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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EEST

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in poland and start to simply hate those ukrainians who are not in ukraine, and this is a big problem for us, how to solve it all, i understand that the authorities do not have positive ways to solve this issue, from what i heard from the dialogue with sportnikov, that in fact there is one radical move, but how will ukrainian society open borders, and what do you think about these issues, here both legal and even moral and ethical. because we really share a lot on these issues, i returned today with poland and i actually met this news, an example of a person who can cross the border and comes back, and i actually talked with ukrainians and poles, but it is not only in poland, it is all over europe, all over the world, a wave, a wave, has risen, some people perceive everything it's normal, the others are indignant, at the beginning of his... term of office, president
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zelenskyy gave a very good speech, he said that there are not 30, 40 million of us there, there are 65, 70 million of us in the world and it doesn't matter where a ukrainian lives, does he live in america, does he live in ukraine, ukrainians, if they love their homeland and help their homeland. recently , during the two years when the war started, of course, we saw that a lot of people really went abroad, well, women, children, of course, fled, a lot. many citizens of ukraine of different genders also left for various reasons, some lived there even before the war, well, they created some jobs for themselves there , had some businesses and earned money, this was one category of people, the second category, who left already fleeing the war, let's say so, some ran away without having a pocket not a penny, the others ran away, where they had good cars, bags of money, they also ran away, of course, and this is a big problem that at the beginning, when...... really, well,
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the war started, i understand that not everything it was possible to arrange, but they didn't arrange from the very beginning who leaves, where they leave, why they leave, or maybe everyone really had to be registered, everyone, one hundred percent everyone, and then determine the appropriate bodies there, let the commissions determine who has a deferment, who does not have a withdrawal there, who can leave, who cannot, if we really we are fighting, they allowed it, brought it to the point that everyone ran away as they could, now they have decided it... it is to restore order, it was well accepted, a good law, i will see about mobilization, it is great, what will happen next, we will see, but what has started now is a big negative for the state, believe me, i heard such a thing, not from our ukrainians, well, ours can say a lot, from citizens of another state, very negatively, if it is not corrected, not brought to a normal, normal, it's normal, if we let go, it won't be very good for us, believe me, not very good fine. but all this can be done, it depends on what
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the state wants, if the state wants to register male citizens of ukraine who are outside the borders of our state, then it can be done in a different way, civilized, calmly, without shouting, without panic, the citizen appeals in the consular office with some actions there, the consul puts him on the record, calmly, normally, according to the current legislation, transfers the data to ukraine, he is already on the record, and he then continues to perform actions there, if we want to return them to the front so that they fight , well believe me, i think 99.9% of them will not return, those who have already left, they will not return, you do not need to count on them, the only thing that needs to be taken into account is one more point, those ukrainians who have been outside our country for these two years, they donated, they helped, they provided various humanitarian aid for ukraine, they went to rallies there, they supported ukraine there at different, different moments, this should also be taken into account, whether they will continue to do this, well, i don't know, we'll see. time will tell, i am the only one convinced
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that we have, according to our constitution, we have a parliamentary, presidential republic, yes, the parliament, the government, must think very carefully about what they are doing, whether it is for the benefit of our state or not, the president is doing his job today, from my point of view, quite well not bad, but the parliament and the government are zero, just zero, even such things, if they wanted to do something, then do it correctly. we are adding markiyan lopachak, captain of the zsu, secretary of the lviv city council, mr. markiyan, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, ok, continuation of the topic that we have already started discussing, mr. pavlyuk said that it is unlikely that those people who are abroad will be able to return to the front to fight, the military relies on people from abroad, men from abroad , i think that the military doesn't make a difference whether it's men
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from abroad or men from the rear of ukraine, from a peaceful, relatively peaceful part of ukraine, it doesn't matter at all. that is, there is no difference here for the military, who will come, replenish, strengthen, that completely different things, in general, well, if we talk about this law, that is, about this whole situation, i can say my opinion that in my opinion, it was simply too late, this decision should have been made and brought to the legislative level in april - may 2022, because it was clear that some people... would abuse it, some people would try to avoid their constitutional duty to protect the state, and unfortunately, during these two years, those people became more and more, and as of now, it is difficult for me personally to say what is what to us
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this law will help, if we say that a part of people will return to ukraine, who for one reason or another either fled, or illegally... crossed the border or simply did not want to return to the country, we hope that some large, at least a percentage of these people can be pledged to return to the country in order to pick up my documents or renew my danish passport, well, i personally find it difficult to believe it, on the other hand, this is a rather serious signal to everyone that, first of all, we must think as a defense'. state to cross the tisza river - this is not always an option, because after that there will be a new day and something will have to be done about it, that is, people are now simply fleeing somewhere and there they receive the entire aid package from the country, and personally, when i watched these scandalous videos from our
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consular diplomatic institutions, well, the first emotions were just such crazy motherfuckers, and then some, well, i don't know, well, probably sadness or something, well, it's simple. somehow it became so, well, such a spanish shame for our fellow citizens, how much they can neglect their duties to protect the state, when the question is not that something bad will happen there or with the political authorities there or with someone there in particular, we are now saying that we have an extremely realistic and extremely acute, extremely important and difficult question, it is in general... the preservation of our state, as a state as such, people do not think about this, that when the state needs you, you should come and help everything you can, instead they demand all the benefits from the state, and in such a maximally incorrect way, well , me too strange position, well, of course, maybe
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that they did not have the right, but in my opinion , the employees of the consulate and in general the employees of the diplomatic offices have somehow a little more strictness. react to all such manifestations, because this is actually a shame for the state, they rightly said that a lot depends on the fact that if people should realize, people should realize the situation we are all in now, and that a lot actually depends on each specific person , that is, the question here is when people over there, including through the russian epso, everyone perceives that to come to the tcc is... there , literally two days later, they put you in their hands machine gun, forced into some sort of landing, there are some local assaults and so on and so forth, and this is all clearly the end, in fact people can be useful in many ways, that is, we have defense enterprises, we now have a mass in the east of the country, utility enterprises, other
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institutions are involved in the construction of fortifications, and those people who cannot take up arms are afraid to take up arms, they can also be involved in those construction works, on the other hand. staying in a country that is difficult, but when you stay in a country, you work, pay taxes and support the economy of this country, this is also a significant contribution, and when people there with their mothers find out what number he is in the queue, then i just wish there were, if i think, at least a few military men there or wounded, who are currently in treatment or maybe someone from some training, they would just ask what is your number? in line at the tsc, why didn't you stand in line there, how did you all end up here, why you, why, if you are so active, if you are so 300 passport holders block the diplomatic office in warsaw, and where were you when in the country, your fellow citizens, the country that allegedly
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owes you something based on your words, you were blockaded on the polish border, including with humanitarian aid, and with products, and... where was your activity at those moments was, why didn’t you go out, talk to people, didn’t stand with parallel pickets, that is, it’s actually a shame to even discuss it, thank you for this frank position, markiyan lopachak rozlogo, and it’s important to hear from the military what they think about it think, because well, we have even in our today's on the air, to collect the maximum number of opinions of different people in order to make really correct conclusions, and then stetskiv, a short reply of pavliuk and stetskiv. markiyan, i fully support you, my friend, you say absolutely the right things, the only thing was sad to see when the police were polish, well, there... the poles themselves, who serve there, work, how they looked at ukrainians, like those assaults , then everything else, and
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they are talking among themselves, well, look, look at ukraine, everyone there will soon be driven from all over the world to war with ukrainians, what is all this to me led that it should have been done, i support you even earlier, it is definitely much earlier at the beginning of the war, to put everything in order, but today, even if this law was adopted, there is no question that it was adopted, it must be carried out, there are no problems, but it must be done civilized, european-style, and not... as usual, everything is done in our country after one month, you know, if they, for example, explained all those people, gave a term of some kind, i don't know how long it is, 10 days or half a month or a month get those passports that are already there paid and are waiting for receipt, others do not accept, well, in one word, it should be clarified, explained and done in a civilized manner, we would not have that chaos and that negativity that is coming to us, to ukraine, to the state, negativity is coming to the state , and it’s a shame to watch, that ’s the only thing i wanted to emphasize, well , i completely agree, but also about... i think, i also heard the performances of other film-makers, including poles,
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when they are appealing for help, when they are discussing macron's statements about us as much as possible the possibility of sending french troops to ukraine, and on the other hand they just see huge convoys, huge queues at the same consular institutions and so on, here i ask them a simple question, what do you want from us, what do you demand from us, why you. .. they owe you something if your fellow citizens are here in huge numbers, and here again it is necessary to clearly divide, for me personally i am trying to divide these categories of people who are now in europe and abroad in general , these are the people who emigrated a long time ago, who really help, who do something, who have already formed their lives abroad, the second category is definitely women, these are girls who are there for one reason or another , from the occupied territories, from the east , from the hot spots there in western ukraine, even
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in the end, those who were there were forced by circumstances to be abroad, and the third category is men who crossed the border illegally, or crossed the border legally, but stayed illegally, and the bulk actually these men now does the whole thing, but i have the most questions about this category, but we need to count on them. there is no need to count on them, believe me, you are right, those who escaped, they will not return, those who are still 50/50, they will now completely leave, there is nothing to count on them, the state should not count on them, they will not be driven away by force, believe me, well, for a long time, we can discuss this topic for a very long time, the only thing here is er, i will make a small reply to what vasyl mykhailovych said about the correctness or incorrectness, i cannot say a lot due to the fact that i am now a military serviceman and cannot freely
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philosophize and speak there or criticize this or that government, yes, but i want to say one thing that there are no correct and one hundred percent approved decisions by the population under war time, and clearly what can be said, just for everyone to understand that while politicians, you of the verkhovna rada, other officials are thinking about any possible elections, about preserving or gaining new electoral sympathies, we are losing very precious time, this time in us, i would not say that it is no longer there, that we have lost it, but it is very expensive, and we also feel how much this time plays a role here, it is important here, in kyiv, in the central authorities. decisions were made as quickly as possible,
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when the law on mobilization was adopted, they started talking about it in november, the first queues at the border were one kilometer long in december, and it was adopted in april, so this political struggle, this desire to please someone, this flirting with voters, but i am against this, and i am against this, and we would like more did not vote for this law. the project, because there was no clause on demobilization, and we did not vote, because our amendments were not taken into account, and we would have discussed something else, people, we end here. banally simple, everyone who wants to please the future voters should simply realize, understand that these elections with such an approach may not take place. markian lupachak, tarastets continues. well, the problem actually exists, and you can't turn a blind eye to it, and you just have to think carefully about how
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it can be solved and even wondered whether it has a solution at all. there is such a positive solution in europe. well, or any even, well, look, there is such an agency in europe called eurostat, and it gives the figure that after february 24, 2022, there will be 640 thousand men of conscription age in the countries of the european union, these are those who left after the beginning war, that is, they have already broken the law, and today i found another figure and they give out 800,000, so another army... went abroad, but there are also citizens who work legally in the european union, who had work there long before the start of the war and so on, and this prohibition of consul consular service, as i understand it, applies to both, well, as far as we understand, everyone so far, and well, from a legal point of view, everything is clear here, the ministry ran in front of
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the steam locomotive, the law on mobilization had not yet entered into force, and they already in such a specific way began to apply its rule on the need to register and chose a punitive measure, well, a punitive measure, because it is a punishment, from consular service, and we, i i think that we will have a consensus here, this norm will definitely not return these citizens to ukraine, it will make it difficult for them to live abroad, different countries treat it differently, but i tried to look, well, what is in the open data, well, on ... germany said that it will issue temporary certificates itself, and it will not do anything to return these violators of the law to ukraine, the poles took a slightly different situation, they, the minister recently said that it is somehow obscene that adults people sit in bars, sit in cafes
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in poland, and ukraine is at war quote, we can look at it now, estonia said that it is ready with ukraine... to create mechanisms to forcibly return these citizens to ukraine, i still think that most of the eu countries will not agree to help ukraine in in this direction, well, they have basic human rights and the status of a refugee a priori forces their authorities not to return these people, well, we have seen how they, for example, behave even with those migrants, who i am now without any definitions, who they have problems...
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case, i don't think that it is purely humane, i understand that it is somehow not quite right when such a number of citizens went abroad, actually ran away from military duty, but there is no legal way to return them, and i am inclined to in the event that this is a temporary measure, i am sure that it is a temporary measure, our ministry will cancel it, because there will be a hearing now in the verkhovna rada, there will be a hearing in the committee and so on, it seems to me that i completely... vasyl zidny, they will not return, and this is theirs will only frighten, and will force to look for additional ways to legalize their stay in those countries that are ready to grant them from other migrations, well, even citizenship, i think, the germans, the germans absolutely clearly demonstrate that they would be very happy to leave these ukrainian citizens with a conscription age in germany, they are
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conscientious citizens, they are law-abiding, well, much better than syrian refugees and so on. and the question is whether ukraine can consider these people already citizens, well, this is from the moral side, i look at it, i would believed that punitive measures would not do anything, from my point of view, as they left, it means that for some reason they are simply afraid to go to the front, so we need to look for other mechanisms, i am more inclined to that, this is not my own idea, and it seems that rustam zade, such an azerbaijani, expressed this aghil. a military expert, well, they receive social assistance there, they earn money there, let them give part of the money here for the army, tax, let them stay there, but that's the same again. only moral or condemnation or moral coercion, well, we cannot pledge them, since he fled there, he lives in poland or in germany, but even if
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he gives half of the thousands of euros he earns to the ukrainian army, at least in this way, then he is somehow is involved as a citizen of this state, otherwise he does not want to go through consular services, and he has broken the law, but in this case, he must be given time to get on this record, on this military record, and that is not even yet... lk and this is not even a subpoena, mr. mytsyk, as a lawyer, but they violated it people who went abroad on the 24th after the 24th , and well, they had something to do so that we don't say that they violated some legislation, well, let's talk about the legal definitions, as it is written in the law, i do not agree with by mr. taras, that it is for the implementation of the law, the requirements of the law and the resolution of the cabinet of ministers lie in different planes and they are actually not the same. pokes at each other, the biggest problem of this decision of the cabinet of ministers is that it was completely out of touch with society, again like an elephant in a porcelain bench, i like this comparison
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i will say that the secrecy of the adoption of this decision is the same as it was given at the magatakas, no one knows, so there was a roar in the sky when this document was brought out, although i remember that i said in our last broadcast that the idea of ​​banning consular accounting was at the very beginning. the draft law, which was introduced back in september, was subjected to furious hate, you remember, the websites of all diplomatic missions abroad were blacked out, and the government completely removed this ban on consular services from other drafts of the law. it is necessary to distinguish the prohibition of consular services and one segment consular services - this is a ban on issuing a foreign passport in consular offices. a lot of consular services will be provided, there is only this question, well, it is so essential and key. in transitional positions. it is written in the law, since all citizens have 60 days to clarify their personal data by opening an electronic account, everyone
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objects, they do not want to do it, although the path will be direct to this, e-mail, telephone numbers that are on the sites, please specify your profile data. in the law, where it is written about the legal regime of martial law, two things are written that concern, they boil down to limitations. that a foreign passport abroad, except for children there and for returning to ukraine, is issued only to those who have a military registration document, that is , there is not a single word about the prohibition of issuing passports there in the law, why the cabinet of ministers, first of all, this is an absolute excess of power, the letter of the deputy of the minister of foreign affairs, this is a departure from the limits of authority, but it is already a resolution of the cabinet of ministers, it regulates this issue properly. the way they accepted such a radical way, i cannot understand, and also in anticipation of the future law. now, why do we, did the cabinet of ministers exceed
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the requirements of the law in this case, probably not, because we need to look at the legal nature of the document in which they made changes. it was an experimental procedure for issuing documents. we have already forgotten about the issue of foreign passports at the consulate. institutions started when , after the cabinet of ministers decree in june 22, and well, these are changes, the cabinet of ministers decree of the 22nd of the 22nd of the 22nd year was introduced, and from there they excluded me, perhaps i do not know the order in this case, this norm was excluded from there, that is, the cabinet of ministers regulated this resolution on the experimental order. further, i agree with the opinion that was expressed that when accepting any document... the state must, well, the body that initiates it, it must justify the need for it, explanatory notes, justifications are drawn up, it is not just taken
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and sat down in the morning and voted, that is, i am very interested in reading these explanatory notes, what is written, what is the purpose of increasing the mobilization contingent, 100%, it will not happen, because these people, having left ukraine, decided on this document. is very general in terms of the equalization of all ukrainians who went abroad at different times, if we look at the law on military service, on military duty and military service, then previously there was a note that military records were not kept in consular institutions, and people while staying abroad for a long time, they were never on any military registration and did not violate anything at the same time. this is the first group of people, the second group of people, please, briefly, we have to go to now advertising, but again we return to the topic that lupachak and eventually sportnikov spoke about, that we do not have
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stronger together. the action of the american representative in brussels at the us mission in brussels, who said that we do not have a defined position, we are still defining ourselves, because we must not forget that during the war, ukrainians went not only to the countries of the european union, but more than 200 thousand in canada, over 2,000 in america, there are also tens of tens of thousands of ukrainian citizens, by the way, no one is talking about this, how to deal with them. by the way, why are ukrainians in poland or lithuania in a more losing situation than ukrainians in canada, citizens of ukraine or in america, of whom there are also a large number. as for the czech republic, there was no reaction, but it must be said that all these countries, although they talk about the fact that we will send them there, we will give information there, before estonia also talked about the fact that we can hand over information.


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