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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 3, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news live from violin awarded for head bravery, union about my a wednesday w's freedom of speech award. she's become the face of russians, all physician following the death of her husband, alexei, nevada, ne. earlier this year, also coming up walking in exile. why this john list is still slicing. press freedom in her home country as bella rus, even though she is not able to live full to work that and we have left off trying those luna private successfully launches into space. it will go as well. it will land on the moon's fall side and eventually returned to us with the leading us on the
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menu for this making and welcome to the program. we begin with a look at freedom of speech on this may the 3rd, the day the united nations has declared weld press freedom day for its own freedom of speech award. the w has chosen a reluctance champion from russia, julia novelle, naya she is alexei nevada. and these widow widow, he died earlier this year and an optic prison, and his death was seen by critics as orchestrated by the russian government. and of all, naya shares the award with the russian anti corruption foundation of the group. her late husband founded the vol, naya, continues to fight against pretends russia a earlier this year, she cost to ballots in process presidential election at the embassy in berlin. an election way. and then they killed him. usually in the bottom,
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the trained as an economist and with that a bang before marrying alex in about in the, in 2000 and invalid. mia was long a quiet supposed to of her husband's anti corruption. if it's, she was as close as political advisor and by his side as he went to court and prison, numerous times when charges kremlin, critics say what from the top, that price outgrew when a volunteer was poisoned in 2020. while her husband was fighting for his life in a hospital inside bay area, she issued a public. let's do a lot to me to 10 and let it pressure campaign to allow her husband to be flown to gemini for treatment. when the alexa neville and the returned to russia in 2021, the police arrested him and detained julia and a volunteer separating the couple of goods. she long shunned the spotlights, but after her husband's harsh imprisonment and death,
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she vouch to continue the fight against the kremlin. vladimir putin has a new vocal critic, not afraid to make use of her freedom of speech. and we can get more from roman gunter, and co from the w's russian. so that's good. see, roman, tell us what this award means. so usually, and of all my on. so the russian know position as well. i think it means a lot. of course, it's an acknowledgment of what she and her team are doing. and of course, it's also, and it cannot acknowledgment for her husband who died in prison either that as we've heard in the report that she believes that he was killed by the russian authorities directly or indirectly. and she was on his side and they are continuing to work for russia from abroad. now. she said she will take. ready or he's joel uh,
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it is still for her to decide how she will do it. but at the moment, as we speak um, there are millions and millions of views offer a new documentary and posted to them a few days ago. and youtube by her team and the on ticket option committee. it's a documentary about the rise of logic reporting to power russian present. and it is very, very popular, a lot of people with the dresser and a broad, i'm talking about it. okay. does it really come through though? i mean, does this penetrate russian society to the extent that it's changing mines as well? there is a limited possibilities of penetrating the russian society because the russian societies under strong control of propaganda or of, of the russian authorities, it is dangerous to oppose the coming policies in russia. and since dressing basically new grain. there's the russia, the, the permit has its,
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has increased in its cream on power and water. so it's really dangerous. you can be in prison for over 10 years, or you have to leave the country, or you have to be silent. but the documents we have mentioned is the way of communicating with russian society. so youtube through all the channels. and this is what i want you to also. ready what darcia valley is doing and continuing to do room and stay with us for just a moment. we'll come back to, we're going to take a look at the fact that around the world press freedom has been fully nobody's. according to the organization. reports is without borders. the new world press freedom index has just been published by reports as without borders based on does a compiled by the organization. the majority of the countries with the most difficult conditions for journalists are in the middle east and asia. europe remains the region where journalists enjoy the highest level of freedom overall. it's the only parts of the world where the situation for journalist has ranked as
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good in some countries. because even in europe, the picture is mixed in the east and southeast of the continental conditions have deteriorated. many countries have dropped in the rankings. 1000 includes batteries, which is now overtaken, russia and turkey at the bottom of the index to become the worst ranked for press. freedom in europe. berman clearly the states of press freedom in bella. russ has become a lot, was can you tell us why as well um, there was a, there was a um, changing moment i would say milestone in 2020 uh the potential elections that they were accompanied by protests, a position protest and the dollars lead to onyx on the location that claimed his victorian asked of that. he did a real quick down on opposition and media. of course though,
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all the islands of freedom were, were closed, journalists were imprisoned ahead still flee, and what came from europe? so it and comparing it with the ra shot at it to a certain extent. it is even worse in belarus because there are more journalists now in prison with longer sentences and more than 10 years, some of them. uh and um, just a few days ago and. busy that was labeled as a statements formation. i was in bellows which, which makes it even more difficult for people there to have a to, to watch our programs, to any, to communicate with us in a way. so if you just send us a photo, you can, you can go to prison for up to 7 years and belarus now. now, so and doing interviews is also very dangerous. so this makes it much more difficult for us to reach for the instant bellows. but we are still working on this,
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we have our possibilities and people are watching us in dallas and still being banned. just like in russia, people are using the vpn and all the other options to still get access to not just door to the west and then then independent media in general. so which is which is a very difficult situation and bella was, but there is help room and thank you so much for that. that's the don't use roman culture rank high as we just had that from roman dw is now banned in belarus, but it's not just dw that's being targeted. many bella, russian journalists have now select the country. one of them is maria. several. she now who is living in exile here invalid despite the situation, she continues to fight to suppress freedom and better us. mother. yes, i wish the not is fighting for free. pressing hyundai, the fellow rose, she has not been able to live and work that for a long time. we didn't assess
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a free elections campaign. we didn't have major freedom. so, so we have time to time for political prisoners. and it's the oldest was because we have a through political literacy and will flip sound a little concerned go face than brandon. she now produces empty version videos that cool out state of uses. publishing that reaches tens of thousands of people in front of us with us sent to you in the home country. she was active as a john list and as a companion of human rights, or what time that required more and more courage. i have never found this kind of experience in my life with the able to experience that we've been so proud of charles that we've been so grave and the perfect the child, the things got worse and 2020. there were protests of the allegedly rich election
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critical down the slow arrest that we've been sure that uh at least some people from on what seems to be interested in case we will stay inside the country. and we decided to escape on sunday, 1st to ukraine than to poland. now she lives in berlin with a colleague onto i met hall and patrols, know about what's happening, talk about tax law and the press. freedom is one of my main issue for decades. there's no roommates is freedom of the press in front of us is nonexistent. even in berlin, maria several. she now has to be careful and must package her content. stephanie, what i'm trying to do is to find the new ways to reach the younger audience to rich people in the letters with the news content, but maybe not informant of news,
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but in form of political satire. for example, i lived here in germany in through land, but all my thoughts, my home, my family place as i like the in means. she has one request for europe into us. don't forget that a rose independent journalist, a treatise like political prism this to china has launched an unprecedented mission to retrieve samples from the far side of the moon. the space for the china from the south an island provinces. high non, it's expected to bring the samples back to us within 2 months. it's the latest vaughn flu, china's ambitious space exploration assets. now competing with the united states, china already landed a robot on the fall site in 2019 the 1st country to do so. is more on the chinese
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mood admission chung sixteens to connect to new materials from the fall side of the mood and bring it back to us. it's a complex mission that will involve separately. we're both take modules working together the a, me so long space craft will 1st over the mood and then deploy aligned to the side that is never visible from us. it means target the south pole age can base in the law just no impact, quite sure. in the solar system using a mechanical drew and scale the land, a will collect 2 key loads of soil and rocks. and the send mode you with attached to the land and we'll bluff back into a new little bit and transfer the samples to the re entry vehicle.
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if all goes well, it will carry the cargo safely back to us. the scientist desanto will review new information about the means early evolution. it's fall side is the logically different from the one we see from uh it has a stick across and its smoke has different chemical composition. the 6 and so have instruments made in europe on board. inspect, told me to offend suite and will investigate the interaction between solar winds on the surface. when solar wind sweep across the name, they create an electric charge that can endanger afternoon and equipment. the effect is most pronounced on the crate to edges in the polar regions. the these research trip will take the ways to china is good for you to the landing,
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which it hopes to achieve by 2030. both the us and china, one to establish bases at the muse, south pole, some incredible images left from or i'm showing is i'm vicious space program moved through, joins us from dw is trying these so this uh, can you tell us what china is hoping to achieve? with this mission to the fall side of the moon. well, scientist already didn't knew that the fall side up and wound it looks very different to the new side of the money. so this time, the tongue, a 6 missions, your collect tasks and rock simple from the fast side and transport them back to the us full for the and the license and chinese as was as an international scientist choose the item based on the do not sales po, area which has had a lot of us to real impacts and the volcano eruptions overpass,
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the opinions of us they could review with, you know, the history of one, maybe also of those and a whole. so last is okay. now we have seen india. we've seen the us and japan launch emissions to the moon in recent years. now we've got this major milestone for china. can you give us a sense of how important splice space exploration is a to the chinese leadership, as well as i said to everyone, including united states in the japan, they are all trying to get through the morning and of course, tie not as an emergent superpower. ready doesn't want to be left behind. so china has planned this mission to collect a tasks and rock sample from faucet to one and the in the next years they will be also more complicated. the machines include interviews, a permanent permanent to robotics, patient in cells, whole area of loading it,
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and also the measuring the in the report so that we saw before we watched the before try not also aimed at sending extra notes to the mon, i wrong of the 2000 and so he, which to with not only be signed, typically important, but also be a political press teach because of course time nice. need to ship one to show some nation. the problem is, okay, so a definite political aspect to in and back in 2019 china pulled off a historic 1st soft landing on the fall side of the moon with china full. but that was only a one way johnny was in there. and this is clearly from ambush. this is, as you mentioned, that in the of 2019 china has already sent the tongue a full admission to the fall side. and that's more of a few work in there today. and this time on the 6th mission and the which just the
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lunch today one hour ago is the 1st the mission of mankind which collects rock sample from the fast side of more. and it is complicated because you cannot communicate directly between us and one. fos sites. which means several relates set to lights are necessary, and of course the rock sam post must be carried back to the us again. and that means complicated all of it to run the purpose of my let's say, from the database chinese service. thank you so much for those insights with thank you. let's take a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. and at least 29 people have been killed in flooding in southern brazil, off the heavy rains cause deadlines. flights storms led to massive devastation and left over 300000 people without electricity results. president luis unnecessarily let the silver travel to the states on thursday to meet with rescue will cause i'm the families of those affected us. president joe biden has cooled his allies,
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japan and india xena phobic countries, but don't welcome immigrants. he made the remarks at a campaign. fundraising may say, i love the 2 countries in with adversary's china and russia, as he tried to explain the economic situations to t is suspending, full trade with israel anchor says the measures will be in place until israel allows and uninterrupted, and sufficient flows of age into gaza, israel's foreign minister responded by accusing the touch of president richard type ad, one of breaking trade agreements. israel caps posted on social media saying this is how a dictator behaves. now, president biden has said that he does not wants to deploy the national dogs to us campuses where students have been protesting. israel's war and garza and the resulting humanitarian crisis by them said,
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demonstrates as have the right to peacefully protest, but not to cause chaos. cruise of being cleaning up at the university of california los angeles. i was off the police removed barricades and began dismount pulling a pro palestinian camp in the early hours of thursday. offices arrested thousands of demonstrators in the pre dawn rate. often they defied orders to leave more than 2000 people have been arrested on university and college campuses across the us. in the last 2 weeks, the oldest son had even risen. police moved into ted down the barricade. dun grenades rang out and the smoke filled the as offices pools. the protest is back up to several 100 defied orders to leave the area. once through the defense is the police that was destroying the 10 students being come down to in the days and making a rent on the demonstration is watch record is a company,
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this toner pots and taunted offices for the slow response to an attack by pro israel counter protest as the night before, the for them to come out the next night to remove somebody, cameron, after they filled absolutely no obligation or do you need to protect 1st night. it doesn't make any sense, but i'm not surprised to camp at the university of california is los angeles, kansas is just one of dozens that have sprung up across the us. students have been demanding that university said the financial times with companies linked to israel, and it's what efforts the critics have accused the pro palestinian activist of intimidation. and the anti semitism president biden has no wait in
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defending the right to a peaceful protest, but accusing to demonstrate is of causing chaos. we are not in the far terry nation where we silence people are squashed to send. the american people are heard. in fact, peaceful protest isn't the best tradition of how americans respond to the consequential issues. there's the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos. people have the right to get an education. right, to get a degree right to walk across the campus safely without fear of being attacked. authorities say oh, that has now being restored. you see a, they, with over a 100 protesters, arrested police remain stationed at the scene to stop anyone trying to come back to rebuild the encampment. the w william blue cross told us about the protests and how they affected us politics and the run up to november. elections given president
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biden says that he would change his position. but we talked about that. i think sexy is because talking about 2020 where the summer leading into the 2020 the fall elections was a black live matter movement where there are protests all around the country. incredibly tense time in the us and had an impact on the election result for between down was hoping to abide and maybe gave joe biden, a bit of an edge. as democrats stood up for the black lives matter. black live matter movement even going as far as some of those things defined, the police will 4 years later, a lot of those same democrats are in favor of the police going in and breaking up these protests that they're seeing in favor of palestinians and palestinian rights obviously not in the us, but the and gaza as it relates to israel. joe biden is playing a dangerous game. he needs to get on vote. and young people are really turned off by, especially by uh, uh, biden's positioning. and the incredible crack down and many young people are saying, well this, what we have is, this is the kind of situation we have in terms of protests, in terms of free speech under a bite in a democratic kind of in an association. doesn't really matter if donald trump is
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president, this is the calculus. a lot of voters are going to be thinking about going into the fall. it's not a matter of whether to vote for donald trump, they might just not vote at all. and that could be enough to tip the balance away from joe biden to towards donald trump. that's the risk that she and democrats, joe biden, democrats, are, are facing for parts of india have experience the hottest april on rec, what is the country is scorched by a heat wave? indians are braving the searing heat to votes and the countries general election, which is the world's biggest, but they're all concerns. the rising temperatures may put people off those st altogether. india and it's ongoing elections off feeling the heat, water for hydration umbrella. so state here in india is capital valley. it's not all that bad, but of course you can see what's an ice cream then does every with 10 projects. yeah. still below 40 degrees celsius. but in the country south and east. the moment has topping at 45 degrees. a news outlets have even reported about several just due
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to heat stroke. it's also affecting polling here in west and my restaurant tends to us the top to provide shade to both as, as they went to the ballots. good to me so everyone feels very hot indeed and the sunlight is very strong. they've heard it, but this is by the harsh conditions we are coming to vote with it. then people are getting dehydrated to what they must still show up. but i know, you know, it's also hitting campaigning bod, last week, indian roads minister and it didn't get to the collapse during a public speech. ex, puts a worried about the increasing the unpredictable. whether we are seeing motor on time, the range, we are seeing lot more heat waves, frequently to waves in different parts of the country. so there is already around do me lactic trend. now. every new york is setting a new record. a new trend i've got is what is seem to magic of the logic climate change that is happening so cosby,
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property co consequences are going to be shipped the election commission of india. is that the huge might this 28 voters from turning up in lots a numbers that your phone to task force to monitor the temperatures and to ensure safe conditions for voters compared to the last and with elections in 2019 both to so now it has dropped back roughly 3 percentage points in the 1st 2 phases of voting. that doesn't seem like much, but in the world's most populous country. this number is saw from insignificance, but he's as the only reason, holidays and the wedding season. i believe tub faucet dip as well, and there is a sense of fatigue among indian boats has as many belief prime minister under movies when is a fault, i'm confused actually do some voters that might be cooler air insights. the metro and lots of go department will likely know what and that's doing just in time for the upcoming podium day next week. and with that you are up to date coming up next . the w goes on a mediterranean journey with
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a visit to italy's largest island sicily. and of course, there's always more news on our website that's the www dot com. and on all social media channels and youtube, and then you can, so we can and thanks so much for watching hoops, ease of the top of the next hour. the
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of the vibrant habitat, the listening place of longing, the mediterranean sea, its waters, connex, people of many cultures. how old is ice in sicily? soon at belmont as well, visits. mount aetna and learns the dramatic history of the island next on dw, mast tourism is putting
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a strain on soft to roll and its residents from sedona much went viral. millions of wanted to visit the netscape world heritage side. no, no, cause one to re means a number of sites is a world heritage site ending to south to old flight for a future in 45 minutes on d w. the music can be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible to see perform for head lice in housemates. the was the nazis, the 2 musicians who lives in the
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savannah office austin film about the sounds of power and inspiring story about the volume music under the swastika stuffs may 25th on dw of the, the mediterranean was once a major crossroads at the heart of the ancient today it has become a barrier separating europe from africa. is there anything less of a past one share? and what do today's distinct cultures have in common? journalist xena las rog and joe far off to korean travel the coast of the mediterranean in search of answers. you see yourself as a to me in june.