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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 4, 2024 1:00am-1:15am CEST

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the the, this is dw news line from berlin. george's capital prepares for more demonstrations against the law which could crack down on media freedoms. protestors have been on the streets for 3 weeks, announcing a so called russian law as a threat to the countries that you aspirations towards president tells dw, she will be to the bill. also coming up on the program, canadian police charge 3 indian nationals over the killing of a success produced in a case that sparked a diplomatic crisis between india and canada. and berlin. someone's our top
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russian envoy over a series of cyber attacks against members of the government, the social democratic party, german foreign minister under the book says, russian of fact groups are also targeting the country's defense and technology sectors. the i'm here until berlin. thank you very much. for joining us mass protest in the country of georgia, the entered the 3rd week as thousands of people take to the streets to denounce a bill that could threaten media, freedom and the world. the country's hopes of joining the european union. professors oppose what many are calling a close flushing law as must go use a similar legislation to curb independent news organizations and groups. critical of the kremlin. the new law would require n g o's and media groups that received more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad to register as hold onto it as being under
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a foreign influence. that you and the us have or georgia to drop the legislation. george's president's holidays or the beach, the president of georgia, find yourself increasingly at odds with the countries governing party. she told dw that she would not let this bill pass. yes. or i really need to do slow are the feature or all those that are being taken by the government in the recent period. and that are going against the letter and the spirits of the recommendations that were offered by the european union to open to pay the way for the opening of negotiations. but it's not very clear that to be slow, which is at rest and little by essence. because it's in the way russia has managed to really repress said the sinew society that so the government theories trying, trying to present to the partners of georgia as the ages of revolution
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as those are the trying to oversaw the government and keeping the excitement to on russia, as it gets closer now to be on your friends. so that is becoming increasingly clear that it's not on the, the russian, lou, that is the problem. the problem is a russian government or government that is prone to making concessions to russia and to turn the orientation of this country towards the russia. and that is what the vast majority of this country is protesting. gibbs not only below is a symbol, but the reality is that the countries saying we want your results are your offend shooter, which is close at hand. we're going to defend it, as well as our independence. we're not going to giving. you're also saying to all
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parts and there isn't that. so here is at stake not only the future of georgia, but either way the future of europe and its strengths. a dw correspondents maria cutter might say is covering the events in tbilisi and send us this update the very last night and police and it seems like it's going to be a very long one different task. this happened a canadian citizen. he was, wants to buy into the 40s for legend, terrorism as a murder, as part of a series of a lot of crisis between canada, canada in india, after canadian prime minister justin for dough suggestive deli, was involved in the killing allegations of the canadian police save the 3 men arrested are all indeed nationals, they've been charged with 1st degree. murder and conspiracy. now will underscore that today's announcements are not a complete account of the investigative work currently underway. there are separate and distinct investigations on going into these matters. certainly not limited to
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the involvement of the people arrested today. and these efforts include investigating connections to the government of india. is a brief look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. evans with the milton group says it will escalate its attacks on ships heading for is real, is really ports in it. hello is address, the group said it would target any ships with a needs firing range. the run a line group has launch repeated strikes and ships in recent months in response to israel's war. in concept, russia is establishing an observation post on the grill islands, which depend claims as its own territory. the move swiftly follows comments from moscow. the japan should drop its claims on the islands if it wants to conclude a treaty to formerly end world war 2, between the 2 countries and the german ford ministry as someone to a top russian and void to protest about a cyber attack targeting,
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leading politicians from the govern social democratic party here in germany. russia denies involvement in last year is a tax on the politicians email accounts. but speaking in australia, german foreign minister on aliya barrow box was clear whom she held responsible. in the we can say, and be careful to be connected to this type of attack to a group called the date 28 the problem. we just verified the military intelligence . so bruce, a fresh start at the end of the in other words, the states sponsor suggestions? 5 but a dock $10.00 many 5 out all this is an opportunity acceptable and we'll have consequences like so what exactly is the group behind this a legit hack attack? will put that question to casting sets or shut off at a research or at the university of heidelberg, an expert on cyber conflict and cyber security maxwell. a fidget 28 is
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a very well known hacker group that is associated with the military intelligence on g o. u of the russian state. and they have a long history of cyber operations against most of course, you're paying democratic states. but of course, also folks out of the united states and they saw that at the beginning of the century, for example, more with espionage operation, operations against state and political entities. and then later on and also shift the probations to what so called technique operations. so operations where they do not only still information that can be used in foster change it to a certain nation, but also using those kinds of information. for example, in the run of, of democratic elections to meet those information, to the public in order to so chaos and distrust and in order to undermine democratic national election processes, as has been the case. for example, in 2016, we sent the mc heck of a the, a ration in the context of u. s. election battle. and of course, when we talk about germany in a few 28,
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this is also well known because they have seen how to do that as soon as possible. heck, a group for the, for the very well known hacking operation against the germans, holly, i'm going, so we turn to live in america now where at least 37 people have been killed. a southern brazil in jersey. it's worse flooding and over 80 years. rescuers are battling torrential rains in search of dozens of people missing in the state of rio grande. do so. the down for is expected to continue over the weekend and authorities warren, that several dams are now at risk of collapse. the helicopters prepared to pull families to safety. as rising flood waters reached rooftops. the relentless rain forcing thousands to evacuate. milton levels and some cities hit the highest points since records began nearly 150 years ago. and we have people
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who come here to help get people out of the flood because it's rough down there. i mean, it's very dangerous. there's a strong current, and i brought a boat and the most have the most. so with getting people out there on the best of all of our with studies, the down pull began on monday by tuesday the down dues had over whelmed the stem dressing, sage math as president, luis, ignacio, literally, the silva is pledging assistance to those affected your okay i want to tell you that there will be no charges or aid from the federal government for health care. there will be no charges of money to take care of transportation, and there will be no charges of money to take care of fluid. meaning still coming to terms with the scale of davis sanction. so the walkway settlement, think the rules must be doing something different. it is calanda, it is a preferred to be basically punished. i missed the call, but i think pollution why something is happening because this is not normal, is that the is not true a little well or a mo,
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this has been caused by something else, a work was that goals are, or it's the full flooding disaster. any year to brazil, following rains in july, september, and november, that killed $75.00 people in total. china has launched an unprecedented emissions before side of the noun. the spacecraft called the chinese 6 is expected to bring the geological samples back to earth within 2 months. it's the latest advance in china is ambitious space program, which now rivals that of the united states in 2019 and china became the 1st country to land rover on the far side of the moon. and here's more on the chinese moving mission. john 6 aims to connect to the new materials from the fall side of the moon and bring it back to us. it's
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a complex mission that will involve several you. we're both take modules working together. the a, me so long space craft will 1st over the moon and then deploy a land to the side that is never visible from us. it will talk at the south pole 8 can base in the law just no impact quite just in the solar system using a mechanical drill and screw the land. a will collect 2 g, those of soil and rocks. and the send the mode you with attached to the lambda will block back into a new little bit and transferred the samples to the re entry vehicle. if all goes well, it will carry the cargo safely back to us the scientist. so the sample will review new information about the means. early evolution,
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it's fall assigned is the logically different from the one we see from and it has a stake across and it says the smoke has different chemical composition, the child, the 6 and so have instruments made in europe on board a spectrum that you have from suite and will investigate the interaction between solar winds and the leaving the surface. when solar wind sweep across the need, they create an electric charge that can endangered afternoon and equipment. the effect is most pronounced on the crate to edges in the polar regions. the, these research trip will pay the ways the china is good for you to the landing, which it hopes to achieve by 2030. both the us and china, one to establish bases at the muse, south pole motes, we from our chinese service,
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explain the importance of china's lunar program to the countries leadership well, as it said to everyone, including united states in the japan, they are all time to get through the morning and of course tie not as an emergent superpower. ready doesn't want to be left behind. so china has planned this mission to collect a tasks and rock sampled from faucet, the moon, and the in the next years they will be also more complicated. the machines include interviews of human human into robotics, patient in cells, whole area of loading it. and also the we mentioned the in the report that we saw before. we watched the before china also aimed at sending astronauts to the mon, i run video of 2013 which to with not only be signed, typically important, but also be a political press to, to because of course,
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chinese leadership one to show some nation the problem this or that's all for now, but do sticking around the of next are show rove has a bit of news of the weird things and look at why most countries in the world drive on the right side of the road and how the likes of napoleon and hitler played a part in getting people to switch sides here until in berlin. thank you very much for joining us. the best into our is whenever they feel like you don't themselves feeling the fashion and most of the pieces in the sky. the beds have most of many on, including the us have survival to do they do it. the
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secret lives of the inside stuffs may 22nd.