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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 3, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, the, it was coming to you live from berlin, awarded for her bravery, usually out know vanya, when's a deed up? we use freedom of speech award. she has to come to the face of russia's office, ition only the death of her husband, alex, and of all me earlier this year. also working in exile. why have this journalist is still fighting for press freedom in her home country of bella? ruth, even though she's not able to live for work, there was one our show today. germany's far right at the party takes a tumble in the polls. scandals have hit the alternative for germany as it launches
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it's european election campaign. the i'm sorry, richardson, welcome. we begin with a look at freedom of speech on this may the 3rd day the united nations has declared a world press freedom day for its own freedom of speech award. d. w has chosen a reluctant champion from russia. you will be at nevada, nia. she is the widow of alexia vonny, who died earlier this year and a siberian prison his death seen by critics as orchestrated by the russian government. now now vania shares the award with the russian anti corruption foundation, a group that her late husband founded. ivonya continues to fight against pretends russia of the earlier this year. she costs to ballots in process presidential election at the embassy in berlin. an election where any real position had long
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been dealt with 5 lot to me put in the following the day of alexi and about in the, in an optic. okay. no problem and the opposition has been old, but decimated in russia. and the arab parents is usually involved in the it's not her role. she's taken on by choice, but by necessity just 12 days after her husband's death, she addressed the, you know, make this and stress, but origin queued. my husband, i like see now why they, when he saw there's, i think see was tortured for 3 years. she was starved in the car needs tones, so collado from the outside world and denied visits, phone calls and then even the letters. and then they killed him.
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usually in the bottom, the train does an economist. and with that, a bang before marrying alexa in about in the, in 2000 natalia was long a quiet supposed to of her husband's anti corruption. if it's, she was as close as political advisor and by his side as he went to court and prison, numerous times when charges criminal critics say what from the top. that price outgrew when a volunteer was poisoned in 2020. while her husband was fighting for his life in a hospital inside barea, she issued a public. let's do a lot to me, putin and let the pressure campaign to allow her husband to be floating, to gemini, for treatment. when alexa and i've only returned to russia in 2021, the police arrested him and detained eulley and a volunteer separating the couple of goods. she long shunned this booked lines, but after her husband's harsh imprisonment and death, she vowed to continue the fight against the kremlin. vladimir putin has
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a new vocal critic, not afraid to make use of her freedom of speech. from and gone to ranko from the duffy's russian service, explain what this award could mean for you, william pneumonia, and for the russian opposition as well. of course, as an acknowledgment of what this whole team is doing. first of all, her husband tullocks and of all the who was still a very extension, faith, inferential figure. and there are some opposition even being in prison a. so it's an acknowledgment, one of many, just a few weeks ago the time magazine brought to the end of on the, on the list of the old 100 most inferential people in the world. so she's proud of that. and they're also acknowledgements and the boards in other countries. so um, but, but 1st of all, of course it's in the board for her husband who died in prison. she believes he was
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killed directly or indirectly by the russian authorities by the russian regime, as she says. so it's, it's very important, i think, award for her and for the whole team, the whole team, the undergrads and foundation is um, making the headlines am on the russian position community again. now if they, if they are publishing now a serious of documentaries. um about the how does that seem important? the russian president came to paula and what's rolled, the rest of the leads plate in his rice. so they have millions of millions of views on youtube so that they have very influential and everybody's talking about those films now. so millions and millions of views on youtube are those mostly coming from abroad or from inside rush. i guess what i'm asking is, does something like this penetrate russian society and this so how deeply as exactly, that's the point. so russia is becoming more and more close to size. and youtube is
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one of the very few um channels that you can, you can communicate with the russians directly from the west, from outside. um, so i can tell about the dodge of other options service, so we are blocked in rush. i bought 2, i still have that channel, the youtube and people that i should do, watch it more than half of us come from bradshaw and of course phone to volunteer. and her team is also a very important channel to communicate with the russian society. because the oppression against the free press against the john list, people who engage continues, especially offices, are often based, new grading, pointing to institute just a few days ago. and there were reports from russia, that's a 2 journalist were arrested on charges for working for the anti corruption foundation by alex end of all me know, so they are now facing many years in prison. and this is something, it's everyone working in russia as a journalist, as mine,
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was to speak briefly about your pneumonia as a figure. as you've mentioned, she's internationally influential picking up awards. but how much supports does she have among russians? well that remains to be seen at the moment. it was just a few months since she said that she will continue his work. she's still searching for her role, but she has vari, one very important to us and it's a name and her voice. so she's a person that's everybody in the western world in the world at all we'll, we'll be hearing will be listening to. so she will try to communicate. she will try to be more open because when she was on the side of all exciting the volley, she saw how he's working, but she stayed behind. now she's staying in front of everyone else. and she's the person that everybody's looking at. and thank you. that is indeed of the as roman culture and go to today may be world press freedom day,
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but around the world press freedom has been following that is according to the organization, reporters without borders. there has been more attacks on journalists reporting on elections. and there are a record, a number of countries where members of the media face extreme constraints on their work. the new world press freedom index has just been published by reporters without borders based on data compiled by the organization. the majority of the countries with the most difficult conditions for journalists are in the middle east and asia. europe remains the region where journalists enjoy the highest level of freedom overall. it's the only parts of the world where the situation for journalist has ranked as good in some countries. because even in europe, the picture is mixed in the east and southeast of the continental conditions have deteriorated. many countries have dropped in the rankings. 1000 includes battle roost,
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which has now overtaken russia and turkey at the bottom of the index to become the worst ranked for press freedom in europe. for war on this, let's bring in a katerina victoria vice a spokesperson for reporters without borders here in berlin. as of course, the organization at that made that report. thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us today. at the beginning, at the beginning of this week, d w's bella ru service was benz there, and classified on extremist organization, by authorities. what does your organization have to say about the situation in bell edwards? for journalists? we are very sorry about that, but not surprised at all. because to silence independent journalist, the authorities have resorted to state sponsored terrorism, including censorship, violence mass arrest and current rates on homes and media offices. as well as for example, desponding, the association of better russian journalists. and i mean,
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there are multiple examples i could put out now, for example, they even resorted to hijacking a passenger jets in may 2021 in order to arrest and the positions on a list and force them to make like a confession on pop. the television and then when we recently learned that a d, w r, no band and bell arose. you know, we were just also feeling very sorry about the context you might have over there because every journalist was from now on passing on information to the editorial team is now committing a crime on the fence. because for you, i mean, for them you guys are an extremist organization. i really, it costs a light on the dangers that journalist face every day and trying to do their work. i wanna ask you also about another region in the world that has featured in your report. garza, of course, is becoming increasingly dangerous place for journalists to do their work. can you tell us a little bit about what the conditions there are like? yes, i mean wars have always claimed the lives of many,
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many people including reporters, for example, now in the palestinian territories are since april 2023 in saddam where a civil war has been raging. but in god, media professionals are particularly at risk. no other war in the 21st century has started as dangerously for journalists as this one. and even in these circumstances, there are still journalists on the ground who are reporting. however, their work is hampered by 7 reflectors of the, you know, the numerous life threatening as strikes the constantly block telephone and internet connect. since and of course, the usual problems and few of the time of living in the war and then the frequent power and internet outtake, it does make it super difficult for media professionals to actually make phone calls, touch their phones, or cameras or, you know, just drive and talk to sources. i'd like to take a look at the you now as well. we've mentioned fair that this report on
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a relatively high level of freedom within europe compared to some other parts of the world. but i'd like to ask where you see the freedom of press being threatened within e u member states. i mean, we know that we are immensely privilege scenario regents the only 9 states marked to screen good situation for press. we don't know what up it will stripes. the index of press freedom are on european continent. for example, like norway, denmark, sweden, netherlands, and so on. and why the social cultural circumstances are simply better for journalists here in this area. and there was greater appreciation and respect and there are less obstacles which are hindering us in our colleagues in our work. in addition, the legislative landscape is very much geared towards protecting the freedom of the press. but we also want to highlight the countries like germany or friends which do have a relative sort of situation. also in congress also encounter some
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problems, you know, and we definitely have to fight to overcome these problems. now just, just before i let you go, let's zoom out a little bit. reporters without borders publishes this report every year. and when you're looking at the most recent results, is it, would you say that the situation for journalists has worse and over the years? i mean we, i came from a generation very definitely hopes that the situation is getting better and that we will see progress. but we now see that 75 percent of all countries definitely suffer from a problem metric to a pretty catastrophic whole situation. so yes, we see that the situation, unfortunately, as far as timing, also all human rights situations are versioning. re send a report from m as international by showing that and know we have to talk as a society about how to overcome these very dangerous developments. thank you. so much for taking the time to speak with us today. how does a catch you in a victoria vice from reporters without partners?
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we very much appreciate your time. thank you. to some other news now. 6 months ago the far right alternative for germany. b, a s d was riding high in the polls would support at 23 percent. but since then, the parties, fortunes have taken a downward turn following a series of revelations about links to russian finance or finance years and chinese spies scandals that hit the f. d, as it launches it's campaign for next month. european elections. it began with this month pickup is thrown, an m p with the far right, told tenants a for germany and allegations he had taken money from a russian only got trying to spread this information about the european union based on denies any wrong doing. and then it was maximilian crash turned in the spotlight to use the f. b 's lead candidates in the european elections police arrest and his long standing advisor on charges of spying for the china dev icons go to the
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election campaign is now being bad. you have a shuddered by this matter. this means that unfortunately, people are now talking about chandra, instead of europe, the weekly market in the markets on district of each cell in a place where the f d hope the populace should resonate with working class people. could the latest allegations for the party all of those in yes, but on the other hand, every party has of skeletons in the closet, where they told them cut off. i don't know it's it's difficult to know what people are thinking and to show and people don't dare to talk openly about voting for the a f d c. so that's vitamin the formal with these kind of fake news accusations, i would say a lot of it is open to interpretation and exaggerate, to unite and up to tier. as one of your boys is this gate called it
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doesn't sit well with me. that's why the ac is not and alternative is the latest nationwide page suggested that is a widely shared view while the f these bases solid more than 70 percent of gm. and cd wouldn't dream of voting for the party. could you imagine voting for the epi, using the progress is night after the 90? not me? yes. the 1000 java for the eyes, the system for the use from 933 to 45 of showing us that this is not good. and that's it. no question. about it. so it's a party that is not afraid. and that probably explains why the other parties are worried in the past. scandals have done little to attend the f these popularity. but as the european election campaign halts,
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all difficult questions about the policies for links could block its path to success. let's take a look at some new polar numbers out from deutschland trends this morning. when it comes to vote or intention, the se remains at 18 percent, no change from last month, but they've lost about 5 points since last september. and in terms of their potential support here in germany, the sd appears to come up against a hard, singling more than 70 percent of people surveyed said they would never consider voting a f. d less get more analysis on this from our political correspondent and julia. so deli, julia, are these spying scandals and allegations of for an interference hurting the f. these electability as well. we've heard from allison experts that these cases can definitely caused some damage for the if the in terms of voter support them that this process has already started in some way. we've seen from the latest iceland
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fund pull that, for example, among a if the voters, one 3rd of them say that the a, if the party should reconsider it's close, maybe to close relations to russia and to china. so even within a, if the voters, there is some debates on these issues, but we've seen that the fall in the pools, in the last 2 months, from the if the already started before these allegations, what actually started driving this dropping polls was, for example, an investigation conducted by investigative outlets in germany cubic teams and they found that a meeting had took place between some of the members and some known far right extremis. and during this meeting, there was a debate about a plan to the ports of all people from germany who had a foreign roots, even people who currently have a german citizenship. this caused
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a hundreds of thousands of people in germany to take to the streets, to protest against the a if the to protest of for democracy. and this seems to also have influence some perspective a if the motor is who may be thought again about actually voting for the party. actually, i'd like to put some numbers to what you were saying about a day of these perceived closeness to russia and china. let's take a look at some more pulling here. 71 percent of those polled say the sd should reassess its links to russia. and it is the same story with china, a 70 percent expressing concern about patients of potential influence over the a, f d. us and truly we know german prosecutors are looking into the f d q. tell us a little bit about what is happening there and, and how the f d is trying to contain the scandal with european elections coming up next month. yeah, so prosecutors are currently looking into these 2 cases that we've seen in the reports of a maximilian caught and put the police best to them as possible. ties with china and
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russia. and they're considering whether they should open official investigations into these 2 cases. we know that the a, if the leadership has realized probably that these 2 cases couldn't become hot potatoes for them that they could cause. c some problems with voters, in fact we've seen them taking some distance from the 2 leading candidates in the u election, for example. not having them with them at a big election rallies. but we also know that a, the, if the leadership has said that for the time being, they're not going to take any action against their party members. after these allegations, they say that they will look into possibly taking action once these accusations are officially confirmed. but for now, they see that these members are innocent until proven guilty and joy. let's take a look at some more data. another data point, let's say, from the latest pulling that i think plays
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a role here. asked about the important issues facing the you. 41 percent said immigration was the biggest one. that is more important than the conflicts and ukraine and gaza and the climate crisis and the economy. and so julia, the sd and other far right parties in europe really wants to capitalize on that. anti immigration sentiments don't say as well when it comes to the sd, the topic of immigration has always been their big topic. the top with the actually gets from the boats. people, especially there, sort of base core voters vote for them because of their sense on immigration. and obviously this is what they're going to try to bank on also in the upcoming elections now. but we see that also within the german political debates. other parties, for example, the sensor, right? see to you, i'm going to macros a former party she, the party is also trying to sort of get
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a gain terrain in terms of the debate on immigration and also putting immigration as the central topic of debates when it comes to to elections. and generally political debate in germany, so this is bound to be unimportant topic. it is always in the headlines in germany . there have been also a lot of contrasts between the opposition parties and the governments on the immigration debate. so definitely the f d trying to bank on it, but in general, it is a very relevant topic in germany at the moment. our political correspondent, juliet, south deli, thank you very much for that analysis and we have time for a quick look now with some other stories making headlines around the world. us president joe biden has called his allies, japan, and india xena phobic countries. he made the remarks that a campaign, fundraising meeting bite in lumps the 2 countries and with adversaries of china and russia to outline their economic situations. he also compare them with the us with regard to immigration. turkey is suspending all trade with israel on correct,
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says the measures will be in place until as rel allows an uninterrupted and sufficient flow of 8 into gaza. israel's foreign minister responded by accusing turkish present redshift type air to one of breaking trade agreements is real cost posted on social media same. this is how a dictator behaves flight. john, china is preparing to launch a robotic space cross on a round trip to the far side estimate. the 53 de mission will see the land or try to touch down in a giant crater and collect samples. we've all be brought back to earth and it's successful. it would be a world 1st. president biden has said he doesn't want to deploy the national guard to us campuses where students have been protesting israel's war and casa, and the resulting humanitarian crisis. they're fighting, so demonstrators have the right to peacefully protest,
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but not to cause chaos cruise. i've been cleaning off at u. c. o, a hours after police remove barricades and began dismantling a pro palestinian camp in the early hours of thursday. morning officers arrested dozens of demonstrators in the pre dawn rate after protesters to fight orders to leave a to more than 2000 people have been arrested on university and college campuses across the us. in the last 2 weeks, before the sun had even risen, police moved into ted down the barricades. stun grenades rang out and the smoke filled the as offices pools. the protest is backed up to several 100 defied orders to leave the area. once through the defense is the police that was destroying the 10 students being come down to in the days and making arrests on the demonstrations watch record is a company called and told it offices for this low response to an attack by pro
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israel counter protest. as the night before, the for them to come out the next night to remove somebody, cameron, after they felt absolutely no obligation or duty protects the 1st night. it doesn't make any sense, but i'm not surprised to camp at the university of california is los angeles, kansas is just one of dozens that have sprung up across the u. s. students have been demanding that universities said the financial times with companies linked to israel and it's more efforts. the critics have accused the pro palestinian activists of intimidation and anti semitism. president biden has no wait in defending the right to a peaceful protest, but accusing to demonstrate is of causing chaos.
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we are not in a far terry nation where we silence people are squashed to send the american people are heard. in fact, peaceful protest isn't the best tradition of how americans respond to the consequential issues. there's the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos. people have the right to get an education right to getting a degree right to walk across campus safely without fear of being attacked. authorities say oh, that has now being restored. you see a they, with over a 100 protesters, arrested. police remain stationed at the scene to stop anyone trying to come back to rebuild the encampment. just before we go, a quick reminder of our top story today. julia novato has one d w's, freedom of speech award, along with the russian anti corruption foundation. an organization founded by her late husband, alexei nevada, the advocate,
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the face of russia's opposition following the death of her husband's name, russia, penal colony. earlier this year. did you need update? just our state to me for a visit to italy as largest island facility that is coming up next. the
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vibrant habitat ended the listening place of longing. the mediterranean it's waters connects people as many cultures. cold as ice in sicily, suna belmont as well. visits mount aetna and learns the dramatic history
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of the island next on the dw. what's new tell here. we are happy that we are boxing the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the sales force and the for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 60 minutes on d, w, the this shadows these costs and video shed light on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the schools,
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tactic farms and destroy lives. what is the legacy of this wide spread race as depression today? history? we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the submitted to radians was once a major crossroads at the heart of the ancient. today it has become a barrier separating europe from africa. is there anything less of a past one share? and what do today's distinct cultures have in common journalism? xena las rog and joe far abdul karim, travel the coast of the mediterranean, in search of answers. do you see yourself as a to be in june and responsibilities?
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how can you say extremely good.