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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 3, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is, the domain is live from valid georgia's capital, say, is a 3rd week of demonstrations against planned restrictions on media freedoms protests that on so called the russian law as a threat to the countries in your aspirations. georgia's president tells dw she'll veto the bill. also on the program, fell in summons at the top russian envoy over series of cyber attacks against members of the governing social democratic politics. german foreign minister, automatic, bab bulk says russia of fact groups also talk soon becomes of defense and technology, sexist julia. and if i'm not wins, dw is freedom of speech award. she's become a leading voice. 50 sensing foods international. following the death in presence of
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her husband likes the valley of issue. china is moving approach successfully launches into space surf olga, as well as the land on the moon's fall side, and eventually returned to us with a load of samples. the feel welcome to the program must protest in georgia, have entered the 3rd week of thousands of people take to the streets to denounce a bill that could threaten media, freedom and de right over the countries hopes of joining the european union protest as opposed to a bad, what many and causing a russian law as moscow use a similar legislation to cub independent news organizations and groups critical of the crime that the new law would require. and jose and media groups that receive more than 20 percent of the funding from abroad to register as pursuing the
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interest of a foreign power. the you in the us of georgia to trump the legislation. or let's go straight to george's capital. now where we can join that correspondent maria cast and mad sir on the phone into place a welcome, maria. what's going on that tonight? it's a very last not just for me to be honest. seems like it's going to be a very long one. the professors are not talking, i'm one of the main guys saw in the hospital. you see the very center. they have this awful, i think in your cellphone for and then from sales. let's say bye bye bye. the 1st one who's using the size of the sudden need to their friends the cell. well, actually maybe some piece away from the wash or so my number here is for terry jane here. the office here for their freedom and reminders why people all
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slicing very slow, maria, i will leave it that. maria will have a few technical, some problems that, but maria, i've kind of mazda for now into placing. thank you. i apologize for the quality of the site and then we'll see if we can go back to the room later in the program or perhaps that night in the evening. meantime, george's, president solomon has zoer a boot, excuse me, to tell him a sort of beach and any fine so self, increasingly at odds with the countries governing pots a she told dw that she would not let this bill pass a yes or i really need to be slow as a feature or all of those that are being taken by the government in the recent period and that are going against the letter and the speech of the recommendations that were offered by the european union to open to pay the way for the opening of
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negotiations, but it's now very clear that to the slow, which is the rest and little by essence. because it's the way russia has managed to really reprice said the senior society that so the government tiers trying, trying to present to the partners of georgia as ages of resolution as those are the trying to oversaw the government and keeping the side of them to on russia, as it gets closer now to be on your friends. so that is becoming increasingly clear that it's not on the, the russian, lou, that is the problem. the problem is a russian government or government that is prone to making concessions to russia and to turn the orientation of this country towards russia. and that is what the best february of this country is protesting. gibbs not only below is a symbol,
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but the reality is that the country saying we want your result are your offend shooter, which is close at hand. we're going to defend it, as well as our independence. we're not going to giving. you're also saying to all parts and there isn't that. so here is that stage not only the future of georgia, but either way, the future of europe and its strengths. as george and president seller may, as would have been, should be here in germany, the following. the ministry has some of the top russian envoy in response to a cyber attack targeting, leading politicians from the governing social democratic body. russians denied any involvement in last year's attacks on the politicians email accounts. but speaking in australia, germany's foreign minister. i'm in a bad bach was clear about whom she held responsible. you're going to do because
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and because to me, because i had to do this type of attack to a group called the dent 28. and we just verified the military intelligence. so be so fresh um but in other words, if the state sponsor suggestions 5, but a doc funds, you only need 5 out all this is an opportunity. acceptable. and we'll have consequences. like let's get more from our political correspondence. i'm and you're welcome sign, and so what's the german government accusing russia of doing as well? so in this case, uh, the other guys, news that this uh, group targeted the email accounts of senior members of the social democratic party here in germany that st. john's low laugh sholtes is paul to now that attack was discovered. so back in 2023. and they were already suggestions then of a possible link with the russian intelligence and the s b. the policy says that
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as some data may have been leaked through these main, so serious attack, the authorities are also saying that this uh cyber attack was targeting. and although government institutions, as well as companies here in germany involved in a range of sectors such as logistics, but also defense, aerospace and information technology. so, you know, pretty serious allegations, and that's why you've seen a strong reaction on what's known of this hacker group. a p t 20 eights, which i think we've, we've also heard about as policy back. yeah, i mean there's it, there's a variety of different names for this. great, but each, each way, the adults persistence rate 20, it's a well known group. it's been active for a couple of decades. it's paul solve rushes, military intelligence,
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the g o. u. so it's not just, you know, any group of hackers, pretty sophisticated people they've been named in the past is responsible for a, a cyber attack on the computer systems of the gym and paul them. and that was back in 2015. but they've also been linked to a range of other things like a tax. on the norwegian, paula moved on nato use computer systems on the presidential campaign of emanuel micron in front spruce of hillary clinton in the united states. back in 2016. that was according to an f b i report and you know, the, you're saying today that they've also attempted to infiltrate and that as a carrier attacks against a number of countries. this is recognized by security experts as a, a dangerous group using state to the methods, but sometimes using very simple um technologies like just fishing for people's
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email passwords and so and, but they have been effective and the number of incidents. so let's assume they gotta do about this as well. the foreign ministry has summit, the acting russian charge a defense today to obviously complain ad for a test about these attacks. and the german government is also saying that it's gonna step up efforts to put, to prevent and counter cyber attacks by russia, along with its other international partners. the european union and nato have also very strongly condemned this attack against germany. and also a parallel one against the czech republic and the e. u foreign affairs chief, joseph burrell, is saying that he's going to use the whole spectrum of methods at his disposal to push back against this. and that happens sanctions on russian citizens for this in
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the past. we may see more of that in the future. if i hear about simon simon young, dw, political correspondent, take a look now at some old stories, making headlines around the world. humans who see medicine groups as well escalates attacks on ships having for is really poles. and i tell the mines to dress the group said it would target any ship within these 5 range around a line to group this lowest repeated strikes on ships in recent months in response to israel's war in gaza. search accounts specials, establishing an observation post on the corner of islands which japan claims passage of the move. a swiftly follows comments from moscow that japan should drop its claims on the island. if it was to conclude a treaty to formerly and willed water to between the 2 countries, these 29 people have been killed in flooding in southern brazil after having brains caused deputy lance lions stones led to massive devastation and left loading 300000
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without electricity as introducing us, you'll know that the silver traveled to the region to meet the rescue workers and men and the families of those effective police tribes of people have been killed after a bus plunged into a block you ravine in no one passing stance, not so if you on this were injured to drive on loss control vehicle road accidents, a comment in the country traffic rules and safety stands that are often ignored, especially in remote areas. crews have been cleaning off at u. c, and i often have police removed barricades and begun to dismantle a pro palestinian incompetent peasant bivens. is that he doesn't want to deploy the national doc to us campuses where students have been protesting against the wall between israel and thomas being gaza. he said demonstrations have the right to demonstrate, but not to cause chaos. a bell inside the gate is one residence and thoughts of assist you to keep pet doors and windows closed. following a fire. as
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a metal technology plant, lights broadcasting and chemical storage room releasing hazardous fumes over a 100, a 55 to up to see the united nations as declared may the 3rd world press freedom day. the deputy was chosen to reluctant to champion from russia for its own freedom of speech award. you only develop that. she's alex signed the val nice with the values widow and she died early because he died this year and the optic presence and his death was why the same is having people constructed by the russian government. listen of all night, she asked the award where the russian anti corruption foundation, the group her late husband found it as she continues the fine again, step hooton's, russia. earlier this year, she calls to ballots and rushes presidential election at the embassy in berlin. an election with any real position had long been dealt with 5 academy boots in
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following the day of alexi and about in the, in an arctic. okay. no problem. the opposition has been old, but decimated in russia. and the arab parents is usually involved in the it's not her role. she's taken on by choice, but by necessity. just 12 days after her husband's day, she addressed the, you know, make this and stress, but origin queued. my husband, i like see now why they, when he saw there's i think c was tortured for 3 years. she was starved in the car needs tone. so collado from the outside world and denied these it's phone calls and then even the letters. and then they killed him. usually in the bottom, the train does an economist. and with that, a bang before marrying alexa in about in the, in 2000 and ivonya was long
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a quiet supposed to of her husband's anti correction. if it's, she was as close as political advisor and by his side as he went to court and prison, numerous times when charges criminal critics say what from the top half price outgrew when of on the was points and in 2020. while her husband was fighting for his life in a hospital inside barea, she issued a public. let's do a lot to me, putin and let the pressure campaign to allow her husband to be floating, to gemini, for treatment. when alexa and i've only returned to russia in 2021, the police arrested him and detained eulley and a volunteer separating the couple of good. she long shunned the soft lines, but after her husband's harsh imprisonment and death, she vowed to continue the fight against the kremlin. vladimir putin has a new vocal critic,
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not afraid to make use of the freedom of speech. or haven't gone drag code from a russia service explained what the word means for you, the nfl nyah and her deceased husband. well, i think it means a lot. of course it's an acknowledgment of what she and her team are doing. and of course, it's also, and it cannot acknowledgment for her husband who died in prison either that as we've heard in the report, that she believes that he was killed by the rational charges directly or indirectly . and she was on his side and they are continuing to work for russia from abroad. now, she said she will take over his job. uh, it is still for her to decide how she will do it. but at the moment, as we speak um, there are millions and millions of views offer a new documentary and posted to them a few days ago. and youtube by her team and the on ticket option committee. it's
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a documentary about the rise of the lodging, the opposing to power russian present. and it is very, very popular. a lot of people in russia ended up rolled up talking about it and said the deputies roman, come to ranko on this press. freedom de dw is banned and battered roofs, and many brothers in john west have fled the country. one of them is maria, establish kina who is currently living in x out here in berlin. despite the situation, she continues to find for press freedom in her country to mother. yes, of course the not is fighting for free. preston, hyundai, the sellers, she has not been able to live and work that for a long time. we didn't offense, a free elections campaign. we didn't have major freedom so, so we have time to time for political prisoners. and it's the
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oldest was because we have a through political literacy and will flip sound a little concerned, go face and burden. she now produces empty version videos that cool out state of uses. publishing that reaches tens of thousands of people in front of us with us sent to you in the home country. she was active as a john list and as a companion of human rights overtime that required more and more courage. i have never found this kind of experience in my life. what able to experience that we've been so proud of charles that we've been so grave. and the fact that you all the things good was in 2020. there were protests of the allegedly wrecked election critical down to this for the rest that we've been sure that uh at least some people from on what seems to be interested in case we will stay inside the country. and we decided to escape on sunday,
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1st to ukraine than to poland. now she lives in berlin with a colleague onto i met hall and controls know about what's happening, talk about tax law and the press. freedom is one of my main issue for decades. yes, no, i roommates is freedom of the press in front of us is nonexistent. even in berlin by the several, she now has to be careful and must package her content. stephanie, what i'm trying to do is to find new ways to reach a young audience to rich people in the letters with the news content, but maybe not informant of news, but informative political satire. for example, i lived here in germany in through lynn, but all my thoughts, my home, my family place as i like the in means. she
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has one request for europe in the us. don't forget that a rose independent on the list of treats as like political prism, this record breaking gateway be sweeping across parts of south and east and asia. i think hundreds of record of the holidays to april and rack hold millions of people in india or bangladesh, the philippines, and elsewhere still bottling punishing hates temperatures and most of 40 degrees celsius. a full school closures in some regions. that's a 104 degrees fahrenheit. or foxes are taking precautionary measures to avoid st stroke and the hydration free. mobile showers help beat the he's in manila, they've been supplied by local government officials to residents facing power and water shortages and make the soaring temperatures. humans are not the only one struggling to keep cool vets and india say more pets. unusual are coming in after succumbing to heat related illnesses. presently we have seen that it will be out of
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been dogs. 2 dogs is coming with the heats. galatians of the song, the rid of the eyes, 3 modest on modest ends of the, in southern vietnam, hundreds of thousands of fish have died in a reservoir, local se the heat wave. some fab wilson management are to blame. and it said to parts of asia, sales of air conditioners have rocketed, which has cent price of soaring for those who cannot afford electric cooling devices. like many ro hang the refugees living and come some buying a dash. there's no escape from the extreme temperatures. from my, from my number that we don't have a fan in our sand team for the we don't have the money to buy the one that runs with solar. my good report we're having difficult days and it does heat. there's being reports of heat stroke and do you hydration within
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becomes a toothbrush as among the children in india. slum dwellers also describe harsh conditions. yeah. just houses are made of asbestos, the roofs using metal which absorb lots of heat. we con, stay in our houses. even for an hour and we can't eat comfortably coming in the seas like these will have to find ways to adopt in the years ahead assigned to say climate change is increasing the frequency under ration of extreme he's events. us a china has launched on unprecedented admission to the fall side of the moon. the spacecraft of cold, the chime, a 6 i lifted off on the southern island province of high man. it's expensive to bring samples, bring luminous samples of the image to months in salacious advantage. the chinese and vicious space exploration assets not competing with the united states. a china
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has already noticed the growth on the 5 side in 2019 was the 1st country to do so. here's more on the chinese new emission. john uh, 6 teams to connect the new material from the fall side of the moon and bring it back to us. it's a complex mission that will involve several you. we're both take modules working together. me so long space craft will 1st opened the mood and then deploy aligned to the side that is never visible from us. it means target the south pole 8 can base and the law just known impact criteria in the solar system using a mechanical drew and scale the land, a will collect 2 g, those of soil and rocks. and the send demo do with attached to the land will block back into a new orbit and transfer the samples to the re entry vehicle. if
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he does well, it will carry the congo safely back to us. the scientist so designed to review new information about the moon's early evolution. it's fall aside, is geologically different from the one we see from us. it has a stake across and its smoke has different chemical composition, a john the 6 and so has instruments made in europe on broad spectrum which are from suite. and we'll investigate the interaction between solar winds and the surface. when solar wind sweep across the need, they create an electric charge that can endangered afternoon and equipment. the effect is most pronounced on the crate to it just in the polar regions. the,
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these research trip will have the ways to china is good for you to be landing, which it hopes to achieve by 2030 both the us and china, one to establish bases at the move south pole will move c, a 3 from china is from t w's china service. explain the importance of china's luna program to the countries leadership. well, as it said to everyone, including united states in the japan, they are all trying to get through the morning. and of course, tie not as an emergent superpower doesn't want to be left behind. so china has planned this mission to collect a tasks and rock sampled from faucet, the moon, and the in the next years they will be also more complicated. the machines include interviews of human human into robotics, patient in cells,
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whole area of loading it. and also that we mentioned the in the reports of the we saw before, we watched the before turn not also aims at sending extra notes to the mon, i run video of 2000. and so he, which to, with not only be signed, typically important, but also be a political press teacher because of course, time nice need to ship one to show some nation to problem this. a state of this mood see. so here's a reminder of our top story is this, our thousands of people are on the streets of george's capital for the week of protest against the planned law, restricting media freedoms. critics, i circled the russians or would cub independent news organizations and groups critical of the gulf. usually a developer has been given dw, freedom of speech in world, along with the russian on to corruption foundation, founded by her late husband, alex thing developed and becomes the face of russians. a physician following
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a husband, staffing of people of color makes an issue that's something double here. you can find out how newspapers can be transformed into a pencil on after. and i'll be back with the company. the
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is something i never imagined. i would ever be able to do as an administrator on the page thank on a wall or up in the sky award winning. illustrator simply displays our cultural heritage through our arts. and i think it is important to bring it into our everyday lives because it hold significance and, you know, it provides energy to keep me going. c, max next. on d, w. d, big ultimate beauty companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the, the,
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the full actually costs awesome comes from illegal capital funds in the amazon. yes, the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chains. profit. oh, that must have a legal leather. in 45 minutes on the w. the is increasing at reason many of watching online services. the only work that is holiday destination is a drowning cost at the cost every year of the exports over $1000000.00 tons of plastic. why is there another way officer ruled the environment is not responsible.
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make up your own mind dw, made for mines. the welcome to whom ways sustainability meets modern design, where eco friendliness ad, luxurious living co exist in perfect harmony. this is how soon a game. yeah. but before we step into the sustainable home and experienced the ultimate in dream living, we me to seen kids who do an award winning illustration from johannesburg, taking the 0 culture to the skies. explore the vibrant culture, all exams, the box a tropical power dies off the coast, often zenia.