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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 4, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news line from berlin. george's capital prepares for more demonstrations against the law which could crack down on media freedoms. protestors have been on the streets for 3 weeks denouncing a so called russian law as a threat to the countries you aspirations towards. the president tells dw, show the to the bill. also coming up in the program, canadian police charged 3 indian nationals over the killing of a 6 separatist in
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a case that sparked diplomatic crisis between india and canada. and berlin. someone's at top, the russian envoy over a series of cyber attacks against members of the governance of democratic party. triple form minister on the block says russian fact groups are also targeting the country's defense and technology sectors. the . i'm aaron tilting berlin. thank you very much for tuning and we start in georgia were mass protests have entered the 3rd week. the voters are aimed at a government bill, which they say will crack down on the media in georgia's and georgia's ambitions to join the you the you and the us of, or georgia to drop the legislation. housing, people in georgia have been taking to the streets for weeks protesting
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a bill that could touch and media freedom. crowds oppose was for the, for an agent spell, which would require immediate non profits to register as working for a foreign power. if they get more than 20 percent of the funding from abroad, the, the motivation behind the decision to reintroduce the load despite the problem is that it would not have been is clearly rushed in style even before examining the law itself. that's what many here are calling it the solar russian law. that's because moscow use a similar legislation, declared press freedom and silence critics of the kremlin georgian presidents, them is what a beast, billy opposes the bill and don't be w. she would not let it pass as it did with georgia as plans of joining the you. so this low is pretty sorry by everyone. and it's criticized by your 10 factors by our
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american partners. that say that this will be an obstacle to the european tasks of georgia when we are expecting by the end of the year to get to the possibility to open negotiations. for i told you as a entry into the european union, while the president in western partners have opposed the law, george's prime minister has dismissed the criticism. he says their interference has in fact, accelerated violence. the other fix is a fellow at the council on foreign relations in american thing take in washington dc. so as we saw, there are thousands of hundreds of thousands of people in georgia are opposed to this bill. but how likely is it to pass? it was the ruling party is very detailed mind to make this law pass. it is the 2nd time that they have already introduced it. so this is not just a one off. this is something where the ruling party, georgia dream,
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would lose all credibility if they were not push it to. so it's a very serious situation and really at fault in the world for just past what the you being union and to what's the west? well, as, as you just mentioned, there are many critics say that this could be an attempt to realign georgia with moscow. do you share that assessment for a long time? they have been concerns that the great cause, you know, behind the scenes between now even you should be me was ones judging. prime minister then has step down, but still am actually. so it's most of how over the judge and we is watch a friendly, he has made his business in washington business fortunes. but this law would be the 1st, really a definite of evidence that judge. and we mentioned to you that you basically in the background imitating western politics and implementing a law,
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which is just to office the model on the wash just for an agent though, that it is really difficult to argue that this is not a move to what's most go know why exactly are we seeing this realignment with moscow? i mean, georgia fought a war against russian back separatists in 2008 and other regional countries like armine, are just and see themselves from us. go at the moment. this is a huge power adults, especially as such a huge majority of the population does not want to we align with moscow. so from the perspective of george and we made a scene that you knew she really? um, the, the thinking goes that doctor really has no alternative. that if it opposes washer any further, no one will come to help georgia in the same way as you claim it's being helped right now. that's the argument, the official document. but at the same time,
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it is very fair to say that it is the interest of the judge and dream potty adult. to see that even if we need to, we buy these ties to russia. and it is remarkable that the able to do so against the will of population of the population, which is also because the a position is so weak and so discredited after yes of it's actually this will in georgia. all right, that was the honest x from the council on foreign relationships or counseling formulations. rather. thank you very much for joining us. absolutely, my pleasure. canadian police have arrested 3 men over the killing of a 6 separate, isn't vancouver last year or the seeing the jar was shot dead by gunman outside the cig temple. he led me jar was a canadian citizen, and he was wanted by indian authorities for legend involved and terrorism as borders parties, series diplomatic crisis between canada and india. after canadian prime minister
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justin for though suggestive deli, was involved in the killing, credible allegations. and can even police say the 3 men are arrested, are all in the nationals, they've been charged with 1st degree murder and conspiracy. so, i will underscore that today's announcements are not a complete account of the investigative work currently underway. they're a separate and distinct investigations on going into these matters. certainly not limited to the involvement of the people arrested today. and these efforts include investigating connections to the government of india. here's a brief look now and some other stories making headlines around the world. the evans with the milton group says it will escalate it's attacks on ships heading for is really ports and intel allies address the groups that it would target any ship within its firing range. the rattling group has long launch repeated strikes and ships in recent months in response to israel's war and gaza. russia is
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establishing an observation post on the grill islands which japan claims as its own . the move swiftly follows comments from moscow. the japan should drop its claims on the islands if it wants to conclude a treaty to formerly end world war 2, between the 2 countries. and here in berlin, the fire date has warrant residents in parts of the city to keep the doors and windows closed. after a fire at the chemical warehouse released hazardous fumes since the air officials, they have the operation to extinguish the blazes proving difficult, as firefighters cannot enter the building. us officials, a russia has move soldiers on to an air base in new jersey. the still host some us troops, the russian forces are said to be using a separate hanger at airbase, $11.00 in the capital in the new it comes after new jr. ordered us forces, who have been fighting is on this insurgents to leave the country. so the german foreign ministry has some of the, a top russian envoy to protest about
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a cyber attack targeting, leaving politicians from the governing social democratic party. russia denies involvement in last year's attacks on politicians, email accounts. but speaking this really a german foreign minister, i'm the lead to bad luck. it was clear i'm she held responsible for the breach. you're going to be confused and be careful to be can do this type of attack to a group called the dent 28. we just verified the military intelligence, so with a fresh start at the end of homes. in other words, the states sponsor suggestions 5, but a doc 10, many, 5 out all this is an opportunity to teach and accepted the win and will have consequence of life. so who is the group behind is a legit hack attack? we put the question to cas boons that to shop off a researcher at the university of ho heidelberg, an expert on cyber conflict and cyber security. a slow april 28 is
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a very well known hacker group that is associated with the military intelligence on g o. u of the russian state. and they have a long history of cyber operations against most and of course your pin democratic states. but of course, also folks out of the united states and they saw that at the beginning of the century, for example, more with espionage operation, operations against stage and political entities. and then later on and also shift the probations to what so called heck them sneak operations. so operations where they do not only still information that can be used then for strategic decision making, but also using those kinds of information. for example, in the run of, of them credit collections to meet those information to the public in order to so chaos and distrust and in order to undermine democratic national election processes, as has been the case. for example, in 2016, we sent the mc heck of the ration i'm in the context of
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u. s. election battle. and of course, when we talk about germany in a 5028, this is also well known because they have seen attribute it as soon as possible. heck, a group for the, for the very well known hacking authoration against the gentleman paul young and china has launched on precedents emission to the dark side of the moon. the space across the chung or is expected to bring geological samples back to earth within 2 months. if it's successful, it's the latest advance in china is ambitious space exploration program. one which no arrivals out of the united states in 2019 china became the 1st country to land rover on the moon's far side. so, there's more on the chinese move mission. john 6 aims to connect to the new material from the fall side of the mood and bring it back to us. it's
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a complex mission that will involve several you. we're both take modules working together. the a for me, so long space craft will 1st all but the mood and then deploy a land to the side that is never visible from us. any talk at the south pole 8 can base in the law just no impact quite just in the solar system. using a mechanical drill and scale the land, a will collect 2 g, those of soil and rocks. and the send mode you with attached to the land will bluff back into noon over it and transfer the samples to the re entry vehicle . if one of those, well, it will carry the congo safely back to us. the site is designed to review new information about the moon's early evolution. it's fall aside,
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is the logically different from the one we see from us. it has a stake across and its surface smoke has different chemical composition, the child, the 6 and so have instruments made in europe on broad spectrum which are from sweden. will investigate the interaction between solar winds and the leaving the surface. when solar wind sweep across the need, they create an electric charge that can endangered afternoon and equipment. the effect is most pronounced on the crate to edges in the polar regions. the these research trip will pay the ways to china is good for you to the landing, which it hopes to achieve by 2030. both the us and china, one to establish bases at the muse, south pole. the 6 dw is most sweet from our chinese
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service. explain the importance of china is lunar program to the countries leadership well as it said to everyone, including united states, the india, japan, they are all time to get through the morning and of course, tie not as an emergent superpower. ready doesn't want to be left behind. so china has planned this mission to collect a tasks and rock sample from faucet to one and the in the next years they will be also more complicated. the missions include interviews of human human into robotics, patient in cells, whole area of loading it, and also the measuring the in the report. so that we saw before we watched the before. china also aimed at sending astronauts to the mon, i run video of 2013, which to with not only be signed, typically important, but also be a political prestige because of course, chinese need
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a shift one to show some nation. the problem is that was dw, as moved slowly, and you are up to date. thank you for joining us, but do stick around up next. our environment show planted a ask how much of our old clothing can actually be recycled? i'm here until berlin joined us in our for more news and headlines around the world . thanks the they burst into our is whenever they feel like doing themselves in kind of for design of fashion and most abusive in the sky is many on including the office, the bible. how do they do it? the secret lives of the dogs may 22nd on d w like buying new clothes. don't worry,