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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 3, 2024 1:00am-1:15am CEST

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to make more than $100.00 arrests, also coming up on the program, the georgia sees another night of mass protests against the laws that could undermine its folks of joining the european union. thousands flocking both ways in the capital as the one that riches lawmakers to withdraw the bill. and even chief source of funding i and offers 11 on 8000000 euro aid package to help send the flow of syrian microns into your the i'm here until berlin. thank you very much for joining us. we start in the united states where you, as president biden, says, you won't be sending in the national guard. did you with a wave of student led protests against israel's war against him? us buys and says, demonstrators have the right to peacefully protest, but not the cause chaos. cruise have been cleaning up at the university of
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california, los angeles side hours after police remove barricades and began dismantling the pro palestinian protest camp in the early hours of thursday. officers the rest of the dozens of demonstrators in the pre dawn raid. after protesters defied orders to leave for more than 2000 people, have been arrested on university and college campuses across the united states. in the last 2 weeks before the sun was it even risen, police moved into ted down the barricades. stun grenades rang out and the smoke filled the as offices pools. the protests is back up to several 100 defied orders to leave the area. once through the defense is the police that was destroying the 10 students being come down to in the days and making arrests on the demonstrations watch record is a company called and told it offices for this level response to an attack by pro
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israel counter protest. as the night before, the for them to come out the next night. to move us, i mean cameron after the field. absolutely no obligation or do you need it protects the 1st night. it doesn't make any sense, but i'm not surprised. the camp at the university of california is los angeles, kansas is just one of dozens that have sprung up across the us. students have been demanding that university said the financial times with companies linked to israel, and it's more efforts. the critics have accused the pro palestinian active is of intimidation and anti semitism. preston biden has no wait in defending the right to peaceful protest, but accusing to demonstrate is of causing chaos.
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we are not in a far terry nation where we silence people are squashed to send the american people are heard in fact peaceful protest isn't the best tradition of how americans respond to the consequential issues. there's the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos. people have the right to get an education. right to get a degree. right to walk across the campus safely without fear of being attacked. authorities say, oh, that has now being restored. you see a, they, with over a 100 protesters, arrested police remain stationed at the scene to stop anyone trying to come back to rebuild the encampment. let's crossover now. they've got to think of a him, she's a correspondent for germany's public broadcaster and is on hand in los angeles. so catalina, as we heard there police were initially station to make sure that protesters didn't return. what the situation like now on the campus. what,
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what do we clearly see is there is not count anymore. actually it actually took place yesterday evening. police call to the protest as to disperse, which they didn't do. and that's basically next to a lot of arrests. 210 arrests and told me that that's what's in the lapd set to date. and no actually it throughout the day. it was just a fixed, clean up movement. and so actually all the tents are gone, everything is gone. so basically nothing really needs to assumption. there was a protest chem and the police seems to be remaining here on the use of like campus also courses the students country to go back to studying even tomorrow. there's the open question. if the campus life is going back to donald for it has maybe to wait until next week. now you're on hand for that police action. and there has been some suggestions that the demonstrators were actually infiltrated by outside groups.
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what exactly did you see as well actually we saw a lot of different groups that way. of course, the students were protesting in these kinds of programs didn't. students were protesting and there is this group that came in on tuesday nights to wednesday. and there is this open question, no movies, educate a square, who basically tech to come. that's what all the students told us here. um, it is unclear right now if this was like a student, let's pro, it's right on the demonstration. if these were outside or there is actually an investigation going on from atlanta to do, but also from the campus. because there's also been accusations to campus to the faculty that they have responded way too late to a basic fetus force at the protest and to try to not not to get the violence. oh, go ahead as it was. so we had 15, at least 15 people who were wounded one person probably. and going to the hospital
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. these actually, um, it varies from who you asked of protesters or it's police. but basically there's a lot of open questions still. um and the investigation stuff be going on. and of course those open questions are having a so political effects as well. this is wrapping up the pressure on president biden . so tell us just how much pressure is the was president currently facing because of these protests? well, the 1st thing is of course because of the elections, he wants the young voters, he wants the voice of the young boarders because they are very, very upset with the politics of joe biden. they're calling out to israel politics. but as it was said, clearly in a press conference just today is that this protest will have no effect on the israel upon it takes the far, but still the pressure remains on present and find out all the campuses here in the united states. what are, who are facing protests there? still some enhancements of maybe not here and you still a but still a lot of different universities groups california and the east coast especially.
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and we will see, i think the pressure will remain on the president by a right that was during those kind of thing of the him in los angeles. thank you very much for your reporting, the and let's take a quick look now with some other stories making headlines around the world's turkey . suspending old trade with israel on congress as the measures will be in place and to israel allows in uninterrupted re sufficient flow of agents. a ghost hunters rose for minister respond enjoy the choosing. turkish personal rich of type everyone's freaking trade agreements. israel cots posted on social media, same quote. this is how a dictator behaves. at least 13 people have been killed in floods triggered by heavy rains in the southern brazilian state of rio grande data. so, more than 20 are still missing and thousands have been displaced. local authorities have declared a state of emergency there. a must own court has extended the pre trial
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detention of a russian play right. and theater director of virginia medical rich and seth line. the pep dates are facing charges of justifying terrorism. the accusations relate to their 2021 play for trained russian. women were lowered into marriage by the proponents of radical islam and syria. the peer have already spent a year in detention now 11 on host, more than $2000000.00 syrians, over half of whom enter the country, legally love it on itself is in the middle of its worst ever economic crisis. many lebanese say that the high number of syrians in their country is making the situation much worse. database being reviewed, chief mohammad shar, 80 reports a warning to some of the reviewers that the images you may find in this report could be distressing. the fresh wave of fury at syrians in liberal around this time it looks much more serious.
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the recent mother of the local christian party official allegedly at the hands of the court jackson gang of syria nursing. and it has to go fighting and spend victory. all that syrians independent, including displaced, refugees, the sled war torrents to yeah. 10 years ago now he feels being displaced again. this time from living on the bottom of the model room. and we are afraid and barely sleep at night. and every time someone knocked at the door and we fear that someone has come to attack us, do not. i'm unable to go to work or to the supermarket did after not lose, i can't leave home loans. and flo, how does that? i've been receiving threats, demanding. i leave the neighborhood within 5 days. notice where should i go to manage all of what comes to you? i can't go back to cereal box with him. i'm wanted and would be immediately drafted
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into the military. i'm a clubhouse. rec, osgood, none of us, the benefits are following. to old syrians and bows have moved. you must leave your shops and residences by friday at the latest you've been warned. for tends, a few syrians have lived in this neighborhood together with the minis mean the christians. but now the civilian run, shops have been shut down, and many serious companies have left their rent as homes as well. i mean, they took over our businesses and replaced this. they come into 11 and illegally and are increasingly committed crimes and murders. an online move in a little sort of you might want them out in any way possible. i mean, i just want them out. i a moment little they took our jobs and disrupted our lives that the lecture like rock bullock higher lit up. i don't know. so we have a legal status couldn't stay, but those are here illegally should leave, but attacking them is not acceptable under pressure by independence. economy
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collapse and the country's political paralysis deal told her to use our, echoing the sentiments not gotten our political edge. the security closest and the police to family and strictly implemented lebanese low on the syrian refugees. a different and host the great this number of refugees per capita of any country into what more than 2000000 students and living on form 45 percent of the population. this would be equivalence of nearly 38000000 refugees in germany. and some 163000000 refugees in the united states of america. these sort of numbers are very significant in the context of depend on security and power shading model. the vast majority of the refugees are sunni muslims. that has been feuding fears of a huge demographic imbalance in the country with christians and muslims shared power. equally in the rear seat of political unity whitefield,
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political parties are calling for the quotation of syrian refugees pushing many of them towards choices that is making udall very nervous. a lot of had that a long icons stay here against the width of the libby. nice, a lot of civil down when i don't know what to do, but honestly the fun is i'm not that that i had going. i may try to leave for another country head or i'm on the box. i know i have no other choice but has to go through a legal migrant focus on, on the with, on what migration lead the roots out of reach the dangerous c journeys to you will only increase we turn to georgia now we're tens of thousands of people have returned to the streets of the georgia and capital to protest against the controversial for an agents law. demonstrators block street into the leasing a day after parliament improved the 2nd reading of the bill. it requires organizations receiving more than 20 percent of funding from abroad to register as agents of for an influence upon and say, it's similar to
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a law used in russia to science government critics. they're the ones human rights chief has urged george and lawmakers to withdraw the legislation as a senior in you. official has said that the bill would become an obstacle to you membership for georgia, but the w corresponded maria, kind of martha who is into believe see, says the government doesn't seem concerned it doesn't seem that it cares actually. uh, as, as i saw there is a rising anti watson graphic in general. uh so, um, the international process is there, the west has condemned uh, the uh, the circle for an agent. they'll ad urge the government and drop it by the government doesn't as a side, doesn't show any sign of intending to do so. and finally, we leave you with this archaeologist from buquet. you have revealed the face of a 75000 year old in the end of a woman. there's 3,
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the reconstruction was created after more than $100.00 fragments of skull, bone, or piece together. the woman who archaeologist say was probably in her forties had been laid to rest in a cave in iraq's curtis and region. the remains of other new 100 falls have been found in the same place. and there are signs that the burial site may have been used for centuries. the address almost died out around 40000 years ago. and you're up to date, but to stick around with it back to the top of the hour with more international news on air until overland. thank you very much for tuning in the us. he's got any issues with all the
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japanese economy is a struggle.