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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  April 28, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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into the program analyzes the week that was an helps position you for the week ahead. i am maria bartiromo. biden in new york friday aborting the epicenter of campus chaos as anti- israel protests spread like wildfire across the country. you can't hide usc you cannot hide. from the river to the seat palestine will be free. >> this is fascism. maria: hundreds of people arrested from massachusetts to texas and california bring the university of southern california and forced to cancel its main stage at graduation ceremony. setting new safety concerns as columbia students file a civil rights complaints against her school. amid all the anti-semitic violence we have heard nothing from president biden, denouncing the chairs support on campuses since monday. hamas officials iran's ayatollah putting out statements this week
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publicly applauding the anti-jewish protests. calling the agitators leaders of the future. iran's foreign minister weighed in on a translated post condemning the united states quote suppression of protesters saying he's deeply worried and disgusted by the impression for driving up former ambassador at large and counter terrorism coordinator under former president trump nathan sales. ambassador, thank you so much for being here this weekend for your reaction? >> and maria, clearly america has a major problem with anti-semitism on campus. the first amendment protects your right to say stupid things, anit even protects your right to say outrageous things. but let's be clear, what we're seeing campus these days goes well beyond the line. what we are seeing is well organized mobs that are there to intimidate jewish students and shutdown universities. that is why classes are being canceled. graduations are being canceled. just the other day we saw at
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princeton has below flags of a terrorist organization that by the way has killed hundreds of americans over the years. we saw a sign at george washington university here in d.c. calling for a final solution but let's be clear if you are calling for a second holocaust, if you are supporting iran back to terrorist organizations you have gone well beyond was protected by the first amendment. maria: what is to be done then? we have not heard from the white house on this. we've seen the rage across the country, increasing number of schools. >> that is right. we are suffering from a failure of leadership the ivy league presidency university president that should be leading are hunkered down in a defensive crouch. the president needs to be leading the president said the reason why he ran for office was because of anti-semitism the world saw at the charlottesville rally. if that is the case we need to be hearing from biden loud and
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clear announcing what goes far beyond mere hate speech but is becoming over calls for genocide if you are saying we want it all, what you are seeing is the state of israel has a right to exist. what you are saying is the millions of jews who live in israel need to be displaced or suppressed thaty presidents andd to do a better job of getting out in front of this issue. maria: so disturbing never did anyone expect this to take place in america again like this. bidei don't approve knighted by billion-dollar foreign aid package this week with over 26 billion in support of israel. but part of the package is also sending $9 billion in aid to gaza. i would like to get your take on this there are many critics voicing concern that 9 billion ultimately will be used by hamas. i spoke with several senators who said that as well as a former secretary of state mike pompeo, watch. click sign me up for being
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skeptical to bite administration capacity to deny hamas resources. or for that matter the iranian regime resources we have seen them get billions and billions of dollars to the iranians that we got october 7 as a result of that. it has below still rules and 11n lebanon but hamas is deeply in control to conduct the attacks they need to conduct. >> what you think about that ambassador? equally senator mike lee from utah and senator rick scott from florida tell me the same thing. they think that $9 billion will get stopped from going to gaza it will be taken by hamas. >> that is exactly right. that's not the hypothetical we know this would happen is exactly what happened before. how many times have we seen video footage of aid trucks driving around in gaza with hamas and gunmen sitting on top ready to shoot innocent palestinian civilians for the crime of trying to get food.
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we note the problem is not getting food into gaza. the real problem is what it is in question rick what is going to happen what has happened is terrorist like hamas, chairs like palestinian islamic jihad are going to use whatever resources are provided to gaza for their own benefit and not for the benefit of the people. and by the way that. at the united states is going to be building in order to get more supplies into gaza has already come under fire. just the other day there is a number of mortar attacks from palestinian terrorists. we are going to be putting american soldiers, american sailors into harms way to resupply our enemy. that is not a great way to handle humanitarian relief by any stretch of the imagination. >> ambassador, great to see you. thank you so much nathan sales joining us this weekend. we appreciate your time but meanwhile inflation have little signs of letting up in march for the key barometer of the federal reserve indicates about their
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move ahead of the flm meeting coming up this [alarm beeping] amelia, turn off alarm. amelia, weather. 70 degrees and sunny today. amelia, unlock the door. i'm afraid i can't do that, jen. why not? did you forget something? my protein shake. the future isn't scary, not investing in it is. you're so dramatic amelia. bye jen. 100 innovative companies, one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges expenses and more prospectus at (qb) this is it. one play. this is when we find out... (luke) hey, quick question. student body math proficiency, would we say it's good? fair? satisfactory? (player 1) what? (luke) like a percentage, if you had to guess. (players) hey, get out of here man. get off the field. (luke) understood.
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maria: welcome back. here's a look at where the markets in the week after slough big tech earnings a new economic data for the three major indices extending steep losses for the month and of course it has been a rough beginning to the second quarter for markets the federal reserve's favorite inflation gauge humming and so a higher-than-expected on friday annually is showing a growth of 2.7% with monthly inflation remaining flat up three tenths of a percentage for % for the eo slowing down. growing but slower than expected in the first quarter at 1.6% compared to the expectations of 2.4% and all the way down from 4.9% in the third quarter of last year by the federal reserve next policy meeting is on deck for this upcoming tuesday and wednesday. let's get ahead of it. right now with former federal
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reserve governor kevin washington. it's great to see if we thank you so much for joining us this weekend. i went to your take on what we are in terms of the inflation story and the growth story but how would you assess the macro story today? >> i think the number one take away is that inflation continues to eat away at real incomes, real take-home pay is not keeping up with the surge in prices over the last several years. the knicks nick's of policies e bite administration of the bryden biden/yellin access is doing real harm to prices the average basket of prices that are typical consumer would pay as up more than 20% in last two years. real take-home wages are up about one half of that. no wonder the american people feel they need a change in policies. >> were getting sticker shock every time you go to the grocery store for sure. you got all of the essentials rising wouldn't gasoline up 52%
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on joe biden's watch consumer prices up 18.9%, credit card debt up 46%. wages are down in the middle of all that down to nap% on real hourly wages. i want to get your take on why it has been so tough to get inflation down. the democrats policy fiscal responsibility act, chips acts, green energy tax credits, forgiveness of student loan debt, how are we going to get inflation under control to keep seeiforkeeping this level of sp? >> in a word we won't. america's inflation problem is not because workers are somehow working too much, earning too much or living too well. american summation is because the government's living too well they are spending too much and printing too much. the old excuses word inflation because of the pandemic when inflation is because of the war and now they say it's because of supply chain. i makes this group of policymakers sound like they are bystanders do this.
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no they are not central banks can determine the level of inflation and i am afraid because this is central bank with this mix of spending policies and printing policies waited so long to raise rates from zero they let inflation find their way into the body politic the let inflation find their way into expectations then they had to raise rates and more than they otherwise would have. more recently the problem is they declared victory prematurely. in december as you will know the feds said they be cutting rates. i had been crushed, had been killed only to find and the recent days and weeks that is not true. in some sense talked on the policy rate a couple of months ago and inflation has resurfaced. i get at the most progressive tax and he can come up with. blame is not just with the central bank it's a mix of tax and spending and regulatory
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policies which are due at real l harm to the american worker. courts want to get the taxes in a moment part ahead of this meeting this upcoming week what you think the priorities are in terms of what jay powell may say give and it feels like he wants to cut interest rates but how can he and inflation is not where he wants it? i'm with the spike in prices continues elevated. was he going to give us guidance? how will he manage that in this meeting? >> i hope they stop giving us guidance. the last several years policymakers should keep talking yoshould keep giving their forecast helme how many cups ofg the upcoming year? i think it has been a policy error when they talked in december that all of these costs to come inflation was beaten. they talked on the policy rate and the inflation serve as my
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best advice that should stop giving forward guidance. the most important power the power tool the bank has it's not actually it's printing press it's it's credibility i worry a lot the credibility has been strained by these errors that are systematic about prices, about the real economy per help when chairman powell and his colleagues with this upcoming week they talk a little less and they think a little bit more. the world is a mess out there. making crazy forecasts is only going to make them -- put them in more trouble as the year goes on. >> we are taxed to the max. the big campaign promise he's not going to raise taxes on it anyone making less than $40000 a year. fpl allows trump to choi dollar tax cuts to expire at the tax foundation is warning the single person making 30,000 dollars a year could pay an additional two and $50000 in taxes individuals make a $75000 could see their
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taxes jumped by more than $1700. house republicans have formed tenant tax teams legislative solutions for the expiring tax cuts. what you think will happen or should happen in terms of the upcoming expiring tax cuts? i thought at the time i'll say y it again for the tax cuts worked. they raised real incomes for the middle class. the benefits across the families code more competitive more competitive to increase taxes to revoke the trump of t trump taxd be a mistake.
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again the policy access we see in washington between the white house, the treasury, the fed that lead to a bigger government bigger spending is quite dangerous. i will end with one of fac fact. government today is more than 40% bigger than the day before covid. that is a problem and they might think the right answer is to tax our way to solve the revenue problem. but that is not the way to do is dosesshrink the size of the government. for each of these agencies and n the government like central bank they need to stick to the remit for the fed. that remit is to get prices stable they certainly aren't right now. maria: all great points. so important. thank you so much for joining us. >> great to be with you, maria. maria: all right kevin warsh joining us today on the fed tomorrow and biden with $1.4 trillion in final costs it's hating american small business business
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♪ ♪. maria: welcome back. taxed more, spend more, regulate more that's biden's big agenda businesses across the country are feeling the squeeze. this administration adding a whopping $1.37 trillion of new regulation since inauguration day. far surpassing its predecessors. that includes 870 billion regionally spent on his new epa tailpipe emissions rule. that alone nearly matches a total of the entire obama presidency in terms of regulation. republican lawmakers are taking action for the house, small business committee holding a hearing next week on the financial crimes enforcement network's regulations are impacting mom-and-pop shops across the country. the chairman of the committee
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congressman williams joins us now but thanks so much for being here. assess the situation for us in terms of the regulatory backdrop? >> it is killing small business. small business, main street of america is the backbone of our community but we been fighting high inflation and all these things and i would come with more and more regulations. it's requiring small businesses to go out of business in many cases or hire a perk person as a compliance officer they cannot afford. it is a real problem. we need to be competing for business not competing against the federal government on regulations. we here at $1.3 trillion in regulation since 2016 or 2020 and what people don't realize it's about 2 million man hours to comply to those regulations and you cannot even hire people right now. it's a tough spot they're putting us in for main street and main street is really feeling it. maria: is this part of the
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president's climate change agenda? i know he is also insisting on businesses pay and come up with answers to questions about admissions, what their customers are doing. with their customers are doing in terms of omissions but all that is creating your cost for businesses that were not there before this climate change agenda. >> exactly where the government needs to get out of main street world a lot main street compete. let the consumer until main street for doing the right thing or not give the best service or not. on people on customers on main street, on business owners for that of course it is not is to create more problems for individuals and businesses to even get started. it is a real issue. the government needs to let competition work for this and what they see in the biden administration there forcing, forcing more hours a down main
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street institutions to which they cannot comply to it's going to cost a business rat businessd to businesses. maria: it is not helping employees their wages are going down the. inflation is going up. biden's a border crisis will start hurting america taxpayers causing where the y $50 billion in 2023 alone. the foreign aid package however pass this week without any funding for border security. florida governor desantis is blaming your congressional colleagues. watch this. >> the number one issue our voters wanted them to address as a southern border and the massive influx of foreigners by the millions coming into this country. we do not know who these people are. and they basically surrendered all the border. they now have no leverage to do anything on the border. maria: congressman what about that? you still have not secure the border. you and your colleagues have been talking about it. >> been talking from it's the
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biggest issues we have and then we have to fix. government desantis is rights i did vote to support israel we do have to be with israel. we do not need money going to ukraine we could have money going to the border but we have a biggest issue from a sovereign issue, from a hiring issue we've got to get our arms around it. we know it works. its walls title 42 it stay policy. we got to address it. he claims he does have authority to do anything despite the fact he walked into the oval office on week one overturned all of his overs security at the border. just waiting for an election we can't do anything then for the next six months of the border. >> biden state and mexico policy you reported.
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he can do anything 2024 will be the defining moments. we have to get it fixed then. it is going to save our country quite frankly if we get control of it. maria: will leave it there, congressman good to see you this weekend for thank you very much. >> thank you maria, thank you. maria: what important thing a nation ahead of next week. that i (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app. low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. sofi. get your money right®. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth
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maria: welcome back but one thing you need to know ahead of next week, jock is getting ready to settle up in churchill downs for the oldest annual sporting event in american history. the one her 50th running of the kentucky derby is coming up next weekend. with a 5 million-dollar purse on the line for the winter. a record number bettors are also trying to get in on the money and less essay over a million dollars could be wagered on the races but an increase over last
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years record of 288 million. the horse fierceness the currently favored to win at three -- one odds but would was following up mornwithfollowing h maria six -- 9:00 a.m. eastern on foxbusiness. i hope you'll join me every weekday part i will see you on sunday over on the fox news channel 10:00 a.m. eastern lives "sunday morning futures" with exclusive interviews this weekend executive vice president of the trump organization eric trump, former president's son as wasn't congressman jim jordan chairman of judiciary. michael walton live, it is sunday and fox news. join me for saturday morning futures that was of resting on foxbusiness but thank you so much for joining us this weekend. have a great rest of the weekend. i'll see you again >> barron's roundtable sponsored by global x ets. ♪


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