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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 25, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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you know something content, the torture to execute this and buried alive goes a civil defense officials present evidence found in mass graves when $8400.00 bodies, something that covers the funny pocket. this is out just a life. and i also coming up as protests, grow around the wells with us presidents and other world leaders release a statement appealing for the release of concepts held in cause the anger and us universities against israel school and gaza spreads to your protests that held in
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front and easily and toasting to hate to use the future, but with a new transitional counsel stem, the game violence. the thanks for joining us. palestinian officials and gaza of being presenting evidence, they say proves this way. the military carried out torture and executions. in con eunice, it comes from bodies recovered in the mass, graves of gauze of any 400 bodies of beatings even from 2 sides. so it'd be nice to allow ship a hospital come times if to some going for it begins our coverage. good, good. this is mother's screams are evidence the moments before her son's body was pulled from a mass grave at the mass of the hospital compound in hon. eunice, the doctor mohammed my are from guys of civil defense is showing videos and
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pictures to a room full of reporters. he wants the world to see the dozens of bodies they found and to answer for them. why? yeah. like that of how to fathers, a young girl is covered with her legs amputated movies and that is we found the body of it for a number of children. we have questionnaires. why do we have children and must graves a child, a patient still in scrubs? a man with his hands tied a bullet to the head in the past week, doctor mul. hired and his teams have gathered forensic evidence from nearly 400 bodies. their report, find signs of summary executions and physical torture. see about that just to get if not somebody still had the can you law on them, which shows they have a patients who are receiving treatment in the most hospital canceled it is i believe. and also hit us in approximately 10 bodies were found with their hands tied. i mean each for the forensic examination for 20 bodies, for people we think might have been buried alive. but they're asking for an
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independent investigation to check their findings and document them. these really military dismissed accusations, it's forces buried bodies before they withdrew from the compound. as baseless is wally troops have pulled out of gauze as to main hospitals and recent weeks. so we'll defense cruise later dug up dozens of courses from to mass graves and the l. she from medical center in gaza city while at least 392 bodies were discovered in 3 different sites on the grounds of the na said hospital. more than half of them have yet to be identified. plunging their families in constant anguish, but by god i can no longer bear it every day. i come here in search since the day he went missing and every day i come 2 or 3 times to search please, whoever knows any information about him. she told me, is he alive or was he taken by these readings or anything to now the us is joining calls from the you and that you, when demanding an explanation from israel,
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calling the discoveries deeply disturbing. if this i'm getting food, all g 0. well the am i calling rob mathis and spoke with dr. mohammed again. he's the head of the monitoring and documenting unit to the civil defense department in guns. i was one of the officials at that press conference where the evidence was presented a lot of them in the band with them. if you have any during our walk with the civil defense team in order to recover the bodies of the not the hospital, we have found a mass graves within the medical complex one into more. and one of the, most of the complex civil teams have locked in order to recover all the bodies. most of them would decompose bodies and the occupation forces of change the shrouds and put them in plastic bags. we believe that those backs have accelerated, the decomposition of those bodies. we are also trying to document on the evidence that shows that many copes is all bodies have showed signs of torture, including hand coughing. some of the bodies have shown signs of gunshot wounds. we have observed that they were corpses completely dismember. we also found the bodies
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of women, young people, and the elderly in the area around the medical complex. somebody's were found with no clothes. well, some of the body shows that they were being treated at the hospital that one of the bodies to be uncovered was receiving treatment. we are trying to establish will the evidence of the how those bodies have been buried. we have also noted that many bodies have been put in one back, which is in violation of the regulation is that we have here. so can you tell me what efforts you and your team have made to record and preserve the evidence that you say that you found the se we walk in extremely difficult on challenging conditions. this is due to the fact that we are lacking the necessary equipment to deal with the bodies on, maintains them. we use the available equipment that we have to recover the bodies. you have tried as much as possible not to open the bags in order to preserve the bodies until they move to a clean area. and we can document the evidence that shows signs of torture. and this in violation of international law. taking note of all the evidence, we can identify the problem started with the bodies. i'm documenting this in
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specialized report. this can be used to help international committees in order to investigate the crimes committed by the occupation 1st with the evidence that you have managed to pull together, what do you do with it? how do you get it to? i'm independent team to be able to analyze it. the g as my left with a and we already and fully prepared in order to submit a full reports documented with all the photos and the evidence that we have found above the body so that we can publish them and submit them in arabic and english. so that it can be a foundation for the work that can be conducted by international investigation. committees, we already and goals are to help that work in order to push the occupation forces to refrain from the crimes committed against the people of cause. during our work, we have found children in the mass graves. why are we finding children in mass graves? this confirms the number of children we have documented the site is more than 14000 . are you concerned, sir,
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that if an independent team is unable to get into gaza to be able to examine the evidence for themselves, that the evidence might become corrupted, it might become damaged. i'm therefore may become unusable if a case is to be brought to the site. i don't think so because we have mutual to document all the evidence that we have found so far. those bodies have been identified with a note or not tonight. we will accept all our efforts in order to maintain and preserve the evidence we found in order to present it to international and investigation committees. and we'll document it properly so that we can convey the message of the palestinian people to the world. meanwhile, these training ministry has only small strikes against civilians in central and southern guns that at least 8 palestinians were killed. a rough on wednesday night . 2 children were among the dead. the health ministry said at least 43 police things have been killed in the past. 24 hours is where the forces have killed holdings, $34000.00 palestinians since the war began. let's go to terra cover as easily joins
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us live now from rough in the south are so tiring. some of the evidence provided suggests that children, the elderly people with the medical county losing their arms, were found dead in this mass grave. how is this evidence being seen and received by people where you are as well people generally are completely believing that these really military is the only responsible thoughts regarding what was happening and the majority of causes hospital because they have been an eye witness full. what has been happening on the ground in the past 6 months in terms of the to the rebuild bottom ends in terms of the violations being made against children and women. it was only people and what was happening in hospitals. specifically, that i witnessed was who managed to get a close shape from these hospitals within the hist for the existence in that area. they have been describing the situation to be really distressing as the minutes who has been carrying out the in, in, in the,
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out of the hospice of mass execution of field execution executions amongst civilians. um, they have been saying that they have been even departing hospitals for administrative points about guarantee, an identified the identity. but now this will have been found in the eyes of the hospital have been very just to be between women, children, men and people who are receiving a treatment in the hospital i'm side with, with. and so people were arrested with their hands being hand coughed and that's really triggered among palestinian a. why this is caleb and got, and really frustration was specifically the palestinians who are right now trots in rough or the are surrounded by multiple and a new, a new or miss threats by the is what the prime minister regarding a potential military, encouraging on through spar right, not receiving treatment inside drop off as hospital, it's all afraid to meet the same fight shut happened to the majority of causes will have been trapped in los or hospital and also in fact medical facility. and we can
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clearly see that there is a wide, is caleb international contamination? quoting for a transparent inquiry regarding what was happening in not only and also hospital, but also initiate that medical facility. as the military has been insisting that these claims aren't completely baseless to erica as many way you. um, we've been saying this for several weeks now. many people anticipate this, this really a sold or rafa, and the south of the strip. more examples of strikes or rafa will more. can you tell us well, as strikes really keep, keep bouncing the tire tree. that's only rough hour. earlier, 8 palestinians have to report the coupon in all the parts of the church really even fast recording in the past. couple of hours more attempts ongoing as a city specifically room telling how on neighborhoods as 8 palestinians have their reports of killed off to our civil caught was directly targeted by a true and messiah in this area. while people in the mid area have been really
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reporting and informing that will just be or that will be happy hearing contest and involvement in unless i ross and in a very it's a refugee thomas castles and confrontations are raging in areas that surrounding the i'm the the, the, the new career don't that the ministry, how to establish on the middle parts of the gaza strip that we come off a flight isn't the, is going to. so we just bought, despite all the ongoing, is going to repeat that the claims regarding taking pre coast and make just to avoid casualties among civilians. the contradictory and the quite opposite is happening right now on the grounds. target varies a lot for us in rough are many things so universities across the united states, students a gathering a game to the colleges, comp, tires with israel, the wave of protests against the as well as war and gaza spreading with protest, popping up on campus in different states, a week off the students at columbia university in new york began protesting students at the university of texas in austin,
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of the latest to add their voices demanding the university accepts no funding from israel. let's go live down to john 100 and who is outside the columbia university campus in new york and joel. and despite these arrest that we've been seeing that these protests continue to grow, gives a sense of what things continues to be like. that it was a big day here at columbia. of course, this is where this protest movements started. no surprise there. it's been an epa center of the american student protest movement since the vietnam war pro chest 2nd 1968. when the same thing happened, a bunch of students were cleared out here. but what's happening now is that these students are negotiating with the management of this university a private university, and they have a midnight deadline tonight. that's about 4 g m t to clear out of this central space in the school where they camped out and they put a chance. and they talked continue while they ask for
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a number of things. they want the university to disclose its investments and then to divest any investments in israel or in, in any investments that continue to help the war effort, such as arms makers. and they want m is the for all the students who has been project. so that's pretty typical of these protests across the country. so they're protesting against the guns at war, but they're also protesting against their own institutions. and they're trying to put pressure on the university. but at the same time, other people are putting pressure on those universities as well. robert craft, the owner of, of the patriots football team, has decided he's going to stop at donating to columbia university. he's a billionaire and that's, that's putting pressure on the university from another side. so the university president here is trying to thread the needle between those 2 groups and to, to satisfy the students while also satisfying other people who are concerned about
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what they're describing is anti semitism. and that's what's going on pretty much, not just here, but across the country as well. so john, we're starting to see these process grow on campuses and different parts of the country. well, certainly able to solve elastic demonstrations and from so initially, but give it a sense of how reflective these universe, the process of why the u. s. opinions around israel is one guys. so that's a good question because it is specific groups and is very divided countries who are particularly upset about the war in gaza and they tend to be young people, students and then more liberal voters at muslim and arab american voters which have grown in number and recent years is now about one and a half percent of the us public. maybe more in terms of influence. so i think that sentiment is growing in this country, but it's important recognizes as a country that has long a tilting toward israel when there is
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a conflict in the middle east. we had the speaker of the us house of representatives here yesterday. mike johnson. he was condemning these protesting here that a lot from members of congress, even some democrats at so i would say that the approach as represent a large segment of the american public. but there is another large segment. it is absolutely a pro israel and, and against the protest. so they are doing combat. we had an argument right behind us just a little while ago between a jewish american student and a demonstrator. and that's breaking out really all over the country. so a representative of some of the country for certain, but definitely right, representative of the conversation and the conflict it's going on right now to a 100 and columbia university in new york. many things as well as we're just saying we and among students in the us is now spreading to europe. students of the football and university empower. so being demonstrating and still a guarantee would palestinians police disperse that protest is who accused
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president and manual my call of clues you with israel. a call and was delivering a major speech. and you were p and security of the university. and protests and supported palestinians were also held in italy and blowing at midland. thursday's demonstrations coincided with celebrations about other countries liberation from fascism. recognizing $45.00 as are the forces of arrested 3 palestinian children, the jello zone. refugee camp, which is north of a mile ever in the occupied westbank. the children raging from ages 10 to 13 were rest as near a school run by the un. this for any minute troy you can be seen forcing the children to board menefee vehicles is right, the rates and the occupied westbank of being a near daily occurrence since as well as one goes up again. last october of the still ahead on al jazeera, find out what one of these most famous cities is doing to come down on numbers off . it's dave visitors plus
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the in depth analysis of the days headlines. that is the failure to free, the captive still being held by him. i ask how difficult a moment is this for the prime minister netanyahu is trying to stay indefinitely as 5 minutes to the no delta state possibly else of j. frank assessments. how to relations decline between them is uh, and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice school ministry partners. and specifically russia inside story on al jazeera. now is the time to be direct. the creation of the humanitarian crisis is a tactic. we do not is it was the policy that we have the was from us, particularly upfront on out of their own kind of foundation is deliberate over
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$300000000.00. will suffice. be more than $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the you're without is there is a reminder of adults towards the south palestinian officials in gaza. be presenting evidence stays safe, proves the israeli military and count out torture and executions. in con eunice,
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they come to some bodies recovered in the mass. graves of gauze, almost 400 bodies of now being seen from 2 sides of the nasa. and i'll shift hospitals. police radio army has low and small strikes against civilians in central and southern gaza. at least 8 palestinians were killed a rock from on wednesday night to children, women with that students, a gathering of universities across the united states once again to protest against israel is one gaza protest. susan police also clashed at the university of texas in austin, west. 34 people were detained. so hate see, have sworn in a transitional counsel. often most of gang violence which forced prime minister ariel re to resign. the ceremony was meant to take place in the presidential palace, but it was moved to the outskirts of the capital porter, prince of the police, were unable to gain control of the area around the compound, criminal gangs, control about 80 percent of the city full. and this, let's go to a correspondent,
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my load up all over who's covering things for us from mexico city and money is the swearing in of this transitional council. we got it as a step towards must need its dependency. that certainly is the hope here need good to be with you. there is a lot riding on what is able to be accomplished by this national transitional council in haiti, not least, of which is a controlling or retaining control over the spiraling violence that continues to play the country and setting the stage for national elections in haiti. i want to read what we just recently heard from the white house. this is a statement from a national security. the secretary at spokesman john kirby speaking to reporters off camera, aboard air force one. he said, quote, today marks a critical step towards free and fair elections. so again, a lot on the table, a lot that's expected of this transitional council in haiti when the 1st orders of
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business was naming a new entry from prime minister now that former haitian prime minister are real henri, has since resigned. the transitional council has named michelle patrick, but fair as the countries knew in from president, but there was a former finance minister under former haitian prime minister arial henri. again, the focus right now is, what can this council do to regain control over the violence that's taken over the country gains in haiti all but control every inch of territory in the country, even within just the last hour we had been speaking to a contact in porter prince, who told us that there was still active gunfire, gangs, shooting in the direction of the national palace, the, the, the venue itself for the so the swearing in ceremony for this transitional council had to be changed last minute early on thursday. because of that same gunfire. so again, the threat posed by these gangs in haiti is formidable. this is not an easy task for this transitional counsel,
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it's not only about regaining control. it's about setting the stage for general elections. it's about establishing a national legislative assembly and essentially it's about rebuilding the countries judicial institutions. there's some extremely ambitious timeline, isn't it the money, i mean, if the hope is to hold presidential elections within a matter of, he is given the chaos that we street seen on the street support of prints. is there any sense of how this road map this timeline will be enforced? who's going to leave a c? it a given the security situation in haiti, there are no guarantees. there's no clear roadmap for what happens next. but we know from a recent report from the united nations that adjusted the last in the 1st 3 months of the year 1500 people were killed by just by gangs. so there is a desperate need from this transitional counsel to start making decisions, to start taking actions very, very quickly. paula and mexico city, many things. so it's least famous city or venice is trying
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a new scheme to reduce over crowding is charging $5.00 for those who want to visit on busy days. the taxes, the 1st of it's kind of the well, but not everyone is happy. this one. okay. a ripple it's it's a well famous oven one to build on a lagoon and a city desperate to stay afloat under the pressure of mass tourism. that is, has loan welcomed the flood of visitors that comes to its shows. but the passage of time and the crowds have taken the tow in a bit to control the damage to this unesco was heritage sites. the solution in the form of an entrance be a little more than $5.00 to stem. the tide of tourists system is very important because uh, we are finding a new balance between the residents of the community and the dates. we 1st, anyone wanting to pay a visit to the floating city on such and busy days will need to download
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a queue. all code. total numbers will be limited. reservations are meant to be made online, but there are booths for those who don't have a smartphone. if you live local study in venice, you don't need to pay to do those who have hotel reservations raged on to 14 inspectors patrolling the main entrance points of the city on the account for those of avoided paying the fee which can assign between $50.00 and $300.00 and it hasn't gone down well with some tourists when the pretty body to the private person on the budget to come here for an hour or 2 and enjoy the city. surely a shame already for you to come to the country to visit a city in the city. your venice itself has only $50000.00 residents, but it welcomes $13000000.00 visitors a year. 2 thirds of them come just for the day. the effects that tourism has on the
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city has long been a source of frustration for its inhabitants. cruise ships with band of to one calculated into adult really for those who had been campaigning for years over the damage they close to the lagoon. but it's also naturally of would have been put on the unesco world heritage in danger list. that's the you in 40 said the city was addressing the problems of mass tourism of a tourist destinations will be looking closely at the scheme if its success. it could be replicated elsewhere, but when it kept it, she knew venice is famous. florian cafe can set you back $13.00. it might not dissuade too many for visiting sonia jago. i'll just sarah. there'll be $300.00 electric vehicle models that are on display, the paging motor, sho, china dominates the global market for battery powered cause of the countries brands of expanding overseas katrina. you had spoken by jake of the theme of disuse aging . also sure is new here. new cars and many chinese also makers believe that this
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year is the one with chinese vehicles was to dominate the global market. so the sooner and chinese automotive companies are increasing their investment research and development, so that we are able to produce cheaper and better vehicles. that all the new people could afford to drive or china is already the world's biggest producer of cost and leads the battery powered industry. 60 percent of the world's electric vehicles for ease us sold in china earlier this year. horton grand brand b, y d, or the tesla is the world's biggest selling e v maker dozens of new electric vehicle models of being sales. hey over the next few days. and the emphasis on also visual intelligence, driving and smart connect, competition in china is increasingly fees with new players entering the market in recent months, including home appliance branch, show me that well, china is producing more vehicles. it's slowing. economy means they're all fuel
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sales and hoped for one day that you know, until the future, the domestic demand for new energy vehicles is being sufficient to absorb, to every increase in production as well. so this car manufacturers must pay attention to the overseas market. this has full some brands such as near to expand in europe and then the least. the 27 percent tariffs have prevented chinese also makers from entering the us market. washington is under pressure to bend them completely with some american politicians calling twenties cause a threat to the us, auto industry and national security. during a visit to china, this week, us secretary of state anthony blinking raised concerns about china's trade policies . on what the bought in the industry should calls non market practices. it's a queues china of over capacity in several green industries and flooding the global market with on sally subsidized quotes. china has dismissed the criticism,
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saying the us is trying to cook it's development and suppressed industries. katrina, you all to 018. the colors that familiar next inside story will examine whether israel will have to provide on. so i was following the discovery of those months graves in gaza, the the, the hello your most. yeah, i was pushing across iran, heading towards the of kind of style northern positive focused on the coast by the flooding as we go through the next couple of days. there's a good deal quieter across the right in financial hello, few shala's just around that western side of saudi arabia. they've become a little more widespread as we go through satch day, one of the 2 shows to up to what was the black sea. we had a few showers for the the course of wednesday night going on into with the state
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just around that eastern side of the mad. it's broken, the hate and gaza. 24 celsius here. over the next couple of days. it should stay loud. she drives mostly dry to across northern parts of africa was one or 2 shelves just around the world in areas of algae area into tennis. yeah. that's now pushing back for the south, so i was clearing away from that eastern side of the mediterranean. that's still send me a possibility just around the hall, right? as per usual. good scott, thing a shows across the west africa now there tending to drift by the northwest as the seasonal range should do. mind to the seasonal rise, not quite as widespread across central positive africa as they should be, the heavy it down. polls will continue in 2 times in a good part of can you're seeing more heavy showers just around the slide. hit pos . i'm not what, whether pushing further north. the unique perspective, why is it the doctors don't get to have a saying any of the medical workforce has been so under valued by the british
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government for such a long time on hub boyce's? tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, a global outcry after the discovery of mass graves in to gaza hospitals. israel is under pressure to provide answers, but will it and how will it be held to account? this is inside store the hello and welcome to the program. i'm how much enjoy them. more bodies have been found in mass graves and gaza after is really forces withdrew from then also and
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shift medical compounds they had besieged for weeks. the policy and civil defense says there was clear evidence these really army committed crimes against humanity, bye care.


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