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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 24, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the the, this is the, the news coming to life from berlin. germany says it will resume its cooperation with the us agency for palestinian refugees. an independent investigation finds no evidence to back up. israel's claims that some of its employees took part in the october 7th. the tax also coming up the stark warning about the state of human rights, amnesty international reports that conflicts and gaza and ukraine, as well as the spread of authoritarianism for damaging the world order by undermining international law. and us secretary of state se blanket has arrived in china for 3 days, cause he's expected to raise concerns over confrontations in the south china sea
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and discuss peace and stability across the taiwan strait. the o i'm terry martin. good to have you with us. germany will soon resume its cooperation with overall the united nations relief and works agency for palestinian refugees in gauze of this follows investigation into its stuff which lead several countries to temporarily hall funding is real. had accused dozens of the agencies, employees being involved in the october 7th terror attacks. more than a dozen donors, including the 2 largest ones, the us in germany suspended their own rule of funding over that. the recent investigation though, says israel has not yet provided evidence that certain own wrong employees were members of terrorist organizations. earlier dw spoke with
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germany's development minister about the overall investigation sheet had this to say about the agencies work. that report shows very clear that on the right is able to do the job here, that it's not part of home office that is separate the phone, them us. and i think these reports of we will lose these analyses. a lot of these reports and data, but the 1st uh, what we see is that this isn't very important for me for to, to show that on the road is doing a very good job here. let's get more from our political correspondent, thomas barrow. tell us germany had suspended funding for a while because of allegations that many of us workers were involved in terrorist activities. this germany now satisfied that there's allegations were false. sarah, 2 important elements from that's a that statement by gemini, is development, administer. the 1st part of a statement is that germany believes that the agency indeed does
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a good job in the region. the 2nd element that is important, there is a job many police off to this report that the agency is separated from how much is not part of how much. so those essentially 2 elements that explain why drive many has announced that it will resume cooperation with the agency in a separate statement by the german government, the government government stress. that is now very important for the agency to implement those recommendations. and that, in fact, the agency has declared that it will do so in full and swiftly, some of those recommendations including staffing by international un employees or improving such and mechanisms both externally and internally so such and lead. now gemini hopes that the agency will implement those recommendations that that explains why this press statement today a noun. so germany will resume its cooperation with the agency, the suspension of funding, thomas for on rob was
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a major blow for the agency and especially the people. it helps will the restoration of support of cooperation bring immediate relief to the people living and gaza in under very difficulty in military circumstances. a one relevant element from the german government that they had stressed is that the short term funding for the agency and gaza is secured with funds that are already available. and the german government also stressed that it took very seriously the allegations against henri and that in fact, it discussed them not only with the israeli government, but also with the united nations and with some other countries. germany is not the only country that resumes now. it's cooperation with the agency. in fact, the government governments stress that is basically doing something similar to what other countries have already analysis. strangely, canada, sweden and japan. so many sides. and they took those allegations seriously. it
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discussed them with its allies and now the hope is that the agency will implement those recommendations. so thank you very much. that was our political correspondent, thomas barrow. i am seeing the national has said the world is seeing a near breakdown of international law. it sites multiple conflicts as the main threats, the annual report on human rights singles out israel and his allies for quote, multiple violations committed in gaza. and also says china and russia are demonstrating a willingness to destroy the rules based order. your organization said there has been a betrayal of human rights principles by today's leaders and institution. obviously, international secretary general condemned what she called the collective punishment, palestinians in gauze. the level of valuation that we have money to use unprecedented. we have seen that in the, in guess over the last 6 months,
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we've some extraordinary number of victims within the civilian population. we use the use of funding as a width and the pool waiting. so collective punishment impose the palestinians. the longest number of jo ninety's cubes, the largest number of you might need tell you elect us killed, a very unprecedented tom to see billions ever recorded. so these violations all, not only extremely serious, they all so just to fire. so he's riley's just to find out all of those violations and the united states hunting very recently as done the same or more of this, i'm joined now by our special corresponded abraham. an anesthesia report puts a spotlight on israel's more in gauze. it also draws attention to the october 7th terrorist attacks by hum us. uh, they're pretty serious allegations in this report. are those allegations likely to have any consequences?
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well, that's exactly what this report is sort of trying to highlight is that despite these allegations, which have been going on for quite some time, it does seem to be that there are no consequences we've seen. and for example, in the security council, the united states acting as a diplomatic supporter for is refer a very, very long time presenting resolutions that would call for a cease fire from a passing. and that's basically the point of this report in the way that sort of the meta theme, if you will. what they're saying is, is that post 1948 post the 2nd world war and all of these atrocities the world has sort of come together and decided we're going to have rules and they're going to apply to everyone. and what this report is saying is that this, this idea is failing, but not everyone is treated the same way and that the people in, in, in, in, in gaza and, and what the innocent civilians. and because of what they've injured is, is proof of that, that the system doesn't really cold anymore. and that it,
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you know, lies the blame, then a defeat of the super powers that are not maintaining that world order anymore. and this not just the united states, the report also singles that russia and china for guilty of their own violations. a 155 countries are covered in this report. germany also gets some criticism. tell us more about that. well, germany is one of the strongest allies and supporters of israel since it historically, but also, especially since the beginning of the october 7th war and germany has been accused of the german government. it has been accused of supporting his real despite there being these a serious allegations for example, despite there being a you know, a legit genocide case against israel at a the i see to of course the german government maintains that a the support for the jewish people is because of its history because of the atrocities and the crimes of the holocaust and it sees supporting is real good and,
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and it would, you know, critics would say the government of israel as i, as, as a direct translation of, of that's important, that historic responsibility and so, streaming is being accused of double standards, right? because people will look at how much germany, for example, has condemned the killing of innocence in ukraine. it's a condemnation of russia and say, well, why is there not that same condemnation when it comes to people in gaza right here . thank you very much. that's our special correspond to abraham. the us congress has passed a bill to ban the social media platform tech talk, unless it's chinese owner sells off fits us assets. lawmakers have been concerned about possible chinese government control of tick tock, bite dense, the company to those that talk has denied that it shared sensitive user data with the chinese government to talk has about a 170000000 users in the us. the last tension similar between the us and
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china, us secretary state and st, blinking his heading to shanghai. he is expected to discuss a number of unresolved issues, including trying his support for russia. the us, as china is helping russia's war effort in ukraine, adding that it damages us security. how to put limits on the relationship without limits. one is for the emission division us secretary of state anthony blink, and we'll have to put some distance between russia and china pushing back on china as well, rushes more machine will be a priority. china continues to provide materials to support versus defense, industrial base. and all of this is the only pollutants warm machine se attacks ukrainians and threatens european security. see relations between the world's top 2 global rivals had been 10 since early last year. after our chinese bible in flu
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across the us territory. and for us disputes relating to cell from taiwan since then, they've thought a little shooting thing. he'll be face to face talks with you as president joe biden in san francisco last november. but the u. s. has kept pressure on beijing, sanctioning chinese firms that ship products to russia and unavailing new micro chip export restrictions. the us state department of china is supporting the rushes war machine by supplying machine tools, computer chips, optics, drones, and cruise missile technology rushes semiconductor imports from china jump from 200000000 in 2021 to over 500000000 in 2022. as the war drags on russia's drawing, economic and diplomatic isolation has made its increase in the reliance on china, its former rival for leadership of the communist bloc. during the cold war,
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china appears to hold the upper hand into the relationship. washington warns it will hold being responsible at moscow mix gains in ukraine. china shrugs of criticism consisting it's a neutral party. don't tell you what china has always clean, totally forward of to use items and nicole, the in regulation compete to relevant countries circle. it's me or into like what are normal state to state relations between china and russians. tensions ratcheted up again last week, after joe biden called for hire terrace on shining steel and aluminum. lincoln has his work cut out for him. as a blinking visit comes out a particularly tense time between china in the us, probably and customer in beijing told me what the 2 countries need to discuss most urgently. so yeah, the list is really very long. so from the chinese perspective, the priority message is that it does not tolerate any interference and what aging
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perceives as the red lines or the call national, the interest and those spend from taiwan over to seems young and hong kong. so china wants to make clear that it doesn't want that us to look into it and those issues and, and also it once, of course, getting rid of the tech sanctions and the export control that the u. s. has imposed on a china according to the head of stage seating ping. those are in post to contain the economic rise of china. and certainly also china is wanting to get rid of the ad us influence in the basic in the south, tennessee. so it says that it's into fi, us with china, us relations and asi, i'm country, so the se agents via and from the us side, i would say that clearly most urgent topic is the one ukraine rushes, one ukraine. the accusations that the u. s. government has against china, they are pretty concrete and pretty massive. so it says that 70 percent of our rush,
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us imports of machine towards come from china and those inputs, every very crucial when it comes to building up and put into a ballistic arsenault. and that is of course, the strong accusation and it also says that, you know, um add to economic coordination. the truth relation between the 2 countries is unfair. so blinking, but also talk about industrial policy of china and the resulting over capacities which has become an increasing problem for the us. and finally, passengers on the lift, tons of fly to los angeles went through a scary 20 minutes when they're playing. try to land at the cities airport on tuesday, a live stream recorded the touching go landing. the boeing $747.00 passenger jet, which cuts down. so roughly that the landing had to be abandoned, the plane headed back into the sky and landed smoothly and safely about a quarter of an hour later. there was no information about the cause of what
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