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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 4, 2024 12:00am-12:02am CEST

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or just education makes the world make up your own mind. made for mines the . this is the w news, and these are our top stories. thousands of people have returned to the streets of the georgia and capital tbilisi in opposition to a draft lot. the bill would require and g owes and media groups that receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad to register as under the influence of a foreign power opponents of the law. i say it's similar to russian laws used to curb independent news organizations and groups. critical of the kremlin. canadian police have arrested 3 men over the killing of a 6 separate is and then coover last year are deep seeing the jar with shot dead by
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gun in the outside of the 6 temple he led the jar was a canadian citizen and wanted by indian authorities for a legend, terrorism, the german foreign ministry has some of the a top russian envoy over a series of cyber attacks against members of the governing social democratic party driven foreign minister on elena mailbox as russian that groups are also targeting the country's defense and technology sectors. you're watching the news from berlin . remember, you'll find much more news on our website. that's t w dot com. the a chinese rocket is on its way to the fall side of the moon, tonight's on, on, i'm vicious. even historic mission to connect rock samples for study back here on a, china is one of a growing list of countries and,
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and private companies looking to plant the flags on the lunar surface. but just in the name of science and exploration. but also for reasons of profit and power. so who's in charge of back? i'm feel go invalid. and this is the day the the launch mission is a complete success. everyone into the united states in the top hand. they are all time to get to the more detail repeat of the mysteries is to us how china it's been a rough able to, to be dropped such a ambitious and successful program in such a short time.