenue surge. at the moment investors do not like the outlook, domino stock hotter than a pizza straight out of the oven gaining five and a third% and hitting it to your high after the pizza maker showed a big be in first-quarter sales. the world's largest pizza chain said a significant boost of customers of the u.s. market benefiting from the loyalty program with delivery and carry out orders of all customer income groups a top the earnings per share and revenue estimates and during the same amount of time open 164 more restaurants
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during the quarter. amc entertainment says the box office results are still suffering from the effects of last year's hollywood strike, the writers, actors and it expects to see a dip in first-order revenue, shares are getting hammered 12% on the news from friday when the movie the other chain announce preliminary first could result ahead of the full release which is may 8. it expects to see a loss of 62 cents a share, while the smaller than analysts expected in the expect revenue to be the expectation, amc says the impact of the hollywood strikes in late 2023 will continue through the current quarter, last year amc shares lost nearly 83% of their value. and with lithium prices showing signs of stabilizing, barron's predicts lithium producer albemarle could be poised for big gains but shares are already
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seated pop of 6.8%, the number two position on s&p gainers l list. a barron's bounce committing today's session the lithium producer had plummeted 20% this year amid waning demand for the metal a key ingredient and electric vehicles whose sales have slowed the price of lithium has fallen within 80% since its peak in 2022 when the ev boom it was in full force but prices are rising 15% year to date which could lift producers, again as we say it's already happening. the lithium minors also electrified after tesla ceo elon musk surprise visit to china resulted in one prominent tesla analyst called a homerun for the autonomous driving system. were about to get you a full report the stock is jumping in chinese on social media app tiktok facing an ultimatum from congress divest or be banned will the super popular video platform agreed to be taken over by american investors and how much scrutiny will potential
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buyers face to keep it out of the hands of the chinese communist government. glasses senate intelligence committee chair mark warner of virginia first on fox business. he is up next. you do not want to miss this. ♪ visor, my promise to you is simple. as a fiduciary, i promise to put your interests first, always. i promise that our relationship will go well beyond just investment decisions. it's the intersection of your money and your life where we can make the biggest difference. [announcer] charles schwab is proud to support the independent financial advisors who are passionately dedicated to helping people achieve their financial goals. visit ( ♪ ) i got injured, um, my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. did physical therapy, did...
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what took you so long? i'm sorry, there was a long line at the thai place. you get the sauce i like? of course! you're the man! i wish. the future isn't scary. not investing in it is. nasdaq-100 innovators. one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at liz: a watershed moment in autonomous cars tesla ceo elon musk to beijing over the weekend you see the video here resulting in winning china support to rollout the ev companies. dragon assistance service investors hitting the buy on the news that gives tesla another revenue stream tesla off the highs of the session of 14 and a quarter percent, it also gives them a competitive advantage over chinese rivals li auto, neil and asked ping, china's ev
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are moving higher at the moment but elon musk's deal with chinese tech company is helping them pave the way for the robotic cars to hit the streets they will use the mapping and data collection on china's public roads to power the full self driving platform, yup i do gaining 5.5% but let's get to kelly o'grady with a historic agreement from fox business it is the next step is that not enrolling out fsd. >> i would like to headline from an analyst saying he's back and of course they're saying this shows that he is really committed to tesla and really committed to making the most of the chinese market, there was a lot of high-profile developments this weekend and investors like he made his surprise visit to china and met with premier wha said they gave the tentative approval for telsa to launch. dragon software called fsd exist
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tesla's largest market, the stock is up over 14% on the news today it appears to other key winds that came out, tesla reportedly reached an agreement with bydo to use the mapping license, that is going to enable the collection with the ev is on the road. they also reached approval for how tesla handles data security and privacy issues, going back to 2021 tesla has been required to store all the data they collected to buy their chinese fleeing company, transferring the data back to the u.s. is a big step forward to training the autonomous driving tech, analysts are saying this is a watershed moment for tesla, wedbush analyst dan ives called this a homerun and if you think about a fsd would provide regular subscription which would supplement the ev sales, however, they face significant challenges stateside a top auto safety regulator just opened a probe into the company's
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autopilot system tesla is also fighting a number of lawsuits regarding the autonomous software, wall street seems to be happy with the move in china but let's remember there is a lot riding to meet deadlines of the software work but the fsd rollout and the promise of robo taxes in august underscores his comments on the earnings call, tesla is an a.i. robotics company now. liz: i know he wants to be viewed as that and not a basic auto company, we can see why is the moment the stock is recovered from the lows of the past couple of weeks, thank you very much. while china appears to support tesla form moment could the communist country lash out at all things u.s. after president biden signed into law a bill into law that not only provides foreign aid for taiwan but also forces chinese owned tiktok to divest within 12 months or face a ban, retribution could really be in the works. in a press briefing chinese partner ministry spokesperson
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rotten possible retaliation it according to reuters if the u.s. claims obstinately to its course, china will take resolute and forceful steps to defend its own security and development interest. virginia senator mark warner has been at the forefront of the battle to ban tiktok which he calls a national security threat, the senate intelligence community chair joined the snow on fox business. thank you for being here. what do you make of the threat by china's foreign ministry. >> i'm not surprised and let's remember what happened last week, 80% of the house, 80% of the senate agreed that we need to see the best sister not a band of tiktok at the best sister from a chinese control company to the american controlled resilient someone who is not as much of an adversarial nation as china, china does not even allow the tiktok that our kids see to be offered in china
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itself. they have a much more sanitized version, china does not allow google and does not allow meta, they keep our companies out, what was particularly ironic, there were these reports of chinese officials themselves lobbying members of congress not to put the divestiture in place. i think we'll see huffing and puffing from the chinese what they will do and if this is a normal free enterprise entity, they would salute the fact that the companies becomes available and be sold for high price and collect data and even on the tesla piece beforehand and collecting data off the tesla users in china but also the ability for tiktok to be used as a propaganda tool between our country we have a enough differences we don't do the chinese communist party by slightly selecting the algorithm for favorable stories towards
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that regime they never give american companies were doing business in china the opportunity to get a fair fight in the courts and they said they're going to fight this and take it where u.s. courts why do we allow them the opportunity to get exposure to our legal system when they never give anybody a fair shake when it comes to u.s. companies who feel that they have been ripped off and their ip has been stolen in china. >> as you write $500 billion of ip stolen from american foreign companies. i don't want to stab a regime like china. i think by dance a chinese owned company that controls tiktok will get a day in court. i think we structured the law and a lot of this was originated in the house and away that will stand up to legal scrutiny, i'm glad we got a first amendment and protection but we also need to acknowledge what everyone for both law enforcement the
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national security community has said this is a national security risk and the fact that china officials themselves were lobbied against this effort, i think demonstrates how important this is to china both in terms of data collection and with somebody young people getting almost all their news from tiktok, i hate to say it but tiktok spread is bigger than fox news and msnbc combined, the fact that that can be influenced by the communist party of china that is not good for the united states. liz: 170 million users is absolutely gigantic. when you talk about what is happening in china and the access that the communist party has two or data, i asked you this question before, i'm kind of hoping for not a better answer but a more immediate answer, the feeling is when it passed with 80% of the house in 80% of the senate, both sides of the aisle coming together and they have seen something that
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worries them dramatically about the national security threat, can you give our viewers any insight into what that is? >> i cannot get into things that are sources and methods about how we have further evidence of the ability to have the site manipulated. i will say this, there are independent researchers that look on tiktok and they say let's take the israel gaza issue. on tiktok it's 54 - 1 more pro-palestinian poston pro-israel. even if we accept the fact that america that amongst young people which is mostly tiktok users it might be 80 - 20 in favor of palestinians over israel it's not 54 - 1, the independent data or the fact that i'm comparing tiktok to instagram, 125 times more demonstrations around hong kong, democracy protest on instagram, those numbers independent of the
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intel community data those independent numbers are one of the reasons why we had overwhelming majority. >> there is belief that there is an divisiveness in trying to weaken us by dividing us on very obvious issues. how students can sit there and say we are all hamas, those are terrorists to slaughter babies, raped women. it's like what happened we suddenly have a whole generation was forgotten october 7, 1200 israeli civilians and americans killed, let me ask about the american business people who may want to buy this arm this u.s. army by dance tiktok let's say they finally say fine, how do you make sure that the chinese are not putting in some type of technological code back door that they can spy on americans and how difficult will it be for
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any consortium of americans to buy tiktok and how much vetting will have to go through congress? >> there's two parts of the question first in terms of the technology we will have to completely scrub the algorithm, you may need to re-create part of that so the upgrades, this is the thing, even if your data is safe today or the propaganda is safe today, all of the algorithms are updated on an almost daily basis. if those upgrades come from china were always going to be vulnerable it's one of the reasons it took us too long to convince and we finally have nationstates about the vulnerability of always the telecom provider, there ripping that equipment out because of the moment. if we move this to an american entity and they control the algorithm in the upgrades, i think we will be safe along with the data protections. how do we get that done, basically about 40% of bike dance is already controlled by american investors. if they were simply willing to rollover the investment and you
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had interest from one of the guys on shark tank i can't remember his name, d-uppercase-letter and steve mnuchin frankly president trump's treasury secretary, he was one of the first people to raise concerns back in 2019 about the platform. i would welcome those groups or others. i wish in many ways and make it investors themselves might show the flag of little bit and say why don't they put together an investor group, these are huge private equity firms. i think the audit show a little faith in our system and maybe be part of this transaction but by giving it a year, six month would've been really tough even without the pressure from the chinese company, giving this a timeframe for a year end if there is a way to get this done in a way we can protect her security, trust me i think the creativity will be continued in this to be a divestiture, not abandon. liz: have to ask you about the
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financial package that finally passed bipartisan for money for israel, ukraine and taiwan, how quickly because ukraine is in desperate straits at the moment how quickly can the weaponry it needs to go into them? >> i was hoping he got there this weekend i got an update and i think to be middle of this week, maybe towards the end but we gotta get the particular playing old bullets a 150 millimeters shells and the air defenses some of the other items will take a little bit longer, the ukrainians have shown remarkable courage. i'm so proud of the fact that her country finally stepped up and stood up and i know for speaker johnson this was tough but i think you go down as one of his most important moves as speaker. i commend him for it. liz: senator mark warner, thank you very much. the home of tinseltown classics godfather in titanic involved in the drama that made door the
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scripts for the oscar-winning films, charlie gasparino breaks on the battles happening right now behind-the-scenes over the sale of paramount, "the claman countdown" is coming right back, the dow was up 100 points. there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go.
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liz: we've been watching shares of paramount global all day long. right now they have lost a little bit of steam this hour as investors gear up for the first earnings call after the bell. talks with skydance and bracing for potential exit perhaps by the company's ceo bob bakish. what are you hearing charlie? >> he is out now or out later but he is gone from what i understand now. james stewart wrote a pretty good book about the sumner redstone i am proshun and shari takenning over the company and sumner's love life and you thought it ended there. this is definitely another book. what is interesting about what is going on here. i never have seen this before. literally a ceo, bob bakish,
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telling his boss, the person that controls his company, holding company national amusements that you're being too greedy. you're doing a deal that is screwing over shareholders. he is actually saying that. this thing will on obviously coe to a head in the next couple days. him saying that forced dance to sweeten the deal for common shareholders. there are lots of stories, they will do a cash infusion shun for buybacks and pay down debt but this is as messy of a situation as it combs, you can't say what will come out of this. the only thing that will come out of this is bob bakish is gone. skydance and redbird are likely to run the show but it's not a done deal yet. jeff shell is likely to make a return as running sort of the entertainment part of that, while david ellison will get to runed studio, that is what he does as ceo but this is not
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guaranteed. mario gabelli will not go away quietly. i common shareholder. he likes bob bakish. he doesn't like the deal, not enough for common shareholders himself. who knows what he is going to do. man, this is a mess. by the way, when ask the last time we've not spoken about viacom, vp, paramount, national amusements at least 2019. it is really an unbelievable story. if you notice the stock is up but you know, this is not the type of rally you see when common shareholders are, you know, jubilant about a deal. so that's one thing. the other thing i think this will slow shade on liz, this is a big story, it comes up every now and then, this dual class stock situation in a lot of media companies where you have controlling people holding the stock but they don't own most of it. they own the controlling shares, not the common shares. when you try to do a deal that
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benefits the controlling shareholders, you know, there is this sort of clash with the common shareholders. i think we're going to see more of that. there will be a case study on this as well, on how welcome mon shareholders should be treated, when there should be dual stoke but right now, be that as it may, we're going to know a lot more i would say in the next 15 minutes i guess, right, when they do earnings. because that is where this is all coming to a head but again never seen anything like this. the ceo literally went on a holy war against shari redstone, the owner. that is bob bakish versus her. liz: really quickly, charley, what about the common shareholders, can you give me just a guess whether they will be benefiting just like how mario gabelli said here on the show he will be really annoyed if common shareholders will get some premium? >> i don't know that they will
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get a premium but a buyback and that may help propel the shares pay down debt. in shari redstone's defense you knew going in. liz: yeah, going in. >> remember les moonves wanted to extract cbs and sell it. he looks very smatter, put aside whatever you think of les moonves, his theory taking value of cb. is, back when it was in 2018 and 2019. selling it you would have gotten most bang for the buck in terms of assets then. you're not getting that now. the assets are deeply, deeply in trouble like cord-cutting. it is forcing huge recalculation of what these are worth. les, you have to give him credit, he had it right. that is what they should have done. it was the most valuable part of her empire and she could have gotten the most value for it
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then and she couldn't do it. now she is stuck trying to recoup, listen a lot of money she will get, 2.5 billion, 2 1/2 times what it is worth essentially, we heard 800 million-dollar stake, but, you would think that you know, when you talk about billionaires, we're talking sumner was up there in the 50s from what i remember. a lot of wealth has evaporated on this company. liz: a lot. can't imagine some people are not happy, charlie, thank you very much. charlie gasparino. so in addition to paramount reporting after the bell, nxpi semiconductor and yum china report their quarterly numbers in moments. n xp i up 1.%, yum china just one%. tomorrow, a biggie, tomorrow afternoon, amazon opens its quarterly books. shares of the e-commerce tech and entertainment giant have gained 40% over the last six months. given such a big runup still the
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stock could represent a opportunity or are there better than amazon choices for your portfolio? here is peapack management david dietze who has 11 billion in assets under management. david, what do you think, are there better than amazon assets out there? >> amazon will they initiate the dividend and gone not footsteps of alphabet and met at that before. all eyes on the cloud, leveraging off the a.i. abilities and. used to be all about books on the website but now all about digital advertising. we like meta platforms better if you want to go with the mag-7. if you like digital advertising you have to love meta platforms. their recent quarter, i was so impressed beat on the top line, beat on the bottom line. they have the bronx cheer. the stock went down because they said they would be investing so much in a.i. i thought that is what this
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world is all about now is a.i.? harken back two years ago they said they would put in the metaverse. got so much pushback, what did they do? they reduced investments in metaverse. they had the year of efficiency and the stock zoomed. they could do that again now if in fact those a.i. investments don't pay off. zuckerberg is not everyone's cup of tea. i think is one of the best mag-7 executive out there. liz: if you look at the price, the p-e ratio, price-to-earnings ratio, amazon's at about forward p-e 43 but meta is at 21 which means for those of you who don't really understand the alchemy of all of that it is less expensive at the moment. >> what i love you're basically paying a s&p 500 market multiple but you have growth projected to be, two, three, four times greater and of course i love the businesses, again meta platforms are in because they are high return equity businesses totally transportable worldwide.
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what i don't like about amazon's business selling things own a website. i want, i want data, i want consumer facing. i don't want to be selling books and records and so forth. i think ultimately amazon's path will be a split-up between the faster growing cloud and digital advertising businesses move away from the website. liz: i cannot wait to see if what you just said happens. that would be some type of dividend announcement. people have been waiting for that forever. david, great to see you, thank you very much. here comes the closing bell on this monday. [closing bell rings] dow and nasdaq for the session. big day tomorrow, service now chairman and ceo, bill mcdetermine mat. as federal reserve interest rate meeting kicks off we have former vice-chair randy quarles. that will be it for us. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. once again columbia president


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