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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 29, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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larry: thanks for watching. that's kudlow. please have a great weekend. maria: good monday morning everyone.
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thanks so much for joining us this beautiful monday morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is monday, april 29, your top stories, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. coming up, the final few trading days of the month of april as investors focus on the fed. futures indicating a gain at the start of trading ahead of the central bank's meeting beginning tomorrow morning. the fed raised the bar on rate cuts so its commentary on wednesday afternoon will be critical. we've got the preview. a week of jobs data, the job openings report out tomorrow, the april adp out on wednesday. the labor department's april report on jobs on friday. big week for jobs, expected to grow 175,000 on adp. plus, previewing market moving big tech earnings, amazon is out tomorrow, apple is out on thursday. we've got the preview and a look at big tech this morning. european markets are mixed. ft 100 is higher, as is the cac quarante, down 10 on the dax in
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germany. in you asia, green a cross the board. the japanese yen plummeting, briefing touching 160.03 against the u.s. dollar, first time since 1990. we're looking at the impact. the hang seng index was up half a percent, kospi up 1.1% as the yen plummets. anti-israel protests growing on college campuses but so are outside agitators, officials are trying to get a handle on that. harvard students flying the palestinian flag where the united states flag was supposed to fly. new polls put president trump over president biden nationally with biden's y approval rating policy for the worst in 70 years. biden claims we should ignore the polls. joining the conversation all morning long this morning,
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columnist and fox news contributor liz peek and chris mcmann. "mornings with marias" is live right now. ♪ all night long. ♪ all night. ♪ all night. ♪ all night long. ♪ all night. ♪ all night. ♪ all night long. ♪ all night. ♪ all night. ♪ all night long. ♪ all night. ♪ all night. ♪ people dancing all in the street. ♪ see the a rhythm all in their feet. maria: and it is time for the hot topic of the hour. a new cnn, ssrs poll finds former president trump maintaining his lead over president biden. the numbers are this, 49% in a head to head matchup, the same poll noting 55% of all americans say they see trump's presidency as a success.
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while 61% say biden's presidency has been a failure. a new gallup poll finds biden job approval rating below 39%, making him the least popular president in the last 7 70 year, behind richard nixon and jimmy carter. i spoke with president trump's son, eric trump, he joined my on sunday morning futures yesterday to discuss the trial against trump and theen the enthusiasmp between his father and joe biden. >> my father at 6:30 in the morning goes out and ah has every union worker on the biggest job in new york chanting usa, usa, usa, before they're opening their eyes, that's how early it is. he goes to harlem and has massive crowds around the bow bodega. with the power of air force one and the executive branch, my bun can't have anyone show up, yet
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my father is drawing massive crowds and raising more funds for the presidency. maria: liz peek, your reaction. >> there's no good news in any of the polling for joe biden. we're seeing traditional democrats, support groups, people earning low incomes, independents, are terrible in terms of their approval of joe biden, young people turning away from him. what's worrisome about biden, i've spoken to pollsters who tell me it's extremely difficult to turn around these kinds of numbers. we only have a few months left until the election a and some of the issues are only getting worse. i don't think the student protests which have so alarmed independents and the fighting in israel which has so upset young voters, i don't see that turning around between now and the he'll election. i don't know how that gets better. meanwhile, the economy is on tender hooks. we see stagflation being talked
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about, rising inflation rates and somewhat slower growth so none of this bodes well for president biden and he can keep donald trump locked up in a courtroom with all these ridiculous prosecutions but here eric trump is totally right. all trump has to do is go outside the door and a he can have a sort of pop-up rally which is very powerful for him. maria: yeah. for sure. that's what we keep seeing. he's trying to campaign in any spots that he could because they've got him holed up in a courtroom all day, all by design so president biden can be on the campaign trail and trump is struck in the courtroom. on the agitators, anti-he's rail protester, i -- anti-israel protester, i want to point out there's outside agitators in the crowds. it's not all students. i know this from nyu. last week people were trying to protest outside of nyu and nyu wouldn't have it at all. they put boards up, not have
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anybody protesting on the actual school and when the nypd showed up, they nypd arrested a lot of people and a lot of them were outside agitators, were not students. i want to get to the would the tom of this, who is funding this. president biden told howard stern in an interview he will debate donald trump. watch this. >> i am somewhere. n i don't know when. i'm happy to debate him. >> monday night, tuesday night, wednesday night, thursday night or friday night on national television, we're ready. maria: yes, trump is ready. independent presidential candidate robert f kennedy junior is challenging trump to a he debate after a his allegations that he's a quote, democrat plant and would be a wasted protest vote. watch this. >> there's so many americans are voting out of fear. my the only strategy is to try o keep me off the ballot and make everybody terrified of donald trump and on the other side they
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do the same thing. when somebody is telling you vote out of fear, they are trying to manipulate you and to abandoning your values. maria: chris mcmann, your reaction. >> maria, they're making donald trump seem sympathetic and excitable. it's unbelievable. he goes to construction workers, they're screaming uh usa. biden visited a sheetz outside of pittsburgh, no excitement. the eoc sued sheetz saying they're not hiring enough people that are failing drug tests. trump has more excitement. it's amazing. maria: it's incredible what they're doing to donald trump. everybody is recognizing this, the two systems of justice. we're just getting started this morning. let's take a break and then investors are putting the focus on the fed this morning and the week, the final few trading days of april. may is this week. the central bank raises the bar
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on rate cuts, we know that. what will they say on wednesday? everything you need to know coming up. then liberal hollywood gets called out for adherence to biden's leftist agenda, it's making a buzz this morning. don't miss it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ hey hey hey. ♪ what you got to say. ♪ said hey hey hey. ♪ what you got to say. ♪
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dow industrials up 45, nasdaq up 35. s&p higher by 7 and-a-half. interest rates meanwhile trading this way as we look at the 10 year treasury yield, it's down 3 and-a-half basis points at 4.63%. this ahead of the federal reserve's policy meeting which begins tomorrow morning. much conversation over whether or not the fed will begin cutting interest rates this summer or if it will do so at all this year. the wall street journal reporting this, even if the fed cuts the days of ultra low rates are over. joining me is commonwealth financial network chief investment officer, brad mcmillan. great to see you. thank you for being here. what are your thoughts going into this fed meeting? >> well, i've been saying this for a year and-a-half, maria, it still holds. the question isn't is the fed going to cut, it's why would they cut. when you see the pce data, inflation ticking up a bit, the fed has zero need to t cut right now. they have zero interest to cut right now. i expect them to come out and say hey, we're not going to cut
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until the inflation numbers say they should and that's not happening any time soon. maria: inflation remains elevated. chris jump in here. >> i understand what you're saying. there's hundreds of billions of dollars of commercial real estate, $900 billion being refinanced this year. if we don't see some kind of rate cut i'm afraid we'll see this catastrophic effect. what are your thoughts on that? >> i think there's certainly a lot of truth in that. i don't know about catastrophic but a lot of the banking system is going to be under stress because of this, a lot of the commercial real estate industry is already starting to feel the effects but at the same time a when you look at it from the fed's perspective, they're mandated for employment and inflation. now, of course systemically they've taken a look at it, keeping an eye on it but technically they can't do that. i think they're in a hard place. i also think jay powell and crew they're saying we are going to
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get inflation down and if there's damage, so be it. maria: it's a good point you make. of course we saw more cracks in the system this weekend when regulators seized a troubled philadelphia bank, first republic, republic first, the company was being watched and now we've got feds seizing this bank. is this an indication that we're still in choppy waters with regard to the banking sector? >> i think we could see more chop hpy waters ahead. what's been interesting about the fed and the banking system is how far ahead of the curve they've been this time around. in other words, they're aware of the risk, they're aware of what could happen. they have taken significant policy actions. when you look at silicon valley bank and first republic, they actually got in early, they got in hard. so this is something from a regulatory perspective we're not going to have the kind of problems that we had the last time around. they're prepared for it. now, that said, there's still
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going to be choppy waters as you said. maria: let's talk earnings. the big stories of the week will be amazon and apple. apple's going to give us a great window into the consumer, into china, into the broad macro story. what are you expecting from amazon and apple, brad? >> i think amazon is going to do very well. i mean, their business is based on a cup can he'll of things. their business is based on the consumer, based on demand for web services, so amazon is very well positioned going forward. i expect good news from them. apple on the other hand, it's a fantastic company. but china is becoming an increasing issue for them. i won't say it's a problem yet because it's not. and certainly i feel they may be starting to hit saturation point with some of their products. how many apple products do i own, do you own? i'm a little more concerned there. this could be a tough quarter. maria: so you're expecting the quarter to be tough. what do you mean? would you sell into the stock
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today? it's up almost 2% right now. >> i think anybody holding apple at this point is probably -- they've made a lot of money at it. there's no need to take the -- longer term i think apple will do just fine. i think there might possibly be weakness this quarter but i would look through it personally. maria: so how are you allocating capital right now, brad? >> right now we're focused on the u.s. we've got u.s. markets doing very, very well. we've got the u.s. economy outperforming around the world. when you look at earnings for example, you can see u.s. companies continuing to do better than pretty much anywhere in the world and i exact that to continue -- expect that to continue because the economy continues to move forward but at the same time, when you look at that, we're seeing a sector dal leadership, some of the tech names, magnificent seven, they've pulled back recently. you're seeing he rotation towards value stocks, consumer oriented stocks and that's
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something we're looking at very hard. maria: brad, good to see you this morning. thanks so much. >> thank you, maria. maria: all right. your morning mover this morning is paramount global, take a look at the stock in the premarket. shares of the media giant higher by 4 and-a-half percent right now on new reports that the red stone family which controls paramount and sky dance media ceo david elion have made concessions to make potential leadership changes at paramount, paramount global's board is reportedly preparing to fire the ceo as soon as this morning. ellison offering to buy a block of stock at the premium to help improve the company's finances, they're expected to the report first quarter earnings after the close tonight, the stock is down 49% over the last year but this morning get a bump on the speculation that the ceo is out. quick break and campus protests ramping up as harvard students fly a palestinian flag in a spot
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reserved for the american flag. congressman mark alford is here with his reaction, plus recapping his trip to taiwan, all coming up next. ♪ (vo) sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once, and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life,
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why not give it a try? maria: welcome back. anti-israel protests erupting on college campuses across the country, hundreds of of protesters camp ping out on the george washington university cam be pus overnight, after tearing down barricades to get in. protesters at harvard were seen flying a palestinian flag over the weekend at the same spot that the american flag is supposed to fly. the demonstrations continue to spiral. i spoke with harvard law professor em alan ders dershow. >> these are not just kids. these are people who when hamas comes to america, and they will, and they approach some of these kids who they have been grooming
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for years, they will help them plants bombs just the way radical weather people planted bombs in the 1970s. this is not just about israel, tel aviv, this is about new york, washington, san francisco. this is america of. these terrorists are coming here. maria: joining me now is missouri congressman mark alford, a member of the house armed services and agriculture committees. i'd like to goat your reaction. protests are going on at ut austin, your alma mater. all charges were dropped against the 57 students who were arrested last week by texas state troopers. you attended ut austin. your reaction? >> well, look, i agree with professor dershowitz. except for i don't think they are coming. i think they are here. the porous border that joe biden and alejandro mayorkas allowed to happen, we have, what, 2 million known got aways. there are sleeper cells right
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now in the united states of america who are sympathetic if not members of hamas or jihadi movement at the minimum and we have to be awarend these protesters, many of them are peaceful protesters but there are some who are involved in criminal activity and they should be treated as such. criminals. maria: we know that it's not all students. there are people who are from the outside piling on here. last week we had your colleague, carlos jiminez come on the program, and say don't be surprised to learn that part of this is communist party -- communist chinand the communist party of china piling on our discussions and our political conversations in the u.s. how much of this is outsiders? how much of this is students, do you think? >> well, i think a lot of it's being funded by outside forces including george so. roos, those who are determined to disrupt and bring chaos into our country and divide our great nation. i think xi jinping is part of that.
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the policies from china is to have influence in every part of the country, to disrupt our upcoming elections. xi jinping has h tentacles on everything we do. the belt and a road initiative, he's building ports, airports, highways in third world countries, our hemisphere as well, trying to create influence and squeeze out taiwan. maria: it's ridiculous that the u.s. military, the pentagon would be buying drones from china. dgi drones, the pentagon and u.s. military are using drones in our military from china? >> this is yeah. >> i. th-- crazy. these are drones that come from china. most every municipality in america has bought them. they're mapping out our country and sending back this information to china unbe knowns to them in many cases.
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the federal aviation administration made it so difficult for american companies to build drones that we're buying them from china. we need to create companies and taiwan wants to do this, set up their own drone manufacturing. the u.s. would be a part of that and let's get american friendly drones in america that are not spying on us. maria: well, this makes absolutely no sense. we've got a great american company, andral industries. i interviewed palmer lucky, the ceo, he's a drone maker. we've got or american companies we could be using rather than buying drones from china which is spying on us. i know you were just in taiwan. you were there for a week as part of a congressional delegation. meeting with the vice president-elect to discuss u.s. and china relations and china's continued aggression in the indo-pacific, following antony blinken trip to beijing, taiwan reported more military aircraft near their coast. they condemned the u.s. foreign
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aid bill saying china will protect its national sovereignty. every day we talk about more bad behavior from china. you reported we're buying dji drones from china and our government is actually using these drones and they're spying on us and yet these discussions never come up. when we send umpteen number of people to beijing. antony blinken met there and did he discuss this. >> certainly not. it was a great contrast having secretary blinken cozying up to xi jinping, the attitude of appeasement towards this communist dictator and we had a bipartisan delegation, including lisa mcclain, the secretary of our conference. we met to moo meet the presiden, she's outgoing, and the incoming president, and we said we would live up to the taiwan relations
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act in which we're helping them maintain their self-defense, including a armaments we're selling them, harpoon missiles, we're maintaining ours capacity to help in their self-defense. when you have a bully like xi jinping who is intent on bullying taiwan and isolating them on the world stage, our task is at hand and we must meet the challenge. maria: i would like to know what went on with blinken's conversation with xi jinping. i mean, fentanyl flow continues to come into s america, surveillance balloons, police stations in america, covid, a covid coverup. on and on and on. the drones. and we don't know. we never get the specifics of what came out of these conversations and it's unlikely that he held xi jinping's feet to the fire on any of this. it's unlikely. >> it's very unlikely. this is the his -- history of s
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adminiadministration, they're nt tough with the bullies of the world. they're not tough with you putin. putin invaded ukraine. they're not tough with xi jinping. we need donald trump back in the white house. maria: thank you. we appreciate your time this morning. thank you, sir. quick break and then president trump's so-called hush money trial starts up again tomorrow. some legal scholars are wondering what exactly is the crime that he's being charged with. no one can figure out what the crime is. they're promising jail time. matt whitaker is here to weigh in. andrew cuomo will have to answer questions to congress about his handling of covid-19. everything you need to know, coming up right here. stay with us. ♪
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maria: this week on "mornings with maria," tomorrow senator roger marshall on alejandro mayorkas' stunning fumblesnd a failures at the u.s. border. wednesday joe germanotta on the challenges faces small business owners in the biden economy. thursday, the federal reserve makes its interest rate announcement. we're talking with stephanie pomboy, david malps and judy shelton one day later. friday, the unemployment rate revealed right here live with the best in the business. it's all right here on "mornings with maria."
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maria: welcome back. dangerous and deadly tornadoes ripping across america's heartland. cheryl casone with details. >> new video shows what appears to be massive tornado ripping through texas, one of the half dozen reported across the state on sunday. >> that thing is gigantic. that is huge. look at the motion on the right edge. >> severe storms continued raging across parts of the south and midwest, leaving a trail of he destruction in their path. more than 120 tornadoes plowed through six states in two days, downing trees and power lines and destroying homes and businesses. oklahoma, wind speeds topped 13r people were killed, including a 4-month-old baby. at least 100 others were injured. oklahoma and nebraska tell under states of emergency. more than 4 million people under
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tornado watches, 47 million people are at risk for severe weather this morning. well, sources confirming to fox news florida governor ron desantis agreed to fund raise for former president trump after the two met privately in miami yesterday morning. the meeting that was first reported by the washington post set up by florida real estate developer steve witkoff. it lasted for several hours. meanwhile, another one of former -- trump's former opponents, doug burgum could be moving up on trump's vp short lisses, the former president reportedlyed mentioning him several times. finally this, andrew cuomo has agreed to appear before a house panel to answer questions about his handling of the covid-19 pandemic and the thousands of deaths in nursing homes that happened at the time.
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cuomo will appear for a transcribed interview on june 11, this will likely be behind closed doors. cuomo heavily con si criticizeds order that nursing homes accept covid positive patients and he was said to have misled the public by undercounting those deaths by 50%. those are some of the headlines. maria: former president trump's so-called hush money trial in new york will resume tomorrow morning with prosecution's witness, gary pharaoh, taking the stand. pharaoh worked with trump's ex lawyer, michael cohen, expected to be a key witness in the trial. alan dershowitz joined me yesterday on sunday morning futures with his take on the trial so far. watch. >> there is no crime in manhattan. you cannot figure out what the crime is. that's why they're putting on all this evidence of noncrimes, trying to persuade the jury that
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pahush money is a crime, it's n. you can't suddenly resurrect this and turn it into a crime by invoking a federal statute which the federal government he refused to invoke and the federal election commission refused to invoke. there is no crime. maria: joining me now is former acting attorney general, matt whitaker. thank you for being here. i've got to get your take on this. number one, do agree that there's no crime and number two, if so, what is this then? is this all theater to make the public believe that donald trump is a criminal? >> it's all political theater. it's all intended to not only change the public's view and to dirty president trump up but it's also i think completely trying to keep him off the campaign trail. you see that so effectively with the way that the campaign -- the
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way the trial schedule is laid out, the way they're not telling the lawyers who the next witnesseses are. i mean, this whole thing is really a mockery of the legal system and how it's supposed to work. i think the jury is going to get to the end of the evidence being presented and look at the jury instructions and be like wait a minute, what have we been doing for the last two months. it's going to be really jarring for these members of the jury to understand that like there's no way under the law they can convict president trump. maria: but how outrageous is that in and of itself, the fact that -- how much money is this costing? the fact you have to have all of these jurors. cue got six or eight -- you've got six or eight weeks of this. the cost involved. meanwhile, new york seems to be burning. you've got people getting arrested and getting back on the street and committing more crime. you've got so much to deal with and yet we are watching joe biden put his political opponent in a courtroom so that he can go
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politic and campaign leading up to the election and trump is holed up in a manhattan courtroom. >> exactly. it's such a good point, maria. if you can think about how much better use of the time of the judge, of the prosecutors, of this courtroom could be going on and it's not. i think this is not only the biggest challenge of this case but we look at just what the image to the united states of america is as to how new york is operating but there's no political accountability. the da, alvin bragg, has no political accountability. nobody is going to vote him out of office. the judge has no political accountability, no one is going to vote him out of office. they can abuse their power, use novel legal theories that won't be successful in the long term. new york is so blue, they're emboldened. that's the biggest challenge.
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until the voters speak up and say this is a complete abuse of power, our neighborhoods are not safe. we need to focus on the crimes and the criminals that are really hurting our communities. you're just going to end up with these types of show trials, completely politically he motivated. maria: how horrible. no wonder people call america now a banana republic. the supreme court is hearing arguments on trump's presidential immunity claim. a decision may not come until june. eric trump joined me yesterday, he warned the decision could impact charges for other presidents as well. >> the only people that will benefit are big law firms because they'll go after every president. they'll start with obama, where he gives 2,000 weapons to cartel members. they'll go to obama where we uponized the irs against conservatives. they'll probably go after joe biden for having cocaine in the white house, go after biden for raiding his opponent's homes. where do you want to stop? presidents need immunity in this
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country. if they don't, their entire tenure as president is literally going to be filled in depositions and subpoenas like they've tried do to my father for the last eight years. maria: matt, i want to get your take on this because we did hear some snippets of supreme court justices debating whether or not the immunity should be there. what are your thoughts based on what you heard last week from the scotus justices? >> maria, what concerned me the most was the radical view of presidental immunity that jack smith and his team tried to articulate that essentially said trust the department of justice, trust prosecutors to make these decisions in a vacuum. the evidence of the abuse in the trusting of a prosecutor goes no further than just looking at what jack smith has done to president trump so this is obvious that we need a much broader expansive view of
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presidential immunity than jack smith believes the law is and i think the supreme court what i heard is there's a majority of the court that feels that presidents have a broad amount of immunity and they're trying to find the outer bounds of that. maria: that's what i feel like i heard as well. but you make a good point. trust the doj, trust the fbi. i'm sorry, they've given us no reason to trust them given the mistruths we've been hearing from both in the last couple years. liz peek jump in here. >> good morning. harvey weinstein trial was overturned because the prosecutor brought in a lot of other testimony from caseses not related and not included in that particular prosecution. isn't that what they're doing now in the trump trial, bringing in the karen mcdougal settlement and other things that seems like it's all about besmirching donald trumps' reputation as opposed to presenting a legal case which is about 34 payments to storm hey
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daniels and how that a was treated. >> such a great point you're absolutely right. what they're trying to do is a bring a mountain of irrelevant evidence into the case to try to color the jury's opinion of donald trump as a human being, as an individual, that has nothing to do with the counts he's charged with. i still am going to be very interested how they can elevate this to the felony. remember, what they articulated in court so far is there's a state interference with elections law that is also a misdemeanor, you combine that with the document claims and that enhances it to a felony, extends the statute of limitations. i think this is a little bit of a magic trick that alvin bragg has done and ultimately his house of cards is going to collapse. maria: you know, it's also about painting a picture for the public, right? they want donald trump in court as if he's some kind of a criminal. they don't have a crime is what most people keep telling us. and yet they're just going to keep bringing in lots of
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witnesses who could paint donald trump as a bad guy and maybe that's what -- in addition to what you said, keep him in court while joe biden campaigns, keep him off the campaign trail. you also have a strategy here to muddy him up. >> you do. and remember, the interesting thing to me is i'm not sure any of this evidence we've heard, we heard last week is unknown to most people that are -- that have been following any of this. this is now new evidence, karen mcdougal, the cast of characters, we've known about this. some of the interesting evidence was tiger woods and some of the others. maria: we'll leave it there. matt whitaker, always a pleasure, thank you sir. quick break and one of the soprano's most beloved actresses said she'ses not scared anymore. >> when i first met you, i was scared of you.
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>> really? >> yeah. i'm scared of everybody. it's always my first reaction. maria: find out what drea demateo about hollywood's influence and who else is ready to speak out. it's making a buzz this morning. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ how could you just leave me standing alone in a world that's so cold. maybe i'm just too demanding. ♪ maybe i'm just like my father, too bold. ♪ maybe you're just like --
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against president biden's policies. the crisis at the southern border changed her mind. how could it not change her mind when you see the impact of 10 million illegals in this country on joe biden's watch and the drugs flowing in as well. >> it's a health risk, a national security risk, all kinds of reasons to be owe posed to biden -- opposed to biden's border policies. it's also you humanitarian problem. hundreds of died trying to cross the rio grande, trying to get into the country illegally. it's interesting. it's not just s entertainers in hollywood who are obviously very liberal and very pro-biden. there's a group in new york of people involved with broadway called friends of abe and i speak to them every few months. it's like going into the christians and catacombs, it's an undisclosed location.
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these aren't necessarily trump backers. they're republicans. they're scared to death that people in the community, they will be shunned, they'll lose their jobs because they don't tow the line. it's horrifying. maria: that's what everyone feels in a lot of industries. you can feel that in hollywood. you feel that in academia, in some big business. look, film director steven spielberg is reportedly going to be joining the biden campaign to provide strategy for the convention happening in chicago. or cording to the hollywood reporter, spielberg you attended several strategy sessions. he helped with the 2020 convention. your reaction? get ready for a big movie style production when we see the democrat national convention. what they're missing is that ordinary folks don't care about the bells and w whistles. they'll have a major movie set
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production for the convention in chicago. will it resonate with voters? >> they don't want to see cgi invented passion. they want to see the facts. they know what's happening, they know that inflation is hurting them, they know 200,000 americans will died because of fentanyl and it could be stopped. i don't think all the kind of magic of hollywood will make any difference. maria: remember the last time, liz, we saw hollywood helping biden, they said oh, lean into your age. you know. you've got experience. lean into it. like just forget about the fact that we're watching the gaffes at every turn. but hollywood's giving him advice to just like try to fool the people. lean into it. >> honestly, it's horrifying. go back to 2016 election, trump wins. no one will perform at his inauguration. that is unpatriotic. a lot of people people i think are unpatriotic. it's absurd. think about the j6 show trial in
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congress which was gined up by tv executives on the west coast. it does have an impact. i'll disagree with you and chris. i think for a lot of young people particularly, if it's a big showy event and they get a lot of stars and celebrities showing up, i'm afraid it does have some impact and really shame on them. if they don't have a real story to tell, why tell a ginned up one? because that's all they've got. maria: that's all they've got. pj media reports there's new bombshell evidence that is suggesting trump was set up in the classified documents saga. we're going to talk about that coming up. the classified documents that president biden was holding near his garage apparently were a lot serious than we knew and that's what congressman michael waltz told me yesterday. first, president biden slammed for his hypocritical messaging during the white house correspondents dinner this weekend. it's the hot topic of the hour. it's coming up next.
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you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ country roads take me home ♪ to the place i belong. ♪ west virginia. ♪ mountain mama. ♪ take me home. ♪ country roads. ♪ the best advice i ever got was to invest with vanguard for my retirement. the second best? stay healthy enough to enjoy it. so i started preparing physically and financially. then you came along and made every mile worth it. hi mom. at vanguard you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. helping you prepare for today's longer retirement. that's the value of ownership.
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maria: welcome back.


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