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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 25, 2024 4:00am-5:01am PDT

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all depends on and how much the jury buys any of this right. >> and to the extent that they're a look, they were picked because of the fact that they have no largely no predetermined views about any of these witnesses or anything like that. right. so i guess the question, the extent that's possible today, but yes. how much did they just put all of the common sense of sayyed? and actually just look at the facts and law because a lot of this just seems icky and weird and grows to normal people who aren't washington dc communications it's entertainment now, for the record, it's still weird. >> porn stars and tablets case. >> the professor and journalist going to feel weird that's what i keep coming back to you. >> it's like it does feel like this was kind of an editable after the 20th hand. that's been dealt, that he's doing the best hearing fairness, donald trump put himself and he absolutely denied. >> but the overreach of all of these cases, one after the other. i mean, there's well, now with arizona's the fifth
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case, six case, we can't keep track as it as it as an american, you know obviously could keep this conversation going from basically another hour and i am sorry to have to cut us all off. thanks you guys for joining us. this is a great discussion on a very consequential day, thanks to all of you for being with us kasie hunt, cnn, your central starts right now cnn breaking news a history defining de for donald trump in not one, but two courtrooms i'm kate bolduan with john berman. >> of course, sarah is out today never before has the country been forced to confront legal issues at the same time, like we are about to witness for one, how far the boundaries of immunity reach. four the precedent that question in just hours will be center stage before the us supreme court. we're standing by for the arguments to begin at the high court over trump's fight, to try to get his federal election
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subversion case thrown out. that is now up to the justices to decide as special counsel, jack smith is pushing to get his case to trial as soon as possible. so donald trump will be in a new york courtroom listening to testimony from david pecker, the man who used to run the national enquirer for the first thing this morning, pecker is expected to reveal new details of an effort to bury stories from a playboy playmate who says she had an affair with trump by the end of the day, we could hear the first testimony about stormy daniels, the adult film actress paid off to keep quiet about her allegations of a sexual we'll encounter with trump now, when to of all of that there is breaking news overnight from arizona. so hold donald trump's closest allies were indicted for election interference. >> let's get to all of it. cnn's kristen holmes is in new york, zach cohen is in phoenix, arizona and supreme court analyst joan biskupic is of course, standing by in washington, kristen, let's
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begin with you before the former president headed heads to court, he actually made a campaign stop first yeah, that's right game. he went to this jpmorgan building it soon to be the headquarters. >> he met with some of the construction workers, some of the teams are members here it was both rank and file teamsters, union members, as well as just some working class voters. this is something that donald trump has been trying to effort in terms of his election been with joe biden, but it's also a good reminder that donald trump miss all of his legal issues is still running for president and still campaigning, or at least trying to against president joe biden crime two year in new york city is city that webb or joe biden by huge numbers, uh, tried to make campaign stops and talk to various for you as groups that might be more favorable to the former president. now we didn't get a chance to ask them some questions. i raised david pecker, asieh, what he thought at the testimony asked the last time talked to david pecker, you just said that
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pecker was a nice guy. ladies and please, with the testimony, but he also talked about those critical immunity arguments. take a listen. >> we have a big case today. this the judges and on me to go. we have a big case in the supreme court or presidential immunity. a president he stab immunity if you don't have a unit, you just have a ceremonial president he also said that the supreme court justices were smart at one point, said, sounded like he was saying that they we're going to do the right thing or he believed that they would do the right thing. >> but again all of this, he's making his campaign stop because of the fact that he is in court now four days a week and they are trying to figure out ways to keep them engaged with voters. they believe that this is very important for him and they'd become resigned to the fact that this is what the next several weeks is going to look like. so today, they did this pre courts stop meeting with working class voters
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kristen. >> thank you so much. >> john. >> so on the subject of immunity, of course, the issue is not whether a president has immunity. a president does have some. the question is whether it is absolute immunity in whether a covers allegedly criminal acts that are outside the scope of the presidency. so let's get to at issue what the supreme court will be hearing today on this issue? see you supreme court analyst joan biskupic joins us now with that. good morning, joe good morning, john. >> yes. historic day at the supreme court with very much an untested question can a president be shielded from criminal prosecution for actions he took while in office? now, just to remind everyone, this arises from the jack charges brought on behalf of the department of justice representing the united states here at the supreme court for federal counts, fraud, obstruction. did i'll the right to vote all com culminating in what happened on january 6, 2021 lower federal courts john, when they heard this question
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rejected donald trump's claim of immunity, saying whatever protection he had while he was in office dissolved once he became a former president. now, donald trump is lawyer, is going to argue that separation of powers denies any kind, any judges to sit and review a president's actions. but jack smith's lawyer, michael driven will argued before the justices that no, when you look at the founding documents, understanding the framers head and american history over the past couple of centuries. there was never any idea that endorsing presidential immunity in a criminal context. now, let me just also say that jack smith in his filings point to a more modern precedent, and that's richard nixon in 1974 when richard nixon was forced from office because of water her gait, he ended up being pardoned by gerald ford. and that pardon jack smith argues,
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was followed the recognition that former president nixon could have been liable for criminal acts that he took while in office. so they both use history in different regards. and it was interesting in that clip that you just showed of the former president's coming into the, into the new york area that he talked about the justices and thought maybe they'd do the right thing. listen, this is a court that he has always felt he could bend to his will. it has a conservative majority three of them those justices were appointed by him, neil gorsuch, brett kavanaugh, and amy coney barrett. so i'm sure that he thinks he's going to get better shake from this court, then he might be getting up in manhattan, but we'll see the justices action to hear this case now, rather than earlier in the year special counsel jack smith's and urged the justices means that the federal trial here in dc was
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postponed from its original march start date, and john, i don't expect a ruling from the justices until late june. that's likely when it will come, and that will mean that any trial, if the justices dues say he is not he has no immunity here. any trial would not come until i'd say shortly before the election if it comes at all, biskupic for us in washington, john, thank you very much for that. the breaking news overnight indicted in arizona some of donald trump's closest allies. now charged for their efforts to overturn the results there, trump is labeled as coconspirator number one, we have new developments from there and violent confrontations with police overnight and protestors on college campuses around the country an oklahoma couple of goes on vacation now the husband is behind bars after bullets were found in his
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suggests he is unindicted coconspirator number one soon as that cohen has much more on this, he's in phoenix, arizona this morning, zach, tell us what the indictment says yeah. >> nine counts, multiple felonies. >> this indictment alleges that there was a broad conspiracy. all in service of overturning the 2020 election for donald trump. and as you mentioned, don trump is not indicted in this charging document, but he is referenced as unindicted coconspirator number one, and some of his closest allies are now facing criminal charges here in arizona that includes mark meadows is former white house staff that includes rudy giuliani is when we're personal lawyer that includes boris epshteyn, who was one of his closest aides even to this day boris epshteyn, people and trump-world tell us that the reason we have not seen boris epshteyn around trump recently including in new york, was started his criminal trial. there's because of concerns about the looming indictment that came to fruition last night. but i want to take a look at a few of the responses from arizona republicans because this indictment also charged all 11 fake electors from this state. you'll
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remember the fake electors scheme was targeting seven different states. it was part of this broader effort, allegedly to overturn the election, but arizona gop is pushing back on this indictment. they're saying that this indictment is a blatant& unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial power aimed solely at distracting the public. jake hoffman, one of the arizona fake electors also a sitting the state senator here in arizona. he said, let me be unequivocal. i'm innocent of any crime. so look to conflicting allegations here and push back here. these charges are just the latest in a string of criminal indictments. we've seen connected to the 2020 election, though, as you mentioned from court and the federal case overseen by jack smith, we're going to hear arguments on whether or not trump is immune from prosecution. trump not being prosecuted here in arizona yet, but i am told that this investigation is ongoing, so we'll have to wait and see how that plays out going it's still a lot of people already, now, already charged even as that investigation continues in arizona, zach, thank you so much. john all right. >> this morning to connecticut
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barbers our heroes, after jumping into action when they saw a toddler wandering into a busy intersection, rafael santana and as volatile logo will work either barbershop when they saw the little girl walking in the middle of the road without hesitating, they ran out to scooper up and safer from a car speeding by both men, say they are grateful they saw her when they did and that she was not hurt. her mother was located at a bus stop nearby we have special covers this morning of a truly historic de an unprecedented day in multiple courts. now, the wife of clarence thomas, remember it wasn't touch with white house and state officials following the 2020 presidential election, advocating efforts to overturn the results. today, clarence thomas, here's arguments about whether donald trump i'm should be immune from prosecution over this no recusal clashes at college campuses escalate overnight. we have the latest and the hotspots around the country good stuff brought to you by
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>> the sinking of the titanic, how would really happen, especially on cnn right? >> this is the special live coverage of a really historic day in not one, but two courts. >> this morning at the supreme court that justices will hear your arguments over whether donald trump is immune from prosecution over january 6. we may be able to tell from their questions this morning if this case has any hope of getting before a jury before election day in november. and of course, you're looking at live pictures from trump tower in new york. today. testimony resumes in the new york criminal case against donald trump, david pecker, the man who once ran the national enquirer back on the stand for testimony that could be crucial in the case against trump in the meantime, there is other news yes, more unrest, more
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chaos, and more arrests overnight at college campuses across the country, pro-palestinian protesters clashing again and again with law enforcement overnight that included at emerson college in boston, protesters met in the streets by more than 100 people were arrested at usc in los angeles. >> there was also conflict between police and protestors leading to the arrest of nearly 100 people, nearly 100 people as well. the protest there are over for now, but the usc campus remains closed at the university of texas at austin state troopers arrested 30 plus people after sometimes violent altercations. as you can see, it's an all parts of the country. this is playing out right now. cnn's polo sandoval is live outside columbia university in new york, where this is really where it all really began and picked up steam and seen as edwin dara is outside the university of texas at austin. pull in, let me start with you. in addition to what we've seen has been the continued struggle for the
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school and protesters to calm this all down. >> you now have the republican house speaker, who came to columbia university yesterday, jumping into all of this his reception it was he did not receive a good reception yeah i can add to your point, it's really is sort of the word the epicenter. >> we've been seeing throughout the country here in terms of we heard from the speaker yesterday during the visit calling on the president of columbia university while he was joined by republic. some of his republican lawmakers calling on the president to step down as he put it, if she cannot bear in order to this campus now it's important to point out that the columbia board saying that it's strongly stands behind president minouche shafik as they tried to work out a potential resolution here. meanwhile, we have also heard recently from the columbia college deans say recognizing very clearly that there have been without questions instances of intimidation and harassment. and that is something that the university says. it's still
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trying to certainly address with disciplinary action when they can, but also recognizing that there are limits to controlling what some of the community actually says, especially off-campus. and that is the other to the other side of the story that a conversation that's happening about how to address that as well, but still continue concerns about non-students there are people that are not affiliated with the university from potentially trespassing on campus. and that is another issue that the university is still trying to address. really that encampment that has led to still to standoff between members of this student organizations holding that in cabinet at the same time. also, speaking to the university to try to bring this to a resolution with commencements still weeks away, and the university making clear in a statement yesterday, it didn't tends to not allow any disruptions of that graduation ceremony next month all right. >> paulo is a new york. let's get over to texas now at 11 dara is at the university of texas at austin at what's happening there?
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>> well, much quieter cape wind for several hours yesterday, very tense and at times violent situations here on this campus as a student organization called the palestinian palestine solidarity committee, organized what they described was supposed to be an educational event here on the south ball of the university. now university officials say that the group was explicitly told not to hold the event, but as soon as it started in the students tried to make their way here to the south mall area. that is when a large line of state troopers showed up here at the ut campus and that's when the confrontations began. texas department of public safety, the state trooper say some 34 protesters have been arrested. that was the latest number that we had received from them last night, the student organization says it's actually more than 70 people that were arrested in the protests last night. and we spoke with one protester who said everything was peaceful than it was the law enforcement presence that turned everything seem violent yesterday i think
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had it not been for that 40s for the police in this situation, we would've had a very peaceful joyful de i'm just community-building unfortunately the police did escalate it. i know people who've died. i have friends who've had their entire families kills it's a very difficult situation and we're just expected a students go on with our lives to just continue the a uti president says that the student organization violated, quote institutional rules and that the university will not be quote occupied there is another protest scheduled for later today involving many faculty members here on the ut campus. >> this was already scheduled, having to do with the protests of the schools and the dei enforcement that is going on here. the campus. but now it's taking on a new life because of what happened here yesterday. >> i'm sure same. so thank you so much. eds in texas for us.
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polo sandoval in new york are going we continue to follow this for all of you so this morning. >> donald trump speaking out before the supreme court takes up his case, they're just as he's also headed back to the courtroom in new york for his criminal trial to continue and slamming the new york judge for not letting him attend the arguments. >> in washington today. >> and this just in the biden administration is cracking down on coal-fired power plants, seen as one of his most significant climate actions. >> today, we are the details test of presidential power in a former commander in chief, be prosecuted for actions taken while in office. >> joint cnn, as just this hear arguments in the trump immunity battle at the supreme court, especial live coverage. de at nine to advance the future of golf, pga of america chose t-mobile for business with a 5g powered innovation of the
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. this is cnn special
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live coverage of a dizzying day in core to court's the supreme court about to hear arguments over whether donald trump is immune from prosecution over january 6, and then in new york criminal case former national enquirer publisher, david pecker takes the stand, poised to discuss the most sensitive details about efforts to bury stories regarding a playboy playmate. >> and also a former adult film actress. and at any moment we could will learn whether trump will be held in contempt for comments he has made about the jury and others there's see it as brin jen grass outside core for us this morning. and i have to say it was a cliffhanger when we last her from david pecker had just started speaking about karen mcdougal today, promises to potentially to be blockbuster. >> yeah. >> yeah, that's right. john cliffhanger, not only about what david pecker was testifying about, but also cliffhanger regarding the gag
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order, right. we're still trying to see if the judge is going to make a decision about that gag order which was brought up the last time we had a chord which was on tuesday. so we have no idea if that's going to happen. we are certainly looking out for that good donald trump outside trump tower, justice morning talking about it again, take a listen they've taken my constitutional right away with a gag order. >> that's all it is. it's election interference is whole thing is election interference? so the pose of just come out and i just got another now of course, he didn't mention someone that he has mentioned a lot when he talks to the press and that is about one of the witnesses in this case, michael cohen. >> however, michael cohen overnight was tweeting about him and this gaggle border, but he said this, he said despite not being the gagged defendant out of respect for judge merchan and the prosecutors, i will cease posting anything about donald until after my trial testimony. so it seems
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that he is no longer going to be tweeting about his former boss. he of course, is going to be a main way witness in this case. but as you said, ajahn, first order or maybe if maybe second order of business, we'll see is testimony continuing of the former national enquirer publisher, david pecker. he was getting into the details about karen mcdougal, how they learned about that alleged fair the process of possibly a bearing that story, and we fully we expect him to get to the heart of this case, which is the alleged affair with stormy daniels, will certainly have some details later today, john. >> yeah, a lot of it could happen very quickly once trial resumes this morning, bring and grass great to have you there. thank you. >> kate and that is the case in new york. we also have two other legal headlines, three major legal headlines. minds today with donald trump, the two others, including the us supreme court and the immunity case. it now going to be heard an oral arguments and also the indictment just handed up in arizona overnight related to the election subversion in
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2020, there, let's discuss it, joining us right now is a former federal prosecutor, temidayo aganga-williams he was a former senior investigative counsel for the january 6 committee, and elliot williams is formed prosecutor and cnn legal analysts. guys, thank you so much. i want to focus first on the supreme court. and the court case and the arguments that are about to be heard. >> to me. do you submitted an amicus brief to the court on this case? >> in any you argue against immunity for the president, for trump for a variety of reasons. what do you say is the most important reason? so i think the most important reason is that if there's going to be a finding of immunity, it's going to be premised upon the importance of protecting the presidency itself. that article to power but if there's any space where the courts should not incentivize a present to take bold action, it will be in efforts to stay in power. and that's exactly the facts that we have here. it's a very
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different fact pattern to have a president of thinking about military action, thinking about other policy considerations versus what we have here, which is post-election, bold, and unlawful action to stay in power and to protect that kind of behavior. we are only incentivize it because presidents really, they should not be having immunity when they're trying to maintain such extensive and broad power and elliot donald trump has made the case in court it outside of court rooms that he has he should have and does have an needs to have as president total and complete immunity. >> he when he was making a campaign stop this morning and spoke to reporters in new york. he talked about this, yet again, let me play this for you. >> we have a big case. the judges in me to go. we have a vacation in the supreme court are presidential immunity a president has stab if you don't have immunity, you just have a ceremonial president up
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ten day. >> i was just speaking kind of the counter of that specifically. but you hear that and you say what eliot? >> well, he does have immunity. presidents do have immunity and no one quite frankly, probably the supreme court, will not dispute that presidents are immune from civil suits for things they do in office, you can't sue the president just because he didn't like that. you didn't get your social security check on time? that's presidential immunity. that's immunity for the executive branch. what is at issue here is the president totally immune from criminal prosecution for acts? and the example that the trump team did not have a good answer for and lower courts was can a president you seem seal team six or a drone strike to attack a political opponent. that is, that would strain logic to say that's not a crime under any circumstances and no one on the trump team has been able to rebut that. so it's really all about how the supreme court writes this. do they write it in such a manner that ends up leading to more
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months and months of litigation, or do they just put a stop to it right now? and that's an open question. >> intimidate. you also think the when that decision comes, when in terms of when the justices hand down a decision that's bad is critical. why because it's been a that the former president's legal team is focused on one thing, and that is delay, delay, delay.& if their their abuse always been if the president for president can get back at the power that these cases will go away. >> so i think it's not only whether or not he loses or when did the court it's i'll put through the court moves there is a world where he loses on the substance, but the court issues a decision late in july that would be bad. the jack smith timeline, it could be that he loses, but the court sends us back case back to judge talking to trial level for more findings. again, that's bad for jack smith. timeline. so if you're the former president, all you so we're looking for here is no bold action by the court. you
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don't want a decisive, sweeping decision that said the immunity. you want something either in the middle, four, four victory. i don't think any serious legal scholars think the court is going to come out and adopt an absolute immunity framework. but there is a real risk that they're going to do something in the middle at all. that's going to have this case dragging on. & you look at the timeline, will under so far the court has not moved quickly here. they have not act like this case is truly an emergency. so i don't suspect they're going to do so with their decision. >> even though a lot of it has gone under the label of expedited and emergencies but i guess those are all relative terms when it comes to the supreme as you guys well know, elliott, let's turn to arizona really quickly. is this indictment that happened overnight? is this the two-point version of georgia with the biggest difference being the donald trump is not indicted. and why do you think he wasn't charged? >> yeah, that's a great analysis. it's 2.0, 0.1, right? it's not, it's sort of related, but not the same indictment. i think what's
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interesting is who's in and who's out. and states that have chosen to pursue these 2020 election claims. some of them have gone by charging only fake electors as happening in a couple of states some have charged fake electors& members of the trump campaign or trump inner circle that happened here. and in georgia, it's related, but it's entirely a fair question. why isn't the former president charged when two of his closest associates in the form of mark meadows and rudy giuliani are now it probably prosecutors just didn't have direct evidence linking donald trump that where they felt comfortable charging him with a crime. but there's a host of reasons why one person might not be charged in a big conspiracy intimidate me, is a reminder to everyone you investigated january 6, then all the efforts to overturn the election leading up to it for the for the select grant congressional committee. mark meadows takes us another central focus here. once again, julie leoni as well, boris epshteyn, though, a former white house aide to remains one of trump's closest advisers, also indicted now for the first time, what kind of case do you
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think prosecutors may have? >> there? >> well, i think what what's going to be important there is again, proximity to the former president boris epshteyn is someone who was it directed advisor to former president trump. so although trump is not charged here, i think one to ellie's point that there's a lot of reasons why but i think he adds a surface element, but i think these close advisers like wars, have been charged here these are all individuals who are interacting with the former president& with any future charges. if these people here cooperate, they're going to be able to provide evidence against for better and trump for potential future indictment. and this case here, it has a seven year statute of limitations so post this lecture coming up, the former president still has legal liability here great to see you guys. >> thank you very much for coming on junk. >> or i knew this morning the biden administration has finalized highly anticipated rules to cut hazardous pollution generated by power plants under the regulations coal and natural gas power plants will cut 90% of their
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climate pollution by 2032. that would be the equivalent of taking about 333 million gas cars off the road for a year eliminating 1.4 billion metric tons of pollution. cnn chief climate correspond to bill weir is with us on the plans the difference it could make bill well, john, this is really, really significant and essentially signals the end of coal as a power source in the united states. >> all right, now for new rule changes, they also include cutting down on the neurotoxin mercury, which comes out of these power plants the coal lash that gets spilled into waterways, other wastewater, but the big one is this new rule that would require coal-fired plants to reduce 90% of their planet cooking pollution. >> and right now there's not really a technology capable of doing that. the industry has never really took in carbon capture and sequestration seriously. in the united states. and so it will essentially push most of the remaining 200 or so coal-fired
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plants out of business about a quarter of them are scheduled to retire. anyway, the rule does not apply to natural gas plants that was a sticking point as well. so the biden administration pulled back from that existing natural gas plants will have to cut and get cleaner this is a certainly going to be challenged in court. republican governors, utility lobbies will take this probably to the supreme court, which sort of watered down a similar chart, a rule change under the obama administration, the vitamin ministration says they've got their legal ducks in a row. they're ready to fight this, right now but it is really significant. this could cut the planet cooking pollution that comes out of these power sources by 75% compared to their peak of a few years ago. most people don't realize that their utility company is a legalized monopoly. not really held to the standards of the customers. you can't change to a new power company wherever you live so up to regulators a local pressure to change the energy
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mixes as the world cleans up its energy supply, john, so big changes if it passes legal muster. bill weir, thanks so much for explaining it so well. and this is seen as special live coverage of this historic de in court. the supreme court will hear arguments of whether donald trump is immune from prosecution over january 6. >> and a key witness on the stand and the new york criminal case a other news and oklahoma man on vacation now faces up to 12 years in prison because of what authorities found. >> in his luggage. and why the us fertility rate just hit its lowest level in 100 over the first a preview of the new cnn original series, how it really happened, the sinking of the titanic one of the biggest controversies regarding the night of the disaster is there was a ship that was on the horizon that was seen from the titanic they tried calling through wireless, they tried sigma with morris lamp. we the titanic sinking. >> have your base ready, but that ship just didn't react and captain smith, at one point
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prison on turks in case it goes after bullets were found in their luggage with a couple said we're left there inadvertently after a hunting trip. >> so serious offense in the islands with a minimum prison sentence of 12 years the wife was released on monday, but the husband is still behind bars, a gofundme page was set up to help the family a new federal oral require more testing and reporting of the bird flu when it is found in dairy cows, the usda currently requires reporting of h5n1 influenza in poultry and wild birds but bruises are not required to let the government know if cow was have tested positive the usda says the current guideline hampered their ability to investigate the current outbreak that has spread to 33 farms in eight states. okay so a new report from the cdc shows that the us fertility rate dropped to its lowest level in a century back in 2023? >> yes, it has been trending down for decades another drop though last year brought it to a new low. there's also signs of the real impact of the dobbs
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decision on abortion 2023 mark the first full year after the supreme court overturned the federal right to have an abortion and a separate analysis from november suggests that states with abortion bans solve for their fertility rates actually increase in average of 2.3% higher than states where abortion was not restricted in the first half of 2023 cnn's jacqueline and howard, the bring her in for the numbers coming out of the cdc. jacqueline, let's talk about the overall birth rate, fertility rate, and birth rate that we're getting from this new report from the cdc. what does the cdc say about what's behind the country's drop? >> yeah okay, well we know that the nation's fertility rate has been declining for some time. so the cdc is really showing us that this trend is on going. what these new numbers out, this morning show is that last year, there were more than 3.5 million babies born here in the united states. the fertility rate last year
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the general rate showed that for every 1,000 women between the ages of 15 and 44, there were about 54 babies born. that rate is three is a 3% drop from the rate that we saw in the previous year and and that rate it is below what's called replacement. now what replacement means is that the number of babies born is enough to replace the current generation. we are below replacement. that's generally estimated to be about 2000 births per 1,000 women. remember, we're at a general rate of 54 per 1,000 so we are seeing an ongoing declined, kate, and we're seeing that we are remaining behind replacement. those are the two main takeaways from this new report out this morning. >> and one thing that we all know from our lives is that women are having children, are giving birth to children later in life at older ages what does the report show or say about that yeah, this report shows
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that still a trend. >> kate, the rate of births that we saw among teen mothers, among women in their 20s and among women in their 30s, those rates are continuing to decline based on these new numbers from last year. but the rate among women in their 40s has remained the same. so this does show an ongoing trend toward an older mothers and really again, the main takeaway here is that these trends are continuing overtime declines in fertility rate, trends toward having babies and older age. and so it's just to continuation of what we've seen so far and it's something scientists are continuing to track to see if it continues in the years to come, kate's jacqueline howard. >> thank you very much. >> john all right. this morning, tension between protesters and authorities on college campuses across the country. they've resulted in hundreds of arrests at the university of texas in austin, more than 30 people were arrested and altercations with police in riot gear. with me
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now is amelia kimball a student at ut austin and associate managing editor of the daily texan. i know it's early in college terms that i don't know if you've been out yet, but can you give me a sense of the mood on campus this morning? >> yeah, absolutely. so after all the events yesterday, things kind of tied died down into the evening hours and but students are planning to gather again on campus today. students are planning to walk out of classes around noon in support of our classmates who have been arrested, many of whom are at the travis county jail as we speak and so i think there's a real feeling of betrayal on campus and i think there's a lot of anger, so we'll see what unfolds today. >> but trail why i think there's a lot of confusion about why yesterday's demonstration was not allowed to proceed as planned students
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original plans included an art workshop at teaching, and a study break. >> just a gathering on the main lawn. and state troopers are on campus before students even began to gather. and so things just escalated far beyond what what students had expected at all and so yeah, i think we i think students feel betrayed by the university and buy our state government yeah, texas governor greg abbott, you're talking about the state government. he said, quote, these protesters belong in jail. students joining in hate-filled antisemitic protests at any public college or university in texas should be expelled. his description there hate-filled, anti-semitic protests based on what you saw and heard, what was the nature of the protests i would not describe the protests as anti-semitic whatsoever. >> there was no anti-semitic submitted imagery, sentiment
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being expressed the protest was for palestine however there yes, there was there was no no anti-semetic sentiment expressed whatsoever, no violence toward jewish students. there were jewish students participating in the demonstration and i think that what the governor says there is a really a real misrepresentati on of what of what happened on canvas. >> is it being made clear to students how they can protest and demonstrate without being thrown in jail that's a great question. no, i don't think so at all. i think that there is a lot of confusion about why other demonstrations in the past had been allowed to continue. and this one yesterday was not. once again, it was completely peaceful. students did not provoke the police whatsoever. and yet we're met with frankly violence and a lot of arrests
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and yes, i think that there there was no understanding that that wouldn't be allowed to continue because the plans were were completely peaceful and i think students are left wondering right now how, how to use our first amendment rights on campus at all? >> was it all students, by the way, if some instances across the country, some protests, there have been students, but they've also been people from the outside as well. >> yeah. this was a vast majority of the participants were students. i think there were some some people who are not students are not affiliated with the university, but that's that's a very small number all right. >> amelia kimball, we appreciate you being with us. thanks so much for joining us and thank you for your reporting. >> okay. also new this morning, a message of quote, deep concerns. us secretary of state 20 blinken just arrived in beijing where he is meeting. he will be meeting with chinese officials. a big focus of the visit, warning against china's continued support of russia's
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military especially during its war against ukraine. cnn's kylie atwood is locked i've from beijing for us, she's joining us now, highly talk to us more about the message that the secretary of state is bringing with them yeah, well, he's bring a strong message, warning china from continuing to provide what is this dual use technology and goods to russia that is being used by russia to build up their defense industrial base. >> now, we should know that this was a topic that came up when the secretary of state visited china just last year. but the us because really focused on preventing china from providing direct weaponry to, to russia at the time, china has not gone forward with that, but he did warn that against providing this dual use technology, these goods to russia. russia china, excuse me, has clearly ignored those warnings because they have gone ahead and provide i did those goods in a way that has enabled russia to build up. it's weaponry, its defense industrial base in a way that
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is outsize more than it has done in the last many decades. and so the secretary is going to make the case that china can't say that it is allies, that it has close relations with europeans while it is also undertaking in threatening the in fueling the largest threat to european security that we have seen since the cold war. the other thing that the secretary is going to talk about when he is here is pushing china to do more doubling down on those precursor chemicals for fentanyl that are coming out of this country and heading overseas and enabling that fentanyl that is getting into the us, which is one of the major killers of americans ages 18 through 49. the secretary of state talks about that a lot. this is something that present kyi and president biden said that they would work on when they met last november. i want to point out, kate, however, that the first day here for in china for the secretary of state was not all harsh messages. he went to a basketball game when he arrived
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in shanghai, he met with students at the nyu campus in shanghai. he met with business leaders here was part of his message to students earlier today this relationship is one of where the vowels make sure that you are talking to each other each other understanding really comes through he went on to tell those students that the relationships that they are able to build will enable the us and tie it to avoid miscommunication between the two countries in the future and of course, we'll watch to see how these meetings tomorrow go between him and chinese officials here in beijing. absolutely. it's great to have you there, kylie, in beijing. thank you so much. and the next hour of cnn news central


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